
What determines the frequency of changing linen? How often to change bed linen - how many times a month should you wash How often should you change bed linen

What determines the frequency of changing linen?  How often to change bed linen - how many times a month should you wash How often should you change bed linen

How to keep things clean that don’t seem to get dirty? For example, sheets, pillowcases, duvet covers. Let's look at how often you need to change bed linen if there is no visible dirt.

Why is changing bed linen so important?

When we see that things are stained, have a stale appearance and an unpleasant smell, then washing should be done immediately. But these are not exactly the criteria that you need to focus on when creating a schedule for changing bedding.

As a rule, the bulk of the contamination is not visible. Although it appears much faster than those that can be seen visually. Among these “treasures” are sweat, dead skin cells, dandruff, dust mites, and pet hair. Not to mention the huge amount of dust.

All this is a favorable environment for the appearance and proliferation of bacteria. With daily contact long time We breathe this whole “bouquet” and touch our skin. At best, this is fraught with temporary allergies, acne, dermatitis, at worst – decreased immunity, asthma and other problems.

If you notice that in the absence of allergic reactions or colds, the morning is accompanied by nasal congestion, it may be time to replace your bedding set. And if acne on your face does not go away, then one of the auxiliary remedies is to update your pillowcase more often, at least every other day.

Untimely replacement of bedding will also complicate the washing itself, it will be more difficult to remove bacteria and possible stains, and remove unpleasant odors.

How many times should I change it – once a week or a month?

On average, bed linen should be changed every 7-10 days. But we must also take into account the state of health, the number of bath procedures per week, age, and the presence of pets. And based on these conditions, adjust the linen change schedule.

What else can affect

The frequency of washing depends on other factors.

Depending on the time of year

In summer, especially in hot weather, sweating increases, windows are open, which means there is more street dust in the house. Therefore, bed linen should be changed more often, once a week. In winter, once every 2 weeks is enough.

These are average values; individual characteristics are also important. In summer, with profuse sweating, oily skin If you have dandruff, it is better to change your bed linen every 3-5 days, in winter - every 5-7 days. This applies to both beds for adults and children, with the exception of infants.

The nuances of changing children's bedding

In young children, the immune system is not as strong as in adults, so the interval between changing clothes is much shorter.

  • Even if the baby sleeps on oilcloth and the textiles are visually clean, dust still settles, creating a favorable environment for the development of microbes. Newborns need fresh linen twice a week (every 3-4 days). Provided that there is no contamination in the form of regurgitation or small childish surprises, then replace them as they appear.
  • The frequency of changing clothes for children aged 3–10 years is 7–10 days. It also depends on the child’s activity. One can easily play on the rug all day, the other will jump on the bed, so the latter option can be changed more often.
  • For children adolescence The optimal frequency is every 5 – 7 days.

After illness

The bed linen of patients belongs to a special category. Separate sets are provided for them, which are washed only in hot water and replaced every 1 - 2 days. For viral or infectious diseases - daily, for colds once every 2-3 days.

How to keep your bed clean longer

  • Sleep in pajamas. It will absorb some of the sweat, secretions of the sebaceous glands, etc.
  • Don't make your bed as soon as you get up. You need to throw back the blanket and let the linen air out, dry from the moisture that was absorbed into it at night. This will be a big disadvantage for the life and development of microorganisms.
  • How long does it take to not make the bed? – 10 – 20 minutes is enough. Then you need to make the bed and cover it with a blanket, which will protect it from dust during the day.

Proper care of your bed linen not only affects your health, but also makes life much more comfortable. Everyone determines the regularity of changing pillowcases, sheets, and duvet covers independently. It all depends on individual characteristics and needs.

It has long been noted that in the process of targeted use of bed linen, it is subject to severe contamination. In connection with this, experts strongly advise changing bed linen at least once every 7 days. Very often, this usual recommendation is ignored by representatives of the youngest generation. This can lead to serious health dilemmas.

The contaminants that accumulate on bed linen are:

  • Dead skin cells.

    According to research, the daily loss of skin cells amounts to millions. At the same time, a significant part of the cells die during sleep and remain on the sheets and pillowcases. The accumulation of dead human skin cells on underwear can become a prerequisite for an invasion of mites, which will be indescribably difficult to get rid of.

  • Oils produced by the human body during sleep.
  • Human later, the release of which reaches its peak at high temperatures.
  • Bodily fluids. In this case we are talking about saliva, blood, urine and biological fluids released during sexual intercourse.
  • Crumbs of food.

    Unfortunately, many people are familiar first-hand with the habit of snacking at night in bed. The accumulation of crumbs is also considered the native food of ticks.

This list of contaminants is far from exhaustive and can be supplemented with residues cosmetics, dandruff, dirt, sand, pollen, particles of small insects, mold fungi, fungal spores.

A person's prolonged stay in similar unsanitary conditions is fraught with the occurrence of allergic reactions and a decrease in the body's defenses.

Optimal frequency of changing children's bedding

Special attention should be paid to changing the bedding on which your child sleeps.

The fact is that the child’s body is characterized by insufficient development and formation, therefore, against the background of weak protective forces, there is always a risk of developing serious diseases.

Children's pediatricians insist that ignoring the rules of hygiene in relation to the constant change of bedding in a child's bed is fraught with the development of dermatitis and diseases of the respiratory system. The frequency of changing bed linen largely depends on the age characteristics of the baby.

So, if there is a very small child in the house, at least 2 sets of linen may be needed for a week. If we are talking about older children, then a weekly change of linen is often sufficient.

Weather conditions should also be taken into account, because summer period Children sweat more, and bedding is exposed to the most rapid and intense contamination. If you notice similar changes in your baby's sweating, you need to take care to develop sterile and clean sleep criteria.

Parents whose children suffer from bronchial asthma or allergies.

It has long been noted that deterioration in sleep conditions as a result of contamination of the bedding used contributes to the deterioration of the condition.

Fabrics for a comfortable sleep

In Russia, cotton and linen are the most popular fabrics for sewing bed linen. Depending on the type and density of thread weaving, chintz, calico, satin, cambric and other types of natural cotton fabrics are distinguished. Manufacturers often give them mixed with the addition of artificial fibers. Cotton has a fundamental quality for bed linen - it allows air to pass through and absorbs water, which is essential for a comfortable sleep.

Cotton does not cause allergies, is comfortable to wash, and is easy to iron. One of the favorite types of cotton is calico. This natural fabric without additives, quite high density. Calico is easy to care for, does not fade, and withstands repeated washing.

Dry calico linen can be somewhat harsh, so it is better to rinse it with special products.

Satin bed linen has a noble shine. Products made from satin are silky to the touch; its quality is associated with natural silk, but the cost is even more affordable.

Linen never goes out of style. Linen towels and tablecloths - good gift for the young housewife. Cotton is often added to linen bedding fabrics to add softness. This one has the unique qualities of warming in cold weather and cooling in hot weather.

Therefore, linen duvet covers can replace light blankets.

Russian home economics

In Russian times, they didn’t actually ask the question of how often it was necessary to change bed linen.

This was done once a week on Saturdays. On this particular day, they traditionally cleaned the house and went to the bathhouse. Laundry took housewives quite a lot of time.

In the post-war years, they washed by hand. 1st household washing machines arose in the USSR in 1950, but they did not make the work of housewives easier: the laundry still had to be soaked, after washing, rinsed several times in running water, wrung out by hand, or run between two rubber rollers attached to the machine. Particularly scrupulous housewives boiled snow-white (so the linen became even whiter), tinted it blue (to give it a beautiful shade) and starched it (mainly bedspreads, tablecloths and men's shirts).

We dried the bed linen outside: under the influence of the wind and sun, it dried faster, and there was no need to wipe off the water flowing from the sheets.

Housewives of the Russian Union had one more reason not to bother changing bed linen: washing machines Russian production seriously damaged fabrics; with frequent treatments, calico or calico sheets and duvet covers quickly became unusable. And since it was quite difficult to purchase a fresh set in those days, we had to reduce the number of washes.

The main thing is that it is clean

Modern housewives from time to time wonder how often it is necessary to change bed linen at home.

Supporters of natural fabrics know that cotton and linen perfectly absorb sweat, which, settling on the fibers, attracts various bacteria, as well as dust mites. Accumulated in large quantities, they can cause discomfort and become a prerequisite for restless sleep and even allergies.

Experts say that bed linen should be changed at least once every 5-7 days. If babies or animals like to sleep in your bed, change sheets and duvet covers once every 2-3 days, and during the shedding period of animals it is better to do this once a day to reduce the risk of hair getting into the respiratory tract.

When caring for a patient with a high fever, change his bed linen 2-3 times a day in the first days of illness and less often when periods of heavy sweating subside. After treatment, the set of linen must be changed again, and the pillows and blanket must be dried in the open air.

Ventilate and dry

There are also a number of tips given by personal hygiene specialists.

  1. 1Ventilate your sleeping area after each awakening: fluff up the pillows, straighten the sheet, remove the blanket from the surface.

    10-15 minutes a day will be enough.

  2. 2Do not place personal items on the bed that are used in public places: funds, wallets, Cell phones, bags, pants, outerwear.
  3. 3Doctors do not advise men to sleep in socks after wearing street shoes.
  4. 4Girls need to remove their makeup before going to bed, as the substances that make up cosmetics leave difficult-to-remove stains on pillowcases.
  5. 5If you like to eat in bed, try not to stain your bed linen, otherwise you will have to change it often. In addition to the fact that stains from ketchup, coffee and fats are difficult to remove, food leftovers attract bacteria and can become a prerequisite for the occurrence of bedbugs.

    After a meal in bed, the linen should at least be shaken out.

Buttons and elastic bands

When choosing a bed set, consider the size of the bed, pillows and blankets. Traditionally, the manufacturer shows on the packaging which items are included in the set and what size accessories they correspond to. Natural linen can shrink, so the first wash must be done in a gentle mode at a temperature of no more than 40°C, the next ones - depending on the manufacturer’s advice.

Today, bedding with buttons is extremely rare, however, this is one of the most comfortable options.

Pillowcases and duvet covers with buttons perfectly maintain the geometry of blankets and pillows, preventing the edges from coming out. To secure the blanket in the duvet cover, there are special clothespins that are attached to the corners of the product. But such devices are dangerous, so it is better to use a proven method: make a loop at each corner of the duvet cover, and sew 4 buttons of suitable size to the blanket. When changing the duvet cover, thread the buttons through the loops. A blanket secured in this way will not bunch up inside the duvet cover and cause discomfort.

But they are rarely used as part of sets, and besides, such sheets are difficult to iron. This a good option for those who prefer not to iron their bed linen.

Why use bedding while sleeping?

Even on the train, the conductor gives each passenger a set of bed linen. This is hygienically correct. The quality of sleep may depend on the properties of textile products. After all, if the laundry smells unpleasant and causes unpleasant feelings on the skin, then what kind of comfort are we talking about!

High-quality home textiles made from natural fabric fibers perfectly support body thermoregulation.

Its good absorption capacity allows the body to get rid of water (sweat, fat) released through the pores. Pleasant to the touch bedding protects the body from contact with the itchy blanket.

And in the bed there live various tiny organisms that feed on human skin flakes and particles of hair. Stale bed linen creates suitable conditions for the life of this microflora. Over time, a person may develop dermatological disorders. Specks of dust, various debris, crumbs and dirt settle on the fabric, which in turn adversely affects the comfort of sleep.

Frequency of changing bed linen at home

So, how often is it necessary to change bed linens at home?

As a rule, if you change the bed once a week, especially if the bed is constantly dismantled. If you put your sheets, pillows and blankets in the closet once a day, then you can change your bed linen less often. In general, look at the degree of contamination. In the summer, when it is hot, it is recommended to change your underwear more often. Do not eat in bed, do not allow pets on the bed, do not go to bed in home clothes - all this contributes to soiling of the linen, the formation of a nasty aroma, and the accumulation of dust. That is, those allergens that interfere with normal sleep.

By the way, the set can be partially changed. Pillowcases and sheets get dirty the most, so it’s better to change them once a week, but the duvet cover can be updated every 2-3 weeks, depending on how you cover yourself.

The same requirements apply to changing bed linen in the nursery.

How younger child, the more often it is necessary to remake his bed, especially if the child is ill. It is recommended for newborns to change their bed linen every 2-3 days, or even every day. These are pediatric requirements.

Who lives in our bed?

A study carried out in the United Kingdom found that around 4% of English people change their bed linen... once a year. Yes, exactly once a year.

If they knew what was happening in their bed during this time, they would be horrified.

People often sweat while sleeping. This makes the local climate in the bed damp, and, consequently, it becomes a real breeding ground for microorganisms. For example, there may be mold in your bed - no matter how hard it is to believe. Mold spores may not even be noticeable at first, but sooner or later you will discover them - and, most likely, after harm to health has been caused. The spores can cause you to develop shingles or even ringworm.

The next inhabitants of your stale bed are dust mites.

They are a real disaster for people with allergies and are especially unsafe for those who suffer from asthma. Dust mites eat everything that remains after us in bed: particles of skin, sweat, sperm, and so on. If you wash your clothes occasionally, the ticks get a huge amount of food, and, therefore, multiply more actively.

But even this is not the whole fauna of our sleeping place. Just as often as dust mites, bed bugs infest beds. They are true vampires because they bite you to drink your blood. The places where they bite are very itchy, and hives may also appear.

But the most unpleasant consequence of bedbugs can be a powerful allergic reaction that develops into anaphylactic shock - and this is deadly.

Other bedding

You probably already realized that bed linen needs to be washed often. But almost all people, having realized this simple truth, forget about the other components of the sleeping place. It's not just your sheets, pillowcases and duvet covers that need to be cleaned; Everything in the bed must be cleaned frequently.

Mattresses and pillows must either be washed or dried in the sun at least once every six months or a year.

Blankets and feather beds that are in the bed must be frequently cleaned and carefully dried. The same goes for bedspreads.

How often to change your underwear

So how often do you need to change your bed linen? In truth, the answer depends on various reasons, for example, on your state of health, on who you sleep with, how often you sleep at home, and, in the end, on whether you are a fan of snacking or drinking coffee in bed.

The optimal period at which most professionals meet is once a week. This may seem very common to some, but health is certainly more important than your laziness.

Not so long ago, we found out whether it is necessary to smooth the sheets, and in this article we will touch on a related question - how often is it necessary to change bed linen at home?

Naturally, any housewife decides this issue herself, but it is still better to find out an expert worldview and the prerequisites for a certain regularity.

Sleeping hygiene is extremely important. After all, a person spends a third of his life in sleep, and he has to come into contact with the entire contents of the bed. We’re not talking about the spouse, of course, but about something more unpleasant:

  • Dust mites that grow in unwashed bedding.

    They often cause allergies, lower immunity, and generally have negative consequences.

  • Dead skin cells - people shed every night and small particles fall off the skin that are invisible to the human eye.
  • Dandruff and hair from pets who absolutely love to lie on their master's bed.
  • Sweat is produced most abundantly on hot summer nights, when the body needs to cool down more.
  • Little ones - some members of the household absolutely adore snacking in bed before going to bed, and often it is not possible to wean them off the bad habit.

    After such a meal, there are many small pieces and crumbs left that interfere with a peaceful sleep.

  • Stains - where would we be without them? In this case, stains can remain not only from sweets or other goods, but also from cosmetics, dirty hands, saliva or other human secretions.

Just imagine what will happen in your bed if you put off washing for a very long period of time. Even if you are not a clean person and such a neighborhood does not frighten you, then think about your own health.

While you sleep, you inhale dust, fur and other contaminants from your bed, which can lead to asthma or allergies. If you already have these diseases, then it’s all the more worthwhile for you to think about cleanliness in your home - this is the key to health!

How often do you need to change your bed linen?

Much depends on the time of year, the fabric and your family's personalities. For example, if your cat really likes to sleep on the bed, you should change the bed a little more often or at least clean off the fur.

If the spouse sweats a lot, it is necessary to change it more often, and if the whole family takes a shower before bed, it can be done less often.

It’s quite clear about the time of year - in the summer people sweat much more than on cool nights. Therefore, on hot days, it is imperative to change the bed once a week, especially the pillowcases and sheets. In winter, it is enough to change once every 2 weeks.

Well, you shouldn’t wait for X hour, if suddenly a child drops a sandwich on the sheet - change it immediately.

It is worth changing children's bedding twice as often if someone in the family has caught a cold, so that pathogenic microbes do not accumulate.

What kind of bed linen should there be?

The most popular fabrics for bed linen are cotton or linen.

In the summer, you can use silk, and in the winter, woolen blankets. Do not use synthetic ones, which do not absorb water well and do not allow air to pass through. After all, one of the main purposes of sheets, pillowcases and duvet covers is to absorb sweat. In addition, they are more likely to get dirty and absorb foreign odors, so you will have to wash them more often.

Now you need to check the complete set of your bedding to ensure better protection beds. So, to keep your bed clean, make sure you have:

  • The pillowcase protects the pillow from adverse effects, so you don’t have to wash it very often.

    But even if there is a pillowcase, the pads must be washed at least 2 times a year, and preferably every 3 months. After all, they also accumulate a lot of harmful things that need to be gotten rid of.

  • Duvet cover – serves to protect the blanket so that you don’t have to wash and dry it every week.
  • A mattress pad or sheet is placed on the mattress to collect all dirt and protect the mattress. Otherwise, a whole colony of dust mites will develop in it and dust will accumulate. It is best to put special sheets with oilcloth in children's beds to protect the mattress from urine. After all, it is extremely difficult to wash a mattress from child urine or other contaminants (you can read the most common methods at the link).

Wash bed linen on a special cycle or set it to a higher temperature (from 60 degrees) to kill dust mites and wash away all harmful microorganisms.

Now you need to decide how often you change bedding at home specifically in your family, and write this down in your diary.

It’s most convenient to do this on the same day so that it becomes a habit. Most often, housewives choose weekends for this - Saturday or Sunday.

Danger under the blanket

It turns out that hiding under a stained blanket is a whole range of possible health threats.

Also, pet hair, cosmetic residues, waste products, food crumbs, particles of insects and sand can accumulate on the bed... So, a fresh bed is not only wonderful, but also safe.

How often it is necessary to change bed linen: norms

Many people do not know exactly how many times a month they need to change their bed linen.

In one day? On weekends? Or is it enough to carry out the function every 14 days? There is no one right answer here. It is necessary to take into account the situation, who is using the kit (an adult or a child) and even the time of year. The main tips look like this.

Pillowcases require special attention. People whose hair quickly becomes greasy need to change pillow protection more often than other bedding. So that the time when you need to change your bed linen does not take you by surprise and you do not have to wait for the washed set to dry, have two or three replacement sets in reserve for each bed.

Washing rules and disinfection procedures

How should you wash your bed linen? Read the product label: in it you will find information about the composition of the fabric, what water temperature is best for certain conditions, and how to care for the set.

Proceed with the following general advice.

  • Optimal temperature. Traditionally, it is recommended to wash sheets, pillowcases and duvet covers in the hottest possible water. This way you can get rid of all germs and dirt. But if cotton and linen were used to produce the sets, then the temperature should not be higher than 60°C.
  • Disinfection. In order to get rid of dangerous microorganisms, the use of chlorine bleaches is allowed.

    But this is only if the fabric is snow-white. For colored people, you can choose an oxygen product with a more gentle composition, but no less effective.

  • Drying. Bacteria do not like hot air and ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, it is best to dry bed linen in the sun.
  • Ironing. Almost everyone hesitates whether to iron their bed linen after washing. This is an inevitable process, which is an additional guarantee that harmful microorganisms are neutralized. Set the iron to the “Cotton” setting and boldly work the surface of the fabric.

It is imperative to wash new bed linen.

Bacteria could have reached the surface during transportation or as a result of damage to the integrity of the packaging. In addition, before going on sale, they are treated with specific agents that can provoke an allergic reaction.

Care of bedding

You already understand why you often need to change your bed linen. But how to properly organize the care of various bedding items at home?

Sheets and duvet covers

Do not spin these products in a drum with ordinary things- sweaters, pants, underwear.

Only proximity to light colors is acceptable bath towels. When processing, the following rules should be taken into account:

  • wash sheets and duvet covers with soap or powder at 60°C;
  • stubborn stains are removed before washing;
  • for bleaching, you can add a quarter glass of lemon juice when washing;
  • do not dry out the bed and iron it while the linen is still slightly damp.

To remove stains from sheets and duvet covers use household chemicals or folk remedies- soda, vinegar, ammonia, citric acid.


Wool products prefer cold water and drying at minimum speed.

Down products require careful washing; they are dried in the sun, otherwise a persistent musty smell will appear.

Before starting the process, check the blanket for damage or unraveling seams. Otherwise, all the “filling” will remain inside the washing machine and will render it unusable. After washing and drying, vacuum the product without giving the dust a chance to remain.

It is better to dry clean large items, but not electric blankets. Solvents can damage wiring. You can wash clothes that are protected by duvet covers once or twice a year. Otherwise, once every one to two weeks.

Blankets and bedspreads

Before washing, it would be a good idea to check whether the product is fading.

If yes, then it is better to use dry cleaning services. And at home, adhere to the following rules:

  • water for washing must be cool;
  • It is better to replace regular powder with liquid;
  • The “drying” mode should be at minimally low speed.

If bedspreads are used only as decorative element, then you need to wash them once every three to four months. But if they serve as additional blankets every night, then water procedures should be carried out as often as for linen.

Pillowcases and pillows

To remove particles of dust and the stratum corneum of the epidermis, try to beat the pads every day.

Pillowcases love to splash around in hot water. For washing, use the same products as for other parts of the bedding.

Pillows with pillowcases can often not be washed (once every one to two months).

Every weekend it is advisable to hang them out in the fresh air for ventilation.

Mattress covers

Mattress covers are lifesavers for those who want to increase the lifespan of their mattresses, protect themselves from allergies and maintain cleanliness. Wash mattress covers according to the same instructions as for duvet covers and sheets. Water treatments must be carried out at least once a month or when soiled.

But washing the mattress itself is a troublesome task. It's better to leave it to the experts. It must be treated with a vacuum cleaner or steam at least once every six months. Stains are removed with upholstery shampoo diluted 1:3 in cool water.

Knowing how long it takes to change bed linen and following these tips, you will maintain the aesthetic appearance of the set and avoid health problems.

By the way, in decent hotels the freshest bed is made not only after the departure of each guest or at the request of those living in the room. In hotels with a significant number of stars, the bed is refreshed several times a day.

Deep dream

It's so nice to go to bed in a clean bed. The smell of freshness helps you relax, and sleep on unstained sheets will be deep and measured. To wake up refreshed during the day, you just need to make sure your bed is clean.

Obviously, one-and-a-half bed linen for the first person does not get dirty very quickly, so you can wash it once every two weeks.

It is better to remake a double set for two after a week. The frequency of changing linen also depends on the time of year. In summer, this can be done more often than in winter.

Healthy sleep

Dust accumulated on bedding contains viruses, spores, bacteria and other harmful microorganisms. If they are constantly inhaled, there is a risk of developing allergic reactions, difficulty breathing, irritation of the mucous membranes, and suppression of the immune system. It is a scientifically proven fact that dead human skin cells are food for bed mites. In turn, its waste products are a strong allergen, just like ordinary dust.

For people prone to allergies and asthma, it is better to change the entire set every 2-3 days.

Special attention should be given to pillowcases that need to be changed more often.

During an infectious disease or at high temperatures, the most frequent washing of the bed sheets is required, and after recovery, fresh linen should be laid.

Change bedding at least once a week

The generally accepted view that it is acceptable to change sheets every two weeks is incorrect. Already a week after using the bed for its intended purpose, the population of dust mites reaches limits that are unsafe for health. Provided that two people of average build sleep in a bed every day, up to 16 types of mold grow on the surface of the bed in two weeks from sweat, each of which is capable of stimulating massive allergic reactions even in a relatively healthy person.

For these reasons, a regular change of sleeping accessories must occur at least once a week.

In cases of high temperature, illness, hot weather, or sleeping with small children, bed linen must be changed even more often - once every two to three days. The same applies to allergy sufferers and asthmatics, people with eczema and psoriasis.

Wash clothes at a temperature of 55 degrees

This temperature is the lower limit for dust mite death. Additional protection against fungus and mold will be achieved by using hot drying clothes.

Some delicate items cannot be washed at high temperatures.

The solution in this case may be to use an antiseptic conditioner or, if you or your children are at risk for allergies, it is better to switch to the most practical options for bed linen made of calico, satin, poplin or cotton.

Do not determine the cleanliness of laundry by appearance.

Of course, if you accidentally spill coffee on a pillow or spill chocolate chip cookie crumbs on a blanket, it will be clear that the linen needs to be washed. But the absence of visible stains and dirt does not mean the real cleanliness and safety of your bed.

Even if your sheets look white after two weeks of use, they need to be washed - and washed often.

By the time they really look stale, they are guaranteed to have already become home to dozens and hundreds of dust mites, mold and fungi. They cannot be seen with the naked eye, since their sizes are microscopic, but they constantly live in an environment associated with the natural secretions of human skin, since they provide food for these microorganisms.

Important: up to a third of all inhabitants of our planet suffer from allergies to dust mites. At least a quarter of them cannot correctly diagnose diseases and have been treated for years for colds and persistent runny nose and eczema.

Clean your mattress and pillows regularly

Frequently changing your bedding will reduce your dust mite problem, but will not completely solve it.

Even weekly washing of bed linen cannot ensure good cleanliness if you forget about the expiration date of the mattress, pillows and blankets.

Dust mites have the annoying property of accumulating inside bedding, in the upholstery of mattresses and sofas. If you put unstained sheets on them, they will instantly become saturated with mite secretions and mold nanoparticles. The same statistics claim that almost all of us use pillows and blankets much longer than the allowed period - pillows are changed on average once every 3 years, blankets last about 7 years, and mattresses do not change at all for a decade. During this time, their weight increases as much as three times due to the weight of the ticks living in them.

What's going on under everyone's blanket?

Many people are shocked by the reasons why bed linen is often changed.

Let's look at what directly accumulates on sheets and duvet covers:

  • Dust and mold.

    Dust can accumulate on bedding. It contains not only dirt brought in with things from the street, but also flying into open window. The microscopic fragments contain mold spores, small bacteria and other organisms. If you constantly inhale air containing such dust, you can get allergies, problems with the respiratory and immune systems;

  • Ticks. These are small pests that are extremely difficult to recognize with the naked eye. The main food product of such creatures is dead skin fragments that get stuck in the fabric of sheets, duvet covers and pillowcases. But such mites do not harm people or furniture. Nothing similar can be said about their waste products, which, in combination with fungal microspores, provoke an allergic reaction in almost all people;
  • Worms.
  • Wool and dandruff. Pets often lie down on their owner's bed. Also, dandruff constantly falls from the head and remains on the bed linen;
  • Sweat. May be released when it gets hot to sleep;
  • Crumbs and leftover food. Some people like to eat in bed. After this, there are practically always fragments of food left on the bed, which prevent you from falling asleep normally;
  • Stains.

    Cosmetics from the face, food products, body secretions, dirt on the hands can leave stains on bed linen.

It's hard to imagine what will happen to bed linen, if it is not changed for a long time. Dirty people should seriously think about their own health.

  1. Changing bed linen on Sunday means poor sleep throughout the week.
  2. If the bed is not made, diseases will stick to the owner.

How often do you change?

To understand how often it is necessary to change bed linen at home, it is necessary to take into account the seasonality of the material from which it is made and the other personal characteristics of each family member.

It is necessary to change bed linen very often, at least every three days, if pets love to sleep on the bed.

In the summer, you can put silk on the bed, and in the winter, woolen blankets or bedspreads. It is not recommended to use artificial synthetic fabrics that do not breathe well and absorb water. The fact is that one of the main purposes of bed linen is to absorb sweat. In addition, synthetics get dirty much more quickly and absorb odors, so they also need to be washed often.

A regular bedding set includes:

  • Pillowcase. It collects a huge part of the dirt, protects the pad, and does not require frequent washing.

    Even if there is a pillowcase, the pads should be washed at least 2 times a year or every 3 months;

  • A duvet cover is used for a similar purpose, but only to protect the blanket. You don't have to dry it or wash it often. The duvet cover needs to be changed approximately once every two weeks;
  • A sheet or mattress protector is used to protect mattresses. If you do not use this bedding, over time a real colony of dust mites will appear.

    For children's beds, it is better to use a special sheet with oilcloth. This way the mattress will be protected from urine. It is very difficult to clean a mattress from such stains. For natural reasons, children's bedding will often have to be changed depending on the age of the child.

    It's always nice to sleep on bedding that smells clean. For a full and comfortable sleep, special attention should be paid to its cleanliness. How often should linen be changed and how to wash sets correctly? Answers to all questions in our material.

    How do laundry get dirty?

    On average, each of us spends eight hours a day in bed. This is exactly how much time is required for a full and healthy sleep. In order to have a pleasant and comfortable sleep, each person gets a comfortable bed, high-quality mattresses, pillows and blankets. Particular attention is paid to the choice of bed linen.

    A set of linen should be of high quality and naturalness, because this directly affects our sleep.

    Even though a person takes a shower or bath in the evening, bed linen still gets dirty and should be changed regularly. How and with what do sheets and other accessories become soiled?

    The most basic problem of all houses and apartments is dust. Dust accumulates not only on furniture and various objects, but also on bedding. Of course, it is almost impossible to see dust particles on sheets or pillowcases, but this does not mean that they are not there. Every morning, making the bed, shaking the blanket or sheet can be replaced, just as columns of dust rise in the sun's rays. Dust is a serious allergen that can harm the body. Children's bodies are especially sensitive to it.

    The skin of any person contributes to the rapid contamination of bedding. If a person is used to sleeping without pajamas, then sebum will quickly be absorbed into the sheets and pillowcases, especially in the hot season, when the body sweats. The skin has the ability to renew itself. Small parts of the keratinized integument also remain on the bed. Of course, it is impossible to see them, since they are very small. For these reasons, bed linen changes color, an unpleasant odor and stains appear. Such soiled laundry can cause itching or an allergic reaction.

    There may still be particles of dirt on the body, for example, if you simply rinse the body with water, without soap or a washcloth, rather than bathe. If you don't put on slippers on the way to the bedroom, then all the dirt from your feet will end up on the bed linen and this is another reason for its contamination.

    Those who like to eat cookies before bed or drink morning coffee in bed themselves pollute their sleeping place with food particles. No matter how carefully you eat, small crumbs can still remain on the bed.

    If there are pets in the house, then particles of their fur and fluff will fall on the linen sets. Of course, this will negatively affect the cleanliness of the sheets.

    All of the above factors affect not only the cleanliness of linen, but also health. Scientists have proven that bed linen contains many different microorganisms, which are almost impossible to get rid of.

    If you do not change your bed linen in time, the situation will worsen and bacteria will spread with redoubled force. All this will negatively affect your overall health, weaken your immune system and can trigger the appearance of allergic diseases.

    Optimal frequency of kit changes

    Many people wonder how often should they change their bed linen at home? Of course, the more often you do this, the better for you. A timely change of bed linen can contribute to a comfortable and restful sleep. Within five or six days, the fabric easily becomes clogged with dust particles and stops “breathing.”

    As a result, a person may feel discomfort during sleep and will sweat more often and profusely. Contaminated laundry negatively affects not only general state health, but also on skin health. After sleeping, rashes, irritations, etc. may appear on such underwear.

    Due to the contamination of the kit, proper sleep is disrupted, and the person will feel tired and irritated in the morning.

    For adults

    Adults should change their bed linen once a week. This is the case if the person is completely healthy. In the case where there is a sick person in the house who is constantly in bed, the kit needs to be changed every two days. If you spill something on a sheet or a stain appears on the linen, then the entire set should be changed immediately.

    Considering the fact that a sheet and pillowcase get dirty much faster than a duvet cover, it can be changed every ten or fourteen days.

    By the way, the frequency of changing linen also depends on the season. For example, in the hot season, when the body sweats a lot, you can change the sets every two to three days, otherwise a heavy and unpleasant odor will appear. In addition, in summer and spring, the windows in the house are open most of the time. Therefore, a lot of dust and dirt penetrates into the room. In the winter season, you can change your linen every ten days.

    For children

    A child's body is very different from an adult's. For this reason, there are certain standards and recommendations regarding how often the linen on a child’s bed should be changed.

    For babies under one year old, it is recommended to change their bedding every five days. Of course, if the newborn stains the sheet, it must be changed immediately. The same goes for children's bedding school age.

    Children aged seven years and older need to change their bedding once a week. If the child is sick, the shift should be done every other day.

    When a child is sick, has a fever and sweats a lot during sleep, the pillowcase and sheet should be changed every time he sleeps. The baby should sleep on clean and dry linen.

    Teenagers, given their age-related changes, should change their bedding every five to six days. In addition to the fact that parents need to promptly change the bedding on their children’s beds, they should monitor the personal hygiene of their children. Children often go to bed without taking a shower or washing their face. All this will negatively affect health, immunity and cleanliness of linen.

    Washing rules

    In order for all bedding sets to be in perfect condition, they must be washed correctly. There are some subtleties that every housewife must know.

    • Before you start washing, be sure to study the fabric composition and washing recommendations for the set. All features of the fabric, its composition and washing method must be indicated on a special label or label of the bed linen. Each fabric requires an individual approach and this must be taken into account.
    • If the linen set is made entirely of cotton or linen, it must be washed at a temperature of no more than 60 degrees.
    • Colored sets should not be washed at too high temperatures, this will negatively affect the quality of the products. It is better to limit yourself to 40 degrees. In addition, for such kits it is best to use special detergents, which do not contain active bleaching agents. Such recommendations will help preserve the original color of the set for a long time.

    • To prevent snow-white fabrics from losing their appearance, it is recommended to add very little bleach during each wash. Bleach, which contains chlorine, works great for white fabrics. This product not only returns whiteness, but also helps destroy harmful organisms.
    • Products made from fabrics such as silk should be washed in a special cycle. A silk set can only be refreshed using the delicate wash cycle. It is better to turn off the spin, as this spoils the capricious fabric fibers. In addition, it is worth remembering that silk products do not withstand repeated washing, so such sets should be used less often.
    • If the laundry is heavily soiled, it is better to soak it first and only then start washing.
    • It is recommended to wash pillowcases and duvet covers inside out.
    • When you just purchased a new set of bed linen today, before making it, be sure to wash it on the recommended cycle. Before sale, fabrics are impregnated with special agents that can cause irritation or an allergic reaction.

    Sanitary rules for children and medical institutions It is recommended to change bed linen as it gets dirty, but at least once a week. You can adhere to the same frequency at home - within a week the laundry loses its freshness, but does not yet have time to become greasy, and as a result it is easily washed.

    In winter, when a person sweats less and sleeps in pajamas and warm nightgowns, bed linen can be changed once every two weeks. By the way, in many European countries it is customary to change linen every 10-14 days, but there the beds are firstly ventilated, and secondly, the air temperature in the bedroom is often lower than what Russians are used to.

    Pillowcases that come into contact not only with the skin, but also with the hair (especially if the hair is oily) usually get dirty faster - especially since in this case the remnants of night creams can accumulate on the fabric, decorative cosmetics etc. At the same time, the fabric is in contact with the skin of the face all night. Therefore, it is better to change pillowcases more often - once every 2-3 days.

    It is best to wash the bed of feverish patients after one day of use. If this is not possible, you must at least put a clean pillowcase on your pillow every day.

    Preparing laundry for washing

    • by fabric type(the washing mode for different sets may be different);

    • according to the degree of fabric dyeing(it is better to wash white and light colors separately from colored ones, even if they are items from the same set);

    • by degree of pollution(sheets that are only lightly soaked with sweat do not need to be washed intensively, as this will lead to premature wear of the fabric).

    Duvet covers, pillowcases or mattress covers are usually turned inside out before washing - this will get rid of dirt that accumulates in the corners.

    If there are stains (for example, blood) on sheets made of colored delicate fabrics, they must be treated with a stain remover before washing. Contaminated cotton or linen sheets do not require such treatment - it will be enough to adjust the washing mode.

    How to calculate the weight of bed linen for washing

    The washing machine has loading restrictions - they are calculated based on the weight of dry laundry. At the same time, if we are talking about washing sheets and duvet covers, we must keep in mind that these are quite voluminous products. And in order for them to stretch well, it is better not to fully load the machine: the weight of dry laundry should be about one and a half times less than the maximum load.

    Approximate weight of bed linen:

    • double duvet cover – 500-700 grams,

    • pillowcase – 200 grams,

    • sheet – 350-500 grams.

    How and at what temperature do you wash bed linen?

    Before automatic washing machines became widespread, clothes were typically washed in very hot water and often boiled to bleach and further disinfect. Now there is no need for such “harsh” washing - modern technology in combination with modern detergents allows you to wash clothes at lower temperatures, which ensures better preservation of the fabric.

    The optimal temperature for washing light linen bed linen and linen made from thick cotton fabrics can be considered 60 degrees - this temperature is sufficient for disinfection, and the washing efficiency is quite high. If desired, you can wash such fabrics at higher temperatures - the laundry will be disinfected better this way, but the laundry will also wear out faster. To wash such items, you can use washing powder. white linen or universal powder. In order to wash heavily soiled laundry (including stained sheets), you can use powder bleaches or washing powder enhancers, as well as liquid bleaches for washing machines.

    Colored bed linen and linen made from delicate fabrics are washed at 30-50 degrees. For colored laundry, products for colored fabrics are used (marked Color on the packaging). You can use liquid shampoos for washing - they are designed for use at low temperatures and wash things quite well. Heavily soiled laundry is pre-soaked or a pre-wash cycle is used. It is advisable to iron linen that is washed at low temperatures before use, even if you are not a fan of ironing bed linen.

    To wash children's bedding, use detergents for washing children's clothes. Typically, children's underwear is made from natural fabrics, which allows them to be washed at fairly high temperatures.

    Exact recommendations for washing bed linen are contained on product labels or kit packaging - it indicates the recommended washing temperature, drying mode, the possibility or impossibility of using bleaches, and so on. If we are talking about an expensive set made of delicate fabrics or colored underwear with voluminous patterns, it is better to read the recommendations and follow them.

    How to wash bed linen in a washing machine: modes for different types of fabric

    Most modern washing machines allow you to install additional functions, adjust the spin level, etc., which allows you to select the optimal mode for washing bed linen depending on the characteristics of the fabric.

    • Linen – 60-95°C, soaking or pre-washing possible, strong spin;

    • Light calico, percale, ranfors– 60-95oC, soaking or pre-wash possible, any mode;

    • Satin,– 40-60oC, soaking or pre-wash possible, any mode;

    • Colored chintz– 40°C, without using bleach, medium-intensity spin;

    • Batiste, bamboo– 30-40°C, delicate mode without spin or with low spin;

    • Polyester or cotton with added polyester– 40°C, delicate mode or synthetic mode, soaking possible, double rinsing;

    • Silk – 30°C, delicate wash cycle (“silk” mode), special mild detergents and conditioner, low spin or no spin. Attention! Be sure to read the label: for some silk products, dry cleaning only is indicated.

    Do I need to wash new bedding?

    Newly purchased bedding must be washed before use. Firstly, during the production of bed linen, dust and dirt invariably accumulate on the fabric; secondly, new bedding is sometimes impregnated with a composition that helps the fabric keep its shape.

    It is best to wash new bedding separately from other items and at the maximum temperature allowed by the manufacturer. This will not only disinfect the linen, but also (if the fabric is not dyed very well) will allow excess paint to come off.

    During the first wash, bed linen may shrink slightly - this is normal and, as a rule, is provided for by the manufacturer when cutting.

    It is much more pleasant to fall asleep on clean, fresh linen than in a bed that has not been changed for a long time. And this is not only the psychological side of the issue. Frequently changing bed linen is not a whim, but an important hygienic procedure. Neglecting it can lead to health problems.

    Why you need to change bed linen regularly

    During sleep, the following accumulate on bedding:

    Therefore, constantly postponing the change of bed linen is fraught with a decrease in immunity, increased coughing and difficulty breathing (especially important for asthmatics), irritation of the mucous membranes, the occurrence of chronic rhinitis, neurodermatitis and eczema.
    While we sleep, we inhale dust that collects on our bed linen.

    How often should bed linen be changed?

    The frequency of changing bed linen depends on many factors:

    • The best option for healthy adults is once a week. This rule should be followed especially in the summer, when more sweat is produced due to the heat, and pests reproduce faster. During abnormally hot periods, laundry is washed once every 2–3 days. In cool and cold seasons, you need to change your linen at least once every 2 weeks, but it is still recommended to adhere to a period of 7 days if two people sleep in a bed;
    • sick children and adults (for any diseases, especially those accompanied by high fever) need to change the bed every day until the person fully recovers;
    • for people with chronic lung and skin diseases and allergy sufferers, the bed is washed once every 2–3 days;
    • newborn babies need to change their underwear once a week or more often - as they get dirty;
    • Children of preschool and primary school age sweat less than adults, so replacement is possible once every 10–14 days. In kindergartens, the norm is to wash clothes every 10 days;
    • Teenagers are characterized by restructuring of the body and increased secretion of fat by the sebaceous glands. You should make a new bed 2 times a week.

    You should also change your pillowcases more often if your hair gets dirty quickly. To keep your bed fresh throughout the week, you need to shower before bed.

    How to properly care for your bed and make your bed

    Since childhood, we have always been taught to make our bed in the morning, but are we doing it right? Several rules must be followed:

    1. In the morning, do not cover the bed with a blanket too quickly, let it dry a little. Open the window for ventilation - it will be good if the sun's rays enter the room. At the same time, open the bed so that the sheet is visible. The fact is that dust mites that collect on the bed die in the fresh dry air from dehydration. If you make the bed right away, you will create conditions for their further reproduction - a humid and warm environment.
    2. Before laying down the blanket, remove all unnecessary items (books, magazines, phone, etc.) and debris from the bed, thoroughly shake the blanket and fluff up the pillow.
    3. Carefully fold the blanket over the sheet.

    It's also important to look after others bedding that do not change so often (blanket, pillows, mattress). They also need to be cleaned, but once every six months. Pillows need to be regularly ventilated and refilled, as dust accumulates inside.
    Pillows should be regularly ventilated in the fresh air and refilled

    When soiled, the sofa and bed are vacuumed to remove hair, dust and animal fur. Mattress covers must be washed once a month, and it is recommended to take mattresses to dry cleaning (the same applies to voluminous blankets and blankets) or call special services.

    For temporary home care, upholstery shampoo diluted in cool water in a ratio of 1:3 is suitable.

    When washing bed linen, be sure to consider the type of fabric. For example, not all materials can withstand high temperatures - linen may lose its shape and color. Information about care (temperature, the possibility of using bleaches, type of spin, etc.) can be found on the labels of the bedding components and on its packaging.
    Each set of linen is supplied with a tag that indicates the washing and ironing conditions

    Preparing for washing

    Used linen should be placed in a special basket or box with holes for ventilation. If you store laundry in a regular basin, make sure that there is no moisture in it, and that the door to the bathroom is always open.
    This way you will avoid the formation of mold, which is difficult to remove.

    Buy a special basket for used laundry with ventilation

    Before washing:


    The bedding detergent should be selected based on the following rules:

    Water temperature and mode

    • If you don’t know what a particular icon on a label means or you’ve already cut them off a long time ago, use the following guidelines:
    • satin Depending on the degree of contamination, satin bedding is washed at 40–60 o C. Number of revolutions - up to 600;
    • jacquard-satin. Elite fabric is cleaned in a machine with low spin and at a temperature not exceeding 40 o C;
    • cotton. Colored material will withstand 40 o C, and white material - 90–95 o C. The optimal option is 40–60 o C. It is recommended to use double rinsing;
      linen. This thick fabric can be washed at high temperatures. Even boiling is possible (except for colored ones - only 60 o C). The material can withstand repeated washing with strong spin;
    • Linen linen can withstand washing in a normal machine cycle with a strong spin
    • synthetics. For this type of fabric, the maximum mark is 60 o C. Synthetic fabrics include lycra, polyester, dacron, tactel, modal, viscose. They should only be hand washed at low temperatures. Synthetics cannot be bleached or boiled. It is better to remove the spin cycle or set it to low;
      silk, satin. For silk satin, you can only use dry cleaning (the circle on the label indicates this). Other types of satin are cleaned manually or in a machine at 30–40 o C. Silk itself should be washed at a temperature of no more than 30 o C, using a mode without spin or with a weak spin;
    • Satin linen should be washed at a low temperature - from 30 to 40 degrees
    • calico The temperature should not exceed 30–60 o C, and the spin should not exceed 600 revolutions;
    • cambric, bamboo - 30–40 o C, delicate mode without spin or with low spin;
    • wool. This material requires the most delicate handling - mode " Handwash» and cool water (no more than 30 o C);
    • percale. The first time such laundry is washed at 20 o C, subsequently the temperature is set to no more than 60 o C. Spin is maximum;
    • poplin - 30 o C and low spin mode;
    • twill is the most unpretentious material. It can withstand temperatures up to 95 o C and any spin.

    As a rule, machines have washing modes with names corresponding to the types of fabrics: “Cotton”, “Synthetics”, etc. For each option, the machine itself sets not only the temperature, but also the washing time, as well as the spin intensity.
    Some modes have names of fabric types - tips for housewives

    Also consider the following general tips:

    • the optimal temperature at which all harmful microorganisms are destroyed is 55 o C. If the fabric does not allow you to set this temperature, you should use rinses with an antiseptic effect;
    • colored laundry should be washed first at 30 o C (the first three times), then switch to 40 o C;
    • remove stubborn stains before washing - soak the laundry for 1 hour in warm water with the detergent you are going to use for washing.

    Calculation of the weight of bedding sets for washing

    Each machine has its own maximum weight limit for the laundry it can wash. The weight of items is measured dry, but weighing the laundry every time is inconvenient. If your machine does not independently measure the weight of loaded items, keep in mind the following guidelines (using the example of calico bed linen):

    • children's set with one pillowcase - 1200 g;
    • 1.5-bedroom - 1580 g;
    • 2-bedroom - 1860;
    • euro - 2340 g.

    Cotton bed linen weighs less:

    • duvet cover - 800 g;
    • sheet - 600 g;
    • pillowcase - 200 g;
    • 2-bedroom set - 1800 g.

    Thus, the weight of one set varies from 1.5 to 2 kg. For high-quality and safe washing, it is recommended to load the machine to a maximum of 2/3, and preferably half.

    It is also important to consider the correspondence between the weight and the mode with which you are going to wash the laundry. If the machine load is 6 kg, this is the maximum weight for the standard “Cotton” mode. For more delicate modes, the maximum weight will be less: for silk and wool - 1.5 kg, and for synthetic fabrics - 3 kg. Do not forget that you cannot put only one or several small things that weigh less than 1 kg into the machine.

    Washing new bed linen

    New bedding will almost never be clean. Dust can get on it directly at production during sewing, during transportation and storage. This is especially true for textiles that are sold without packaging.
    On store shelves, laundry collects dust, so it must be washed after purchase.

    Another reason for the need to wash new clothes is special means, which are used to treat the bed before sale (starch and resins).

    They make linen denser and stiffer, help preserve the color and shape of the fabric, preventing damage to the fibers. The products are not dangerous to human health, but may cause allergic reactions.

    To wash new linen, it is enough to run a delicate wash in a machine at 40 o C. This will disinfect the textiles and remove excess paint after poor-quality dyeing of the linen in production. You should iron new clothes after washing only if they are too wrinkled or are intended for a child.

    After the first wash, the laundry may shrink slightly.

    Video: we wash bed linen according to all the rules

    Do I need to iron bed linen?

    It is necessary to iron bed linen, as this will guarantee the complete destruction of harmful microorganisms from its surface. The bedding set is dried in the sun, removed when the fabric is still slightly damp (except for linen made of cambric - it can wrinkle if ironed wet) and begin to iron. The temperature depends on the type of fabric.

    • Irons of different brands may also have modes with the names of materials. You can safely rely on them. If there are no modes, set the following temperature: cotton - 200 o C. Use steam and iron the linen with;
    • front side flax - it is possible to turn on itself high temperature
    • on the iron;
    • satin - no more than 150 o C and only on the wrong side;
    • calico, twill - from 100 to 200 o C;
    • satin - up to 200 o C on the front side;
    • chintz. Ironing at high temperatures is allowed. If you want to make the product shiny, iron from the front side, and if matte, iron from the back;
    • wool. Linen made from this material is ironed at 150–165 o C through a damp cloth from the inside out;
    • cambric, bamboo. You need to use the “Silk” mode or the most low temperature, ironing through cloth, gauze or tissue paper;
    • percale - up to 150°C.

    If there are embroidered patterns or prints on the linen, it is recommended to iron only from the wrong side.

    How to store bed linen

    Laundry care does not end with washing and ironing - it must also be stored correctly:

    Video: how to organize bed linen storage

    Bed linen is changed on average once a week. This is the best option for healthy adults and children. Wash used items depending on the type of fabric. Tips for caring for bedding are on the label (tag) in the form of special signs. Brand new linen can also be washed. Bedding sets should be stored in ventilated cabinets on separate shelves, out of direct sunlight.