
Do patent leather shoes stretch? How to stretch patent leather shoes at home: effective folk methods

Do patent leather shoes stretch?  How to stretch patent leather shoes at home: effective folk methods

Surely, a situation has happened to everyone in life when the purchased shoes, when tried on again at home, turned out to be too hard or tight and therefore completely unsuitable for wear. In such cases, you shouldn’t be too upset, firstly, by law you can return or replace the product within two weeks, and secondly, you especially like the shoes that you don’t want to part with. This can be done in a shoe workshop or at home using available tools.

Breaking in leather shoes

There are many ways to break in leather shoes. All of them are quite affordable and quite effective.

  • Method 1. It is recommended to use this method only for natural suede. Wear as thick socks as possible (terry or wool), if you can fit your feet into the shoes, you can even wear two. Now put on your shoes, turn on the hair dryer and direct a stream of hot air onto their surface. Thus warming up the shoes, Special attention pay attention to the fold areas. For best results, try to move your feet and toes as well. After about half a minute, the material of the shoes should warm up sufficiently, turn off the hair dryer without removing the shoes, wait until they cool down, then repeat the procedure. It is recommended to carry it out several times in a row.
  • Method 2. Beer and a cotton swab will help you break in suede shoes. Dampen cotton wool with the drink and wipe the inside of the shoes, paying special attention to the places where they squeeze the most. Be very careful not to get any liquid on the front of the shoes, as this will leave stains that will be difficult to remove. After this, put on thick socks, and then beer-treated shoes and walk in them for at least an hour and a half.
  • Fat composition. It can be castor oil, Vaseline or any fat cream. They soften the material well, making it easier to stretch. Treat the inside of the shoes with one of these products (you can also apply a small amount of the product to the outside). Leave the shoes on for a couple of hours, then put them on your socks and walk around the apartment. When it has stretched enough, remove the oil with a damp cloth.
  • Vodka. She will help spread patent leather shoes fast . In general, vodka is considered the best extender for patent leather shoes. Soak a piece of cotton wool in it, carefully, trying not to get it on the front part, wipe the inside of the shoes, treat the hardest places especially well. Put on your socks, shoes, and leave your shoes on for about an hour and a half. This procedure may have to be done several times.

By the way, the methods proposed above can also be used to stretch shoes made of leather and leatherette. To others universal means Ways to stretch shoes include freezing the shoes and stretching them with thick socks, as well as using special “stretchers”, which can be purchased in supermarkets or shoe stores.

If your shoes not only feel too tight, but also rub, then it is recommended to use a paraffin candle to soften them. This is a completely harmless product, so it is suitable for any shoes. Rub the candles inside the hard parts of the shoes, such as the heel, and leave them for ten hours. After this time, simply remove the paraffin with a cotton pad. To enhance the effect, you can moisten problem areas with alcohol before applying paraffin.

If patent leather shoes or boots do not fit, you can try to fix it. Below are details about how to distribute patent leather shoes.

Is it possible?

So, is it possible rawear patent leather boots, boots or shoes? Yes, but only if it natural thin and soft varnish leather. In addition, if you want, for example, to get a 38 from a size 36, then you should immediately tell yourself honestly: it won’t work. In general, it is unlikely that it will be possible to change the length of the shoe to a greater extent, because the sole will not change. But stretching a pair of shoes slightly wider will probably work!

How to break in patent leather shoes: several ways

So, we bring to your attention several ways that will allow you to wear patent leather shoes without experiencing discomfort.

1. You can resort to the help of a friend. But there is one condition: this girl’s leg should be a little wider than your own. But only a little, not 2 sizes! Perhaps, if a friend wears her shoes for a day or two, she will do you a favor and stretch the shoes a little.

2. Can be used hair dryer and rich cream. It is worth mentioning right away that this method is very doubtful, because a flow of too hot air can simply ruin the material and its appearance. If you still decide to take a risk, then a pair of shoes must be thoroughly warmed up with a hairdryer, and then lubricated from the inside with a rich cream (you can use lard or Vaseline if desired), and then put on. To enhance the effect, you can equip the leg with an additional thick sock. Then you need to walk around in this form (for example, for one evening, doing household chores), and then, taking off your boots or shoes, treat them with cream again and leave them overnight.

3. If patent leather shoes press it, it will help alcohol. No, you shouldn’t use it internally, it’s better to wipe the inside of your shoes with it and put it on a thick sock. Or you can soak this very sock in alcohol. After such a procedure, you will have to be patient a little and walk around like this. By the way, it is better to dilute the alcohol with water (at the rate of 2 parts alcohol to 1 part water). You can use cologne and perfume for the same purposes. Then the shoes will also smell nice.

4. Suitable vinegar, if diluted with water in equal parts. After this, the same manipulations are performed as with alcohol. It’s true, but vinegar can have a negative effect on delicate skin heels, so it is better to wipe the inside of the shoes with a cotton swab dipped in the solution.

5. Boiling water or steam. You can pour boiling water into your shoes and then walk around in them. But as a result, you may be left with nothing. But if you hold the shoes over hot steam or wipe them with a cloth soaked in hot water from the inside, and then wear them, the size will probably increase.

6. How to break in patent leather shoes other ways? Can be used for this ice. Some people advise pouring water into a plastic bag, placing it inside shoes or boots, and putting it all in the freezer of the refrigerator. Remember the laws of physics: liquid expands when it freezes, and the bag should stretch the shoes. But, as you know, low temperatures have a negative effect on patent leather and can lead to cracking.

7. You can wrap your shoes in a terry towel soaked in warm water. water, and put it all in a bag, and wear the shoes the next day.

8. Can be used special devices, which are sold in shoe stores.

9. Best take shoes to the workshop, where professionals will do the stretching.

If the new thing is not only too tight, try changing the insoles.

Enjoy the shopping!

Every woman knows that you can never have too many shoes. Therefore, her wardrobe should contain a variety of models of shoes, ballet flats and boots, differing not only in color, but also in material. Patent leather shoes have always aroused interest and admiration. And besides this, there are physical inconveniences.

When buying patent leather shoes, the fair sex does not think about the fact that they may be uncomfortable to walk in. But when they come home, they still wonder: how to stretch patent leather shoes? And is this possible at home?

Ways to stretch patent leather shoes

Since it is quite difficult to stretch patent leather shoes, it is worth noting that not all patent leather shoes can be stretched, but only those made of natural soft elastic leather. Yes, and you can stretch it at home only in width.

Important! There is no 100% guarantee that the delivery will be successful.

There are not many stretching methods, especially if you want to do it at home:

    Spread with the help of a friend. You can ask for help from a friend whose feet are a little larger than yours, so that she can wear the new thing a little. Don't overdo it: your friend's foot size should not be much larger than yours, and wearing it for 1-2 days is enough. The method is quite unpleasant, but a positive result is possible.

    Wear for several hours, wearing a damp sock. The evaporating moisture will help soften the material, which will then stretch to fit your foot.

    Stretch with steam or boiling water. It involves pouring boiling water into the shoes. First, place a thick bag in the shoes, then pour boiling water over the bag. You can also wrap your patent leather shoes in a bag without holes to prevent water from leaking out and put them in boiling water. And in the case of steam, hold the shoes with the soles up over the steam for some time. After such manipulations, to break in the shoes, they are put on a thick sock and worn for 2-3 hours until the moisture completely disappears.

    Important! This method has a high risk of damage varnish coating hot temperature. If you are not sure that your new thing is of a good level of quality, it is better not to take risks and use another method of stretching shoes at home.

    Stretching method using alcohol. A cotton swab is generously moistened with alcohol (you can use vodka or cologne), then the inside of the shoe is wiped with it. This should be done very carefully, trying not to get into the varnished area, otherwise the alcohol will ruin the coating.

    Warm terry towel. Terry cloth is moistened in warm water, gently wrung out, the problematic shoes are wrapped in it and left overnight in a tightly closed plastic bag. The next day, they wear it at home until the moisture has completely evaporated from them. This type of wear provides a great guarantee. positive result.

    Various manufacturers of accessories and shoe care products have long put on the market special stretchers for shoes, including varnish ones - foams, sprays, creams. When using them, strictly follow the instructions in the instructions. If this is not done, then either there will be no result, or the appearance of the thing will deteriorate.

    Fat cream and hot air. The following is done: apply cream inner side products and warm them inside with a hairdryer, after which they put them on for several hours to wear them in.

    Important! Do not direct hot air onto the paintwork for a long time, otherwise there is a risk of damaging it. Warm only from the inside.

    If you are still not sure that you can do this yourself at home, contact a specialist shoe workshop. But such a service will not be cheap.

    All of the above methods are aimed at one thing - breaking shoes to the required size, affecting the material from which the product is sewn. In this case it is leather coated with varnish. With the help of steam, creams or sprays, the leather becomes more elastic and soft, which allows you to expand the shoes to the required size. After the stretching procedure, do not forget to take care of your shoes: use special fatty creams that will prevent the product from shrinking back or the coating from cracking. Despite the fact that there are ways to wear patent leather new clothes, it is recommended to buy shoes that are the perfect size for your feet.

Patent leather shoes look beautiful, original and interesting. However, it is not always easy to carry it around, and even to pick it up right size it can be difficult.

It is believed that leather shoes are easy to wear out, but with patent leather, things may be different.

In addition, to keep your shoes looking shiny and smooth for as long as possible, they need to be properly cared for.

Selection of patent leather shoes

It is not recommended to choose narrow patent leather shoes. Even if it turns out to be so, you can try to widen it, but if in the store you feel that they are too narrow, this is a signal not to take them. But the length is sometimes adjusted, so if the finger rests slightly, you can still count on expansion.

Your feet get tired quickly because your toes are constantly resting on the dense surface of patent leather shoes, which may not be the case if you buy regular shoes. leather shoes.

Patent leather shoes are not suitable for full legs. In addition, buying patent leather sandals for the summer is extremely contraindicated.

In winter, patent leather shoes will also become unusable, since the varnish can withstand temperatures down to minus 5 degrees, so you should not buy them for the winter.

How to break in patent leather shoes

Most difficulties with breaking in shoes or other footwear can be resolved. You should break in your shoes if you have one of these problems:

  • the shoes are good in length, but narrow - they could be made wider;
  • patent leather shoes are good in width, but the length of the toe presses;
  • after the rain, the problem of excessive crowding appeared;
  • at the end of the day there is a problem with leg fatigue due to cramped conditions;
  • did not have suitable size, but I really liked the shoes, so I had to buy a size smaller.

Patent leather shoes are difficult to stretch on their own, but if you contact a workshop, you can achieve maximum results.

The specialist will treat the inside of the shoe with a special soft compound, and then fill it with durable elements of shoe paraphernalia.

However, it is worth remembering that you should not expect too much stretching - shoes can become larger by a maximum of 1 size, and not always.

If you overdo it, the varnish coating will end, and it will simply crack, and such shoes will be ruined.

To do this, simply purchase a spray, foam or other material from a specialized store that will help solve the problem.

Apply all means to stretch patent leather shoes only on the inside, since your main task is to cope with the hard inner coating. If it becomes softer, stretching may not be necessary at all.

The ideal solution is foam. However, the choice should be taken carefully.

You can read reviews about the brand that is sold in a nearby store.

Products from different brands are available in different regions, with stretch foam being the most common.

Usually, good means can be found even on the shelves of grocery supermarkets, where there is a department household chemicals and body care products.

To prevent stretching from damaging your shoes, you need to read the instructions. It will indicate what types of material the product is intended for.

Also a good option- stretch marks. If you didn’t know, so you bought the small version, by stretching you can achieve greater freedom inside. So, it represents the shape of a block, which consists mainly of wood, but sometimes also of plastic.

Wood, of course, is better; it retains its shape more easily and is more resistant to moisture, if there is any inside the shoe after wear.

At home you can stretch patent leather shoes in the following ways:

  • ask someone with a larger foot size than you to carry shoes;
  • using a hairdryer and cream (you should stretch patent leather shoes in this way very carefully so as not to damage the varnish. You should warm the inside of the shoes with a hairdryer and immediately apply rich cream or Vaseline, then put on socks and walk for about 2 hours. Lubricate the shoes again with cream and leave for a day);
  • with the help of water and terry towel(wet a towel in water and wrap your patent leather shoes in it, then put them in a sealed bag and leave them overnight).

You should not stretch patent leather shoes with alcohol, as this will only ruin them.

Caring for patent leather shoes

To keep shoes looking shiny and beautiful for as long as possible, they need to be lubricated with cream.

You should also pick it up in a specialized store, but you can lubricate the surface with ordinary oil.

It is not necessary to do this before each exit; you can simply perform a set of actions once a week.

If patent leather shoes become dirty or dusty, you need to wipe them with a soft cloth soaked in salt water. You can use regular running water, but salt will help keep the shine as long as possible.

After washing, it is better not to immediately apply the cream; you need to let the shoes dry thoroughly.

Caring for patent leather shoes also includes polishing. But if dirt is strongly stuck to it, you should under no circumstances peel it off.

You need to dampen a cloth and apply it to the surface for a few minutes. However, it is important to take into account temperature changes: if the room is cold, the rag should also be soaked in cold water, and if it is warm, in warm water.

The situation will be similar with going outside; if frost suddenly sets in, you can put your shoes aside for a while, because they will easily crack.

Coated with varnish, it does not tolerate large temperature changes. Even if the room is too hot and the temperature outside is close to zero, such a difference can cause cracks to appear. This is where oil will help - it will keep the temperature of the shoes at the same level, preventing them from cooling quickly.

How to store patent leather shoes

Patent leather shoes should be stored carefully.

Before putting your shoes or boots in the closet, wipe them first with a cotton swab dipped in milk. After this, grate with half an onion and wipe with a flannel cloth.

Spread them with egg yolk or cream. This way they will better retain their color and shine.

If you find a scratch before storing your shoes, cover it with clear nail polish.

Wrap patent leather shoes in a cloth for storage and place them in a box.

Probably everyone has found themselves in a situation where purchased shoes, which seemed to be chosen without haste and fit perfectly on the foot, turn out to be tight and uncomfortable to wear. Even if you know the rule that it is better to buy new shoes in the afternoon, when your feet are already slightly swollen, there are cases when the model itself is too narrow or you have non-standard feet.

In a word, there can be many reasons, but it is not at all necessary to endure unbearable torment, pain and rubbing calluses until the new shoes stretch when worn.

Stretching is necessary in the following cases:

  • the shoes turned out to be small because the store did not have the right size;
  • too tight in width, although ok in length;
  • The width fits perfectly, but the length is too tight;
  • became smaller after rain (for example, suede);
  • gets cramped at the end of the day.

How to quickly break in new tight shoes

When a callus appears in the heel area, in most cases it helps to wear a regular bactericidal patch, glued to the area of ​​​​redness for two or three days. During this time, the front part of the shoe wears out a little, and the load on the heel is noticeably reduced.

Prolonged wearing of the patch can also help when there is discomfort in one of the toes. The bactericidal patch has an additional thick layer that promotes greater stretching of shoes in a certain place.

In the case where the callus is already a fait accompli, the use of a patch is doubly justified.

Way #1

First of all, you can turn to a shoe specialist for help. Workshops almost always have special stretching devices. If you think you need it, you can purchase a shoe stretcher and do it yourself at home.

Method No. 2

Also available for sale special remedy for stretching shoes. It is suitable for all types of materials except patent leather. This is perhaps the most effective way.

You can find it in any department specializing in shoe care products.

As a rule, this is a special liquid composition. You can ask the seller or read on the packaging about how to use the solution, but most often it is enough to moisten a cotton swab and apply the product to the area that rubs your leg.

Wearing thin cotton socks, walk around in the treated shoes for about 40 minutes.

If your stretching agent comes in the form of a spray, you can use it to treat the inside of your shoes. Again, after treatment, you need to wear shoes for about 40 minutes, putting socks on your feet.

come in the form of foam; The principle of use is similar to the previous one. After treating the suede product from the inside, you stuff it tightly with newspapers or wear it around the house after putting on socks.

The basis of all products is alcohol and special chemical softeners, which have a pleasant smell due to the fragrances also included in the composition.

Method No. 3

How to wear small shoes using vodka, cologne or alcohol diluted with water?

To ensure that your new shoes or boots fit perfectly, moisten them inside with vodka and put them on your feet with thick socks. You will have to wear them around the house until they are completely dry.

Method No. 4

Freezing in the freezer
- the most unusual way to stretch new shoes in length and width (one size larger). You will need a sealed plastic bag, your new shoes, a refrigerator and plain tap water.


  • put the bag in your shoes and fill it with water. It is important to ensure that the bag of water fills the entire surface - from heel to toe;
  • place the bag of shoes in the freezer for at least eight hours;
  • when water turns to ice, it needs more space, therefore, the shoes will stretch;
  • After time has passed, take out the ice pack and let it thaw a little. Do not try to immediately remove the ice from your shoes, otherwise you will tear or scratch them from the inside.

If after this procedure your leg still feels pinched or pressed, repeat the procedure again.

In our store you can buy for any time of the year: from summer clogs to winter boots.

And on the page, girls and women can choose something for themselves. You can search by brand, shoe color or material, size, price and other parameters.

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How to quickly break in new leather shoes

Shoes from genuine leather can be stretched faster than any other. If you don’t want to resort to special purchased products or there are simply no similar products in your locality, try effective folk recipes.

How to break in tight leatherette shoes

The task of stretching narrow shoes from... artificial leather, but we know effective ways.

Try these recipes:

  1. Soak thick socks in any cologne and, putting them on your feet, walk in tight shoes for about 20 minutes. The procedure is repeated daily at least 10 times until a suitable result is achieved. The pungent smell of cologne can be eliminated with a soap solution and airing.
  2. The wet newspaper is shredded very finely, filled with water until it swells, and the entire volume of tight shoes is filled with this mass. Dry the shoes for two days under natural drying conditions, away from any heating devices.

How to break in new suede shoes

If it turns out tight shoes nubuck or suede, it's time to look in the refrigerator freezer for free space. This method is already described in detail in the subtitle with four universal tips.

But there is another method specifically for suede, because this material requires a delicate approach.

Ordinary beer has these qualities. The technology is very simple: you should thoroughly wet the inside of the shoes with beer, put them on thick socks, wear them for a couple of hours, and then thoroughly ventilate them in the open air.

Experience shows that often the size becomes larger than you planned, so be careful.

How to properly break in patent leather shoes

For patent leather shoes, it is better to use the classic method. What do we call classics? Right - vodka. If you are going to use alcohol, it is better to dilute it with water. Percentage: 2/3 water and 1/3 alcohol.

We soak our socks in vodka, put them on almost without wrung out, and put on our tight patent leather shoes. We walk around the house like this until our socks become dry. This may take two to three hours. The alcohol solution is safe for varnish coating and if everything is done carefully, its appearance will be preserved.

How to best break in textile shoes

At the end of the day, let’s look at another exotic method, which has already been mentioned. It is suitable for most natural shoe materials, as well as textiles. Shoes should be rinsed generously and quickly from the inside with boiling water or very hot water. After waiting a few seconds, put them on socks and dry them directly on your feet.

Another option: fill the shoes very tightly with white paper soaked in warm water and dry it at room temperature. It is better not to use newspapers, as streaks from printing ink may appear.

We especially stipulate that shoes can only be stretched to a certain limit. Even increasing by one size is very not an easy task, which in many cases is simply impossible. Synthetic materials offer very little chance of stretching. Care when purchasing is the only reliable way to avoid problems.

You can purchase additional accessories from us: insoles, spoons, etc. And cosmetical tools for care.

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