
Let's talk about mom in simple words. From the bottom of my heart, in simple words, let's talk, friends, about mom…. I'm proud of my mom

Let's talk about mom in simple words. From the bottom of my heart, in simple words, let's talk, friends, about mom…. I'm proud of my mom

How often we cannot find the necessary statements in a conversation with family and friends, and it is even more difficult to express sincere wishes to them from a pure heart in simple words.How not to get confused and what is worth remembering when preparing wishes for loved ones, we will find out further.

The magic of the word

It is unlikely that you will ever meet a person who would not be pleased to receive a greeting card on his holiday. Especially if it is signed by a special person important to the heart, and the wishes are from a pure heart, composed in simple words.

Of course, today it is easiest to write off from any source and put your signature under them. But in this case we are talking about a simple formality, and not about a pure, sincere congratulation of a person.

But in order to write a good wish that can touch the soul, you need to make your own creative efforts. After all, stereotyped texts overflowing with epithets and eloquent words cannot replace even the most laconic, but words you personally say.

Stages of congratulations

To write a congratulation with your own hand, you need to follow a simple four-point instruction:

    Start with a greeting. In any letter (business or private), you must always greet the person. Also in the letter written in prose. Greet the person using epithets (dear, beloved, respected, and others).

    Compliment. Be sure to say something pleasant to the addressee before the wishes. Emphasize traits that truly characterize a person that you consider to be a highlight (for example, it is customary for a woman to talk about her beauty, ability to enjoy life, about her wonderful children, etc., while a man needs to be praised for his success, for his strength and courage).

    Wishes. Now you can tell the welcomed person what you sincerely wish for her, guided by your knowledge of what this person needs, relying on his own desires.

    Parting words and signature. At the end of any speech, speech, letter, it is always customary to inform who was the author of the statement. Name yourself at the end, but not trite, but using the correct (to the point said) epithets: yours, yours, sincerely loving, and so on.

Wishes in verse

A verse from the heart in simple words and on your behalf will certainly impress its addressee. And it doesn't have to be professionally written burlesque. You need to take as a basis a few important words that would characterize the hero of the occasion and come up with rhymes for them. Further, the sentences will automatically form a poem. But if it's really difficult, you can always use a dictionary that will help you find the consonance to the desired word.

The main thing is that the verse does not consist of trivialities, and the congratulations are from a pure heart. It is always easier to say the most important things in simple words. Therefore, the main rule of wishes is not to abuse complex word forms in verse, and only then you will succeed.

Src \u003d "https://present5.com/presentacii/20170504/447-s_dnem_materi.ppt_images/447-s_dnem_materi.ppt_0.jpg" alt \u003d "\u003e"\u003e

Src \u003d "https://present5.com/presentacii/20170504/447-s_dnem_materi.ppt_images/447-s_dnem_materi.ppt_1.jpg" alt \u003d "(! LANG:\u003e From the bottom of my heart, in simple words Let's talk, friends, about mom . We love her,"> От чистого сердца, простыми словами Давайте, друзья, потолкуем о маме. Мы любим её, как хорошего друга, За то, что у нас с нею всё сообща, За то, что, когда нам приходиться туго, Мы можем всплакнуть у родного плеча. Мы любим её и за то, что порою Становятся строже в морщинках глаза, Но стоит с повинной прийти головою - Исчезнут морщинки, умчится гроза. За то, что всегда без утайки и прямо Мы можем доверить ей сердце своё. И просто за то, что она - наша мама, Мы крепко и нежно любим её.!}

Src \u003d "https://present5.com/presentacii/20170504/447-s_dnem_materi.ppt_images/447-s_dnem_materi.ppt_2.jpg" alt \u003d "(! LANG:\u003e Mother's Day is a holiday while young, But everyone is happy, of course , - All who"> День матери - праздник пока молодой, Но все ему рады, конечно, - Все, кто рождены под счастливой звездой, И мамы опекой сердечной! Мы в диких бегах суеты городской Подчас забываем о маме, Спешим, растворяясь в массе людской, Всерьез увлекаясь делами: А мама нас ждет, и ночами не спит, Волнуясь и думая часто - "Ах, как они там?" - и сердце болит, И стонет, и рвется на части: Я в праздник тебя пришел навестить, Хоть можно почаще, конечно, - Желаю тебе не болеть, не грустить, Люблю я тебя бесконечно!!}

Src \u003d "https://present5.com/presentacii/20170504/447-s_dnem_materi.ppt_images/447-s_dnem_materi.ppt_3.jpg" alt \u003d "(! LANG:\u003e In honor of this holiday, we wish you again: Health and love , And smiles, and"> В честь праздника такого Тебе желаем снова: И здоровья, и любви, И улыбок, и весны. Пусть сбудутся твои желанья, Грустить не будешь никогда, И луч любви, очарованья Останется с тобою навсегда!!}

Src \u003d "https://present5.com/presentacii/20170504/447-s_dnem_materi.ppt_images/447-s_dnem_materi.ppt_4.jpg" alt \u003d "\u003e"\u003e

Src \u003d "https://present5.com/presentacii/20170504/447-s_dnem_materi.ppt_images/447-s_dnem_materi.ppt_5.jpg" alt \u003d "(! LANG:\u003e Happy holiday today to Mom, I hug Mom by the neck. The most beautiful Mom"> С праздником сегодня Маму поздравляю, Крепко я за шею Маму обнимаю. Самая красивая Мамочка моя. Целый день послушной Быть обещаю я!}

Src \u003d "https://present5.com/presentacii/20170504/447-s_dnem_materi.ppt_images/447-s_dnem_materi.ppt_6.jpg" alt \u003d "(! LANG:\u003e Who warms up with love, Has time for everything in the world, Even play a little? Who will always comfort you"> Кто любовью согревает, Всё на свете успевает, Даже поиграть чуток? Кто тебя всегда утешит, И умоет, и причешет, В щечку поцелует - чмок? Вот она всегда какая - Моя мамочка родная!!}

Src \u003d "https://present5.com/presentacii/20170504/447-s_dnem_materi.ppt_images/447-s_dnem_materi.ppt_7.jpg" alt \u003d "(! LANG:\u003e Dear Mommy! Don't waste the year, Don't be sad that whiskey turned gray. It happens in"> Дорогая мамочка! Не считай понапрасну года, Не грусти, что виски поседели. Так бывает в природе всегда: Это след оставляют метели. Пусть нелегкой была твоя жизнь, Были все ж в ней и радость, и счастье. Ты крепись, дорогая, держись, Обойдут стороною ненастья. Ведь богатство твое - это МЫ: Дочка, сын, внуки, правнуки даже! Долго-долго еще ты живи, Чтоб пра-правнуков тоже понянчить!!!!}

Src \u003d "https://present5.com/presentacii/20170504/447-s_dnem_materi.ppt_images/447-s_dnem_materi.ppt_8.jpg" alt \u003d "(! LANG:\u003e Mommy, sweet, gentle, glorious, Kind, smart and radiant , In the palms of my hands I will give you happiness."> Мамочка, милая, нежная, славная, Добрая, умная и лучезарная, В ладонях я счастье тебе подарю. "Спасибо", - за все я тебе говорю. Живи, улыбайся невзгодам-годам, Заботы разделим с тобой пополам. Забудь о болезнях, о тревогах забудь, Любовью осветим твой жизненный путь!}

Src \u003d "https://present5.com/presentacii/20170504/447-s_dnem_materi.ppt_images/447-s_dnem_materi.ppt_9.jpg" alt \u003d "(! LANG:\u003e I remember my mother's hands. Although she's gone, it's been a long time not in the world"> Я помню руки матери моей, . Хоть нет ее, давно уж нет на свете, Я рук не знал нежнее и добрей, Чем жесткие, мозолистые эти. Я помню руки матери моей, Что утирали слезы мне когда-то, В пригоршнях приносили мне с полей Все, чем весна в родном краю богата. Я помню руки матери моей, Суровой ласки редкие мгновенья. Я становился лучше и сильней От каждого ее прикосновенья. Я помню руки матери моей, Широкие, шершавые ладони. Они - что ковш. Приникни к ним и пей, И не сыскать источника бездонней. Я помню руки матери моей, И я хочу, чтоб повторяли дети: "Натруженные руки матерей, Святее вас нет ничего на свете!"!}

Src \u003d "https://present5.com/presentacii/20170504/447-s_dnem_materi.ppt_images/447-s_dnem_materi.ppt_10.jpg" alt \u003d "(! LANG:\u003e It's okay that you are completely gray, That there are wrinkles around your eyes. .. No before that we"> Ничего, что ты совсем седая, Что легли морщины возле глаз... Нет до этого нам дела, дорогая, Радуй, как и радовала, нас! Мы тебя и любим и жалеем И желаем лишь побольше сил Чтобы и столетним юбилеем Бог тебя, родная, наградил!!}

Src \u003d "https://present5.com/presentacii/20170504/447-s_dnem_materi.ppt_images/447-s_dnem_materi.ppt_11.jpg" alt \u003d "\u003e"\u003e

"From a pure heart in simple words"

50th anniversary. Option for the hero of the day

Autumn evening…
The first frost ...
Our mother has an anniversary ...
She is so beautiful today
We send all compliments to her.

Surprise flooded us all
It's hard to tear your eyes off her:
Who said that half a century had passed?
Who thought she was fifty?

Twenty-five to her today, guys!
Just twice twenty-five!
She will be fifty sometime!
And today she is twenty-five!

Our dear mother!
Accept you, in the prime of years
Our warm rainbow greetings
And without hiding our feelings,
We will raise the bowls for you!

Dear guests! I propose to raise glasses to our birthday girl!
(A group of guests sings the verse of the next song.)
We would make your life like a film strip
Scrolled many years ago
To make you a simple girl
Clean, clean like a spring garden.
(One of the guests is holding a frame - "TV", the other - "scrolls" the film, each frame of which is associated with the main events in the life of the birthday girl.)
Leading: And now, dear guests, we invite you to watch the film of the life of the culprit of today celebrations.

1. There is one perfect number in October,
It is connected with your birth. (Photo in frame.)
2. You grew up as a playful girl,
Shy and very sweet. (Childhood photo.)
3. Seven years have passed, now
You opened the school door. (Childhood photo.)
4. You have become taller than your mom.
You are sixteen. You are a teenager.
5. You decided: “It will be necessary too
Study in a school for youth. "
6. Worked with soul
The factory is big.
7. At 18, everything is still ahead:
And the choice of a friend, goal and path.
8. High and joyful feelings without concealing,
A young family was born then.
9. After the wedding, just right
A trip to the Caucasus for you.
10. Day after day passed, and after them night.
Are you expecting a child: a son or a daughter?
11. That year you became a happy mom,
For his son - dear, irreplaceable.
12. Life goes on, goes on,
Meanwhile, the son is growing.
13. Work in seed
You weren't alone.
14. So many years of the leather factory
Work was in vogue.
15. Life changed at once again,
When you are called "mother-in-law".
16. It is an honor for a woman to be a mother,
To become a grandmother is doubly honorable.
To see a grandson - happiness is so great
After all, this is your footprint on the ground.

Leading: Dear guests! We missed one of the shots of the birthday girl's life. Whoever guesses this event gets a prize. (Birth of second grandson.)
Leading: Dear mommy!
Years have passed, but you are still the same.
Strict, beautiful and clear
Only the hair is much smoother
And gray hair sparkles in them.
So God give you
If it is in his power
Health, long years
And a lot, a lot of happiness!
Leading: Friends and family without regretting words
They want to congratulate you on the day of your anniversary.
(Congratulations to the guests. Presenting gifts.)
Leading: Congratulations are personal, and there are also collective. I suggest that all guests compose one of them together. To do this, you need to name any 18 adjectives-epithets, without repeating.
(Guests name adjectives, the host writes them into the postcard.)
Leading: Dear birthday girl!
We, of course, are not Repins,
Neither Picasso nor even Dali.
But we are glad that we met you in life
In that misty pink distance.
And embraced by this feeling
Plunging into the maelstrom of the past,
Touched by a little doubt
We decided to write your portrait.
(The presenter reads out the postcard.)
Today we are celebrating the birthday of ... the woman.
She has only advantages, no shortcomings.
She…, voice…, look…, gesture…, clothes…, gait…, forehead…, hairdo… She… friend.
Let our… hearts and… toast be an expression of… love for her.
We wish the birthday girl ... health, ... joy, ... days, ... nights, ... success and longevity.
Long live ... (name)!
Close, relatives, friends.
(The host hands over a postcard to the birthday girl.)
Leading: So my toast is extremely simple.
I drink to the fact that women are
Like diamonds are expensive.
But here's the trouble: one attack,
That a diamond can be ... stolen.
Leading: There has been a rumor among us for a long time:
She is sober at the holidays
And no cataclysms
Incline her to "alcoholism"
Can't for anything in the world
On the eve of her fiftieth birthday.
But if in this sober house
The hostess drinks "Narzan", "Borjomi",
I propose a toast like this:
Let it be sober, but intoxicated,
Let your head start spinning
Let your heart beat faster
From our warm words and congratulations,
From good feelings and moods.
And looking at our faces
She suddenly wants to ... get drunk.
Crystal in hand taking a glass
She will pour ... "Narzan" there!
My toast: to sobriety and fun,
For drunkenness without a hangover.
Let the hero of the day drink Borjomi,
We will have fun in the house
Let the hero of the day drink "Narzan"
We always have a counter plan!
We drink to the mistress of this house!
Leading: Our birthday girl was born under the constellation Libra. Scales are different; some have a hook, others have an arrow, and still others have a bowl. Let's all try to imagine together that you and I are one big scale. The first command is the left bowl and the second is the right bowl. Between you, that is, between the bowls, we will play a competition game.
(Each team and birthday girl is given a piece of paper and a pen.)
I will ask you questions and you will answer on pieces of paper. When the answers are written, we will check them with the answers of the birthday girl. Which team has the most matches will get the prize.

1. Does the birthday girl like milk?
2. Does the birthday girl like fruit drink with currant jam?
3. Does the birthday girl like to drive a car that moves with
breakneck speed?
4. Does the birthday girl like to dance until she drops?
5. Does the birthday girl like strong drinks?
6. Does the birthday girl like to watch the TV show “Play, accordion!”?
7. Does the birthday girl like to look out the window?
8. Does the birthday girl like to correct her hair every hour?
9. Does the birthday girl love the pea?
(The answers are compared. The winners - a team of five people - are awarded packages - "prizes". They contain a tie and a cap. After changing clothes, the participants are given cards with words.)
Leading: And now the word for congratulations is given to the honorable
guests ... (Enter the Pioneers.)
We, the pioneers, are children of our country!
There is no one happier than us in the world.
To be with you again today

Her whole life serves as an example to children
And October, and pioneers.
We will continue to take an example from her,
We came to congratulate Aunt Taya!

We have come to you to learn from the elders,
How to drink so as not to get drunk at all
How to eat to keep the figure,
We came to congratulate Aunt Taya!

We are the pioneers of the Soviet country.
In you, Aunt Taya, have long been in love.
We cannot find a best friend -
We have come to congratulate you today!

We say without despondency and laziness:
We are not aware of the generational conflict.
You, Aunt Taya, are younger than us,
We must follow your example in this, too.
(They sing a song.)

Soar the blue nights with bonfires!
We, the pioneers, want a glass.
It's high time for adults to pour:
We came to congratulate Aunt Taya!
(The hostess pours the "pioneers".)
Leading: Now we will hold the solemn ceremony of joining the pioneers of our hero of the day.
Dear mommy!
Please accept our congratulations
And for a life of instruction.
Promise us not to get sick
Get younger every year
Don't be sad or bored
Every day is easy to meet.
Get ready!
Anniversary: Always ready!
Leading: Exercise
And dig in the garden in the garden,
Do not forget about friends
Call to visit more often.
Get ready!
Anniversary: Always ready!
(Drum roll, tie a tie to the hero of the day.)
Leading: Today, on this holiday, not only pioneers, but also punks came to congratulate the hero of the day.
(The losing team enters disguised as punks, reading the words in the style of "rap".)
Flowers, smiles, congratulations,
Warmth of soul and kindness.
Accept from us on your birthday
On your anniversary day of the year.

You look cool today
Just like your own
And your party is crowded
After all, you are not alone here.

How cool will we spend
We are on this holiday
Give everyone a glass,
So that it was not too lazy to dance.
(The hostess treats the guests.)
Leading: Dear guests!
You really wanted to surprise the birthday girl,
All the roles were transformed.
I invite everyone to get up now
And with the birthday girl you can dance Russian.

March 9, 2016 by

My dear mom

My dear mom
I love you immensely!
And I wish you happiness
And health without fail!
I also wish you
Many good warm days
To keep you as long as possible
Pleased us - children.

There is an eternal word in our world,
Short, but most cordial.
It is beautiful and kind
It is simple and convenient
It is sincere, beloved,
Incomparable with anything in the world:

From the heart

From the heart,
In simple words
Come on friends
Let's talk about mom.
We love her
Like a good friend
For the fact that we have
Everything is together with her,
For what, when
It's hard for us
We can cry
At the native shoulder.
We love her and for the fact
What sometimes
Are getting stricter
In the wrinkles of my eyes
But it is worth it
Come with your head -
Wrinkles will disappear
Thunderstorm will rush away.
For always
Without concealment and straight
We can trust
She has her heart.
And just for the fact
That she is our mother
We are strong and tender
We love her.

Mothers love us not for something, but simply

Only mothers love us not for something, but simply,
Just because we are, we live
We only go to mothers on important issues,
Only to them we carry our troubles, problems.

We dedicate to our mothers successes, victories,
And on Mother's Day, on the holiday of love,
We wish that all troubles passed them,
So that their children only bring them happiness.


In the house by the Sun
And it's warm in the cold
Even in the dark at night
It's always light there.
How will I see the Sun
I always sing like that.
I probably
I love most of all!
I will give flowers
Because the Sun -
this, MOM, you!

Dear Mommy, Mommy

Dear mommy, mommy,
It's good that mom's holiday is.
I love you my dear
All your virtues and do not count.
In life, you are protection and support,
You protect me from bad weather
You love without looking back and reproach
And your whole family has been warmed by you.
I want to wish you health
So that no one brings alarms.
You are the only one in the whole world
Mommy, my beloved!

You, mom, are my best friend!

You, mom, are my best friend!
And there are simply no secrets from you,
We know so much about each other
After all, we've been together for many years.
Today, mom, is your holiday
Thank you for all the good
Let peace reign in your soul
Health, happiness, I love you!

Many mothers in this world
Children love them with all their soul,
Only mom is alone
She is dearer to me than everyone else.
Who is she? I will answer:
This is my mom.

There is no person dearer than mom

Anyone who lives in this world
To love who can think and breathe
On our sinful blue planet
There are no relatives and closer words than mother.
We are our mothers, dear mothers
Hearts and lives will be given without words.
For us they are truly holy,
It doesn't matter that there are no halos on the heads.
We remember mom like God,
If trouble suddenly happens to us.
Ugly, sometimes fate is a road,
However, mothers will always understand children.
They will understand children in both joy and sorrow,
They will save their own children from troubles.
With only my mother, the sea is knee-deep,
Only my mother needs advice in difficult times.
We walked different roads in life
It doesn't matter how many winters and how many years
But this truth has long been known:
There is no person dearer than mother.

I so want my mother to smile

I so want my mother to smile
So that I never feel sad in my life,
So that you always succeed,
So that you do not know that there is trouble.
On mother's day, love, I wish
So that you stay like this forever!
I dedicate these lines to you -
To a wonderful mother, tender and dear!

For pyky mom, I hold tight

When I walk around town with my mother,
For pyky mom, I keep it tight:
Why would she go and be afraid
What can she get lost?

Tender lines to mom

Our dear mom
These gentle lines are for you.
The sweetest and most beautiful
The kindest on this earth.
Let sorrows not enter your house
Let the disease pass.
We would place the whole world in the palm of our hand
And they gave you one.
But even that would not be enough,
To repay your kindness.
All our lives, our dear mother,
I owe you an unpaid debt.
Thank you, dear, for raising
For not asking for anything in return.
That dividing sorrow and joy in half,
In everything, you wished us the best.
Beautiful, caring, tenderly tender,
We need you every day and forever!


Today the sun has washed
He ascended to heaven early
Nature has all changed,
The holiday time has come for us!
Mother's day all over the planet
For them the only ones, relatives,
Children bring flowers to their feet
For their affection and care!

I love you so much

How I love you - you cannot convey!
You are the best, let me tell you straight!
I want to wish you with all my heart
Love, luck and health, mom!

Hare and hare (for the matinee)

The little hare smiled at mom:
- I love you like that! - and threw up his hands.
- And that's how I love you! - his mother told him,
She spread her arms and showed me too.

He crouched down and jumped high like a ball.
- I love you like that! - the bunny laughed.
And then, in response, running away, dashingly,
- That's how I love you! - the hare jumped up.
- This is a lot, - the bunny whispered,
- It's very, very much, a lot, but not too much.
- I love you like that! - the bunny smiled
And on the grass-ant he rolled over.
- And that's how I love you! - mommy said
Somersaulted, hugged and kissed.
- This is a lot, - the bunny whispered,
- It's very, very much, a lot, but not too much.
- See, the tree is growing, right next to the river?
I love you like that! - you know, mom.
And in my mother's arms you can see the whole valley.
- That's how I love you! - the mother told her son.
Thus passed a merry day, at the hour when it was getting dark,
A yellow-white moon appeared in the sky.
At night, children need to sleep even in our fairy tale.
The bunny whispered to his mother, closing his eyes:
- From the earth to the moon, and then back -
That's how I love you! Isn't it clear? ..
Tucking a blanket over the bunny from all sides,
Quietly, before going to bed, my mother whispered:
- It's very, very much, it's so nice,
When they love to the moon, and then back!

Beloved mother

Beloved mother, I congratulate you,
On Mother's Day, I wish you happiness and health.
You are in my heart, even if you are apart,
I always remember your gentle hands.
May your every day be filled with light
Be warmed by the love of your family, like the sun.
I'm sorry, at times I upset you
Believe me, that involuntarily ... I reproach myself.

Mother's Day, celebrated on November 27, is a wonderful occasion to once again say words of love and gratitude to the most dear and close person, to pay tribute for love, for generous mother's hearts, for their caring and affectionate hands.

Mom's love is as natural as lilac bloom, like the first spring rain. The sun warms the earth and all living things, and motherly love warms our lives.

Students of the 5th grade of MSOSH # 1 wrote about their mothers in a touching, childish and adult way about their mothers. All of them are great fellows and deserve words of praise for their love for their mother.

There is no one her relatives

Mom is the first word every child says. Mom is the closest and most important person in life. There is no one dearer than her.

My mom's name is Nadezhda. She is very beautiful. She has long auburn hair and blue-gray eyes.

She is very kind and considerate. I am my mother's only child, so she gives all her love to me. How much she worries when I'm sick! Mom gives me medicine, cheers me up and feeds me something tasty. She cooks very tasty.

We spend our free time in a fun and interesting way: we go to the circus, to the skating rink, walk the dog together. My mother always and in everything supports me in difficult times. I love her very much because she is my best friend!

Renat Guliyev.

Her hands are haunted

My mother's name is Olga Igorevna. She is the dearest person to me, whom I love very much! Mom works as a nurse in the surgical department. I always watch with great interest how she takes care of her patients, helping them fight ailments.

Mom takes care of me and my brother in the same way. She will always help in trouble, together with us she rejoices in our successes. We always listen to her advice, because my mother wishes us only the best. With her, we have fun and interesting time, travel with pleasure.

Our mother has a hobby - she knits and cross-stitches. We are always happy to admire what her skillful hands are doing, which, it seems, do not know rest. They are always in work and business.

I promise that I will try to please my mom with a good study and will definitely help her around the house. Thank you, dear, that we have you!

Yaroslav Berezkin.

Most most…

How much is contained in the word "mother": goodness, hope, faith, love and happiness. Mom is the person who will always support you in difficult times, will be there when you feel good.

My mother is the most caring, kind, beautiful and hardworking. If she started some business, then she will definitely bring it to the end. And he teaches me and my brother to do it.

We spend every weekend together. How I like this family vacation! We go to nature, play together, walk, and if we need to work hard, we do it together with the whole family.

Mom is an example for me in everything. I want to grow up to be as motivated, intelligent and responsive as she is. I really want my mother to never be upset, and her eyes always shine with happiness, joy and love. Well, we will try to do everything for this.

Julia Ivanova.

I'm proud of my mom!

My mother's name is Oksana Vladimirovna. She works as a chief accountant at Maksatikhinskaya secondary school No. 1. Mom willingly tells me about her school years. At school, she especially liked mathematics. Therefore, after school, she decided to study to be an accountant. My mother graduated from the Bezhetsk Mechanical Engineering College in the chosen specialty.

The work of an accountant requires special attention and perseverance, the ability to maintain all accounting documents. Mom also pays wages. You cannot be wrong about her work.

I really love my mom. At work she is serious and focused, but at home she is kind and attentive, her eyes always shine with boundless love for us. She is a wonderful housewife, she always has a lot to learn. I'm proud of my mom!

Egor Rakitin.