Personal life

“Explain about your clothes”: beatings among teenagers for wearing the wrong clothes have become more frequent. What does Explain for Shemot mean? Who is asked to explain Shemot? How to explain for wearing clothes on the street

“Explain about your clothes”: beatings among teenagers for wearing the wrong clothes have become more frequent.  What does Explain for Shemot mean?  Who is asked to explain Shemot?  How to explain for wearing clothes on the street

We are all accustomed to the existence of a dress code. Work, restaurant, club - the environment of all these establishments requires appropriate attire. What about street dress code? This absurd idea seems quite common sense to some young people. Find out what clothes you need to explain for before the inhabitants of the streets explain it to you.

What does “Explain your clothes” mean?

The word “clothes”, known back in the 20th century, was reduced by the beginning of the new millennium and lost its last two letters. In the teenage world appearance is especially important, which is why there is a periodic need to “explain” the need for this or that outfit.

There are several versions regarding the origin of these words:

  1. Practice pick on one's appearance came from the punk subculture. This movement originated in England in the 80s against the backdrop of the economic crisis raging in the country. The punks dressed deliberately unattractively and were meticulous about ensuring that no one from the outside dared to behave in the same way;
  2. The history of attacks for appearance is known in our country. Especially in this discipline, the inhabitants of places of detention became famous, where even the smallest detail was elevated to absolute. Despite the meagerness of the prison wardrobe, any thieve could " present it» persons of lower rank;
  3. According to another version, the expression comes from an environment of aggressive football fans. Being big fans of their club, they can't stand it when they see a person on the street wearing the “wrong” T-shirt. For example, it is better not to appear in a Spartak uniform near the Zenit stadium.

In this video, Ilya Sobolev will tell you how to properly explain such clothes as New Balance, Fred Perry, Stone Island and other notorious brands.

Features of casual style

Translated from English, the word “casual” is translated as “everyday”. This is what is usually called the “regular” style of clothing, as opposed to business and tracksuits, as well as national costumes.

But in modern realities this term means very aggressive subculture:

  • These are mostly teenagers;
  • They are dressed in football uniforms of their favorite clubs;
  • They also prefer khaki clothes to emphasize their aggressiveness;
  • A favorite pastime is bullying a victim selected on the basis of “who is weaker.” The reason may be given as belonging to a particular subculture;
  • Before the beating begins, the group leader says the words “explain your clothes.” This is a rhetorical phrase, and the fate of the victim does not particularly depend on the answer to it;
  • Such a flock often turns into ordinary hooligans, armed with brass knuckles, knives and other bladed weapons;
  • They can justify their behavior using nationalistic views.

Favorite brands of casual clothing are expensive Lacoste, and. Since in Russian conditions it is almost impossible to purchase an original, young racists prefer to purchase counterfeits from Chinese online stores.

What is a “stonic”?

A few words need to be said regarding the legend in the world youth fashion- Stone Island, affectionately nicknamed “stonik”. The owners of this gear can be seen a mile away by a characteristic patch called a “compass” or “patch.” Often teenagers simply sew “compasses” onto quite ordinary clothes.

The reasons for the popularity of Stone Island are quite understandable:

  • An inflated price tag, which automatically turns this item into an attribute of luxury;
  • Original design;
  • Waterproof, even in the heaviest rain;
  • High quality materials and sewing;
  • Rich history: the brand was loved by English fans several decades ago.

A man walking down the street wearing a jacket with a patch in the form of the NATO emblem wants to emphasize his brutality with his entire appearance. He is no stranger to either participating in street fights or doing poorly at school.

Paradoxical as it may seem, the owners of “stonics” themselves may be asked to “explain their clothes” by their natural enemies - anti-fascists.

What clothes will you have to justify for?

Almost every youth subculture prefers one fashion brand. Whether this happens spontaneously or is due to nosy marketers is unknown.

Here's an incomplete one list of clothing brands, for which people often ask for clarification:

  • Fred Perry is an English company that produces polos, T-shirts and sweatshirts with the FP branding. It was founded by an English tennis player, who gave the company his name. In Russia, the brand is popular among neo-Nazis and representatives of right-wing views;
  • Other brands that are especially popular among aggressive skinheads are: Pitbull, Lonsdale And Everlast. They are the ones mentioned by rapper Guf in the song “New Year’s”;
  • Thrasher can only be worn by those who enjoy skateboarding;
  • Regardless of the brand, those who like to roll up their pants will have problems: they are usually mistaken by street tramps for representatives of gay people.

IN teenage environment It is believed that you need to choose your wardrobe based on your beliefs. Anyone who wears a "Trasher" should know how to skateboard. Otherwise, bullying is guaranteed.

How to explain the clothes on the street?

Anyone whose appearance raises serious questions among others has a hard time. It is difficult to suggest the right solution in this situation.

Among the possible options:

  • If what is happening takes place in the presence of strangers, then you can calmly explain your position or lack thereof. It is unlikely that anyone will dare to pester a person in broad daylight;
  • Practice verbal skills, for example, answer a question with a question (“Why are you asking?”, “What do you mean?”, etc.). Do not allow yourself to offend against aggressors who have a numerical advantage;
  • Pretend that the appeal was not heard;
  • If you have excellent physical preparation, you can go all-in and start a fight first. First you need to wait some time and figure out the leader;
  • If there is neither the strength nor the ability to send tactfully, then there is only one thing left: retreat as quickly as possible from the unfortunate place.

If the harassment is repeated many times, there will be nothing left but to stop wearing your favorite clothes. Unfortunately, this is often the only option that is applicable in real life.

Several hundred years have passed since all civilized humanity abandoned the class system. With the advent of the New Time, even a commoner had the opportunity to dress like a rich man, if he had money. But sometimes the shadow of the Middle Ages will slip through. And people are in fear trying to find out what kind of gear they need to explain for. Just like 500 years ago, people are greeted now only by their clothes.

Video: what kind of gear is usually asked to explain?

In this video, Sergey Matrosov will tell you about the list of clothing brands for which hooligans often ask for “clarification”:

Fights among teenagers over T-shirts or sneakers have swept across Russia. "KP" figured out how to correctly explain the clothes and what it means


When you're fifteen, everything matters: who you are, who you're friends with, what you're wearing. Always and at all times. If earlier there were dudes, hippies, anarchists and pacifists, then the most fashionable youth movement today is the offic or casual (see the KP Dictionary). Both of them are aggressive towards everyone who is not in the know - they are not dressed like that.
Explain about the clothes - with such a call, office workers and casuals approach other peers on the streets of the city. And this is not a way to meet people at all. What does it mean to explain your clothes: translated from slang, this is literally the following - explain what right you have to wear what you’re wearing now, and if you can’t, we’ll beat you. They can also beat you for counterfeiting.

Liza Eliseeva is 16 years old, she agreed to go with our correspondent to a party of office workers. Fred Perry sneakers were once the identifying mark of skinheads. But they have long gone among the people. Photo: DINA KARPITSKAYA


The dangerous fashion of “fights over clothes” has swept all of Russia. Including thanks to the Internet.
“If you’re wearing a Fred Perry, Tommy T-shirt or NB sneakers, then just answer that you’re not in the know, but you like quality clothes,” 20-year-old video blogger Sergei Martyshov teaches teenagers.
His videos more than a million views, and the blogger himself calls this topic “sore.”
- What's wrong with the brands of these T-shirts? - Martyshov continues. - These brands were popular among skinheads in the 70s, and that’s why the bad reputation remains. But now everyone wears them. They can ask for such clothes only if in some villages (“ask” in translation from teenage language means to beat. - Ed.). Stonics (as the clothes of the cult company Stone Island are affectionately called. - Ed.) are a more defiant option. They won't just put it on. Turn-ups (turned up jeans - Ed.) also came into football fashion from skins. Don't be surprised if you're asked to explain them - wearing pants this way means you're ready to get into a fight. In general, if someone picks on you on the street, behave confidently, answer the question with a question. Understand that if they approached you, then it’s not so much about your clothes, but about you.

“Sputnik 1985” T-shirts were invented by Sergei Pakhotin: “Sputnik” is one of the most famous words in the world, and 1985 is the year of birth of the brand’s author. But you can’t just wear them. They were created for the punk crowd. Among teenagers, only the “chosen ones” wear them. Photo: DINA KARPITSKAYA


The topic “how to explain the clothes” is tearing up all the ratings on the Internet. Full of videos with fights and showdowns. Teenagers beat each other mercilessly, and girls also take part in the beatings. What are they asking? “Are you right or left?” or “Who do you stand for?” The right is an aggressive person, an anarchist and fascist, and the left is an anti-fascist. But this is also extremely conditional.
“Few people understand all these rights and lefts,” says 16-year-old Liza Eliseeva, an athlete and Russia’s Olympic hope in synchronized swimming. She comes from a good family, but is also in the subject due to her age. - This is just a reason to find fault with someone whose appearance you didn’t like. If you answer that you are left, they will suddenly turn out to be right, and vice versa. In general, this political topic is rare. More often than not, fans of one or another football team ask for an explanation for their clothes.
Although Lisa is not the most ordinary teenager and spends almost all her time training in the pool, she also knows what to answer in such cases:

Yes, now all teenagers know this. It’s easy to identify office workers - they walk in groups, wear camouflage Panama hats, black T-shirts with strange inscriptions, and roll up their jeans. There are many of these at VDNKh, at stations of the upper part of the gray metro line, in Otradnoye, in some parks and near MCC stations.

Among office workers, rolled up jeans, or collars, mean readiness for battle. Photo: VK.COM


It was to these places that Lisa and I went, deciding to experiment with forbidden clothes. We bought the best fashionable t-shirt company "Sputnik 1985" with the gloomy inscription "It is not customary to cry in this country" and wore red Fred Perry sneakers.
- They can beat you for counterfeiting too. Football players believe that by wearing a finger* (see “KP Dictionary”), you insult their subculture,” Lisa explains to me.

How do they differentiate them?
- Oh, the Internet is full of videos explaining how to distinguish a fake from the original. If you run into such a palpatrol, then at a minimum they will force you to take off your low-quality gear, and at maximum they will beat you. But if you have an original, then, on the contrary, they will respect you.
Of course, because “original” jackets and sneakers cost a lot of money. The same Gosha Rubchinsky (very fashionable among office workers) Russian designer. - Ed.) pants from 20,000 rubles, jeans from 40,000.
We have no luck at VDNKh. We meet only two officers - and they are peaceful.

So today we celebrate on the roof - it’s not far from here,” the guys sipping beer shrug their shoulders. - Everyone hangs out there.
Holi (we’ll explain again for those who are not in the know) is a festival of colors, an Indian holiday that is very popular among young people - when you can throw multi-colored coloring powder at each other. The fun is much more fun and enjoyable than fighting, so everyone forgot about the explanation.
We are going to Otradnoye, where there are always a lot of soccer players near the large shopping center. And indeed there are a lot of young people here. Many are dressed according to the theme - in black T-shirts, camouflage, many are smeared with paint - also from the holiday. Everyone, without exception, smokes - so much so that even on the street you can’t breathe. The first to jump up to us was a nimble, short boy, about 12 years old:

A teenager from Otradny explains “for his sweatshirt”: “Crossed knives means you’re ready for battle.” “No one is innocent” - everyone has their own criminal article...Photo: VK.COM
- Will there be a cigarette? Are you standing (translated from teenage language - rooting for some team. - Ed.), or what? - he turns to Lisa. She explains that yes, she is a fan of CSKA.
Then everyone else slowly starts pouring in to join us. They didn’t bother to fight, as they later explained, they were scared off by the presence of an adult woman, that is, me.
- And besides, we are not crazy hooligans. So, some people are sick, but for the most part the party here is peaceful, everyone is their own,” says one of the teenagers.
“You should have gone to Holi, there was such a mess,” another guy picks up. - And put on a more serious T-shirt, like what I’m wearing.
The teenager is wearing a black sweatshirt with a white circle inside of which there are some numbers and two crossed knives and an inscription.

What does all this mean?
- Crossed knives - ready for battle. “No one is innocent” - everyone has their own criminal article. Numbers 13 - 12 are letters English alphabet ACAB stands for All Cops Are Bastards. The skull is death to garbage, the bolts on knives are thieves' stars, and the circle unites everything.

Wow! Are you hanging out with prisoners?
“No,” the teenager laughs. - This is the topic.

What are you explaining to them here? - some painted girls enter into conversation. - Quite a sucker, or what? They'll have to figure it out themselves. Otherwise they walk around here, take pictures and sniff around. Maybe they are from the cops...
To be honest, I felt as if I was not in my hometown, but as if I was in a scene from a movie about American gangsters from bad areas. To really avoid running into a fight, Lisa and I retreated. Lisa did not dare to go home wearing a Sputnik 1985 T-shirt and gladly put on the Olympic team jacket with the inscription Russia on top.
“They definitely won’t beat you in one of these,” she finally told me.

Even classic Adidas sneakers can raise questions. Photo.

11/2/2017, 22:19 0 comments views

It would seem that gone are the days when it was scary to look different from everyone else, because for this reason you could be accosted on the street. For too much bright color T-shirts, pants of an original design, a non-standard cut or an unusual hairstyle could lead to cuffs. And even lose your favorite things. Now people can afford, within reason (and sometimes going beyond it), to look however they please. Clothes from many brands have become easier to obtain, and the choice and number of new interesting brands have increased. It has become fashionable to stand out from the crowd and emphasize your individuality. As before, clothing can indicate adherence to certain subcultures, but this is more likely just an information message, and not a way to “run into” trouble. However, despite the apparent freedom, an aggressive movement and a somewhat criminal-sounding saying, as if borrowed from thieves' jargon, appeared relatively recently - “explain your clothes.” Let's try to figure out where it came from and what purpose it serves.

Not to say that this is a new trend. The phrase “explain your clothes” was often heard during the times of football and political subcultures, when representatives of these movements identified themselves by their clothes and waged an ideological war with opposing movements. Then you had to be ready at any moment to answer why you were wearing clothes of certain iconic brands (“ ”, “ ”, “ ”, “ “ or “ ”). And, of course, be ready for a fight. And if then it was at least logical and amenable to a reasonable explanation, now it looks strange and stupid.

Now this trend is typical mainly in teenage circles. IN adolescence As a rule, everything is complicated with self-identification and awareness of oneself as an individual. In this age period, what matters is not who you are, but who your friends, parents are and, of course, what you are wearing and what youth movement you belong to.

People have always united in groups, and now there are still communities for which identification is important not only by interests, but also by appearance. So questions may arise on this basis. Also, some may think that if you are wearing something of this or that fashion brand, then you are challenging, showing off or wanting to seem cool. Such brands may include young and very popular brands this moment street-wear names, as well as iconic brands for Casual culture: “”, “”, “”, “Volchok”, the notorious “”, etc.

In addition, they can find fault not only about the brand of clothing, but also because of how you wear it. For example, rolled up jeans, a baseball cap over a bandana or a visor on one side. Plus, if they really want to get to the bottom of it, they can start to find out whether you’re wearing a fake (which is completely stupid, because sometimes even a professional can’t do this), are you familiar with the history of the brand, whose item are you wearing, and also whether you know the meaning of the symbolism, shown on the print.

As a rule, it is believed that advances with questions “explain about your clothes” are most often found on the outskirts of cities and in residential areas. If suddenly you are “lucky enough” to meet a “group of curious people” on your way, here are several possible options for action:

- if you have a lot of free time and lack of communication, you can proudly and with a sense of superiority tell everything you know about each thing you are wearing. Down to the composition, properties of the material and the name of the illustrator who designed the print. If you've already heard about the "explain your clothes" movement, then you may have already prepared for such a meeting in advance.

— try to answer a question with a question. Like: “who is interested?”, “for what purpose do you want to know,” “show an example.” The main thing is to remain confident and calm.

- if you want to feel like a hero of football skirmishes, you can immediately “beat the tambourine.” But this is perhaps too extreme and we do not recommend it. After all, they don’t approach one by one with the claim “explain about the clothes.”

— you can catch a curious person with humor, but the joke must be really clever and on topic.

- you can pretend that you forgot to turn off the iron or left the coffee on the stove and rush off headlong in an unknown direction.

— try to avoid the outskirts and residential areas. If you live there, urgently move to the center. (joke)

- say that you behaved well all year and Santa Claus gave you a gift New Year this Stone Island jacket. And since he decided so, then you are definitely worthy of being the owner of this thing. Hey, who will dare to challenge the decision of Santa Claus?!

- in the hope that adequate citizens are waiting for an explanation of whether you are worthy of wearing these clothes (which is unlikely, because this requirement itself is inadequate), you can declare with burning eyes that you do not know what all these knives, skulls and other symbols mean on the print, but it looks bold and attracts girls. And this sweatshirt is very warm and cozy, like a hug from a mother. Well, the pants perfectly highlight your pumped up buttocks.

It doesn’t matter which option you choose, but our opinion is that you don’t have to explain anything to anyone, and no one (especially strangers) has no right to bother you with such presentations. Yes, many brands have become a symbol of one subculture or another. Some brands could become notorious only because they were actively worn by skinheads or punks. But now all these companies carry almost everything absolutely various reasons. Someone may like that the item of the chosen brand is associated with the skins era, but this does not mean that he shares their views. Previously, only representatives of certain groups had tattoos (prisoners, rockers, Satanists, etc.), but now people get tattoos different ages, religions, life views and interests. And someone can explain why he chose this or that image, and someone will say - I just like this picture. Why don't you beat him for this? Just because a t-shirt features an anime character doesn't mean you're an anime fan, but there's no reason why you shouldn't wear it. If you like a kawaii girl with curves, wear it for fun.

Not everyone is obliged to be a participant in any movement and wear a thing just because it symbolizes something. In our opinion, everyone has the right to wear what they like, without giving reasons. There can be a lot of different ones - convenience, quality, functionality, prestige, trusted manufacturer, liked the color, original design. But why do you have to explain, explain, prove something? Why does a stranger who doesn’t know you at all have the right to decide whether you are worthy of this or that clothing? The same goes for the way you wear something. Having your jeans rolled up doesn't necessarily mean you're ready for a fight. And even if you know what rolled up jeans mean, what now, don’t roll them up if it’s comfortable/less hot/you like the way it looks with sneakers.

Perhaps this entertainment makes the life of teenagers more exciting and full of adventure. An extra reason throw out aggression, assert oneself. In addition, this is excellent material for analyzing popular bloggers and vloggers. However, in the modern era, when there is propaganda of individual freedom, self-expression, self-development and creativity, presenting “explain for your clothes” seems ridiculous. Aren't the days of gopniks gone, when looking extraordinary was really dangerous? Be confident in yourself, wear what you want, according to your personal criteria. Whoever wore Lacoste before, now many who can afford it wear it. And don’t be afraid to stand up to those who put themselves above others. But we still wish that you never have to “explain for your clothes.”

What is your opinion? If you have had cases where you had to do this or have encountered people who require an explanation, write in the comments how it happened and what you did.

Fights among teenagers over T-shirts or sneakers have swept across Russia. “KP” figured out how to correctly explain the clothes and what it means?
When you're fifteen, everything matters: who you are, who you're friends with, what you're wearing. Always and at all times. If earlier there were hippies, hippies, anarchists and pacifists, then the most fashionable youth trend today is office or casual.
Both of them are aggressive towards everyone who is not in the know - not dressed properly.
Explain about the clothes - with such a call, office workers and casuals approach other peers on the streets of the city. And this is not a way to meet people at all. What does it mean to explain your clothes: translated from slang, this is literally the following - explain what right you have to wear what you’re wearing now, and if you can’t, we’ll beat you. They can also beat you for counterfeiting.

Liza Eliseeva is 16 years old, she agreed to go with our correspondent to a party of office workers. Fred Perry sneakers were once the identifying mark of skinheads. But they have long gone among the people.
The dangerous fashion of “fights over clothes” has swept all of Russia. Including thanks to the Internet.
“If you’re wearing a Fred Perry, Tommy T-shirt or NB sneakers, then just answer that you’re not in the know, but you like quality clothes,” 20-year-old video blogger Sergei Martyshov teaches teenagers.
His videos have more than a million views, and the blogger himself calls this topic “sore.”
- What's wrong with the brands of these T-shirts? - Martyshov continues. - These brands were popular among skinheads in the 70s, and that’s why the bad reputation remains. But now everyone wears them. They can ask for such clothes only if in some villages (“ask” in translation from teenage language means to beat. - Ed.). Stonics (as the clothes of the cult company Stone Island are affectionately called. - Ed.) are a more defiant option. They won't just put it on. Turn-ups (turned up jeans - Ed.) also came into football fashion from skins. Don't be surprised if you're asked to explain them - wearing pants this way means you're ready to get into a fight. In general, if someone picks on you on the street, behave confidently, answer the question with a question. Understand that if they approached you, then it’s not so much about your clothes, but about you.

“Sputnik 1985” T-shirts were invented by Sergei Pakhotin: “Sputnik” is one of the most famous words in the world, and 1985 is the year of birth of the brand’s author. But you can’t just wear them. They were created for the punk crowd. Among teenagers, only the “chosen ones” wear them.
The topic “how to explain the clothes” is tearing up all the ratings on the Internet. Full of videos with fights and showdowns. Teenagers beat each other mercilessly, and girls also take part in the beatings. What are they asking? “Are you right or left?” or “Who do you stand for?” The right is an aggressive person, an anarchist and fascist, and the left is an anti-fascist. But this is also extremely conditional.
“Few people understand all these rights and lefts,” says 16-year-old Liza Eliseeva, an athlete and Russia’s Olympic hope in synchronized swimming. She comes from a good family, but is also in the subject due to her age. - This is just a reason to find fault with someone whose appearance you didn’t like. If you answer that you are left, they will suddenly turn out to be right, and vice versa. In general, this political topic is rare. More often than not, fans of one or another football team ask for an explanation for their clothes.
Although Lisa is not the most ordinary teenager and spends almost all her time training in the pool, she also knows what to answer in such cases:
- Yes, now all teenagers know this. It’s easy to identify office workers - they walk in groups, wear camouflage Panama hats, black T-shirts with strange inscriptions, and roll up their jeans. There are many of these at VDNKh, at stations of the upper part of the gray metro line, in Otradnoye, in some parks and near MCC stations.

Among office workers, rolled up jeans, or tucks, mean readiness for battle.
It was to these places that Lisa and I went, deciding to experiment with forbidden clothes. We bought the most fashionable T-shirt from Sputnik 1985 with the gloomy inscription “It’s not customary to cry in this country” and put on red Fred Perry sneakers.
- They can beat you for counterfeiting too. Football players believe that by wearing a finger* (see “KP Dictionary”), you insult their subculture,” Lisa explains to me.
- How do they distinguish them?
- Oh, the Internet is full of videos explaining how to distinguish a fake from the original. If you run into such a palpatrol, then at a minimum they will force you to take off your low-quality gear, and at maximum they will beat you. But if you have an original, then, on the contrary, they will respect you.
Of course, because “original” jackets and sneakers cost a lot of money. The same Gosha Rubchinsky (a very fashionable Russian designer among office workers. - Ed.) has pants from 20,000 rubles, jeans from 40,000.
We have no luck at VDNKh. We meet only two officers - and they are peaceful.
“So celebrate today on the roof - not far from here,” the guys sipping beer shrug their shoulders. - Everyone hangs out there.
Holi (we’ll explain again for those who are not in the know) is a festival of colors, an Indian holiday that is very popular among young people - when you can throw multi-colored coloring powder at each other. The fun is much more fun and enjoyable than fighting, so everyone forgot about the explanation.
We are going to Otradnoye, where there are always a lot of soccer players near the large shopping center. And indeed there are a lot of young people here. Many are dressed according to the theme - in black T-shirts, camouflage, many are smeared with paint - also from the holiday. Everyone, without exception, smokes - so much so that even on the street you can’t breathe. The first to jump up to us was a nimble, short boy, about 12 years old:

A teenager from Otradny explains “for his sweatshirt”: “Crossed knives means you’re ready for battle.” “No one is innocent” - everyone has their own criminal article...
- Will there be a cigarette? Are you standing (translated from teenage language - rooting for some team. - Ed.), or what? - he turns to Lisa. She explains that yes, she is a fan of CSKA.
Then everyone else slowly starts pouring in to join us. They didn’t bother to fight, as they later explained, they were scared off by the presence of an adult woman, that is, me.
- And besides, we are not crazy hooligans. So, some people are sick, but for the most part the party here is peaceful, everyone is their own,” says one of the teenagers.
“You should have gone to Holi, there was such a mess,” another guy picks up. - And put on a more serious T-shirt, like what I’m wearing.
The teenager is wearing a black sweatshirt with a white circle inside of which there are some numbers and two crossed knives and an inscription.
- What does all this mean?
- Crossed knives - ready for battle. “No one is innocent” - everyone has their own criminal article. The numbers 13 - 12 are the letters of the English alphabet ACAB, which stands for All Cops Are Bastards. The skull is death to garbage, the bolts on knives are thieves' stars, and the circle unites everything.
- Wow! Are you hanging out with prisoners?
“No,” the teenager laughs. - This is the topic.
- What are you explaining to them here? - some painted girls enter into conversation. - Quite a sucker, or what? They'll have to figure it out themselves. Otherwise they walk around here, take pictures and sniff around. Maybe they are from the cops...
To be honest, I felt as if I was not in my hometown, but as if I was in a scene from a movie about American gangsters from bad areas. To really avoid running into a fight, Lisa and I retreated. Lisa did not dare to go home wearing a Sputnik 1985 T-shirt and gladly put on the Olympic team jacket with the inscription Russia on top.
“They definitely won’t beat you in one of these,” she finally told me.

Even classic Adidas sneakers can raise questions.