
Presentations about patriotism at school. Presentation on the topic: "The experience of military-patriotic education at school." fiction non-fiction

Presentations about patriotism at school.  Presentation on the topic:

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“The historical significance of each person is measured by his services to the Motherland, and human dignity by the strength of his patriotism.” N.G. Chernyshevsky Radical transformations in our country at the end of the 20th – beginning of the 21st centuries, which determined a sharp turn in modern history Russia, are accompanied by negative changes in the socio-economic, political, spiritual and cultural spheres of society. Indifference, selfishness, individualism, cynicism, unmotivated aggressiveness, and disrespect for the state and social institutions have become widespread in the public consciousness.

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In the modern situation, it is more necessary than ever to revive spirituality, educate the population, especially young people, in the spirit of love for the Fatherland, and stop the propaganda of violence and cruelty. An important factor in this situation is the patriotic education of the younger generation, the main goal of which is to create conditions for the spiritual, cultural, economic revival of Russia, the formation of social and personal qualities a person for their fullest implementation for the benefit of society, education of a citizen, a patriot of his homeland.

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True patriotism presupposes the formation and long-term development of a whole complex of positive qualities. Patriotism appears in the unity of spirituality, citizenship and social activity of an individual who is aware of his inseparability and inseparability with the Fatherland. Patriotism is formed in the process of training, socialization and upbringing of schoolchildren.

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Patriotic education is one of the most important components of the educational process. Its objectives are: - instilling in children and adolescents love for the Motherland and its historical past; - developing in students an idea of ​​Russia as a multinational Fatherland, a common home; - raising a young citizen, healthy morally and physically, capable of defending the Fatherland;

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The blocks of educational activities for students are: the creation of school museums (museum pedagogy); education based on the traditions of the family and native land; tourism and local history; preparation for the defense of the Motherland; formation of a single community of Russians; Formation of patriotic education during extracurricular hours (open lessons, cool watch, disputes, school-wide events, trips to places of hostilities); environmental education as an element of patriotic education;

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Patriotism includes: a feeling of attachment to one's family and the places where a person was born and raised; respectful attitude towards the residents of your village, city, your people, their language and culture; desire to care about other people and the interests of the Motherland;

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Patriotism includes: awareness of duty to the people of one’s immediate environment, one’s place of residence, the Motherland, defending its honor and dignity, freedom and independence, readiness to defend the Fatherland; manifestation of civic feelings and loyalty to the Motherland; pride in the social and cultural achievements of one's country;

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Patriotism includes: pride in one’s Fatherland, symbols of the state, and one’s people; respectful attitude towards the historical past of one’s large and small Motherland, one’s people, its customs and traditions; responsibility for the fate of the Motherland and their people, their future, expressed in the desire to devote their work, abilities to strengthening the power and prosperity of the Motherland; humanism, mercy, universal values.

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Patriotic education includes the following areas: 1. Spiritual and moral direction, which includes: the formation of a morally stable, integral personality with such moral qualities as conscientiousness, honesty, collectivism, adherence to the rules of behavior, respect for the older generation, courage, love for To the Motherland and its people; fostering respect for family, parents, family traditions; the formation of social activity aimed at serving the interests of their Fatherland;

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2. Cultural and historical direction, which involves: instilling in students a love for their “small” Motherland. To the native land, its wonderful people; involving students in the work of preserving cultural and historical monuments of military and labor glory; formation of a sense of national pride, national identity, and the ability to live with people of other cultures, languages ​​and religions.

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3. Civil law direction, focused on: studying the state system of the Russian Federation, the meaning of its Constitution, anthem, state symbols, rights and responsibilities of a citizen of Russia. the formation of a deep understanding of civic duty, a value-based attitude towards the national interests of Russia, its sovereignty, independence and integrity; formation of culture legal relations, the desire to comply with legal regulations; development of truly functioning school self-government.

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4. Military-patriotic direction, which includes: the study of the military history of Russia, knowledge of the Days of Military Glory, military and labor feats of the region’s residents during the Great Patriotic War; preserving military traditions, connections between generations of defenders of the Motherland, organizing meetings of students with war and labor veterans, participants in local military conflicts and anti-terrorist operations; formation positive image Armed Forces Russian Federation, readiness to perform military duty.

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Local history work One of the most important areas of patriotic education is local history. Studying the history of the native land contributes to the growth of patriotic self-awareness of citizens, the formation of pride in the city, region in which a person was born and raised, where he studied and work activity. Local history excursions, meetings with interesting people- fellow countrymen, visiting museums, memorial places located within the city - all this is a way to increase the effectiveness of patriotic education

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Search work The younger generation knows little about the events and heroes of the war and local conflicts of the Cold War, where our military personnel participated. The study of military history and search work will lead to an awareness of the importance of the exploits of the defenders of the Fatherland, respect for the events of the military glory of our country. The base for this work is school museums and military-patriotic organizations.

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WORKING WITH VETERANS OF THE GREAT PATRIOTIC WAR In the patriotic education of the younger generation, the role of veterans of the Great Patriotic War and other wars, military personnel, and law enforcement officers is great. Their speeches at courage lessons, their stories about battles with the enemy, about the exploits of friends in battle often serve as an impetus to begin or intensify search work. With their support and assistance, memory lessons, classroom hours, and memorial events are held.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Patriotic education is an integral component of the formation of an active life position of student youth. Patriotic education is the activity of government bodies, public associations and organizations to develop in young people a high civic consciousness, an increased sense of loyalty to their Fatherland, readiness to fulfill public duty, and the most important constitutional responsibilities to protect the interests of the Motherland.

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Main directions of state policy in the field of patriotic education

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Factors of influence: content of educational material, its ideological and political orientation; clear organization of classes, variety of teaching methods and forms; relationships between teachers and students; the influence of the teacher’s personal qualities, his pedagogical skills; the general regime and atmosphere of the educational process of the school. SYSTEM of patriotic education Educational activities (lesson time) Scientific- research activities(classroom, after-hours)

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Patriotism is a stable characteristic of a person, expressed in his worldview, moral ideals, and norms of behavior. This is the basis for the existence and development of statehood.

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Patriotic education is the activity of government bodies, public associations and organizations to develop in young people a high civic consciousness, a heightened sense of loyalty to their Fatherland, readiness to fulfill public duty, and the most important constitutional responsibilities to protect the interests of the Motherland.

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The main goal of the Concept is to determine the role and place of patriotic education as the most important area of ​​activity of society and the state in the general system of education of the younger generation of the republic.

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TASKS Information and worldview training of youth; Fostering respect for the law and norms of collective life; Affirmation in the consciousness of the individual of his importance as a citizen for the state; Formation positive attitude to work, nature, surrounding people, family; Development of the need for a healthy lifestyle; Formation of moral and psychological readiness to the defense of the Fatherland; Instilling a sense of pride, deep respect and veneration for the symbols of the DPR.

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Directions of patriotic education: Civil-patriotic; Military-patriotic; Spiritual and moral; Historical-patriotic (local history); Cultural-patriotic; Sports and patriotic.

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Military-patriotic education DIRECTIONS State Social Military Psychological-pedagogical Legal METHODS Persuasion Stimulation Personal example Self-preparation FORMS Lectures Conversations Stories Excursions to museums Meetings with veterans Hiking to places of military glory Search work Participation in the work of military-patriotic clubs

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Spiritual and moral education Goal: the formation of highly cultural, ethical standards of behavior, qualities of civic honor, personal responsibility and collectivism. Directions: Creation of an educational spiritual and moral environment in an educational institution; Stimulation healthy image life; Organization of CTD for students; Correcting the individual path of spiritual and moral development of each student, stimulating his self-knowledge and self-education; Differentiation and individualization of the educational process; Fostering spirituality and hard work; Organization and development of the student body on the principles of morality; Organization of career guidance work; Strengthening interaction between family and educational institution.

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Cultural and patriotic education Goal: education of high spiritual culture, satisfaction of cultural needs, enrichment of professional activities, living conditions and everyday life with elements of culture and ethics, development of a culture of communication and relationships between different categories of citizens. Cultural-patriotic education COMPONENTS: Need-motivational Intellectual-emotional Behavioral Volitional ASPECTS: Study of the history and culture of the Fatherland; Activities to preserve the culture and national traditions of the peoples living on the territory of the DPR; formation of a civil worldview. CRITERIA: level of cultural and patriotic consciousness; breadth of cultural and patriotic feelings; sustainability of cultural and patriotic behavior; systematic mastery of artistic values; love for national culture; moral and aesthetic conviction.

KOUVO "Elan-Kolenovskaya special (correctional) general education boarding school VII VIII type for orphans and children left without parental care with disabilities.”

“Patriotic education of schoolchildren in history lessons and outside school hours »

Prepared by: history teacher N.P. Kitaeva.

History is a powerful and ever-living force that creates a Patriot, a Citizen.

History is a powerful and ever-living force that creates a Patriot, a Citizen.

History is a powerful and an ever-living force that creates a Patriot, a Citizen .

What things await you in the future? You should think about this more and more often. And if you are a real citizen - The country expects great results from you!

  • Socialization of schoolchildren, formation of civic culture, familiarization with the values ​​of a democratic, rule of law state, formation of civil society;
  • Education of patriotism and citizenship through the example of involvement in the fate of one’s Motherland;
  • Image recovery moral person as an integral, original, free, humane personality, focused on preserving the values ​​of Russian national history and culture.

Main objectives of the activity

  • education of a Russian citizen through studying

domestic history of the country;

  • maintaining and developing students' sense of

pride, love for the Motherland, native land,


  • formation of schoolchildren's readiness

armed defense of the Motherland;

  • increasing students' interest in military

applied sports, development

physical and volitional qualities expansion

participation of schoolchildren in military-applied and

technical sports;

  • instilling in schoolchildren respect for heroism


  • involving the general public in

participation in patriotic work

education of schoolchildren;

Patriotic education in history lessons.

- videos

- presentations

- historical documents and sources

- fiction and journalistic literature

History lesson.

Each topic is a touch on the understanding of the Motherland, it is an assessment of one’s attitude towards the place of one’s birth and residence.

History is a powerful and ever-living force that creates a Patriot, a Citizen.

It seems to me that this is especially important now, when many people have lost their values ​​and lost their sense of love for their Motherland. It is bitter to realize that in our modern society citizens do not connect themselves and their lives with the prosperity and power of the Fatherland, they have forgotten its history, they do not understand that without the past there is no present, there can be no future, that without love for the Fatherland there is and cannot be love for Humanity.

Competitions, quizzes, conversations, literary compositions;

Subject weeks;

Meetings with veterans;

Activities of the school museum;

“Memory Watch”, ceremonial line.

  • Drevlyans – 2
  • Polyane -1
  • Dregovichi- 1

Education outside of school hours

Extracurricular event “Thunderstorm of the 12th year”

Action for residents of the microdistrict “Thank you to the Defenders of the Fatherland.” Hanging congratulations and leaflets on the entrances of their houses.

Bard song festivals for high school students “A world without cruelty and war.”

Patriotic song festivals.

“Fun starts”.

Competitions in military applied sports.

A single lesson of Courage with the invitation of veterans of the Great Patriotic War, soldiers, participants in modern events in Afghanistan and Chechnya.

Action “Memory”.

Clean-up days at the Military Cemetery near the Sorrowful.

Laying fresh flowers, baskets and wreaths at the graves of soldiers and city monuments on Defender of the Fatherland Day and Victory Day.

Making souvenirs - congratulations for veterans of the Great Patriotic War, participants in local hostilities, fathers and older brothers.

Congratulations to the veterans of the Great Patriotic War living in the Goznak factory microdistrict.

Joint regional holiday dedicated to the Day Victory, with veterans of pedagogical labor of the Industrial District, home front workers, teachers, participants in the hostilities of the Great Patriotic War and Baltic soldiers.

History Olympiad.

Education through museum means.

To know your history means to stand firmly on your native land, to be proud of its heroic past, and to be worthy of its glorious future. This is how love for the Motherland is born.

Glorious pages of the history of our native land

The museum becomes our center for the local history work of the school: we continue to collect material on the history of the school, the families of our teachers, conduct tours of the museum, receive guests here, cultivating love for the Motherland through the history of the school.

History of the village.

Without a feeling of a Small Motherland, there is no great patriotism.

School traditions

Holiday "Maslenitsa"

History lessons, organized purposefully, taking into account the above approaches, play a vital role in the formation of the patriotic consciousness of schoolchildren, which turns into beliefs and becomes a personality quality.

So it turns out What story :

  • That's what it is teacher ;
  • teacher helping to understand reality, to look for worthy examples not only in the past, but also in the present;
  • teacher enriching the soul and saturating the surrounding world;
  • teacher helping to educate not just a citizen, but a true patriot of his homeland.

Spiritual - moral. Goal: awareness by students in the process of patriotic education of the highest values, socially significant processes and phenomena real life, the ability to be guided by them as defining principles and positions in practical activities. Civic and patriotic. Through a system of measures it influences the formation legal culture and law-abidingness, skills in assessing political and legal events and processes in society and the state, constant readiness to serve their people. Historical and local history. System of measures for patriotic education, aimed at understanding the historical and cultural roots, awareness of the uniqueness of the Fatherland, its destiny, and inextricability with it. Military - patriotic. Focused on developing in young people a high patriotic consciousness, ideas of serving the Fatherland, the ability to defend it armed, studying military history and military traditions. Sports and patriotic. Aimed at developing moral and volitional qualities, nurturing strength, agility, perseverance, courage, discipline in the process of training physical culture and sports, formation of readiness to defend the Motherland. Socially patriotic. Aimed at activating the spiritual - moral and cultural - historical continuity of generations, the formation of an active life position, the manifestation of feelings of nobility and compassion, and the manifestation of care for older people.