
Patchwork patchwork mosaic. Patchwork mosaic. panel game with corners using patchwork technique. DIY patchwork mosaic

Patchwork patchwork mosaic.  Patchwork mosaic.  panel game with corners using patchwork technique.  DIY patchwork mosaic

Patchwork or patchwork, patchwork mosaic is a type of needlework in which, according to the mosaic principle, a whole product is sewn together from pieces of fabric (shreds). In the process of work, a canvas is created with a new color scheme, pattern, sometimes texture. Modern masters Three-dimensional compositions are also performed using the patchwork technique. All stitching seams in a patchwork fabric are on its reverse side. It has been used for a long time in Russia patchwork technique, in particular for the manufacture of quilts (quilts) and other products.

In Russia, sewing from rags became widespread in the second half of the 19th century with the appearance of foreign chintz on sale. Unlike homespun fabrics, the width of which was about 40 cm, factory-produced fabrics had a width of 75-80 cm, and when cutting clothes from them, a large number of scraps were formed. Applique appeared later: since English calicoes were expensive in Russia, it was considered inappropriate to cover one fabric with another. Patchwork reached its peak at the end of the century, when the production of cheap cotton printed fabrics was established and sewing machines appeared. Mostly things (mostly patchwork quilts), created among peasants, had an exclusively practical function - they protected from the cold. They were mainly made from scraps of worn clothing; they were irregular in shape and joined together randomly. However, in parallel, there was a tradition of sewing blankets for weddings and the birth of a child. These products combined utilitarian and decorative functions. The shape of the flap (stripe, square, triangle) was determined by the shape of the lunge formed when cutting a straight Russian suit.

At the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries, patchwork sewing in folk costume replaced complex lace, embroidery, and woven elements. Traditional Russian patchwork is characterized by manual assembly without the use of a base, overlapping patches, and the use of parts of different sizes.

After the revolution, this type of sewing was not included in the list of state-supported types of decorative and applied arts. Later, patchwork became a sign of poverty, a reminder of the periods of war and devastation experienced by the country. Interest in this type of decorative and applied art was revived in the 90s of the 20th century, and its study began at the same time. It has become not only a widespread hobby, but also an independent genre of decorative art. In Russia, every two years (since 1997) the festival “Patchwork Mosaic of Russia” is held, where the works of masters are demonstrated.

Cutting rules

Before the cutting step, keep the following things in mind:

1. Before cutting, new fabric must be washed and then steamed with an iron. This is done in order to prevent possible shrinkage and discoloration of the fabric after washing the finished product.

2. The flaps that have already been used before need to be starched and ironed.

4. It is always customary to cut in the direction of the grain thread, then during stitching the patchwork parts will not warp.

5. When using new fabric, use its edge as a guide.

6. In order to cut out the desired element, attach a template with indents to the back side of the fabric, outline it with chalk, then attach the template on top without allowances and trace it again along the contour.

7. After you have cut out all the necessary parts, you can sew them according to the chosen patchwork pattern.

Types of patchwork

1. Traditional

Refers to the Anglo-American type of needlework. Its main goal is to create a whole canvas from scraps. This creates geometric patterns. For this patchwork you need diagrams, templates and large-scale patterns, for example, blankets. It's the big pieces that look best. Often a lining is used here on the wrong side.

2. Crazy scraps

The material used is fabric scraps of different sizes and geometric shapes. Curved stripes, appliqués, irregular shapes. The seams are masked using braid or embroidery. An indispensable attribute is the generous decoration of the product.

3. Knitted

IN knitted style, the fragments are sewn to each other using a crochet hook. It is this patchwork technique that is embodied in bedspreads.

4. Japanese style

He combined Eastern and Western motifs. This style uses stitches and silk as the fabric. In addition to practical bedspreads or clothing, this type of sewing is often used in decorative panels. The composition is based on geometric shapes - rhombus, triangle, corner, square.


A popular technique, it can also use squares that are sewn into blocks and formed into a canvas. The main feature is the correct selection of the color palette of the shreds.

6. Stripe to stripe

IN this style applied, strips of fabric different colors and even invoices. You can combine the stripes however you like. From such strips you can create a unique palette and even patterns. For example, classic parquet, herringbone, wells.

7. Log hut

The style involves the formation of a pattern of stripes around a central element - a square. They are arranged in a spiral. There are variations of this technique - moving the square to the corner.

8. Magic triangle

This is the most common pattern in patchwork; in particular, such patterns, patterns and templates are used to create pillows, potholders, and bedspreads. In addition to the magical power of this figure, which many people believe in, the triangle is also easy to use. With it you can create a variety of shapes, including complex stars and simple squares. Using this technique, interesting combinations can be achieved.

9. Corners

The main difference between the style is that the corners are not made from cut-out blanks, but are formed from pieces of fabric different forms. The resulting strips are sewn into fabrics. The result is a voluminous canvas.

10. Chess

The main element is small squares or diamonds. They are arranged in a checkerboard pattern of contrasting colors.

11. Russian square

The central part of the canvas is assembled from squares, and the perimeter is sheathed with isosceles triangles. There is also alternate sewing - squares, triangles - stripes.

12. Honeycomb or grandma's garden

The basis of the canvas is formed by hexagonal blanks.

Why do you need patterns in patchwork?

If you are starting to use the patchwork technique and need to create colored or textured blocks, then for this you will need to prepare a special template that will help you cut out faster small details. It is from small elements with certain sizes and configurations that blocks are formed.

The template is prepared for the part taking into account seam allowances. If you have not purchased a special ruler for patchwork, then you will have to use a template, and the seam allowance is usually set to one size from 5 to 7 mm. The template for working with patterns is conveniently made of cardboard or plastic.

We have known about patchwork mosaics since childhood. These unusual designs attract attention, serve as elegant interior decorations and never go out of style. Many people remember grandmother’s cozy blankets, sewn from pieces of various fabrics assembled into a beautiful symmetrical pattern. Recently, patchwork is also known as “patchwork”, which is a simple translation of the English name of the same technique.

Finished products with patchwork mosaics not only delight the eye with the play of colorful patterns. Very often, craftswomen combine pieces of fabric left over from sewing children's holiday suits and other clothes into a pattern. Over time, children grow out of the things carefully sewn by their mother, but a blanket with a piece of material remains and evokes pleasant memories.

You may remember the film “Stepmom”, where the heroine played by Susan Sarandon decided to make her children unforgettable gifts: a blanket and cape made in patchwork style, the details of which are family photographs printed on the material.

Lovers of patchwork mosaics are happy to share their works and creative finds on the pages of books and magazines, and create groups for communication on social networks. After all, the process of patchwork is very exciting and teaches concentration, precision and allows you to express the creative abilities of needlewomen.

Where to start a creative project?

Firstly, you need to choose the right fabrics. The easiest way to create patchwork canvases is from cotton fabric. Before starting work, the washed fabric should be thoroughly ironed.

Since preparing the rags will take some time, learn to immediately sort the pieces for the future mosaic by type and density of fabric or color combination. Store them in candy boxes, plastic labeled bags of your choice, so that they are easy to use in your work.

Second and an important condition for pleasant and productive creativity - a sewing machine. With it you will be able to get the job done quickly and efficiently, with intricate artistic stitching.

Third rule: organize a place to work. It should be spacious enough and well lit. Take care of your eyes and posture, and do not bend too low while sewing. To do this, adjust the height of the table and purchase a comfortable chair with an ergonomic seat and back.

Fourth conditionadditional materials. Stock up on graph paper, cardboard, tracing paper for appliques, compasses and a ruler. To transfer the design to the fabric, you can use soft colored pencils, pieces of dry soap and tailor's chalk.

First project.

As your very first project, you can choose a small pot holder or elegant cushions for kitchen chairs.

However, to truly master the art of quilting, make a large, beautiful piece from colorful pieces of fabric, such as squares. It won't take much more time than making a small potholder with a complex pattern, and will give much more tangible creative satisfaction!

Stitching in a patchwork mosaic

The stitch shown in the picture above is straight and regular, which matches the selected square design. But quite often, needlewomen use figured stitch, made in the form of large flowers. It looks especially good on patterns made from small scraps of fabric connected in a complex, elegant pattern. Using stitches, several layers of the product are connected. In addition, the finished item acquires the desired texture and relief. The stitching is standard, with a “forward needle” seam.

Hand stitching requires a great deal of patience and careful handling of the needle and thimble. With a beautiful stitch you can fill empty spaces in the ornament and stitch a border. In addition, monograms and good wishes are embroidered with stitching.

Artistic stitching. Video:


Pay careful attention to the construction of the composition from the very beginning of work. To do this:

  • Determine the dimensions and geometric shapes of the work.
  • Choose the center of the composition. Mark the placement of the bright shapes in the design, leaving background space, or so-called “air,” between the geometric shapes and the border.
  • To make the drawing light, place dark large figures at the bottom of the composition, and place light and small ones at the top.
  • Check the balance of the drawing from the bottom up and along the sides, taking care that the compositional center does not shift.
  • Lay out the composition on the floor to view it from a distance and align the sides, the center and observe the color dominants.

Patchwork mosaic. “Well” technique

This technique is not difficult to master.

  • A square is taken as the initial element of the composition. It is this that becomes the center of the composition, which is trimmed with additional flaps.
  • Each new strip, or the so-called “log”, is stitched to the previous element, forming tiers of the well.
  • Elements of the picture increase clockwise.
  • The decorative feature of the design is in the color stretching, the transition from light tiers to dark ones, and vice versa.
  • Very often, craftswomen break colors diagonally, visually shading the corners of the squares.

Well technique. Video

Beautiful products using the patchwork mosaic technique

Patchwork mosaic or patchwork is a popular technique, so many variations have been invented that even experienced needlewomen may not know some nuances. This is a separate art with its own rules, technologies, methods and very poetic names for various techniques.

The patchwork technique is very popular nowadays.

What is patchwork mosaic

Patchwork mosaic has many other names - patchwork, patchwork, patchwork. All this refers to the same concept, which represents the art of combining patches into beautiful patterns.

Cotton fabrics – best choice for patchwork. Therefore, if you are going to sew a patchwork mosaic, do not throw away even small pieces.

Patchwork experts give a lot of advice in their books that help novice needlewomen get their bearings. If you systematize these tips and tricks, you get a small instruction.

Before you start working with fabric, it must be washed and ironed.

Tips for beginning patchwork craftswomen:

  • You can start patchwork with potholders and other small parts, but this is, let's say, a circle program. If you want to learn something about this technique with your own hands, the first thing should be a fairly large product, but simple in its design. The authors of books on patchwork say: large product In terms of time, it will actually take as much as a small one, but the effect is not comparable. Therefore, a simple blanket made of squares better than any potholders with a complex pattern for a debut in patchwork.
  • A sewing machine is required. Handmade art is, of course, wonderful. And if you are absolutely true to tradition, sew by hand. But be prepared that it will be long and tedious. And your free evenings will be spent on this complex activity. The machine simplifies the work.
  • The workplace should be comfortable and well lit. A chair with a back is a must, a comfortable table height is a must. Your eyes shouldn't get tired.
  • Additional equipment you will need: graph paper, cardboard, tracing paper, plastic (transparent), compass and rulers.
  • To transfer the design onto the fabric, you will need soft colored pencils. Sometimes carbon paper is used instead. Dry soap or thin school chalk is suitable for transferring a design onto a dark fabric.
  • For finishing, you will definitely need braid, lace (both hand-made and machine-made), ribbon, trim, beads, buttons and rivets.
  • Accuracy is the basis of patchwork. If you see a patchwork club program in front of you, you will see how much attention is paid to preparatory work. For example, you cannot collect scraps in one pile. Cut out pieces at once, wash, iron, sort into boxes. You can sort by color or fabric density. And candy boxes are suitable as boxes, gift boxes, dishware packaging, etc.
  • Be sure to wet new fabrics, otherwise they will shrink.

There are many more tips that can be given, but you can also move on to specific examples to clarify the situation.

Patchwork mosaics (video)

Patchwork mosaic: well

Even beginners can master the well technique. This is a consistent, uncomplicated work that results in beautiful patterns.

The action program is as follows:

  • The initial element of the composition is a square. It is located in the center and it turns out that it is he who is sheathed with strips of shreds.
  • Each new strip forming a well is called a log. It is sharpened so that the previous element is captured.
  • The movement goes clockwise, the initial square is built up by tiers of logs.
  • An important decorative point, forming a beautiful well, is color stretching. For example, from a dark well to light stripes, or vice versa.
  • The tiers of logs can be made equal in size, or they can be gradually increased.

A common case is a diagonal color breakdown. That is, the square remains in its place, and the remaining parts are lined up diagonally.

Visually, the two-color scheme is divided into two parts diagonally

DIY patchwork mosaic

To make your first work beautiful with your own hands, without obvious defects, spend special attention building a composition.

Any patchwork circle focuses students’ attention on this very moment.

What is important for building a composition:

  • Start by determining its size and geometric shape;
  • Between the figure, the center of the composition, and the edging of the thing, there must be a background, the so-called “air” of the composition;
  • Large and dark figures are usually located at the bottom of the composition, and small and light ones at the top;
  • There must be balance both above and below, right and left;
  • Do not shift the compositional center;
  • The future composition should be placed on the floor, look at it from the side, you will see whether everything is smooth, whether the color dominants are observed.

Be sure to do previews to see mistakes in time

Patchwork mosaic or patchwork is a popular technique, so many variations have been invented that even experienced needlewomen may not know some of the nuances. This is a separate art with its own rules, technologies, methods and very poetic names for various techniques.

Patchwork mosaic has many other names - patchwork, patchwork, patchwork. All this refers to the same concept, which represents the art of combining patches into beautiful patterns.

Cotton fabrics are the best choice for patchwork. Therefore, if you are going to sew a patchwork mosaic, do not throw away even small pieces.

Patchwork experts give a lot of advice in their books that help novice needlewomen get their bearings. If you systematize these tips and tricks, you get a small instruction.

Tips for beginning patchwork craftswomen:

  • You can start patchwork with potholders and other small parts, but this is, let's say, a circle program. If you want to learn something about this technique with your own hands, the first thing should be a fairly large product, but simple in its design. The authors of books on patchwork sewing claim that a large product will take almost as much time as a small one, but the effect is not comparable. Therefore, a simple blanket made of squares is better than any potholder with a complex pattern for a debut in patchwork.
  • A sewing machine is required. Handmade art is, of course, wonderful. And if you are absolutely true to tradition, sew by hand. But be prepared that it will be long and tedious. And your free evenings will be spent on this complex activity. The machine simplifies the work.
  • The workplace should be comfortable and well lit. A chair with a back is a must, a comfortable table height is a must. Your eyes shouldn't get tired.
  • Additional equipment you will need: graph paper, cardboard, tracing paper, plastic (transparent), compass and rulers.
  • To transfer the design onto the fabric, you will need soft colored pencils. Sometimes carbon paper is used instead. Dry soap or thin school chalk is suitable for transferring a design onto a dark fabric.
  • For finishing, you will definitely need braid, lace (both hand-made and machine-made), ribbon, trim, beads, buttons and rivets.
  • Accuracy is the basis of patchwork. If you see a patchwork club program in front of you, you will see how much attention is paid to preparatory work. For example, you cannot collect scraps in one pile. Cut out pieces at once, wash, iron, sort into boxes. You can sort by color or fabric density. Candy boxes, gift boxes, dishware packaging, etc. are suitable as boxes.
  • Be sure to wet new fabrics, otherwise they will shrink.

There are many more tips that can be given, but you can also move on to specific examples to clarify the situation.

Patchwork mosaics (video)

Patchwork mosaic: well

Even beginners can master the well technique. This is a consistent, uncomplicated work that results in beautiful patterns.

The action program is as follows:

  • The initial element of the composition is a square. It is located in the center and it turns out that it is he who is sheathed with strips of shreds.
  • Each new strip forming a well is called a log. It is sharpened so that the previous element is captured.
  • The movement goes clockwise, the initial square is built up by tiers of logs.
  • An important decorative point, forming a beautiful well, is color stretching. For example, from a dark well to light stripes, or vice versa.
  • The tiers of logs can be made equal in size, or they can be gradually increased.

A common case is a diagonal color breakdown. That is, the square remains in its place, and the remaining parts are lined up diagonally.

DIY patchwork mosaic

To make your first work beautiful with your own hands, without obvious defects, pay special attention to the construction of the composition.

Any patchwork circle focuses students’ attention on this very moment.

What is important for building a composition:

  • Start by determining its size and geometric shape;
  • Between the figure, the center of the composition, and the edging of the thing, there must be a background, the so-called “air” of the composition;
  • Large and dark figures are usually located at the bottom of the composition, and small and light ones at the top;
  • There must be balance both above and below, right and left;
  • Do not shift the compositional center;
  • The future composition should be placed on the floor, look at it from the side, you will see whether everything is smooth, whether the color dominants are observed.

Patchwork mosaics: stitch

Patchwork mosaics always involve quilting. It can be ordinary, or maybe curly. But any type of stitch requires regularity. And it is this: 1 cm of fabric - five frequent stitches, the standard seam is used - “forward needle”.

Why is stitching needed? Its goal is to firmly connect three layers of a thing (for example, a blanket). Usually the stitch is done with cotton threads, of course, to match the fabric. The stitching is done by hand, using a thimble and thin, strong needles.

In the patchwork circle program, these moments are also well described, because stitching with your own hands is a special job that requires patience and slowness.

The stitching on empty spaces in the ornament looks beautiful, and the stitching along the border is also surprisingly good. Sometimes initials or some wishes are embroidered with a stitch.

Artistic stitching for beginners (video master class)

There are many nuances and complexities in a patchwork mosaic that require perseverance. Some aspects can be done only with your own hands, without the help of a sewing machine. So patchwork is not only a lesson in needlework, but also a school of perseverance, thoughtfulness, concentration and relaxation.

Patchwork mosaic (photo)

Patchwork or patchwork, patchwork mosaic is a type of needlework in which, according to the mosaic principle, a whole product is sewn together from pieces of fabric (shreds). In the process of work, a canvas is created with a new color scheme, pattern, and sometimes texture. Modern craftsmen also create three-dimensional compositions using the patchwork technique. All stitching seams in a patchwork fabric are on its reverse side. In Russia, patchwork techniques have long been used, in particular for the manufacture of quilts (patchwork quilts) and other products.

In Russia, sewing from rags became widespread in the second half of the 19th century with the appearance of foreign chintz on sale. Unlike homespun fabrics, the width of which was about 40 cm, factory-produced fabrics had a width of 75-80 cm, and when cutting clothes from them, a large number of scraps were formed. Applique appeared later: since English calicoes were expensive in Russia, it was considered inappropriate to cover one fabric with another. Patchwork reached its peak at the end of the century, when the production of cheap cotton printed fabrics was established and sewing machines appeared. Basically, things (mostly patchwork quilts) created among peasants had an exclusively practical function - they protected them from the cold. They were mainly made from scraps of worn clothing; they were irregular in shape and joined together randomly. However, in parallel, there was a tradition of sewing blankets for weddings and the birth of a child. These products combined utilitarian and decorative functions. The shape of the flap (stripe, square, triangle) was determined by the shape of the lunge formed when cutting a straight Russian suit.

At the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries, patchwork in folk costume replaced complex lace, embroidery, and woven elements. Traditional Russian patchwork is characterized by manual assembly without the use of a base, overlapping patches, and the use of parts of different sizes.

After the revolution, this type of sewing was not included in the list of state-supported types of decorative and applied arts. Later, patchwork became a sign of poverty, a reminder of the periods of war and devastation experienced by the country. Interest in this type of decorative and applied art was revived in the 90s of the 20th century, and its study began at the same time. It has become not only a widespread hobby, but also an independent genre of decorative art. In Russia, every two years (since 1997) the festival “Patchwork Mosaic of Russia” is held, where the works of masters are demonstrated.

Cutting rules

Before the cutting step, keep the following things in mind:

1. Before cutting, new fabric must be washed and then steamed with an iron. This is done in order to prevent possible shrinkage and discoloration of the fabric after washing the finished product.

2. The flaps that have already been used before need to be starched and ironed.

4. It is always customary to cut in the direction of the grain thread, then during stitching the patchwork parts will not warp.

5. When using new fabric, use its edge as a guide.

6. In order to cut out the desired element, attach a template with indents to the back side of the fabric, outline it with chalk, then attach the template on top without allowances and trace it again along the contour.

7. After you have cut out all the necessary parts, you can sew them according to the chosen patchwork pattern.

Types of patchwork

1. Traditional

Refers to the Anglo-American type of needlework. Its main goal is to create a whole canvas from scraps. This creates geometric patterns. For this patchwork you need diagrams, templates and large-scale patterns, for example, blankets. It's the big pieces that look best. Often a lining is used here on the wrong side.

2. Crazy scraps

The material used is fabric scraps of different sizes and geometric shapes. Curved stripes, appliqués, irregular shapes. The seams are masked using braid or embroidery. An indispensable attribute is the generous decoration of the product.

3. Knitted

In the knitted style, the pieces are sewn together using a crochet hook. It is this patchwork technique that is embodied in bedspreads.

4. Japanese style

He combined Eastern and Western motifs. This style uses stitches and silk as the fabric. In addition to practical bedspreads or clothing, this type of sewing is often used in decorative panels. The composition is based on geometric shapes - rhombus, triangle, corner, square.


A popular technique, it can also use squares that are sewn into blocks and formed into a canvas. The main feature is the correct selection of the color palette of the shreds.

6. Stripe to stripe

In this style, strips of fabric of different colors and even textures are used. You can combine the stripes however you like. From such strips you can create a unique palette and even patterns. For example, classic parquet, herringbone, wells.

7. Log hut

The style involves the formation of a pattern of stripes around a central element - a square. They are arranged in a spiral. There are variations of this technique - moving the square to the corner.

8. Magic triangle

This is the most common pattern in patchwork; in particular, such patterns, patterns and templates are used to create pillows, potholders, and bedspreads. In addition to the magical power of this figure, which many people believe in, the triangle is also easy to use. With it you can create a variety of shapes, including complex stars and simple squares. Using this technique, interesting combinations can be achieved.

9. Corners

The main difference between the style is that the corners are not made from cut-out blanks, but are formed from pieces of fabric of different shapes. The resulting strips are sewn into fabrics. The result is a voluminous canvas.

10. Chess

The main element is small squares or diamonds. They are arranged in a checkerboard pattern of contrasting colors.

11. Russian square

The central part of the canvas is assembled from squares, and the perimeter is sheathed with isosceles triangles. There is also alternate sewing - squares, triangles - stripes.

12. Honeycomb or grandma's garden

The basis of the canvas is formed by hexagonal blanks.

Why do you need patterns in patchwork?

If you are starting to use the patchwork technique and need to create colored or textured blocks, then for this you will need to prepare a special template that will help you cut out small details faster. It is from small elements with certain sizes and configurations that blocks are formed.

The template is prepared for the part taking into account seam allowances. If you have not purchased a special ruler for patchwork, then you will have to use a template, and the seam allowance is usually set to one size from 5 to 7 mm. The template for working with patterns is conveniently made of cardboard or plastic.