Personal life

Family relationships. Features of family relationships

Family relationships. Features of family relationships

Building a kind relationship in the family is not easy and responsible. It is necessary to learn how to give love to loved ones, take their advantages and disadvantages. A cozy house, understanding relatives make family relationships. How to avoid conflicts? How to create a warm atmosphere in the family? Spouses, children, the elderly parents with joint works are working on relationships every day. Compromises - sometimes the only way out of difficult life situations.

Subtleness of family relationships

Family is a small group of people based on marriage or blood relationship. They are interconnected by a common life, responsibility, morality.

Family relations are warm feelings for parents and other relatives. They have common memories, traditions. Relationships are built on support, help in difficult situations. Common holidays, rest allow the family more often to meet if parents and children live in different places.

The monetary question is a feature of related relationships. Older parents help their adult children and vice versa. The husband becomes the only potter if the wife takes care of a small child. The subtleties of monetary relations are built on mutual trust, responsibility for their family. If someone from relatives sick or fell into a difficult life situation, a monetary question helps solve some problems. In this case, only a family can provide great help.

The birth of children is another aspect of related relationships. Caring for babies, education methods are transmitted from generation to generation. Child development, his ability to communicate and contact with other people - all this is laid in the family. Grandparents take part in the upbringing of grandchildren. The emotional nature of the relationship in the family is manifested in the formation of the nature of the child. It is important that confidence and warm feelings associated all relatives.

In each family, with its principles and glances, its own model of relationships is developing. Its foundation includes upbringing, life experience, professional features. Existing types of family relationships are divided into dictates, cooperation, custody, non-interference.

  1. Dictate. Parents authority suppresses, ignores the interests of children. There is a systematic humiliation by adults of their own dignity of younger relatives. Based on his experience, parents are forcibly, in a tough manner dictate their living conditions, behavior, morality. Any manifestations of the initiative, their own opinions extinguish on the root. Often emotional violence over children goes into physical.
  2. Cooperation. Family cohesive by common interests, mutual execution. Joint solutions are accepted in certain situations. The causes of the conflicts arising and way out of them are discussed. Parents, children are able to overcome their own egoism for the sake of common goals. The ability to make compromises, overcoming individualism - the essential relationship in this model.
  3. Oboek. Excessive care of parents makes children in such a family infantile, indifferent. Adults, putting material and moral values \u200b\u200binto their offspring, protect them from everyday problems. Children, growing, do not know how to build relationships with peers, colleagues. Can not act independently, without consent, promotion, help parents.
  4. Non-interference. Independent coexistence of adults and children. Non-interference policy in all spheres of life. Typically, the psychology of family relations in this model is a passive indifference to thoughts, actions, purposefulness of their children. This comes from the inability and unwillingness of adults becoming wiser parents.

Young family

The emergence of a new family is the beginning of the long path, which will have to go through her husband and wife. Lining relationships with new parents is possible only with mutual respect, patience. It is necessary to understand that the parents of the spouse are also families. With your values, traditions, memories. It should be extremely tactfully in a new family, trying to avoid offended, conflict situations. To try to prevent offensive statements, the memory of which may be preserved for years.

Laying family relationships are convenient when the husband and wife live separately from their parents. Then the whole responsibility for a comfortable life lies only on them. Spouses learn to adapt to each other. Looking for compromises, get out of habits, put up, mistaken. Joint efforts create their own model of the family, in which it will be convenient for them and their future children.

When young spouses start a joint life separately from parents, they quickly master the new roles - her husband and wife. Over them do not take older relatives with their marriage models. Parents have their own life experiences, missed errors and conflict situations. It is necessary to allow a young family to independently find solutions to certain problems.

New relatives

Most conflict situations arise if a young family begins to jointly exist with parents. In this case, the features of family relations are to create harmonious ties with new parents. This is a difficult test, which teaches tolerance to other people's views and relationships. Sometimes parents, supporting their child, do not seek to protect the newly acquired relative or relative.

How to avoid conflicts in this situation?

  • Treat the family of a spouse with respect. Participate in common holidays, maintain (if possible) tradition.
  • Tell the truth, do not lie. If there are inappropriate questions, talk in general, without going into details.
  • Do not make hasty conclusions. In each unpleasant situation, first find out what was moving by people in the adoption of certain solutions.
  • Do not condemn new parents, avoid a sharp assessment of their behavior, appearance, profession, life.
  • Try to be polite, attentive, remember about mutual assistance.

Parents should respect the choice of their child. Try to maintain marriage-family relationships, do not provoke a quarrel between spouses. Wisely and tactfully suggest a way out of conflict situations, inevitable in marriage. Refrain from sudden statements, categorical judgments.

The appearance of a child

It is very important for a young family to form comfortable marriage family relationships. The bottom should be comfortable both spouses. It is a trusting relationship, confontial communication, the ability to be understanding and attentive.

The emergence of a child is a difficult period in the life of the family. Pregnancy with female whims, irritability, mood swings makes the first dissonance into the usual idyll. Understanding, patience will help spouses to preserve good family relations.

With the advent of the baby, the whole habitual way is changing. Night vigils, crying, childhood diseases - reason to acquire new skills and knowledge. Responsibility having fallen on her husband, for material and moral well-being often causes anger and denial from a young spouse, the desire to start a new, quiet life. Postpartum depression, fear for the health of the kid make a young wife focused only on the child.

The calm adoption of the new role (mom and dad) will allow young parents to come to consensus. Distribution of duties, excerpt will help to overcome difficulties, will retain family relationships. And children who have grown in love and joy are becoming calm, confident in themselves adults.

Family traditions

For a family, it is important to have common memories, traditions. They contribute to cohesion, friendly relationships. It can be picnics on which the whole family is going. Or joint annual leave. If parents and their adult children live in different districts or cities, there is a need for such traditions.

Shared holidays and birthdays are in high spirits. The whole family is going together, congratulating the anniversaries, decorating the room to the celebration. Gifts - an excellent reason to restore the shameless family relationships, ask for apologies or forgive relatives. All nonphosity and misunderstandings are forgotten in a merry whirlwind of the holiday.

If parents and adult children live together, a joint dinner can become a black-making tradition. Leisure conversations for a cup of tea, discussion of plans for the future. In this case, the development of family relations, common traditions contribute to the creation of friendly connections between parents, children and grandchildren.

Stages of family development

Almost all families face difficulties. There is a certain crisis. Both marriage, and family relationships change, go to a new level. The main stages of development proceed depending on the level of maturity of the spouses.

  • The first year of family life. To be able to find compromises, give up each other. To adapt to look for a convenient form of existence together.
  • Birth of a child. Work out comfortable methods of interaction with each other and with a child. Awareness of your parental position.
  • 3-5 year of family life. The child will grow up, the woman goes to work. Distribution of duties in the family. New forms of interaction, where two working spouses, and the responsibility and care for the child still remain.
  • 8-15 years of family life. The familiar, familiar way makes boredom. Accumulated problems, mutual resentment. Small quirks and irritation interfere with good relationships.
  • 20 years of family life. Risk of change. The emergence of a new family and children (usually in her husband). Revaluation of values \u200b\u200band summarizing the first life results. Desire to change everything, start first.
  • Growing children, retirement. Do not care about coming, the empty house, loneliness. Search for new interests. Rebuilding relationships with spouse and adult children.

Overcoming conflict situations

Family conflicts are inevitable. They occur on household soil due to different worldview, rejection of any decisions. The conflict can rally or destroy. It is important to maintain the norms of family relationships, even unpleasant situations correctly. Culture of communication, tact, respect will help to overcome the conflict, deal with the reasons for his appearance and get out of it, not infrainmenting any rights. There are 4 main ways to resolve disagreements:

1. Smoothing conflict - reduced to no controversial situation. Calm expectation of a quarrel. Ability to forget and forgive unpleasant moments.

2. Search for compromise - The ability to find a way out of the situation. Disassemble the cause of the conflict, express your point of view. Find comfortable ways to peaceful life, without infringement of dignity.

3. Confrontation - Each part of the conflict insists on its point of view. Ignore needs, feelings. Husband and wife are moving away from each other.

4. Recharge - One of the spouses insists on his point of view, motivating various arguments.

In any case, the psychology of family relationships consists of a peaceful conflict solution. Do not bring it to physical violence, aggression.

Mutual understanding in the family

If there is no mutual understanding in the family, the spouses begin to move away from each other. The impossibility of expressing his point of view may result in misunderstanding, offenses, quarrels. So as not to bring the family to the scandal or divorce, you should reconsider your habits. Both parties are required in this. Spouses should learn to find a common language so as not to bring the relationship to a critical mark. Therefore, you need:

  • Avoid categorical.
  • Do not consider only your point of view correct.
  • Do not be indifferent to hobbies (hobbies) of the second half.
  • Exclude suspicion.
  • Avoid coarse, sharp statements.


Problems in relations, quarrels with children, fear of responsibility are frustrated. Quite often, modern family relationships end in divorce. Most men and women prefer to live in guest marriage, do not start children.

There are situations when it is impossible to forgive the soul mate. Disappointment in a close person can affect the entire subsequent life. Treasies, physical or emotional domestic violence lead to the divorce.

The main affected party are children. They love parents, sometimes in spite of everything. The feeling of unnecessaryness, the feeling that he was rejected, can pursue a child long enough. It should be very careful. Patiently explain that the relationship between adults is changing, and the love of the child remains.

Former spouses mistakenly believe that after divorce, life changes dramatically for the better. Unfortunately, the reasons provoked divorce can affect further life. It should be found out what personal habits or views affected the dissolution of marriage. Try to avoid in the future of such mistakes.

Secrets of happy family

Happy family life, relationships line up with both spouses. For the causes of quarrels, conflicts are guilty and husband, and wife. Do not build illusions, idealize marriage. Family are always problems, crisis moments, resentment. It is necessary to learn to forgive each other, with understanding and patience to treat habits, beliefs.

A happy family solves the problems that have arisen together, together. Spouses learn to look for compromises. The secret of happiness is not in avoiding conflicts, but in their awareness and peaceful decision. Do not silent the resentment, and more talk and try to understand another point of view. Quarrel, swear, but always return to peace and harmony in the family.

Only help each other, patience will help to overcome misunderstanding. In a happy family in the first place is care and respect. This is a daily work for the common benefit. Warm praise spouse, kindness, compassion help people overcome complex life situations.

Do not care about children. They should also learn from their own mistakes. Manage the initiative and independence. Nevertheless, help and mutual work will become a guarantor of happy family relationships.

More often walk to everyone together, relax. Return to nature or picnic. Common overcoming difficulties, joint fun and joy will fasten the family for many years.