Personal life

Project in kindergarten "Safe Summer". Senior group. Creative project in the senior group “Summer is a small life” Summer impression project senior group

Kindergarten project

Creative project for older children

Subject:"Hello summer!"

Completed by the teacher: Kesyan Narina Sergeevna

Project type: information and research

Project duration: medium term.

Project participants: children, teacher, parents.


increasing the time children spend in the fresh air in the summer will provide an opportunity for the formation healthy image life, increasing physical activity, as well as to enrich knowledge, activate thought processes in children - preschoolers.


Enriching and expanding children's understanding of the influence of heat, sunlight for the life of people, animals and plants. Health improvement, strengthening the immune system of the child’s body.


Summer is an amazing time! How much joy does playing with sand and water bring to a child? sunbathing, walking barefoot on the grass, dousing with water. How can we make the lives of children during this period meaningful, educational and interesting? How to organize children's activities so that this time becomes unforgettable for the kids? An interesting and varied organization of children's activities in the summer helps to solve these issues.

This project will allow you to plan educational work with children during the summer in preschool educational institutions.

Success summer job is determined, first of all, by how timely and efficiently the team prepared for it kindergarten. Preparation affects every aspect of life. preschool, all team members according to their functional responsibilities.

A clearly planned system of entertainment, educational and health-improving activities ensures the necessary level of physical and mental development children. It also satisfies the growing body’s need for rest, creative activity and movement, as well as improving health.

In summer, the daily routine provides for the maximum stay of children in the open air, which allows teachers to solve problems to a greater extent than in other seasons. environmental education. Properly organized children's experimentation and experimentally - research activities preschoolers contributes to the development of cognitive activity.


creating conditions that ensure the protection of the life and health of children through the use of natural factors;

expanding children's knowledge about seasonal changes in nature;

promoting active parental involvement in joint activities with a child in a family and kindergarten setting.


development of cognitive interest;

developing experimentation skills;

development of physical activity and introduction to summer sports and health promotion;


instilling in children a love for all living things, a desire to preserve and protect nature;

developing the habit of daily physical activity.

Expected result:

Preserving children's health, reducing morbidity levels.

Instilling environmental culture in children.

Acquiring new knowledge and impressions about the world around us.


outdoor games, low mobility games, group and individual activities.

Working with parents - “Together with the family.”

1. Competition of drawings made together with parents “Dad, Mom, Me and Summer”

2. Exhibition of drawings on the theme: “Pets”


"Carefully! Sun!".

“What to do with a child on a walk?”

“Teaching children how to behave safely on the road.”

Project implementation stages:

1. Preparatory stage (diagnostic and analytical July 2nd week)

Promoting mental, moral, aesthetic and physical education preschoolers (conversation about summer, summer holidays; about what children want to do in the summer; consultations for parents).

Selection of methodological, popular science and fiction, illustrated material on this topic;

selection of toys and attributes for play activities;

selection of material for visual and productive activity children;

drawing up a long-term action plan.

2.Main stage (project implementation July 3, 4, 5 weeks)

3.Final stage (July1 week)

Aimed at identifying the effectiveness of the complex of physical education and health activities and summing up the results of children's activities in the summer (exhibition of children's drawings “How I Spent the Summer”);

Design of the folder - movement "Hello, summer!"

Forward planning

Cognitive activity

1. Observations and conversation: “The mysterious world of insects.”

Consolidating children's knowledge about insects, external signs, their structure, way of life;

Consolidating the ability to establish the correct sequence of events in the life of insects;

Cultivating a love for nature.

2.Reading a summer ecological folk tale: “Forest Fire”

- developing in children an idea about fire safety in nature, about the danger of lighting fires for the environment and their own health;

Acquiring new knowledge and impressions about the world around us;

Foster a caring attitude towards nature.

3. Conversation: “Red summer is a wonderful time!”

Consolidating children's knowledge about summer, about seasonal changes in nature in summer;

Fostering love for native nature;

Development of children's logical thinking; auditory attention, quick thinking.

Game activity:

1. Plot - role-playing games: "Cruise"

Forming in children the ability to creatively develop a plot using accumulated personal experience;

positive relationships between children during play;

— instilling in children respect for the work of workers navy;

— consolidation of knowledge about sea ​​travel, flora and fauna of the seas;

2. Outdoor games: “Get into the basket”, “Sly fox”

Development of the eye

Development of agility and speed;

Learning to play by the rules

Artistic activity:

1.Drawing: “Rainbow - arc”

Learning to recognize, name, select from several, each color of the spectrum, determining the missing color in the spectrum by presentation;

Promoting the development of attention to color;
2.Applique: “Elegant butterflies”

Teaching children to cut out butterfly silhouettes from paper squares folded in half;

- development of a sense of form and rhythm;
3. Modeling from salt dough “Summer Glade”

Developing children's interest in modeling from salt dough;

Improving the ability to roll dough straight and in a circular motion, flattening it, using various auxiliary objects (caps from felt-tip pens, tubes, stacks, etc.) to decorate flowers.

Development of aesthetic perception.

Working with parents:

1. Design of the folder - movement “Hello, summer!”

2. Competition of drawings made together with parents “Dad, Mom, Me and Summer”

Formation of creative activity;

Involving as many families as possible in the competition.

Artistic aesthetic development- applique

Theme: “Elegant butterflies”

Target landmark: has the ability to cut corners from a square or rectangle, rounding them and giving the shape of butterfly wings, has primary ideas about the life of butterflies, is able to complement the collective composition with his work.

Materials: colored paper triangles, rectangles and squares, glue, brushes, brush holders, napkins, scissors, white album sheets for the background.

Preliminary work: Examination of photographs, postcards, calendars with images of butterflies. Didactic games on color perception. A conversation about flowers, flower beds, the need to care for flowers, and knowledge of flowering plants in human life.

Tasks Brief progress of OOD


Consolidating children's knowledge about the development and life of butterflies;
Consolidating the ability to cut out a symmetrical image of a butterfly from paper folded in half;
Continued consolidation of knowledge of contrasting and nuanced colors;


Development of a sense of form, color (select harmonious color combinations);
Development of creative imagination;


Formation of the ability to cut corners of squares and rectangles, rounding them;

Reinforce the technique of careful use of glue, paper and scissors;


Cultivating accuracy and mutual assistance.

The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up -
I didn't want to sleep anymore.
He moved, he started,
He soared up and flew away. (Butterfly)

The teacher talks about how a butterfly is born: “Once upon a time there was a very beautiful butterfly, it flew over a flower meadow and when it became an adult, it laid eggs under a leaf. Soon caterpillar larvae emerged from the testicles. The caterpillars eat so much that they increase in size several times. The caterpillar sheds its skin and turns into a pupa, and from the pupa into a beautiful butterfly. This is how interesting a butterfly is born.”
— We all love butterflies very much, we admire their beauty. Butterflies live where it is warm and there is food for them. They feed on flower nectar, plant and fruit juices. The names of some butterflies are related to what their caterpillars feed on. Cabbage caterpillars feed on cabbage leaves, and nettle caterpillars feed on nettles. Different types of butterflies differ in color and size. Look at the butterflies that have flown to us today: red, yellow, green, blue, and even multi-colored. Winged, light beauties decorate fields and meadows all summer.

2. Physical education lesson, outdoor game “Transformation of a Butterfly”
According to the driver’s commands, children change movements:

“Butterfly” - they run and fly around the hall,
“Doll” - stop and freeze,
“Caterpillar” - move in a half-squat, placing your hands on your belt.
- Well done boys.

3. Educator: Now, look at the flower meadow.
The teacher hangs up an unfinished composition (image of a flower meadow) for teamwork.
— How can you “revive” the clearing? (Children's answers)
- Yes, of course, there are not enough butterflies in the clearing. Multicolored beautiful butterflies I suggest cutting them out of colored paper and decorating them with different patterns.
- The butterfly can be cut from a rectangle using a symmetrical cutting method. Tell me how to cut using a symmetrical cutting method? (Take a rectangle, fold it in half. Draw half of the butterfly and cut it out. The upper wings of the butterfly are larger than the lower ones.)
— You can use various elements for patterns: circles, ovals, triangles, straight and wavy stripes, etc. Independent work children.

4. Formalization of collective work. After completing the work, the teacher suggests sticking butterflies onto the general background - a clearing. At the same time, he advises gluing them so that the wings rise freely above the surface, as if butterflies are fluttering over flowers.
- Guys, look, the clearing has come to life. And looking at the picture, it seems that the butterflies are about to fly. After all, warmth and beauty emanate from each butterfly, because you made them with your own hands.
— What cutting methods did you use in the applique? (Children's answers)
- Well done!

Developmental conversation and observations

Topic: “The mysterious world of insects.”

Target orientation: familiar with the diversity of insects in our region, able to observe and be interested in the life of insects, able to determine what role insects play in our lives, knows the rules of behavior when meeting different insects.

Priority educational area: speech development in integration educational areas: "cognition", " physical development»

Technologies, methods, techniques: personality-oriented technologies, communication technology, preservation and stimulation technology


Material: subject pictures depicting different insects, their habitats,

Preliminary work: looking at paintings with insects, sculpting insects.

Tasks Brief progress of OOD


Familiarization with the diversity of insects in our region;

Determining the habitat, variety, nutrition, lifestyle;

Determining what role insects play in our lives, in the life of all living things;


Development of the ability to unite insects into species based on essential characteristics;

Developing interest in the life of insects and the ability to observe;


Cultivating interest in the natural world, curiosity, and the ability to observe;

Strengthening children's understanding and compliance with the rules of behavior when meeting different insects.

1.Organizational point:

Educator Children, here we are on the playground (the teacher invites the children to sit on chairs placed in the clearing).

-Who can we meet here? (children's answers)

But these inhabitants will be afraid of us. Whom we hardly notice. But are they always nearby in dreams? (the teacher leads the children to the answer - “insects”)

When in a fragrant draft

You will sit down in the pine forest in the summer,

Take a good look around -

You'll notice a lot, friend.

An ant drags the larva

Hurries somewhere between the roots

Big pine. On a fat bitch

The golden beetle settled down.

A light moth flutters,

Drinks fragrant juice with its proboscis.

And the bee collects honey.

Everyone is busy, everyone has things to do.

My friend. Take a close look,

You will see a magical life.

Ant. Ladybug, grasshopper. Butterfly, mosquito, fly, bee, wasp - these are all insects. Insects are animals that have six legs, and the body consists of three parts - the head, on which there are two ears, the middle part and the abdomen.

Insects are the most numerous and ancient inhabitants of our planet. They appeared on Earth about 250 million years ago.

Wherever you go - in the garden, in the meadow, in the forest - insects will surround you everywhere: a bug is crawling in the grass. Bees and butterflies hover over the flowers, grasshoppers chirp, and dragonflies rustle with their wings. You approach the river - and there are insects: flocks of shiny whirligig beetles are scurrying about, and swimming beetles are hunting under the water, raking with their paws like oars.

(During the process of his story, the teacher shows object pictures depicting the named insects.)

2. Physical education lesson, game “Who is doing what?

Educator invites children to stand in a circle and play a game with a ball.

Let's play a word game, the game is called "Who does what?)

(the teacher names the insect, and the children give definitions of the verbs, answering who does what: crawls, jumps, flies, chirps...)

3. Educator. Children, guess my riddles:

The many-armed King Gordey wove traps for the nets. As he sets the traps, he hisses: “Get caught. Flies and bugs!” (spider)

A black toddler is not tall enough to pull a load. (Ant)

You can't see it yourself. And you can hear the song. (mosquito)

Educator. Guys, what do you think insects eat? (children's answers)

Yes, indeed, many insects eat green leaves, stems and shoots of plants. Bees, bumblebees, and butterflies love to treat themselves to the sweet nectar of flowers. Flying from flower to flower, they carry pollen and pollinate plants; without these insects there would be no life in the meadows bright colors(the teacher invites the children to return to their seats and listen very carefully).

Educator. But not all insects are so harmless.

If you touch an ant, it will bite painfully. When bitten, it releases acid, which burns severely and the area hurts for a long time.

What insects also bite? (children's answers).

This is true.

A bee stings painfully. If a bee sting remains after a sting, it must be removed and the bitten area must be wiped with a garden solution. And one more thing: if you are stung by a bee, try to endure it and remain calm. Don't wave your arms, go to another place.

You also need to protect yourself from mosquitoes; their bites are very dangerous and sometimes even fatal. For protection you need to use special ointments.

Educator. In nature, everything is interconnected. Every insect, even if it is dangerous to us, can be beneficial environment. Let's be attentive and careful when meeting the inhabitants of nature. And in order not to make a mistake, we will study the children's encyclopedia of living inhabitants of the flora and fauna.

Organized educational activities:

Artistic and aesthetic development - modeling

Topic: “Summer meadow”

Target reference: has the ability to sculpt, creating a complete composition from salt dough, rolls the dough in straight and circular movements, flattening it, using various auxiliary objects in work, is familiar with meadow summer flowers.

Priority educational area: artistic and aesthetic development in the integration of educational areas: “physical development”, “cognition”

Technologies, methods, techniques: person-oriented technologies: activity-based, reflective; technology for preserving and promoting health.

Material: salty dough, caps from felt-tip pens, tubes, stacks, white cardboard.

Preliminary work: Examination of photographs, postcards, calendars depicting a summer meadow. Conversation about flowers, flower beds, the need to care for flowers.

Tasks Brief progress of OOD


Consolidating children's knowledge about summer;

Expanding the understanding of meadow flowers (features appearance, structure, color, shape);


Developing children's interest in modeling from salt dough;

Development of fine motor skills of the fingers; sense of form;


Improving the ability to roll dough with straight and circular movements, flattening it, using various auxiliary objects in work (caps from felt-tip pens, tubes, stacks, for decorating flowers;

Teaching children to paint a clearing with gouache;


Fostering an interest in nature, supporting children’s desire to see beautiful objects and phenomena in the world around them.

1.Organizational point: “Riddle”

There is such a place in the forest,

Where to walk is not at all crowded.

The sun is always there,

And there is a shadow - sometimes.

From all sides she herself

Surrounded by trees (clearing)


Tell me guys, have you seen the clearing? What meadows and fields are like in summer? Which summer flowers You know? (daisies, peonies, bells, forget-me-nots, asters...) Then the teacher looks at illustrations with summer flowers with the children, accompanying the display with reading a poem T. Ruta:

You go out for a walk in the field -
You can meet me.
My petals are so tender
So thin and snow-white,
The middle is yellow
Looks like a fashionable hat.
So as not to spoil the beauty,
Everyone needs to take care of flowers!


What can summer flowers be made from? Let's make beautiful flowers from dough for the meadow.

Do you like to sculpt with salt dough?

What is it like? How can you say about his qualities? (soft, plastic, colorful)

Come to our workshop. I'll show you how to sculpt flowers. You need to take a piece of dough, roll it into balls and flatten it, this will be the core of the flower. Then you need to take another piece and mold the flower petals in the same way. After we make the flowers, we will need to make the leaves. Now the flowers and leaves need to be decorated. Consider with your children samples of flower and leaf decoration.

You can draw veins on the leaves in stacks (show how). Press on the stack a little bit. Do not press too hard, otherwise the leaf will turn out ugly. Guys, before we get to work, let’s do some physical education.

2. Physical education minute (standing at the tables)

"How are you?"

How are you? Just like that!

How are you going? Just like that!

How are you running? Just like that!

How are you standing? Just like that!

How do you take it? Just like that!

How do you give? Just like that!

How are you being naughty? Just like that!

How are you silent? Just like that!

How are you sitting? Like this like this

(showing and performing all movements)

3. Independent work of children. During the work process, approach children and help children with advice,

4. At the end of sculpting, the teacher and the children examine the work, finding something interesting in each clearing.

Game activity:

Outdoor game "Hit the hoop"

Goal: learning to throw a ball in a certain direction, developing basic skills of hitting a target, developing an eye, dexterity, and coordination of movement; learning to navigate in a room or on a site; improving the ability to operate with various objects; strengthening the small muscles of the hands.

Material: two large balls, two hoops.

Preliminary work: familiarization with the rules of the game “Hit the Hoop.”

Rules of the game: Participants are divided into two teams. Two hoops are placed at an equal distance from them. Each team is given a large ball. Participants, in order, begin to throw the ball into the basket. The team with the most hits in the basket wins. You can throw balls from different positions: standing, sitting, with one hand, on your knees, etc. The one who hits the target with the most objects wins.

In order for the game “Hit the Hoop” to be fair and equal, you can put a ribbon at the same distance from the two baskets, which will show the child exactly where to start. Instead of tape, a rope or belt will also work. It is also important that children do not push each other during the game. Otherwise, the rules are very difficult to break.

Outdoor game "Sly Fox"

Goal: development of dexterity, speed, coordination.

Material: fox emblem blanks.

Preliminary work: familiarization with the rules of the game.

Rules of the game: A line is drawn on one side of the site, thereby indicating the “Fox House”. The teacher asks the children, who are located in a circle, to close their eyes. The teacher walks around the formed circle behind the children and touches one of the participants, who from that moment becomes a “sly fox.”

After this, the teacher invites the children to open their eyes and, looking around, try to determine who the sly fox is. Next, the children ask 3 times: “Sly fox, where are you?” At the same time, the questioners look at each other. After the children have asked the third time, the sly fox jumps into the middle of the circle, raises his hands up and shouts: “I’m here!” All participants scatter around the site in all directions, and the sly fox tries to catch someone. After 2-3 people have been caught, the teacher says: “In a circle!” and the game starts again.

Role-playing game "Sea Voyage"

Goal: independent organization role-playing game and enriching its content with cognitive activities.

Material: ship (on the walking area, veranda;

- anchor, steering wheel, table for cook, utensils for cooking; panorama (in the form of a screen) to display material;

Preliminary work: selection of works of fiction about sea voyages, reading works of fiction;

— acquaintance with maritime concepts and maritime professions.

Developmental conversation

Topic: “Red summer is a wonderful time!”

Target: know the summer months and their order, can describe summer weather using adjectives in speech.

Priority educational area: speech development in the integration of educational areas: “cognition”, “physical development”

Technologies, methods, techniques: personality-oriented technologies, communication technology, preservation and stimulation technology


Material: pictures about summer, sports attributes, treats.

Preliminary work: a walk observing nature in the summer.

Tasks Brief progress of OOD


Formation of the ability to maintain a conversation, expressing one’s point of view, reasoning and giving the necessary explanations;


Development of an aesthetic attitude towards the surrounding world;


Evoking an emotional response, cultivating a sensitive and caring attitude towards nature;

Nurturing mutual assistance.

1.Organizational point: “Riddle”

I am made of heat,

I carry the warmth with me

I warm the rivers.

“Go for a swim,” I invite you.

And love for it

You all have me. I …


2. Educator: - Yes, guys, today we will talk about summer.

Shows big pictures and says:

- Guys, do you like summer?

- Why do you love summer?

— Why do you like summer?

Children:(Answer the questions asked)


- Now let's play.

3. Game “What (who) is there a lot in the summer?”

Educatordisplays pictures and asks:

- What (who) is there a lot in the summer?

Children:(Answer the questions asked). In summer there are many flowers, mushrooms, butterflies, leaves, rain, etc.


- Name the summer months.

— Name the first month of summer.

-What month is it now?

-Name the last one.

Children:(Answer the questions asked):

4. Physical education minute

The teacher reads a poem and shows the movements.

Children do exercises:

We are walking along the road. walking;

The path is long, our home is far.

It's a hot day, let's sit in the shade. sit down;

We'll sit under the oak tree,

We'll lie under the oak tree. lie down;

Let's lie down and relax

5. Didactic game: “Which one, which one, which one?”

Names natural phenomena, children must form phrases with the adjective “summer”, agreeing it with the noun in gender and number.

- What day?

- What kind of rain?

- What kind of sun is it?

- What morning?

- What evening?

— What kind of sunset?

- What is the sky like?

- What days?

- What evenings?

6. The teacher offers to go to the sports field together with the physical instructor and conduct interesting sports relay races, then everyone goes to the pool located on the territory of the kindergarten and splash in the water, and after an active pastime, offers to go to the tables and treat themselves to treats.

Organized educational activities:

Artistic and aesthetic development – ​​drawing

Topic: “Rainbow - arc”

Target: knows how to creatively reflect his ideas about the rainbow in a drawing, knows about the seven colors of the rainbow and their order, sees the beauty of nature in his drawing.

Priority educational area: artistic and aesthetic development in the integration of educational areas: “physical development”, “speech development”.

Technologies, methods, techniques: person-oriented technologies: activity-based, reflective; technology of developmental education; technology of cooperation between teacher and child.

Materials/literature: sheets of white paper, gouache, brushes, napkins, jars of water (for each child).

Preliminary work: viewing illustrations, postcards, stamps depicting rainbows and other natural phenomena to enrich children’s artistic impressions, guessing the riddle of G. Lagzdyn.

Tasks Brief progress of OOD


Continuing to teach children to independently and creatively reflect their ideas about beautiful phenomena using various visual and expressive means;

Forming a sense of interest in the image of a rainbow;


Development of a sense of color;


Consolidating the skill of previously learned techniques of drawing and painting an image, creating a picture;

Brush painting exercise;


Fostering an aesthetic attitude towards nature.

1. Organizational moment: Verse “Rainbow”.

There are seven arms in a rainbow,

Seven colored girlfriends!

The red bow is the orange girlfriend!

The yellow bow is the green friend!

Blue bow - blue girlfriend!

The purple bow is a friend to all bows!

And they’ll go like hugging

Seven colorful girlfriends,

They're starting to merge here

IN White color- seven bright bows!

The seven-color arc is ours

RAINBOW! (G. Lagzdyn)

Educator: Guys, how can you “decipher” the word “rainbow”?

Children: Solar arc, arc of the sun, arc of joy, joyful arc.

Educator: How many of you have seen a real rainbow? Tell us about this joyful event.

-Where was it? When?

— Was it raining or was the sun shining at that time? How did the rainbow make you feel?

Children: We saw a rainbow when we were driving to the country in the car. We were happy. And so on.

Educator: Rainbows can be observed in the sky in the warm season, when fine, frequent, warm rain drips. And at the same time, the sun shines through the clouds: the sun's rays pass through the raindrops and a rainbow is formed.

- Guys, do you know the colors of the rainbow, and do these colors always appear in a certain order? (children's answers).

Educator: Now look what a rainbow looks like? (shows a picture). And name the colors.

Children: Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet.

The teacher removes the manual and asks to name it at random. Then the teacher clarifies how the children will draw a rainbow - with the tip of the brush or the whole thing? From left to right? Straight or arc? What should you do with a brush after each color?

Educator: Guys, now each of you will draw a rainbow, the same as you saw and remembered it, but first we will rest a little and do some physical education with you.

2. Physical education lesson P/I “Rainbow-arc”.

3. Independent work of children. In the process of work, approach the children and help the children with advice, re-showing (individually) the illustration, providing assistance if necessary (reminding the shape, position in space), clarifying how the children will draw the rainbow - with the tip of the brush or the whole? From left to right? Straight or arc? What should you do with a brush after each color?

4. Review all the finished drawings with the children, the children evaluate the works of others, what they liked, how they turned out. At the end of the exhibition, the teacher reminds how to draw and how to clean up your work area.

Nomination: summer project in dou according to federal state standards.

Position: teacher

Project “Red Summer is Beautiful”

Relevance: summer is a very good season for children to communicate with nature, these are various games, observation in the fresh air, these are significant opportunities for children to learn about the world around them, enrich their knowledge and concepts, reinforce the rules of safe behavior, humane and careful interaction with nature.

Problem: low level of awareness of the surrounding world, ignorance of the norms of safe behavior in nature, inability to interact correctly, humanely and carefully with living nature.

Goal: enrich and strengthen children's concepts about summer as a time of year.

1. To form preschoolers’ concepts about seasonal changes, characteristic features summer.

2. Strengthen preschoolers’ concepts about summer holidays, outdoor games, people’s work in nature, and the gifts of summer.

3. Expand preschoolers’ concepts about the effects of heat and sunlight on the life activity of people, animals, birds, insects and plants.

4. Develop a love for nature, a careful attitude towards it through observation, conversations, reading fiction, excursions.

Type of project: educational.

Scale: short-term (one month).

Participants: teachers and children.

Stage I: organizational.

1. Selection of information and illustration material.

2. Development of a project action plan.

3. Advisory information parent corner“Beware of the sun”, “Safe behavior of a child in nature”.

Stage II: practical.

1. GCD “Beautiful summer is coming” (signs, characteristics, riddles, proverbs and sayings).

2. Learning the poem “Summer” by I. Surikov. Reading poems: Stelmakh “Sunshine, Shine”, A. Usachev “Ladybug”, A. Fet “Butterfly”, N. Knushevitskaya “June”, “July”, “August”.

3. Reading fiction: K. Ushinsky “Four Desires”, S. Mikhalkov “About a girl who ate poorly”, A. Barto “Walk”, S. Marshak “Walk”.

4. Conversations “What have you, summer, brought to us?”, “The mysterious world of insects”, about the influence of heat and light on the life of people, animals, birds, insects and plants “Everyone loves the sun”, “I take care of my own health, I will help ", "Which vitamins grow in garden beds, which on trees?"

5. Riddles, folk signs, proverbs, sayings about summer, natural phenomena, vegetables, fruits, insects, berries, mushrooms and health.

6. Compiling stories “How do we play in the summer?”, “What do I remember about summer?”, “How and where do we relax?”, “What is summer like?”

7. Workshop of experiments “Where did the water disappear?”, “What kind of sand can you sculpt from?”, “Sunny bunnies”, “Where will the water dry faster? (in the shade or in the sun).

8. Didactic games “Ripe - not ripe”, “Edible - inedible”, “Find out by description”, “Identify by taste”, “Write it down - I’ll name it”, “Collect a flower”, “Birthday of the Tsokotukha Fly”.

9. Story-based role-playing games “We are going on vacation”, “Cooking vegetable soup”, “Sea voyage”.

10. Outdoor games: “Carousel”, games with balloons And soap bubbles, “Birds in the nests”, “shaggy dog”, “By the bear in the forest”, “Hit the target”, “Jump to the flag”, “Sun and rain”.

11. Review of the albums “Red Summer - Beautiful”, “Beauties of the Motherland”, “Summer Sports”.

12.Acquaintance with creations visual arts“Summer in the paintings of Russian artists”: I. Levitan “Birch Grove”, I. Shishkin “Rye”, “Morning in a Pine Forest”, F. Vasiliev “Wet Meadow”, V. Polenov “Overgrown Pond”, I. Repin “ Summer landscape”, A. Vasnitsov “Motherland”.

13. Listening and singing children's songs about summer.

14. Watching cartoons “Santa Claus and Summer”, “On Forest Paths”.

15. Observations in nature.

16. “How to behave in nature” - advice from a wise owl.

17. Collective drawing “Bright Summer”.

18. Application “Radiant Sun”.

19. Plasticine painting “Multi-colored currants.”

20. Drawing on the asphalt “Rainbow-arc”.

Stage III: gaming.

1. Making a laptop “Summer”.

2. Leisure “Goodbye, summer.”

Expected Result:

1. Accustoming preschoolers to environmental culture.

2. Children’s acquisition of new knowledge and opinions about the world around them; obtaining information about safe behavior in nature.

3. Health and development physical health children.

4. Further development of independence, initiative, curiosity and cognitive activity of children.

Nomination: summer health project in kindergarten, ready-made projects in kindergarten.

Position: teacher
Place of work: MADOU "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 410"
Location: Perm, st. Captain's 21

Natalya Kislyanytsina
Summer health project “Summer in a friendly family”

Summer health project« Summer in a friendly family»

Authors project: Kislyanitsina N.V. higher education teacher qualification category, Bogomolova Z.A. teacher of the highest qualification category. MBDOU Kindergarten CRR "Star", Zvezdny village, Perm region.

View project: educational, informational and creative, health-saving.

Duration project: 3 months (June, July, August 2014)

Participants project:

Pupils of the middle group;

Preschool employees;

Parents of pupils.

Relevance of the topic: Summer- a wonderful time! Playing with sand and water and walking barefoot on the grass bring a lot of joy to a child. I want to try to make the lives of children in summer educational and interesting, enrich children's knowledge about the world around them. The organization helps solve this problem summer recreation of children in preschool educational institutions and at home. Despite all their busy lives, parents pay little attention to organizing their children’s activities so that this time becomes unforgettable for the kids. From here arose an important problem: together with parents, organize interesting activities for children in summer.

Target: Creating conditions for the full physical and mental development of children in summer period, increasing an emotionally positive mood through the organization of leisure, entertainment and holidays.


1. Create conditions that ensure the protection of life and promotion of children’s health through the use of natural factors: air, sun, water.

2. Develop the habit of daily physical activity.

3. To cultivate in children a love for all living things, a desire to preserve and protect nature; expand children's knowledge about seasonal changes in nature.

4. Develop cognitive interest, develop experimentation skills. 5. Promote the active involvement of parents in joint activities with the child in a family and kindergarten setting.

Hypothesis: increasing the time children spend outdoors in summer The period will provide an opportunity to develop a healthy lifestyle, increase physical activity, as well as enrich knowledge and activate thought processes in preschool children.

Expected result:

1. Strengthening physical and mental health children.

2. Instilling in children an environmental culture.

3. Acquiring new knowledge and vivid impressions about the world around us.

4. Increasing the competence of parents in matters of organization children's summer holiday.

Main directions of implementation project:

Physical education wellness

O. O. "Health", OO "Physical Culture".


O. O. "Cognition", OO "Communication", OO "Reading fiction", OO "Socialization".

Social and personal

O. O. "Socialization", OO "Work", OO "Safety".

Artistic and aesthetic

O. O. "Artistic creativity", OO "Music".

Working with parents

"Together with family"

Implementations project in the main areas was carried out according to comprehensive thematic planning in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.

Physical education wellness

“The sun rises early - it calls everyone to exercise!”

Continuation of work to improve health, develop motor abilities and qualities (agility, speed, strength, flexibility);

Formation of children's need for daily physical activity;

Introduction to children's accessible preschool age ways to improve health.

Hardening activities

Rational balanced diet

Outdoor games

sports events and entertainment

Hardening: this includes pouring feet, walking on massage mats, air and sun baths, walking barefoot, playing with water (depending on weather conditions);

Conversations: "Diseases of dirty hands"; "Poisonous mushrooms and plants"; “Temper yourself if you want to be healthy”; “Cleanliness is the key to health”, « Summer red – a great time for health!”, "Good and bad habits".

Outdoor games with elements imitation: "Horses", "Run to the named tree", “We won’t say what we saw.”, "Sparrows", "Snail" "Catch-up", "Hares and the Wolf", "Jump over the stream", "obstacle course" and etc.

Sports holidays and entertainment: "Small Universiade" (physical education instructor, parents, educators).


“How beautiful this world is - look!”

Development of speech and verbal communication in preschool children;

Developing Children's Listening Ability literary works various genres, take part in the storytelling of familiar works; - Stimulating children's interest in understanding the world around them through ideas about nature and man;

Instilling in children interest, attention and a friendly attitude towards the environment, a desire to preserve and protect nature.

Looking at illustrations and reading fiction based on cartoon scripts

Listening to Russians folk tales in audio recording

Reading summer ecological tales, poems about summer

Coming up with riddles, getting to know proverbs and sayings about nature

Monitoring the flower garden and vegetable garden

Insect observations on a walk

Games experiments

Social and personal

"IN friendly family We live happily with ours!”

To develop in children the ability to understand the people around them, to show a friendly attitude towards them, to strive for communication and interaction;

Expand your understanding of the world around you;

To develop the ability to navigate the rules and norms of a culture of behavior and communication; develop emotional responsiveness.

Didactic games

Story-based role-playing games

Construction games

Director's games

Puppet shows

Sand games

Work in the flower garden and vegetable garden

Entertainment "School for Young Firefighters" (physical training instructor)

Leisure "Rules of conduct on the road"

Valeological tale “Eyes, ears and noses should be healthy”

Artistic and aesthetic

“We draw, dance, sing - we live a very happy life!”

Development of children's creative abilities in various types artistic and aesthetic activities;

Forming a stock of musical impressions in children, using them in different types activities;

Creating conditions for the development of fine motor skills and skills in mastering collective creativity.

Round dances, musical games

Listening and singing songs about summer

Asphalt drawing competition "Happy childhood"

Drawing on the sand.

Manual labor and design

Modeling and applique

Entertainment "Hello summer»

Exhibition children's drawing "I'm drawing summer» (art instructor)

Working with parents

"Together with family"

Consultations: « Child injury and his warning", "Prevention of sunstroke", "Sleep hygiene", “First aid for bruises, wounds, insect bites”, "Prevention of intestinal diseases", "ABOUT summer holiday with a child» , "Vitamins in summer» ;

Clean-up day at the kindergarten site;

Involving parents in celebrations and entertainment in preschool educational institutions

Presentation competition "Dad, Mom, me and summer» ;

Exhibition of drawings at topic: “This is how ours is summer» (joint activity with children).

Photo newspaper " Summer in« Friendly family» »

Conclusion: Our project- a product of cooperation between children, teachers and parents.

As a result of implementation project children show increased interest, children perceive the information received better and faster, they develop a healthy lifestyle, and have a desire to engage in a variety of activities, i.e. design method in organization activities of preschool educational institutions V summer period shows its advantage and effectiveness.

Project on the topic: Summer for children of the senior preparatory group of a preschool educational institution

Project type: creative, medium-term, group for children 5-7 years old.
Project duration: 3 months.
Project participants: children, parents, teachers.

2. Project implementation
3. Project presentation
Relevance of the project: Modern children are growing up in a world of high technology, developing rapidly and irrevocably. They are active and inquisitive. Social education begins with familiarization with the objects of the immediate environment that the child encounters every day. How dangerous the world around us has become, especially the roads. After all, if we rely on static data, we will see how modern world dangerous for a small person.
In this regard, in order to prevent dangerous behavior of a child in the summer, it is necessary to teach the child how to behave correctly in dangerous situations. My work is aimed at explaining the safety skills of preschoolers themselves, which will lead to a reduction in the number of accidents during their summer holidays.
Project goal: To develop in preschoolers an idea of ​​safety in the summer: when relaxing in the sun, on the water, on sports grounds, when handling insects, when behaving on the road.
Project objectives:
1. Expand children’s knowledge about the rules of behavior in the summer.
2. To develop the ability to realistically assess possible danger.
3. Fostering a sense of caution and self-preservation
Expected result: Children master basic safety rules

Project implementation stages:
1.Preparation for project implementation.
2. Project implementation
3. Project presentation
Project implementation plan:
Stage I. Preparation for project implementation.

1. Writing an action plan
2. A selection of visual material, video clips.
3. Creation of posters, wall newspapers.
4. Creating presentations
Stage II. Project implementation
June August
No. Children’s – parent’s educational events
1. Competition “Fashionable Panama Hat”
2. Competition “Knights of Health”
3. Quiz “Red, yellow, green”
4. Entertainment “Our friend is a traffic light”
5. Making a collage “Rules of safe behavior.”
6. Photo exhibition “For the health of the whole family”
7. Drawing “Insects”, “Colors of Summer”, “Berry by Berry”
8. Exhibition of works on the topic: “Fire is our enemy and our friend”
9. View the presentation “How to behave in the heat”, “Water games”
10. Puppet show"Forest dangers."
11. Exhibition of drawings “Sun, air and water”
12. Drawing on the asphalt “They fly and crawl.”
13. Costume competition from waste material"Insects"
14. Quest - game “Save Dunno”

Elena Raikina
Project for the senior group “This is what our summer is like!”

I approve

Head of "Kindergarten"

combined type No. 228"




Raikina E. A.

View project: short-term, cognitive-search.

Participants project: children senior group"Berry"; educators groups: Raikina E. A., Zinina N. V.; physical employee Lauchka N.A.; parents of pupils.

Target: enriching children's impressions of the diversity of nature in summer.

Enriching and expanding children's understanding of the influence of heat and sunlight on the lives of people, animals and plants. Health improvement, strengthening the immune system of the child’s body.


1. Create conditions that ensure the protection of the life and health of children through the use of natural factors.

2. To cultivate in children a love for all living things, a desire to preserve and protect nature.

3. Develop cognitive interest, develop experimentation skills.

4. Expand children's knowledge about seasonal changes in nature.

5. Cultivate the habit of daily physical activity.

6. Health promotion, development of physical activity and introduction to summer sports

7. Promote the active involvement of parents in joint activities with the child in family and kindergarten settings.

Hypothesis: increasing the time children spend in the fresh air in the summer will provide an opportunity to develop a healthy lifestyle, increase physical activity, as well as enrich knowledge and activate thought processes in preschool children.

Expected result:

1. Preserving the health of children, reducing the incidence rate.

2. Instilling in children an environmental culture.

3. Acquiring new knowledge and impressions about the world around us.

Implementation scheme project:



Physical development

1. Conversations:

"Our true friends"

“Get ready to exercise!”

“Whoever is friends with hardening never bothers”.

“Cleanliness is the key to health”.

« Summer red – a great time for health!”.

"Good and bad habits".

“I love vitamins - I want to be healthy”

2. Physical education entertainment

"Neptune's Day".

3. Walking "Path of Health" (barefoot on pebbles, sand, grass).

4. Outdoor games with elements of imitation

Cognitive development

1. Review: ears of grain plants; plot pictures from the series "Where did the bread come from"

2. Observations of insects while walking.

3. Making a herbarium "Medicinal plants".

4. Experiments:

"Transfer of the Sun Bunny".

“Which is faster?”.

“Sand is a natural filtrate”.

“Soil condition depending on temperature”.

“How does water get to the leaves?”.

“Why don’t ships sink?”

“Where did the water go?”, « Magic transformations» , "Let's paint the water different colors".

5. Games: “Ripe - not ripe”, "Edible - not edible", “What are we taking in the basket?”, "Find out by description", "Taste it", "Tops-Roots", "Render a guess - we will guess".

Speech development

1. Compiling stories using topic: "Travel with family".

2. Looking at illustrations and reading fiction based on cartoon scripts. Watching cartoons.

3. Listening to Russian folk tales in audio recordings.

4. Summer environmental reading fairy tales: "Flower - seven-flowered" V. Kataeva; "About mimosa" S. Mikhalkova; “Where did the sparrow have lunch?” S. Marshak; “About the hedgehog Vovka” and etc.

5. Reading and memorizing poems about summer.

Social and communicative development

1. Story-based role-playing games "Sailors", "City Builders", "In the cafe", "Travel Bureau" and etc. .

2. Didactic games and exercises in the sandbox, sand modeling.

4. Construction games "Terem for Animals", "Multi-storey building".

5. Games of different nations.

6. Puppet shows, staging:


"Vegetable Dispute".


7. Work in the flower garden.

8. Making pinwheels, plumes, kites.

9. Collection of natural materials.

10. Consultations:

"Carefully! Sun!".

“What to do with a child on a walk” in summer.

"Summer holiday with children".

“Teach your child to work”.

11. Conversation about people's work "Street cleaner", "Mower Man".

“Artistic and aesthetic development”.

1. Asphalt drawing competition.

2. Drawing in the sand.

3. Children's competitions drawing: "My favorite sport", "Clear sunny day", "Fire engine", "Flowers".

4. Modeling "Flower Glade".

7. Collective application "Meadow with rudbeckias"

Publications on the topic:

Summary of an integrated lesson on familiarization with art for children of the preparatory group “This is what it is, our summer!” Nichiporenko V.I. MBDOU No. 5, Kovdor, Murmansk region Abstract of an integrated lesson in preparatory group“This is what ours is like.

MBDOU No. 104 Krasnoyarsk senior group Educator: Olimova E. A. 2015 Summer environmental project with children of the senior group “This is it.

Information card of the project Look, my dear friend, what is around? The sky is light blue, the sun is shining golden, the wind is blowing through the leaves.

All adults know that the most favorite time of year for a child is summer. Every child looks forward to these hot days! Exactly.

Summer, summer, fabulous summer! Miracles make your head spin. How much sun, how much light! How wonderful the summer time is! In summer nature presents itself.