
Dreams and desires. Why do my dreams come true for others and not for me? My dreams come true

Dreams and desires.  Why do my dreams come true for others and not for me?  My dreams come true

We all want our dreams to come true and our lives to improve day by day. And today it has been scientifically proven that our attitudes have a colossal influence on the fulfillment of desires and improving the quality of life. There are many negative ones among them. However, there is good news - settings can be changed. But how to do this pleasantly, easily and joyfully?

It's actually not that difficult. Remember how the words of songs literally “stick” to us? And this is not only because of the beautiful melody, but also because of the successful lyrics.

That's why we've made a selection of inspiring affirmations in verse for you. They are easy to remember and repeat out loud or to yourself at any free moment - while taking a shower, standing in line at the supermarket, in transport, while preparing food (by the way, then it will be “charged” with your positive energy and good mood - and this will affect on everyone who eats it).

My dreams are coming true!
Wishes come true!
All goals are achieved!
Life is wonderful all around.

My income is increasing
And everything will work out as it should!
I know that the universe
Always my best friend!!!

I bless my life,
I thank her for everything!
I fill my heart with love
And I give my Love to everyone!

day after day
Lucky in everything!

I live in a happy world
What I created with love!
I am the creator of good and light.
I'm lucky in everything! Hooray!!!

I transform everything and everyone
Good luck, money and success!

I'm beautiful, smart, energetic
And everything in my life is going great!

My companion is luck!
I can handle everything!
Everything is easy, which means
What I want, I get!!!

I am beautiful - just a miracle!
I am young - I am and will be!

I am a magnet for love and luck
I also attract money to boot!

Life gives only the best to me!
I am happy in reality and in my dreams!

I'm so beautiful, I'm young
I am always happy and healthy!

My life is happy and bright,
I receive gifts every day!

Everything that surrounds me -
Makes me happy and inspires me!

I am confident, I am healthy and strong!
My life is full of joy and happiness!

I'm beautiful! Perfect!
I'm calm! I'm singing!
Everything is wonderful in the Universe!
I LOVE the whole world!

I wake up rested, inspired,
I lie with my eyes closed and breathe in
All the vigor of the morning and calm silence.

The whole world around me is in love with me!
I feel it, I believe it! I know for sure
That all my problems are solved.

And so I open my eyes, good morning!
I wish happiness to the whole Earth and the whole Universe!

I was created beautiful, kind, wise,
Flying, joyful, worthy, perfect!

The whole body is filled with energy,
I breathe in deeply the fresh wind,
I am open to new things, I go through life boldly,
I, only I, am responsible for my life.

I'm free, I'm calm,
Every moment brings bliss,
I deserve this life
This life is perfection!

My body is a temple of beauty!
His features are perfect!
My body is a wonderful home
For happy life in it.

I am special, I am unique.
Like everyone on this Earth.
My appearance is always perfect
And it suits only me.

No two drops of water are so similar
On top of each other, it’s impossible to tell them apart.
Among hundreds and thousands of passers-by,
I’m so alone, what’s there to hide?

Beauty is only measured
In centimeters, in volume, in length?
Billions of beauties... different!
I'm the only one on earth!

Each of us has dreamed or made wishes at least once in our lives. And everyone wants them to come true as quickly and specifically as possible! How often do wishes come true and what does it depend on? And is it possible to learn to make them so that they definitely come true?

Desires are certain needs of a person, in whose head dozens, and maybe hundreds of different “I want” flash through his head every day. Therefore, most often our desires are just a fleeting whim that is quickly forgotten, but there are also dreams with which you can live your whole life without ever getting what you want!

People thought about how to fulfill their aspirations many centuries ago. This is confirmed by all sorts of conspiracies., amulets, amulets and rituals left by our ancestors in huge quantities.

In our world, whether we believe in it or not, all living things, including our thoughts. The Universe records our requests and intentions as energy impulses and strictly monitors their implementation. Everything here is interconnected, the Universe makes our dreams come true, and we feed it with our love and faith.

However, modern psychologists and astrologers claim that the main driving force for the fulfillment of a desire is the person himself, or rather, his desire to receive what he has wished for. It is important to correctly formulate what you want and direct your desire to the Universe in order to receive its response as quickly as possible.

The quality and speed of its execution depends on how strongly conceived and how correctly it is formulated. Skeptics are convinced that this is a useless exercise, but we can say with 100% confidence - it actually works!

Fate gives us many opportunities To realize your plans and dreams, it is important to notice them in time and take advantage of the given chance.

The best techniques for making wishes come true

Simoron School

This movement offers fun and humorous techniques, the main idea of ​​which is to take life lightly and with a smile on your face. The main condition for carrying out the rituals of this school is unshakable confidence in the fulfillment of the plan.

For example, ritual to attract money- green socks. To do this, you need to take green (money) colored socks, wash them thoroughly, and after drying, place a banknote in each one, saying, “Charge yourself with money!” Further on clean slate paper, you need to visualize your desire, using an image of what this very money is not enough for. All that remains is to place the sheet on the windowsill so that the moonlight falls on it at night, and place green socks on top. In the morning, the piece of paper must be hidden in a safe place, and banknotes from socks must be exchanged on the same day.

Wish card

The essence of the technique is that all dreams are written in the present tense, and pictures on the topic are selected to accompany the words. To do this, on a large sheet of paper It is necessary to write down your plans and intentions with precise wording in the present tense. In the center of whatman paper they usually paste their photograph, and around it - what they want (a car, a country to which they want to go, a house, or write down the amount for which they are missing). The map is hung in the most visible place so that it always catches your eye. Everything is very simple - the main thing is to believe!

One hundred pages

They need to be counted in a notebook or notepad. On the last, i.e. hundredth page, desires are written in an affirmative form, as a completed action. Then, every day, starting from the first page, describe the actions that were taken to implement the plan or simply describe the events of the day and its mood. This technique is aimed at awakening determination and programming oneself for success.

Affirmations for fulfillment of intentions

Affirmations are life-affirming attitudes that set you in the right mood. It’s interesting that one way or another, everyone uses them in life, but not everyone benefits from them. You need to understand that affirmation has nothing to do with the goal, its essence is a positive attitude, which leads to the fulfillment of everything planned . It must be in the affirmative form, without the particle NOT, used only in the present tense and directed exclusively at oneself. An excellent example of an affirmation, the well-known “song of good luck”:

My dreams are coming true! Wishes come true!

All goals are achieved! Life is wonderful all around!

My income is increasing! And everything will work out as it should!

I know that the Universe is my best friend!

If you hum this song several times a day, then the result will definitely not be long in coming, problems will begin to go away by themselves, and all your dreams will come true!

Technique for setting strict limits and promises

This technique is often used in the work of psychologists. Its essence is that you need to create conditions for yourself under which it is impossible not to start moving towards your intended goal. You can promise yourself that if you fail to achieve what you want, you will have to pay your friend for dinner at a restaurant, i.e. the price should be such as to force yourself to move. This tough exercise takes you far out of your comfort zone, but is very effective. It is important that the deadlines are realistic and the punishment is the most severe!

Glass of water

One of the most effective methods fulfillment of the dream. It is similar to the performance of ancient rituals of charming water. To fulfill it, a wish is written down on a piece of paper, which is formulated in the form of a fact that has come true, for example: “I am completely healthy” or “I work on television.” A glass of clean water is placed on this piece of paper., then, rubbing your hands, you need to try to feel your own energy between your palms in the form of a dense clot or ball.

After you manage to concentrate, your hands are placed around a glass of water placed on the sheet with the desire, as if charging it with energy. In this case, the intention needs to be repeated and visualized, and then just drink the water. This ritual is best done early in the morning or in the evening before bed.

25 wishes

To carry out this technique, you need to write a list of 25 most cherished desires on a piece of paper. They must be formulated as clearly as possible and in accordance with all the listed rules. Besides, I should only have intentions positive attitude and not contain negative information. Once compiled, the list is read aloud and copied on new leaf paper that needs to be put in an envelope and hidden away. Now, for 10 days in a row, you definitely need to please yourself with something. Meeting with friends, shopping, buying your favorite delicacies, going to the movies and theaters are suitable. The point is that all this time you need to think only about your pleasure and needs.

Coming soon wishes from the list but they will begin to come true and you need to cross them out with gratitude to the Universe. Not all wishes will necessarily come true, but most of them are for sure!

A talisman is a thing for which you can make one wish and it will definitely come true. It is important that the amulet is made from natural material, so the stone is ideal for this purpose. You can take any stone you like, and it doesn’t have to be precious. First it is cleaned with salt water, on the first lunar day and only then begin the ritual.

It must be remembered that only one wish is made for one stone; you cannot entrust it with several aspirations at once. Each new wish requires the making of a new amulet.

The most important conditions for performing the techniques

  • The main thing is that what is being wished cannot harm anyone or anything - this is the most important condition existence in harmony with the Universe.
  • There must be an unshakable belief in the obligatory fulfillment of a desire, and even better - if there is a feeling that what was dreamed has already happened. Thus, the subconscious mind is tuned to carry out all possible activities that lead to the cherished goal.

For skeptics

With each passing year, we became more and more skeptical; we learned long ago that gifts for the Christmas tree or money for the pillow are far from being brought to us. fairy-tale heroes. We simply stopped believing in miracles, unfortunately!

Let modern life It doesn’t look much like a fairy tale, but each of us hardens our own heart and turns from a gullible, enthusiastic child into a boring, grumpy biscuit. But can people who have lost faith in miracles have their wishes come true?

Leave at least a little room in your soul for magic, despite your age, academic degrees, titles, life experience and the number of books you have read. And all wishes and dreams will definitely come true and very soon!

Attention, TODAY only!

Perhaps you have encountered a similar phenomenon once, or maybe not. This sometimes happens that the dreams that we nurture, make and let go come true after some time. But, unfortunately, not for us, but for other people around us. Let’s say you’ve been wanting to go to the Philippines for a very long time, and suddenly you find out that your friend’s husband gave her a gift and is sending her not to Malta, not to Bali, but for some reason specifically to the Philippines. Or you wanted to go to the concert of your favorite band, and again the tickets go not to you, but to your sister, boss, and maybe even your daughter. It's a shame, isn't it? The thought involuntarily flashes through my head: “Why not me?”
Don’t rush to despair and get angry at the Universe! The good news is that since what we wished for appears in our environment and in our space, this first of all indicates that the Universe hears us. That we have already attracted into our world what we desired - it has become much closer to us than before. So we are on the right track!

The other side of the coin is that this is a kind of test from the Universe. Testing for sincerity and the ability to be happy for others from pure heart that what we wanted came true for them. After all, we understand what a blessing it is to have what you have wanted for so long.

And yet, since this happened, it means this is an important wake-up call for us and a good hint - we are holding on to our desires too much. After all, the first thought that arises is: “This is my desire!” What speaks for itself is how strongly we hold on and cling to our dream, how persistently we demand “our own” from the Universe.

Although in fact, everything that is in this world is common and ours. And if someone gets lucky, then it is important for us to accept it and be sincerely happy for this person. Seeing our joy for others, they will definitely send us our dream, and it is possible that even more.

And such situations also speak a little about envy - about that feeling that is usually not customary to voice. And even if it arises, we try to stop it and are tormented by our conscience for such bad thoughts. And yet, no matter what they say, envy helps you realize one thing important point: if we envy a person, it means that inside we have the same resource and potential to have what he has. It’s just that we either don’t allow ourselves to have it, or we cling too much to our dreams, or something else.

But our chances are the same! And all that the world requires of us is to sincerely be happy for another person and feel that we are also worthy, that the Universe loves us and we will have everything!

Let everyone’s wishes come true – both others and us!

With love, Alexandra Povarich