
Since what year is Motorist Day celebrated? When is the day of road transport workers? Russian public transport

Since what year is Motorist Day celebrated?  When is the day of road transport workers?  Russian public transport
On March 9, 2020, the deadline for submitting compositions for participation in the Eurovision Song Contest 2020 expired. Russian TV viewers waited all day in vain - on the official website of the competition in the “Participants” section, the song from the group “Little Big” representing our country did not appear. Instead of the title it says “No song yet” and “To be announced later”.

But there is no need to worry - the organizers reported that the song was received on time. And the delay can be explained simply - the Russian “sponsors” decided to “stir up” the public’s interest in the event and make a show out of the song’s premiere.

We tell you when, what time and on what channel will the presentation of the song “Little Big” take place for the Eurovision Song Contest 2020.

Very soon - on Thursday March 12, 2020, we will find out with which song the group “Little Big” will represent Russia at the upcoming Eurovision Song Contest.

It was announced that the presentation of the song "Little Big" will take place on Channel One V live transfers "Evening Urgant". The program is scheduled to start at 23:30 Moscow time March 12, 2020.

Previously, the broadcast with the group "Little Big" in the program "Evening Urgant" was planned by Channel One on Friday, March 13, 2020 (starting at 23:20 Moscow time).

That is, the presentation of the song “Little Big” for the Eurovision Song Contest 2020:
* When will it take place - March 12, 2020 (Thursday).
* On Channel One, in the program “Evening Urgant”.
* What time - at 23:30 Moscow time.

The band's frontman Ilya Pruskin announced that the song would be fun and with a "Brazilian touch." Perhaps the composition for the European song competition will be the song "Uno", a 15-second segment of which has already appeared on YouTube.

Updated 03/12/2020 at 23:45: The composition with which the band will perform at Eurovision was (as we expected) song "Uno". You can watch the clip on the Channel One website in the Music section.

Road transport has become an integral part of our lives, regardless of whether you live in a metropolis or a provincial town. It is not surprising that every car owner or person whose work is related to this type of transport annually celebrates Motorist Day, despite the fact that, by definition, this holiday is considered exclusively professional.

Today it seems that the motorist’s holiday has been around for centuries, but if you delve into history, it turns out that a similar date appeared just over 30 years ago. And yet, even in such a relatively short time, a lot of controversy arose about when to celebrate and what official name this holiday has.

Motorist Day: history of the holiday

The first mention of Motorist Day appeared more than 30 years ago. IN Soviet time it was a holiday for all road transport workers. It is worth noting that not only the drivers, but also all employees who were directly related to the road sector had a reason to celebrate.

The legislative body of the USSR issued a decree in which it was stated that from this moment (October 1, 1980), the last Sunday of October is a professional holiday for all drivers, which was named Motorist Day. Soviet citizens popularly called the holiday simply “Driver’s Day.” That is why there is currently a lot of controversy over what is the correct name for Motorist Day.

With the collapse of the USSR, many republics postponed certain holiday dates, while others abandoned Soviet holidays altogether. Motorist Day was also no exception - the holiday is officially celebrated today in only a few former republics of the USSR, including: the Russian Federation, Ukraine and Belarus.

As for what date Driver’s Day is, it should be noted that only in the three above countries the date of celebration has not changed. At the same time, there is some difference in the celebration of Motorist Day in Russia from the same holiday in Ukraine and Belarus.

Celebrating Motorist Day in Russia

Many will agree that motorists and road workers are two completely different categories. In addition, representatives of the second industry in some cases have nothing to do with driving a car. To prevent any disputes from arising, the Russian government considered it advisable to create two completely different, but equal holidays.

Professional holiday "Driver's Day" in, and Russian Federation, as before, is celebrated on the last Sunday of October. There is only one difference - in the first two post-Soviet countries this holiday is combined with “Road Worker's Day”. While the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin in the decree “On the Day of Road Workers”, issued on March 23, 2000, ordered to move “Road Worker’s Day” to the third Sunday in October.

Today, Driver's Day has practically lost its original meaning, becoming a holiday for everyone who owns a car. But it’s always worth remembering that Motorist Day is not just another professional holiday, and a tribute to all workers in this industry, without whose work life in modern world would be impossible.

It is worth noting that Motorist Day today can also be celebrated by those who were behind the wheel during the Second World War, supplying ammunition, transporting wounded soldiers from the front line, taking women and children from occupied cities.

Most likely, transport workers know what date motorist day is in 2017, but many who are far from transport professionalism will also be interested in learning something about this date. Let's delve a little deeper into the history of the holiday and find out how everything happened at the beginning of the development of road transport.

Bake a treat for your motorist husband on this day: .

What date is driver’s day in Russia and how is the date set?

The fact is that this holiday does not have exact date, and this year Motorist Day or simply “Driver’s Day” falls on October 29. Why is the date of celebration changing? This day always falls on the last Sunday of October, therefore different dates. This holiday is also celebrated in Belarus and Ukraine, but with a slight difference. In these countries, road workers and those who service transport celebrate this day together with drivers. In Russia there are separate holidays for these categories of workers. And there is also a separate taxi driver, which is always celebrated on March 22.

history of the holiday

For the first time in Russia, this holiday was established in 1976 on January 15. Later, in 1980, when large-scale reforms of Soviet holidays were carried out, “Motorist Day” was officially approved and is considered by law a day off for all professional drivers. This holiday united all those associated with roads and transport. It was celebrated by those who build roads, those who repair them, and, naturally, those who drive along these roads. Later, a separate holiday was created: Road Workers Day, and it falls on the third Sunday in October.

This day is for professional motorists. Be it a personal driver of an official, a truck driver or a driver of huge mining dump trucks. All these people are professional drivers, for whom there are different, more stringent requirements than for amateur drivers. They undergo frequent retraining, they must always be aware of changes in any rules traffic and other laws related to the road. These are the people who celebrate Road Transport Worker Day. For them, the workplace is the car cabin, the subject of labor is the steering wheel and endless roads. We can safely say that the driver profession is one of the most sought-after professions in the whole world. It is impossible to imagine a huge city without metro, buses, trams and trolleybuses. Also, new buildings and cities will not be able to be erected without trucks, dump trucks and crane operators.

Treat for holiday to the car enthusiast: .

In Russia, the car was first invented in 1895; the person driving the car was first called “chauffeur”, and much later “driver”. Industrial production of cars began in 1908 at the Russian-Baltic plant, which was located in Riga. These were the first cars of the Russian Empire.

The first truck was presented at an exhibition in France, in Paris, and received a silver medal. The original carriages moved with the help of horses, and only very wealthy citizens could afford to have this type of transport.

In 1896, the first All-Russian Industrial and Art Exhibition was held in the city of Novgorod. Frese and Yakovlev invented it and presented their first car. It was something in the form of a cart, which was equipped with a 4x engine with a capacity of 2 horsepower.

Years later, the automobile industry became the main economic sector in the USSR. Both trucks and passenger cars were produced. ZIL was produced in Moscow, in Nizhny Novgorod GAZ, every day new factories were created in the Urals and the Volga region.

Traditions for the holiday

We figured out when Driver's Day is in 2017 in Russia, what date the date falls on, let's go through the customs a little. This holiday cannot boast of special traditions, but on this day it is customary to congratulate kind words, give small souvenirs, wish for a full tank and a good road. We must not forget that there are many women among professional drivers, so flowers will be just right. You can give the driver a key ring, a cup with road signs, closer people, seat covers, a set of tools. Good and very a valuable gift there will be a navigator.

Also on this day, exhibitions of the latest cars, retro cars, and concerts are held in many cities. If you don't know when Motor Transport Worker's Day is in 2017, you will find out this day. The radio plays familiar old songs such as “Truckers”, “Hold on tightly to the steering wheel, driver” and many others. There are also racing competitions, car rallies, and extreme driving lessons.

There is Military Driver Day, which is celebrated annually in Russia on May 29. In 1910, it was on this day that a decree was signed on the creation of the first automobile company in the empire. It was a kind of educational institution that trained military personnel of various branches of the military, who carried out automotive service. They had to be able to skillfully drive any military vehicle, be able to find a breakdown in any situation and fix it.

Motorist Day in Russia is celebrated on the last Sunday of October. In 2017, the holiday falls on October 29.

History of Motorist Day

The holiday of motorists was established in the Soviet Union in 1976 as “the day of road transport workers.” Of course, initially only drivers of passenger buses, trolleybuses and metro fell into this category. However, at the beginning of the new millennium, the President of Russia renamed the holiday “Road Workers Day,” which is celebrated on the last Sunday in October.

© Sputnik / Evgeny Epanchintsev

Where is Motorist Day celebrated?

Since Motorist Day was first established in the USSR, it is still celebrated in the CIS countries, namely in Ukraine, Belarus, and Kazakhstan. The date of the holiday is the same as in Russia - October 29 in 2017. Despite the fact that there is no similar “motorist day” in the West, the United States annually celebrates school bus and truck drivers day.

Who celebrates Motorist Day

As we have already noted, the original Motorist Day concerned only public transport workers. However, with the spread of private transport in the Russian Federation, Motorist Day has become common to everyone connected in one way or another with this area: repair workers, drivers, engineering workers, and simply car enthusiasts. On this moment, Motorist Day can rightfully be considered as a holiday by 42% of the Russian population: according to statistics, in 2017, in Russia there were 288 cars per 1000 inhabitants.

© Sputnik / Vladimir Pesnya

How to celebrate Motorist Day

Car enthusiasts can show their resourcefulness and make their auto fantasies come true. Thus, in Ukraine, Motorist Day is traditionally celebrated with a parade of retro cars. In Russia and Kazakhstan, they prefer to hold off-road races using domestic cars. The most creative motorists organize parades of customized cars - with giant rims, acid colors, deafening stereo systems. On this date, motorists expect a more loyal attitude from State Traffic Inspectorate employees towards them, which can sometimes provoke various kinds of abuse on both sides. The business closest to motorists does not stand aside either: on motorist day, many gas stations reduce fuel prices and distribute discount coupons.

The number of cars in the world is steadily growing - according to the most conservative estimates, there are more than a billion cars in the world. The sharp growth of the automobile industry can be traced since the end of the last century, reaching record levels even in the least developed countries - in particular, due to attracting investment and the use of cheap labor.

© Sputnik / Kirill Braga

The uncontrolled spread of the auto industry is associated with catastrophic environmental changes, and in this mass hysteria it becomes difficult to adequately assess the contribution that the first cars made to the development of civilization. When Henry Ford demonstrated the first automobile in history, the Ford Model T or “Tin Lizzie,” in 1908, many related areas received a huge impetus for development. The genius and incredible relevance of this invention was not in doubt, and many developed countries began designing their own cars. This is how the first Soviet car NAMI-1 “Primus” appeared at the end of the first half of the 20th century.

And just a few decades later, Motorist Day was registered in the USSR.

© Sputnik / Dolmatov

What to give to a motorist? To congratulate a dear person on Motorist Day, various accessories and gadgets (GPS navigators and video recorders), pillows under the head, audiovisual devices, or simply covers for car documents are ideal gifts. And yet, as with any holiday, main gift

- this is attention, and therefore an expensive gift can be replaced with an original congratulation:
I wish you only green light,
Have a great road in winter and summer,
No breakdowns, no accidents,
Never meet traffic police on the route,
Always turn the wheel in good spirits!

Chauffeurs and carriers of all kinds,
Who can’t imagine his life without wheels,
Today I am ready to congratulate you
And I pour it too, no question!

Relax, friend, at the festive table,
Have a couple of drinks.
But home, sorry - not by car,
I'd better call a taxi for you!

On March 9, 2020, the deadline for submitting compositions for participation in the Eurovision Song Contest 2020 expired. Russian TV viewers waited all day in vain - on the official website of the competition in the “Participants” section, the song from the group “Little Big” representing our country did not appear. Instead of the title it says “No song yet” and “To be announced later”.

But there is no need to worry - the organizers reported that the song was received on time. And the delay can be explained simply - the Russian “sponsors” decided to “stir up” the public’s interest in the event and make a show out of the song’s premiere.

We tell you when, what time and on what channel will the presentation of the song “Little Big” take place for the Eurovision Song Contest 2020.

Very soon - on Thursday March 12, 2020, we will find out with which song the group “Little Big” will represent Russia at the upcoming Eurovision Song Contest.

It was announced that the presentation of the song "Little Big" will take place on Channel One live broadcast "Evening Urgant". The program is scheduled to start at 23:30 Moscow time March 12, 2020.

Previously, the broadcast with the group "Little Big" in the program "Evening Urgant" was planned by Channel One on Friday, March 13, 2020 (starting at 23:20 Moscow time).

That is, the presentation of the song “Little Big” for the Eurovision Song Contest 2020:
* When will it take place - March 12, 2020 (Thursday).
* On Channel One, in the program “Evening Urgant”.
* What time - at 23:30 Moscow time.

The band's frontman Ilya Pruskin announced that the song would be fun and with a "Brazilian touch." Perhaps the composition for the European song competition will be the song "Uno", a 15-second segment of which has already appeared on YouTube.

Updated 03/12/2020 at 23:45: The composition with which the band will perform at Eurovision was (as we expected) song "Uno". You can watch the clip on the Channel One website in the Music section.