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Congratulations on Housewife's Day. International Day of Housewives and Housewives June 8th International Day of Housewives and Housewives

Congratulations on Housewife's Day.  International Day of Housewives and Housewives June 8th International Day of Housewives and Housewives

International Housewife Day, although considered an unofficial holiday, is, however, important for women who pay attention to their family. Despite the fact that the role of a housewife, at first glance, is completely invisible, the microclimate in the family depends on such a woman. And if there is a healthy environment in the house, then the children will grow up to be full-fledged citizens of society, and the husbands of such women who take care of the family will work full time. Of course, the work of a housewife is not paid, but this work can be compared with the work of an office manager, teacher, or even a miner. Women housewives not only manage to do housework, iron all things, prepare delicious and, most importantly, healthy food, but also raise children. Unfortunately, the work of a housewife is still taken for granted. Therefore, the holiday - International Housewife Day, which is celebrated on June 8, is a reminder that women's work is responsible and difficult. The date we celebrate International Housewife Day is June 8th.

A smart housewife, both in washing and cooking,
The apartment is shiny and clean.
You envy her dexterity,
Others will think it’s a dream.
Slender, smiling, gentle,
But he can fight back against anyone.
And you seem to think you’re happy,
What more could you wish for...
Clean up, and also lunch and laundry
Bring it, serve it, go away
You need to be calm and flexible
So that you don’t go completely crazy in the apartment.

We praise the mistress of the house:
There are no easy jobs except
Children, washing, sinks and stoves.
Congratulations on this holiday,
We declare under oath:
The most important of all workers is you!
And you cook dinner for your husband,
You won't leave a puddle of dirt,
You also go to the opera and ballet.
Life is not in vain
So live a wonderful life
Many years of happiness and health!!!

Happy holiday to you, dear,
The one who owns the farm, the house -
I feel easy, comfortable in it,
I'll drink to the bottom for you!
Sadness and trouble will not come
Happy splashing eyes.
Princes from a happy fairy tale
May they always be with you!!!

Now a housewife
For my husband, a kitty, a stutterer.
And also, it’s not a story,
Sometimes the dog is a husky.
Now she's a cleaner herself
And a cook and a dressmaker.
And here's the dishwasher
And a nanny for Micah.
And I will be happy with everything,
Of course you should.
I'm like a slave
At least the matchmaker would help.
Things to do, things to do, things to do,
There are a lot of responsibilities.
Word of mouth among men.
Like, all women are bitches.
Now a housewife
Mistress of her own destiny.
And if you praise yourself,
You will become desired by your husband.
After all, my husband will accept the gundelka,
For trash and trash.
The wife is a cheerful one,
For a nice chatterbox.
Beautiful, beloved
And my dear girl.
If you will be cheerful
He'll call you right away

Guess who is more important?
Everyone in the world? Simple answer:
There is no one more important
In the world than a housewife.
Prove that it is so

After all, our home is
The fundamental principle of all life.
And who controls the fire?
In this home hearth
And supports him
Signs of warmth and light
He, of course, is the most important
Before we go we must
As if on cue and, of course,
Congratulations on the anniversary.
So please accept my congratulations
In the form of the warmest words.
You are worthy of admiration
As the basis of all foundations!

Oh, if only I could say my own words
He knew how to crochet!
Guess who is more important?
Everyone in the world? Simple answer.
There is no one more important
In the world than a housewife.
Prove that it's true
You can simply, in two or three words,
After all, our home is
The fundamental principle of all life.
And who controls the fire?
In this home hearth
And supports him
Signs of warmth and light
He, of course, is the most important
Before we go we must
As if on cue and, of course,
Congratulations on the anniversary.
So please accept my congratulations
In the form of the warmest words.
You are worthy of admiration
As the basis of all foundations!

The term "housewife" appeared in the early 13th century. It meant: “a woman, usually married, who manages a family or household.” How hard is this work?

For example, in the United States, according to a 2014 study, housewives spent 94 hours a week working at different jobs in the house. Such employment in a company or industrial workplace would earn a salary of $113,568 per year. Where is the result?

A 2005 study by the Institute of Social and Economic Research (ISER) found that married men earn more than single men, but only if their wife stays at home and does all the housework. In fact, the more wives worked outside the home, the worse the father's physical and mental well-being!

Some feminist historians have noted that the early women's movement made the unfortunate mistake of promoting contempt for everything internal and devaluing the work of housewives.

Most forced housewives and housewives are sometimes busy 20 hours a day, carrying out an “endless” number of urgent work and worries for the family, and, as a rule, they do this without sick leave, weekends and vacations 365 days a year. The colossal load they cope with often makes the family seem “carefree.” However, the order and level of comfort, grooming and coziness are precisely their merit.

International Day of Housewives and Housewives unofficial holiday, is dedicated to everyone who stays at home and cares about the well-being of their family and is celebrated on June 8th. The enormous work, which is sometimes unnoticed, but without which family comfort is impossible, can be easily compared with the work of a steelmaker or miner, an engineer or manager, a doctor or a teacher. Having included much of the above, our loved ones, within an hour, through heroic efforts, create for us comfort and harmony in our home, which we often perceive as natural elements of our life. “Put aside the rags and pans,” as Gabriela Delgado, a representative of the capital branch of the National Institute of Women, once said in Mexico City. “It is when you give up housework that your relatives will fully appreciate its social and economic significance.”

By the way, it will be said that in 2003, the world's first organization of male housewives was created in Italy. Married members of the stronger sex join this association to learn how to manage a household. Members of the community master the art of beautifully cutting vegetables for the holiday table, exchange culinary recipes and discuss which cleaning product is best in environmental terms.

Let us recall that since 1982, on the initiative of the International Federation for Home Economics (Bonn, Germany), the official World Housekeeping Day is celebrated annually on March 21.

Hurry to congratulate today all those who surround your life with care and love!

Guess who is more important?
Everyone in the world? Simple answer:
There is no one more important
In the world than a housewife.
Prove that it is so
You can simply, in two or three words,
After all, our home is
The fundamental principle of all life.
And who controls the fire?
In this home hearth
And supports him
Signs of warmth and light
He, of course, is the most important of all.
So please accept my congratulations
In the form of the warmest words.
You are worthy of admiration
As the basis of all foundations!

Housewives are a special category of women,
who devote their lives to creating comfort
and comfort in the home, direct education
children, help and support from her husband.
Their home is always clean, fresh and tasty
smells like fresh baked goods.
The amazing atmosphere of goodness and light attracts
many guests - friends and relatives.
Let the household not be official
profession, but for such women the main
work is their family and home.

Due to some life circumstances,
some men also have to be taken on
assume responsibility for housekeeping and education
To highlight the importance of women housewives
and male householders, their roles in society and
expressions of respect for their work, the public
decided to establish international holiday.

history of the holiday

The generator of the idea for the establishment of the International
housewife and housewife day is
Gabrielle Delgado is an employee of the National
Institute of Women (Mexico City).
She was the first to highlight the importance of women who
make their personal contribution to the development of the country,
by strengthening family relations and creation
better conditions to educate future citizens.

Housekeeping, raising children
have long been the main responsibilities of women.
She simultaneously kept track of expenses and income
families, sheathed, washed, treated, dealt with
cooking and cleaning.
Today all these actions remain unchanged,
except that household appliances came to the rescue,
partially replacing it in home economics.

According to American economists, labor
women doing housework should
bring good income.
When combining all responsibilities and “related”
a housewife would receive about
But, for obvious reasons, this is only
statistical digital calculations.
Moreover, this category of the female half
humanity remains one of the unprotected
layers of society.

Of course, all her efforts and efforts invested
in creating a comfortable atmosphere in the home and
educational process, compensated
love and respect from family members,
which cannot be assessed in monetary terms.

Today the status of a housewife has a special
actual character.
Unfortunately, housekeeping
raising children is becoming less and less attractive
modern women.
They build a career, earn big
money, strive to achieve high
results and powers of government, sometimes
forgetting the true essence of female nature,
inherent in nature - to be a wife, mistress,
mother, homemaker.
All this has a negative impact on public
phenomena, because the basic
The link of society is the family.

Darling, do the cleaning, laundry,
ironing, cooking.
While you are my wife, you will not work.

My husband came home from work and found...
that three children are in the yard of the house - and still
It's time to wear pajamas!
They played in the dirt with empty boxes
from food and there was trash everywhere.
The wife's car door was open
and the entrance doors of the house.
The dog was nowhere to be found.
There was even more chaos in the hallway.
The lamp was turned off and there were
crumpled blankets.
The TV was on full blast in the living room.
strength and the room was full of toys and
The sink is full of dirty dishes and pots,
the remains of breakfast lay on the table, the door
refrigerator is wide open, food for
dogs were lying on the floor, broken glass was lying
there was a small pile of sand under the table
at the door.
The husband hurried up the stairs, walking
through toys and large piles of clothes,
looking for his wife.
He was afraid that she was sick or something
something serious happened.
Upstairs he saw water on the floor, which
was leaking out of the bathroom door.
He carefully looked into the bathroom
and discovered a terrible mess: wet
towels, soap and foam, and lots of toys,
scattered on the floor.
Meters toilet paper lay in a heap and
toothpaste was smeared on the walls
and a mirror. He hurried to the bedroom.
And there he found his wife, who,
curled up in bed.
She was in pajamas and reading a book.
She looked at him and smiled.
Then she asked how his day was.
He looked confused and asked:
"What happened here?"
She smiled again and said:
- You ask every day after work
me, what did I do today?
- Yes? - said the husband with disbelief.
- So today I didn’t do anything!

Homework becomes noticeable only
in one case - if you don’t do it.

Very Interesting Facts about women and work
around the house.
I don’t know who calculated this, but it looks like it
for the truth))

1) Total weight of all dishes washed
during the year - 5 tons.
2) Transitions from the table to the sink - 1500 kilometers.
(And you were upset that your kitchen was small).
3) In a family of 4 people have to wash every year
18 thousand knives, spoons and forks, 13 thousand plates,
8 thousand cups and the same number of saucers.
4) Washing and ironing clothes takes 200 hours a year.
5) Floor cleaning – 70 hours.
6) Cleaning and preserving clothes - 250 hours.

Knowledgeable people claim that:

1. Washing clothes is equivalent to working as a tractor driver.
2. Ironing clothes - for the work of a bricklayer.
3. Washing windows - for a full working day for the driver
4. One hour of caring for your own children - half
rugby match.
5. The effort a housewife expends at work
around the house during the day, take away her energy,
equal to the energy of a football player who played two
football matches, or cyclist, in a race
for 80 kilometers.

Who is responsible for running the home?
1. Total time spent on housekeeping
farms on average per one worker per
week are:
for men: 10 -12 hours, for women: 28 -32 hours
2. Cooking takes a week:
for women 10-12 hours, for men – 1-1.5.

Oh my dear housewives,
How sorry I am for your little hands and fingers.
They get hard work,
A simple, carefree life has been forgotten.

Even a squirrel in a wheel is freer than a wife,
IN nightmare Cinderella never dreamed of your life.
You have been overcome by a heartless routine,
This washing, ironing, cooking is endless.

Sad eyes, lips without a smile,
The dream is not a dream, just restless fragments.
Day after day, like twins, they rush past,
You bravely endure all adversities.

Oh my dear girls, mommies,
Husbands are obliged to put you in a frame,
And pray for beautiful creatures.
You deserve love and attention like no one else!

I'll tell you about my mother,
And who is she? - Find out.
Well, so be it, I’ll give you a hint:
She is a housewife!

You think just be
Is she the most important one in the house?
After all, you need to wash, cook
The to-do list here is huge.

She is both a cook and a tailor,
And a doctor at that.
The secret of any profession
She needs to know well.

Lessons if you check
She will sit with me -
There is no need to call the teacher:
Look through all the notebooks.

Don't go to your mother's service
Her work is at home.
Can't find one like it anywhere
A weighty profession!

A drunken husband knocks on the door.
My wife won't let me.
The husband shouts:
- Who is the head in this house?
- Whoever is in the house is the owner!
If a man claims that he is in the house
the owner, which means he lies in other cases too.
Mark Twain
My husband comes home drunk.
My wife is washing dishes in the kitchen.
Husband hits the table with his fist:
- Am I the boss of the house?
My wife hit me in the head with a frying pan.
Passed out. Lying on the floor.
A neighbor comes in:
- Why do you have a guy lying in the middle of the kitchen?
- Master! It lies where it wants.

- Who is the head in this house?
- The one who pays for the Internet!

Here I stand with a broom and think:
"Sweep up... or fly away?"

Not a miner and not a land reclamation worker,
I simple mom and wife.
That's why it's a solemn date
As a matter of fact, I don’t need it at all.

They don’t give diplomas on occasion,
A medal is not hung on a robe.
For cooking and cleaning the house
They don’t present certificates... It’s a pity...

So that they give flowers and gifts
It's bad luck for you, husbands and children.
I declare Housewife Day
Three hundred and sixty-five days a year!

Happy holiday, dear housewives and

May your home be a full cup,
And year after year life becomes more and more beautiful,
The soul is calm and light,
Family is strong by harmony!

May your home be clean and warm,
But still, without any doubt,
Homes must be kept warm
Not just steam heating.

May the house be warmed with harmony
At any time, in any weather,
May the light not go out in your home,
Which doesn't come from light bulbs.

Let comfort reign in your home,
May your heart be filled with joy.
A house doesn't live when there's no singing in it,
They don’t love, they don’t laugh, they don’t suffer.

May there be happiness and peace in your home,
Let the colors in your life not fade,
Let there be a brownie in your house,
A house does not live when there is no fairy tale in it!

Housewives are a special category of women who devote their lives to creating coziness and comfort in the home, directly raising children, and helping and supporting their husbands. Their home is always clean and fresh, and smells delicious of fresh baked goods. The amazing atmosphere of goodness and light attracts many guests - friends and relatives. Even though housekeeping is not an official profession, for such women the main work is their family and home.

Due to certain life circumstances, some men also have to take on responsibilities for housekeeping and raising children. In order to highlight the importance of female housewives and male homemakers, their role in society and to express respect for their work, the public decided to establish an international holiday.

When is it celebrated?

Despite the fact that International Housewife and Housewife Day is an unofficial holiday, it is celebrated annually on June 8th. 2019 is no exception.

Who's celebrating

The event is celebrated by all those involved in housekeeping.

history of the holiday

Institution idea generator International Day housewife and housewife is Gabriela Delgado, an employee of the National Institute of Women (Mexico City). She was the first to highlight the importance of women who make their personal contribution to the development of the country by strengthening family relationships and creating better conditions for raising future citizens.

Housekeeping and raising children have long been the main responsibilities of women. She simultaneously kept track of the family's expenses and income, sheathed, washed, treated, cooked and cleaned. Today, all these actions have remained unchanged, except that household appliances have come to the rescue, partially replacing them in housekeeping.

According to American economists, the work of a woman doing housework should bring in a good income. When combining all duties and “related” professions, a housewife would earn about $11,000. But for obvious reasons, these are only statistical numerical calculations. Moreover, this category of the female half of humanity remains one of the most vulnerable segments of society.

Of course, all her efforts and efforts invested in creating a comfortable atmosphere in the house and the educational process are compensated by love and respect from family members, which cannot be assessed in monetary terms.

Today, the status of a housewife has a particularly relevant character. Unfortunately, housekeeping and raising children are becoming less and less attractive to modern women. They build a career, earn a lot of money, strive to achieve high results and authority, sometimes forgetting the true essence of female nature, inherent in nature - to be a wife, housewife, mother, homemaker. All this negatively affects social phenomena, because the main link of society - the family - is destroyed.

Being a housewife is not that easy. It would seem like a whole day at home. However, as we all know, homework never has an end and also does not have its full end. And besides this, you need to pay attention to your husband and work with the children. Preschool children consume a lot of time, and schoolchildren also require some control. Well, besides this, I want to leave at least a little time for myself: to put myself in order, and to do something for the soul. In this case, the question does not arise, ? While you put everything in order in all the rooms, prepare a meal and work with the children, there is no strength or desire left for anything else. In order to successfully plan your day, he suggests that the housewife use one method that I have tested. This method will not bring global changes to your life, but it will free up a certain amount of time.

Housewife's daily routine.

Try to distribute all the rooms of your home by day: one room for one day of the week. Kitchen, bathroom, corridor - are also rooms that need cleaning. To begin with, you pre-allocate the rooms. Then, after experimenting with how much time you need for each room, you can change something in the schedule. Let's say you have a two-room apartment. Then the schedule, or each , will look something like this:
- Monday: living room;
- Tuesday: bathroom;
- environment: kitchen;
- Thursday: bedroom;
- Friday: corridor.

The day off should be a normal day off, don’t plan any serious things on it. Moreover, you, as a housewife, will still not be left without household chores.

Introduce mandatory rules for yourself:

1. Since one room is thoroughly cleaned once a week, on other days you can be content with just cleaning things under your feet.

2. If a room is missed on a certain day, reschedule it for the weekend.

3. For every day of a housewife there are several mandatory things:

Dirty dishes should not be left the next day.
The same goes for the sink.
The floors must be washed in every room.
In the evening, you need to put things in order: remove toys from the floor, hang clothes in the closet, put things in their places.

You can add the rules yourself, everything is given as an example. You will see that you have become much more likely to dust, wash floors and clean closets, because cleaning one room in one day is easier than trying to tidy up your entire home every day.

Read the continuation of this topic in the article.

Plan your housewife day you need it so that you want to live on and love your family. This structure will help you save time and not feel hostage to homework. After all, we women deserve more!

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