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Diy crafts for mother's day are complex. DIY Mother's Day gift made from napkins, fabric and paper for elementary school, kindergarten - photo and video. Craft: Flowers made from salt dough

Diy crafts for mother's day are complex.  DIY Mother's Day gift made from napkins, fabric and paper for elementary school, kindergarten - photo and video.  Craft: Flowers made from salt dough

Like other popular holidays in our country, Mother's Day is also a long-awaited and very pleasant holiday for every mother and every child. Of course, the celebration of this date is not complete without a solemn event. And such events are held in schools and kindergartens. This event ends with the presentation of some kind of warm gift for mom. Naturally, children in the kindergarten cannot afford to buy any kind of gift, but they can always, with the help of the teacher, make crafts for Mother’s Day in kindergarten with their own hands. But we will demonstrate ideas for such a case in this publication.

Simple Mother's Day Craft Ideas

Fruit from plastic plates.

When thinking about the idea of ​​a craft, it is worth considering that not all kids have any complex skills in creating crafts. And therefore, in this case, it is worth offering the guys more simple options. For example, a simple plastic plate white, can be turned into a bright fruit with simple movements. And for this you will need richly colored paints. They draw slices on the plates and shape their edges. The paint must dry and the gift will be ready to be given.

Sweet horseshoe.

In this article we list simple crafts for Mom. Receiving sweets as a gift is pleasant not only for children. Mommy will also be pleased to receive such a gift. Giving simple sweets is banal. And with their help you can make something interesting, for example, a horseshoe. To create it you will need:

  • thick cardboard,
  • foil and candies,
  • glue.


  1. A horseshoe is cut out of cardboard.
  2. It is covered with foil or shiny paper.
  3. Then the candies are attached to the horseshoe using glue.

Button card.

Working with buttons is more suitable for those children who attend older groups. In addition, the help of a teacher may be required in this matter. For a gift for mom you need to prepare buttons bright color. You will also need White list. The stems are painted on the sheet with green paint. Brightly colored buttons are glued to these stems.

Drawing for mom.

Do you want to know all the crafts for mom on Mother's Day, then take a closer look at the following ideas. Of course, you should start from the simplicity of making a gift. Therefore, a drawing for mom can be the most the best present. However, it must be unusual.

For example, using paints to paint grass and a stem for a flower. But our flower will look like a child’s palm. It is painted with paint, and then pressed tightly to the leaf. You can also use stickers in the shape of butterflies or flowers to decorate the composition.

Bouquet for mom.

Don't know what craft to make for Mother's Day? Then we will offer you the following craft option. Flowers are definitely a win-win. AND beautiful bouquet it will be easy to make even for a child who attends kindergarten IR. To create a craft you need cardboard and colored paper. Also, the work cannot be done without glue.


  1. The shape of a bouquet is cut out from a white sheet of cardboard. It can be decorated with regular circles or some kind of ornament. This unique wrapper is decorated with a ribbon.
  2. From colored paper red and yellow color Flowers are made using glue.
  3. Cheerful flower made from cotton pads.
  4. Cotton pads are also an excellent material for creating crafts. For the holiday - Mother's Day, you can also make something interesting from them. To work you need cotton pads and glue.
  5. The discs are glued onto a sheet of cardboard using glue.
  6. Separately, it is worth cutting out petals from the disks.
  7. In the middle you can draw a funny face for a flower.

Heart tree.

Any mother will be pleased to receive a gift that was made with love from her child. A heart-shaped tree is a great opportunity to demonstrate your love. So to create a craft you will need:


  1. A hole for a stick is cut in the cork from a plastic bottle. Naturally, the stick is inserted into this hole.
  2. A heart is cut out of paper.
  3. A couple more heart shapes are drawn on the heart.
  4. Leaves are cut out of green paper, which are also glued to the stick.

The finished composition is ready for donation.

Bracelet for mom. Simple technique weaving.

If Mother's Day is coming soon in kindergarten, then it's worth doing beautiful crafts. Can make the next craft middle group. It's nice to give jewelry. And making them even more interesting and enjoyable. We invite you to weave a beautiful bracelet using bright beads. The entire weaving process is shown in the photo.

Napkin holder made of wooden clothespins.

The napkin holder looks beautiful and quite interesting, which all the kids will love to make. To create it you will need: ribbons, clothespins and paints.


  1. Clothespins should be divided into separate halves.
  2. The clothespins are now glued together using glue only with the reverse side.
  3. Clothespins that are glued together must be painted. Use bright colors.
  4. Now the clothespins can be glued together using glue.
  5. Then start creating the bottom for the napkin holder. In this case, the clothespins are glued together and painted.
  6. After which, the side is glued to the base.

Box for small items.

If you have a lot of ice cream sticks, they will be suitable for creating a beautiful box. To create a craft, prepare: a glue gun and wooden sticks.

In your work you should use already painted sticks. Therefore, they are decorated in advance with bright colors. In this case, you can use gouache or acrylic paints.

In order to make the bottom of the box, the sticks are glued together horizontally. To create the walls of the box, the sticks should already be glued in a vertical order on top of each other.

A bright pot for an indoor flower.

Here are crafts for Mother's Day that you can make in the kindergarten. Children can make a cute pot for their mother as a gift. And to create it you will need plastic cup and yarn.


  1. The glass is cut into strips of equal size.
  2. Now each strip should be wrapped with yarn.


In general, get ready for Mother's Day. Do crafts in kindergartens and don’t forget to accompany them kind words and wishes.

Mother's Day Crafts



Necessary materials for crafts from napkins for Mother's Day :- red cardboard sheet
- stationery glue pencil
- paper napkins (pink and white)
- narrow satin ribbon or braid
- scissors
- double sided tape
- simple pencil
- template in the shape of a child's palm
- yellow colored paper
- a sheet of white landscape paper

Step-by-step instructions for DIY napkin crafts for Mother's Day:
1.Draw a large heart on a sheet of red cardboard by hand, and then carefully cut it out with scissors.

2. Turn the heart over with the white side facing you, attach a template of a child’s hand to it and trace it with a simple pencil.
3. Take several white and pink napkins and cut them into four identical strips. Then cut each strip with scissors into squares measuring 3x3 centimeters.
4. Roll the napkin squares into lump balls, being careful not to press the paper too hard. The final round should be slightly fluffy, not hard. There is no need to wet the napkins with water during the manufacturing process.
5. Gently coat the drawn palm with glue along the contour and lay it out in snow-white lumps. Then fill the entire internal space with them. Place the balls close to each other.
6. When your palm is filled with balls, set the workpiece aside for a while so that everything sticks well. Then cut off a piece satin ribbon or braid of a suitable length and glue it to the top of the heart using double-sided tape. This is a suspension loop.
7. Grease the empty surface of the heart on the outside with glue and lay it out with pink lumps of napkins. Move from the edges to the middle and place the lumps as close to each other as possible so that there is no gap between them. Place the balls adjacent to the white palm especially carefully so as not to disturb the shape of the hand and fingers.
8. Take a white sheet from a regular sketchbook, draw a flower with petals on it with a pencil, cut it out with scissors, and glue a bright yellow eye in place of the middle. Twist the edges of the petals slightly and glue the chamomile to the heart.
9. Glue a handwritten or printed holiday poem to the back of the item.

Postcard "To the best mother!"

Craft for Mother's Day from tablets

In the very near future, our country is expecting the most beautiful family celebration- Mother's Day! For everyone who wants, this is a great opportunity to thank their dearly beloved mothers for all the sleepless nights, anxieties, and worries that we sometimes manage to give them! All the blessings in the world are not enough to express our gratitude to mothers!

However, there is something that can convey our love and gratitude! What is this? This is some small SURPRISE made with my own hands, which contains all our affection for our mother, made with love and a lot of positive thoughts!

Yes, this can be completely useless for anyone, BUT NOT FOR MOM! When children grow up and leave the parental nest, all that remains for mom, in between rare calls, is to sort through all the “gifts” and “surprises” that you gave her throughout your childhood and youth! Such “surprises” contain the most valuable things: memory, love, light sadness! The holiday is almost here, and you still don’t know what to give your mom? Then you've come to the right place! We bring to your attention simple, cute crafts that are simple, original and do not require much time or money.

DIY gifts for mom for Mother's Day

Before moving on to step by step instructions making for gifts, let's first look at the proposed options:

Fabric tulips

To make these wonderful fabric tulips we will need:

  • Bright claps of fabric for flowers;
  • Green pieces of fabric for stems and leaves;
  • Wire to give the stems rigidity and the desired shape;
  • Synthetic filler;
  • Scissors;
  • Needle with thread;
  • Pattern.

Step-by-step instructions for making crafts soft tulips:

1. Draw a pattern for your future tulips on a piece of paper. It should look something like this:

2. Select the claps of the desired color and fold them in pairs front side inside, attach the patterns to the fabric and carefully cut out the parts. Don't forget to leave 0.5-1 cm for seam allowance!
3. Sew a tulip bud in a circle, through a small hole near the base of the flower, and turn the piece right out. Carefully fill the “” padding polyester with filler and carefully sew up the hole.
4. Sew the “leg” of the tulip, turn it outward and loosely fill it with padding polyester. After the leg has received its volume, insert the wire into the leg, slightly rounding its ends (so that the sharp edges of the wire do not pierce the fabric and do not come out of the leg).

5. Sew the leaves, turn them outside and straighten them well, iron them. Give them shape. If desired, you can seal them with non-woven material (cut out a piece of the sheet from non-woven material, glue it with an iron to the wrong side of one of the wrong sides of the sheet, and then start sewing all the parts together).
6. We assemble our tulip - carefully put it on and sew the flower head to the stem.

We wrap the leaf around the stem and sew it on. Sew a whole bouquet of these soft tulips - they will last a long time, withstand more than one wash and will delight your mother for a long, long time!

But your mother will be even more delighted with such a wonderful vase for sweets or fruit! Not only did you make it yourself, but it is also very practical - it will look great on any table, and will also delight every family member with all sorts of “goodies”! By the way, when you give it as a gift, don’t forget to fill it with something tasty - so to speak, Surprise No. 2.

To make this “masterpiece” with your own hands, prepare:

  • 19 liter plastic water bottle;
  • 6 liter plastic bottle;
  • Toilet paper;
  • PVA glue;
  • Glue brush;
  • Simple pencil;
  • Scissors;
  • Twine;
  • Two spray paints in gold and black.

1. Carefully cut off two plastic bottles sharp knife or scissors the top part along with the neck. In the future, the top of the 19-liter bottle will serve as the bowl of our vase, and the top of the smaller bottle will serve as the leg and stand of our vase. See what our details should look like:

2. The next stage, while the parts are still separated, is decorating the future vase. To do this you need to use the papier-mâché technique:

  • Coat the wide part of the bowl and stand with PVA glue;
  • Carefully apply (roll) toilet paper and let the first layer dry;
  • We repeat this procedure again 4-5 times until the walls of the parts are leveled and acquire some monumentality.
  • We dry our preparations thoroughly.
  • With help toilet paper, also, we create elaborate stucco molding (to your taste - clusters, flowers, ornaments, intricate patterns). To this end, wet your hands with water and, taking pieces of toilet paper, make balls and flagella that will help our vase acquire its uniqueness and exclusivity. Glue the resulting flagella and balls to the vase with PVA glue, first applying some intricate pattern with a simple pencil. Dry everything thoroughly.

3. Apply black spray paint to the finished, well-dried halves of the vase. After the black paint has dried a little, apply the next golden coat using gold spray paint. If you find gaps in golden paint here and there, use a brush and hide all the errors.

4. It's time to finally connect the vase bowl to the stem! To do this, use a special glue for plastic, wrap the joint picturesquely with twine dipped in PVA glue, tie a nice bow and wait for the product to dry completely.

Now quickly run to the store for candies, fill a freshly prepared vase with them and quickly present this wonderful gift to your mother! Believe me, no matter how old you and your mother are, SUCH a gift will not go unnoticed by her! A vase, and even filled to the brim with sweets, will definitely make a mother’s heart tremble and rejoice!

It’s rare whose mother can remain indifferent to such a prickly miracle as a cactus! And when this miracle manages to bloom - that’s it, mom’s heart is forever smitten with love for this prickly, but very beautiful plant!

We present to your attention a joke gift “CACTUSES for Mom.” She will definitely appreciate this surprise! And for invention, and for resourcefulness, and for excellent and completely unnecessary special attention, interior decoration.

To make a flower pot with stone cacti you will need:

  • Small clay flower pot;
  • Sand;
  • Smooth pebbles (pebbles) of medium and small size;
  • 2-3 shades of green acrylic paint;
  • Corrector.

1. To begin, place the pebbles on the table and take a good look at them. Select those that are most similar to real cacti. Set the rest aside.

2. Paint the selected pebbles with green acrylic paint and wait until they dry completely.

4. Darken a little where necessary, lighten your stones a little, using different shades of green paints. Basically, bring your cacti to life. Make them “real.”

5. Place small pebbles at the bottom of the pot. Then fill it ¾ full with sand, install the newly-minted “cacti” in any order you like, cover the remaining space in the pot with small pebbles.

Stone cacti are ready! Early in the morning we put a pot of cacti on the nightstand at the head of the bed for mom - let the morning be pleasant and festive for her! And these wonderful cacti will give you unforgettable impressions and joy for a long time.

DIY gift sweet bears

Moms are big girls, and what girls don't like sweets? Therefore, you can and should give your mother something sweet for Mother’s Day! Sweets made in the shape of a heart are ideal for this! And in order to present these sweets beautifully, you need to come up with some unusual packaging for them!

Prepare well before you start making these candy holder characters.

You will definitely need:

  • Heart candies;
  • Cardboard;
  • Simple pencil;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue;
  • A variety of cute animal figures.

To begin, place a sheet of cardboard in front of you.

Place a heart candy on the animal’s chest and glue it with glue. Fold the animal's paws on the chest around the candy, glue them with glue - you get a hug with the candy inside.

Draw a cute face for the animal, or cut it with scissors. The packaging is ready - hurry up and congratulate your mother on Mother's Day!

Now every resident of our country has accumulated a sea of ​​all sorts of unnecessary disks. It’s a shame to throw it away, maybe it will come in handy! Is this a familiar picture?

We bring to your attention the technology for making a photo frame from these rainbow disks. This frame itself looks great, and if you insert your mother’s favorite photo into it, the effect of surprise and celebration will be achieved!

Prepare the following materials:

  • CDs, DVDs;
  • Glue;
  • Stained glass paints are black;
  • Thick cardboard;
  • Scissors.

Have you thought about what size your frame will be? Then feel free to take scissors and cut out the necessary shape from cardboard for your future frame.

Using scissors, we cut two unusable disks into pieces of any irregular shape (it will be more picturesque this way). The result was a rainbow mosaic of disks.

We thoroughly coat the cardboard frame with PVA glue and glue the CD mosaic to it, DVD discs. It turns out very beautiful:

Now black stained glass paint with a fine tip comes to our aid. With its help, we fill the space between the mosaic, thereby shading our frame and giving it a more solid and finished look:

Admire the final result of your efforts and creativity:

These flowers will fit perfectly into the decor of any interior. They can easily become part of any greeting card, or as part of holiday packaging. A bouquet of spiral flowers will create a spring mood even in the coldest winter!

Don't forget to prepare the following materials for making spiral flowers:

  • Sharp scissors;
  • PVA glue for paper;
  • Double-sided colored paper different shades;
  • Pencil.

Where to start:

  • To do this, draw a circle with jagged edges on a bright double-sided sheet of colored paper.
  • From the center of the circle, unwind (draw with a simple pencil) a spiral.
  • Carefully cut out a spiral along the resulting contour.

We take the outer edge of the resulting spiral and begin to twist it tightly along its entire length.

Fabric birds - DIY for mom

A colorful and cheerful family of birds, made by your own hands, can give your mother that spring mood that is so lacking on winter evenings!

To give such a bird family to your mother, which exactly replicates the images of all members of your family, you need to prepare:

  • Bright and colorful felt pieces;
  • Needle and thread;
  • Beads;
  • Ribbons;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue;
  • A sheet of white paper;
  • Simple pencil;
  • Synthetic polyester as a filler.

First, create a pattern of all the details of these funny birds. Take a white sheet of paper and a pencil and get creative. Cut out the resulting patterns. You can use our samples:

Take the felt claps, fold them in half and attach the finished paper patterns to them. Trace the paper patterns and cut with scissors strictly along the contour of the figure.

It's time to pick up the needle! Sew the parts of the bird’s body, fill the body with synthetic polyester. Sew up the remaining hole. Sew on the bird's beak. Just glue the wings with glue. Sew beads on the bird instead of eyes.

Make several of these birds of different sizes to make a mother, father, son and daughter! Cheerful family!

If you wish, you can hang the birds from the ceiling using multi-colored ribbons, or install them in a flowerpot on sticks - forming a kind of bird's nest!

Give all your gifts for mom with love and trepidation. Let this feeling be passed on to her as soon as she sees your handiwork! Take care of your mother and pamper her with handmade crafts more often! Give her warmth and love, care and don’t forget about help!

On November 24, 2019, Mother's Day is celebrated in Russia. It’s great that they came up with a holiday for our mothers. We so rarely tell them about our feelings that even if this holiday did not exist, it would be worth inventing it. How can you express your love to your mother if not with a handmade gift? These gifts are made with soul, imbued with warmth and gratitude. On the eve of the holiday, the NNmama.ru portal has prepared a selection for you interesting gifts DIY for Mother's Day.

DIY Mother's Day gifts

Card with balloons

You will need:

  • photo of the child (from whom the gift);
  • scissors;
  • air balloons;
  • multi-colored threads;
  • a white sheet of cardboard or colored paper;
  • a sheet of colored paper;
  • PVA glue.
1. Select a photo and cut out your image on it.

2. Inflate small balloons.

3. Tie with multi-colored woolen threads. It is better if the ends are long, so the card will look more impressive.

4. Glue on a white sheet of paper colored paper, slightly smaller than white.

Your gift is ready!

Flower vase

You will need:

  • green paper;
  • napkins or corrugated paper;
  • scissors;
  • glue.
1. Take a sheet of green paper and fold it in half. Step back about 3 cm from the bottom and draw a horizontal line with a pencil. At the top, draw parallel lines at intervals of 1-1.5 cm.

2. The resulting parallel lines need to be cut to horizontal line not reaching 3 cm to the edge.

3. Unfold the sheet with the cuts.

4. Turn the sheet out the other way and fold it, retreating 1 cm.

5. After this, coat with glue and glue.

6. When the paper sticks well, roll the workpiece into a tube.

7. The result is a stable vase with petals.

8. From a napkin or corrugated paper make flowers.

9. Glue the finished flowers to the stems.

10. You can decorate the resulting bouquet to your liking, for example by gluing sequins or tying it with a satin ribbon.

Idea: The flowers can be made multi-colored and then decorated with beads. If the option with glue and paper does not suit you, then take a regular jar, paints and a glass of water. Draw flowers on the jar and you will be happy.

Gift decorative candle

You will need:

  • candle;
  • baking paper;
  • paints.
1. Take baking paper and apply a design on it. Please note that it will be transferred to the candle in a mirror image.

2. Then attach the drawing to a thick candle and fix it. Next, treat the candle with hot air, such as a hairdryer. Beautiful candles are ready.

Idea: you can write original congratulations or a message in verse.

Application "Sun for Mom"

You will need:

  • ribbons;
  • pasta;
  • glue;
  • colored paper;
  • paints.
1. Pasta can be any shape. It is better to paint (prepare) pasta in advance.

2. A sun is formed from round pasta. All elements are glued with glue.

3. Then the eyes are glued to the main circle.

4. Then we glue multi-colored strips to the circle, which will symbolize the rays.

5. Pasta-bow is glued to the end of these rays.

6. And in order to decorate the craft and make it even more interesting, use flowers that are glued to the top of the sun.

Wish flower

You will need:

  • colored paper;
  • scissors;
  • glue.
1. You need to take the templates and print them on colored paper.

2. Then cut out the flowers with scissors.

3. Collect a flower.

4. Glue all the petals together with a ribbon, and make the middle from squares. The size of the squares should be 3.5 cm by 3.5 cm. Fold them in the shape of a frog. Glue all the resulting blanks together, and then glue them to the middle of the flower.

Idea: If you don’t have a printer, you can draw a flower and write wishes or compliments by hand.

flower bed

You will need:

  • glue;
  • double-sided colored paper;
  • scissors;
  • pen or black felt-tip pen.
1. Take a sheet of green paper and make an accordion out of it.

2. Then find the middle and glue the two parts of the workpiece together to make a lush fan.

3. Now the most creative process, draw any flowers, lilies of the valley or tulips. Cut them out.

4. You can give the children ready-made templates, or you can have them draw and cut them out themselves.

5. Then spread the finished pieces on the fan using glue. Good mood for children and mothers guaranteed!

Application "Calla lilies" made from cotton pads

You will need:

  • glue;
  • paints or markers;
  • cocktail straws;
  • cotton buds.
1. Prepare the starting materials (discs, cotton swabs, yellow felt-tip pen).

2. Use a felt-tip pen to color the cotton tip.

3. Paste cotton swab into a cocktail tube.

4. Place a cotton pad under the finished structure.

5. Apply a little glue to the bottom edges of the disk and press the edges together. A couple of minutes and the flower is ready.

The entire bouquet is made in this manner.

3D 3D postcard

You will need:

  • double-sided colored paper;
  • cardboard;
  • ruler;
  • scissors;
  • glue stick;
  • markers.
1. Cut out 7 squares from yellow paper. Their size is 9 by 9 cm. Take one square and start making a flower out of it. First, let's bend it diagonally. It turns out to be a triangle.

2. Fold it in half and get a smaller right triangle. Bend it in the middle again. We press the smaller side to the larger side. On it we draw the rounded edge of the petal.

3. All that remains is to cut the flower along the marked line and straighten it.

4. Now let’s cut off one of the flower’s petals. This is necessary so that it turns out voluminous.

5. Let's outline the edges, then the flower will become more realistic. We do not touch one of the petals near the cutout, since we will glue another one onto it.

6. Now we put the painted petal on the one that we did not touch and glue them together.

7. Color the core and continue making 6 more of the same colors.

8. Bend the resulting flowers in half. We collect it in a bouquet. We glue two side petals to one flower, on both sides.

9. Glue another one to the top flower, but already with three petals.

10. Glue two more flowers on the sides.

11. And we place the last flower up.

12. Cut out two hearts from cardboard, matching the size of the bouquet. The red should be larger than the white. Place the white heart on the red one and glue it on.

13. On the other side, glue a white, slightly smaller one to the red heart, and another smaller red one on top of it. Bend it in the middle. As a result, we got a card of four hearts. It is white on the inside and red on the outside.

14. Now glue the bouquet using the top petal to one side of the heart. In the same way, glue the bouquet to the second side of the card. Ready!

Bouquet of spirals

You will need:

  • colored paper - double-sided in different shades;
  • PVA glue;
  • scissors;
  • simple pencil.
1. Cut out the stem and leaves from green paper.

2. Choose your favorite shade of colored paper, then draw a circle with uneven (wavy) edges.

It's so great that the tradition of celebrating one of the brightest and good holidays in the world - Mother's Day, has finally become popular here too. But what’s even more pleasing is the fact that kindergartens and schools are actively promoting Mother’s Day. And this is very correct - you need to cultivate the manifestation of love and care towards your mother from childhood. In addition, Mother's Day is also a great occasion for developing the creative abilities of children of all ages. It is gifts and various crafts on Mother's Day with their own hands contribute to improvement fine motor skills, development of creativity, attentiveness and perseverance in children. Add to all of the above a souvenir that mom will receive for her holiday, and you will get an incredibly useful creative activity in all respects. Next you will find a selection of simple but effective master classes with photos on the theme of crafts for Mother’s Day. Most of them use readily available materials, such as colored paper and napkins. The technique is also simple, so these master classes are perfect for kindergarten and 1st grade, as well as for middle and high school students.

DIY crafts for Mother's Day from napkins for kindergarten, photo

Flowers are the most traditional present for Mother's Day. But in Russia this holiday is celebrated at the end of November, when fresh flowers become not the most affordable, especially for children. In this case, DIY napkin flowers come to the rescue, which even the youngest kindergarten students can prepare for Mother’s Day. From the most ordinary napkins you can make almost any flowers, including a whole bouquet. A DIY craft for Mother’s Day from napkins for kindergarten, a master class with a photo of which you will find below, will show you how to make a very cute flower for your mother in just 10 minutes.

Necessary materials for Mother's Day crafts from napkins for kindergarten

  • colored napkins (thick)
  • plastic disposable spoon
  • plastic disposable cup
  • paints and brush
  • cotton pads
  • scissors

Instructions for DIY napkin crafts for Mother's Day

  1. Take a napkin and fold it several times. Then we apply a spoon and cut out petals from the napkin for the future flower, the size of which should be slightly larger than the head of the spoon.
  2. We apply the resulting petals to the base of the spoon and carefully place them on the glue. The number of petals depends on your imagination. In this master class you can make both an ordinary chamomile and a whole peony. Let the craft dry a little.
  3. We form a small ball from a cotton pad or ordinary cotton wool, which we attach to glue in the middle of the flower. The cotton wool can be replaced with a small pompom made of thread or a large button, rhinestone, or pearl.
  4. A plastic cup will serve as a stand for our flower, so if you have an ordinary white glass, then it is better to tint it with colored paints. Let the paints dry and make a small hole in the bottom to secure the flower. Ready!

DIY crafts for Mother's Day for 1st grade, step-by-step master class

Our next original bouquet of colored crepe paper is suitable as a DIY gift for Mother's Day for 1st grade students. It is very simple to make, but will be a wonderful decor for any interior. This DIY Mother’s Day craft for 1st grade can be made either plain or multi-colored.

Necessary materials for DIY crafts for Mother's Day for 1st grade

  • crepe paper in different colors
  • colored cardboard
  • scissors
  • wooden skewers
  • buttons

Instructions for making crafts for Mother's Day with your own hands, grade 1

  1. We cut out a circle with a diameter of 5 cm from thick cardboard - it will become the basis for our flower. From the crepe paper we cut a strip 7-8 cm wide and 15-20 cm long. Pour glue into the center of the cardboard base and carefully secure the tape, forming small rolls, as in the photo.
  2. We continue to form a flower out of paper, securing the paper folds with glue.
  3. We decorate the middle of the flower with a contrasting color button, which we also attach with glue.
  4. Cut out small petals from green cardboard. We fix the resulting bud on a skewer.
  5. Glue the leaf blanks to the skewer and form a bouquet of several flowers. An original DIY flower craft for Mother's Day - ready! photo 0

DIY crafts for Mother's Day from colored paper for school, master class

Colored paper is one of the most affordable and fairly versatile materials for all kinds of crafts. For this reason, colored paper is used more often than other materials in schools to make colorful DIY crafts, including for Mother’s Day. From our next master class you will learn how to make an original craft from colored paper with your own hands for Mother’s Day at school in the form of a beautiful flower - hyacinth.

Materials for DIY colored paper flower crafts for Mother's Day

  • colored paper
  • dense green leaf
  • scissors
  • pencil and ruler
  • spoke

Instructions for DIY crafts for Mother's Day for school using colored paper

  1. We take a sheet of paper of the same color as we plan the shade of the flower. We measure a strip 20 cm long and 5 cm wide and cut it out.
  2. Using a ruler, measure 1.5 cm on the cut strip and draw a line along the entire length with a pencil. Using scissors, carefully make cuts approximately 0.5 cm wide, not reaching the marked line.
  3. We take a knitting needle and wind each strip on it one by one, as shown in the photo below.

  4. From thick green paper we cut a strip equal in length to the previous piece and approximately 6-7 cm wide.
  5. Gently coat the green stripe on one side with glue, making sure that it is distributed in an even layer. We take the workpiece by the upper right corner and begin to twist it into a tight long tube.
  6. Let the base for the stem dry a little and combine it with the bud blank. To do this, coat the indentation on the first piece with glue and carefully wrap it around the stem.
  7. Put the hyacinth aside and work on the leaves. To do this, cut out small rectangles from green paper and fold them like an accordion. Then we cut off the corners with scissors, forming a sharp sheet.
  8. We open the leaf blank and coat its wide part with glue. Connect to the stem.
  9. If desired, we repeat all the points again. Let the finished flowers dry a little and form them into a festive bouquet for mom.

Simple DIY crafts for Mother's Day, master class with photos

For Mother's Day, you can make with your own hands not only crafts from colored paper or napkins, but also simple functional gifts, one of which you will find in the master class with the photo below. With the help of adults, such an original craft can be completed by a kindergarten student or a 1st grade student. And middle school students can get by quite well on their own. For this simple and original crafts For DIY Mother's Day, you'll need a large white candle and a family photo. As a result, in just a few minutes you will receive a beautiful photo candle as a keepsake that your mother will definitely love.

Supplies Needed for a Simple DIY Mother's Day Craft

  • thermal transfer paper
  • regular A4 sheet
  • Printer
  • white candle
  • parchment paper
  • scissors and tape

Instructions for a simple DIY craft for Mother's Day

  1. We cut out a sheet of thermal transfer paper, the size of which should match the desired photo. Using tape we connect it to plain paper for the printer.
  2. We send the resulting blank to the printer, print out the photo for the candle, and cut it out.
  3. We attach the photo to the candle and secure it with parchment paper on top.
  4. We heat the photo along the entire length and width with hot air, trying not to move it along the surface of the candle.
  5. The wax will begin to melt under the pressure of hot air and gradually cover the photo with an even layer. This will be noticeable externally. When finished, carefully remove the parchment. Ready!