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Manicure with letters from newspapers. How to make a manicure using newspaper: instructions for creation. Varieties of manicure with newspaper print

Manicure with letters from newspapers.  How to make a manicure using newspaper: instructions for creation.  Varieties of manicure with newspaper print

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Today, newspaper manicure is popular among the fair half of humanity. And this is not surprising, because the printed design looks stylish and interesting. In addition, the procedure can be done not only in an expensive salon, but also at home. The main thing is to study the nuances of performing a manicure, as well as purchase necessary materials and tools. In this case, you will definitely be able to do unusual design with your own hands.

Performing a newspaper manicure at home

Printed manicure was invented by a French woman. The girl worked in a salon and dreamed of inventing new trend in nail service. And she really did it! Today, every fashionista dreams of a newspaper manicure. There are several ways to perform printed design at home:

  • on gel polish;
  • on regular varnish;
  • no alcohol.

Printed design on gel polish

To make a newspaper design on gel polish, you need the following materials:

  • a sheet of newspaper;
  • varnish fixer;
  • white gel polish;
  • alcohol.

Procedure steps:

Video: the process of performing a newspaper manicure on gel polish

Newspaper design on regular varnish

Newspaper manicure can also be done using regular varnishes, which do not require an ultraviolet lamp to dry. To do this you will need:

  • regular varnish of any color (but not too dark);
  • alcohol;
  • a sheet of newspaper;
  • varnish fixer;
  • base coat.

Procedure steps:

Video: the process of performing a newspaper manicure on regular varnish

Newspaper manicure without alcohol

If you don’t have any alcohol at home, but you really want to make an interesting design, you can use another method. Necessary materials:

  • a sheet of newspaper;
  • clear varnish;
  • varnish fixer.

Procedure steps:

  1. Preliminary preparation of the nails is carried out: the plates are processed with a file, the cuticle is removed, and so on.
  2. Cut rounded rectangles from newspaper. In this case, the size of the paper should be selected for each nail.
  3. Cover the nail surface with colorless varnish. No need to wait for it to dry. Immediately after applying the varnish, you need to moisten the rectangle with water and press it to the nail. You need to act quickly so that the paper sticks to the surface. If this does not happen, you will have to start the procedure all over again.
  4. Wait until completely dry.
  5. Cover the nail with newspaper with nail polish fixer.
  6. Do the same with the rest of the nails.

To make a newspaper manicure look perfect, you should follow some rules and tricks for its implementation:

  • alcohol can be replaced with cologne or vodka;
  • When performing the procedure, newspaper rectangles cannot be moved, otherwise the drawing will end up unclear;
  • Do not leave the newspaper on the nail too long, as in this case it will be difficult to remove the paper from the surface;
  • Remaining newspaper paint around the nail can be removed using cotton swab and acetone. But remember that you must first wait for the varnish to dry completely so as not to smear the design;
  • the varnish fixer should be applied with extreme caution so as not to spoil the inscription or image;
  • If the paper rectangle moves, immediately moisten a cotton pad with alcohol and erase the unsuccessful design. After this, you can apply the image or inscription again;
  • The varnish must be dried completely, otherwise the nail plate will look untidy;
  • a newspaper rectangle can be placed on the nail not only straight, but also diagonally. In this case, the design will turn out to be especially original;
  • Ideally, it should take a few hours from applying the base coat to completing the newspaper design. The longer you let the polish dry, the better;
  • It will be interesting if instead of an ordinary black and white newspaper you use a color one. Thanks to this, your manicure will be truly exclusive;
  • Rhinestones or stones look especially interesting on a newspaper manicure.

For execution newspaper manicure You can use regular perfume or cologne

Table: advantages and disadvantages of newspaper manicure

Advantages Flaws
  • The color palette can be chosen for any image and mood;
  • Other decor also looks good on a newspaper manicure: rhinestones, stones, and so on;
  • affordable price: to perform a newspaper design, you only need to purchase a printed edition, since all other materials and tools are most likely in the arsenal of any girl;
  • printed manicure is suitable for nails of any shape and length;
  • each nail can differ in design, which gives greater freedom to imagination;
  • newspaper manicure is easy to do yourself, since no special skills are required;
  • A newspaper manicure will not take you much time, since on average the procedure lasts about an hour.
  • The fragility of the coating when using conventional varnishes (on average, a newspaper manicure lasts from 5 to 8 days).

Photo gallery: newspaper manicure design ideas

The “Burnt Newspaper” manicure can be done using varnish or real burnt newspaper. The “Chaotic Letters” manicure can be easily done if you apply newspaper rectangles to your nails in a chaotic manner. To perform a newspaper manicure in pink tones, you will need varnish Pink colour and pieces of newspaper
If you highlight one nail in a newspaper manicure, the design will look even more interesting. A newspaper manicure with a pattern on your nails can only be done if you are good at drawing. For a manicure with an unusual font, you will have to look for a suitable newspaper or print the text yourself
For the “Notes” manicure, you need to print out the musical notes. To perform the “Dollars” manicure, you need to cut the bill into many small particles or print the image on a color printer. To perform a newspaper manicure in yellow tones varnish of the appropriate color is required
To do a newspaper manicure in blue tones, you need a pale blue varnish

A newspaper manicure is quite easy to do at home. The procedure will not take much time. In addition, you will avoid large financial costs. The main thing is to be careful when applying the paper rectangle to the nail. Otherwise, the procedure is very simple, and the design will please you for about a week using regular varnish and up to three weeks when using gel polishes.

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Author Ekaterina Panina

As a teenager, I watched footage of Sex and the City hundreds of times. I imagined myself, like Carrie, sitting in front of a laptop screen and typing out my unique articles. How I dreamed of learning how to structure a text correctly, design it beautifully and develop my own style. Time passed, I grew up, and began to try to write. It has started to work out, and I will try to keep it that way in the future. My name is Ekaterina, I'm 21 years old. I love to travel, listen to good music, and, as a result, write. A surge of inspiration is a gift for me, thanks to which I write my texts, and, I hope, make them interesting and enjoyable to read. A website for me is an opportunity to express myself, reveal my potential and improve as an author. I will be glad to work and improve.

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Newspaper manicure is a nail design made using newspaper. Printing ink is imprinted on the nail plate, and fragments of text are decorated with the fingers.

This manicure is easy to do and you can do it yourself.

Why is newspaper manicure popular?

A manicure with letters from newspapers looks unusual, but is done quickly. Accessibility is the main advantage of this nail art. A manicure with a newspaper print is unique because it is impossible to select identical fragments of text and perfectly evenly transfer them onto the nails.

Fans of the grunge style love newspaper manicure the most. But even romantic people are not averse to decorating their fingers with elegant fonts.

For a business lady, such a manicure is not suitable, but for a student it will be a great way to spice up an everyday outfit.

The manicure harmonizes well with the text and denim clothing in blue color scheme. Bright versions of newspaper manicure will help you stand out from the crowd at a party and look good within the country style.

To make a neat newspaper manicure at home, you need to practice. Print quality and paper thickness play a role. The time of the procedure and the technology of manicure itself depend on them.

Before you do a newspaper manicure, tidy up your nails. Trim the cuticle or use an orange stick to push it back. Use a nail file to shape the edges of your nails. Degrease your nails with nail polish remover.

To work you will need:

  • base coat,
  • varnish of the chosen color,
  • transparent fixative,
  • newspaper and scissors,
  • alcohol and alcohol container,
  • tweezers,
  • paper towel.

The main components of newspaper manicure are newspaper and alcohol.

If you want to use newspaper text as a background, find two or three colored varnishes.

Step by step steps:

  1. Cover workplace paper towel.
  2. Pour the alcohol into a wide, shallow container, such as a shot glass or saucer.
  3. Cover your nails with base coat.
  4. Apply colored varnish. Wait until it is completely dry, otherwise the surface of the nail will appear dirty and rough.
  5. Cut the newspaper into small pieces - approximately 2x3 cm.
  6. Using tweezers, lower one piece of newspaper into a container of alcohol and soak for 5-10 seconds, depending on the thickness of the paper.
  7. Place the newspaper on your nail and press it gently with your fingertips, being careful not to move it to the side.
  8. After 10-40 seconds, remove the newspaper from the nail using tweezers.
  9. Cover the nail with a sealer.
  10. Perform a newspaper manicure on all nails or decorate one or two fingers on each hand.

You can use matte or glossy coatings, pearlescent varnishes.

Secrets of newspaper manicure

To learn how to do a high-quality manicure using newspaper, you need to remember a few tips.

Secrets of a beautiful newspaper manicure:

  • Try to use freshly printed newspaper.
  • Instead of alcohol, you can use vodka or nail polish remover.
  • The exposure time of a newspaper fragment on the nail varies from 10 to 40 seconds, depending on the quality of printing and paper. You can calculate the time through experiments.
  • An alternative technique for performing such a manicure is to dip your nails rather than a newspaper in alcohol (for 5 seconds), and then apply a piece of dry newspaper to them.
  • You can perform a newspaper manicure without alcohol. To do this, prepare a piece of newspaper in the shape of a nail plate. Cover the nail with the base and, without waiting for it to dry, apply newspaper dipped in water. When the water has dried, cover the nail with a sealer without removing the newspaper fragment.

To get a more original coverage, use a local map, sheet music, or any printed image instead of text.

Newspaper manicure is a solution for those who like a non-standard approach to creating an image.

There is no limit to human imagination, especially when it comes to our appearance and attractiveness. For a long time now, women have stopped covering their nails with a layer of the first varnish they come across, giving preference to original and unusual patterns, for the application of which a wide variety of products and accessories are used. One such nail art was a manicure using newspaper, which can be done at home, spending very little of your precious time on it.

Newspaper Nail Art Basics

The idea of ​​such nail art appeared to humanity relatively recently. And it came to the bright mind of a young French woman, who was written about in a local publication. But only a few people read it, and, after all, they wanted fame. Then she decided to place this small article on the nails of her clients, that is, to do the same manicure using a newspaper.

  • The main advantage of the design is the ability to make a different pattern on each nail while maintaining the meaning of the entire composition.
  • In addition, you are armed with one of the cheapest materials, presented in a huge assortment.
  • Here you can independently experiment with letter sizes and fonts used in printed publications.
  • The time spent on creating the design will be minimal, and ready-made manicure will exceed all expectations.

You just need to find out in advance how to do a newspaper manicure and decide which technique you will use.

Design techniques

A manicure at home using a magazine or newspaper can be done with two different ways. In both cases, the result is practically the same, and the choice of the appropriate technique depends on your wishes and the availability of alcohol on hand.

So, to do a newspaper manicure at home without alcohol you will need:

  • clear nail polish
  • printed edition with selected text
  • nail polish remover with acetone

Before you start working on the drawing, get your nails in order: do a hygienic manicure at home, trim them using scissors and a nail file. Note that manicure using newspaper is universal and can be applied to nails of any length. As soon as the preparatory work is completed, you can start making your unusual design at home - newspaper manicure:

To do a manicure with newspaper using the second method, prepare:

  • white varnish (can be replaced with any other light shade)
  • newspapers with the required text or any other printed publication
  • a fixative (transparent coating) that will hold the design on the nail
  • alcohol or any other alcohol-containing liquid

As in the previous case, a manicure with newspaper must be done on a previously prepared nail. So the first thing we do is a hygienic manicure.

Hi all! Today I want to offer you a very effective and at the same time simple option. manicure with newspaper text applied to nails . In a similar way, you can apply absolutely any text to your nails - the main thing is that it is printed on fairly thin paper - so you can experiment, select different fonts, languages ​​and phrases. Although, in my opinion, a “newspaper” manicure looks advantageous regardless of what exactly is written, since it creates the effect that the text was printed directly on the nail plate. As a result, you will be bombarded with questions: “How? How did you do it?” It's actually very simple. Look.

For a "newspaper" manicure you will need:

  1. Clear nail polish or base coat. We will need it to apply the surface layer (to fix the manicure), so even if you are doing a manicure without a base, a clear varnish is required.
  2. White nail polish (or another light color) to create a background.
  3. Alcohol or any liquid containing alcohol. It can be pure medical alcohol, or cosmetic product(facial lotion, alcohol spray, etc.), and alcoholic drink(vodka, etc.). The higher the alcohol content, the faster and more clearly the imprint will be applied to the nail. This time I used what was on hand - a bottle of dry gin with a strength of 47%.))
  4. Actually, the newspaper with which you will transfer text onto your nails. I found a newspaper in English because I like the way Latin text looks on my nails, and I chose an article printed in a smaller font. Choose in advance which sections of text from the newspaper you want to use in your manicure. You will need a little text - you can make a “text” manicure a dozen, or even more, times from one newspaper spread.
  5. Cotton pads. It is not necessary to have a whole pack; 1-2 pieces are enough.

How to do a "newspaper" manicure

1) Put your nails in order (file, etc.) and apply a base. This step, of course, is not necessary, but with a base the manicure will last better and your nails will be more intact, so I advise you not to skip it. I apply a transparent base in 1-2 layers. Next, wait until the base dries.

2) Apply the background. White will look best because it is a contrasting color to black, but you can always try any other color. On a transparent background, the text will be somewhat lost, but it still looks good. I also recommend trying beige, it will give you the effect of an “aged” newspaper.

The background should dry well.

3) While the background layer of varnish is drying, cut pieces of newspaper from which you will transfer the text onto your nails. You can make a blank for each nail, but it is not necessary - I use one piece of newspaper for each thumb, and one large piece for the other four. In my opinion, it is easier to work with large pieces of newspaper.

4) Now the most important thing. We take a cotton pad, saturate it well with alcohol, and with the help of this cotton pad press a piece of newspaper tightly to the nail (so that the newspaper is sandwiched between the nail and the cotton pad front side to the nail). Alternatively, you can soak the newspaper itself in alcohol. The disc is needed in order to evenly distribute the force and avoid accidentally tearing the wet newspaper with your fingers.

After you have applied the alcohol-preserved newspaper to the nail plate, press it with your fingers over the entire surface of the nail so that the text is evenly imprinted, and hold for a few seconds. Make sure that the newspaper does not move, otherwise the text will be printed several times or smeared.

5) Repeat the procedure for applying the text for each nail. The text on already treated nails will stick more or less firmly - a light touch will not harm it, but if you touch the nail hard enough, the text will be smeared. So be careful.

6) Wait a few minutes until all the imprinted text and any alcohol left on the nails dry, and seal the manicure with 1-2 layers of clear varnish. This step is required, otherwise the text will soon be erased and smeared. The brush itself, when applying varnish, also easily smears the newspaper text, so I recommend dripping the varnish onto the nail in a thick drop and then carefully distributing it with the brush, touching only the surface of the varnish and not touching the nail plate itself.

That's all. You can see an approximate result in the photo.

It remains to add that when applying text in this way (applying the newspaper with the front side to the nail plate), the text is imprinted on the nail in a mirror image. Therefore, if you want the text to be readable, you will have to look for a newspaper with a clean back side and soak it more heavily in alcohol so that the text is printed right through. Or prepare the “newspaper” yourself by printing the desired text with a mirror image on thin paper (sold in regular office supply stores along with standard office paper).

Good luck! Anyone who will try this manicure, I suggest sharing photos in the comments.

In the last few years, an increasing number of fans have been acquiring a surprisingly simple and stylish nail design technique - a manicure with a newspaper print.

A common legend has it that the idea was first conceived by an inventive and ambitious French cosmetologist who gave several of her clients manicures with a rave about her work published in the local newspaper. In this unusual way, she wanted to make the article about herself more popular.

It is unknown whether this story is true or not, but one thing is certain - this version of nail design creates a very bright image, which will help you stand out from the crowd.

How to do a manicure with newspaper: materials

For it, unlike many other types of manicure, you do not have to buy either stencils or varnish paints - no special tools. A manicure using newspaper is done, one might say, from scrap materials.

What you need for a manicure with newspaper:

  • newspaper
  • plain varnish in light colors for the base
  • clear varnish or fixative
  • alcohol-containing liquid

It doesn’t matter what color of the main varnish you choose. Classic option considered white, but beige or peach can be used. If you prefer bright colors, try yellow, for example. The main thing is that the varnish is light enough so that the black letters on it are clearly visible.

Instead of colorless varnish, you can use a fixing coating to preserve your manicure for a long time and not damage it, for example, when washing dishes.

For the last point, nail polish remover with acetone, rubbing alcohol, cologne, or alcohol-based cleaning fluids (for example, isopropyl, which is used to clean tools) are suitable. You can successfully use regular vodka.

The font translated with alcohol will turn out a little pale. Nail polish remover will make the design brighter, but can ruin the look of the manicure: under the influence of acetone, particles of paper often stick to the nail and varnish coating becomes uneven.

How to make a manicure from newspaper: manufacturing methods

First way

  • Step 1.
    Cut out 10 small pieces from newspaper in advance. It is necessary that they not only completely cover nail plate, but they were also a little larger so that they could be easily removed (but do not make them too large, otherwise the hanging edges will interfere when working with adjacent nails). The paper must be thick enough, otherwise it may get wet and partially stick to the varnish. It is important to remember that for this manicure, it is newsprint with printing ink that is suitable, and not a magazine, since the print will not transfer from glossy surfaces to the nail.
    To determine if the paint is suitable for transfer to your nails, rub a piece of white paper over a newspaper page. If there are black marks left on it, then the newspaper can be safely used.
  • Step 2.
    Get your nails in order. One of the advantages of a “newspaper” manicure is that it looks good on nails of any shape, and it does not require growing or extensions. long nails. The main thing is that the edges of the nails are smooth. Carefully remove cuticles and small hangnails, otherwise after you apply the base polish, the nail will take on a sloppy appearance. To make the varnish lay more evenly, you can sand and polish the surface.
  • Step 3.
    Apply polish to the nail, preferably in two layers, so that the color looks uniform. Apply one coat first, let it dry a little, and then apply a second. After this, you must wait until the varnish is completely dry, otherwise the coating will then become deformed or partially slide off. Some masters recommend moving on to the next steps a day after applying the base, since during this time the varnish will dry completely and damage when working with an alcohol solution will be minimal. But this is not necessary.
  • Step 4.
    Pour alcohol (vodka, acetone, etc.) into a container of suitable size and dip your nail in it for 5-10 seconds (do not hold it for too long, otherwise the varnish coating will peel off). Then place a piece of newspaper face down on your nail. If you feel that the paper is too dry, you can drip a little alcohol on top. Wait for the paper to dry. This can take from 20 seconds to two minutes, depending on the thickness of the paper. Press the newspaper carefully so that it does not move, otherwise the print will be blurry. Be careful: place all pieces of paper so that the text is located in the same direction. If some inscription is printed upside down, then such a trifle, of course, can only be noticed upon close examination, but since our hands are almost always in sight, it will not look very nice.
  • Step 5.
    After this, remove the paper; be careful not to tear it. It's best to do this in one quick motion.
  • Step 6.
    Cover the nail with colorless varnish or a special fixative, otherwise the printing ink will be erased immediately. You can apply several layers to make the result longer pleasing to the eye.

Second way

There is another option for manicure using newspaper. It can be called the “express method” because it will take less time. Its main difference from the previous one is that the font will be transferred to the varnish that has not completely dried.

  • Step 1.
    Carefully treat your nails and cut pieces of newspaper in the same way as described above.
  • Step 2.
    Apply the base varnish and just let it dry slightly (you shouldn’t transfer the design to too fresh varnish, as the newspaper will simply stick to it).
  • Step 3.
    Moisten a piece of newspaper with acetone or alcohol, place it on the nail and press. If the paper lies unevenly, you can gently smooth it out with your finger or a cotton pad, but this must be done very carefully and quickly so that the drawing does not turn out blurry.
  • Step 4.
    Carefully separate the newspaper from the nail (try not to allow small pieces of newspaper to stick to the nail).
  • Step 5.
    Apply several coats of clear varnish or sealer.

Manicure using newspaper: possible design options

Before this, we were talking about the methods of “newspaper” manicure, which are basic. But if you want to give your nails an even more original look, you can add a little variety to these basic options.

  • A newspaper print in combination with French manicure. To do this, you need to cut out pieces of newspaper with a very smooth, straight edge and apply them to the part of the nail that is covered with pink varnish, leaving the white strip on top untouched.
  • You can also come up with various combinations of patterns: for example, make a composition of numbers or musical notes
  • It is not necessary to transfer the font onto the nail. You can simply prepare neat pieces of newspaper in the shape of your nail, cover it with base varnish, and when the varnish is completely dry, place newspaper, previously moistened with water, on the nail. When the paper becomes dry, it must be secured to the nail with several layers of transparent varnish.
  • Although every woman can easily do such a manicure, it does not always turn out perfectly the first time. The reason may be the wrong choice of paper or the font blurred due to carelessness. It's okay - the next attempt will definitely be successful!

Whichever version of the newspaper manicure you choose, the result will be impressive. So don’t rush to get rid of old newspapers - they may still be useful to you.