
Friday week Shrovetide. Maslenitsa week - traditions and rituals. Three important meanings invested in Shrovetide

Friday week Shrovetide.  Maslenitsa week - traditions and rituals.  Three important meanings invested in Shrovetide


Monday, the first day of Shrovetide week, is called the Meeting. In the old days, preparations for fun festivities began on this day - they built ice slides, fortresses, built swings, made a straw effigy - a symbol of Maslenitsa. You can do the same around the house. Schedule your visits for the week and visits to you, determine the composition of the guests. Conduct an audit in the kitchen - is there everything for making pancakes. Buy what you need. On this day, you can already bake pancakes. By the way, among the ancestors, the first pancake was always intended for deceased relatives and was given to the poor.

The second day of Maslenitsa is a flirtation. Most of the Maslenitsa rites of this day were reduced to matchmaking. On this day, young people went to bridesmaids, chose brides and grooms for themselves. Invite your other halves - potential or real - to eat pancakes somewhere, to ride from the mountains.

Wednesday was Gourmet - they laid tables that day and went to the mother-in-law for pancakes. Don't break tradition. Perhaps on this day, after eating delicious pancakes, you will imbue each other with great respect and kindred feelings.

Thursday - Walk around. Although this day of Shrovetide week has many names - Fracture, Wide, Rampant, Rampant Thursday. The Wide Maslenitsa begins - festivities to the fullest. Gather your friends for a feast in the open air, arrange a comic fist fight, take the snow fortresses you built earlier, compete, and finally, noisily feast at home. Throw out all the negativity that has accumulated over the winter.

Friday - Mother-in-law evenings. On this day, the mother-in-law comes to visit the son-in-law with a return visit. Don't forget to invite your relatives to dinner. Prepare a treat - bake pancakes, think about the variety of toppings. Show your affection for each other.

On Saturday - Zolovkin's gatherings - daughters-in-law set the table for her husband's relatives. Prepare a gift for the sister-in-law - this is also required by tradition.

Seeing off, or Forgiveness Sunday - the final day of the Maslenitsa week. On the last day before Lent, ask each other for forgiveness for all offenses, remember the dead relatives. Perform the ritual of farewell to Shrovetide: to do this, invite friends out of town, to the country, build a scarecrow - a symbol of winter and burn it. Jump over the fire, taking precautions. Clean Monday, which begins Great Lent, is the time of cleansing from sins and evil thoughts. Go to the bath that day, or at least take a bath "with meaning."


Invite your children to make a stuffed animal or Shrovetide doll from any materials at hand. It will be possible to put it on your hand and walk around neighbors and guests, humming special carnival pestles.

Helpful advice

The main dish of the week is pancakes. Consider a variety of toppings. It can be both sweet - jam, cottage cheese with raisins, condensed milk, and salty - from vegetables, mushrooms, minced meat, chicken, salmon and caviar are extremely welcome with pancakes.

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Seeing off Shrovetide (and in another way - winter or Kostroma) - ancient Slavic holiday, borrowed by the Orthodox Church from paganism. At the end of the mass festivities, which lasted for a week, people made an effigy of winter out of straw and burned it. Sometimes it was called Shrovetide, Kostroma, Mara, and other names, depending on the region. This holiday marked the final victory of heat over cold and the turning of the sun "into spring".


Traditional dish served on carnival- pancakes. This is the spring sun, which from now on will be the earth brighter. They acquired this status due to their rounded shape and golden color. Pancakes are eaten just like that, spread with butter, with jam, caviar, fish, meat, sugar.

Shrovetide in Orthodox calendar cheese, that is, at this time you can eat fish, dairy products and eggs, but meat is excluded. Pancakes, in which milk (fresh or sour, you can kefir), eggs and butter, correspond to these canons.

The day after Shrove Tuesday is Maundy Thursday, the first day of Lent that precedes Easter. On this day, according to strict canons, a strict fast is prescribed, in some cases even fluid consumption is not allowed. Compliance with this rule is optional if a person is not ready mentally and physically to starve during the day. It is enough just to exclude animal food: meat, milk, fish, eggs.


  • What is Maslenitsa, how to prepare for it and how to celebrate it?

Maslenitsa - fun party, partly forgotten under Soviet rule. Now, however, traditions are being revived. Not only in the villages, but also on the main squares of megacities, scarecrows are burned and pancakes are baked.


To Maslenitsa, bake pancakes. Of course, the main decoration of the table has always been and remains red and black caviar. And it is very suitable for small "suns". But you should not be limited to one type of filling. Make a pancake cake by spreading the layers with condensed milk, jam or jam. Garnish with fresh fruit and whipped cream. Or prepare a layered salad of onions, mushrooms and herring, laying them on top and smearing with mayonnaise.

Invite guests. Make it the theme of the party. Find comic ancients on the Internet. Hand out ribbons to women in braids, and red rope belts. Spread wooden dishes around the apartment, print out with the image of Shrovetide festivities. The more entourage you create, the better the guests will plunge into the atmosphere of an old holiday.

Make a scarecrow out of straw. Of course, it is not easy to find it in urban conditions. If there is no dry grass at hand, make a frame from wooden slats and dress it up in old clothes. Call your relatives and go to the yard to drive away the winter. Carefully, observing safety precautions, spray the scarecrow with alcohol or vodka. Do not use gasoline, the doll will ignite very quickly, and pieces of burning clothes may scatter in different directions. Light a long match and bring it to the scarecrow. When it lights up, join hands and dance. Find the songs and refrains that our ancestors sang during the farewell to Shrovetide on the Internet.

In major cities Maslenitsa centrally, on the main . Go all over there. Watch a fun performance, take part in competitions. Buy funny ears and noses and decorate yourself and your loved ones with them. Be sure to try the pancakes! There is nothing better than eating a hot sweet cake in the cold, washing it down with delicious tea.

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Maslenitsa in 2014 will be held from February 24 to March 2. Therefore, interest in pancakes these days will be justified. All seven days of Shrovetide have their own meaning, they carry a certain symbol.

Monday - "meeting" - they bake the first pancake and treat the poor. This is how the dead are remembered.

Tuesday - "bride" - young people ride the slides. Pancakes are fed to each other.

Wednesday - "Teschin's day" - the son-in-law invited to the mother-in-law again treats himself to pancakes.

On Thursday - "" - street competitions, fisticuffs are held. Without pancakes, this day will not do.
On the fifth day of the week, the mother-in-law visits her son-in-law's house, "the mother-in-law's gathering."

On Saturday, women invite their husband's sisters to their house and give them gifts. The day is called “sister-in-law gatherings”.

The last day of the holiday week is "forgiveness day". On this day, people sincerely ask each other for forgiveness. They burn bonfires, throw old things there, a scarecrow and the remains of pancakes.

Thus, the people say goodbye to winter, see it off, call spring.
Pancakes these days are the main food on the table, a symbol of the sun, they are not replaced by other pastries. They are prepared in a variety of ways, thin openwork, on kefir, on yeast. With pumpkin, apples and other toppings. Naturally, pancakes are not served without oil.

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Maslenitsa week lasts seven days. It is customary to celebrate each day in its own way, because it symbolizes certain traditions.

There is a belief that those who do not meet Maslenitsa with dignity will live the whole year unhappy and frozen. Therefore, the wide Maslenitsa is one of the most joyful and long holidays in a year. After all, the festivities last a whole week, and each day of the celebration is associated with certain traditions and means some kind of event.

Monday - meeting. On the first day of the holiday, they met Maslenitsa with their fiancé. They were large straw effigies, dressed in elegant costumes. They were transported on sledges throughout the village, and then they were seated in the most honorable place and treated to pancakes. Now it is customary to bake pancakes on Monday and invite relatives to visit.

Tuesday - "play". On this day, joyful festivities and noisy round dances were held around the effigy of Maslenitsa. Young guys invited girls to ride down the hills and visit them for pancakes. Performances took place on the streets, all people tried to dress up in bright costumes.

Wednesday - "gourmet". Fairs continue to gain momentum, and festivities are becoming larger. The third day of the week is the most satisfying, since you can eat as much as your heart desires. Each family tried to set the table with all sorts of goodies. In the modern world, on this day, the mother-in-law should invite her son-in-law "for pancakes."

Thursday - " wide revelry' or 'fracture'. This day is the most fun in the Shrovetide week. One of the favorite pastimes was to set fire to the cart and lower it down the slope into the ravine. Fisticuffs were often held, and the bravest fought with a bear. In the evening, dressed-up children gathered treats and caroled.

Friday - "mother-in-law's evening." On this day, a wide variety of rites and fortune-telling were performed in order to bring couples in love closer and speed up weddings. Those who have not yet decided on a couple needed help finding her. It is customary for the son-in-law to show hospitality on this day and invite the mother-in-law to his place “for pancakes”.

Saturday - "sister-in-law gatherings." This day was the most family day of Shrovetide week. The young wife had to invite her husband's sisters (sisters-in-law) to visit, give them gifts and treat them with goodies. Of course, not only sisters-in-law came to visit, but also all relatives.

Sunday - "forgiveness Sunday" or "kissing". On the last day of Maslenitsa, everyone went from house to house, kissed at a meeting and asked each other for forgiveness. Forgiveness was asked not only from relatives, but also from neighbors and even from the whole village. The forgiver had to say the phrase: "God will forgive." So, people freed their souls from all sins before Lent. The culmination of this day and the whole Maslenitsa week was the burning of the straw effigy of Maslenitsa. And the remaining ashes had to be scattered over the fields so that the year was fertile and fruitful. So in Rus' they saw off the winter and met the long-awaited spring.

Maslenitsa is not a one-day holiday, but a whole festive week. For Orthodox people, Shrove Tuesday is a time of preparation for fasting. This holiday heralds the beginning of spring, the birth of a new life. It is believed that on Shrovetide week you need to have fun, walk, eat pancakes, communicate with relatives.

You will need

  • For pancakes:
  • - 500 ml of milk;
  • - 3 eggs;
  • - 1.5 cups of flour;
  • - 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • - salt, sugar to taste.
  • For the Maslenitsa doll:
  • - patches;
  • - branches;
  • - newspapers;
  • - rope;
  • - scotch;
  • - gouache;
  • - brushes.


Pancakes are the main symbol of Maslenitsa. Maslenitsa week is divided into two periods: Narrow Maslenitsa (Monday-Wednesday) and Broad Maslenitsa (Sunday). You need to bake pancakes every day, and especially on the Wide Maslenitsa. Experiment with cooking pancakes, use different fillings, fantasize!

In addition to pancakes, Maslenitsa is associated with folk festivals: horseback riding, burning dolls - Shrovetide. Such a doll can be made from. On weekends, visit city parks where mass events will be held. Participate with the whole family in various competitions dedicated to this holiday.

Once the Maslenitsa holiday was associated with the day spring equinox and had pagan roots. Christians, in order not to cancel this holiday at all, gave it a different meaning: now it is a week of celebration before Great Lent. In Orthodoxy, this week is called Cheese. Like Easter, there is no single date for Maslenitsa.

Although this is not just a holiday, but a whole ritual: after all, people walk for a whole week, observing some traditions. However, the meaning remains the same - farewell to winter and welcome to spring.

Of course, pancakes are the main attribute of Maslenitsa. Pancake recipes are passed down from generation to generation. And each family has its own special recipes. This dish symbolizes the sun, eating which (according to popular belief) we get a piece of solar energy.

What were the days of Shrove Tuesday called?

The days of Shrovetide week have their own "folk" meaning. So on Monday, Russian housewives usually take out recipes for pancakes, and give the first baked pancake to those in need. Also on Monday, the table is set and treats are prepared.

Tuesday was a holiday for young people who met spring and saw off winter with rollercoaster rides.

Wednesday was called "gourmet" when the mother-in-law treated her son-in-law who came to visit with the most delicious ruddy pancakes.

Thursday was truly the most "festive" - ​​the festivities unfolded at full power: fistfights, horseback riding, swings and booths.

On Friday, the mother-in-law paid a visit to her son-in-law, and on Saturday, her husband's relatives visited the family. In turn, the wife tried to surprise the guests with a variety of pancakes.

Sunday is called "Forgiveness". On this day, it is customary to ask for forgiveness from everyone and prepare for Great Lent. On this day, an effigy was burned, symbolizing the long winter, and this was the farewell to her.

Today, of course, few people celebrate Maslenitsa all week - basically, the holiday falls on the last Sunday. But this does not mean that the festivities should not be more magnificent and “tastier”. Also, a variety of pancakes with various fillings are prepared for Maslenitsa.

Shrovetide is unusual holiday which combines pagan and Christian traditions. Pancakes and festivities are the main attributes of Maslenitsa.

According to church canons, this is the last week before Lent, when you can still eat milk, cheese and eggs, but you can no longer eat meat. All the days of Maslenitsa in the old days passed according to the established order, each had its own name and purpose.

First day of Maslenitsa: Meeting

The Monday of Shrove Tuesday is called the Meeting.

In the morning, the father-in-law and mother-in-law sent the daughter-in-law to her father and mother for a day, in the evening they themselves came to visit the matchmakers. The time and place of the festivities were discussed, the composition of the guests was determined. By this day, mountains, swings, booths were being completed. They started baking pancakes. The first pancake was given to the poor in remembrance of the dead.

On this day, ice slides were arranged and rolled out. According to beliefs, it was believed that the farther the sleigh or sleigh rolled, the louder the noise and laughter over the ice slide, the much better the harvest would be and the longer the flax would be born. And in order for plants to grow better, according to popular beliefs, you need to swing on a swing, and the higher, the better for many.

Traditionally, Maslenitsa was celebrated by children and teenagers. They collected an effigy of Maslenitsa, symbolizing winter. It was made from straw, burlap, old women's clothing and planted on a pole. Then the effigy with the songs was taken in a sleigh through the village and taken to the hill, where after that the sleigh ride began.

The roller coaster was associated with folk omen: those who slide the farthest down the mountain will grow the finest flax. But swinging on a swing was considered useful for the growth of plants: they will definitely be tall and strong.

There was a special saying: “The light is our Maslenitsa, come to our yard, ride from the mountain, roll in pancakes!”. The arrival of a children's gang with a stuffed Maslenitsa in the house encouraged the hostesses to do a direct Maslenitsa business - baking pancakes.

On Monday, every housewife secretly made sour dough from everyone, and God forbid someone looked into the tub - pancakes would not work. In ancient times, there was a special custom: women made dough for pancakes from the night and uttered the following words: “You are a month, a month, golden horns! Look out the window, blow on the dough! If the month looks out, the pancakes will turn out white and fluffy.

The housewives always gave the first pancake baked on Cheese Week to the beggars as a memorial to the dead.

IN the second day of Maslenitsa: Flirting

Tuesday of Maslenitsa is called Flirting. On this day, games and entertainment began, and pancakes are traditionally treated for fun and fun. In the morning, young people were invited to ride down the mountains and eat pancakes. They called relatives and friends. To invite Maslenitsa, they said the words: “We have snowy mountains ready and pancakes baked - please favor!”.

Sledding from hills and horse-drawn sledges continued. Folk festivities and fun began. In cities or large villages, performances were arranged in wooden booths, indispensable participants of which were Petrushka and Shrovetide Grandfather (traditional barker grandfather).

Masked mummers walked the streets, went into familiar houses, sang, danced. Snow and ice fortresses were built, swinging, singing songs.

On Tuesday the women gathered in the tavern. After the festivities in the tavern, everyone went out into the street, where merry amusements were arranged, which lasted almost the whole day.

The second day, as a rule, was considered a day for the newlyweds.

A special poetry was given to luge by a long-standing folk custom: couples who got married in the winter drove through the streets to “show themselves”.

On this day, the bridesmaids took place. Often, betrothed bridegrooms paraded beautiful brides to all honest people. All Shrovetide rites, in fact, were reduced to matchmaking, in order to have a wedding after Great Lent, on Krasnaya Gorka.

Third day of Maslenitsa: Lakomka

The name of this day speaks for itself. On the third day of Maslenitsa, the main entertainment is baking and eating pancakes - hence the name Lakomka.

On Wednesday, the housewives act directly according to the saying: “What is in the oven - all swords on the table!” In the first place in a series of multiple treats, of course, pancakes.

On this day, mothers-in-law invited their sons-in-law to pancakes, and so that they would not be bored, they called all their relatives.

On this day, treats were covered in all houses without fail with pancakes and other dishes. In each family, on this day, according to tradition, tables were laid with very tasty food, and pancakes were baked according to all the rules, while in the villages, beer was brewed together on this day.

Everywhere on Maslenitsa there were theaters and numerous stalls selling hot sbitni, roasted nuts, and honey gingerbread. Here, far from the tents, right under the open sky, one could drink hot tea from a boiling samovar.

Fourth day of Maslenitsa: Walk around

On Wednesday, the Narrow Maslenitsa ends, and on Thursday the Broad Maslenitsa begins.

On the fourth day of the celebration, the Broad Maslenitsa began. On this day, they carried a stuffed animal, rode a sled, went caroling. According to Ukrainian tradition, women again sat down at the table, and in addition, on this day, you can not sew and spin.

From that day on, Shrovetide unfolded in full breadth. The people indulged in all sorts of fun, ice mountains, booths, swings, fist fights, noisy feasts.

On this day, in order to help the sun drive away the winter, people traditionally arrange horseback riding "in the sun" - that is, clockwise around the village. It was the most beloved and beautiful Shrovetide rite. Everyone who had a horse rode out, and along the streets of cities and villages, teams of various colors raced: the rich flaunted well-groomed trotters and painted sledges covered with carpets or bearskins, and peasant horses, polished to a shine, decorated with colored ribbons and paper flowers, clumsily galloped after .

Horse hooves rattled, bells and bells rang, harmonicas sang… The boys blew clay whistles with delight, bringing out bird trills and not even suspecting that imitation of the voices of birds is also a remnant of pagan rites of inviting Spring-Red.

The main male action on Thursday is the defense or capture of a snowy town. On this day, a snow town with towers and gates was built on rivers, ponds and fields, then the gang was divided in half: some guarded the town, others had to take it by force.

Perhaps it was on this day that Maslenitsa fist fights took place, or as they were called - fists, which originated from Ancient Rus'. Were in these games and their strict rules. It was impossible, for example, to beat a lying person on Maslenitsa or to attack one with two, it was also impossible to beat below the waist or beat on the back of the head. At least punishment threatened for violation of these rules. Despite the fact that the rules were observed, this fun was not for the faint of heart, at least if you look at it from our pampered time. Fortunately, on this day, not only fought.

It was possible to fight between failures only “wall to wall” or, for example, “one on one”. On Maslenitsa on this day, “hunting” fights for connoisseurs, as well as numerous fans of such fights, were also fought.

Fifth day of Maslenitsa: Mother-in-law evening

The fifth day of Maslenitsa was called Mother-in-law's evening. The mother-in-law was going to pancakes to her son-in-law, and not just like that, but if there was an invitation, the stronger the son-in-law touted the mother-in-law, the more he showed her honor. It was a whole ritual with its own traditions, passed down from generation to generation. A number of Maslenitsa customs were aimed at speeding up weddings and helping young people find a mate.

The mother-in-law, invited by her son-in-law, was obliged in the evening to send everything necessary for baking pancakes to the young people's house: a frying pan, a ladle and even a tub in which the dough was kneaded. Father-in-law, in turn, sent a bag of flour and butter. This meeting symbolized honoring the wife's family.

The son-in-law's disrespect for this custom was considered dishonor and resentment, and became a pretext for eternal enmity between him and his mother-in-law. By the way, the groom's friend was also present at the parties. He played the same role as at the wedding, and received a gift for his efforts.

On this day, the young were invited to visit not just like that, for treats, but also in order to learn the mind from the elders, to listen to them helpful tips and good parting words that will be useful to the young for later life. After that, the son-in-law was supposed to ride his mother-in-law through the streets of the village or city. Moreover, the style of riding in this case depended on the nature of the mother-in-law, that is, the angry and grumpy were taken along an uneven road and, conversely, if the mother-in-law is affectionate, then the road is even, like a string.

The sixth day of Maslenitsa: Sister-in-law gatherings

Shrovetide Saturday was Women's Day. Young daughters-in-law invited their sisters-in-law - the husband's sisters - to visit them. On this day, they also visit all relatives and treat themselves to pancakes. At Shrovetide, every day of this generous week was accompanied by a special feast.

On Saturday, the husband's family was honored: the young wife invited relatives from her husband's side to her pancakes. The newlywed daughter-in-law had to give her sister-in-law a gift. If the sister-in-law was not married, then the daughter-in-law invited her unmarried friends; if the husband's sisters were already married, then the daughter-in-law called her married relatives.

By the way, there is a fairly widespread opinion that the definition of sister-in-law comes from the word evil. This is wrong. It is associated with ancient wedding ceremony: when entering the house of the brother’s newlywed wife, the sister-in-law had to circle her around the stove and shower her with ashes, allegedly introducing her to the brownie as her own in the house.

And on this day, the bride of the newly-made hostess was arranged. The culmination of the show was the ritual of public kissing by the young woman of her husband, for which he went to the middle of the room. After that, the guests kissed her in turn with the words “thank you at Maslenitsa” and went to go around other houses.

As on other days of the Oil Week, people had fun with might and main, arranged wall-to-wall fistfights, rode sleighs and visited each other.

Carved and painted sledges were also used in the ceremony with the newlyweds - the “whole man”, held on Saturday during the oil week. On this day, all the newlyweds gathered from the surrounding villages to the village, where they were honored. The young and the young, standing in the crowd of spectators, were called to the roller coaster. There they were supposed to bow to the "peace" - to the gathered to look at the assembled villagers, to kiss and to move down the mountain in a sleigh. Under the mountain, the young people had to kiss until they got tired of the audience, shouting: “come on, come on!”

The meaning of this ritual action- in an effort to glorify the newlyweds, as well as to express universal recognition and approval of the completed marriage.

In addition, Saturday was dedicated to the memory of ancestors. On this day, they visited the cemetery, and upon returning they treated the cattle with pancakes: “So that the cattle are kept, they are not transferred!”

On the sixth day of Maslenitsa, things finally came to a scarecrow. Dressed up Maslenitsa - a straw effigy - was carried on a stretcher to the end of the village and buried there with songs: a large fire was made and Maslenitsa was burned in it. There were festivities with songs and dances around the fire.

Seventh day of Maslenitsa: Forgiveness Sunday

The last day of the Maslenitsa week was called “forgiveness Sunday”: relatives and friends did not go to each other to celebrate, but with “obedience”, asked for forgiveness for intentional and accidental insults and grief caused in the current year. When meeting (sometimes even with a stranger) it was supposed to stop and with triple bows and “tearful words” ask for mutual forgiveness: “Forgive me, what I am guilty of or have sinned against you.” “May God forgive you, and I forgive you,” the interlocutor answered, after which, as a sign of reconciliation, it was necessary to kiss.

On Sunday, everyone was clearly aware that this was the last day before fasting, and they tried to cleanse themselves spiritually. It is on this day that believers have a custom to ask forgiveness from each other for all visible and invisible offenses and strive to make peace with those at war.

This day ended with fun and overeating. The festivities come to an end, fires are made on the ice slides to melt the ice, to destroy the cold.

Farewell to Maslenitsa ended on the first day of Great Lent - Clean Monday, which was considered the day of cleansing from sin and fast food. Men usually "rinsed their teeth", i.e. they drank vodka in abundance, ostensibly in order to rinse out the remnants of fast food from their mouths; in some places fistfights, etc., were arranged to “shake out pancakes”. On Clean Monday, they always washed in a bathhouse, and women washed dishes and “steamed” milk utensils, cleaning it from fat and the remnants of the milk.

IN Orthodox Church It is believed that the meaning of Cheese Week is reconciliation with neighbors, forgiveness of insults, preparation for Great Lent - a time that needs to be devoted to good communication with neighbors, relatives, friends, and doing good. Lenten services begin in churches. On Wednesday and Friday, the Divine Liturgy is not served, the Lenten Prayer of St. Ephraim the Syrian is read.

In churches on this day, the rite of forgiveness is performed in memory of the ancient tradition of the Egyptian monks, who, before the onset of Great Lent, before Easter, dispersed through the desert in order to completely surrender to prayers. And since there were many dangers in the desert, the meeting before the fast could be the last, and the monks asked for forgiveness from each other as before death. Over time, this became a tradition for all believers.

On Forgiveness Sunday, it is customary to come to the graves of the dead and bring pancakes to apologize to those who can no longer be seen. We often regret that we offended a person during his lifetime. On this day, there is an opportunity to ask for forgiveness and remove the burden from your soul.

The main thing for a person on Forgiveness Sunday is sincere repentance for committed evil deeds towards other people and forgiveness of their offenders.

Forgiveness Sunday

Everyone asks each other for forgiveness, bows at their feet, and in response they hear:
"God forgives and I forgive."

Forgiveness Sunday is the last day before the start of Lent. On this day, they ask for forgiveness and forgive all the accumulated grievances.

Ask for forgiveness from loved ones.

Waking up in the morning, without delay, ask for forgiveness for all the offenses caused to your household. You need to ask for forgiveness sincerely, regretting the pain caused to your loved one. If it is difficult to ask for forgiveness, before that you can imagine yourself in the place of the offended and feel for yourself how bad it was for him. Then you will definitely regret and repent of the evil deed. Asking for forgiveness will come naturally.
Ask for forgiveness for the dead. On this day, it is customary to come to the graves of the dead to ask for forgiveness from those who can no longer be seen. We often regret that we offended a person during his lifetime. On this day, there is an opportunity to ask for forgiveness and remove the burden from your soul.

Forgive those who ask. On Forgiveness Sunday, we need to forgive from the bottom of our hearts those who ask us for it. And even those who cannot or do not want to ask our forgiveness. Simply, to forgive all the accumulated grievances, thinking about the fact that our offenders are just as wrong as we ourselves and their soul suffers from this.

The main thing for a person on Forgiveness Sunday is sincere repentance for a committed evil deed in relation to another person and the forgiveness of their offenders. After all, we all ask the Lord for forgiveness of our sins. As we forgive others, so the Lord will forgive us. To forgive others means to approach Great Lent with a pure soul, to prepare spiritually.

Visit the temple. In churches, at the Liturgy, they read the biblical story about Adam and Eve, remember the fall of our forefathers and their expulsion from Paradise. They also read the Gospel narrative in churches, where Jesus Christ explains the words of the Our Father prayer “and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.” The Lord Himself shows us the way to the Kingdom of God - to give up evil insults, to love and forgive each other

Russian Maslenitsa is a fun folk festival at the junction of winter and spring. This festival itself was inherited from our pagan ancestors, who also dressed up a scarecrow, symbolizing winter, and then set it on fire. It so happened that today many people confuse Maslenitsa with Cheese Week before Lent: historically, it turned out that after the pagan holiday lost its original meaning, however, it coincided in time with the eve of Lent.

The history of the origin of the name of the holiday

Why is Maslenitsa called Maslenitsa? This is a very interesting question, which was studied by various etymologists at one time. Several legends connected with the birth of this name have survived to this day.

One of the versions why Maslenitsa is called Maslenitsa is closely connected with the old Russian tradition of baking pancakes. Tired of winter, cold and snow, people thus tried to attract the mercy of the gentle sun and persuade him to better warm the frozen Russian land. For this purpose, they prepared pancakes, which in this case acted as a symbol of the luminary. In addition, in Russian villages it was customary to carry out various actions, rituals, one way or another connected with the circle: for example, people brightly decorated the wheel from the cart and carried it down the street on a pole, went around the village several times on horseback and led traditional round dances. Our ancestors were sure that such actions "appease" the Sun, that is, help appease it. Hence the name of one of the most cheerful and bright holidays in Slavic culture.

There is another opinion as to why Maslenitsa is called Maslenitsa. According to this version, the holiday was so named because, according to Orthodox tradition This week, meat is already being eliminated from the diet, and dairy products are still allowed. That's why people bake butter pancakes. By the way, it was for the same reason that over time Shrovetide began to be called

If you believe other legends, then the answer to the question of why Maslenitsa is called Maslenitsa takes us far, far to the North, and Frost is the father of this holiday. According to legend, in the midst of the saddest and harshest time of the year, winter, a man saw Shrovetide, hiding between giant snowdrifts, and called her to help people with her warmth, cheer and warm them. And she came to the call, but she came not as a fragile girl who was hiding in the middle of a snow-covered forest from a man, but as a beautiful woman with ruddy and oily cheeks, an insidious spark in her eyes and loud laughter. She managed to make many people completely forget about winter for a week, she had so much fun and danced contagiously. And later it was in her honor that the holiday got its name.

How was Maslenitsa week?

The celebration of Maslenitsa, as you know, lasted a week. Moreover, each day of these seven has its own name, talking about what you need to do on that day. Of course, in the modern world, it is quite difficult to observe all the customs and rituals of an ancient holiday, because now Shrovetide has completely lost its festive status and has become a regular one. However, it will still be very interesting to learn about ancient traditions and rituals. In the days of Maslenitsa, it was the duty of everyone to help drive away the winter and awaken the sleeping nature.

Day 1. Monday. "Meeting"

From that day on Maslenitsa began. The history and traditions of the celebration are interesting in themselves. Usually on this day, people arranged and rolled ice slides. People believed that the longer the sleigh or sleigh rolled, the louder the laughter would ring over the hill, the richer the harvest would be in the fall, the longer the flax would grow. And in order for the plants to grow faster, according to popular beliefs, it was necessary to ride on a swing, and the higher, the better. In addition, on Monday, people chose a place on a hillock where they installed a Shrovetide doll.

Day 2. Tuesday. "Fun"

All funny Games our ancestors started on Tuesday: on this day they built booths, rode horses, went to visit each other. For fun and fun, according to tradition, they were treated to delicious pancakes.

Day 3. Wednesday. "Gourmet"

If the history of Maslenitsa is gradually forgotten, then this particular day, Lakomka, is well known and remembered even in the 21st century. The name of this day speaks for itself: on Wednesday, the hostesses acted according to the old saying: “What is in the oven - everything is on the table with swords!” And in the main place among the huge abundance of dishes, of course, there were pancakes. There was a custom according to which the first pancake should be given to a random passerby in order to remember the dead, the second to the mother, the third to the father, the next three to brothers and sisters, and the seventh usually went to the smallest member of the family.

Day 4. Thursday. "Walk around"

"Razgulyay" - the fourth day of the celebration of Maslenitsa. On Thursday, people arranged a traditional horseback ride "in the sun" (that is, in a clockwise direction around the village) - of course, to help the heavenly body drive away winter completely. And the main "male" business was considered the defense or the capture of the "snow town". The people were divided into two teams, with one taking the position of spring, and the second desperately "defending" the winter. In the end, spring was sure to win.

Day 5. Friday. "Mother-in-law of the evening"

Meanwhile, the folk Maslenitsa continued. On Friday, the son-in-law went to his mother-in-law, and she, in turn, regaled her son-in-law with delicious hot pancakes. A miniature doll-amulet, the so-called "home Maslenitsa", was always put out in the window. It should have been turned over three times, saying "Turn away with evil, turn towards good."

Day 6. Saturday. "Zolovkina gatherings"

"Zolovka gatherings", as well as "Lakomka", are known to this day. On this day, it was customary to visit all relatives and treat themselves to pancakes.

Day 7. Sunday. "Forgiveness Day"

The final day of the celebration is “forgiveness Sunday”, when one should ask relatives, friends and acquaintances for forgiveness for the offenses caused. After that, the farewell to Shrovetide took place, with cheerful dances and songs.

This is how our ancestors passed. At all times, people tried to celebrate it as richly, satisfyingly and more fun as possible, because it was believed that if you celebrate Maslenitsa like this, then the whole next year will be just as prosperous and well-fed. There was even a belief that not to make fun during broad Maslenitsa- not for good, it meant "to live in bitter grief and end life badly." In general, the history of Maslenitsa is very interesting, and all the traditions associated with it cannot be contained in one article.

"Pancake Traditions"

Finally, let's talk a few more interesting facts about the main attribute of the holiday - pancakes. Our ancestors believed that together with Shrovetide pancakes, they were given the warmth and power of the Sun itself. Each hostess tried her best to “not be ashamed”, to treat her guests plentifully and tasty. Interestingly, each had their own "secret" recipe for making pancakes, passed down exclusively through the female line.

Real Russian pancakes were made from buckwheat flour, thanks to which they acquired a special friability and sour taste. Many people added semolina or millet porridge, apples, potatoes, cream to them. Of course, during the Maslenitsa period, pancakes could be bought on every corner, and in eateries and taverns they were traditionally served with sour cream, whipped cream, honey and jam, and sometimes with caviar, sprat, herring or mushrooms. Pancakes were usually washed down with milk or tea, the so-called sbiten was a special honor - a delicious drink made from water, spices and honey.

Shrovetide is one of the oldest holidays that has been preserved in the modern calendar since the times of pagan Rus'. People's memory preserves a lot of Shrovetide rites, rituals and fortune-telling.

IN 2017 G. Maslenitsa The week will run from February 20th to February 26th.

It is curious that Maslenitsa, popular among Christians, once came as a good tradition from the pagans. Baking pancakes - symbols of the spring sun and seeing off the outgoing winter was a kind, almost holy rite.

And the fact that Maslenitsa began just after Parents' Day suggests that pancakes were also baked in memory of departed parents and ancestors. The first pancake, which usually turns out to be lumpy, was customarily displayed separately, as if for the dead. Despite the fact that the Slavs became Christians over the centuries, the celebration of Maslenitsa remained. Well, it’s good if there is a reason to remember relatives and have fun with friends and family.

Maslenitsa lasts six consecutive days and ends with Forgiveness Sunday. Each day has its own customs and traditions, which are useful and interesting to know.

Amulet on the eve of Shrovetide.

If you were exaggeratedly praised or envied, or maybe they said something bad, and you are a suspicious person, read this amulet on the eve of Shrovetide.

It will protect you from possible negativity for the whole year.

"In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Mother of God Madam and you, the four evangelists: Luke, Mark, Matthew and John the Theologian.
Save and save me (name), Protect me from a dashing thought.
From the devil's thoughts, From secret destruction, From the evil eye and the eye of the blind,
From the envious eye, Who hears and who does not hear,
Who curses aloud and who writes denunciations, Alatyr-stone lies in one place,
He does not hear, does not see, neither knock nor sound. Not afraid, not hiding from anyone.
So no sound, knock and word would have touched me.
I didn't worry about any damage. My words cannot be unlocked, not reprimanded.
Neither the first of a kind, nor the last. Key. Lock. Language. Amen."

Each day has its own name:

Monday - meeting

Tuesday - win

Wednesday - gourmet,

Thursday - revelry

Friday - mother-in-law evenings,

Saturday - sister-in-law gatherings,

Resurrection - seeing off, farewell, a forgiven day or a kisser.

The initial day of Shrovetide was called - "meeting".

Many families start baking pancakes on Monday.

The night before, when the stars appear, the eldest woman in the family goes out to the river, lake or to the well quietly from the others and encourages the moon to look out the window and blow on the dough:

"A month you are a month,
Your golden horns!
Look out the window
Blow on steam!"

The first pancake was not eaten on Monday, it was left for the souls of the dead; they carried him out onto the porch with the words:

"Our honest dead, here's a pancake for your souls!" - or gave to the poor to pray for the repose.

On this day, an effigy of Maslenitsa was made from straw, put on an old women's clothing, put this stuffed animal on a pole and, singing, drove it on a sleigh through the village. then Maslenitsa was set on a snowy mountain, where sleigh rides began.

We rode from the mountains all the days of Shrove Tuesday.

Riding on troikas to songs, with jokes, jokes, kisses was also a typical Russian Shrovetide entertainment.

Most of the attention and honors were given to the newlyweds at Shrovetide. They went out "to people" in painted sledges, paid visits to everyone who walked with them at the wedding.

Mass festivities take place in all city squares, and in tsarist times the Tsar himself opened this holiday.

On this day, it is customary to visit matchmakers for pancakes, and daughters-in-law should have time to help around the house, and have time to come to their parents in advance to help with setting the table.

In general, today many of the nuances of Shrovetide traditions have not been preserved to such an extent. For example, if young people live for the first year and this is the first joint Maslenitsa, then it is on Monday morning that the mother-in-law should come and teach the young hostess how to make first-class pancakes. But, nevertheless, the traditions of visiting and generously treating remained.

GUARD FROM WITCHES on the 1st day of Shrove Tuesday.

On the first day of Shrovetide, a conspiracy was read that helped get rid of the effects of evil witch spells:

"You witches, branded devils, when you count the stars in the sky and the grains of sand in the sea, then you can harm me, my house and my people."

On the first day of Shrovetide, salt was poured at the windowsill, at the front door, and on the last day the salt was swept out. So all evil spirits are swept out of the house.

From this day on, the eggshell is considered healing and is not thrown away, but collected for treatment.

The second day of Shrovetide, Tuesday - "play".

Previously, this day was dedicated to the newlyweds. On the same second day, sledding began from the mountains. Those who didn’t have them rolled down on mats. Carnival festivities began.

On Tuesday it is customary to walk and have fun, arrange mass games, sing ditties and play pranks on friends.

Seeing off the winter is worthy - competitions in the modeling of snow castles, competitions in the construction of ice palaces and all kinds of snow fun are held on the streets.

However, young people do not just go out to have fun - on this day, girls of marriageable age are closely watching young single guys, and the guys are watching the girls. Couples in love that are created on this day will live a long and happy married life.

In the old days in Rus', on Maslenitsa, people not only walked and had fun, but also guessed.
It was then that the time came to “look into the mouth” of your beloved and find out what the character of your future husband is. After all, it is not in vain that they say that they choose a husband for pancakes, and a wife for pies.


Pancakes with caviar are preferred by real men. Such a man will have a whole house, and a strong economy, and his wife and children will be shod and dressed. But do not expect tender words and kisses from him - all the forces of such a person go to the household. And in general - love is proved by deeds, not words.

“Intellectuals” eat pancakes with red fish - the word in the peasant world is almost abusive. The thoughts and feelings of such a person are too far removed from the sinful earth. Both day and night, these people are in the clouds, demanding from their beloved understanding of their great plans and unrealizable projects. And the fact that the hut squinted, that the cattle did not have hay in store - this is a “low way of life”. Should he, the poet, care about this ...

Pancakes with cottage cheese are eaten by kind, flexible and soft-hearted people. Such a number definitely needs a boy-woman who will command in the house and manage the household. A loving husband gladly fulfill all her commands.

Pancakes with sour cream, despite their deliciousness, are eaten only by people with a “double bottom”. Such a hubby will agree in everything with the better half, and with a sweet mother, and with neighbor Vasya.
He has only one opinion about what is happening - the one he last heard. These people are weak-willed, spineless. They strive to fit in with everyone and everyone, to please everyone.

Pancakes with butter are eaten by gentle and affectionate husbands. True, having informed their spouse 100 times a day that she is the one and only, and kissing her on the cheek 200 times, they consider their obligations to the family fulfilled. They will not prove their love and responsibility to the family with any chores around the house and housework. Why, even to say that, deeds are not love, they only interfere with kissing, pardoning and holding on to the handle.

Pancakes with sugar are eaten by lovers of kids. The main thing in their love is not the quality of raising an individual child, but a large number of babies in the house. And the wife will have no time to shoot with her eyes, and it seems to have proved to everyone around that you are a man. But what to feed and what to dress them in is the tenth thing.

Pancakes with hard-boiled eggs are eaten by the most unpleasant husbands. And in such a company he will sit, hanging his nose, with a sour expression on his face.
And at home it will itch with or without reason. In a word, boring. There is no great practical harm from such people; they perform paternal and masculine duties. Not at the behest of the soul and heart, but because “it is necessary”, “it is customary”. So you can live with such a treasure, in general, and even all your life. But then there will be nothing to remember - neither bad nor good.

But pancakes with jam are loved by “the first guys in the village”. Such a person can run away to the city - “to earn money”, and visit a widowed neighbor. True, there is money in the house, and he will not leave his wife with attention and affection. And having run over other people's girls, he will still return to the family. That's just this loving wife often meets not with kisses, but with a grip.


By the way, the character of the future wife can be judged by what kind of pies she treats guests.

Large pies - kulebyaki and pies - are served by a slightly lazy person.
But the pies are also different.

Big “bast shoes” are made by greedy girls - it seems that you have eaten a pie, but you can’t reach for another one.

Small, tidy with the hostess, who will maintain order in the house, and her character is glorious, docile, respectful to elders.

Pies are baked upside down by those girls who have all their thoughts and feelings “written on their faces”. These girls are frank, sincere, and, in modern terms, for the most part - extroverts.

Pies with a seam down are made by young ladies, quiet, like the pool in which the devils live. He will say “yes”, nod his head, but do it anyway in his own way. This one can go out secretly, as long as everything is covered up.

Round pies or cheesecakes (with any filling) like to bake homemade klushas (at the very good sense this word). And over the husband, and over the kids will be busy from morning to night. And they are good hosts. That's just caressing her husband in bed for them is the same as washing a bunch of linen or threshing grain.
In general, labor service.

All sorts of pretzels and braids are baked by people who are bright, romantic, but unreliable. Everything in their hands burns, but often burns out. She had just doted on her husband - and now she was swinging her grip. Life with this is an adventure. And not always pleasant.

Triangular pies (such as oriental khachapuri) are loved by lomak and imaginary. She just needs something to stand out, but what doesn't matter.

But what if you came to visit your beloved, and there is a dish with a wide variety of pies on the table?

Console yourself with the fact that your sweetheart is a versatile person, there is a little bit of everything in her and in moderation.
And most importantly, she is a good hostess.

Wednesday - "Lakomka".

On Wednesday you must definitely come to your mother-in-law for pancakes. Moreover, no excuses are accepted! The mother-in-law, in turn, is happy to try for her son-in-law and arranges a rich table on which pancakes with various fillings - with caviar, jam, honey. The table should also be rich in drinks and other treats. On this day, the family gathers at the table, praises the mother-in-law and her culinary skills.

Lush tables were set in all the houses. Numerous tents were opened right on the street, selling hot sbitni (drinks made from water, honey and spices), roasted nuts, and honey gingerbread.

On the third day of Shrove Tuesday, which is celebrated this week, it is customary to treat sons-in-law. At the same time, feeding the son-in-law used to be quite unprofitable, since according to tradition, pancakes were baked both small and large, and dairy, and with caviar, and with herring.

As a rule, both unmarried youth and adults are actively involved in skiing from the mountains and on horseback from Wednesday. Only babies and old people who no longer left the house do not ride on troikas on Shrove Tuesday.

A number of Maslenitsa customs were aimed at speeding up weddings, helping single youth find a mate.

Skating young couples, according to the ancestors, should have contributed to the awakening of the earth from winter sleep. Artificial ice mountains symbolized the earthly womb, in which new life was born.

Young women went around the village and hung wooden blocks on overgrown guys because they did not want to marry, and they, in turn, tried to pay them off with sweets and pancakes.

There was a special attitude towards those young couples who got married that year: they had to participate in skating, show up in their best clothes, and kiss in public.

Thursday - "walk around". On this day, it was customary to arrange the famous fist fights, the capture of specially built snow fortresses.

Thursday at Maslenitsa week was considered the day of veneration of the god Veles (Volos) - the patron saint of livestock. Therefore, on this day, before baking pancakes for the family, they baked pancakes for their cow-nurse. Treating a cow with such a pancake, they read prayers and conspiracies.

Thursday was very responsible for the owner, because only St. Blaise (this Christian saint replaced the god Veles) had to go round young horses.

On Thursday wide festivities continue, everyone gives each other gifts, and the children rush to carol. In the city, however, no one particularly carols anymore, but in the villages and villages this good tradition has been preserved. A scarecrow of Maslenitsa can be carried along the streets, for show to everyone. The scarecrow is made from everything that is at hand - straw, old things, holiday decorations. During the festivities, you need to actively and cheerfully sing songs so that everything in the family is good.

Friday is an interesting day. Mother-in-law's day.

The sons-in-law, who actively treated their mother-in-laws to pancakes, should now invite them to their home and set the table. Moreover, the mother-in-law must be invited personally, and the more active and affectionate the son-in-law will be tout, the more beloved he will be.

And to make everything look beautiful and festive, on this day all the relatives of both sides gather, and everyone sees how the son-in-law meets and generously treats his beloved mother-in-law.

True, this custom was very peculiar. The curiosity was that the invited mother-in-law was obliged to send everything necessary for baking pancakes to the young people's house in the evening: a frying pan, a ladle and even a tub in which the dough was kneaded.

A number of Maslenitsa customs were aimed at speeding up weddings and helping young people find a mate.

We did not forget about the sister-in-laws.

On Saturday - seeing off, at the sister-in-law gatherings (the sister-in-law is the husband's sister), the young daughter-in-law invited her husband's relatives to visit her.

It is interesting that the very word "sister-in-law", as it was believed, comes from the word "evil", since the husband's sisters treated the daughter-in-law ("who came from God knows where") incredulously and wary - remember, at least Russian folk tales.

If the sisters-in-law were not yet married, then she called her unmarried friends to visit. If the husband's sisters were already married, then the daughter-in-law invited married relatives and took the guests to their sister-in-laws with the whole train.

The newlywed daughter-in-law had to give gifts to her sister-in-laws.

On Saturday, the ashes of the burned effigies must be scattered over the fields - for a rich harvest in the fall. On this day, the final farewell to winter takes place and everyone rejoices at the arrival of the new sowing season.

Seventh day - Forgiveness Sunday. On this day, you need to prepare for Great Lent and purify your soul and body. You should definitely bow and ask for forgiveness from everyone. The last Maslenitsa bonfires flare up again, around which people sing songs and burn straw.

On Sunday, Shrovetide was sent off. Young people in a sleigh with a stuffed Maslenitsa drove around the village and outskirts with songs until dark.

Late in the evening, an effigy was burned on a fire prepared in the morning. As a rule, the Maslenitsa bonfire was kindled by the oldest representatives of the village community or by those young people who were "lucky" on the last Kupala night to "find" a fern flower.

According to legend, it was in it that the life-giving energy of the sun dying for the winter was preserved. Therefore, the Maslenitsa bonfire was always lit at the highest place near the village, that is, as close as possible to the cosmic luminary, in order to "return" to it the lost power.

Maslenitsa bonfires- this is also a funeral rite, since they served as a kind of invitation for deceased ancestors to a hearty dinner on the eve of fasting.

Happened \" coaxing \" spirits for the whole year ahead. And after a straw effigy was burned in a fire, the ashes were scattered across the field and trampled into the snow in order to wake up the sleeping earth and return to it the ability of a new generation. A lot of people always gathered around the Maslenitsa bonfire, it was fun, songs sounded, games were arranged.

funny tradition Shrovetide's farewell is the burning of pancakes. Be sure to throw a pancake into the fire, tell Maslenitsa to leave, and then stain as many people around with soot as possible.

Let's not forget the dead relatives. On Sunday, you need to visit their graves and leave pancakes there. And after a hard and have a fun day the final tradition is the bath. In it, you need to take a steam bath from the heart, whip with brooms and meet Great Lent the next day.

On the last day of Maslenitsa - on Sunday - they sat down at the table seven times, according to the number of weeks in Lent. And in the evening, the whole family had to treat themselves to food of animal origin for the last time before fasting.

After dinner, nothing was removed from the table, everything left was covered with a white tablecloth, and then with sheepskin fur upstairs. All this was done so that there would be no quarrels and disagreements in the family for a whole year.

On the eve of Great Lent, in an effort to cleanse themselves of everything sinful, people asked each other for forgiveness.

The ceremony of forgiveness takes place in the evening, after dinner.

Turning to each other, people said:

"Forgive me, please, if I am guilty of anything before you."

In some families, the following rite was performed on Forgiveness Sunday. In the evening, all family members sat around the table in the house. The head of the family, the father, sat on a separate chair.

Each of the household members present took turns approaching his father, bowing at his feet and asking for forgiveness for all the bad deeds in the past year (for insulting, intemperance, swearing, disobedience, drinking, malicious acts).

After the youngest in the family asked for forgiveness, everyone took their places, and the father came out to the middle of the house (room), bowed to each one and also asked for forgiveness for his sinful deeds.

For the same purpose, before sunset on this day, they went to the cemetery, left pancakes on the graves and bowed to the ashes of relatives.

Even on this day, they tried to drink less alcohol.
It was necessary to meet spring with a clear conscience and body, therefore, at the end of Maslenitsa, everyone went to the bathhouse.

On Forgiveness Sunday, you must fall asleep before midnight, then in the morning you will wake up easily.

Signs for Maslenitsa:

First of all, Maslenitsa is a time of commemoration of the dead. And the first pancakes baked on Monday of Shrove Tuesday are dedicated to the ancestors. Kneading the dough and baking pancakes should be done in silence, sorting through the faces of relatives in memory, remembering their words and deeds. The first pancake cannot be eaten: it should be crumbled outside for the birds.

According to ancient belief, the birds, having pecked at the treat, will fly to heaven and ask the Lord for you and your loved ones. And in the evening, gather the whole family for a meal. This will strengthen family ties and give you reliable protection for your ancestors.

Divination for Shrovetide:

Pancake fortune-telling can be done by inviting friends. Make different fillings: sweet, salty, spicy, fresh, put dry beans in several pancakes. Roll up the pancakes and place on a platter. Each of those sitting at the table chooses one at a time - the filling will tell you what awaits him. Sweet - to joy, spicy - to a stormy life, salty - to serious work, insipid - to a life without change. A bean - to monetary luck.

Another fortune-telling for Maslenitsa was carried out not on pancakes, but on a pie: in this way you can find out whether your cherished desire will come true before next spring. Bake the cake, cover with a napkin, let cool.

Take a knife, dip it in holy water, wipe it with a napkin that was used to cover the cake, with the words:

“Like water from a knife, so thinness from a house. We eat royal and boyar pies. My friend-pie, open the vow to me.

Now sprinkle the cake with holy water and stick a knife into it. If the knife remains standing straight, it is too early to wait for changes. If he leans in your direction, the wish will come true if you do not interfere with yourself. If the knife deviated from you directly or to the right, it will not come true. If the knife deviated to the left of you - everything is fine, wait for the dream to come true. If the knife falls - to failure.

How to protect yourself from the evil eye and damage on Maslenitsa:

On Shrove Week, you can perform a ritual of cleansing from the negative, the evil eye. To do this, you need to make a snowball, undressing, stand in a basin and roll yourself in snow from head to toe (from head to toe), reading the plot:

“Passion, passion, come out, pour out of the servant of God (name). From a violent head, from a zealous heart, from a white body, from red blood, from a clean belly, from hands, from legs, from veins, from lived. It's not me who drives out the evil eye, but Mother Holy Mother of God with their angels, archangels, guardians and patrons every day, every hour, from now and forever and forever and ever! Amen!"

Pour the water into which the snow turns into at the crossroads.

Conspiracy from envious people on Maslenitsa:

To protect yourself from envious people for a whole year, on the eve of Maslenitsa, on Sunday, read the plot three times:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Mother of God Madam and you, the four evangelists: Luke, Mark, Matthew and John the Theologian. Save and save me (name), protect me from a dashing thought, from a devilish thought, from secret destruction, from an evil eye and a blind eye, from an envious eye, who hears and who does not hear, who curses out loud and who writes denunciations. Alatyr-stone lies in one place, does not hear, does not see, is not afraid of a knock or sound, does not hide from anyone. So no sound, knock and word would touch me, I wouldn’t stumble about any damage. My words cannot be unlocked, not reprimanded. Neither the first of a kind, nor the last. Key. Lock. Language. Amen".

Conspiracy for wealth:

On the Monday following the last day of Maslenitsa, Forgiveness Sunday, go to where the festivities took place, and try to find at least a penny.

Raising it with your left hand, say:

“Walked, walked, but found how I (your name) went to this money, so that the money would come to me. As many people were here today in honor of the honest Maslenitsa, so I would always have a lot of money. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Keep the charmed coin until the next Maslenitsa. After a year, leave it where you picked it up.

Shrovetide conspiracy for good luck:

Bake pancakes. Choose the most beautiful pancake with smooth edges.

Cut it in half, and then slowly move the halves apart, uttering a conspiracy to attract good luck:

“As sunrise and sunset do not converge, so all troubles will pass me by.

Troubles will be far from me I will live freely and easily.

Conspiracy for Shrovetide to attract profit and material wealth:

On Maslenitsa you need to burn everything old, unnecessary. This is done - when they kindle a fire and burn an effigy. If you live in the city, but you were lucky enough to go to nature on Shrovetide week, take old, unnecessary things.

Make a fire, throw trash into it and say a plot:

“Old, unnecessary burn,

New good invite.

Let all the old go.

Let the new profit bring.

Let the unnecessary turn into ashes

From the ashes will be reborn with new successes!

Money conspiracy for Shrovetide pancakes:

We fry pancakes and speak them for material prosperity.

We read the plot three times:

“The red girl Marya came out, the red girl Fedosya came out, at dawn in the early morning, combed her hair.

They turned the wheel, kneaded flour, made dough, they said such words.

The sun is clear, shine, bring us spring, don’t starve, bring the harvest.

I (name) followed, I heard those words, but repeated them, and spoke three times.

I, (name), call spring, but do not know grief and pestilence.

Pancakes should be treated to all households.

Shrovetide conspiracy - how to increase income:

On the first Monday after Shrovetide, come to the place where the festivities took place. Walk around and look at the ground carefully - you need to find any coin.

“I went and found how I (name) went to this money,

So that the money came to me.

How many people were here today

In honor of the Holy Maslenitsa,

That way I would always have a lot of money.

In the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen."

A conspiracy for Maslenitsa from the evil eye and corruption.

Are you sure that someone brought the evil eye or damage to you, or envious people appeared - do a ritual with a conspiracy for Maslenitsa.

In the morning, on the first day of Maslenitsa, face the rising Sun and say:

“Maslenitsa will protect from all evil,

Everything evil and bad will turn me away.

On the first day, every evil eye will be reflected from me.

On the second day, all corruption will evaporate from me.

On the third day, the evil plot will be broken into pieces.

On the fourth day, everything will respond to the offenders.

On the fifth day, evil thoughts will turn to dust.

On the sixth day, all my troubles will cease.

On the seventh, luck and strength will return to me.

Repeat this plot at the dawn of every day of Maslenitsa.

Shrovetide conspiracy for the fulfillment of desires:

We read the conspiracy on Sunday at Maslenitsa, before going to bed:

“Light up, clear star in the sky, to the joy of the baptized world,burn with an unquenchable fire for the joy of the Orthodox

Look, star, into the house of God's servant (name).

You sanctify, clear star, my house with unquenchable fire.

Desire hear my (say your desire). Amen."

Cross yourself, bow down and go to bed.

Conspiracy for Shrovetide from corruption and bad words:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Mother of God Madam and you, four evangelists: Luke, Mark, Matthew and John the Theologian.

Save and save me (name), protect me from a dashing thought.

From the devil's thoughts, from secret destruction, from the evil eye and the blind eye, from the envious eye, who hears and who does not hear, who swears aloud and who writes denunciations.

Alatyr-stone lies in one place, does not hear, does not see, is not afraid of a knock or sound, does not hide from anyone.

So no sound, knock and word would have touched me.

I didn't worry about any damage.

My words cannot be unlocked, not reprimanded.

Neither the first of a kind, nor the last.

Key. Lock. Language.Amen."

Conspiracy of envy:

On Sunday, on the eve of the first day of Maslenitsa, in complete solitude, read a conspiracy three times that will protect you from negativity for the whole year:

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Mother of God Madam and you, four evangelists: Luke, Mark, Matthew and John the Theologian. Save and save me (name), protect me from a dashing thought, from a devilish thought, from secret destruction, from an evil eye and a blind eye, from an envious eye, who hears and who does not hear, who curses out loud and who writes denunciations. Alatyr-stone lies in one place, does not hear, does not see, is not afraid of a knock or sound, does not hide from anyone. So no sound, knock and word would have touched me. I didn’t stumble about any damage. My words cannot be unlocked, not reprimanded. Neither the first of a kind, nor the last. Key. Lock. Language. Amen".

The PURIFICATION RITUAL is done on Sunday at Shrove Tuesday.

This ritual is done to return happiness, correct karma.

The healer should not perform this ritual, it can take on the patient's karma.

It's better when everyone makes it for themselves.

Take a piece of paper and write down what worries you the most: bad deeds, illnesses, attitude towards the world and people... In a word, what you would like to get rid of. Roll the sheet into a tube and cut into 3 equal parts.

Prepare protective circles of Thursday salt and holy water (30 cm between them).

Before the circle of salt, read "Our Father", then cross this circle and stand in front of the circle of holy water.

You read the prayers “Virgin Mother of God, rejoice” and “Guardian Angel” and cross the circle of water.

In front of you in the last circle should be 4 lit candles.

Read Psalm 90 and burn 3 parts of the leaf in turn, when they burn, say 40 times “Hallelujah!”.

Then - the obligatory observance of a 3-day fast and a visit to the church, where you need to put 12 candles to any icons in one parish.


After the end of Maslenitsa, the peasants went to the bath - ahead was "Clean Monday", the first day of Lent.

The last echo of the holiday is the Saturday of Great Lent. On this day, it was customary to "celebrate a tuzhilka on Maslenitsa": bake lean pancakes with hemp or sunflower oil.

After that, the carnival fun finally faded.


On the first Monday after Shrovetide, come to the place where the festivities took place. Walk there, looking under your feet, until you find any money (even a penny).

Taking it with your left hand, say:

"I went and found how I (name) went to this money,
So that the money came to me.
How many people were here today
In honor of the Holy Maslenitsa,
That way I would always have a lot of money.
In the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen."

And of course special conspiracy pancakes:

Most native women's work associated with cooking, are associated with the circle. Protective circle. In a circle, clockwise (salting), it is supposed to knead the dough for pancakes. In a circle, butter is spread on the pan - a piece of lard. And of course, a skilled housewife will pour a pancake into the pan in a circle, thinly distributing the dough; and a delicious, fried pancake will absorb all her love.

Maslenitsa is a good excuse to cook food with your own hands, which is both delicious and magical at the same time. While kneading the dough, it is necessary to say all kinds of good wishes to him, addressed to the healthy and the departed, to the strength of the family and to the good spirits of the house. Words can be arbitrary.

There are folk sayings that were used when baking pancakes.

Shrovetide will come, prosperity and health will bring.

We bake pancakes, we expect Sveta - the Sun.

But you can come up with your own words-wishes.

Money pancakes.

When you put the dough on the pancakes, throw some cinnamon into it! After all, the property of cinnamon to attract money has long been known. Cinnamon brings success, prosperity, attracts good luck. The aroma of cinnamon is very attractive for money!

When you mix the dough say:

“Money dough for money pancakes. Whoever eats a pancake gets a lot of money.”

After you bake pancakes, be sure to feed them to your family members, and especially the one on whom your material well-being depends.

Pancakes that attract love.

They should be baked on Tuesday. After all, Tuesday is flirting, single guys on this day looked after their brides, and the girls grooms. Therefore, on Tuesday, you need to bake "love" pancakes! These pancakes must be with a sweet filling! Get the dough in any way, and when you fry, say:

"I bake pancakes, I attract love."

And be sure to treat your friends and family with pancakes of your own production during Shrovetide week. From ancient times, it was believed that everyone who would be generous with pancakes this week would be blessed with well-being and prosperity by Spring.

Sayings about the Russian Maslenitsa have been preserved:

* Not life, but Maslenitsa, Not all Maslenitsa cat, there will be Great Lent.

* Maslenitsa walks for seven days.

* Maslenitsa obeduha, money tucked away.

* This Shrovetide is coming, damn it, honey is coming.

* We ask for mercy to us about Maslenitsa with our kindness, with an honest belly,

* Malanya got married at Maslenitsa, she thought she was wondering to get married, but Malanya didn’t know that Maslenitsa, and there was little hangover after Radushitsa,

* Maslenitsa obeduha, money tucked away,

* Maslenitsa is afraid of bitter radish, and steamed turnip,

* After Maslenitsa - Great Lent, and after Passion - Easter,

* At least something to lay down from yourself, and spend Maslenitsa,

* To whom Maslenitsa, but solid, and to us Palm and Passionate!

* There was Maslenitsa at the courtyard, but she didn’t go into the house,

* Without pancakes - not Maslenitsa.

* On a forgiveness day, as on Easter, everyone kisses.
But, walking, "still, you need to remember about the upcoming post."

There are some tips for this as well:

"Oil is not given forever"

"Feast and walk, woman, at Maslenitsa, but remember about fasting."

Maslenitsa is preceded by weeks that are popularly called: solid, motley, omnivorous.

It's called the colorful weeks. recent weeks before posts; they follow weeks of omnivores.variegated week goes by behind the whole


"What is the motley and Shrovetide"

"If the weather is good on the omnivore, then Maslenitsa will be warm,"

"What is the omnivorous weather, such is Maslenitsa",

"Inclement weather on the Sunday before Maslenitsa - to the harvest of mushrooms",

"Thaw with frosts on a forgiveness day - to the harvest of mushrooms",

"What day of Maslenitsa is red - this is wheat in the spring."

In the days of Maslenitsa, people enjoyed pancakes and other dishes. It was Russian pancakes that were the symbol of this holiday, which so much resembled the red sun. Pancakes were baked with an endless variety: wheat, oatmeal, buckwheat, from unleavened and sour dough.

Here's what people used to say about pancakes:

* Pancake is not a wedge - the belly will not split.

* Aunt Barbara,
My mother sent me
Give me frying pans and a frying pan,
Torments and undercoats.

* Water in the oven,
Wants pancakes oven.

* Where there are pancakes, here we are.

* Pancakes, pancakes, pancakes, like spring wheels.

On the last day of Maslenitsa, her farewell was celebrated.

On this day, in the morning, the children have a concern - to make a snowman, put them in a sled and roll them down an icy mountain.