
Morrowind how to cure vampirism. Vampires of Morrowind. Vampire Weaknesses

Morrowind how to cure vampirism.  Vampires of Morrowind.  Vampire Weaknesses

Interested in vampires? Are you reading books by Anne Rice, Laurel Hamilton, Whitley Streetbear and other masters of “vampire” literature? Do you know Bram Stoker's Dracula by heart? Having seen any movie about nosferatu on TV - from the famous masterpiece of F. F. Coppola to some pop action movie like "Another World" - do you remain spellbound from the screen and do not switch even during commercials? :) Well, then you simply must visit the guise of a vampire in Morrowind, learn from your own experience all the delights and difficulties of vampire life!

So, forget everything you previously read and knew about vampires :) The creations of modern writers and directors are full of contradictions. Now books will become the fundamental source of information for you. "Vampires of Vvardenfell" And "Records of Galur Rithari", if, of course, you can get them.

In the early stages of the game, many are not even aware of the existence of vampires in it. But in some tomb or ruins you come across bloodsuckers. The inquisitive mind of Russian gamers usually asks the following questions:

1) is it possible to become a vampire in the game?

2) what will this give me?

3) well, how to do this?

Morrowind allows you to become a vampire. True, the developers have already tried to reduce the likelihood of a miraculous transformation to a minimum... But more on that later.

Vampirism gives a character a lot and changes a lot in his life, so after transformation you will have to adapt to new conditions and overcome unusual difficulties.

Positive aspects of vampire "life":

You will have the opportunity to “drink blood” using a spell "Touch of the Vampire"

30 points will be added to the following skills: Acrobatics, Athletics, Unarmored combat, Illusions, Prowl, Mysticism, Destruction, Hand-to-hand combat

20 points will be added to the characteristics: Strength, Speed, Willpower

You will gain 100% immunity to common diseases and paralysis and 50% resistance to normal weapons

You will have the opportunity to join one of the clans (the one to which the vampire who infected you belonged) and perform interesting tasks

You will also receive additional bonuses for each vampire clan

Negative aspects of vampire "life":

Most of the inhabitants of Morrowind (except for the Mages Guild and the Great House of Telvanni) will stop communicating with you

The possibilities of trading, repairing, purchasing and creating spells and enchanting things from merchants will disappear; even the Mages Guild will be denied these services

Ship carriers and owners of silent striders will refuse you their services - you will have to walk

Health will not be restored during sleep

Regular food and potion ingredients in their pure form will not have any effect if eaten

You will gain 50% vulnerability to fire

All movements will have to be carried out at night, since during the daytime you will receive sunburn(even if it’s cloudy and raining), which reduce health by 5 points every second

You will not be able to complete the main story of Morrowind until you are cured of vampirism, as Cosades will not talk to you.

Thus, it turns out that the disadvantages of being a vampire are almost greater than the advantages. Playing a vampire is difficult, although interesting. If difficulties and headache You won't be scared, you will definitely want to know this side of Morrowind.

Before becoming a vampire, I recommend visiting potion dealers and thoroughly purchasing potions from them to restore health and mana, as well as various characteristics - as the game progresses, other vampires may curse you and your characteristics will decrease, you will need potions to restore them.

But becoming a vampire is not so easy:

You need to find one, engage in battle with him, and he must fight hand-to-hand or with melee weapons, because if he hits you with spells or shoots with a bow, you won’t be able to get infected. At the very least, you will have to wait until the mana or arrows run out. It seems that there is a tiny chance of becoming infected when searching the body of a dead vampire, but I couldn’t. Therefore, find yourself a vampire (usually they can be found in ancestral tombs, less often in Dwemer ruins), take off all your armor and shield, which will protect you from blows and stand in front of the vampire, courageously enduring beatings until a message appears that you have become infected with the disease "Hemophilia crowned". Vampirism will follow when you sleep for 72 hours. Note: if you have already completed about half of the main plot and have had corprus, which means you have received 100% immunity to all diseases, you will not be able to become a vampire. True, there is a method described on some sites: buy the spell “Vulnerability to Common Diseases” from the Caldera Mages Guild, create things with the permanent effect of this spell, put them on yourself and go expose yourself to vampire attacks. But in most cases this does not work... I personally spent more than tens of thousands of septims creating enchanted things with “vulnerability”, achieved a total of one hundred percent effect, put all this stuff on myself and trudged to the nearest vampire lair. They beat me for about 40 minutes, but nothing happened. So it’s better to become a vampire before you get sick with corpus, but only when the character is already sufficiently pumped up - level 15-20. Otherwise it will be difficult.

So, you became infected with “Crownted Hemophilia” (by the way, why, I wonder, hemophilia? In general, this disease, incoagulability of blood, is not contagious and is transmitted only by inheritance; I still don’t understand what it has to do with vampires...), you overslept 72 hours, you had a vampire dream (later you will have them all the time and can get terribly bored) and you are already a vampire. This phenomenon will be reflected in the appearance of your character, you can see for yourself by looking at yourself from the outside.

Now, if you wish, look for your clan - in the catacombs of Ashmelech, the Dwemer ruins of Druskashti or Galom Deus. Or just ask around for rumors in different cities - this way you will learn about quests intended only for vampires.

As for stereotypes, you can forget about garlic and Aspen stake, in the world of Morrowind there are no such plants anyway :) And silver weapons do not cause any special damage to vampires... And you can enter the temple, whether Dunmer or Imperial, completely calmly, you will not be struck by lightning. Of course, even despite all this, life is not easy for a vampire on Vvardenfell :) The inhabitants do not make contact, many can attack without a reason (especially the Dunmer). And when the sun rises you have to look for shelter...

But, using your newly acquired abilities and skills, you can rummage through ruins and fortresses that previously would have been life-threatening. I personally, being a weak Breton of only level 20, as a vampire, scoured all the fortresses beyond the Phantom Reach, killing half of the army of Dagoth Ur and becoming the happy owner of many useful artifacts that came in handy in the future :) So, what does being a vampire mean besides experience and interest? considerable benefits can be gained.

But there still comes a time when you want to go back to normal life, so that everyone talks to you, so that NPCs do not exclaim when you appear, “Ah, a vampire! Get out!” So what should we do then?

You will need books "Vampires of Vvardenfell Volume II" or "Records of Galur Ritari". You can find them, for example, in Vivec's library or Kagrenac's library beyond the Phantom Reach (Tureinulal). After reading them, you will learn that there is a cure for vampirism. It's time to head to the Daedric ruins of Bal Ur, near the city of Surana. The Daedric prince Molag Bal, or rather his statue, will give you a task, and upon successful completion, he will relieve you of vampirism. And now - oh joy! – You will again see the sun in the morning sky of Morrowind, and the inhabitants will again be polite and friendly with you, unless, of course, you have killed someone in public before...

When playing as a vampire character, try to avoid conflicts in cities. Otherwise, you will then have to pay astronomical sums to the guards in fines...

Morrowind / Vampires

~Vampire Quests~

In the official version of Morrowind, there are many bugs in vampire quests; to solve this problem, I recommend downloading GFM.

Clan quests:


1. Blood of the Vampire Qvarr

The leader of the clan, Raxle Burne (Dwemer stronghold of Galom Deus), will ask you, first, to prove your loyalty to the clan. You will need to bring him a vial of Kvarra's vampire blood, which the leader of Kvarra uses to maintain his powers. The leader's name is Volrina Quarra, and she is located in the Dwemer fortress of Druskashti. You can find it if you go west from the fishing village of Huul. You can also go north from Maar Gan through a gorge that ends in the north with the sea and a broken ship. It contains two Dwemer fortresses, you need the one to the north. Vampires can be killed, but it’s better to just sneak around (after all, the Berne are a clan of thieves, with excellent advantages to “stealth”). The vial you need is easy to find - it is in a small, locked Dwemer barrel not far from Volrina. If you did not take a pair of master keys with you, then Volrina herself has the key. With the blood, return to Raxla, and he will give you the opportunity to use two clan “sellers”.

2. Kill Mertha

Raxle Berne will ask you to kill a vampire named Merta. She left the clan and is now busy recapturing vampires for their cattle. This is not good. Mertha can be found in the Reloth Tomb, west of Maar Gan (southeast of Khuul). The closest landmark that will help you find this tomb is the Daedric Shrine of Melkashisha. Go south from Melkashishi and you will find a tomb there. It is small in size, Merta is located at the far end. Kill her without hesitation - she won’t even talk to you, she will immediately attack. Returning back to the head of the clan, you will receive a magic spell that will teleport you back to Galom Deus.

3. Kill 12 vampires

Raxle will ask you to kill several vampires who belong to the rival clans of Quarra and Aunda. The number of vampires is not stated explicitly, but there are twelve in total. Once you kill all twelve, return to Berna. You can visit Druskashti. If you're afraid of a good fight, look for low-level vampires in Dulo's Tomb, west of Tel Uvirith, and other places. If you killed a certain number of “alien” vampires before this task, then they will also be counted towards you. Return to Berna and you will be given permission to heal the vampire beasts using the Vampire Touch spell.


1. Find Downine's son

The leader of the Aunda clan is located at the very bottom of Ashmelech, to get there, use the levitation spell. Dawnine will require you to find out what her son, who she had before she became a vampire, is doing now. She will give you a signet ring and tell you that it would be a good idea to start with Sadrith Mora. Go to the city's Mages Guild and talk to Tusamirkil - he will tell you that the ring is similar to what Sinyaramen wore at one time. But you can’t get close to him so easily (you are now a vampire - an unpleasant person in all respects), so it would be nice to take with you the potion that Tusamirkil prepared for this as an excuse. But Tusamirkil does not know where to find Sinyaramen, Iniel knows this, in the same guild, she will tell you that she saw such a ring in the tavern at the gate. Signyaramen is located on the second floor of the tavern, but he will not talk to you without a potion. Talk to him about family hump, about "killed by people like you" and about "Vilandon". It turns out that Vilandon, the son of that same Aund, was the grandfather of Sinyaramen, and was killed by a vampire named Kjeld. Well, you've learned everything you need. Return to Downine with information. She will immediately order you to kill Kjeld. This is a vampire of the Kvarra clan who can be found on the upper level of the clan headquarters in Druskashti. Return to Daunain with news of Kjeld's death, and she will give you the opportunity to use the services of the clan (Mororung and Gladrun).

2. Kill the vampire hunter

The leader of the Aunda clan will ask you to kill a vampire hunter who is going to visit Ashmelech. They didn’t tell you his name, but it is known that he lives somewhere in Ald’ruhn. By the way, you will need to kill him for a reason, but in the light of day and in front of witnesses. Go to Ald’ruhn and ask around at the Mages Guild. You learn that the vampire hunter's name is Ano Vando, and he is walking near the mages guild with his ebony shield. When you kill him, make sure it is during the day and someone is nearby to tell the story of the hunter's brutal slaying of his supposed toothy prey. Return to headquarters, tell Downine that Vando has been killed, and be rewarded with an amulet that returns you to headquarters. Please note that even though Wando items are very powerful, do not try to use them in vampire form, because they (the items) will not like you.

3.Kill 12 vampires

The clan leader will ask you to kill twelve vampires from the Kvarra and Berne clans. Go ahead and take action. Once twelve vampires are killed, return back to Downine and get permission to milk the "cattle". Don't forget that all previous other people's vampires you killed are added to the total.


1. Kill Irarak

The leader of the Kvarra clan, Volrina Kvarra (the Dwemer fortress of Druskashti), will demand that you kill a vampire named Irarak, who imagines himself to be the new God. Irarak is located in the Tomb of Ginith, southwest of Ald Velothi. The tomb is very small in size, so you can easily find Irarak. From the very beginning you are not attacked, and you can chat with both Irarak himself and four of his followers. You will have a choice: kill him or let him bribe you. If you choose the second, you will become richer by a thousand coins, but as soon as you return to Volrina, you will instantly fly out of the clan. After killing Irarak, return to Volrina and gain access to the clan's services (Areas and Kjeld).

2. Hunt for ingredients

Volrina Quarra will ask you to get some ingredients for her magical experiments. Here is the list:
5 Ornate Sapphire Amulets
2 Salts of the Void
1 Heart of the Daedra
1 Ectoplasm
1 Human skull
1 Vampire Ashes

This task is quite difficult, because... all these things are quite rare, especially amulets. Amulets can be found in various places, such as smugglers' caves. For example, you can search the Yasamsi Cave, near Hla Oud. They can also be in Ald'rune near a large scar. You can try to steal a couple of amulets from rich houses. The skull can be found in a bunch of different places, for example, in the Caldera Mages Guild, as well as in tombs. The remaining four ingredients can be found in Telvanni or from the alchemists in the magic guilds. Return to Volrina and receive an amulet that takes you back to headquarters.

3. Kill 12 vampires

A standard quest, as the name suggests. Proceed in the same way as in the case of the two clans described above. Once completed, you will be able to use the clan’s “cattle.”

Additional quests:

1. Sanvin Lletri.

If you ask around the magic guild Ald'runa about rumors, you will find out that the young and stupid Sanvin Llethri, who lives in the Llethri mansion under a large scar, wants to become a vampire. First, talk to his mother Fatasa Llethri, she is one of the few people who who will be able to talk to you. She will say that her son has a fixed idea - he thinks that vampirism will give him the opportunity to achieve strength and respect. She will ask you to convince your son of the opposite. So, go talk to Sanvin. The young fool wants you to. bitten, he is the very embodiment of puppyish enthusiasm. Don’t even try to appeal to reason - instead, try to choose the most offensive answers, causing anger in him. At first he will simply be offended, and then he will not tolerate ridicule and will attack. perhaps, if you are a very charming vampire), then use the insult mode. So he took out a dagger and attacked you. Now remember the instructions of his mother - the young fool must be convinced that vampires are not so strong. So just stand there and don't respond to his blows. When your health has deteriorated by more than half, he will declare himself the winner and “realize” that he was mistaken in assessing the strength of vampires. A happy mother will give you a very useful fire protection ring.

2. Kill Marara

Be curious about the rumors in Tel Mora. You will learn that a powerful vampire has recently been involved in serial murders. This is Marara. Find her in the Drethan Tomb, southwest of Ald Daedroth. She seems to be tired of her life and wants to die, which is why she attacks people. She wants to be killed by someone of her blood - perhaps even you. By killing her, you will receive her ring.

3. Help Mastrius, Azura's victim.

If you travel inside the Ghostreach, you may come across the Tomb of Salvel, where the vampire Mastrius lives. He will tell you a sob story about how Azura herself imprisoned him in this tomb, and that he cannot get out of it. He will ask you to bring him a shield called Spell Breaker and a Daedra Heart. The heart can be easily found in alchemy shops. The shield is located in the Gnomish ruins of Btuand, far west of Tel Mora (northwest of the Incarnation Cave or west of Zergonipal). Look for him behind the rocks in the inner section of the ruins. There is also a representative of the Daedra wandering around there, whose heart will be perfect for your purposes. Return to Mastrius with the shield and the heart, and he will ask you for one more favor...your power to break the spell. If you agree, he will use a spell to take half your health and fatigue. After this he will attack you. By killing him, you will receive a full set of ebony armor.

4. Kill Shashev

Talk to Sirilonwe at the Mages Guild in Vivec. Tell her to "kill someone". Sirilonwe will ask you to kill a rival named Shashev, in the Ald-Skar tavern, in Ald'rune, and bring his key. Kill Shashev, take everything he has, including the key and a good ring. Return to Sirilonwe with Shashev's key.

5. Find vampire ashes

Talk to Sirilonwe again after finishing the previous quest and receive the next one. You will need to get three portions of vampire ashes for her. It can be found on dead vampires, in individual alchemy shops (look in Ald'rune, Sadrith Mora). Return with the ashes to Sirilonva and get a nice amulet.

6. Kill Rimintil

Speak with Raven Omain, at the Telvanni consuls' house in Sadrith Mora. She will ask you to kill Rimintil, who can be found in the central tower in Tel Vos. There you can also find a good collection of Dwemer armor. After completing the order, return to Raven and receive a fire protection robe.

7. Steal Quarr's blood

Talk to Raven Omine again and she will give you another quest. You need to steal Quarr's blood (see the first mission for the Berne clan). If you belong to the Berne clan and have already stolen this blood once, then look for it in Raxle's pockets. If not, then it still lies in a locked barrel, which is located near the head of the Qarra clan, who lives in the Dwemer ruins of Druskashti, which are located east of Hoole. By donating Raven's blood, you will receive the Dwemer Blade of Evasion.

The law of Morrowind prohibits appearing in cities and villages with a covered face - this may raise suspicions of vampirism and end up at the stake of the Inquisition for you.

“...It is clear that we are stronger, faster and more focused than ordinary beings. You will find that your body is not as fragile as the body of an ordinary person. Diseases mean nothing to you, and those who try to paralyze you will certainly fail. We glide through the night with ease, always staying alert. And, of course, we can suck out a warm-blooded one, restoring our own life force...”

How to become a vampire

In order to become infected with vampirism you need to:

1. Find a vampire.

2. During a fight with a vampire, become infected with the disease “Crownted Hemophilia”.

Hemophilia crowned is a disease of vampirism, which can be contracted during a fight with vampires or when searching the corpse of a bloodsucker (that is, when blood, saliva or ashes of a vampire get into the wound). High immunity can protect against this infection.

3. Sleep for a total of 72 hours.

Three days after infection, the subject will experience a strange dream. He will wake up as a vampire of the clan who infected him.

P.S.: Separately, it is worth noting the vampire Marara, who infects from the first bite (kiss) and, in addition to all the bonuses of the Berne clan, additionally gives +75 recovery.

Vampire Clans

“We are dark creatures that hunt warm-blooded creatures. Our strength is great, but our weaknesses are few. There are three main clans: Aunda, Berne and Quarra. But there are others in this world, they live like cattle in tombs underground..."

In Vvanderfell, there are three main clans of vampires, waging an eternal struggle among themselves for sole dominance. Moreover, each of the clans has its own unique set of abilities and methods of fighting for this dominance.

Each clan has several tombs scattered throughout Vvardenfell, and one main Lair where the clan elders live.

A person who becomes a member of one of the vampire clans forever becomes a mortal enemy for representatives of the other two clans. This looks strange against the backdrop of general persecution and hunting for vampires, but it is true.

Aunda Clan (Mages)

Head of the clan Downine Aunda

“...We are the most blessed of all the damned. In addition to all the powers that vampires possess, our dark powers are in the mind, while the rest of the weaker clans are more gifted physically. Our path through the darkness relies on magic, and in this we are truly gifted. Once you become a member of the Aunda clan, you will be much more powerful than vampires from other clans. We have achieved perfection of body and mind. We are a great clan..."

Vampires of Aundh have a strong will, of all types of magic they have a predisposition to mysticism and, as a rule, are excellent at handling short blades.

The main lair of the Aunda clan is located in the Shigorad region, southwest of Dagon Fel. In ruins Ashmelech.

Additional lairs:

  • Tomb of Sareti (Shigorad District) northwest of Dagon Fel.
  • Tomb of Dulo (Moghal Amur District) west of Galom Dias.
  • Aralen's Tomb south of Zainab Camp.

Clan Quarra (Warriors)

Head of the clan Volrina Quarra.

“...We stand apart from all clans! Our gift is so great that our power is almost unlimited. Our dark forces make us excellent predators, excellent warriors. Those who live in the sunlight tremble at our very name. By becoming a member of the Quarra clan, you will receive an incomparable gift. Your strength and combat skills will be so great that you will forget about armor and weapons, since you simply won’t need them...”

Vampires of Quarra are very strong and, as a result, have excellent command of blunt weapons and heavy armor.

The lair of the Quarra clan is located in the mountains, near Foyada Bani Dad, east of Huul, in the ruins Druskashti.

Additional lairs:

  • Tomb of Serano (Ashlen District) near Galom Diaz.
  • Tomb of Hleran (Western Highlands Region) west of Aldrun.
  • Alen's Tomb (Western Highlands Region) southeast of Hooul.

The clan's only lone vampire, Mastrius, is found in Salvel's Tomb. It's beyond the Phantom Reach southwest of Nchuleft.

Clan Berne (Thieves)

Head of the clan Raxle Berne.

“...We are the true masters of the night. Only we use our dark power for its intended purpose. Sliding through the night, unseen in the shadows, we hunt our victims secretly and silently. Vampires from the Berne clan move like a shadow. Silently and unnoticeably. We are much more agile than other vampires, and even on crowded streets no one will notice us. Our victims never sense our approach... until their blood is on our lips..."

Berne are excellent thieves, they are more dexterous than other vampires, true masters of stealth and combat without armor.

The main lair of the Berne clan - located on the shore of a lava lake in the dwarven ruins called Galom Deus, in the northern part of Molag Amur.

Additional lairs:

  • Raviro's Tomb (Azura Coast Region) west of Molag Mar.
  • Tomb of Othrelas (Ascadian Islands Region) north of Vivec.
  • Andreti's Tomb southeast of Chlormaren.

In addition, the four vampires of this clan travel independently. You should look for them in the following places:

  • Marara, an island south of the Dwemer ruins of Akadark;
  • Mertha, southeast of Hooul;
  • Irarak, next to the road from Gnisis to Ald Velothi. Go southeast of the dwarven ruins of Arkngtunch;
  • Calvario, a tomb located southwest of the Ashlander camp of Ahemmuza.

It is worth noting that there are also vampires on Vvardenfell who do not belong to any of the clans. They live, as a rule, in old abandoned tombs. Vampires from the clans despise them, consider them inferior creatures and, on occasion, exterminate them.

Features of Vampires

“...Almost everyone who lives in sunlight is wary of us. Some magicians tolerate us, but others are disgusted by us. And the sunlight... don't go out into the light. It will kill you..."

Vampire Strengths:

  1. Vampires have complete immunity to common diseases, paralysis, and 50% resistance to conventional weapons (i.e. bone, iron, and steel).
  2. Vampires have the Vampire Touch spell, which sucks the life out of the victim.
  3. Vampires do not need to eat to stay alive because blood is very effective means restoration of health, and if we take into account the refusal of temples and hotels to provide them with their services, then this path becomes increasingly attractive.
  4. Although levitation takes away mana from vampires, it is significantly less than a similar spell for ordinary mortals.

Vampire Weaknesses:

  1. In exchange for new abilities, the vampire pays with 50% vulnerability to fire and fire spells.
  2. A new deadly enemy is sunlight.
  3. The inability to be in daylight, especially in clear weather, means you will have to spend your days in houses, caves or dungeons.
  4. Due to the constant nightmares that torment the vampire during sleep, he cannot fully regenerate his health; to replenish it, he has to use the “vampire’s touch” spell.
  5. Merchants and others will not want to deal with the living dead, so the purchase/sale of goods for the vampire will only be possible in the main Lair of the clan or in the territory of the Telvanni House, which treat them normally. The Mages Guild is also tolerant of vampires.
  6. The vampire will not be able to use the striders' Silt, and the mages will not allow teleportation - this means that you will have to rely only on your legs.

Other features of the life of a vampire:

  1. There are some things that vampires clearly don't like.
  2. It is deadly dangerous for vampires to appear in populated areas, because their faces change after being converted and it is difficult to distinguish a bloodsucker from normal person or the measure is not difficult, only guards have the right to be in cities and villages in closed helmets and masks; all others, according to the law of Morrowind, can be sent to the stake for such an act.
  3. The vampire population in Morrowind is not very large, as they are widely despised and constantly hunted.
  4. Powerful vampire magicians can easily create a spell that restores damage from sunlight(health regeneration over a long period of time). This will require high magical skill and a lot of mana.
  5. Vampires do not have the ability to see in the dark.
  6. Although the profession of vampire hunters is not a particularly honorable one and there are few of them left, at least one of them is actively engaged in his business.
  7. Once cured, the subject will lose all abilities, characteristics and skills acquired through the terrible disease and will never be able to contract vampirism again.
Material taken from the site crpg.ru

The game features three clans of vampires. This:
Aunda (Mages)
Quarra (Warriors)
Berne (The thieves)

Clans wage an eternal struggle among themselves for sole dominance... Each clan has its own unique set of abilities.

Each clan has several tombs...and one main lair...

A character can become infected with vampirism or the disease Crowned Hemophilia from another vampire. Infection can occur during a fight with a vampire, the disease is transmitted when the vampire inflicts damage on the character with melee weapons or fists... It is much less likely that infection can occur when searching for the corpse of a vampire.
If infection occurs, then, after sleeping for three days, the character wakes up as a vampire of the same clan as the vampire who infected him.
The likelihood of becoming infected with vampirism for characters with high resistance to common diseases, high luck, and for characters who have already recovered from Corprus is very small. In order to increase the likelihood of infection, you can use potions or spells that reduce luck and reduce resistance to common diseases.

Strengths and weaknesses of vampires

TO strengths applies:
- complete immunity to common diseases, paralysis and 50% resistance to conventional weapons.
- a “vampire touch” spell that sucks the life out of the victim.
- increase in characteristics and skills. All vampires, regardless of clan, receive +30 to the following skills: acrobatics, athletics, unarmored combat, illusions, sneaking, mysticism, destruction and hand-to-hand combat. +20 to the characteristics: strength, willpower and speed. Depending on the clan, the vampire also receives +20 to skills and characteristics. Aunda: willpower, short blades, mysticism, destruction. Berne: agility, sneaking, unarmored combat, hand-to-hand combat. Quarra: Strength, Blunt Weapons, Melee, Heavy Armor.

Weaknesses include:
- 50% vulnerability to fire and fire spells.
- Sunlight causes damage to the vampire... This can be compensated by enchanting any piece of equipment for constant healing.
- ...cannot fully regenerate health, to replenish it you have to use the “vampire touch” spell.
- They really don’t like vampires and most NPCs refuse to deal with vampires, so a vampire can only trade in the clan’s lair, on the territory of the Great House of Telvanni, this house is tolerant of vampires, the Mages Guild is also tolerant. Due to a bad attitude, a vampire cannot receive most non-vampire quests from House Telvanni or the Mages Guild. Although it is quite possible for a vampire character to complete the main quest, it will require significantly more effort and the storyline will be greatly changed - many quests available to non-vampires will drop out of it.

Vampire Clans

Aundae clan
We are the most blessed of all the damned. In addition to all the powers that vampires possess, our dark powers are in the mind, while the rest of the weaker clans are more gifted physically. Our path through the darkness relies on magic, and in this we are truly gifted.

Chief of the Dhaunayne Aundae clan

Aund's additional benefits include willpower, mysticism, short blades and destruction at +20.

The main lair of the Aunda clan is located in the ruins of Ashmelech. (Shigorad area, southwest of Dagon Fel)

Other lairs:
- Tomb of Sareti (Shigorad District) northwest of Dagon Fel.
- Dulo Tomb (Moghal Amur District) to the west of Galom Dias..
- Aralen's Tomb south of Zainab Camp.

1. Blood ties
Dawnine will require you to find out what happened to her son, whom she has not seen since becoming a vampire. She will say that her family lived in Sadrith Mora and give family ring. In Sadrith Mora, a member of the mage guild Inel will say that she saw such a ring on an elf in a tavern. Tusamirkil from the same guild will say that he has already seen such a ring on Altmera named Sinyaramen, but Sinyaramen most likely will not talk to the vampire. However, Tusamirkil has a potion that Sinyaramen ordered, and if you deliver the potion, Sinyaramen will communicate with you. Sinyaramen will tell you that the wanted elf is his grandfather, that he was a vampire hunter and was killed by a vampire named Kjeld. Having learned about this, Downine Aunda will order the death of this Kjeld. This is a vampire of the Kvarra clan, who can be found on the upper level of the clan headquarters in Druskashti. As a reward for killing Kjelda, Daunain will allow you to use the services of the clan in the Ashmelah fortress.

2. Vampire Hunter
Downine Aunda will ask you to kill a vampire hunter who was sniffing out something in the Ashmelech region. She wants this hunter killed and killed during the day in front of witnesses, so that it is a warning to all possible future vampire hunters. All that is known about him is that he operates from Aldrun. The local magicians' guild will tell you that the hunter's name is Ano Vando and he can be found on the street not far from the guild. When you kill, make sure it is daytime and there are potential witnesses nearby. As a reward, you will receive from Downine the Amulet of Aunda, which can transport the character to the headquarters.
After completing the quest to kill the vampire hunter, Dawnine will task you with killing vampires of other clans. Once twelve or more vampires from other clans have been killed, return back to Downine and turn in the quest. As a reward, you will receive permission to use livestock. You have rid the world of clans opposing us. As a reward, I allow you to use the cattle in Ashmelech. But don't kill them. This will really upset me.

Clan Quarra
We stand apart from all clans! Our gift is so great that our power is almost unlimited. Our dark forces make us excellent predators, excellent warriors. Those who live in the sunlight tremble at our very name

The head of the clan is Volrina Quarra.

Quarr's benefits include strength, blunt weapons, heavy armor and melee at +20.

The main Lair of the Quarra clan is located in the ruins of Druskashti.

Other clan lairs:
- Tomb of Serano (Joshlen area, near Galom Diaz).
- Tomb of Hleran (Western Highlands region, west of Aldrun).
- Alen's Tomb (Western Highlands region, southeast of Hooul).
The lone vampire of this clan, Mastrius, is located in Salvel's Tomb (beyond the Phantom Reach southwest of Nchuleft).

Clan quests (given by the clan head):

1. Cult of Lord Irarak
The leader of the clan, Volrina Quarra, gives the task to kill Irarak, a vampire thief and leader of a dark cult of himself, his beloved. This vampire lives in the tomb of Ginit, northwest of Gnisis, you can find out about this in Gnisis itself. You can kill Irarak, or you can take money from him, but then the character will be thrown out of the Quarra clan. As a reward for killing Irarak, the character will be allowed to use the services of the clan.

2. Quarr's amulets
Volrina Quarra will ask you to get some ingredients for her magical experiments. You need to bring: five elaborate sapphire amulets; two servings of void salts; heart of the Daedra; some ectoplasm; human skull; vampire's ashes As a reward, you will receive an amulet that returns you to the clan headquarters.
After completing the quest to collect ingredients, if you have already killed 12 or more vampires of other clans, you will be allowed to use livestock; if you have not yet killed enough other people’s vampires, you will be sent to hunt for them.

Clan Berne
We are the true masters of the night. Only we use our dark power for its intended purpose. Sliding through the night, unseen in the shadows, we hunt our victims secretly and silently

The head of the clan is Raxle Berne.

Berne's advantages relate to agility, stealth, combat without armor and hand-to-hand combat at +20.

The main lair of the Berne clan is located on the shores of a lava lake in the ruins called Galom Deus, in the northern part of Molag Amur.

Other clan lairs:
Raviro's Tomb (Azura Coast region, west of Molag Mar.)
Tomb of Othrelas (Area of ​​the Ascadian Islands north of Vivec.)
Tomb of Andreti (southeast of Chlormaren).

Clan quests (given by the clan head):

1. Blood of Quarr
The leader of the clan, Raxle Burne, will give him the task of bringing him a vial of Quarra's vampire blood, which the leader of Quarra uses to maintain his powers. A vial of blood can be found in the central lair of the Quarra clan, in a small locked Dwemer barrel near Volrina. As a reward for delivering blood, you will be allowed to use the services of the clan.

2. Vampire Merta
Raxle Berne's next quest is to kill a vampire named Merta, because she left the clan and is now engaged in taking the clan's cattle. Mertha can be found in the Reloth Crypt (west of Maar Gan). As a reward, you will receive an amulet that allows you to return to the clan's lair. To obtain permission to use livestock, you must kill at least 12 vampires of other clans.

General vampire quests.

1. Imprisonment of Mastrius
The vampire Mastrius lives in the tomb of Salvel. He was imprisoned in this dungeon by Azura herself, many centuries ago. Mastrius asks to help him escape, for this he needs to bring the “Spell Breaker” shield and the heart of the Daedra. The shield is found in the Btuand Ruins, northwest of the tomb, behind some rocks in the inner section of the ruins. Having received the shield and heart, Mastrius will ask for one more favor; he needs some of your strength. If you agree, he will take half your health and stamina, and then attack. A full set of ebony armor can be removed from Mastrius's corpse.

2. Shashev's Key
Sirilonwe, from the Mages Guild in Vivec, will ask you to kill a rival named Shashev. Shashev lives in the Ald-Skar tavern, which is in Ald'rune, and bring his key. After completing this quest, the Golden Mark sword can be upgraded to the Brand of Yelton sword

3. Vampire Ashes
After completing the quest Shasheva's Key, Sirilonwe will give you another task. She needs three portions of vampire ashes for the spell. Reward: Amulet of Feeding Jewels.

4. Tired vampire
From rumors in Tel More, you can learn about a vampire who lives nearby. She is tired of unlife and wants to cease existing, but she does not want to die at the hands of a mortal. This vampire, named Marara, can be found in the Dretan tomb.

5. The boy who wants to become undead
In the magic guild Ald'runa, you will learn that young Sanvin Lletri wants to become a vampire. Talk to his mother Fatasa Lletri, she will ask you to convince him. It is useless to persuade Sanvin. Force him to attack you and let him win, after which he will give up the idea of ​​​​becoming a vampire As a reward from his mother, you will receive a ring of protection from fire.

6. Kill Rimintil
Raven Omain, in the house of the Telvanni consuls in Sadrith Mora, asks to kill Rimintil. Rimintil can be found in the central tower in Tel Vos. As a reward, the Mantle of Flame Reflection.

7. Blood for Mrs. Drata
Raven Omain will give you another quest; Mrs. Drata wants to obtain the Blood of the Ancient Quarr for research. (See the first mission for the Berne clan). As a reward you will receive the Sword of Dodge.

Cure for Vampirism

The cure for vampirism is written in the book Vampires of Vvardenfell Volume II. Although the Dunmer believe that the disease is incurable, a member of the Eternal Guard called Galur Rithari once claimed to have been cured of vampirism. Initially imprisoned by the Temple for heresy, he later repented, was released, and served the remainder of his years as a librarian at the Hall of Wisdom in Vivec. Interestingly, before he was imprisoned for heresy, Rythari was sent to the Eternal Guard garrison at Bal Ur, a place of pilgrimage known as the "Home of Molag Bal."

You can find her copies of this book in the following places:

At Jobashi Rare Books, Vivec
In the Secret Library of the Hall of Justice, Vivec
In the Kagrenac Library, Toureynulal
In the Tower of Vas, west of Dagon Fel
In the ruins of Galom Deus, west of the Erabenimsun camp
In Mavia Cave, southeast of Molag Mar
In the Tel Vos tower
In Odirniran Tower, east of Molag Mar.

And in a rare document written by a resident: “Notes of Galur Ritari”, which also tells the method of cure.
And it was in Bal Ur, at the altar located deep in the caves below the holy spring, that I turned to the Lord of Troubles, Molag Bal. I was surprised and terribly frightened when Molag Bal, or one of his servants, offered to cure me of vampirism in exchange for a favor. I understood that my soul could not be saved if I was not cured, so I agreed.
[Ritari found the cursed soul stone deep in a cave on the northern slopes of Dagoth Ur and took it to Molag Bal in Bal Ur.]
"I placed the stone in a bowl in front of the altar and immediately experienced unbearable pain and horror, which is difficult to express in words. It seemed to me that thousands of sharp daggers were cutting me into small pieces. I woke up in front of the altar. Looking at my reflection on the blade of my sword, I I no longer saw him as a vampire with fangs and empty eyes."
There are three copies of the document: in the Dwemer ruins of Galom Deus, in the observatory; in the secret library of Vivec; in Toureynulal, Kagrenac's library.

To recover from vampirism, you need to read “The Notes of Galur Ritari.” Go to the Shrine of Molag Bal in Bal Ur and talk to the statue of Molag Bal. In exchange for a cure for vampirism, Malag Bal demands that he complete his quest. We must kill his daughter Malag Grunda and her husband, a frost atronach named Nomeg Gwai. They live in the cave of Dabdilla, south of Vos.
After being cured, the player will lose all abilities, characteristics and skills acquired through the terrible disease and will never be able to become infected with vampirism again.

Author's translation, processing and extensive reflections
- Professor Judge_Den aka Bjorn.
The text for translation and author's processing was obtained from the resource: http://m0use.net/~uesp/morrow/quest/mw_qvampire.shtml
Special thanks for the console solutions to Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences Captain_Fox.
Thanks to Professor Walkcat for his persistence in fixing my bugs. And also for playing for the Aundae clan, called AUND for some reason...
Thanks to Lady Anfisa for playing for the vampire clan "Quarra"...

Quests for Vampires are purely optional and not necessary to complete any of the plot branches. And all sorts of bells and whistles given for these quests are sometimes easily shaken out of vampire corpses. (The Ring of Marara, for example.) But alas, apparently not always.


The opportunity to become a Vampire and put the famous maestro Dracula to shame opens up 11 quests for you to complete, and in addition, becoming a vampire you will receive the following Abilities and Skills:
+20 to Strength, Willpower, and Speed
+ 30 Prowl, Athletics, Acrobatics, Melee, Unarmoured, Mysticism, Illusion, and Destruction, immunity to Paralysis and Common Diseases.
+ 50 Resistance to damage by normal weapons,
Damage to health from sunlight,
Absorbing someone else's health through the Vampiric Touch spell,
Levitation Spell: Becomes longer lasting and cheaper.

Depending on which of the three available vampire clans you have joined (or have been joined), you will additionally experience:
Bernsky (Almost Bjornsky, the vampires have completely gone wild...) Clan:
+20 to Agility, additionally +20 to Prowl, Unarmored Combat, and Melee.
Aundae Clan:
+20 to Short Blades, additionally +20 to Willpower, Mysticism, and Destruction.
Quarra Clan:
+20 Blunt weapons, additional +20 to Strength, Melee, and Heavy Armor.

Cons of vampires:
You do not regain health while sleeping (although fatigue and mana are unaffected). The only way restore health through the spell "Vampire's Touch".
Also, one of the problems with vampires is that few people actually like them, and many also strive to get into trouble. Exceptions are Mages and Telvani.

How to become a Vampire:

Vampirism is actually a disease. Just a little special. To get sick, you have to let yourself be bitten by a vampire. Like, say, an ash ulcer, vampirism can be contracted from any of the bites.
Remove the armor first. You still have to bite through it. Try biting yourself on the heel in a boot... Have you tried it? So how is it? Easily?
I think that if you are very “lucky”, the chances of infection are less and less... However, there is a way - to make a potion to “reduce luck” and “increase luck”. At the same time, I recommend removing the Alembic from the alchemist’s kit. Such a thing - its task is to reduce the performance characteristics of harmful effects and it is better to do all sorts of poisons without it. We came to visit, took off the armor, drank a potion to reduce luck (that is, decrease) and went for a vampire bite. They bit you on the heel - you got hemophilia - go to sleep. But before that you need to restore your luck... Otherwise... Hmm... you won’t wake up at all...
By the way, if you have immunity to common diseases, then, according to some data, this will not prevent you from contracting vampirism. (I haven’t checked it myself, but that’s what the bourgeoisie says. J_D)
Although if Lord Fir treated you from corprus (main quest), then there is no chance. In order to turn into a vampire, you must not treat the disease for a long time (i.e. the disease “Hemophilia of the Noble”). Methods like: eat the ashes of a vampire (similarly, one of the components of the ashes of vampires is “Hemophilia B.”) and sleep in a vampire crypt. In general, I think that if you combine all this, it will turn out to be fun... and you will manage to become a formidable night bloodsucker. And don’t even think about killing your brothers - after all, after you awaken, you will be with them just like Mowgli and Kaa the Boa Constrictor - the same blood, that is.

If everything is completely neglected for you, then there is still a chance: Through the use of Console commands. To remove immunity from the console, you need to enter:
player->removespell "common disease immunity"
player->removespell "blight disease immunity"
player->removespell "corprus immunity"
Having removed our immunity, we go for a bite. We get infected, then according to plan, i.e. we sleep and...
To return the immunities that you had, enter in the console:
player->addspell "common disease immunity"
player->addspell "blight disease immunity"
player->addspell "corprus immunity"

Oh, and one more thing... don't be afraid to become a vampire. It's not that scary. You can recover from vampirism, but (!) only once - forever.

Vampire clans:

In total there are three vampire clans, or bloodlines (Blood lines, blood lines...) which you can join: Bern, Aundae (aka prof. Walkcat OUND, or Quarra. As far as I understand, your clan depends on which clan vampire bit you. If this is Aundae, then you, accordingly, have no choice - you also become Aundae.
Although all vampires belong to one of the three bloodlines, there are 5 vampires who enjoy a certain independence from the clans.

Aundae Clan
The Aundae clan, led by Dhaunayne Aundae, is based in the Tomb of Ashmelech (on a medium-sized island, far southwest of Dagon Fel). Other Aundae lairs: Sarethi's Ancestral Tomb (Northwest of Dagon Fel), Dulo's Ancestral Tomb (West of Tel Uvirith) , and the Aralen Ancestral Tomb (South of Zainab Camp).

Bernese Clan
This clan, led by Raxle Burn, is found in the Dwemer ruins of Galom Daeus (West of Tel Urivith and Northwest of the Erabenisum camp). Other Bernese vampires can be found in Raviro's Ancestral Tomb (West of Molag Mar), Othrelas' Ancestral Tomb (North of the city of Vivec), and Andrethi's Ancestral Tomb (West of Balmora). Four of the five "independent" vampires are also from the Bern bloodline. These are: Marara in the Drethan Ancestral Tomb (far at the southern end of the island from Dagon Fel), Merta in the Reloth Ancestral Tomb (West of Maar Gan and northeast of Gnisis), Irarak (Irarak) in the Ginith Hereditary Tomb (Northwest of Gnisis), and Calvario in the Nerano Hereditary Tomb (Tel Vos Area (thanks to Walkcat for the correction)).

Quarra Clan
The Quarra clan, led by Volrine Quarra, is based in the Dwemer ruins of Druscashti (East of Khuul). Other vampires of this clan hang out in Serano's Ancestral Tomb (West of Tel Uvirith), Alen's Ancestral Tomb (southeast of Khuul), and Hleran's Ancestral Tomb (West of Ald'ruhn). The "independent" vampire is Mastrius, belongs to the Quarra bloodline and lies in a coffin in the Salvel Ancestral Tomb (Northwest of Zeinab camp).

Each clan has three quests that are offered only to its members. There are also 8 general quests open to members of any vampire clan. Thus, you are limited to 11 of the possible 17 quests as a vampire. To begin with, I will describe the quests for the Bjorn clan and general ones. Subsequently, it is possible that more will be added for other clans.



1) Vampire blood potion of Quarrs.
The leader of the Bern clan, Raxle Bern, at the Dwemer Observatory Galom Daeus, wants you to obtain for him the potion "Quarra Vampire Blood", which feeds the power of the leader of the Quarra clan, Volrina. Volrina can be found in the Dwemer ruins of Druscashti. If you don’t feel like a superman (Quarr vampires are obscenely pumped up), then to complete this quest you will have to sneak around a lot and crawl around on your belly. Blood Potion can be found in a locked keg. If you are not a bugbear in life, then Volrina has a key. Returning to Raxle with the victory and potion will give you access to two of the clan's vendors in the ruins (Arenara and Germia).

2) Kill the Renegade! (Or "Song for the Death of Mert")
Ruxl Burn, from the Observatory (Astronomer, damn it...), orders the murder of the vile blood tax defaulter - the renegade vampire Mert. Mert can be found in the Reloth Ancestral Tomb west of Maar Gaan (and southeast of Khuul). The grave is small, Mert will sit in the depths and bare his teeth. Nothing will save the apostate from. After killing the bloodsucker, return to Raxle. The reward will be the ability to teleport back to Galom Daeus.

3) "...An aspen stake and a silver knife...!" or "...12 corpses near the tank will decorate the morning landscape!"
Yes, it’s just some kind of holiday! Raxl, apparently stunned by the unexpected appearance of Superman in his tribe, wants you to kill several “worthless” vampires belonging to the Quarra and Aundae clans. Or rather, you need to fill them up with 12 pieces of any name, height, gender, etc. As soon as the required number of corpses accumulates in your off-bank account, feel free to go to Raxl to show off. For this feat, Raxl Burn will give you permission to be healed using the clan's cattle (through the spell "Vampire's Touch"). Killing the latter is strongly discouraged. By the way, these cattle, as you probably already understood, are human slaves... You drink blood and cry... It’s a pity... By the way, the rest of the vampire clans are rumored to be no less bloodthirsty. Their latest quests are mirror-like. Kill them, you know, 12 opponents...

A brief summary of three quests of the vampire clan of Aunda.

Author of the abstract: Professor of our university Maestro Walkcat

Long-term attempts to treat noble hemophilia led to success in the Ashmelech cave. You can find it if you go southwest from Dagon Fel, cross the strait to the nearest island and find what you are looking for on it.

Excessive hostility to vampires, both before and after infection, as well as the confusion of passages and corridors, make travel through Ashmelech difficult. I was saved by the calming touch of everyone I met and crossed. The path to the head of the Dawnaine Aunda clan went as follows: entering Ashmelech, descending along a small corridor and meeting the first wampa; turn left and immediately right; first right turn in a long corridor, left and right again; in front of you is a hole in the floor, we boldly jump there, land, turn 1800 and in front of us is a large hall and the head of the clan. Of course, she is extremely unfriendly towards the newcomer.

Daunaina talks about her family and son Vilandan and wants to find out his fate - this is the first task. To complete it, she gives her family ring and sends him to Sadrith Mora. It is advisable to wear a ring.
In Sadrith Mora in the Mages Guild, Tusamirkil recognizes this ring and says that Sinyaramen wears the same one. T. says that he doesn’t know where S. is, gives a potion for S. and sends him to look. S. is located in the “Privratny” tavern on the 2nd floor. He doesn’t want to talk, but after receiving the potion he reveals that Vilandan devoted his life to hunting vampires and died at the hands of Kjeld.

The head of the clan, having listened to the report, orders Kjeld to be killed. I didn't have to do this, because... I killed this vampire earlier, passing behind the Temple. This was the second task.

In the third task, we are tasked with carrying out a demonstrative massacre of a vampire hunter living in Ald-Rhun. Moreover, all this must take place in public and in daylight. Arriving at Ald-Rhun at night, we go to the Mages Guild and ask about the hunter. We are told that his name is Ano Vando. We wait until the morning (6-00 local time), leave the guild and immediately come across this Ano to the right of the entrance (towards the Silt Striders parking lot). We kill him (you can pick up the ebony shield) and return (I used the Return spell). A direct relationship between damage received from sunlight and the height of the body above the horizon has been recorded. It is directly proportional to the height of the sun.

The third task is completed, we receive the amulet of Return and permission to use all the services available in Ashmelech.

PS. passing as Aundov remained the only opportunity for me to become a vampire, because... the remaining clans were cut out by me in previous tasks for other branches. It was not possible to complete the vampire branch due to the murder of Sirilonwe from Vivec at the very beginning of the game, while still playing for the Mages Guild. Alas, then I was still a green youth and crushed everyone indiscriminately.

Dmitry Zyabkin aka Walkcat

Walkthrough for those bitten by Volrina and Ko

I’ll start the story with sad news: there is a bug in the localization of the Russian version of Morrowind that makes it impossible to receive the second quest of the Quarra clan. To fix the problem you need to install a patch. The link will be later when it is finalized.

And now about the clan of Kuars (Kurars) Kvars (???):
After wandering through the two levels of the ruins of Druskashti, you can meet the following characters:
Volrina Quarra is the chieftain of the clan in luxurious glass armor with a poisonous sword. He likes to overload newcomers with work, as we will soon see. Siri is the clan's second man in full ebony armor; beauty, Komsomol member, athlete.
Kjeld is a blacksmith and gunsmith, you can buy (or steal) Daedric pants from him (hey, seekers of things for enchat, I meant Leggings... (Note J_D)) and wear them to the envy of all the vampires of Vvanderfell.
Knurguri and Pelf, brothers who look like two peas in a pod, pretend that they are protecting Druskashti, but in fact, as usual, they are parasitizing.
Areas is a merchant of all sorts of rubbish: he sells dishes, cheap clothes, weapons. By appearance resembles Fantômas, so it is not recommended to quarrel with him over cracks on a bowl you just bought.
Igna - judging by her simple white shirt, is a modest and poor girl, but we look into her pocket and... we discover that she is richer than everyone in the clan. So trust the vampires after this.
The seven livestock are servile and obsequious creatures with a difficult fate.

Having examined all the notable characters, we take a decisive step towards Volrina Quarra on the lower level of Druskashti. We discover that Volrina is not very polite and is in a foul mood, and all because of a certain vampire named Irarak. He, they say, created a whole cult of the name of his beloved and completely broke away from the team. Moreover, this outcast of the vampire race has found himself a quiet place somewhere in the Gnisis region and is preaching his false sermons there. The first task is to kill Irarak.
We leave Druskashti and run to the ancestral tomb of Ginit, which is northwest of Gnisis. In the tomb, "Lord Irarak" is unexpectedly discovered, surrounded by devoted disciples. After talking with Irarak, we receive from him an illegal offer - a bribe in the amount of 1000 USD. for leaving Their Lordship alone. Now remember or write it down: never take money from vampires! (The same thing, by the way, is taught in the story “The Trap,” which can be found in Druskashti and in many other equally cursed places). If you take his silver coins from Irarak, Volrina will definitely find out about it and will no longer want to know you, so you will still have to kill the vampire, and at the same time his frenzied minions. We search Irarak's corpse, and suddenly we discover something strange: there are no vampire ashes in it! Either he was not a vampire at all, or he managed to eat his ashes before his death, or the ashes rolled into a crack under a stone slab... Future generations of the inhabitants of Morrowind will have to figure this out. We return to Volrina with good news.
Volrina is surprised by the success in Irarak's case and, as a reward, allows us to use the services of the clan, i.e. buy and sell things, as well as repair weapons from a local self-taught blacksmith.

The second task is the most difficult (in my opinion, of course). Volrina has decided to make five amulets to support the dark forces of her clan and she requires raw materials, which include: 5 ornate sapphire amulets, 2 portions of putsota salts, 1 Daedra heart, 1 clot of ectoplasm, 1 skull and 1 vampire ashes.
Let's start our search with something simple:
-Void Salts can be obtained by killing a Winged Twilight or a Storm Atronach
-the heart of the Daedra is found in any Daedric ruins when killing a Daedra or simply lying on the floor
-ectoplasm can be pulled from the bodies of ghost gnomes (in various Dwemer ruins), as well as from the bodies of ancestral spirits, or simply taken from a seller (for example, in the Ald "rune temple); (by the way, I suspect that "ectoplasm" is just a confusing and the euphonious name for snot, which, no wonder, starts in the noses of the inhabitants of damp tombs and through ruins).
-there are also plenty of skulls in Morrowind, especially in the tombs and caves of the Sixth House (for example, in Salmantu, which is in the southeast of the Erabenimsum camp, they were found in the amount of 4 pieces), the laziest are recommended to steal a skull in Caldera in house Suran Leorian
-the ashes of a vampire can be taken from the body of almost any killed follower of the forces of Darkness (except Irarak) or rob one of the alchemists.
Then the most difficult part begins - the extraction of 5 (!) ornate sapphire amulets, and out of her natural kindness Volrina partisanly keeps silent about where they can be obtained. After a long search, it turns out that the sapphires are on the bodies of citizens dressed in blue frilly clothes (after all, everything should be in tone). Ladies in such dresses are found in abundance around the estates in Ald'rune. And for the most part, immediately after trying to talk to them, they are the first to attack the vampire who comes to visit, so if you don’t want to lose important game characters, remain silent. You can try to steal ( or kill at your own peril and risk), for example, Brara Morvayne and Neminda (both in the Redoran Council Hall and killing any of them cuts off the opportunity to complete the quests of the Redoran house completely!), Domez Saretti (Saretti estate), Relam Vilas (Venim estate), alchemist of the estate district - Tsienne Sintiv, in addition, you can get amulets at the following points:
-In Balmora on the corpse of Ralen Hlaalo in the Hlaalo estate,
-Steal there in the “Eight Plates” from Dulney Ralaal,
-Visit the ruins of Almurbalarami or Zaintiraris and search with the inhabitants there
-In Vivec, borrow an amulet from the clothing merchant Agrippina Herennia
-In the same place, but in the Redoran settlement near Drelse Dralor or in the District of St. Olmans near Yngling Polutroll
-In addition, there is an amulet in the Relez Ancestral Tomb
-There are a couple of amulets in Molag Mar at the Inn of St. Veloth and in the “Pilgrim’s Rest”
As soon as everything we need has been collected, hunched over under the load of stolen property, we return to the Main Vampire. To celebrate, Volrina even gives us one of the protective amulets she previously received, although this amulet turned out to be unsuccessful - it does not add any useful properties, but it allows us to return to Druskashti if we rub it with our palm. And that’s our Dracula thank you to her.

After exchanging specific vampiric pleasantries, Volrina issues the third and final task: to destroy as many vampires from the rival clans of Berne and Aunda as possible. By “as many as possible” we mean 12 vampire individuals, and vampires exterminated earlier (that is, before contracting vampirism) do not count. After the massacre, we return to Volrina for the last time, who, crazy with happiness, allows us to vampirize in full with the help of a special spell - “Touch of the Vampire”. Moreover, the clan's cattle can be used for this indecent activity. However, it is not recommended to kill the latter, otherwise all that will remain of the valiant conqueror of the Iraraks is a pile of gray dust...

I put my paws to drawing and passing Kuars - Lady Anfisa.


1) Sanvin Lletri or “I want to become a vampire, let them teach me...!”
As I said, magicians - normal guys. When they see vampires, they don’t grab the aspen, don’t splash holy water, and crack relatively little garlic. If you hang out in the vicinity of Ald'rune and go to the Mages Guild (and it is just not far from the southwestern gate - opposite the Guild of Fighters), then by asking the wizards about the rumors, you can find out that Sanvyn Llethri, who lives in Lletri's estate wants to become a vampire. This estate is in a huge shell. She is there alone in the whole of AldRun. First you need to talk to the unfortunate man's mother - a certain Fatas (the room is straight ahead, Sanvin, as you know - to the right). and Respect, and believes that the easiest way to gain it is to become a vampire. Mother is seriously worried about her son’s mental health and asks you to dissuade the guy from the fact that “vampires rule.” How to do this, the question is simple? . You need to talk to the milksucker using the “Persuasion” option. Choose the model’s answers: “You are a fool!”, “You are too weak to be a vampire!”, and “You don’t know anything!” parting words will make the guy kinder and he will splash out the excess kindness on you. Stand! Don't you dare hit a child! Stop, whoever you told! What did the boy's mother ask you for, thug? And you? Just stand there. And as soon as he starts winning (he will reduce your health by half) the boy will declare you defeated and say that all vampires are weaklings and he will not play with them. Q.E.D. As a reward, Fatas will give you a fire protection ring. Well, do you like doing good deeds?

2) “Tired of Blood” or “Marara Decides to Die” (dedicated to Paolo Coelho).
As you know, vampires feed.... No, not only that! Also rumors. In the city of Tel More, rumors reveal that a powerful vampire is killing people in the surrounding area. Recently, cases of bloodless victims with wounds on the throat have become more frequent. The population is terrified. Crack the garlic together and wash it exclusively with holy water. I’ll tell you a secret, otherwise you’ll get roasted under the sun while wandering around the surrounding area... A certain Marara, who lives, as usual, in the Hereditary Grave of the Drethan family (This is southwest of Ald Daedroth) is committing atrocities. When exchanging pleasantries with the hero of the occasion, it turns out that the poor thing is tired of hanging between life and death, she does not see the meaning in her gray existence, she wants to find eternal peace because she has already been dead for a long time. There are no other feelings in her, only melancholy gnaws at the heart that stopped centuries ago... But for her, death from a living person will be a shame. She wishes to be killed by one of her equals. The wish of a dying person is law. Do it. You can remove a certain useful Marara Ring from the corpse.

4) “The Antimonopoly Committee is on the warpath” or “The Murder of Shashev!”
In the glorious anthill city of Vivec in the Foreign Legion (sorry, I lied), i.e. block, in the Guild of Mages (Well, with whom, besides a magician, can an unfortunate worker of a mobile blood transfusion station have a heart-to-heart talk?) you can talk with a certain Sirilonwe about murder. In short, it turns out she has a competitor. Not only is he her rival, but he is also a vampire. In short, I spent a long time delving into what they wanted from me and why. Why - he never moved in, but I’ll tell you what they want: In the Ald-skar hotel in Ald'rune there lives a certain VAMPIRE (!) Shashev. This bloodsucker has a key belonging to Lady Sirilonve, which upsets her very much. She wants , so that Mr. Shashev would go on a “round-the-world” voyage along the fashionable river Styx, and the key would be returned to her beloved. Let’s go, let’s kill. read the next quest (see below)) We return the key to the dishonest magician. As far as I understand, the rest taken from the corpse is yours.

ATTENTION, Brothers, huge gratitude to Mr. Mumzik for revealing the SECRET OF ELTON'S STAR. And here's what they eat this secret with:

Help: "Elton's Brand" is a one-handed sword with the following characteristics:
attack 10-60,
effect on IMPACT:
Fire damage 10-30, increase attack by 30 for 30 sec (equivalent to the permanent effect in battle), restore stamina 10.
To receive the Elton Mark you must:
1) become a vampire of any clan
2) Approach Sirilonva (guild of magicians, Vivec), and take the quest to kill Shashev. Complete the quest. (After this, the same blueScript is activated)
3) Get a golden sword (Boethas statue quest)
4) Leave exactly 11171 coins in your pocket (Everything else seems to be logical, but coins are not mentioned anywhere except in the script!)
5) Enjoy a beautiful sword.

5) Ashes of Vampires: Buy or kill - that is the question. Forensic research for...
After the key is taken from Shashev, and the latter is more likely dead than alive, Lady Sirilonwe will ask you to find three pieces of Vampire's ashes. She needs them “for experiments.” Ashes, if you don’t already know, fall out in abundance from the corpses of killed vampires. For the very lazy, but rich, because this is actually the most precious ingredient in Morrowind, there is an easier way - to buy this Vampire ashes (From the alchemists in the Mages Guild in Ald'ruhn, from the alchemists in Sadrith Mora and Tel Arun). Now drag the ashes magician and get a reward for it - fashion amulet Precious stone.

6) “Black Raven, why are you hovering over my head...” or “White Arrow will eliminate the Champion.”
So, you go to the glorious Sadrith city, i.e. Sadrith Moru. In the city we are looking for the house of the council of all Telvans. In this house sits a certain Crow Omayn. Perhaps the latter is related to the crow purely phonetically, but in our specific case he clearly wants to feast on someone else's grave. Your job is to create it. In the central tower of Tel Vos sits a serious champion fighter. His name is Rimintil. In fact, the champion turns out to be completely unserious. Dressed in Dwemer armor. No, who needs such trash now? We return to Vorona and inform him that the matter was closed. In return, the guy, having rummaged through the bins, gives us some clothes “Flamemirror”, i.e., as far as I can understand based on my meager knowledge of English, “Flaming Mirror”.

7) "Blood is the engine of regression." or "OBEP is on the trail of illegal drug trafficking..."
Well, now Uncle Raven Omain has desired the “Quarra Vampire Blood” potion, which feeds the power of the leader of the Quarra clan, Volrina. Repetition is the mother of learning: Volrina can be found in the Dwemer ruins of Druscashti. If you don’t feel like a superman (Quarr vampires are obscenely pumped up), then to complete this quest you will have to sneak around a lot and crawl around on your belly. Blood Potion can be found in a locked keg. If you are not a bugbear in life, then Volrina has a key. wait, stop, we already took it from there, right? Well, who did they give it to? Exactly - to Uncle Raxl - the head of the Bern clan. This means that this blood must be drawn from him. Well, or don't whistle. A razor to the throat... Why do we need this Raxl now? Doesn't give quests, doesn't teach life. It's high time for the next world...
Bring the blood quickly to Raven (No, well, it’s not for nothing that they called him that, a scavenger - that’s what he is...), and he’s for you - this is a bulldog puppy, a saber and a drum... (joke) - some kind of artifact “Useless” Jinksword - that is, a cunning sword.


There are a lot of NPCs in Morrowind. Many of them can even speak. Some of the latter are not afraid of vampires. And some of those who do not rush at you with a cry of “cue” and a katana have information on how to recover from vampirism. You may also come across a rare book about the Vvardenfell Vampires, edition II (Sic!). Edition II was actually banned by the Temple, which explains its rarity. If you do not have this book, look for Skink-in-Tree's-Shade in the Mages Guild in Sadrith Mora, Estirdalin in the Balmora Mages Guild, or Smokey Morth in the Varo Tradehouse in Vos, so that they can tell you where to get it. Such a task, in in particular, will give you Skink (there is such a task in the Quests for the Mages Guild).

The few copies that exist and can be found: Jobasha's Rare Books, Vivec Waistworks (look for it on the top level, large green book) Tribunal Temple Secret Library in Vivec Mawia, a Wizard's lair SouthEast of Molag Mar Odirniran? , East of Molag Mar Vas, far West of Dagon Fel Tel Vos" Central Tower Galom Daeus, West of Tel Uvirith (in the Observatory) Tureynulal, Kagrenac"s Library, West of Dagoth Ur i.e.: Rare Books of Jobasha, Vivec Waistworks (look for it on the top level, big green book) Library of Secrets of the Tribunal Temple in Vivec Mawia, the Wizard's lair Southeast of Molag mar Odirniran, East of Molag mar; Vas far West of Dagon Fel Telephone Central Tower of Vos Galom Daeus, West of Uvirith Telephone (at the Observatory) Tureynulal, Kagrenac Library, West of Dagoth Ur You can also find a much rarer document, Private Papers Galur Rithari , A Floating Armiger that can only be found in Galom Daeus and Tureynulal.

The general meaning of the books is that you must first find the Daedric ruins to the North of Suran (Bal Yre). Having entered these, you need to exchange a few words with Derar Hlervu, who will inform you that in fact you need to talk to the statue. The statue of Bala is located there. This statue will send you on a journey to the cave of Dubdilla (South of Vos) where the daughter of Bal - Molag Grunda, and her wife - the atronach, Nomeg Gwaii, must be killed (rezat). No, well, dad can be understood... Just imagine... With an atronach... Brr... As the auto-translator said: "Bal is obviously angry about the company." Having killed those who are unfaithful to your father’s word, return to the statue and... Gradually, the disease will evaporate... Forever. And it won’t be possible to become infected again, because after you turn into a vampire, the script that does this is turned off and no longer works.

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If you still have questions that require our answers, welcome to seminars in our forum on TES III: Morrowind. Here, in particular, we can tell you console commands used, for example, to turn off the influence of sunlight, move from clan to clan, and other purely cheating features. But... Do you need it?
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Professor of Vvardenfellology,
Rector of the University of Morrowind Judge_Den aka Bjorn.
