
Volumetric heart made of cardboard. Paper hearts (6 original ways). Paper heart-shaped ring

Volumetric heart made of cardboard.  Paper hearts (6 original ways).  Paper heart-shaped ring

A heart using the origami technique has several options for making it; beginners in this art should practice on rough pieces of paper.

Simple paper heart - video

Watch the video tutorial: step by step production Valentine hearts using origami technique. Suitable for beginners.

You will need: a square sheet (for example, 20 by 20 centimeters) of red or hot pink paper.

By folding many of these hearts, you can make a garland by attaching the figures with glue to a cord, ribbon or braid.

The box is a heart. Video

A box with a heart can be a gift for a loved one.

Choose a dense material so that the box holds its shape well. At the bottom you can write a wish or a declaration of love. The manufacturing process is described in detail in the video tutorial:

Beautiful heart with a pattern

The heart will look more interesting if you choose paper with contrasting color sides

The shape of the paper you will need is rectangular, the length should be twice the width.

  • Place a sheet of paper horizontally, bend it in half, and unfold it.

  • Fold the lower right corner up to the middle of the sheet so that a triangle emerges. Straighten the sheet, do the same with the remaining corners.

  • A rectangle with two letters “X” came out. Grab one of them in the center, bring your fingers together, press down the funnel formed on top so that it folds into a triangle.

  • Repeat this step for the second "X".

  • Fold the free corners towards the center, perpendicular to the fold, and lift the resulting triangle. Pressing on the central axis, straighten it so that a square comes out. Repeat for the remaining three triangles.

  • Turn the workpiece over. Take the top corner of the diamond and move it down towards the bottom corner. Turn the workpiece over to the front side again.

  • Fold the edges of the squares resulting from step 5 from the central axis to their center.

  • Bend the corners at the edges back so that the shape now resembles an origami heart.

  • Open the triangles the same way as in step 5.

Turn the craft over to the front side.

The whole process can be seen in the video:

The origami heart with a flower is ready. They can be used to decorate a gift box.

Heart shaped paper bookmark

A heart bookmark is a quick and easy gift.

The scheme for its manufacture is extremely simple:

  1. Fold the rectangular sheet in half horizontally, mark the middle line.
  2. Bend the left and right ends up.
  3. Fold about a third of the top edge back, folding the corners to form a heart.

A cute heart-shaped corner bookmark is ready. More details in the video:

Volumetric origami heart - video

You will need: a square sheet of colored paper. Make a garland from ready-made hearts to decorate a room or window.

Volumetric heart made of modules

In the video we offer a simple option for making a heart using the technique modular origami. The figure is dense and holds its shape well.

How to make an origami module:

If you want your modular origami heart to last long enough, string modules out of paper after smearing them with glue.

Modular 3D heart

For this craft you will need 428 paper modules suitable color triangular shape.

The process is quite labor-intensive, here is a step-by-step description:

  1. At the beginning of the assembly process you need two closed rows of 5 modules, the third - 10 modules.
  2. Next, insert the modules between the modules and fix them.
  3. For the next row, the assembly process is standard.
  4. For the new row, put on the modules as before, but now between the three modules add two more modules without fixing them so that the origami becomes voluminous. Do the same on the opposite side. Insert two more modules on both sides to the additional ones.
  5. The process of assembling the next row is normal.
  6. In those places where bottom row additional modules have been added, insert two modules again on both sides to make the heart even more voluminous.
  7. To assemble the next four rows you need 34 modules each.
  8. On the sides, where the thickenings are located, make 8 rows, alternating four and three modules in a row on each side, finish the 9th row with two modules. Connect the rows in an arc.
  9. Make 5 more rows on each free side.

Thanks to the cavity inside, the heart can be used as a box for a small gift.

“Don’t talk about love,” warns Alla Pugacheva. But if you can’t express your feelings in words, maybe make an origami heart out of paper with your own hands? It will tell about emotional impulses and experiences, give the recipient a good mood and become an original addition to a gift or bouquet of flowers.

There are several varieties of hearts made using the origami technique, and some of them are not only beautiful, but also functional. They are used as bookmarks, boxes for small items and envelopes for love messages.

The simplest model

When you need to quickly make a decoration for a postcard or gift box, better option can not found. You can make an accessory in 5 minutes.

Assembly algorithm:

You will need a square of red or pink paper with a side of 15 cm. Place the figure with the top facing you and fold it in half from top to bottom. Open it, turn it 90° and repeat the same procedure. We get a square with two diagonal folds.

Again we place the workpiece on the table with the top facing us. Bend the opposite corner towards the center line. We “close” the lower part like an envelope. The vertex closest to us should now be on the top fold line.

Fold the right side to the center line. We do the same with the left. We get a heart shape, but the figure is too angular and I want to round it a little. To do this, turn the workpiece over to the reverse side and carefully bend the protruding parts.

Here's what the finished product looks like:

You can put a note with congratulations and wishes inside. There are several similar sheet folding techniques that allow you to create the same model. Here's another simple diagram:

Bookmark for true romantics

A cute Valentine's Day surprise for those who still prefer printed books to newfangled gadgets. The bookmark is very convenient - it is attached to the page, is always visible and does not get lost.

For this model you will need a sheet of double-sided colored paper; you can use craft or decorative sheets for scrapbooking. Optimal size 15x15 cm. First, let's fold the so-called “narrow” origami heart based on the “kite” shape. Description of the process in the video instructions:

We continue to make our bookmark:

  1. We place the heart in front of us.
  2. We open it from the inside, turning it into an elongated rhombus. Fold the top part in half to the midline.
  3. Close the workpiece again. Now it consists of a shorter upper part and a longer lower one.
  4. We work only with a shortened heart. We fold its right side, aligning it with the center line.

  1. We do the same with the left side.
  2. We lift the upper part of the workpiece and turn the last two folds inside out.
  3. We iron all the fold lines well.
  4. Return the top heart to its place. The bookmark is ready. It “works” on the principle of a clothespin, putting it on the desired book sheet.

Heart with flower

Very beautiful model, popular among lovers. Origami hearts decorated with a flower are often given as wedding gifts, folded from banknotes. The model is also used as a place card holder, since it can be placed in a vertical position.

A spectacular souvenir is made up of rectangles measuring 15x6.2 cm or 20x8.3 cm. If the paper is one-sided, you need to start from the inside out.

  1. Place the sheet with the long side facing you.
  2. Fold both bottom corners diagonally.
  3. We unfold the workpiece.
  4. We repeat similar actions with the upper corners.

  1. Fully straighten the sheet.
  2. Turn it over to the front side.
  3. Bend the right edge to the left so that the line runs straight along the crosshairs.
  4. We unfold the workpiece and make the same fold from left to right.

IN in this case The accuracy of the folds is very important, only then will the origami turn out neat and impressive.

  1. We straighten the workpiece well.
  2. Let's turn it over.
  3. We draw the marked side folds inward on both sides.
  4. We get a figure with double triangles on the sides.

  1. We “close” the workpiece from right to left and continue to work with it in this position.
  2. We bend the corners at the top and bottom.
  3. Along the line marked in this way, we fold our blank and open it, transforming it into a rhombus.
  4. We continue to work only with the top layer. Let's create an elegant floral pattern. On the left, fold the upper and lower corners to the center line. We repeat the operation on the right side.

  1. We open the resulting folds and bend the tops towards the center.
  2. Smooth out the resulting squares.
  3. Fold the element into the basic “kite” shape.
  4. Repeat on all squares.

  1. We open and smooth each fold of the “kites”.
  2. Thus, we “go through” the entire workpiece.
  3. Turn it over to the reverse side.
  4. And “close” the top half down.

We bend the side corners and turn the heart with the flower towards us.

Lovely affairs

An origami heart with wings is immediately associated with the mischievous Greek god of love, Cupid. It seems designed to convey playful or tender messages. You can write a note to your other half, hide it in such a winged heart and leave it on the table when leaving for work. Good mood the recipient is provided.

You will need a sheet of paper with one side red and the other white.

Fold a 15x15 cm square in half lengthwise. Then in peppered. We open the workpiece and place it in front of us with the white side up.

Fold each half of the square in half again to create a basic “cabinet” (or “door”) shape. Turn the workpiece over to the reverse side.

Fold the bottom corners to the center line. At the same time, the back half of our figure remains open. We turn the workpiece over again. Bend the top narrow rectangle to 1/3 of the height.

We open the newly folded sections like a “pocket” and smooth them out. In the center you get a figure resembling a bow. Fold the right corner of the remaining rectangle down at an angle of 90°. We do the same with the left one.

Bend the upper outer corners of the heart back to make it more round. The model is ready. In the “pocket” in the center you can insert a note, congratulations or put small gift like a dainty ring.

Box heart

In childhood, many had the opportunity to make special “secrets” in which they put small souvenirs for friends or parents. You can turn an origami heart out of paper into something similar by folding it like a box. It is recommended to use sheets with sides for crafts different color, and even better – with a print.

"Valentine" from modules

Once immersed in the world of origami, it is difficult to stop. I want to create more and more complex models, moving from plane to volumetric modular technology. The following video master class is intended for beginners - the product turns out to be relatively small and assembled quite quickly. These hearts can be used as keychains, magnets or to decorate cards.

You will need only 96 modules of which:

  • 40 red,
  • 56 – white.

The size of the original rectangle is 1/32 of an A4 sheet.

Volumetric paper hearts are a great idea for decorating the walls of a room, the surface of furniture, from a volumetric heart comes unusual postcard, Valentine's card and a cute addition to a gift for your loved one. Apply volumetric hearts You can do it anywhere and do it yourself. Exist various techniques making paper hearts.

To make volumetric heart made of paper, you will need:

  • red or pink double sided colored paper;
  • scissors;
  • PVA glue;
  • blank, heart template;
  • tape, needles.

The heart template should not be simple, the 2 upper halves of the heart should be drawn larger than normal size. Having prepared the necessary items, you can begin to work.

Using the heart template, you need to draw a certain number of heart silhouettes on the sheet, then start cutting them out.

Hearts are cut out of a sheet of paper with scissors and cut 2 cm between the halves.

The two halves need to be connected by the cut ends with your hands and bent inward. This way you will get a fold, in order to make this fold voluminous, you need to slightly raise the paper to the top from the wrong side, choosing the level of volume that this template allows you to make. The larger the fold, the more voluminous the figure will look.

Next, the bent ends must be coated with PVA glue and connected. To firmly adhere the edges, you need to hold them for a few seconds with your fingers. When the glue dries and the edges stick together, you can proceed to the next pieces. Having made all the hearts, they can be attached to the surface using tape or special designer needles, if the surface allows it.

Paper origami

A heart made from origami paper will be voluminous, it will be able to open, it can be used in different options. Bookmark, decor for indoor plants, ceiling garland, postcard - all these functions are performed by an origami paper heart. What you will need to make a paper heart:

  • double-sided colored paper;
  • scissors;
  • toothpick;
  • red threads;
  • needle.

When making origami hearts, you must strictly adhere to this scheme:

  1. A sheet of double-sided colored paper is cut to form a square.
  2. The square is bent diagonally in 2 directions, marking the diagonals on the sheet.
  3. The sheet of paper is unbent and leveled on a flat surface so that one of the sharp corners is directed upward and towards the person, the other 2 corners are directed to the sides.
  4. It is necessary to bend the upper corner of the paper towards the central part of the sheet, leaving 5-8 mm of free space. The lower corner bends onto the upper one with a protrusion of 5-8 mm. The left side is folded towards the center along the marked line, the right side is folded in the same way and the heart is turned over. The pattern of bending the edges can be different, leaving from 5-8 mm of the edge to 2-4 cm.
  5. Turning the heart over, you can see 2 corners of the paper on top and 2 corners on the bottom, 5-8 mm long, which were left intentionally when folding the paper. These corners will serve as fasteners for the heart; they must be folded and pressed against the surface of the paper.

The hearts are ready.

By sewing large and small hearts with thread, you get a festive and stylish garland; by gluing the heart to a toothpick and sticking it in a pot of flowers, you will create a stylish decor for indoor plants.

The origami heart opens up, you can sign it from the inside and give it to your loved one.

Volumetric options for decoration

Do-it-yourself voluminous paper hearts will decorate a room for a wedding, birthday, Valentine's Day, and are perfect for decorating a bedroom and children's room, for salons, boutiques and shops. In order to make three-dimensional figures for decoration, you will need:

  • double-sided colored paper, several thick sheets, the rest ordinary;
  • glue stick;
  • needle and thread;
  • If you need big hearts, you will need a sewing machine.

To make one product you will need 2 blanks from colored cardboard, the remaining 6-8 should be paper.

For the decorative part, it is better to use sheets of multi-colored paper, magazine sheets, or packaging to give it an interesting look.

The cut blanks are bent in half, glued along the bend with a glue stick and folded together in the following order.

4 paper figures are attached to the first cardboard blank. The next 4 paper pieces are applied and glued to the second cardboard piece.

Two hearts made of cardboard with paper hearts glued to them are connected to each other using glue, with the paper hearts inward. Before gluing them, a loop of thread of the required length is placed between the 2 blanks. Cardboard pieces form 2 sides. Connected hearts can be glued together with glue if they are no more than 10 cm in volume; if larger, they need to be stitched with a sewing machine.

The glued and stitched blanks are bent to the sides from the middle, 5 hearts must be bent in one direction, 5 in the other and straightened. One voluminous heart comes out with many small ones on the inside and a loop on top.

3D crafts

To make voluminous paper hearts with your own hands in 3D style, you will need:

  • any double-sided paper;
  • tape, stapler or PVA glue;
  • needle and thread;
  • scissors.

The paper needs to be cut into 2 equal strips different lengths. Two stripes of 20 cm, 2 of 10 cm and 2 of 5 cm. The width of the stripes should also gradually decrease:

  1. All strips must be glued together on one side and laid out on the table. Glue a shorter strip to the longest strip in the middle, and glue the shortest strips to the smaller strip.
  2. The strips must be wrapped, bringing their lower edges together, thus obtaining a heart shape.
  3. The joined edges of each strip need to be secured where all 3 strips intersect, this is done with glue, a stapler or stitched with a needle. Excess edges are trimmed with scissors. This way you can decorate a wall, window, doorway.

Such crafts will become a great gift friends and relatives for any holiday.

These simple master classes with photos will help you make such a heart in a matter of minutes for 2019 or decorate your apartment on February 14th.

If you like to do pleasant trifles or unexpected surprises for your loved ones, or various schemes origami should become your closest friends. In anticipation, we have put together for you several step-by-step schemes that can be done quickly and easily. Agree, it’s not difficult to make such a paper heart with your own hands, but it will cheer up the person to whom you give it for the whole day.

So, stock up on paper, be patient and go ahead! Let's start making a paper heart using the origami technique with our own hands! You will only need a square sheet of paper of the color you want to get a voluminous heart and the selected master class. And, of course, a couple of minutes of time.

DIY voluminous paper heart

Such a beautiful volumetric paper heart will be a great addition to. And if you make a lot of these hearts, it will turn out very beautiful!

DIY paper heart on the wall

Making these paper hearts is as easy as shelling pears. But just look how impressive this decoration looks!

DIY origami heart with paper wings

A heart with wings is one of the symbols of Valentine's Day. This paper craft can easily pass for.

DIY paper heart bookmark

This could become a nice gift mom or girlfriend on Valentine's Day, Mother's Day or March 8th.

How to make a heart out of paper using the origami technique with your own hands: watch the video online

Sleight of hand and no fraud! Such a paper heart can be made not only for Valentine's Day 2019, but also for March 8 or Mother's Day. You can give it to someone you love, with or without a reason, adding a small note or words of gratitude.

Crafts for Valentine's Day help create a warm, festive atmosphere, conducive to communication and the manifestation of the most sincere, kind feelings.

Well suited for interior decoration.

Before making a three-dimensional one, you need to cut a blank out of paper. To make it we use ordinary White list, which we fold in half and cut out half a heart on the fold. When we unfold the cut out part, we will get a whole neat heart.

Using this heart as a template, we cut out many identical shapes from red double-sided paper.

It will turn out especially impressive if you use fairly thin corrugated or tissue paper, but in this case you will need to cut out quite a lot of hearts. To speed up the process, you can fold the red paper sheets several times or stack them on top of each other.

Even if a relatively thick one is used, at least nine hearts must be cut out.

We put the resulting blanks together and stitch them on a regular sewing machine. You can sew them by hand, trying to make the most even stitch possible.

If we sew on a machine, we lay a stitch at a sufficiently large distance from the edge of the heart - from the stitch that goes through the air, we will subsequently make a loop. If we sew by hand, we simply break the thread, leaving a fairly long tip.

Ours is almost ready!

All that remains is to tie the edges of the loop and evenly distribute the layers of the heart along a three-dimensional plane to get a beautiful three-dimensional figure.