
Congratulations on Pharmacy Day. New Year's greetings for blog readers New Year's greetings for pharmacists

Congratulations on Pharmacy Day.  New Year's greetings for blog readers New Year's greetings for pharmacists

IN New Year Snow Maiden
You're sitting in the waiting room,
You send faxes
You hit the keys.

We wish you a Happy New Year,
Secretary, congratulations,
We'll treat you to sweets,
We'll give you a souvenir.

May the year be good
Generous and rich,
Definitely the boss
Let him raise the salary.

Joy, love
We wish you a New Year,
May he make you happy
Secretary, carries.

To the financier

To the financier on New Year's Day
I wish you good luck
Your financial spring,
To be inexhaustible.

Money, money, money
Streams so that they flow
And into the financial flow
They turned into full water.

So that every penny
On New Year's Day I saved the ruble,
So that the crisis does not affect
And things were going great.

To stay afloat,
Financier, you are in the New Year,
Without slowing down,
Increased income.

For a mechanic

Dear locksmith, congratulations
Receive it for the New Year,
Let it pass without accidents,
Let the pipes and taps not burst.

We want to be in business
After all, you're not used to being bored,
And with any hardware you can
You find a common language.

Let luck be your partner
You will have a whole year
Follows you
Hands over tools.

To the athlete

Towards new records in the New Year
Your path, athlete, lies
I wish you to achieve victories,
And earn yourself glory.

May the path be difficult
But you won't get away with it,
To the sounds of the national anthem
You will get on the pedestal.

I wish that in the new year
You took the gold medals
And so that your records
They became the glory of the Motherland.

To the builder

Brick by brick
The builder is building a house,
Happy New Year
Let him settle in it.

Let the walls be strong
And the roof doesn't leak
Residents of you, builder,
Congratulations on the New Year.

They'll raise a toast to you,
And everyone will say “Thank you!”
They wish you happiness
And many happy years.

So that you build houses
And built walls
So that every day of the year
You were happy.

To the coach

Happy New Year
I love you, beloved coach,
I know you're giving up
I don’t even intend to do it on holiday.

Training, training,
Running, push-ups, jumping in place,
The best athlete is the one who
Made from tough dough.

Competitions on New Year's Day
There will be new ones waiting for us,
I wish that with you
We were able to take the gold.

To the dentist

Generously gives New Year
Candies, chocolates,
Good for those who have
Teeth are fine.

I'm addicted to sweets now
I get joy
Happy New Year, dentist,
Congratulations to you.

Snow-white smiles
You give back to people
I wish them to come true
In the New Year, your dreams.

To the soldier

Are you standing, soldier, at your post?
And you celebrate the New Year,
Good luck and love to you
Let him bring it in a duffel bag.

May the service proceed peacefully
Anxieties will be educational,
And on the festive New Year
The sergeants will not be strict.

You're standing on duty
So that people can sleep peacefully,
And may every New Year
It will be kind and peaceful.

To the pharmacist

Happy New Year, pharmacist,
I hasten to congratulate you,
New Year's medicine
Please compose it for me.

So that your stomach doesn't hurt,
There was a bright head
And the tongue could clearly, clearly
Pronounce the words.

So that from the shots of firecrackers
The heart beat, did not beat,
And the pressure in the morning
I wish it was normal.

The pharmacist smiled
And he gave me simple advice -
IN New Year's celebration vodka
Replace with clean water.

Today we don’t have alcohol on cotton wool, but champagne in glasses. Happy New Year, colleagues! I wish everyone sterile happiness and one hundred percent health. May all patients be curable, may our work proceed without complaints and mistakes, may something good happen in the life of each of you and something cherished come true!

To everyone who is captivated by medicine,
I wish you from the bottom of my heart for the New Year,
Always have reasons for joy,
I want to wish you great success!

I wish to cure all patients,
Let them be grateful to you!
I wish you a sea of ​​joyful moments,
May your days pass brightly!

Colleagues, we have done a lot,
Over the past year we have:
They saved me, put me on my feet,
We didn't sleep all night long.

I heartily congratulate you,
I wish you well from the bottom of my heart,
May the New Year give you strength,
And it will spin you in a whirlwind of happiness.

I wish you health, patience, will,
To fight back new illnesses,
Let luck smile
And let the enthusiasm never leave you.

Employees of a medical institution,
To each and every one, without exception,
I wish you next year
Don't feel the need!

Excellent health
I hasten to wish you
Work for ourselves
No need to create.

I wish you happiness in your personal life
And a decent salary.
So that life flows without grief,
Always in a wonderful mood!

Hello everyone, colleagues, Happy New Year!
Live in abundance, without worries!

I wish you, beloved team,
Good luck in the coming year!
Give patients a positive experience
Health, experience and kindness!

Let Santa Claus come visit you,
To make all your wishes come true,
Your heart is so important to miracles
Open this joyful holiday!

Happy New Year
You, fellow doctors.
Let around this bend
A happy time awaits.

Fewer complicated cases
Get enough sleep, rest.
And to replace you, of course,
Don't go on holidays.

Every month you have
Above average income.
And when you heal, don’t get sick,
Stay away from adversity.

Dear colleagues, may happiness
Fills your hearts!
Let all sorrows, bad weather go away,
Let the smile never leave your face!

I wish you well and success,
So that your work brings you joy,
And more fun and laughter,
A sea of ​​bright love and warmth!

Happy New Year,
My dear colleagues!
Your work is like a miracle
You are doctors, guarding the lives of others.

How many lives have your hands saved?
You have regained your health more than once.
You are priceless, you are people of science,
I'm very proud of you now.

From the bottom of my heart I wish you
Only good and sunny days.
You deserve good things, I know that.
In gratitude for people's lives!

My dear medical colleagues. I wish that with the chiming of the chimes, all people would stop getting sick, stop frowning and become happy. I wish you success in your work, victories over any disease, grateful patients and simple well-being in life. Let everyone's most cherished dreams come true when the clock strikes midnight. Happy New Year!

Everything in the area was covered with snow
And the Christmas trees sparkle with fire.
Happy New Year, dear colleagues,
Let the holiday come to your home.

In your medical business
Let everythnig will be alright.
So that you don’t dare touch the sadness,
So that only warmth shines around.

Dikmi: Loudly and succinctly, but most importantly, using professional vocabulary that is understandable only to people of one craft! Briefly and globally, because a new countdown begins, the New Year is just around the corner! It’s fun and easy, because it’s a holiday, and not just another mournful solemn and teeth-gritting official planning meeting with the boss! All these are requirements for the right New Year's greetings for colleagues! We tried to take them into account when compiling congratulations for the most in-demand and popular professions this year! Look for yours, congratulate, be original and come visit us more often for new ideas!


1. Congratulations for programmers

May the New Year be full of positive information, may email become richer from letters of happiness, may all servers be accessible, programs successful, codes solved, keys selected. Let the search engine be tuned to personal happiness, let the desired love get entangled in the networks of your charm, and let the anti-virus program block all adversities! A thousand terabytes of inspiration for you! Happy New Year!

2. New Year's greetings from web designers

May the New Year become a period of new discoveries for you. Let the body graphics improve, and let the cross-browser compatibility of your beloved’s thoughts meet the logic of your personal website. Let search engine optimization give birth to monetization, and let the artwork look like a smile. In the New Year, may you be for someone an icon of style, taste, sophistication, and intelligence. And let life in the New Year not correspond to a template, let it be filled with illustrations, collages from travel and everything will be usable!

3. Happy New Year to lawyers

Happy New Year, friend! I wish you that in the coming year you have the right to live without rules! So that the main law for you is blind love, like Themis. So that taxes do not burden, citizens do not bother, work is easy, the family is strong, the inheritance is unexpected and huge, the housing is spacious and in the center, the corporate party is fun, the administration is lenient!

4. Happy New Year text for drivers

Happy New Year to you, leader of the roads! In the coming year, let the maps be clear, the paths smooth, the tank full of gasoline, the carburetor with a spark, the steering wheel obedient. So that the passengers are pleasant, so that their eyes shine with joy, brighter than headlights on a foggy night, and so that the starter of love works without interruption. Oh yes, my friend, and the Kama Sutra for you instead of boring rules traffic in the glove compartment!

5. New Year greetings for managers

Let in next year you will have to plan the budget of your own corporation, drive an expensive car, organize bright parties, improve your wardrobe, calculate the growth of profits in geometric progression, and motivate many men to perform heroic deeds. Let your competitors remain behind your big voyage, and let trust reign at home! Happy New Year!

6. Happy New Year to accountants

In the year that is already upon us, we wish you to pay moderate taxes, submit reports on time and the first time, receive small bills and a large salary. Let the balance always converge, and let the auditors bypass. May your love, care and kindness bring dividends in the form of gifts, smiles and pleasant moments. Let the risks be justified, the assets in gold, the liabilities in sables! Happy New Year!

7. Economists. We wish you to forget about saving in the New Year! So that the budget is enough for boots and coats, for a ring and Bordeaux, for a theater and a sauna, for new hairstyle and other joys. So that GDP is always higher than your growth, so that planning is correct and thinking is positive. So that the working day is measured in several cups of coffee, competition is a gray mouse and hides in the cracks, and the quality of life is measured by macro indicators!

8. Engineers. May the New Year burst into your life with new projects and inspiration. Let the family clock not require adjustment, let all tests be bypassed, and instructions exist only to be broken! Let your heart not need maintenance, and let your heroic health have a longer service life! Let there be many orders and amazing schedule flexibility! Happy New Year!

9. For builders. We wish you in the New Year gingerbread houses, castles in the air and other fabulous structures! So that you don’t have to do a major overhaul of the family ship, and the current one gets by with a minor scare. So that the restoration does not require feelings, so that the mother-in-law is an investor, and the father-in-law is a contractor. So that the solution of love does not thicken in the cold of absurd quarrels, and the bricks of luck gently form into an amazing structure!

10. Architects. We wish you a year that is already knocking on the door of the implementation of master plans, bright drawings of joy, chic body geometry, a girl who wakes up next to you. Philosophy of lines and secrets of happiness. Positive estimates and flexible standards. A girl and a boy as the main projects for next year! Happy New Year!

11. Pharmacists. In the New Year, we wish to reveal the secret of the chemistry of love, invent a cure for the blues, build a dream pharmacy and find the treasure of health. Let every step be effective, every smile safe for others, and every look full of magic!

12. Doctors. Fewer sick people and higher wages so that health comes knocking on your doorstep! More patience, luck, jam, so that all adversity and friction will pass by! So that feelings do not require diagnosis, children do not require prevention, and medical confidentiality and the Hippocratic Oath gather dust on the farthest shelf in the closet! Happy New Year!

13. Dentists. In the New Year, we wish that your thoughts are as wise as teeth, that your jaws do not ache from unnecessary troubles, that your heart aches only from love, and that your hands always have work to do - counting money! Happy holiday!

14. To teachers. May Makarenko and Ushinsky envy you this New Year, may the magazine be full of A's, may titles and awards fly after you like a blizzard, may your students be grateful and pluck stars from the sky. Let the cakes be delicious, the victories sweet, the words sincere, the eyes kind. Happy New Year!

15. Journalists. We wish that next year Grandfather will bring a frying pan! And on it - facts and hot stuff, sensations over the edge, intrigue - take it! So that the salary does not let you down, so that the Snow Maiden is sweet, so that love overflows, and so that there are words for a good harvest! Happy New Year!

16. To the cooks. Let the New Year's holiday salad consist of the following ingredients: love, luck, gratitude, success, kindness and sweetness! Let the life menu be luxurious and the price lists correct. So that fate does not knead the dough from you, so that it stuffs you with money, and the temperature rises only from passion! May the New Year give you happiness in large portions! Happy holiday!

17. For designers. Let the New Year create more ideal images, draw prospects, and draw grandiose plans. Let the three graces come into life: love, hope and beauty. Let your aesthetic taste always receive pleasure, and your heart - inspiration. Orange mood, rainbow luck and fairy tales all around! Happy New Year!

18. Actors. Interesting scripts, complex roles, understandable characters, ideal characters, limitless creativity and many scenes! Let the directors be kind, and Stanislavsky always shout: “I believe!” Let cinema be life, and life be a game. Let the makeup be of high quality, the costume be incomparable, the gait - graceful and flying, the gestures - confident, the facial expressions - funny, the role - unique! May the New Year be creative and full of adventures!

19. To the police. Next year we wish you smooth roads, order in society, rights without violations, fabulous chivalry, smiling fortune, holidays without danger, sincere love and a friendly iron shoulder! Happy New Year!

20. Firefighters. In the New Year, let the fire burn only in hearts, and let it be extinguished only with love! So that you see sand only on the beach, a shovel - at your favorite dacha and in your beloved mother-in-law's hands, and a fire hose only rolled up! Let the ladder be only a career one, and you only have to save your friends from a hangover! Happy holiday!

21. Photographers. We wish you flexible models, stunning backgrounds, fabulous shoots, and six-figure fees in the New Year! And also - people who can create inspiration, deep looks, sincere smiles, extreme filming and outrageous props! Let the camera be true and your eyes sharp! Happy New Year!

22. Florists. Beauty in everything, brightness around, light and color! So that the decor is successful, the atmosphere is inspiring, the words are correct, the branches are green, the colors are mystical! Let there be harmony of shape and color, and let the house have a successful composition of love, silence, respect and smiles! Happy New Year!

23. For artists. We wish you next year to reveal new facets of talent, conquer new heights, and see distant depths. So that the painting is noticeable, the hand is firm, the freedom is limitless, the exposure is triumphant! Let art find new life in the form of cash injections, and the name will become the calling card of the city! Happy New Year!

24. Stylists and hairdressers. Loud applause, muffled sighs, bright hairstyles without a shadow of a trick! Holidays everywhere, both in life and in fashion, the little things you need and the sweets that matter! Light images without shocking, and fashion of eternal revelry! Happy roads to Paris, and money without robbery! Happy New Year!

25. Dancers. In the New Year, we wish you to live in the rhythm of your heart, move towards the wind, be paired with the sun, create compositions of love and passion. Let the music of the heart be major and the dance steps soft! May luck be dynamic, technique obedient, harmony eternal, and facial expressions welcoming! Let expression reign in your home in the New Year, and let your wallet fill up to the rhythm of tango! Happy holiday!

Dikmi: Give your colleagues New Year's smiles! It’s so simple - to give a drop of spiritual light and receive the whole sun in return! May everything work out for you!

On New Year's Eve, Pharmacy No. 115 in Lida, Center for Pharmacy No. 146, Lida District, celebrated its golden anniversary - 50 years since its opening. The chronicle of the pharmacy began in 1964. Years and decades have passed, and today Pharmacy No. 115 is a young, mobile, full of energy and creative plans team that creates and sacredly honors traditions accumulated over the years by people of more than one generation.

Over the course of a year, the pharmacy team thought through and prepared for their celebration: they agreed on the date of the event, issued invitations for honored guests, and worked on the event script. The pharmacy celebrated 40 – summer anniversary, so we decided to call the holiday “10 years later.” And then the planned day came - December 26, New Year's Eve - the pharmacy opened its doors to veterans, friends and guests. The event took place within the walls of a pharmacy. The trading floor has been transformed into a cozy pharmacy cafe.

"If people collected and weighed

Like huge drops of dew,

Pure benefit from our profession

Place one in a bowl on the scales,

And on the other hand there would be pain and suffering,

Sleepless nights for mothers.

Our cup would outweigh hers,

There is nothing more valuable than health!” - with these words, the hosts of the holiday - deputy head of the pharmacy Svetlana Shebukhova and pharmacist-recipe Oksana Loza - began the solemn anniversary meeting to the sounds of fanfare.

Deputy General Director, Head of the Department of Drug Supply and Competitive Procurement Marina Leontievna Lepeshko, who was present at the celebration, read out a congratulatory message from General Director Andrey Ivanovich Shchuk to the pharmacy team. Marina Leontievna thanked for the high-quality medicinal service and expressed hope that the pharmacy team, with its work and creative initiative, will contribute to the future stability and prosperity of the enterprise, wished the team long and happy years, success in work, health, harmony in life, and celebrate more than one anniversary.

Regina Ivanovna Lopato, head of Central Regional Administrative Center No. 146 of the Lida District, congratulated the team on the anniversary, noting the charisma and creativity in both work and leisure of the very small team of pharmacy No. 115, and proposed creating another tradition - Christmas meetings in Lida pharmacies.

The treats were delicious, prepared according to a special recipe
containing vitamins of joy and good mood

For the chairman of the primary trade union organization, Seraya Nina Andreevna, pharmacy No. 115 is dear, she worked here for ten years as deputy head of the pharmacy, leaving a good memory of herself - with her attitude to work, to the profession, to people, and active participation in public life Lida district. The heartfelt words of congratulations from her lips sounded with special warmth.

Probably everyone feels

That we are connected by one thread,

Which helps us

Make friends, work and heal.

What if something bad happens

And the ground will disappear from under your feet,

Ensure everyone's support

We are pharmacists, we are family.

What once made us related

It’s like someone else’s pain for us.

We serve the Hippocratic oath,

Our white robe is our signature.

The pharmacy team invited to the celebration veterans, honored people who worked in the pharmacy from the first days of its opening: pharmacist Anna Sergeevna Tratsevskaya, pharmacists Danuta Stanislavovna Dargel and Zinaida Fedorovna Muracheva, pharmacist Vanda Kupriyanovna Vasilevskaya, accountant Maria Kasperovna Gurchin, Yuzefa Iosifovna Venskaya, a packer. These people, through painstaking work, formed a favorable opinion about the pharmacy, it was their hands that prepared medicines, the packaging was laid out in neat rows and bottles were displayed, their hearts warmed those who had lost hope of recovery, it was their enthusiasm that created enthusiasm in work and rest. Unfortunately, due to health reasons, not all veterans were present at the holiday, but each of them had their own story, words of gratitude, congratulations and wishes for health and well-being were spoken to each of them. A MINUTE OF SILENCE was used to honor those who, unfortunately, have already passed away.

IN concert program All pharmacy employees and their family members took part.

Future pharmacist Anya and future pharmacy manager Andrey read poetry,
and in their medical bags there is a bowl and a snake - symbols of Pharmacy

Grazhina Stanislavovna Lebetskaya, a mother of seven children, brought four of them to the celebration, and if she had brought all seven and her husband, the concert might not have ended. The eldest daughters Marta and Marya performed songs soulfully and soulfully, and the youngest daughters Andrei and Anya read poems about their mother’s pharmacy.

Loza Oksana Vasilievna (mother of three sons) came with the middle Maxim - he performed two songs, for which he was awarded prolonged applause.

The “film crew” of the pharmacy consisting of the head of the pharmacy Ivashevich S.I., deputy head Shebukhova S.E. and pharmacist-recipe O.V. Loza presented to the guests a documentary film about the opening and work of the pharmacy all these years, about the people - professionals in their field.

Discharge and good mood They brought an autoclave (Vodeyko T.M.), an aquadistiller (Missa D.E.) and a computer (Shebukhova S.E.) into the festive evening, who came to the holiday with songs and gifts.

clean water for wellness donated a distiller new program to attract numerous customers to the pharmacy, he gave a computer. Using the recipe of veterans and the experience of our employees, the autoclave prepared the “Anniversary Medicine” for a good mood.

The pharmacy received congratulations from a worker and a collective farmer - the characters in V. Mukhina’s sculpture “Worker and Collective Farmer”:

Was suggested role-playing game for all those present - the opening of a pharmacy with grandmothers-visitors, doctors, syringes, vitamins, thermometers, medicinal herbs. We sang songs together with a cheerful accordion player.

The head of pharmacy No. 166, Lyubov Alekseevna Zhidkova, presented the team with poems of her own composition:

There are many different pharmacies in our area, both in the city and rural, small and large.

The varied interior captivates,

Parade of bright chic packaging

There are health bulletins and announcements so you know what you can and cannot do.

Colored price tags so there is no doubt

And the eyes of visitors slide along the shelves.

There are now many commercial pharmacies everywhere, always in crowded places.

And the state network goes its own way

From Soviet times to the present day.

We live in an unequal competitive struggle. We trade in villages and agricultural towns.

Veterans have been working here continuously for many years,

The health of fellow countrymen is in their golden hands.

We work at a loss, but we trade! And if not us, then who will be there?

In the village, fulfilling a simple mission,

Bring medicine to our elderly?

While the commercial network collects the “cream”, We keep production for the people

We regularly send goods to FAPs,

We supply beneficiaries, let them be healthier!

RUE "Pharmacia" unites us - It sets common goals, objectives,

Sends us medicines, sends checks,

He expects great dedication from us.

And yet, each of the pharmacies has its own face, its own traditions, habits and policies.

And discipline, the climate in the team is everything

Coming from her leader.

Today we are visiting the hero of the day, the well-known Lida one hundred and fifteenth!!! They will surprise us again with their artistry and creativity,

We never tire of admiring such energy!

A small and friendly team makes its own contribution to the history of the pharmacy

And, sometimes, putting aside my health problems,

Tries to help another person.

Here the pharmacy should be the best in everything - Crafts were made and wall newspapers were published, Flower beds, holidays, awards, basketball with a ball,

And for “Pharmacy” they brought up an excellent trade unionist!

Pharmacy team! Keep it up! We sincerely congratulate you on your anniversary!

And never lower the bar,

The one that was raised by her manager!

The anniversary pharmacy has been providing pharmaceutical products to the attached FAPs for many years and works closely with the doctor and obstetrician of the Berdovskaya outpatient clinic, and with the paramedics of the FAPs in the villages of Biskuptsy and Dokudovo. From the constant solution of general tasks on the availability of medicines for the rural population, on the promotion of domestic goods, - medical workers are already considered members of the pharmacy team. And on this day they also congratulated their favorite pharmacy.

The head of the pharmacy, Stanislava Iosifovna Ivashevich, thanked each employee, and there are only 9 of them, for their work, for their patience and creativity, for each person’s worthy contribution to the common holiday, and prepared a surprise for each member of the team - a polar bear made of balloons - a symbol of purity, health and longevity. The same symbol was taken away by the deputy general director, the chairman of the trade union committee, the head of the Center No. 146 - may all that is good and bright find its continuation...

Pharmacy No. 115 today is an organization with a good material base: a cozy, modern, spacious sales area, high-tech software running using modern computer systems, competent and experienced specialists who combine pharmaceutical and economic knowledge.

The 115th also has its own pharmacy garden - an always well-groomed, cared for and beloved piece of “green paradise” in the territory adjacent to the pharmacy; there are holidays and favorite traditions that are sacredly preserved, which are treated here with soul and reverence. Years go by, generations change, but business card Pharmacy No. 115 still has an attentive and friendly attitude towards people, the desire and ability to listen and help those who have health problems and those who care about preserving it.

Magic balloon at the end of the evening he threw 50 colored balls all over the hall. Each guest took with them a piece of magic with their little one. balloon and on everyone’s lips were the words “It’s great that we are all gathered here today!”

Thank you to the guests for the good mood and sincere wishes!

Sincere words of gratitude to the administration of the Grodno Republican Unitary Enterprise "Pharmacy", the administration of the Central Regional Administrative District No. 146 of the Lida district, the trade union committee for the creation comfortable conditions work, for support in all matters, for the attention and understanding of pharmacy service workers.

The team of pharmacy No. 115 in Lida

It is difficult to imagine the normal functioning of a pharmacy without a competent pharmacist. When it is not possible to see a doctor, we go to these specialists for help. They know everything and even more about medicines, which means our health is under reliable protection. Pharmacist and Pharmacist Day in Ukraine is celebrated on September sixteenth: if you don’t know how to touchingly and beautifully congratulate a person on professional holiday- see our selection.

Congratulations in prose

Our dear pharmacist, with all my heart I want to congratulate you on your professional holiday! Let your invaluable knowledge bring people even more benefit and health, and let every competent recommendation end in a quick recovery! However, your life should not be limited only to your favorite job. Just be a happy person who has comfort in your home and harmony in your soul. Congratulations!


For every Ukrainian, a pharmacist is the most important person when it comes to finding and choosing the right medicine. Therefore, on this festive autumn day, I want to wish you a great future and rapid career growth. Each of us has our own dreams. But yours is the most beautiful: may someday you become the inventor of a pill for all diseases in the world! And we will tell you a simple human thank you for every important find and advice. May there be more happy days in your personal life, happy holiday to you!


My congratulations today to the most talented pharmacist in the country! Your work is almost priceless: you preserve our health and even save people’s lives. Thank you so much for every safe and truly effective medicine. A pharmacy without you is just a warehouse of incomprehensible packaging! But out of all this variety, a person sometimes needs only one small tablet. But the price of this pill may be whole life... So continue to please us with your professional successes, be happy, healthy and just as smiling! Happy Pharmacist Day!


The work of a doctor is, of course, priceless. But the final recovery of the patient depends only on you, our dear pharmacist! You are the one who relieves ailments, pain, and illnesses. You don't just accurately correlate ingredients that are unfamiliar to us. You work painstakingly for the benefit of the whole country! But today your main concern is rest. Accept words of congratulations, flowers, smiles and gifts. Remember that your life will definitely be full of family happiness, pleasant joys and financial well-being. Good luck in everything!


On this day, sounds are heard in all corners of the country. my sincere congratulations pharmacy workers! On this wonderful holiday, I would like to wish you what you wish your grateful clients every day - good health. May you never have to apply your knowledge to yourself. Let family warmth always reign in the house, and let your financial well-being never dry up. Sell ​​more vitamins, not serious drugs. Congratulations!

Congratulations in verse

Happy Pharmacist Day, our congratulations
Embrace everything today!
How our beautiful feelings are manifested,
We wish you to live in true beauty!

We wish you to always be proud of yourself,
To reach considerable heights!
We wish you a lot of joy in your work
And never lose heart!

Let your work be respected,
May you have no equal in life forever!
And always remain the best
After all, you are a sincere, nice person!


On Pharmacist Day, we wish you to understand
In the most complex, difficult recipes!
We want to confess our love to you now
And we dedicate this verse to you!

We would like to wish you always joyful
We were able to complete any task!
So that you are happy with everything in life,
So that the pharmacist's experience is protected!

Let life have everything you need:
Love and friendship, joy and success!
Live together with your team
And always be the best!


I want to wish you on Pharmacist Day,
May you be active in your work!
So that your career can flourish
And you were held in high esteem everywhere!

May you be lucky everywhere,
May great honor always await you!
Let there be a place for miracles in your life!
May grief never come!

Let your eyes glow with happiness,
Let the mood be just okay!
Let your life be like in a fairy tale
We wish you much better news!


The day of the pharmacist is now coming
And everyone congratulates you today!
May the milestones in life make you happy more often,
May there be a lot of happiness and success!

Let your clients trust you forever,
Let them buy medicine more often...
Let all the recipes be clear
For you in winter, spring and even summer!

We wish you to work hard
And never make a mistake in life...
Become a very important person in life
And run your pharmacy forever!


We are pharmacists throughout the vast country
We would like to congratulate you very modestly today!
We sincerely congratulate you on Pharmacist Day
And we’ll send you a congratulatory verse!

We want to wish everything to be beautiful,
May your life be like a miracle!
May you enjoy your work
And we have never been upset in our lives!

Let them admire you more often
May your life be a hundred times sweeter now!
Let them praise you and respect you very much!
Let them dedicate poems to you more often!

SMS congratulations

Happy Pharmacist Day,
I wish accuracy in everything,
I wish you patience
Attention to the sick, sorry!


Let the pharmacy pay you a lot,
Let there be a minidress under the robe,
Let in fashionable bag money is jingling
It’s not medicines and pills lying around!


Happy Pharmacist Day,
We wish everyone health,
Sell ​​medicines recklessly,
But swallow them less often!


Happy Pharmacist Day!
On this day, drive away melancholy and laziness,
Put a smile on your face
And expect buyers today!

Cool congratulations

Pharmacists of Ukraine
Happy holiday,
On the recipe for congratulations
I'll leave it for you.

To wish pharmacists
I want success
Invent pills
Joy and laughter.

I wish that in peace
Everyone has become healthy
So that you are the medicine of happiness
Created for people.


Pharmacists in Ukraine
Everyone is smart and cute
Because it's their day
They are not bad at all!

We congratulate you guys
We wish you well,
So that work doesn't interfere
Build amorous affairs!


Help me get my medicine
From any unpleasant illness
Life can be taught here
Yes, arrange everything in this life...
Workers from all pharmacies
And also kiosk sellers
Thank you man
Oh, everything in pharmacy is not easy...
When it's time to help
...and in our Ukraine
If it is necessary, then it will be good
Everything is more beautiful with us!


Pharmacists, happy holiday, friends!
You are protecting the health of the population.
After all, nothing is worse than doctors
Prescribe treatment for sick people.
We wish you health and success,
Thank you for the medicines and mixtures.
But we, in order to meet less often,
We will do procedures for hardening.


The country glorifies you, pharmacists,
This mission is honorable.
With your help we were able to fully
Willingly forget about illness.

They give you bonuses and rewards
A holiday for all pharmacists.
They praise, are proud and sing odes
Your magical recipes.

Today they go to pharmacies to stand
Not in line for medicine.
People rush to congratulate you!
Health is now like wealth.