
Scenario of the “Russian Birch” holiday for older children on the playground. Scenario for the event for primary classes "Russian birch tree" Scenario for the Russian birch tree holiday for primary schoolchildren

Scenario of the “Russian Birch” holiday for older children on the playground.  Event scenario for primary school


"Russian birch"

Developed and carried out

teacher primary classes

MKOU secondary school No. 5

Mineralnye Vody

Shvetsova L.N.


Good afternoon, nice people! We are glad to welcome you to our native land.

Vedyushchy 2

Bread and salt to you, dear guests! Our people are cheerful, they love to sing songs and dance in circles, play games and solve riddles. Do you like to solve riddles?

Presenter 1

Guess the riddle and you will find out who our holiday is dedicated to.

Alena is standing,

The scarf is green.

Slim figure

Green sundress.

Let's meet her.

Birch (girl in a birch costume)

Good people, hello! From me I bow to you. I welcome you to this holiday with all my heart. I am a birch - a deciduous tree with thin pink-brown branches, with smooth white bark covered with dark stripes. It got its name from the color of the bark. The root "Ber" means clear light, bright, white. Previously it was called birch, but now birch, birch.

Student 1 my birch tree, birch tree,

My white birch

Curly birch!

You are standing there, little birch tree,

In the middle of the valley,

On you, birch tree,

The leaves are green.

Below you, birch tree,

Silk grass...

Student 2

White trunk, slightly drooping branches.

Sincere, thoughtful gaze.

The native birches are quietly dozing,

Decorating Russia's space.

Presenter 1

The dear, native birch has long been considered a symbol of Russia, a symbol of the Motherland. Birch is sung in poetry and prose, in music, painting and folklore. Russia and birch! These two concepts are inseparable.

Presenter 2

People call the birch the beauty of Russian forests. Slender, with thin long branches and a spreading crown, it is attractive at all times of the year. Many songs, epics, legends have been written about the birch, and many picturesque paintings have been created. Everyone knows it, it is the most common tree. Symbol and pride of the Russian people!

Student 3

In a clearing, on a hill,

Under the window, among the fields

Blonde birch -

Symbol of my Motherland.

Presenter 3

There are up to 70 species of birch trees growing in Russia. But some species are disappearing due to unwise logging. Currently, four species of Far Eastern birch and Mingrelian birch, growing in the Caucasus, are listed in the Red Book. The age of birch sometimes reaches 120 years.

Student 4

Again about them, curly and white,

And what to do here if in Rus'

There are birches along all the roads,

At least a day, at least an eternity of the wheel.


Student 5

The beauty of the Russian birch tree has been sung by many poets.

I love Russian birch

Sometimes bright, sometimes sad,

In a white sundress

With handkerchiefs in my pocket,

With beautiful clasps

With green earrings,

I love her, from across the river,

With elegant mantles,

Then clear, ebullient,

Then sad, crying...

Student 6

You are so beautiful, little birch

And on a hot afternoon,

And in the hour of dew,

That Russia is unthinkable without you,

And I am unthinkable without your beauty.

Student 7

White birch

Below my window

Covered with snow

Exactly silver.

On fluffy branches

Snow border

The brushes have blossomed

White fringe.

And the birch tree stands

In sleepy silence,

And the snowflakes are burning

In golden fire.

And the dawn is lazy

Walking around

Sprinkles branches

New silver.

Student 8

The sleepy birches smiled,

Silk braids were disheveled.

Green earrings rustle,

And the silver dews burn.


And now I ask you to remember and name all the adjectives that characterize me.

Presenter 2

It is impossible to imagine the life of our ancestors without birch. Their source of light was a birch beam, which illuminated their homes for many centuries.

Presenter 3

They wrote on pieces of birch bark - birch bark. Birch bark was boiled so that it acquired strength and elasticity, the edges were cut to make an even letter, and the letters were scratched and squeezed out with an iron or bone rod.

Presenter 1

And everything from birch goes into business.

AT THE SAMOVAR Two students come out with birch brooms, sit on benches near the samovar and talk.

1 It’s good to take a steam bath with a birch broom.

2 A birch broom drives out all the disease.

1 And birch bark is used to treat ulcers.

2. Infusion of leaves - burns.

1. Birch charcoal - carbolene is taken for poisoning.

2. Birch buds are used as an anti-inflammatory agent.

1. Thicket mushroom growths are used to treat cancer. This mushroom is infused and drunk like tea.


Birch sap has long been used as a drink and made into kvass.


Song "Birch Sap"


Yes, a good tree is birch.

But listen to my story. It was a sunny day. A light breeze was blowing, it swayed the tall grass and agitated the surface of the river, rustling in the branches of a lonely birch tree. A boy was walking through the forest, he was picking mushrooms. Tired, he sat down under a birch tree, leaned against the trunk and fell asleep in its shade. He liked the place, and, wanting to remember it, he took out a knife and carved his name on the birch trunk.

The birch froze in pain. Bitter tears flowed down her trunk. She trembled in pain and reached out to the boy, asking for mercy. But there was no mercy. The birch tree cried even more. And after a while the leaves turned yellow and fell off, the branches dried up, and the white trunk turned black. Only the boy's name gaped on him in huge letters.

Why did the tree die? How should we treat the nature around us?

Presenter 3

Brooms and brooms are made from branches. From birch bark, craftsmen make tueski, baskets for collecting mushrooms and berries, boxes, and toys. Birch firewood is the best fuel in a Russian stove. Furniture, plywood, skis are made from wood, turpentine, wood alcohol, and vinegar are extracted. They also make dishes from birch.

Children sing the song “Two Cheerful Geese”

accompanied by spoons

Student 9

Hey people!

My goods are nice

Entertaining and funny.

There are some tricky things -

They will amuse you from boredom.

Student 10

Here's an ax handle for the axe,

If your hand is strong,

Once you wave one hand,

You pile up a mountain of wood.

Student 11

Do you want to run fast?

I need to buy skis.

Look and admire

Don't haggle for too long.

Student 12

The broom is not the broom's brother.

This one is fried in a bathhouse.

This broom is an eccentric

Dust is sweeping in the closet.

Student 13

But this is a mess!

He is neither short nor tall.

Go pick mushrooms in the forest

Bring the full package.

Student 14

Girls, beauties!

Look here! Like?

The box is simply amazing

Graceful and beautiful.

Your jewelry

Keep it in a box.

Student 15

With its discreet beauty

In all regions in all years

Native Russian birches

Hearts are captivated forever.

Beautiful in any weather

And even more so on sunny days.

In your green round dance

They are akin to swans,

White, slender and proud.

Without them the world is not so wonderful,

And there is no motive

The people have created many songs,

Dedicated to Russian birches.

SONG “Where the Motherland Begins”

Presenter 3

And wherever the Russian birch tree grows, everywhere it is joy for people, everywhere it is light for people! She stands there, the beauty of the Russian forest. And it will last forever!

Presenter 2

And you won’t find her more beautiful,

To our delight, it is growing.

It contains the image of the mother - Russia

Lives unfading.

Extracurricular event "Russian Birch Festival"

The classroom is festively decorated. In the foreground are pictures of forests, groves, beautiful illustrations with a Russian birch tree.

Teacher: Today we will organize a holiday - “Russian Birch Festival.” White birch is a symbol of our Motherland. All the people of our country love her. Poets and musicians sang it. They love her for her beauty, and also for the benefits she brings to people.

What do people call a birch tree?
Name what SHE is.

Children: curly, slender, thin, white, cheerful, sad, elegant, white-trunked, green, clear, beyond the river, clear, spreading, big, small, tall, low, clear.


Teacher: And what tender names did the poets find in their poems?

Children: 1. Birch - white swan,
I'm standing next to you
To you, my timid one
I'm singing a song.

2. Green, loose
You are more flexible than reeds
Birch, white-trunked
Well, you're good to everyone.

3. The beauty of the birch tree has a silver dress
The beauty of the birch tree has green braids.

4. We run in a crowd to protect the birch tree
So that the beautiful birch tree grows big.

Teacher: Yes, we need to protect the birch tree, especially in the spring.

Listen to the stories of G. Skrebitsky and think -

How to help birch trees in spring.

The first student reads: “The Wounded Birch.”
One day in the spring I was wandering through the forest and came out to the edge. Stopping and looking around, I noticed an old spreading birch tree near the road. Fresh ax marks were still clearly visible on its trunk from a distance. The deep notch was filled with clear birch sap. It flowed down the trunk in a copious stream. The dense branches were completely strewn with purple buds, but many of them would no longer bloom. The moisture that would have nourished them now flows to the ground. The tree will gradually wither and die. But it takes 40-50 years to grow them. And such EVIL is done by any person who wants to drink 2-3 sips of sweetish, almost tasteless juice, the juice so needed by the white-trunked beauty.

The second student reads: “Spring Cry.”
We saw birch trees crying in the spring. How transparent tears flow down the white trunks, and sometimes run like a stream and even a river, if someone’s cruel hand wounds the trunk.

How to help a birch?

Children's answers are heard.

You need to cover the wound with clay, or smear it with varnish, or just with earth.

Teacher: Birch sap is taken in places where forests will be cut down, and not in forest areas of cities and villages, and not in parks.
And you can also take juice from last year’s cut stumps in clearings.

Teacher: To learn more about our Russian birch - we will now take an “Excursion along the ecological trail” in absentia - the whole class will take this absentee excursion and learn a lot of interesting things about the benefits it brings to people.

Why is birch white?

Children: 1. The bark of a young birch is dark. But a few years will pass and she will turn white. We are used to seeing a tree like this, we are not surprised. But they say that birch is the only tree in the world with white bark. This is probably true in reality.

2. And in one more respect, birch is unusual. This is the only case when the white color is obtained due to a special coloring substance - betulin. Betulin, like some kind of powder or chalk, fills the dead cells that make up birch bark.

3. In other plants, the white color (the color of the petals) is obtained, as the botanist V.V. Notrov writes, due to the absence of any coloring matter: the cells of the petals are transparent and between them there are spaces - intercellular spaces filled with air. They create the appearance white, reflecting the sun's rays.

4. The white bark of a birch tree also reflects the sun's rays. Therefore, even on the sunniest, hottest day, it always remains cool.

5. In general, birches are not only white. There are types of yellowish, brown and even black birch. The botanical genus of birch has 120 species.

6. You saw transverse black lines on the birch bark - these are lenticels. They serve to breathe the trunk, air passes through them. Birch bark itself does not allow water or air to pass through.

7. Birch fruits are often called seeds. But it is not exactly. They are not seeds, but fruits: nuts, only very small ones.

8. Each nut has two wide wings. The wind can carry such flying fruits far, far away, more than a kilometer from the mother tree.

9. And almost always, where these winged nuts land, they begin to sprout. They don’t need rich soil; it’s not for nothing that a birch tree can grow even on an old brick wall. And this tree is undemanding when it comes to other blessings of life. It will not die in too wet or too dry places. But the birch tree definitely needs light; dark places are not for it.

10. An ordinary birch lives 100-120 years, but the IRON birch, growing here in Primorye, lives up to 400 years. Its wood is unusually hard, the trunk cannot be sawn, it can only be cut down by changing axes. But you shouldn’t cut it down: the iron birch is listed in the Red Book.

11. STONE birch, also growing in our Far East, got its name because its wood is very durable, like stone. But not all botanists agree with this. Professor A.V. Smirnov claims: its wood is ordinary, only this birch likes to grow on stones. And she lives up to 500 years.

Teacher: We met different types birch And the most amazing thing is that birches are even black. But people love birch trees not only for their beauty, but value them as a healer of health.

Now the children will tell you what is made from birch in medicine and what can be treated with it.
Children: 1. There are four areas in this tree: - the first area is large for health. Probably everyone knows - BATH BROOM!

Tar, obtained by dry distillation of wood, has a strong antimicrobial effect. It is used for treatment skin diseases, burns, wounds. Tar is also included in the wound-healing ointments of Vishnevsky, Wilkenson, and tar oil.

2. Buds, leaves and birch bark contain essential oils, tannins, carotene, phytoicides, ascorbic acid and to this day are recommended by traditional medicine as a diuretic, blood purifying, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory agent.

3. Birch charcoal is also useful to humans; it is consumed as an adsorbent for poisoning and intestinal diseases.

4. The second area - light and warmth - in the old days, splinters were made from birch to illuminate housing. And birch firewood is the hottest.

6. And finally, it should be said about the therapeutic and nutritional value birch sap. It contains various vitamins, fruit sugar, organic acids, microelements and other substances that have general strengthening, antimicrobial effects, stimulating metabolism in the body.

7. The third site is her white birch bark - beauty in crafts. Russian craftsmen wove baskets and bags from birch bark, braided pottery, made various boxes and jewelry, which was a profitable branch of Russian folk craft.

Teacher: We have collected various objects, illustrations and descriptions various crafts, where you can use wood, birch bark, and we invite you to visit this small exhibition of ours.

8. The fourth site - clean air and clean water and forest beauty.
One hectare of deciduous forest produces 8000 kg of oxygen - this is how much daily norm for 2600 people.
10,000 hectares of forest retain half a million cubic meters of water, protecting the soil from erosion and drying out.

Teacher: The ancient Slavs considered birch a sacred tree. And now and for a long time, the birch was considered a symbol of Russia and was widely used in various industries: in medicine, in lighting, it gave warmth to people:

There is a tree - about four things
- The first thing is that the world illuminates,
- Another thing is that a cry consoles,
- Third, he heals the sick.
- The fourth thing is keeping things clean.


Children: 1. The ancient Slavs revered the birch as a sacred tree, personifying light, purity, femininity and dedicated it to the goddess Lada.

2. In Rus', this plant was associated with spring church holidays. With coming warm days, on Thursday, the seventh week after Easter, the girls' holiday - Semik - was celebrated, and Sunday was the holiday of Trinity. Semik and Trinity were celebrated in groves, forests and lakes. The girls decorated birch trees with ribbons, wove wreaths, and danced around the birch trees. In houses and churches, images of saints were decorated with birch branches, and the floor was strewn with fresh herbs and flowers.

3. Peasants and farmers associated many signs with the sacred birch: - A lot of sap flows from the birch - for a rainy summer.

4. The nightingale begins to sing when it can drink from a birch leaf.

5. When the birch leaf spreads ahead of the alder, it will be a dry summer.

6. When a leaf from a birch tree falls cleanly on Pokrov in the fall, it means a light year, and not purely a strict winter.

7. These oats when the birch tree blossoms, plant potatoes when the birch tree blossoms in full leaves.

Teacher: How much kind words said about Russian birch. Russian poets dedicated poems to her. Listen to our birch tree:

Student: 1. Vsevolod Rozhdestvensky “Birch”.

The sun warmed the slopes a little
And it became warmer in the forest
Birch green braids
I hung it from thin branches.

All in White dress dressed
In earrings, in lace foliage
Welcomes the hot summer
She is at the edge of the forest.

Her light outfit is wonderful
There is no tree dearer to my heart
And so many thoughtful songs
People sing about her.

He shares her joy and tears
And she's so good
What it seems -
In the noise of the birch there is our Russian soul.

2. We will stand in a round dance around the birch tree
Everyone will sing joyfully and loudly:
Oh yes birch tree, white trunk
Greener, greener are you foliage
We will take bright handkerchiefs in our hands
We will start a harmonious round dance at the birch tree.

3. L. Boykov “Country Roads”

In my land, the birch trees are strictly quiet.
They protect the blooming meadows.
Here the roads are barely noticeable in the grass
Sometimes they run to no one knows where.

They run tortuously and incomprehensibly
Not directly, so that it will be forever
And that’s probably why it’s nice
We meander through them to no one knows where.

Walk and don't rush anywhere
And if you go, don’t rush either
And feel and enjoy something
A special state of mind.

Teacher: And in conclusion, we invite you to visit in absentia a forest clearing, the “Russian Birch” festival.
The girls sewed elegant costumes and wove wreaths. They will now sing a song and perform a round dance: “Oh yes, birch tree.”
Music by T. Potapenko - (movements are invented by the presenter).

The children perform a song and a round dance - they wave their handkerchiefs, say goodbye and leave.

Russian Birch Festival

Progress of the event.

Target: expand children's knowledge about the Russian birch, get acquainted with the names of artists and poets who glorified the beauty of this tree, present the birch as a symbol of Russia, as a symbol of Russian traditions, cultivate children's aesthetic taste, feelings of love for nature, cultivate feelings of patriotism and love for the Motherland.

I . Organizing time.

Mystery: - Alena is standing,

Green scarf,

Slim figure

White sundress.

II.Communicate the theme and purpose of the event.

Our holiday is dedicated to the Russian birch tree. Today we will hear many declarations of love for a real Russian beauty, we will learn a lot of interesting things about this tree.

Now we will go on a journey, and our first stop will be

"Dating clearing"

Student in the form of a birch tree:

Good people, hello! From me I bow to you. I welcome you to this holiday with all my heart. I am a birch, a deciduous tree with thin pinkish-brown branches, with smooth bark covered with dark stripes. I got my name from the color of the bark. The root "ber" means clear light, light, white. Before they called me birch, and now birch, birch.

I am a birch tree,

I am a white birch

Curly birch.

I’m standing, little birch tree.

In the middle of the valley,

On me, birch tree,

The leaves are green,

Below me, the birch tree,

Silk grass.

-White trunk, slightly drooping branches.

Sincere, thoughtful gaze.

Native birches are quietly dozing,

Decorating Russia's space.

The image of Russia is unthinkable without the Russian birch tree. White-trunked, with green curls blowing in the wind. Sometimes a little thoughtful, sometimes clear and ebullient. Who doesn't

admired the light emerald green of the birch tree's blossoming leaves, the elegance of its white trunks, crowned with a green scarf. And her autumn golden outfit decorates the gloomy landscape. And what a magnificent sight the birch tree in its winter silver dress presents!

"Polyanka" visual arts»

Let us turn to the famous painting by A.K. Sovrasov “The Rooks Have Arrived.” In it, the artist captured a birch tree and birds flying in from the south. He made them a symbol of renewal of life. I. I. Levitan immortalized the landscape with brooding Russian birches. You look, and it seems: girls with long braids and will float in a marvelous Russian dance.

(girls dance to the Russian folk song “There was a birch tree in the field”)

"Meadow of Russian Traditions"

WITH ancient times The birch tree is revered by the Russian people as a symbol of spring. And many Russian traditions are associated with birch.

By folk custom On the Russian holiday Semik, the birch tree was at the center of the holiday.

On Semik, girls went into the forest and secretly curled wreaths on birch trees. Through the wreaths they kissed each other, exchanged rings, ribbons, and scarves. And they became gossips and girlfriends. And the songs they sang were:

Birch, birch!

Curl yourself, curly!

The girls have come to you

The Reds have come to you

The pies were brought

With scrambled eggs.

Below you, birch tree,

It's not the poppy that blooms,

It's not the fire that burns -

Red girls

They stand in a round dance,

About you, little birch,

All songs are sung!

And what kind of craftsmen live on Russian soil? What wonderful things they make from birch.

The funny buffoons will tell us about this now.


Our Motherland is generous with talents,

Everywhere Russians are held in high regard as masters.

To make a beautiful thing cleverly -

It always takes skill.

Here's an ax handle for the ax - I have nice goods,

If your hands are strong, they are entertaining and funny.

Once you wave one hand, there are some tricky things. You throw a mountain of firewood. They will amuse you from boredom.

Do you want to run fast?

I need to buy skis.

Look and admire

Don't haggle for too long

Broom is not a broom's brother,

This one fries in the bathhouse,

This broom is an eccentric

Dust is sweeping in the closet.

Come and look at the product.

I'll give you what you need without collateral.

Buy a cane and you will be glad

Even though she's no fun

And you'll like it.

But this is a mess!

He is neither short nor tall.

Go pick mushrooms in the forest

Bring the full package.

Girl, beauty!

Look here! Like?

The box is simply amazing

Elegant and beautiful!

Your jewelry

Keep it in a box!

"Poetic clearing"

Teacher: - And now I invite you to the “Poetic Glade”. I want to remind you of the name of a wonderful Russian poet:

In this name there is the word “esen”,

Autumn, ash, autumn color.

There is something in it from Russian songs -

Heavenly, quiet scales,

The canopy of birches and blue is dawn.

There is something in him from spring sadness,

Youth and purity.

They’ll just say “Sergei Yesenin”,

The whole of Russia has its own features.

Remember S. Yesenin’s poem about the birch tree. (reading a poem)

And now we will conduct a competitive reading of a poem about a birch tree and other poets.

Children read poetry.

P. Balatsky: M. Erokha:

Again about them - curly and white. In a clearing, on a hill,

What to do here if in Rus' Under the window, among the fields

There are birches along all the roads, the blond birch -

At least a day, at least an eternity of the wheel. Symbol of my Motherland.

You are so beautiful, little birch, white-faced, white-trunked,

And on a hot afternoon, and in the hours of dew, Like a bride, proud and tender,

That Russia is unthinkable without you, Like a Russian song of freedom

And I can’t imagine without your beauty. She rushed to the heavens.

V. Rozhdestvensky: O. Shestinsky:

The sun slightly warmed the slopes, I can’t imagine Russia without birch.

And it became warmer in the forest, It’s so bright in Slavic,

Birch green braids What, perhaps, in centuries

I hung it from thin branches. All of Rus' was born from the birch tree.

All dressed in a white dress, they sang and got married under the birch trees,

In earrings, in lace foliage, They chose horses at auction,

Meets the hot summer Dear mothers were buried

She is at the edge of the forest. So that there are birch trees at your feet.

Will a thunderstorm sweep over it, Therefore, you know, birch trees in the spring

Will the misty darkness fall, - They live human life:

Shaking off the rain, he smiles, then they laugh with green leaves,

The birch tree is cheerful again. Then they will shed tears like earrings.

Her light outfit is wonderful,

There is no tree dearer to the heart, -

And so many thoughtful songs

People sing about her!

He shares joy and tears with her,

And she's so good

What seems - in the noise of the birch

Our soul is Russian.

N. Rubtsov: A. Prokofiev:

My Rus'! I love Russian birch,

I love your birches, sometimes bright, sometimes sad.

From the first years I lived and grew up with them, in a light sundress,

That's why tears come with handkerchiefs in their pockets,

On eyes weaned from tears. With red clasps.

With green earrings.

Birch is a white swan, I love her, elegant,

I’m standing next to you, dear, beloved,

To you, my timid one, the young, ebullient one,

I speak poetry. Then sad, crying.

You are standing in the forest happy, I love the Russian birch tree.

Happy summer day, She is always with her friends

Because of you, beautiful, bows low in the wind

It's light in the forest all around! And it bends, but does not break!

"Polyanka" useful information»

Birch is used to make plywood, skis, furniture, and souvenirs. Birch bark is ready-made paper, tar is medicine. Tar was used to soak leather during dressing and to clean shoes. Bast shoes and shoes were woven from birch bark, and floor carpets and boxes were made from birch bark strips. Canes made from this tree are distinguished by their grace, flexibility, and strength.

Here's how birch is also used. Birch broom is useful for steaming in a bath; infusion of the leaves treats burns and sweating feet. Birch charcoal - carbolene (in medicine - Activated carbon) – taken for poisoning. Birch buds are used as a diuretic, choleretic, and anti-inflammatory agent.

Birch sap is healthy and pleasant. It has long been used as a drink, making kvass. The juice is drunk for scurvy, sore throat, anemia, and to strengthen the body. They wash their hair with it to strengthen and grow. Even a sick birch tree helps us: growths of the fungus - chaga - are used to treat serious diseases, ointments and drops are made from it for vein disease.

"Environmental clearing"

Now we are going to visit the forester.

Guys, of course you recognized me. Now I will tell you a very sad story, and you listen carefully and draw your conclusions.

(forester's story)

Guys, what can you say about the boy’s action? (children's answers)

Let's remember the rules of behavior in nature.

On the slide:

    Don't break tree branches.

    Do not damage the bark of trees.

    Do not damage berry bushes.

    Don't pick flowers.

    Don't destroy anthills.

    Don't touch birds' nests.

    Don't make noise and don't litter.

Performing the song “Now a birch tree, now a rowan tree”

III. Result of the event.

Holiday of Russian birch tree.

Compiled by Kipina O.A.

Target. Contribute to the formation of moral, patriotic positions of children. To foster a sense of pride for our country, the Russian people.

Tasks. To expand the knowledge and horizons of children about the variety of works by different authors related to the description and attitude to the Russian birch as a symbol of peace, freedom, and life.

Develop children's speech, imagination, thinking through the ability to recite poems expressively, answer questions posed, and look at pictures.

Instill a love of nature, using the example of birch; a feeling of pride for our country.

Equipment. Reproductions of paintings by famous artists, children's drawings, posters, birch branches.

Progress of the holiday.


I love Russian birch

Sometimes bright, sometimes sad.

In a bleached sundress,

With handkerchiefs in pockets.

What are the lines from the poem about...

Our holiday is dedicated to the Russian birch tree. Today we will talk about why the Russian people loved this beauty so much.

The dear, native birch has long been considered a symbol of Russia, a symbol of the Motherland. The birch tree is sung in poetry and prose, in music, painting and folklore. Russia and birch! (Attention is drawn to the poster). These two concepts are inseparable.

People call the birch the beauty of Russian forests. Slender, with thin long branches and a spreading crown, it is attractive at all times of the year. Everyone knows it, it is the most common tree. The symbol and pride of the Russian people.

White birch is beautiful both in an open field and in a bright forest clearing. And the white trunks of a birch grove against the background of summer grass and bright colors– such a picture will be remembered for a lifetime!

Student 1: My Rus', I love your birches!

From the first years I lived and grew up with them,

That's why tears come

On eyes weaned from tears.

Student 2: Birch blooms at the end of April and early May, followed by willow and hazel. Her flowers are modest - earrings. And when yellow and lemon leaves appear on the birch tree, it means September is around the corner.

Birch fruits are easily carried by the wind. It grows quickly where other trees cannot yet grow in cleared forests, which is why birch is called a pioneer of forests, i.e. first.

Student 3: I love the smoke of burnt stubble,

A convoy spending the night in the steppe

And on a hill in the middle of a yellow field

A couple of white birches.

Student 4: You are so beautiful, little birch

And at noon it’s hot, and in the hours of dew,

That Russia is unthinkable without you

And I can’t imagine without your beauty.

Student 5: Birch grows quickly. In a quarter of a century (25 years) it rises to the height of a five-story building, especially on damp soils. From them, the tree pumps out up to forty buckets of moisture during a warm summer day.

Student 6: And everything from birch goes into business. Medicines are prepared from the kidneys. Brooms and brooms are made from branches. From birch bark - it is separated in paper-thin layers - folk craftsmen make tueski, baskets for collecting mushrooms and berries. (Samples of these items). Birch firewood is the best fuel in a Russian stove. The wood is used to make plywood, furniture, durable skis, turpentine, wood alcohol, and vinegar.

Student 7: In a clearing, on a hill,

Under the window, among the fields

Blonde birch -

Symbol of my Motherland.

(Performance of the dance “There was a birch tree in the field.”)

Student 8: S. Yesenin. White birch.

White birch

Below my window

Covered with snow

Exactly silver.

On fluffy branches

Snow border

The brushes have blossomed

White fringe.

And the birch tree stands

In sleepy silence,

And the snowflakes are burning

In golden fire.

And the dawn is lazy

Walking around

Sprinkles branches

New silver.

Leading. With what love for the birch tree Sergei Yesenin wrote:

The sleepy birch trees smiled,

Silk braids were disheveled.

Green earrings rustle

And the silver dews burn.

How cute charming tree! None of the trees contains so many concepts, does not give birth to so many images and comparisons. Wherever you are, peering into the birch forest, looking at the slender, white trunks flying towards the sky, you always remember our Motherland.

Student 1: Young birch trees are slender, straight, as if on tiptoe reaching towards the sky, reminiscent of a girl’s beauty, slender and stately, with a flexible waist and light brown braids.

Student 2: Birch.

White birch -

Sister's car.

At the white birch

There is also a braid.

Mashenka to the birch

White will suit

Birch ribbon

She will braid her hair.

(Shows a poster).

Student 3: You are good at any time.

And no wonder, loving with all my heart,

The beauty of the Bogatyrsky forest

They called you everywhere.

Leading. It is impossible to imagine the life of our ancestors without birch. Their source of light was a birch splinter (chip), which illuminated their homes for many centuries.

In total there are more than 140 species of birch trees. They grow throughout the northern hemisphere. (Show on the map.)

There are up to 70 species in our country. But some species of birch trees are disappearing due to unwise logging. Currently, 4 species of Far Eastern birch and Mingrelian birch, growing in the Caucasus, are listed in the Red Book. (Show pictures.) The age of birch sometimes reaches 120 years.

Student 4: The golden grove dissuaded

Birch, cheerful language,

And the cranes, sadly flying,

They don’t regret anyone anymore.

Student 5: Beauty has birch trees

The dress is silver

Beauty has birch trees

Green braids.

From the yard to the birch tree

The goats jumped out

They began to bend the birch tree,

And the birch tree is in tears.

Protect the birch tree

We are running in a crowd

So that the beauty of the birch tree

She grew up big.

Leading. Who among us doesn’t like birch sap or kvass infused with it? If you cut a birch trunk in early spring, a clear, slightly sweet liquid will flow out of it - birch sap. It is used to prepare drinks and kvass. But as the proverb says: “Birch trees are worth a penny, but the forest is worth a ruble.” A wounded tree is deprived of its reserves, which should be used to form young shoots and foliage, and the tree is depleted. In addition, harmful microbes enter the trunk through the wound and cause tree diseases. It’s better to leave the birch alone and not damage it.

But its skillful use for medicinal purposes will not harm the tree. Healing properties possess young birch leaves, unopened buds, mushroom - mulberry - chaga: fruit growths with a cracked black surface. They are being collected all year round. But when collecting buds and leaves, be sure to remember that this should not be done to harm the tree.

The fate of the Russian birch is amazing. In peacetime she is a joy, a friend, an adviser, and in war she is a warrior.

Student 6: Behind the village, in the distance, at the crossroads

Field, barely noticeable paths

I recognized familiar birch trees,

Where he dug his own trench.

And I involuntarily remembered how they moaned

Their branches are protected from explosions and fire...

We picked them up near those birch trees

My comrades are barely alive.

Since then we stayed on the birch trees

Black deep scars

Since then, with love about birch trees

Soldiers often told me:

You would not have overcome evil death,

You would not have suffered serious wounds,

If we hadn't given you something to drink

Light tears of birch trees...

(Recording of the song “Birch Sap” lyrics by M. Matusovsky, music by V. Basner.)

Leading. During the terrible years of war, the birch tree was a symbol of the invincible homeland.

M. Bubennov spoke about this very well in his novel “White Birch”.

“...The whole field is completely pitted with shells and mines. In some places the first snow was swept away completely. Like an iron broom. In places it is thickly mixed with earth and covered with gunpowder fumes. All over the field there were black piles of metal...

And in the middle of this terrible field, where fire and iron raged with furious force all day long, where everything was covered with death, on a small bare hillock, as in the morning, a lonely white birch tree stood and quietly glowed in the twilight.

“It’s worth it!” Andrey whispered in amazement. Nature itself placed it here to decorate the poorly decorated field, and that means nature itself granted it immortality. And Andrei felt even more strongly what came to him for the first time in his life. But now he knew: this is the happiness of victory."

This is how the Russian beauty helped soldiers who had lost strength and hope of surviving during the terrible years of the war.

Student 1: The military thunderstorms have subsided,

Leaden hail does not click,

But the bitter wounds of the birch,

How the memory of the past is preserved.

Their downpours kiss obliquely,

The winds caress them, trumpeting,

Nobody, never them, Russia,

I can't take it away from you.

The planet would fly in the darkness,

And it would be difficult for people to live

Without this good light

Original Russian birches.

Leading. Not only Russian poets sang the beauty. Many poets and writers of other nationalities paid tribute to her admiration. Let's see how the artists depicted the Russian beauty in their paintings, with what love.

(Reproductions of famous artists are considered).

And you won't find her more beautiful,

To our delight, it blooms.

It contains the image of the mother - Russia

Lives unfading.

You were given the task to draw posters “I love Russian birch” for this holiday. Let's look at these posters.

And wherever the Russian birch tree grows, everywhere it is joy for people, everywhere it is light for people!

She stands there, the beauty of the Russian forest. And it will last forever!

It is pleasant and joyful to walk in a birch forest during mushroom season. After the rain, yellow, elastic chanterelles appear under the birch trees. Where birch grows in the forest interspersed with pine, boletuses with red and yellow caps rise to the surface. But you will experience special joy when you see a golden, tanned hat porcini mushroom, reputed to be the king of mushrooms.

She is such a Russian beauty.

What is today's holiday dedicated to? What interesting, new things did you learn about birch?

Many thanks to the guys who took part in the celebration. The guests leave to the song “Birch Edge” lyrics. Reznik, music Bronevitsky.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

Khmelitsky secondary school

Vyazemsky district, Smolensk region

Holiday of Russian Birch

(Open event script)

Script writers

Teachers of MBOU Khmelitsky Secondary School

Karapka E.S. and Smirnova E.P.

The holiday opens with a presentation.

The song “What makes birches in Russia so noisy” plays?

Ved.– Hello, dear guests! We are very glad that you came to visit us. We will tell and show you a lot.

For a long time in Rus' we celebrated different holidays. And we dedicate our holiday today to the birch tree. The birch tree has always been loved and respected in Rus'... It was planted when a girl was born in a family - a daughter, and the tree became, as it were, a person’s double, his patron - it protected, healed, warmed, transferred part of its strength, and if a person was ill, it could wither away . Slide

In the clearing

On the hill,

Under the window, among the fields

Blonde birch -

Symbol of my Motherland

Song "At my Russia"

The birch tree is considered a symbol of Russia. And it is not surprising that many songs have been composed about her and many poems have been written. And today we will also praise and glorify the birch - the birch tree.

1 girl: / goes out to the middle of the hall /

Girls! Come here!

/the girls come up and whisper/

Girls /in unison/: - Let's go!

1 boy: / goes out to the middle of the hall,

looks after the girls/

Boys! Where are the girls?


Boys /in unison/: - We don’t know!

Boy 2: - I know! They went into the forest

They will decorate the birch tree

lead round dances.

Boy 3: - How is that?

Boy 2: - Yes, I’ve never seen it myself.

I just heard.

Boy 3: - I wish I could take a peek!

Girl 2 /runs out/: - No need

peek! Are you with us

Girl 3: - And here is our birch tree!

The beauty has dressed up!

Birch, we will honor you,

dignify. Your beauty


Leading: Today you will hear many declarations of love for our Russian beauty, and you will learn a lot of interesting things about this tree.

To enjoy the beauty of the white-trunked beauties, let's go to the forest, walk through the forest clearings, and now I invite you to "Dating clearing" , Slide

Guess the riddle Slide

Alenka is standing with a green scarf
Slim figure, white sundress,

Children (in unison) Birch! Slide

Meet the birch tree. A student comes out dressed as a birch tree


Hello children! I am so glad,
To be close on this autumn day
Thank you for not forgetting the birch tree,
She wants this one Holy holiday dedicated.

From me I bow to you, you on this happy holiday I greet you with all my heart. I am a birch, a deciduous tree with thin pinkish-brown branches, with smooth bark covered with dark stripes. I got my name from the color of the bark. The root "ber" means clear light. Light, white. Before they called me birch (now birch, birch

In the old days, people spoke of me “like a tree with four things”:

The first thing is to illuminate the world (she illuminated the wretched huts with a torch),
The second thing is to cry to console (she gave tar to lubricate the wheels of carts),
The third thing is to heal the sick (she treated the sick with her buds, juice, phytoncides of leaves),
The fourth task is to maintain cleanliness (she provided peasant sanitation and hygiene with bath brooms and brooms).


Birch, my birch, my white birch,
Curly birch, you stand there, little birch
In the middle of the valley, you are wearing a birch tree,
The leaves are green, there is a birch tree under you,
Silk grass...


And now I invite you to "Poetic clearing" , where you will hear many poetic poems dedicated to our Russian beauty. Slide


White-faced, white-trunked
Like a bride, proud and tender,
Like a Russian song of freedom
She rushed to the heavens. Slide

In a clearing, on a hill,
Under the window, among the fields
Blonde birch -
Symbol of my Motherland. Slide

Again about them - curly and white
What to do here if in Rus'
There are birches along all the roads,
At least a day, at least an eternity of the wheel. Slide

I love Russian birch,
Sometimes bright, sometimes sad,
In a white sundress
With handkerchiefs in my pocket,
With beautiful clasps
With green earrings.
I love her across the river
With elegant mantles,
Then clear, ebullient,
Then sad, crying... Slide

You are so beautiful, little birch
And in the hot afternoon, and in the hours of dew
That Russia is unthinkable without you
And I am unthinkable without your beauty.
The sun slightly warmed the slopes
And it became warmer in the forest.
Birch green braids
Hung it from thin branches. Slide

White birch tree under my window,
She covered herself with snow, like silver.
On the fluffy branches with a snowy border,
The tassels blossomed with white fringe.
And the birch tree stands in sleepy silence,
And snowflakes burn in golden fire.
And the dawn lazily circles around,
Sprinkles the branches with new silver.

HYMN TO THE BIRCH(Svetlana Gerasimova)

If I sing to the birch tree

The order was given from above,

I am her holy tears

I will sing for you.

I am her sad face

I'll put it in rhyme,

Whisper of leaves, bird call.

Wounds forever...

How light it is in the open space.

A wondrous light flows;

On a high slope.

Honey, it's worth it...

I’ll come up and, admiring,


Let me gather it into a tight strand...

Wind, blow, blow!

Don't break a birch tree in a storm

If the soul is a diamond,

Even in the midst of the autumn gloom

You are a delight to the eye!

In a winter dream, in the bitter cold.

On the edge of the village.

On a cliff, above a steep slope,

How sweet you are!

And in the spring... Good God!

There is nothing more beautiful!

The young leaves are tender,

Emerald color!

You at any time of the year

Wonderfully good

And for the Russian people

You are his soul!


So we got to "Meadows of Craftsmen" Slide

Here you will be offered products made from birch.

Our homeland is generous with talents,
Everywhere Russians are held in high regard as masters.
To make a beautiful thing cleverly -
It always takes skill. Slide

Hey people! My goods are nice
Entertaining and funny
There are some clever things that will amuse you from boredom.
I'll sell it cheap, I'll give it away for good!
My product is fun - men like it. Slide
Here's to the ax - ax handle, if your arms are strong,
Once you wave one hand, you throw a mountain of firewood! Slide
Do you want to run fast? Necessary skis buy.
Look, don't admire, and don't negotiate the debt.
Broom not a brother of the broom, this one fries in the bathhouse,Slide
This broom is an oddball, sweeping dust in the closet. Slide

Take a look and rate the product! I'll sell it cheap,
That I will give everything according to my heart. To light the stove faster,
You need to have a torch. Slide
If you are an excellent fisherman, you will certainly buy shanks.
And they are made of birch bark. Slide Sorry for the money? You do it.
But this is a mess! Slide He is not low, not high,
Go pick mushrooms in the woods and bring back a full bunch.
Girl, beauty! Look here! Like? Slide
The box is simply amazing! Graceful and beautiful
Keep your jewelry in a box.

Leading The Russian people have long appreciated the usefulness of this tree; everything from birch goes into use.


Birch. Man learned to use this wood before he invented paper. People wrote on birch bark and got birch bark letters - that’s what letters and documents were called in ancient times.


Birch. Birch bark was used to make tues and baskets for picking mushrooms and berries; branches were used to weave baskets, make brooms, and brooms.


And you and I came to "Health Glade" Slide

Birch IN folk medicine They use buds, bark, catkins, birch leaves, and the sap of my tree is healthy and tasty. But it must be collected carefully so as not to harm the tree. A wounded tree quickly dies. Slide

Sketch “Birch Kingdom - good medicine»

Enters limping elderly woman on crutches. Say hello.)

Doctor: Come on in. Sit down. (The patient, creaking and groaning, sits down.)

What are the complaints, my dear?

Patient: Oh, dear doctor, I’m cringing!

Hear the joints click and creak.

Doctor: So... Do your lower back and legs hurt?

(The patient nods.)

Doctor: (Hands over a bottle.)

You must take the medicine “Birch Sap”,

You need two full teaspoons.

(The patient drinks... Straightens up.)

Doctor: What, do you feel better, my dear, a little?

How are your lower back, arms, legs?

Patient: (Gets up easily.)

Yes, I feel very, very better!

Thank you, doctor, I'm in a hurry!

Bye bye! I jumped!

(Runs away, forgetting about the crutches.)

Doctor: Next.

(The patient enters, choking, coughing and sneezing.)

I'm listening to you.

What are your complaints, the patient?

Patient: (Through a cough.)

Suffocation, doctor, apparently will finish you off.

And the cough was completely overcome!

I'm sick of bronchitis!

Doctor: I am familiar with these complaints.

You and asthma have all the symptoms.

(The patient is horrified.)

Doctor: Don't cry, give it time -

Diseases are cured by birch sap.

(Takes out a bottle of juice.)

Take a spoonful or two.

(The patient takes medicine.)

Well? Am I interpreting this to you correctly?

Patient: Yes, White light I saw it!

I don't cough! Breathe freely!

Thank you, doctor, I'll run.

Now I can jump!

(Runs away.)

Doctor: If someone has something

Suddenly it suddenly gets sick,

Our Russian birch

It will definitely heal.

Birch How can you imagine a Russian steam room without my birch broom, it drives out all the ailments and gives strength to the body. Slide

Scene "Grandfather, woman and Russian bathhouse"

An old, hunched old man and an old woman come out with a broom and a gang.


Grandfather. There is a house on the mountain,

Smoke is pouring out of the chimney.

I broke a big broom

I will steam with my soul!

Not from maple, not from oak,

And from the birch tree near the club.

I broke five armfuls,

There will be something to wave in the bathhouse.


Old woman. The bathhouse has been heated since lunch!

Better worry, dear

You will be forever young!


Grandfather leaves with a broom to steam behind the decorations.

Leading. Grandfather puffed for a long time,

He didn't want to go out!

So one hour passed,

The smoke stopped pouring out.

Grandma looks in front of her

Prince Elisha! Slide

A rejuvenated grandfather emerges from the bathhouse.

Old woman. Where is my grandfather? Please tell me!

What happened to the old one?

Grandfather. You, old woman, open your eyes,

Your dear grandfather is in front of you!

It's all his fault here . (Points to the broom)

The old woman picks up the broom and disappears into the bathhouse.


Grandfather Buy brooms!

Grandfather. You will not regret it!

In chorus. 20 years with them at once

You will become younger.


8 student. Birch also gives a person strength and energy. Approach a birch tree, press your whole body against it and feel how the strength of this tree flows into you, melancholy and pain go away, your mood improves and your soul becomes calm and joyful. But she doesn’t help everyone. An envious, unfriendly, malicious person cannot count on her. She will not give him her warmth and strength. Good people are given gifts beyond the norm. Slide

1 student. In Rus' there is a holiday - Trinity. It is celebrated in June. People say goodbye to spring and welcome summer. The main character of the holiday is the birch tree.

2 student. Trinity greenery was prepared for the holiday - cut down young birches, branches of birch, maple, oak, linden, rowan, hazel, as well as herbs and flowers; then they wove wreaths from it, wore them on their heads, decorated houses with greenery outside and inside, stuck them in all outbuildings, gates, and wells.

3 student. Young people with wreaths on their heads danced in round dances, played burners, let's do round dances too

Children sing the song “There was a birch tree in the field” and dance in a circle.

With its discreet beauty
In all regions, in all years
Native Russian birches,
Hearts are captivated forever.
Beautiful in any weather
And even more so on sunny days,
In your green round dance
They are akin to swans.
White, slender and proud,
Without them, the world is not so wonderful
And there is no motive
People have created many songs
Dedicated to Russian birches.


And now we will visit another clearing "Song".

Song "Birches of Russia"

People have written a lot of ditties about our Russian beauty.

Children perform ditties

Our meeting without a ditty,

Like a birch without a top.

And that's why now

We will sing ditties for you.

You, curly birch tree,

You, slender birch tree

You are a symbol of our Russia

White-trunked birch.

Oh, dear friend,

We won't go to school tomorrow

Let's gather under the birch tree

Let's sing about curly hair!

I stood under a birch tree

The twigs were moving

A boy came up to me

White and wearing a cap.

I'll wear a sundress.
I'll braid my hair,
We will be close to the birch
Girls are sisters!

Oh, the boy is a hooligan,

Don't touch the birch tree,

Otherwise we’ll get our forelock ruffled

And throw away the cap.

Everyone is talking about birch

Slender, curly!

I also want to say:

You are an incredible miracle!

The birch tree smiled at me,

The scarves are frayed.

Her earrings rustle

In the morning the dewdrops are burning.

I'll wear a sundress.
I'll braid my hair,
We will be close to the birch
Girls are sisters!

I love your earrings
And a smart sundress.
I'll run along the path
I will hug your thin figure.

You are green and beautiful
Dear birch tree,
I love you, dear,
For pure tears.

The wind is rushing towards you,
Your sundress is rustling.
Curls flutter
The girls are having fun.

I'll come to you in the summer
And I’ll sit in the shade.
You will refresh with coolness.
And in the heat you will cool.

And in winter you are beautiful,
Snow-white. Proud.
Everyone admires you
Looking at your wonderful outfit!

Well, since spring has come -
You stand all green.
Your outfit is so beautiful.
He is dear to every heart!

We stop singing ditties,

Let's look at the birch tree.

Let's see and get bored

We'll compose some more ditties.


And now we're heading to Glade of Memory


Presenter The fate of the Russian birch is amazing. In peacetime, she is a joy, a friend, an adviser, and in war, she is a warrior. During the terrible years of the war, the birch tree was a symbol of invincible Russia.


I remember a birch tree was wounded by a bomb fragment at dawn,
The icy sap ran like tears across the mutilated bark
Behind the forest, guns roared, gunpowder smoke billowed,
But we defended the capital, saved the birch tree near Moscow.
And early - early in the spring the white birch again
She dressed herself in new leaves and began to decorate the earth,
And since then, in response to all threats, we invariably say,
We will no longer give offense to our native Russian birch.


Phonogram "In the forest near the front."

2 student. Birch trees stand quietly near soldiers' graves. How much they could tell about the terrible tragedy of the Great Patriotic War, there are no better witnesses.

3 student. In Russia, there has long been a custom: to plant a birch tree over the grave of a fallen warrior so that his life will continue in a green flowering tree.


4 student. Behind the village, in the distance, at the crossroads

Field, barely noticeable paths,

I recognized the soldiers' birches,

Where he dug his own trench.

And I involuntarily remembered how they moaned

Branches from their explosions and fire...

We picked them up near those birch trees

My comrades are barely alive.

Since then, with love about birch trees

Soldiers often told me:

"You wouldn't be able to overcome the evil pain,

You would not have suffered serious wounds,

If we hadn't given you something to drink

Light tears of birch trees."

For me, the birch tree is part of Russia.
She is, and will be, and was...
Here the birch tree has been watered with dew,
And she stands white and white.
How many times did shrapnel hit my helmet?
But I came out of the fire alive:
I didn’t believe in a saying, not in a fairy tale,
And into the birch tree waiting for me.
You, birch tree, tell me sincerely
This true story of the snowdrop of spring,
How she waited for me, waited for me with victory
More than forty months of war! ...
Again at the native crossroads
I'm standing, excited, in the morning -
Here it is, the treasured birch tree,
A warm image of light and goodness!

Presenter: Having walked through birch groves, we reached "Environmental clearing".Slide

Your heart clenches painfully when you see a crippled tree - after all, it is alive! There would be many complaints from the birch trees if they could talk. Especially in spring they cry bitter tears. To drink the juice, people barbarously chop it with an ax, thereby destroying the white bark.

Here we are met by forester Ivan Stepanovich, who will tell us his sad story.

It was a sunny summer day. A light breeze was blowing, it swayed the tall grass and agitated the surface of the river, rustling in the branches of a lonely birch tree. In winter, the birch tree was blown by cold winds and covered with heavy snow. In autumn, the rains knocked down the yellow leaves, and only in the summer did they rest. Lush grass gently touched its trunk, birds built nests in the soft foliage. The birch whispered with the pines and spruces.


On a spring day the boy is angry
Pierced the birch bark with a knife -
And drops of juice, like tears,
Flowed in a transparent stream.
The shepherd cut the bark of a birch tree,
Leaning over, he sips the sweetish juice.
Drop by drop falls into the sand
Birch trees' blood is transparent, like tears.

Host: Let's remember the rules of behavior in nature.

    Do not break tree branches.

    Do not damage the skin of the trees.

    Do not damage berry bushes.

    Don't pick flowers.

    Don't destroy anthills.

    Don't touch birds' nests.

    Don't make noise and don't litter.

White birch, dear sister

You grow up, don't be afraid of the evil ax

White birch - birds on the branches,

I won't let anyone hurt you,

White birch. The breeze is blowing

He will look at you on a blue evening

White birch he comes to you from the heights

From beyond the blue sea he will bring a song

White birch - my bow to you

You are in the fate of Russia and in my fate

White birch - Russian land,

And sadness. And joy. And my love

Yes, man is mercilessly destroying forests. And it’s worth thinking about how we can preserve the beauty of our forests.


"Farewell clearing" Here we are at the last clearing. People call the birch tree the beauty of Russian forests. Slender, with long branches and a spreading crown, it attracts attention at all times.

Let's decorate the birch tree with leaves for goodbye. (Children choose adjectives for the word birch): light, white-trunked, sad, wonderful, snowy, beloved, dear, etc.

A melody sounds and the children attach their pieces of paper.

And wherever the Russian birch tree grows, everywhere it is a joy to people,

She is a light to people everywhere! She stands there, the beauty of the Russian forest.

And it will last forever!
And you won’t find her more beautiful, to our joy she blooms,
The unfading image of mother Russia lives in it!