
Scholl heel file instructions for use. Comprehensive foot skin care with a scholl file, features of its operation and methods of application

Scholl heel file instructions for use.  Comprehensive foot skin care with a scholl file, features of its operation and methods of application

Women's legs are constantly exposed to stress. This is facilitated by wearing beautiful, but uncomfortable shoes: narrow, open, high platforms, wedges or heels. All this leads to a deterioration in the condition of the skin of the feet: it becomes rough and dry. As a result, cracks and wounds may appear, accompanied by pain and itching.

But even if the rough skin of the legs does not cause concern to its owner, it looks sloppy in appearance. This becomes a real problem for girls who regularly get pedicures and show off their bare legs in public.

Choosing a foot care product

An electric file can become a good helper for cleaning feet

The problem of cleaning the feet from calluses and corns is especially relevant in the summer, when anyone can see their feet. But you need to take care of them even in winter.

The easiest way to get your feet in order is to go to a beauty salon. There you can relax and completely trust the professionals. However, not everyone has the opportunity to regularly visit salons. This requires money and time. Therefore, many representatives of the fair sex (according to statistics, about 70%) prefer to take care of their feet on their own at home.

Available in cosmetics and perfume stores wide range foot care products. Every woman can choose what suits her.

The cheapest option is to purchase a regular mechanical foot file made of pumice, wood, glass, ceramics or other material. But why bother rubbing your heels with ordinary nail files, injuring your skin and getting pretty tired in the process, if you can make yourself hardware pedicure using an electric file?

Is it worth buying an electric file?

An electric file is a compact device designed to remove calluses and corns. It consists of a handle-holder and a removable roller made of abrasive material. The roller rotates at high speed, removing dead skin particles. Living skin remains intact.

The advantages of using an electric file over mechanical and salon procedures:

  1. Simplicity, ease of use. You don't need to rub your feet yourself. You just need to gently drive the device, saving effort and time. Electric files are made from lightweight materials, they have a streamlined shape and fit comfortably in the hand.
  2. Hygiene. Not all beauty salon workers thoroughly and regularly clean and disinfect their tools, so there is a risk of contracting a fungal disease. The purchased file is individual and belongs only to its buyer, who himself monitors its cleanliness.
  3. Saving money and time spent when visiting a professional.
  4. Delicate removal of rough skin, without pain.
  5. Safety. When using mechanical tools, the skin is pre-steamed, which can lead to cracks and damage.

How to use a roller file?

Sholl electric foot file

Before using the file, you must wash and dry your feet. There is no need to steam them. The entire procedure is carried out on clean, dry skin. During its implementation, the following rules are followed:

  1. the roller should fit snugly against the skin, but there is no need to press it in;
  2. the feet are processed with smooth back-and-forth movements;
  3. removal of calluses and corns occurs quickly, within 10 seconds the result is already visible, so there is no need to delay the procedure;
  4. If redness appears, stop the procedure.

After the procedure, you need to wash off any remaining hardened skin from your feet. To keep the skin soft and tender, a nourishing cream is applied to it.

After each use, the nozzle is removed, washed under running water, dried, and covered with a protective cap. After the abrasive layer is erased, the roller is changed.

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The device cannot be used on skin that has abrasions or irritation. It should not come into contact with water. You need to make sure that clothes and hair don’t get caught under the rotating roller.

It is worth noting that an electric foot file cannot give your legs a “salon” look. The electric file is not designed to create, but to maintain legs in perfect order. It alone is not enough for “neglected” feet. At home, you still need to use creams, balms, scrubs, and foot baths for this.

In addition, an electric heel file costs much more than a regular mechanical grater, but it is definitely worth the money. With its help, you can forget about spending money in beauty salons for a long time.

Scholl file and its analogues

The most popular electric heel file is made by Scholl. It is small in size, oblong in shape and equipped with a rubberized handle, making it comfortable to grip and not slip in the hand. It runs on 4 batteries. It quickly and effectively gets rid of calluses. The legs become smooth and velvety. Each area of ​​skin should be treated for no more than 4 seconds.

To be fair, it should be noted that some independent beauty bloggers do not really praise these files, perhaps they are too picky, but watch the video review below and judge for yourself whether some of the features of these files (for example, increased noise, dimensions) suit you specifically.

The roller of the Scholl Velvet Smooth file is coated with silver, which prevents the growth of microbes. The nozzle can be easily changed by purchasing a replacement roller at a pharmacy or ordering it online.

  • One of the most common analogues of the Scholl file is the Gezatone 126D cordless electric file. Its advantages include a waterproof case and backlighting. The battery provides high speed operation (up to 4200 rpm). The set includes 2 rollers designed for different types skin (for rough - blue color, and for sensitive ones - white).
  • Kemei is a Japanese electric saw that differs from Sholl in that it operates without batteries, on a battery. Therefore, it is more economical than its more famous competitor. Its operating speed is 60 rpm.
  • Model AEG PHE 5642 runs on batteries and comes with 4 rollers different colors designed for various skin types. It only works on one speed and costs about the same as the Sholl Velvet Smooth Express.
  • Professional electric files are more expensive, but work much more efficiently. These include Scarlett SC-953, which can switch operating speeds (there are 10 in total). It is sold complete with a bath and massage devices.
  • A similar set comes with the Rowenta MP file. It gently exfoliates dead cells, and the included hydromassage bath is designed to quickly steam the skin. This way you can make your heels smooth and beautiful even in a neglected state.
  • ORLY Foot File is another professional file, the abrasive part of which is coated with diamond chips. It effectively fights calluses and practically does not wear off.

Taking care of the skin of your feet is not at all difficult if you purchase one of the special electrical appliances. Their range is represented by models from various companies, in different price categories. Every woman will be able to choose a device that suits her in terms of its functions and price.

Every girl knows that the skin of the feet needs special care. Despite this, not everyone can afford to visit a beauty salon or call a specialist to their home. Therefore, fashionistas actively use various devices to maintain their beauty. One of these is the Scholl electric file, which has earned millions of positive reviews all over the world. What is this device and how to use it? Everything will be discussed in detail in the article.

Purpose and functions of the device

The Scholl electric file was developed in America to replace modern women trips to beauty salons and simplify home care behind the feet. The new product became popular at the beginning of 2015. The device is easily distinguished by its simple shape. This is a small hand tool consisting of a replaceable rotating attachment and a handle holder. Power is supplied from standard AA batteries.

Dry skin is removed with a Scholl foot file in such a way that no harm is caused to healthy areas. The girls note that the procedure goes quickly, and the sensations from it remain pleasant. If you use the device regularly, the epidermis will be soft and elastic.

Unlike its prototypes - pumice and grater - the Scholl electric roller file does not leave any marks on the surface of the skin. Cleansing occurs gently and carefully. Many people believe that this device is ideal for pedicures at home.

Basic functions of the Scholl roller file:

  • Removing rough and flaky skin.
  • Polishing.
  • Cleansing.

Packaging and accessories

The Scholl file is available in a transparent plastic box on a cardboard plate. Packaging has blue. Instructions for use are included on the reverse side.

The device itself has a stylish appearance. The device is made in white and blue colors. The removable roller is black and cylindrical in shape. The handle is large enough, so it is comfortable to hold in your hand even for a long time. In the package you will find a tight plastic cap. It protects the abrasive from damage.

The weight of the heel file is only 225 g. The length from the base to the edge of the nozzle is 16.5 cm. To operate the device you will need four AAA batteries.

Operating instructions

Not a single review of the Scholl electric roller file contains complaints about the difficulty of using it. In the attached instructions for use, the entire procedure for treating the skin of the feet is described in great detail. Just in case, we will present you a master class on standard operation of the device:

  1. Unscrew the battery compartment cover counterclockwise.
  2. Remove the protective film and plastic ring.
  3. Screw the cap back on.
  4. Remove the protective cap from the abrasive attachment.
  5. Check that the roller is positioned correctly.
  6. To turn on the device, turn the metal ring on the handle.
  7. Consistently treat the entire surface of the feet.
  8. When the procedure is complete, turn off the device.

Never use a Scholl electric foot file on wet skin. It is not allowed to hold the nozzle on one area of ​​the foot for more than 4 seconds. When processing the epidermis, control the pressure.

After removing rough skin, wash your feet. Then dry them thoroughly with a clean towel and apply moisturizer. In reviews of Scholl heel roller files, girls recommend using cosmetic products from the same company for this.

Storage and care

  • Do not allow the device to come into contact with water.
  • Clean the removable attachment after each procedure. To do this, disconnect it from the device structure and rinse it under running water. Then wipe the attachment and the file itself with a dry cloth.
  • Store the device completely assembled. The nozzle must be covered with a protective cap.
  • Avoid contact of the switched-on device with fabric or hair.
  • Keep the device out of the reach of pets and children.

You cannot use old and new batteries at the same time. Otherwise, they will quickly become unusable. The simultaneous use of salt and alkaline batteries is also prohibited. The new Scholl file will serve for the benefit of your beauty for a long time if you follow all the rules for its use and storage.

Contraindications for use

The Scholl Velvet Smooth electric roller file copes well with simple and common cosmetic problems such as roughness and flaking of the skin of the feet. However, in some cases it is strictly forbidden to use it:

  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • Presence of cracks on the feet.
  • Unsandable leather.
  • Volumetric growths.

Do not file other areas of the body with a file. It is intended for foot skin care only. If you experience discomfort or irritation during the procedure, you should stop using the device.

How much does a Scholl file cost?

Until recently, the device was ordered from online stores. Today you can purchase a device for treating the skin of your feet in almost any cosmetic market. The Scholl file is also sold in pharmacies.

The average price of the device is 1,400 rubles. Sometimes in reviews girls talk about purchasing a Scholl file on Aliexpress for 1,200 rubles. In a number of retail stores, the device costs at least 1,700 rubles.

Despite the rather high prices, the device quickly pays for itself. A standard pedicure procedure in a salon will cost you at least 800 rubles. When using a file, you won't have to spend that money every 2-3 weeks.

Just recently there was a real boom: all the girls wanted to get their hands on a Scholl file. Now some are skeptical about it, considering such a purchase to be nothing more than a tribute to fashion. What do you think: is this device useful and is it an alternative to a salon pedicure?

The School Velvet Smooth nail file is an electric device that is ideal for effective nail care at home.

The equipment of the device provides delicate care thanks to the function of grinding and polishing the nail plate. The Scholl nail file is a modern device that performs the basic functions of caring for nails of both hands and feet in the shortest possible period of time. The file can be used by representatives of any gender.

Using a Scholl nail file has the following advantages:

  • The file can be used to create any nail shape.
  • Can be used for manicure on any length of nails.
  • Restores natural shine.
  • Safe to use. Due to the sufficiently wide nozzles and the absence of sharp surfaces, there is a risk of damage skin or skin appendages is minimal.
  • Using a file will help save time.
  • Can be used in combination with both original oil and products from other manufacturers.
  • The file is suitable for daily use.
  • Thanks to battery power, it can be used in any conditions (train, plane).
  • The Scholl nail file has an ergonomic shape, so it is comfortable to use, and high-quality plastic allows the file to fit securely in your hand.
  • During use, very strong vibration does not develop, unlike other analogues on the market.

The Scholl file can also be used to create a professional manicure for beauty salon workers. But it is very important to note that boiling should not be used to sterilize instruments.

When handling the Scholl nail file, you must follow these recommendations:

  1. Contact of the file with water or wet surfaces is contraindicated.
  2. The device can only be used for nail care.
  3. Do not remove areas of roughened epithelium on the skin.
  4. The file can be used for no longer than 4 seconds in the same area of ​​the nail. Next, you should carefully move to another zone.
  5. The duration of polishing one nail plate should not exceed 15 seconds.
  6. Do not steam your fingers before using the nail file.
  7. The Scholl hand file, if safety precautions are followed, does not lead to the development of bleeding, but, nevertheless, people with blood diseases or diabetes mellitus you should be more careful.

Is Scholl worth buying?

The Scholl nail file is a great helper for doing a manicure at home. But it is worth noting that to care for fingernails and toenails, you need skills in working with such tools.

This new product is quite expensive, but, as with all tools, its attachments wear out over time. The nail file is mainly recommended for use at home. But, if your nails are highly sensitive, then it is recommended to do a manicure using classic tools.

Contraindications to the use of the Scholl nail file:

  • Nail diseases caused by fungus.
  • Nail injuries.
  • Childhood.
  • Palmar hyperhidrosis.

If the procedure leads to the development of severe discomfort, the procedure should be stopped immediately.

Scholl for nails: how to distinguish an original electric file from a fake

A genuine Scholl file must be packaged in a sealed blue package indicating the company and country of manufacture. The electric file is made of plastic in a combined color. The Scholl nail file operates at two speeds.

The women's gadget kit includes:

  1. Ergonomic handle.
  2. Set of attachments:
    • Smooth nozzle for polishing to a high-gloss shine.
    • A nozzle designed for shape correction. Has a hard coating.
    • Polishing attachment with medium hardness.
  3. AA batteries for power supply.

The Shol hand file is not equipped with a special nail dryer. The file runs on four batteries. On average, when using a nail file every day, they last for 3-4 weeks.

After the batteries are discharged, the file begins to work more slowly, and also, without pressing hard, the roller does not move.

An integral part of the nail file body is the abrasive roller. The advantage of the structure of the device is that this roller can be purchased separately and replaced if necessary. Using a Scholl nail file provides not only beautiful nails, but also healthy care without the risk of developing traumatic injuries. In order to turn on the file, turn the ring, which is located at the top of the handle, and select the required operating speed.

How to distinguish an original from a fake?

First of all, in order not to run into a fake, you should buy the device from official distributors or in specialized stores.

The distinctive features of the original Scholl nail file are:

  • Hard plastic packaging. Most counterfeits have cardboard packaging.
  • On the back of the box is shown brief instructions in Russian.
  • Availability of a certificate of conformity from the seller.
  • Batch code on the back of the package.
  • AA batteries are initially inserted inside the nail file.
  • The nail file handle is made of non-slip plastic. The handles of fakes have a smooth surface that slides in the hand. Very often the color of fakes is darker.
  • Smooth surface, no visible damage to the surface of the device.
  • The original Scholl nail file differs in price from the fakes. The average cost of fakes is 2-3 times lower than the original.

You should beware of fakes on the Internet. When working with a nail file or roller foot file from Scholl, avoid contact of the device with water and wet surfaces, use strictly for its intended purpose and do not increase the recommended duration of treatment of the nail plate.

How to use a Scholl nail file

Carrying out a manicure using a Scholl file requires certain skills in working with manicure tools. When using the file for the first time, you need to remove a small piece of paper that separates the battery from the metal contact. How to use a Scholl nail file at home is indicated on the back of the package.

More detailed instructions for maximum effective use nail files:

Before using the Scholl nail file, wash your hands thoroughly in warm water and dry your hands with a towel. natural fabric. Turn on the nail file at minimum speed to test the device. Next, carefully bring the file to the edge of the nail, gradually moving it in one direction, running along the edge of the nail. Using these movements, give the nail the desired shape.

Next, you need to remove the attachment you are using and put on the grinding attachment. Grinding the nail should be done without excessive pressure and holding in the same place, and this should be done for 15 - 20 seconds on the surface of one nail plate. Afterwards, wipe the surface of the nail with a dry towel to remove dust. Install the polishing attachment and perform smooth circular movements to achieve shine.

File operating modes:

  • 0 — the nail file is in off mode.
  • 1 - gentle mode, intended for thin nail plates.
  • 2 — maximum power mode. This mode is used to care for thicker nail plates. Often men and older people use the nail file at maximum power.

The average cost of a Scholl nail file in Russia is 1,500 rubles. The file comes with batteries.

The Scholl electric nail file has a number of analogues on the modern market.

Acetino. The advantage of this nail file is the presence of a special LED backlight for high-quality manicure or pedicure in hard-to-reach places. Also, the file has 4 types of attachments.

Maniquick. This file has a similar structure and configuration to the Scholl file. The device operates at two speed levels. The set includes 3 interchangeable attachments for shaping, sanding and polishing. Knowing the technique of how to use a Scholl nail file, you can avoid unnecessary trauma and achieve the desired result.


Marina“In the fourth week of use, the Scholl file began to work more slowly than usual. After replacing the batteries, it started working as before.”

Irina“The file is suitable for doing manicures at home. But in addition to it, you have to use other tools to work with the cuticle and hard-to-reach places.”

Olga“At first it was quite difficult to get used to large size nail file attachment. It's easy to create the perfect shape."

Our feet, on the one hand, withstand incredible daily stress. But, on the other hand, they do not always receive proper care. And it's not just about cosmetic care, but also in unloading and recovery procedures.

More and more innovative foot care products are appearing on the modern market. Now it is much easier to keep them healthy and clean. Along with home and traditional remedies, you can use semi-professional devices such as the Scholl electric file.

This is a compact and easy-to-use device. It is safe, highly effective and incredibly easy to use. At the same time, being an electric file with a charging wire, this device requires responsible handling, which is why we are telling you how to use the Scholl heel file.

The sequence of actions when using Scholl for the first time is as follows:

  1. Unpack the packaging and remove the device from the special recesses, remove the protective film and the plastic ring, and to do this, scroll the bottom of the file counterclockwise.
  2. Insert new batteries.
  3. Check the hardness of the spray for compliance; if it is too soft or, conversely, hard, install the appropriate one.
  4. Remove the protective cap from the file and start cleaning your heels.
  5. To do this, slide the ring to the left, thereby turning on the device - the roller will begin to rotate.
  6. Touch the rotating roller to the problem area of ​​the foot. Do not apply pressure or special pressure, move the roller slowly and smoothly along the heel.
  7. Don't stay in one place for more than 4-5 seconds.
  8. When you consider the procedure complete, return the ring of the file to its original position, thereby turning it off.
  9. After the procedure, rinse your feet in warm running water; it would be a good idea to apply a moisturizing or nourishing cream.
  10. Don't forget to treat the file itself after using it. In particular, you need to remove the roller, rinse it with water, and wipe the device itself with a damp cloth. This way it is possible to remove dead cells and dust from the surface of the device.

If the skin of the heels is very rough, an electric file can be used every day until the desired result is obtained - on average, 7-10 daily procedures are enough. If you use Scholl for preventive purposes, treat your heels with it once a week or two. With constant use of the Scholl electric roller file, the skin becomes soft to the touch and takes on a delicate appearance with a pinkish tint.

For example, nail file users are often interested in how to lubricate their feet while cleaning for greater efficiency. The answer is simple - no additional substances are used when operating the file. The operation of the electric file is carried out on dry skin, otherwise there will be a complete or partial absence of the impact of the abrasive roller on the skin.

Women and men who regularly use Scholl electric files usually leave only positive reviews about the device and not in vain, because it:

  • easy to use and maintain;
  • has a reliable operating principle and is practically not subject to breakdowns;
  • conveniently assembled - the handle is rubberized and does not slip, it is ergonomically shaped and fits well in the hand; the roller is protected from contamination by a special cap;
  • the roller itself is easily removable, which makes it easy to clean the device or replace the roller with another one if necessary;
  • safe - despite the fact that the roller is quite hard, it does not injure the skin, unless, of course, you overdo it with pressure on the file;
  • Power supply can be supplied either from the mains or from batteries.

However, in fairness, it is necessary to note several disadvantages of the Scholl file:

  • not the cheapest device, but for a semi-professional product this is understandable;
  • does not provide quick effect– it may take 1 to 2 weeks to clean fairly rough heels daily use files;
  • Quite noisy in operation and quite dusty;
  • for severely neglected heels, one electric file is not enough;
  • The use of electric saws is not recommended for people with diabetes.

In general, after weighing the pros and cons, we recommend that you make a rational and thoughtful decision about purchasing a file. This is a modern, convenient and very effective accessory. At the same time, it is not the cheapest, and with minor roughness of the skin, you can get by with homemade foot masks.


The Scholl file is a special device that allows you to effectively deal with deposits of rough skin on the heels. The device appeared on the foreign market a long time ago and today more than several dozen varieties can be found in all online stores. The product is so popular and effective that it is used all over the world.

The Scholl file was produced by leading foreign specialists who managed to fit a huge number of functions into a small device. Thus, today many note the advantages and possibilities of adaptation over traditional options combating rough skin.

Positive reviews of the Scholl foot file help people become familiar with the main advantages of the device. Many users note the presence of special removable rollers that extend the duration of use of the product. If you have been using special stones to clean your feet or traditional remedies for a long time, then you should give them up.

Currently, the Chollet electric roller saw, which has only positive reviews, is relatively inexpensive. Huge number interesting new products and file models will allow you to diversify your choice and purchase the optimal model. All technical parameters and characteristics declared by the manufacturer are true. If you liked the Scholl roller file, you can find reviews on any forum dedicated to this topic. 95 percent of owners of such devices will agree with you.

If you have long dreamed of purchasing such a product, then you should not waste time. The efficiency and advantages of the equipment are fully confirmed by tests and practical application.

What is the Scholl roller file used for?

On the human heel, keratinized growths constantly form due to the death of cells and the skin itself. There is only one way to get rid of this problem in an efficient way– remove using a stone or a special electric saw. First of all, we can note the positive reviews about the Scholl heel file, which has proven itself with the best side and is used by many. Changes in the structure of the skin, the appearance of dead cells, all this is due to some features of modern shoes, in that there is no constant flow of fresh air to the cells. As a result, tissue death occurs. In fact, there are no negative consequences, only the aesthetic appearance is impaired.

You can always purchase replacement rollers, which are sold in the store at a fairly low cost. Thus, there is no need to spend money on buying a new model. Currently, the Chollet file is a unique device with which you can completely get rid of rough skin. Many professionals working in the pedicure industry use several different models of such devices. As a result, unique results are achieved in terms of the quality of heel treatment.

Using a whole range of pedicure procedures will help you get rid of any problems with dead skin. But with the help of an electric saw you can achieve much more effective results. You can, after spending a few minutes, completely remove dead skin. By and large, the electric roller file Scholl velvet smooth reviews is the best that has appeared in this product category over the past few years. If you have never tried this device, then you should take advantage of its effective benefits.

Many beauty salons that provide customer service and pedicure services also responsibly approach the search for professional equipment and tools. The presented Scholl file has found wide application and allows for complete removal of rough skin. Clients remain satisfied after the procedures performed. Also a separate advantage is the replaceable rollers with different types of working surfaces. You can use both rough and soft cleaning, and there are also rollers for sanding. In general, everything a professional pedicurist needs.

Advantages of the Chollet roller file over traditional devices

Traditional methods of dealing with rough skin on the heels of the feet are metal brushes and pumice stones. These are quite common products that almost everyone had in their apartment. IN in this case they have a standard design and work due to the abrasive ability of materials that simply erase the top layer of dead cells. In fact, to make your skin smooth, you will need to spend a considerable amount of time and you need to do this when your skin is completely soft. That is, you will need to immerse your feet in warm water for a while. In turn, the Scholl file, which has positive reviews, can be used even with dry skin.

The advantage of the electric model is fully justified and confirmed by many people who have used the device more than once. You can also note a large number of models and operating modes. You can select a specific roller rotation speed and buy different types of rollers.

In general, the Scholl electric file fully confirms its reviews. Automatic drive system, operation from several batteries - all these can be called advantages.

In addition, many users note the presence of more than 50 different models and variations of this device.

Main advantages of the model:

  • Low cost and availability;
  • High-quality performance and reliability;
  • Huge availability of functional modes and replaceable rollers;
  • Ease of use;
  • Automatic drive;
  • Battery operated.

Thus, it will be very difficult to find a worthy replacement for this device. Recently, people have become more and more interested in this remedy. It has the best technical conditions and helps many achieve the desired result.

How to use the Scholl heel file correctly?

Using an electric saw is quite simple. The product comes with instructions for use, which must be strictly followed. Install the batteries first. Many negative Scholl electric heel file reviews begin with the fact that the manufacturer does not include batteries in the kit. In fact, from a technical point of view this is incorrect. If you install batteries, they will oxidize and become unusable. All parts that the batteries come into contact with will become corroded. Therefore, you need to understand all the nuances of this issue.

After you have installed the batteries, you need to fix the roller, this is very simple to do. There are special fasteners that you just need to press and insert the roller. In general, everything is ready to use. Press start and the roller begins to rotate at optimal speed. To remove rough skin. A high-quality Scholl heel roller file, reviews of which are only positive, indicates that the buyer purchased the original version. There are a huge number of fakes on the Internet, since the effectiveness of the product is high and many are trying to copy its functions.

After you turn on the file, you should use light and smooth movements over the damaged areas with keratinized skin. It is best to pre-treat the skin with warm water. Thus, the efficiency will be much higher.

Important! You don't need to put too much pressure on the roller, as the weak mount is not designed to carry loads. It is better to walk on the heel several times than to immediately break the device.

The unique Scholl electric file, the price of which is affordable for many, has many advantages. First of all, it is functionality. Many buyers note ease of use. It also has a stylish design. By and large, the file has a lot of advantages and benefits.

Reviews of Roller file for heels Scholl (6)


    I've been using a lot lately effective means new generation, which allow you to remove dead skin. Currently I have settled on the Scholl file, which has unique advantages. The technical characteristics of the device are based on the fact that keratinized skin is easily removed using a roller. The movement of the saw is based on the work of a centrifugal drive and several batteries. The device operates silently and efficiently. If you need to take care of your feet, then purchase this file model. It will help you deal with dead skin.


    I would like to recommend the Scholl file, which I use to combat dead skin. The death of cells and tissues on the heel occurs in an active mode, I don’t know what this is connected with. To remove the accumulated data, I had to rub it with a stone for hours. But then they advised me to use a new generation file. It was relatively inexpensive, but was equipped with removable rollers. I fully confirm the effectiveness of the presented file, as it definitely helps remove plaque from dead cells on the heel.
