
Retired veteran labor benefits per year. Benefits for labor veterans: what is required by law? Documents required for issuance of a labor veteran's certificate

Retired veteran labor benefits per year.  Benefits for labor veterans: what is required by law?  Documents required for issuance of a labor veteran's certificate

    In 2015, such labor veterans are entitled to the following benefits:

    • For lifelong use of a departmental polyclinic
    • 50% discount on utility bills, telephone, radio
    • 50% discount on intercity tickets
    • Provision of any medical care in the district clinic. As well as cash benefits, but their size is determined by each region in its own way.
  • The most complete and understandable answer was given on all benefits and payments for labor veterans. Watch the replay:

    Labor veterans include women with 35 years of work experience, and men with 40 years of experience.

    Also, the benefits that are due to labor veterans in 2015 are provided:

    Benefits for labor veterans are set at federal level, also in each region, additional benefits may be established by regional authorities:

    Labor veterans living in Moscow are entitled to the following benefits in 2015:

    1. Free travel to public transport.
    2. The right to provide qualified free medical care, including dental care.
    3. The right to participate in the privatization of the enterprise with the subsequent acquisition of shares.
    4. The benefit for payment of housing and communal services for labor veterans is 50%.
    5. Vacation in the amount of 30 days (in the event that the pensioner works).
    6. Vouchers to the sanatorium.
    7. Cash payment.
  • A labor veteran is a woman who has worked for more than 35 years or a man who has worked for more than 40 years.

    Benefits for labor veterans in 2015:

    1. A veteran of labor in Moscow has the right to travel in public Gotthian transport. A fixed-route and ordinary taxi is paid by the labor veteran in full.
    2. Free dental care in the clinic and dental prosthetics from the cheapest materials.
    3. A working veteran of labor in Moscow has the right to leave every calendar year in the amount of 30 days.
    4. A labor veteran is entitled to a utility payment benefit in the amount of 50% of the total amount.
    5. Veteran of labor is free health care.
  • One of the significant benefits is the free repair of dentures or the fulfillment of an order for a new prosthesis, a benefit is provided in all medical institutions.

    The benefits for Moscow pensioners are the same as for pensioners in other regions, but it is Muscovites who are paid monthly allowances from the Moscow city budget, called the CFD. And they also issue a Muscovite social card for free travel in transport, this benefit can be taken in cash.

    All types of payments to Moscow veterans of labor, but now the sizes are different, see the website Social protection for Muscovites at the link http://www.kszn.ru/socviplat/p2_articleid/4439

    see more on this site.

    • Women with more than 35 years of work experience, men with 40 years of experience.
    • Those with well-deserved medals and the above work experience.
    • People who started working as minors and those who worked during the Second World War.
    • Citizens awarded the relevant medals (awards) by the Government.

    What will Veterans of Labor receive in 2015:

    * A small cash payment, which can be received in the social security.

    *Rebate on utility bills in the amount of 50%.

    *Additional community health care and benefits for certain medications.

    *If the veteran is still working, he is entitled to an additional month's leave.

  • Moscow pensioners with the title of labor veteran can enjoy all the same benefits as federal pensioners-veterans of labor. More information about these benefits can be found here. True, the Moscow municipality provides such pensioners with additional benefits:

    As far as I know, the so-called Muscovite date map is also entitled to free pass on all types of urban public transport, and the monthly supplement to the pension is about 4 - 6 thousand rubles. In 2016, all these benefits are likely to be preserved. The only thing that can change is the amount of the surcharge. But this will become known later.

    Veterans of labor in Moscow have a number of benefits that greatly facilitate their financial condition.

    These are free travel in ground and underground transport, electric trains, free prosthetics in city clinics, a discount on utility bills, free vouchers to sanatoriums.

The list of benefits for labor veterans is determined by regional legislation (Article 22 of the Law of 12.01.1995 N 5-FZ).

Note. You can get acquainted with the list of benefits that are due to a labor veteran in your region at the local department (department) of social protection of the population or on the website of this body.

So, in Moscow, a veteran of labor is provided with the following (Articles 6, 10 of the Law of the City of Moscow dated November 3, 2004 N 70):

1) the right to free travel in Moscow on all types of urban passenger transport (except for taxis and fixed-route taxis), travel by suburban railway transport, as well as travel by automobile and urban surface electric transport of the Moscow Region along certain routes. This right is granted on the basis of the social card of a Muscovite (clause 3.1.3 of the Procedure, approved by Decree of the Government of Moscow dated November 18, 2014 N 668-PP; clause 1 of the Agreement between the Governments of the Moscow Region and Moscow on the organization of transport services for certain categories of citizens who have residence in Moscow or the Moscow region, in 2015-2017);

2) a 50% discount on payment for housing and utilities. This benefit is provided on the basis of an application by a labor veteran to an organization that charges payments for the named services, and documents confirming the award of the title "Veteran of Labor" (clauses 1.1, 7 of the Procedure, approved by Decree of the Government of Moscow dated 07.12.2004 N 850-PP );
3) for subscribers of telephone networks - monthly monetary compensation for payment for local telephone services provided in the city of Moscow, in the amount established by the law of Moscow on the budget of Moscow for the next financial year and (or) regulatory legal acts of the Government of Moscow;
4) free production and repair of dentures (except for the cost of paying for the cost of precious metals and cermets);
5) provision of non-working veterans of labor with free sanatorium-resort vouchers through the social protection authorities of the population and reimbursement of expenses for travel by long-distance rail transport to the place of treatment on the indicated vouchers if there are medical indications;
6) monthly city cash payment in the amount of 495 rubles. (Clause 4.2.3 of the amount of individual social payments for 2015, approved by Decree of the Government of Moscow dated 09.12.2014 N 735-PP). To receive a monthly city payment, a labor veteran living in Moscow must apply to the district department of social protection of the population of Moscow (clause 4 of the Order, approved by Decree of the Government of Moscow dated 08.02.2005 N 74-PP).

The benefits specified in paragraphs 1 - 5 are provided to labor veterans only after appointment upon reaching the age that gives the right to an old-age pension (part 2 of article 6 of the Law of the City of Moscow N 70; paragraph 1.1 of the Procedure, approved by the Decree Government of Moscow dated 07.12.2004 N 850-PP). The monthly city cash payment is due to labor veterans who are pensioners or who have reached retirement age(Clause 2, Part 2, Article 10 of the Law of the City of Moscow No. 70).

In addition, in some regions, taxation for labor veterans may be established. Thus, in the Moscow Region, labor veterans are entitled to a 50% reduction in transport tax for one passenger car with an engine power of up to 150 hp. With. (up to 110.33 kW) inclusive (Article 25 of the Law of the Ministry of Defense of November 24, 2004 N 151/2004-OZ).

In the Lotoshinsky Municipal District of the Moscow Region, the tax base for land tax is reduced by a tax-free amount of 25% of the cadastral value of the land plot per taxpayer holding a Labor Veteran certificate (clause 5.3.1 of the Decision of the Council of Deputies of the Lotoshinsky Municipal District of the Moscow Region dated 01.11.2007 N 417/43).

Residents of the Moscow region, who can return benefits for travel in Moscow, will be determined in September, said the chairman of the Moscow Regional Duma, Igor Bryntsalov.

From August 1, the order of transport services for privileged categories of citizens - residents of the Moscow region will be changed. About 1.2 million pensioners will lose their preferential train in Moscow.

According to RIAMO, the authorities will be able to provide targeted support to those in need of preferential travel. "For August-September, we'll see who can get benefits"- said Bryntsalov.

Free travel on public transport in Moscow is canceled for pensioners near Moscow who do not have preferential status, veterans military service and labor veterans.

/ Wednesday, July 8, 2015 /

Topics: Public transport

. . . . . This is reported by the Agency Moscow " with reference to the chairman of the Moscow Regional Duma Igor Bryntsalov.
"If the need is justified by the social security committees - it is there that the whole situation is analyzed in a concentrated form - then, accordingly, such decisions will be made, including political ones. The governor spoke about this, and I, when the law was adopted", - sk 2000 Bryntsalov Hall.
It should be noted that on July 1, the Governor of the Moscow Region, Andrey Vorobyov, signed a law according to which, from August 1 of this year, the procedure for transport services to privileged categories of citizens - residents of the Moscow Region will be changed.
Thus, about 1.2 million pensioners, namely veterans of military service, veterans of labor and pensioners without preferential status, are deprived of the right to a preferential train in Moscow.
Innovations will not affect only the federal categories of beneficiaries, they, as before, will be able to ride the Moscow subway and buses on the social card of a resident of the region.

. . . . . This was stated to journalists by the chairman of the Moscow Regional Duma Igor Bryntsalov.

"If necessary (partially return benefits - approx. . . . . .

Canceled benefits for travel in Moscow transport for residents of the Moscow region can be returned in a targeted manner to those who need them, Igor Bryntsalov, chairman of the Moscow Regional Duma, told reporters. According to him, those who need travel benefits will be identified through social security committees. Bryntsalov noted that 14 billion rubles are allocated from the regional budget for transport benefits. At the same time, according to studies, only 10% of residents use benefits for a trip to Moscow, 37% of them almost daily, RIAMO reports.
Recall that from August 1, about 1.2 million pensioners, including military service veterans, labor veterans and pensioners without preferential status, will lose benefits for travel in Moscow transport from August 1. The Governor of the Moscow Region Andrey Vorobyov has already signed the corresponding law. Privileges for travel through the territory of the Moscow region remain. Benefits for travel in Moscow transport will be retained by federal beneficiaries - a total of 20 categories. About 100,000 pensioners can count on compensation when traveling to a doctor in Moscow on a medical referral, but the amount of payments should not exceed 6,000 rubles a year.
Saved on exemptions budget resources it is planned to allocate for the reconstruction of art schools and music schools, as well as for the elimination of the second shift in schools. The regional communists, who unanimously voted against the law, are already holding pickets throughout the region and collecting signatures against the abolition of benefits, IA REGNUM reports. Rallies are planned in Istra, Bykovo, Leninsky district and other municipalities. Communists believe that residents will become especially active in protests after the law comes into force. On July 9, pickets for the preservation of benefits will be held by the party “ Apple ".

. . . . . This was announced at a press conference at the Regional News Agency of the Moscow Region (RIAMO) by the chairman of the Moscow Regional Duma Igor Bryntsalov.

He recalled that about 70% of the budget of the Moscow region is spent on social obligations. Liabilities for all types of benefits amount to 45 billion rubles, only for transport they amount to 14 billion rubles.

"We proceeded from the fact that the benefit should be targeted, we have retained the benefits for all veterans receiving benefits. We want to go this way (the abolition of benefits), make monitoring, identify those in need, through social protection committees, we will eventually identify these people, we preserved in the law the opportunity to help them"- said Bryntsalov. He added that the compensation could be up to 6,000 rubles by law, and in any case it would be monetized.

. . . . .

On June 18, deputies of the Moscow Regional Duma adopted a law in three readings at once, which abolished from August 1 free travel for pensioners, military service pensioners and labor veterans in public transport in Moscow. At the same time, all types of benefits within the region were preserved.

Many years of work, loyalty to the profession, outstanding results - these phrases are heard when a person is presented with a certificate of a labor veteran. Indeed, people who have devoted many years to work, have achieved great success in their professional activities, deserve not only pension provision but also state preferences. the federal law No. 5 officially designated workers as a privileged category of citizens. The document outlined the procedure for assigning status, recommended that regional governments send social support honored people. The subjects of the Federation, following the instructions of Article 22, developed the relevant resolutions, where they prescribed measures and the amount of social assistance labor veterans. Law No. 70 defines benefits for labor veterans in 2019 in Moscow.

Legislative aspect

The title of "Veteran of Labor" is established for Russians under the control of federal law.

FZ-5 defines:

  • circle of persons - applicants for labor veteranship;
  • title rules.

Article 7 (5-FZ) is devoted to the system of establishing labor veteranship. According to its provisions, the subjects of the Federation have the right to autonomously develop requirements for candidates for an honorary title.

The Moscow government issued Decree No. 443-PP, which approved the administrative regulations, the procedure and conditions for issuing veteran certificates to residents of the capital.

Until 2015, workers were recognized as beneficiaries when they worked out a period sufficient for the PFR to grant an old-age or service pension. Since 2016, the amendments made by FZ-388 to the main law “on veterans” have changed this practice.

New schedule introduced:

  • specific figures for the duration of work;
  • unequivocal prescriptions for accounting for awards.

In view of the changes, the constituent entities of the Russian Federation had to adjust their own legislative acts, taking into account the instructions of Article 7 of Article 5-FZ.

Today Muscovites are awarded an honorary title if:

  1. Applicants were awarded Soviet or Russian medals, orders, titles, were awarded presidential diplomas, gratitude.
  2. The total length of service is 20-25 years (women have a lower standard), earned in calendar terms.

One of the bases can be and. However, there are restrictions on these incentives. Awards counted:

  • issued before June 30, 2016 in combination with 20-25 years of experience or length of service;
  • awarded for labor achievements and continuous work of at least 15 years in the industry that initiated the award (from July 1, 2016).

Capital pensioners often ask how to get the title of labor veteran in Moscow today.

The only possibility of registering veterans' rights without presenting requirements for the presence of award documents concerns those who began working as a child during the Great Patriotic War.

The criterion for awards and incentives does not apply to such pensioners; it is enough for children of war to confirm the length of service in numerical terms:

  • Muscovites - 35 years;
  • male residents of the capital - 40 years.

The norms fixed by Decree of the Government of Moscow No. 443-PP (as amended on March 7, 2017) are identical to the conditions of federal legislation.

If a citizen meets the criteria set forth by the regulatory act of the city of Moscow, he has the right to apply to the social security department at the place of residence for the establishment of a preferential status. According to the administrative regulations, the registration procedure takes no more than 10 working days. The result of recognition of the merits of the worker will be the issuance of a veteran's certificate, which will serve as the basis for obtaining various kinds of benefits provided for by Moscow Law No. 70.

Types of preferences for retired veterans

Despite the fact that Federal Law No. 5 classifies labor veterans as beneficiaries, the current version of the law declares only the directions of possible indulgences for holders of an honorary title (Article 13).

The concrete expression of preferences is the prerogative of the governments of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Such an order was issued by Federal Law No. 122, which was called the law on “monetization of benefits”. In view of the instructions of Article 22 (5-FZ), the Moscow authorities issued Law No. 70, which outlined the basic principles for implementing social support methods and a list of indulgences for veteran workers.

Social help:

  • applies to citizens living in the capital;
  • provided by providing free services, preferential discounts, monthly cash payments.

Article 6 of Law No. 70 lists what benefits are provided to pensioners-veterans of labor in Moscow in 2019.

Muscovites working for free are offered the following services:

  • travel on all types of urban transport (except minibuses and taxis), as well as suburban railway traffic;
  • dental prosthetics (except for expensive materials) on a first-come, first-served basis;
  • issuance of sanatorium vouchers (to non-working workers in the presence of medical indications);
  • garbage disposal (for a single pensioner, a family of pensioners).

Compensation provided:

  • expenses for paying the cost of Russian railway tickets when traveling to boarding houses, sanatoriums on allocated vouchers (non-working);
  • payments for the use of local telephone communications (250 rubles).

Capital veterans-pensioners pay utility and housing services at a 50% discount. A separate Decree (No. 850-PP) regulates the procedure for granting this concession.

50% discount applies to:

  • total living space directly for the beneficiary, for family members - according to the standards;
  • the cost of utilities according to the norms of resource consumption.

The halving of utility bills applies to:

  • heating;
  • water supply;
  • sewerage;
  • electricity;
  • purchase and delivery of fuel;
  • waste disposal (for families consisting of several people).

Preferences for housing and communal services are provided to beneficiaries through housing and resource supply organizations.

For example, in order to pay electricity bills at a discount, the client needs to apply for a benefit at Mosenergosbyt PJSC.

It is important to understand that the holder of a veteran certificate will begin to apply for the listed social assistance measures after he reaches the generally established retirement age. A woman will be able to use preferential rights after the age of 55, for men the threshold is higher - 60 years (FZ-400, Art. 8).

Overhaul exemptions apply to persons old age. Muscovites over 70 years old will be compensated 50% of payments, 100% will be reimbursed to 80-year-old citizens.

For the convenience of exercising privileges, Muscovites draw up a social card (the procedure was established by Decree No. 668-PP). A social card is a carrier of information about the holder, it confirms access to social support measures and provides a number of advantages:

  • purchase of goods at a discount;
  • receiving medical care in the CHI system;
  • serves as a travel ticket;
  • allows you to pay utility bills without charging a commission;
  • performs the function of a regular bank card.

tax incentives

Tax reliefs are regulated by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the Laws of Moscow on property fees for:

  • transport - No. 33;
  • earth - No. 74;
  • real estate - №51.

The Tax Code exempts retired veterans from paying taxes for:

  • real estate (for one object of the types - apartment, house, garage, outbuilding up to 50m 2);
  • land plots with an area of ​​up to 600 m 2 (decrease in the cadastral value of land by deducting 600 m 2 free of tax);
  • specially equipped cars for the disabled (up to 100 horsepower).

From social payments - compensations, state benefits, EDV - personal income tax is not withheld.

Additional income the taxpayer will be able to:

  • when buying an apartment, prescription medicines;
  • payment from own funds for medical and educational services.

In such cases, after filing a declaration with the IFTS, the state will reimburse 13% of the money spent.

Moscow tax legislation provides for a 100% discount on cars with a capacity of up to 70 hp. Muscovite veterans have no other tax breaks.

The Federal Tax Service has an official website where the taxpayer can:

  • learn about tax debts, regional preferences;
  • submit a declaration;
  • issue tax deductions;
  • provide information about the property;
  • Make an appointment;
  • specify the address of the IFTS at the place of residence.

Additional payments and payments to Muscovite veterans

In addition to concessions on rent, transport passage, medical care, the city authorities offered the elderly the cash equivalent of social assistance.

Decree of the Moscow Government No. 1005-PP (2007) approved. The amount of assistance is changed annually by separate normative acts. So the holders of the veteran title, regardless of the fact of employment for 2017, were given an additional payment of 495 rubles (No. 816-PP). At the end of the year, the city authorities pleased the Muscovites with the news, doubling all subsidies.

The increase affected:

  • city ​​social standard;
  • one-time and monthly payments;
  • compensation for non-use of benefits from a set of social services (EDK).

Urban monthly payments labor veterans in 2019 in Moscow increased to 1,000 rubles (No. 805-PP).

The value of the city social standard for 2019 is set at 17,500 rubles. This is the material security standard for non-working Muscovite pensioners, but only for those who have been registered in the capital for more than 10 years (No. 1268-PP). If the old-timer of Moscow pension fund assigned a smaller allowance, a regional social supplement is established for him. RSD is calculated as the difference between 17,500 rubles and the actual material support.

Those who do not meet the conditions for the appointment of RSD are paid extra to the subsistence level (11,816 rubles - 2019). The allowance awaits citizens when, after summing up the pension and all types of compensation payments, the size of the pensioner's material income does not reach the established minimum.

EBC can be considered an additional payment to pensions for labor veterans in 2019 in Moscow. It is the replacement of natural privileges with money. When a person does not have the opportunity to travel by public transport, he has the right to receive the monetary equivalent of this benefit (388 rubles). If the beneficiary refuses free travel by commuter trains, this will add 188 rubles to the song.

An application for a pension increase instead of in-kind preferences should be submitted to the Department of Social Security. You can replace social services with money partially or completely (travel, telephone).

Material aid, paid at a time, is provided for:

  • spouses-anniversaries (20,000 - 30,000);
  • centenarians (100 years - 25,000, 101 years - 15,000 rubles).

If a veteran is awarded the title of "Honorary Citizen of the City of Moscow", then such a pensioner will receive an increase every month for life - 50,000 rubles.

Registration of benefits

The Department of Labor and Social Protection (USZN) of Moscow is the first instance where Muscovites turn to apply for the relief they are entitled to. The Department has an extensive network of territorial offices. For example, 10 departments are subordinate to the USZN CAO (Central District).

If earlier the beneficiary had to apply for preferences with the help of the authority to which he belongs at the place of residence, then from January 1, 2019, Russians have the right to apply to a state authority convenient for the location (legislative changes due to FZ-384).

Social security employees will provide information on the current concessions for veteran workers, help to correctly draw up an application, designate.

MFC - assistants in the preparation of any documents and intermediaries for communication with various kinds of government agencies. Many branches of the MFC are located in the administrative districts of the capital. Center staff will support the elderly person in registering for veterans' eligibility benefits.

The minimum effort will require registration of indulgences through the government website "Gosuslugi".

The Moscow authorities support the elderly residents of the capital. Today, not in every region of Russia, honored workers are offered concessions and payments, which are awarded to Muscovites. Despite the fact that it has become more difficult to obtain a veteran's certificate, it is still worth going through the procedure for awarding the title to Muscovites. Rent benefits, free travel and tangible benefits will benefit material support pensioner.

A labor veteran is a citizen of Russia who at one time was awarded one or another state award. In most cases, honorary titles are awarded to citizens for conscientious attitude to work and other merits. Today, undoubtedly, every labor veteran has his own seniority which provides him with the accrual of a pension after the end of his employment.

In addition to the factors familiar to us, people can fall under this status labor activity which began in wartime, when they did not reach the age of majority. For this category of the population, the length of service is 35 and 40 years for women and men, respectively. They carry the honorary title of a labor veteran with dignity, and at the same time they have the right to fully enjoy the social benefits due to them under labor legislation.

What benefits are guaranteed for labor veterans?

In connection with the increase in prices for housing and communal services and in order to save financial resources, a new law came into force in January 2019, which promises to have a positive impact on material well-being, the amount social pensions and other charges paid by the state.

If we consider the benefits for labor veterans in the capital, here the city authorities have made several changes to the bills, to which representatives of this privileged category have already responded positively. However, here it is immediately worth noting important factors and clarifying who exactly can use the benefits.

First of all, these are citizens who have worked for the most part in Moscow and have many documents confirming this fact.

List of benefits

Below is a list of benefits that are provided by law for labor veterans of the city of Moscow:

  1. The right to receive benefits when paying for housing and communal services;
  2. Free consultations and treatment in dental clinics in Moscow (does not mean private organizations);
  3. Free travel in all types of public transport, including suburban electric trains;
  4. The right to receive financial assistance (monthly) and preferential vouchers to health-improving and preventive complexes;
  5. Receiving compensation for paying for the removal of solid waste in the adjacent territory of a residential building.

New list of rules for veterans of labor in Moscow

This list was valid until August 1, 2019, until the Moscow Regional Duma decided to withdraw benefits for labor veterans and pensioners. Thus, more than a million representatives of preferential categories are now forced to pay for travel in Moscow's public transport.

However, if you collect the necessary list of documents, you can still count on the payment of compensation when applying to medical institutions, discounts on utility bills, etc. To do this, you must provide certificates to the regulatory authorities that will indicate that your income is much lower than the subsistence level.

Thus, the city authorities intend to replenish the city budget by more than 1 million rubles a month, since many of those who have a labor veteran's certificate continue to work and have a stable income.

To date, Muscovites who have been awarded the status of Labor Veteran, in accordance with Article No. 22 of Law No. 5-FZ “On Labor Veterans”, are entitled to the following list of benefits:

  1. Compensation for payment of all housing and communal services in the amount of 50%;
  2. Benefits for the use of public transport;
  3. The right to take a vacation at the required time (for working citizens);
  4. Services for dental care (does not include the cost of materials).

Additional Benefits Available to Labor Veterans

Labor veterans are eligible to receive benefits at the federal level. However, there are several nuances that you should pay attention to: the subjects of the Russian Federation independently have the right to establish a list of benefits and regulatory documents necessary to obtain them. Among the additional benefits provided for veterans of labor in Moscow, there are:

  1. 50% discount on communication payment services;
  2. Free use of public transport;
  3. Supplement in the amount of 247 rubles to the basic pension (public assistance).

All benefits are set individually for each representative of this category.