
What help can a pensioner receive? Which pensioners receive financial assistance? Regulations on financial assistance to employees

What help can a pensioner receive?  Which pensioners receive financial assistance?  Regulations on financial assistance to employees

At the moment the state Russian Federation pays great attention to social policy, including providing material assistance.

This category of the population includes people with disabilities, refugees, pensioners and other persons whose total income does not reach the minimum subsistence level established by law. As a rule, such financial assistance is provided at the MFC.

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In order to begin considering the stated topic, it is necessary to understand what financial assistance is.

Everything is quite simple - this is assistance that is provided in a material equivalent, usually monetary, but there are also other cases when it is provided through the provision of certain services and benefits, or the transfer of ownership of essential items.

These include not only clothing, but also household appliances, some types of furniture, medications, products.

Who is eligible for financial assistance in 2018

From the official definition of material support, we see that all low-income and needy citizens can apply for it.

The main social strata that best fit this definition include students, large or young families, disabled people, orphans, and pensioners.

However, this does not mean that others cannot count on state support. Subject to the provision of a package of necessary documents, social benefits can also be applied for individuals who find themselves in a difficult life situation.

State support for pensioners in 2018

Let's take a closer look at support. This category is entitled to social assistance different types, namely monetary and material.

First of all, we are talking about one-time payments that Dmitry Medvedev promised in 2018. It is worth noting that not all pensioners will be able to count on one-time support of 5,000 rubles; those who live abroad will not be able to apply.

Also, do not forget about such benefits as reduced rates of payment for services, discounts on certain types medicines, free pass V public transport and free trips to a sanatorium for treatment (if necessary).

If a pensioner does not need treatment outside the home or travel by bus, then he has the right to write a refusal. In this case, some social benefits will be compensated by monetary compensation.

How to get financial assistance at the MFC: step-by-step instructions

In order to receive social support in monetary or material equivalent, first of all you need to contact the local department of the MFC and write a corresponding application. Better in advance.

Required documents

The second step involves collecting a certain list of papers.

  • Application form (to be completed on site)
  • passport;
  • registration;
  • certificates of total income for the last three months from each family member;
  • pensioner's ID;

It is important to understand here that to complete the application you need the originals of all documents without exception, but do not forget to make photocopies in advance, they will need to be submitted.

If a pensioner does not have the opportunity to this moment visit the multifunctional center, then he will be able to send the same documentation by registered mail, or fill out an application for, which has recently been gaining great popularity due to its accessibility.

Please note that this portal can facilitate the process of obtaining many types of financial support from the state.

Samples (forms) of applications for financial assistance

  • for low-income families (download: , )
  • due to the death of a close relative (download: )
  • financial assistance for vacation (download:)
  • material in connection with treatment and operations (download:)
  • financial assistance due to difficult family situation (download:)
  • financial assistance in connection with the birth of a child (download:).

Amount of payments in 2018

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Payments are subject to indexation every year, in accordance with the previous period. So, from January 1, 2018 insurance pensions will increase by 3.7 percent, which, taking into account the average pension, will range from 250 to 500 rubles (each case is calculated individually).

From 04/01/2018 an increase is envisaged social pensions at 4.1. percent, but this applies only to those who do not have experience, namely the disabled, people who have lost their breadwinner and other similar categories. In August, a slight increase in payments is also expected, which will amount to a maximum of 245 rubles.

Concerning lump sum payment, then it will be 5000 rubles. Another aspect that is important to pay attention to is the region of residence, since targeted assistance directly depends on the living wage established in the region at the moment.

Deadline for receiving financial assistance

First of all, please note that the package of papers is submitted before the 20th, since in this case, the social supplement will be made from the next month after the current one.

Under consideration this question within 30 calendar days from the moment all the conditions for filing an application are met, namely, all documents are provided and everything is completed correctly.

How to get financial assistance at the Moscow MFC

In order to take advantage of the right to receive, residents of the city and the Moscow region will have to follow exactly the same algorithm of actions described in the article a little higher.

The difference will only appear in the amount of payments, since in the capital the cost of living for pensioners is clearly higher than that for other regions. So, as of January 2018, it amounted to 11,420 rubles, and for example, for a resident of the Voronezh region - 8,620 rubles.

So, if you are going to apply for financial assistance for pensioners, then pay special attention to collecting a package of documents, since more than half of the matter depends on their timely submission.

It is also necessary to understand what category of pensioners you fall into, for example, working, military, living abroad; they can all count on help, but it will obviously differ.

Main reasons for refusal of payment and solutions

The following option is also possible; after consideration of your case, a refusal will be issued. In this case, do not despair, as you have the right to contact the MFC in order to find out the reason.

If it consists of incorrect execution of the package of documents, then it is enough to simply approach this issue more carefully and write the application again.

In our time, living on one single source of income in the form of a pension is very difficult, and given the ever-increasing amounts of taxes, fees and utility costs, it is almost impossible. Realizing this, the state seeks to help pensioners in various ways, providing them with all possible financial support.

Financial assistance to pensioners from social security in 2019

State authorities have given the right to regional authorities to establish benefits for certain expenses for pensioners. Below we will describe in detail the benefits available.

Who is entitled to financial assistance from social security?

Financial assistance is provided to the following categories of pensioners:

  1. Pensioners who went on vacation after military service.
  2. Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who went on legal rest.
  3. People whose only income is a pension.
  4. People living alone and over seventy years of age, or people living in families where both spouses are retired and one of them has reached the age of seventy.

State measures to support pensioners. What assistance does the state provide?

The list of federal benefits for pensioners is regulated by regulations of the Government of the Russian Federation.

The list of local benefits is prescribed in the legislative acts of the constituent entities of the country. They are provided to pensioners whose income is considered insufficient to achieve a normal standard of living.

The declarative principle applies to benefits for pensioners.

Financial social assistance to pensioners: grounds

Financial support from the state is assigned to people who meet three main criteria:

  1. Age.
  2. Social status.
  3. Income insufficient to meet basic human needs old age(providing medicines, food, payment of all fees and taxes).

List of additional payments to pensioners from social security under the support program: what is required?

List of benefits available to pensioners:

  1. Possibility of improving living conditions.
  2. The right to pay half of utility costs.
  3. Compensation for capital repair costs.
  4. Medical care under special conditions.
  5. Providing leisure time in sanatoriums on preferential terms.
  6. Exemption from a number of fiscal fees, use of fiscal deductions.
  7. Additional unpaid leave in case of professional activities.
  8. Preferential supply of drugs.

For treatment 13%

If the pensioner continues to work, then he has the opportunity to return the income tax paid by the employer upon confirmation of expenses for treatment (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 201 of March 19, 2001) subject to the following conditions:

  • the medical institution must have a license;
  • treatment, medications must be included in a special list approved by the Government;
  • the maximum expenditure threshold is one hundred twenty thousand rubles.

Tax refund for non-working pensioners

If a working pensioner purchases real estate, he has the right to a refund of income tax paid by the employer, upon confirmation of expenses, - 13% of the amount of two million rubles.

Social support for Moscow pensioners

The average regional social supplement in 2019 was five thousand six hundred rubles. Pensioners who meet three conditions are entitled to it:

  • does not work;
  • have a pension less than the standard approved in Moscow;
  • live in the capital for at least ten years.

For pensioners living in Moscow, there is a city cash payment paid every month. Pensioners who meet two conditions are entitled to a single cash income tax:

  • live in Moscow;
  • do not receive federal benefits.

Financial assistance to regional pensioners below the subsistence level

The legislation obliges the authorities of the subjects to bring pension payments to the level of the minimum subsistence level (No. 178-FZ of July 17, 1999 “On State Social Assistance”). Subsidies are taken from the regional or federal treasury.

Targeted assistance for pensioners in 2019 - what you can get ?

In some regions, there is personal assistance to older people for repairs, including the purchase of building materials.

Sometimes personal assistance is expressed in the provision of food packages to people in great need balanced diet, but needing to purchase it.

How to register in social security in 2019 ?

To receive support this year, you need to collect the necessary package of documents:

  1. Written request.
  2. Passport.
  3. SNILS.
  4. Information about family members.
  5. A certificate from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or a book about work activity.
  6. Receipt for payment of utility costs (in case of a refund of funds paid for major repairs).

Where to go?

Financial assistance to people retirement age is provided only if its provision is provided for by regional programs. To submit a request you need to do the following:

  1. Write a written request indicating the channel for receiving financial assistance (account at a credit institution, Russian Post office).
  2. Prepare a list of references.

What documents are needed for social security?

Here is a list of required certificates to receive financial assistance:

  1. Passport.
  2. Certificate of earned income.
  3. Pensioner's ID.
  4. A book with a description of work activity.

Deadlines for receiving social support

It takes about thirty days to review a written request. After review, the person will either receive a notice of denial of assistance, or will begin to receive it from the next month after the request is processed.

Amount of payments in 2019

Pensioners can receive one-time assistance, provided that their only income is old-age benefits.

Working pensioners can count on assistance if a person lives alone and is over seventy years old, or if one of the spouses, who are both in retirement state provision, reached the age of seventy years.

Starting this year, injustice affecting pensioners living together with disabled people will be eliminated by introducing amendments to the legislation, according to which pensioners over seventy years of age living together with disabled people of the first and second groups will be able to receive compensation.

Where can I get financial assistance at the Moscow MFC: how to get it?

Muscovites pay the highest taxes and incur high costs.

The list of pensioners entitled to benefits has been expanded to include people awarded for the defense of the capital (Federal Law No. 178-FZ “On State Social Assistance”). To get help you need:

  1. Submit a written application to the MFC.
  2. Prepare a list of references.

Additional measures to support pensioners and WWII veterans: social protection program services

Each region has its own measures to help WWII veterans and their families. For example, in some regions, pensioners and their families are provided with targeted financial assistance for the purchase building materials, carrying out repair work in the housing where they live.

To receive financial assistance, you need to contact the social security office. Social workers They will conduct a home inspection and draw up a report after the inspection. The amount of the benefit cannot exceed fifteen thousand rubles.

Veterans of the Great Patriotic War who need help can apply to receive one-time assistance in the amount of up to fifteen thousand rubles for dental prosthetics and the purchase of household equipment. To receive financial assistance to pay for dental treatment services, you must bring to social security an extract from the patient’s personal card, a certificate from a dentist about the need for dental prosthetics. To receive funds for the purchase of plumbing and home appliances, you must prove the need for its purchase.

Samples (forms) of applications for financial assistance

The statement states:

  1. The name of the authority is in the header.
  2. Full name of the applicant.
  3. Title.
  4. Text indicating the reasons for the need for assistance specified in the legislation.
  5. Reply address.
  6. List of attached documents.

An application is a written request to a government agency requesting a financial payment.

The main reasons for refusal to provide social benefits and support

In the prevailing case, the authorities of the constituent entities of the country refuse to provide financial assistance to people who have additional and sufficient sources to cover their costs: wages, benefits, other types of income (for example, from renting out real estate).

In the majority of the country's regions, people of retirement age receive different kinds financial assistance from social protection authorities. This helps them provide a more or less decent living for themselves.

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Social assistance to pensioners is provided if the monthly income does not exceed the minimum subsistence level established in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. Also, certain categories of citizens who are listed in the Federal Law of July 17, 1999 No. 178-FZ “On State Social Assistance” can count on social assistance. Detailed information about persons entitled to social assistance is contained in Article 7 of this law.

The procedure for assigning social assistance is as follows. You must first contact your local branch in person. Pension Fund Russia with a corresponding application, which should indicate what type of assistance you are applying for (types of social support will be discussed below). After submitting your application, a special commission will review it and make a decision in your favor if you fall into the category of persons entitled to support.

Types of social assistance in the Russian Federation

What types of social assistance exist are described in the same Federal Law No. 178-FZ, these can be cash payments, assistance in kind or social supplement to pension, as well as comprehensive assistance:

  1. Cash payments can be assigned in three options:

In the form of a social benefit, which is provided to citizens of retirement age free of charge at the expense of budget funds;

In the form of a subsidy system, this means full or partial payment for social services provided to citizens;

In the form of monthly payments, which can be received either PFR branch, or by transfer to a personal account opened in a bank;

2. Social assistance in kind is provided to citizens of retirement age in the form of clothing, food, medicines, and so on.

3. Support for citizens in the form of monthly social supplement to pension (meaning an additional payment that increases the size of the pension to an amount not lower than the subsistence level).

Moreover, we note that the social supplement to pensions can be federal and regional in nature. When assigning a federal monthly social supplement, the fact that the amount of the pension received is below the subsistence level established in a particular constituent entity of the Russian Federation is taken into account, but it should not exceed this value in Russia as a whole. As for the regional supplement to the pension, it is established by the authorized regional body in the event that the financial support of the pensioner is below the level of the living wage established for the current year, the value of which is higher than in Russia as a whole.

Let us also note that, according to the current legislation, the following subsistence levels have been established for 2015 and 2016: 7,161 rubles and 7,476 rubles, respectively. These amounts are taken into account when calculating the amount of social supplement to pension.

What is a comprehensive set of social support

A comprehensive set of social support includes the following items:

Providing for a pensioner medicines and medications that he needs but cannot purchase on his own;

If there are medical indications, a pensioner can exercise the right to treatment in a sanatorium-resort area. This right can be used no more than once per calendar year;

Payment for travel or subsequent reimbursement of funds spent on the journey to the sanatorium and back (tickets for train, river or sea transport, as well as bus and air transport can be paid for).

The list of persons who have the right to provide a range of social services has been determined Federal Law No. 178 dated July 17, 1999, these include:

  1. Participants and veterans of the Great Patriotic War;
  2. Disabled people and combat veterans;
  3. Military personnel awarded orders or medals who passed military service starting from July 22, 1941 to September 3, 1945 in military units that did not have the status of an active army;
  4. Persons who participated in the Second World War and were awarded the honorary badge “Resident of besieged Leningrad”;
  5. Participants of the Second World War who served at air defense facilities, as well as participated in the construction of defensive barriers and structures for naval bases of troops and airfields located near the rear borders;
  6. Family members of deceased disabled veterans of the Second World War, as well as veterans from among those who are members of special self-defense groups of air defense teams, in addition, members of the families of deceased participants of the Second World War, carrying out their professional activities in hospitals in Leningrad;
  7. Disabled people.

The procedure for pensioners to apply for state social assistance

  1. Familiarization with the list of government social services provided, as well as with the list of citizens who have the right to use them, in order to determine your attitude towards them. In addition, at the initial stage, you need to decide what kind of benefit you are entitled to and what you will qualify for. If you cannot figure it out on your own official language legislation, you should seek help and clarification (free of charge) from your local social service.
  2. Next, you need to write an application requesting social support and submit it to territorial body The Pension Fund of Russia personally, through its representative. The application can be written by hand, or in electronic format, but using a special digital signature. In addition to the application, you must submit copies of documents confirming your right to benefits (pension certificate; document confirming the disability group or other documents);
  3. After the Pension Fund of Russia receives your package of documents, within 10 days a decision will be made on whether you fit into the category of citizens who are entitled to social assistance or not. You may also be notified that additional verification of the information you provided is necessary; in such a development, the Pension Fund has the right to extend the period for reviewing your documents for up to 30 days. In addition, in case of refusal, you are required to explain the reason in detail. If you do not agree with the refusal, then within 5 days you can file a complaint with the same body that rejected you, but to higher authorities. If you receive a refusal again, and you are still confident that you are right, then the problem can only be resolved in court.

Despite the fact that pensioners receive monthly pensions, benefits and additional payments to basic payments, rising prices for food, housing and communal services and non-food products do not allow them to live decent life. It often happens that pension recipients find themselves in difficult life situations, and therefore they need additional support states. For such cases, financial assistance is provided for pensioners from social security in 2020.

What is financial assistance

Material assistance is financial support from the state for low-income and especially needy sections of the Russian population.

Most often, as such financial assistance, citizens are assigned payments accrued every month, subsidies and benefits for utility services.

There is also one-time financial support, payments for the purchase of the most necessary items in everyday life - clothing, a minimum set of furniture, household appliances. Money is also paid to improve housing conditions if they do not meet housing standards (as a rule, we are talking about interest-free installments). Social protection authorities are also authorized to issue assistance in in kind

: food, medicine, shoes and clothing.

Government measures to support pensioners

Financial support for pensioners depends on the category of recipients:

Non-working pensioners

Employed pensioners

Military pensioners have the right to claim benefits in relation to medical services, including health and medical procedures offered in sanatorium-resort institutions. Pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs receive additional lump sum benefit , depending on length of service

in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the presence of an honorary title or awards of federal significance. Pensioners whose only income is a pension can apply monthly payment

at the discretion of regional authorities and in the amount applicable in a given municipality. For example, let's take the Moscow region - here pensioners after 70 years of age, whose income is less than 2 times the subsistence minimum according to the Moscow Region (the benefit amount is 700 rubles), are entitled to receive a monthly payment.

Pensioners with an official place of work can count on additional payments if one of the pensioner spouses has reached the age of 70 years. If the family income exceeds 33.6 thousand rubles, payments are canceled.

How financial assistance is processed for pensioners from social security in 2020

  1. In order to receive financial assistance from the state, you need to act according to the following scheme:
  2. Fill out an application (at the Department of Social Protection of the Population or the Multifunctional Center), which indicates, among other things, the preferred method of receiving funds - through the cash desk of the SZN branch, by postal order, or by transfer to a personal account. Collect and attach photocopies of them to the application, presenting the original papers to the employee of the authorized body.

You can send your application and documents by letter with a list of attachments or via the Internet through the official website of the State Services.

You can give all the papers in person to an employee of the USZN or MFC.

Where to apply for financial assistance

it is important that financial support is recorded in regional social programs).

What documents will be needed to obtain financial assistance for pensioners?

In order for financial assistance for social security pensioners to be issued in 2020, you need to collect the following documents:


Where to get it
The form will be issued at the place of submission of documents

Russian passport (original and photocopy)

Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

Certificate of family composition
Housing department, passport office

Certificate of income of all family members (2-NDFL)

FMS of the Russian Federation, SZN

Pensioner's ID
Pension Fund of the Russian Federation

Employment history

From last place of work

Documents confirming the pensioner’s need for financial assistance (for example, a report of a fire in an apartment that now needs repairs; a doctor’s certificate about the need for dental prosthetics)

Petition from the village administration

Apartment inspection report - from the village administration,

certificate of the need for dental prosthetics - from the attending physician...

Deadlines for receiving financial assistance for pensioners

It takes about 30 days from the moment the applicant submits the documents to review the application and documents.

If financial assistance is denied, the pensioner will receive a written notification indicating the reasons for the refusal. If the request for payments is granted, starting from the new month, payments will be made in the manner that the applicant indicated when filling out the application. Applications must be submitted by the 20th of the month.

To receive such a payment, you must again contact the social welfare department, where a report will be drawn up after inspecting the home (this may also be a report on fire or flooding). The amount of the benefit will not exceed 15,000 rubles - the money can be paid in a lump sum or as compensation upon payment for the services of repair and construction organizations and the submission of checks to the SZN.

Veterans of the Great Patriotic War who are in financial need can receive one-time assistance in the amount of up to 15,000 rubles for dental prosthetics, purchasing household appliances or replacing plumbing.

To receive funds to pay for dental services, you need to bring to the SZN authorities an extract from the outpatient card and a certificate from the attending physician about the need for prosthetics. To receive money for the purchase of plumbing fixtures and household appliances, you need to prove the need for their purchase.

Legislative acts on the topic

Common mistakes Error:

The pensioner received targeted financial assistance for dental prosthetics, and after 5 months he turned to the social security authorities for financial support due to the need to purchase a washing machine.

Material support from social protection for the country’s population is one of the important tasks for achieving social equality, rewarding services to the state or stimulating the development of certain areas of activity. Almost every citizen of the Russian Federation can receive the financial assistance due to them in 2018, subject to confirmation of the appropriate status or other criteria.

The state provides different types of financial assistance to different segments of the population, but not all citizens know that they can get something from the state for free in 2018. This is often due to the fact that social security authorities are not obliged to take the initiative and notify citizens about the possibility of receiving benefits . Thus, you can receive any type of assistance only upon request by independently contacting government agencies with the appropriate application and package of documents.

Material assistance is support provided to citizens in the form of cash, food, hygiene items and household items. It is provided to families and individual citizens who find themselves in a difficult financial situation due to job loss, illness and other circumstances. These can be payments paid monthly, annually or one-time, the amount of which is determined taking into account a number of criteria, including the region of residence.

You can find out who is entitled to benefits, their types and the possibility of using them for specific citizens in 2018 at the local social security authorities.

Social contracts

Relatively the new kind support for the population - concluding contracts - appeared in Russia only in 2012. They provide for the provision of social (including material) support to the population, in response to which one of the conditions must be met:

  • job search;
  • completion of a professional development program or training in the chosen profession;
  • maintaining a personal subsidiary plot;
  • opening your own small business.

The program operates throughout Russia with the assistance of social protection authorities and employment centers and is available primarily to families who find themselves in difficult life situations.

Large families

Families with three or more children can count on receiving financial assistance in 2018 in the form of:

  • subsidies for utility bills;
  • child benefits in the amount of 1 minimum wage (until execution youngest child 16 years)
  • a plot of land for farming or construction on preferential terms;
  • regional maternity capital for the 3rd or 4th child;
  • reimbursement of costs for purchasing goods for newborns, getting the child ready for school, etc.

Specify full list Available benefits for each family are available in special social structures.

Low-income families

The special status of “poor” is assigned to families whose income per family member is less than the regional subsistence level. The amount is determined on the basis of income certificates of all family members for the last 3 months, but it should be taken into account that each region has its own cost of living. In this case, assistance may not be provided if there are able-bodied but not working family members, with the exception of:

  • the need to care for children or elderly relatives;
  • maternity leave;
  • loss of property due to circumstances beyond the control of the applicants;
  • inability to work due to health conditions.

On a note! In most cases, benefits are assigned to low-income families in which all adult family members are registered with the Employment Center or receive the minimum wage.

In 2018, families of pensioners and single elderly people who find themselves in difficult financial or life situations are entitled to various types of social security benefits, including payments for:

  • Purchase of household appliances, replacement of plumbing fixtures.
  • Payment for dental prosthetics.
  • Improving living conditions (preferential mortgage).
  • Repair work in a residential area, which is issued on the basis of a housing inspection report or upon completion of work based on provided checks and contracts for the performance of work.

Pensioners are also provided with financial assistance in kind - in the form of clothing, shoes, food, and medicines.

In addition, in many regions in 2018 there are additional programs of financial assistance for disabled people, WWII participants and other categories of the country’s population.

How to get a?

To receive financial assistance in 2018, citizens should contact their local social welfare authorities, where they will:

  • Write an application for financial assistance.
  • Provide an original/photocopy of your passport.
  • Collect the necessary documents, the list of which will depend on belonging to a particular category of citizens and the type of state support program. These can be certificates of income, family composition and status, certificates of marriage/divorce and birth of children, certificates of emergency etc.)

Financial support programs operate in various areas and additional statements and certificates may be required to receive them. Therefore, when you first contact the social security authorities, you should clarify all the conditions, necessary documents and other nuances of receiving one or another type of financial assistance.