
Skyrim where the Barenziah stones are located on the map. Skyrim stones of Barenziah. Where are all the quest stones: Look under each stone

Skyrim where the Barenziah stones are located on the map.  Skyrim stones of Barenziah.  Where are all the quest stones: Look under each stone

The game Skyrim is one of the latest games in the series The Elder Scrolls. An open world with stunning landscapes and a captivating storyline. The huge number of artifacts, monsters and characters amazes the minds of fans of this series.

One of the Thieves Guild quests is “Look under every stone.” To complete this task, the player must complete four points. If one of the unusual stones is found before joining the thieves faction and the character takes it to the buyer Hammer, he will in any case send it to Vex, and she, in turn, to Brynjolf, who will offer to complete tasks for joining the Guild.

There are twenty-four stones, they look like rubies floating in the center of the casket. They are called “Unusual stone”

First step. The player needs to join the Thieves Guild.
Second step. Find an Unusual Stone.

These two points may change places, depending on the situation, but the linearity of the task will not change.

Third step, you need to collect a collection of stones, that is, twenty-four pieces and take them to Vex. And the last point is to find Barenziah’s crown for Vex.

As soon as the player discovers the first stone, his task will be activated unusual stone Skyrim appraiser Not a rich connoisseur of antiques, and the only buyer who would be interested in the find would be Vex.

But in order to become the owner of all the strange minerals, the character will have to shed blood and spend a lot of money.

One of the stones is located in the Dark Brotherhood's hideout, in Astrid's room. To get the stone, the hero will have to make a difficult choice. The player must either become a member of this organization or wipe it off the face of the earth. Another of the stones is located in the Archmage's chambers in Winterhold. The player will have to become a member of the College in order to gain access to the monastery of Savos Arena.

The remaining stones can be found during other tasks.

There are only three stones in Whiterun. The hero can find them in the Hall of the Dead, in the Dragon's Reach and in Kodlak's room. There is only one stone in Riften, which is located in the jarl's bedroom, which is located in the Mistvale fortress. At the Thalmor Embassy, ​​one stone lies on the second floor of the building. There are two stones in Solitude. The player can find one of the minerals in the jarl’s chambers in the Blue Palace, the other in the “High Spire”, only if he purchases the estate for a tidy sum.

In Sosnovaya Zastava, it is not easy to find a stone. The relic is located in a house where there is a lair of bandits, which can only be accessed by pressing a secret button. In Windhelm, the hero will find two stones, one in the Royal Palace, the other in the “Shattered Shield”.

Another lost jewel will be found in Khoba Cave in the north. The player will have to look for two stones in Markarth, one is collecting dust in the Treasury, the other in the Understone Fortress. One of the stones is kept on Ingvild. Another one on the Old Woman's Rock. And another one in Divided Gorge.

The remaining six stones can be found in Ansilwund, in the Black Prince estate, on a ship near the Solitude lighthouse, in the Stone Brook cave, in the Fellglow fortress and in the Abode of Rannveig.

When the entire set is collected, the player can safely return to Vex. She will send a hero to restore Barenziah's crown to a place infested with flamers. After the player delivers the artifact to Vex, he will receive the permanent skill “Thief's Luck”, which will have a positive effect on the search precious stones with high cost.

After receiving the reward, the Skyrim task “Take the unusual stone to the appraiser” will be completed.

Hello, dear gamers! After a long search on the Internet, I realized that convenient guides for finding the diaries of Arondil (to be honest, I don’t remember exactly what his name is) and the stones of Barenziah in Russian have not yet been posted online. Therefore, the latter, in fact, will be discussed in this post. Of course, the post is replete with spoilers, so I advise you to refrain from reading it.

So, there are 24 stones in total in the game.

Guide to finding Barenziah stones

Guide to finding Barenziah stones

When we find one of them, the task to find an appraiser appears in the journal. The "Evaluator" will stop us as we enter Riften.

Guide to finding Barenziah stones

Guide to finding Barenziah stones

From the dialogue with him, we understand that we should address this issue to the Thieves Guild. The quest “Look Under Every Stone” appears in the journal. Of course, you first need to join the guild and gain the respect of the thieves. After completing a couple of tasks on them, we can ask about mysterious stone from the thief Vex.

Guide to finding Barenziah stones

Guide to finding Barenziah stones

She will tell us that this is one of the 24 stones that some thief took from Barenziah's ceremonial crown.

Barenziah (eng. Barenziah) - Dunmer, in different time Queen of Morrowind, Queen of Wayrest (High Rock) and Queen Mother of Morrowind.

Guide to finding Barenziah stones

Guide to finding Barenziah stones

Individually, these stones are not of particular value, but if you collect them all and bring them to Vex, she will offer you to collect the last piece - the crown of Barenziah itself. The cave turns out to be not simple, but with hidden Dwemer ruins, we make our way inside, find the crown, fight off the ghosts and return to Vex.

Now the crown will decorate the thieves guild hall and, when activated, give a bonus in the form of a perk for finding different expensive stones in chests.

Guide to finding Barenziah stones

Guide to finding Barenziah stones
Below is the location of these stones:

    1.Dark Brotherhood - sanctuary (Astrid's room)

    2. Whiterun - Halls of the Dead - Catacombs (in the first room, go down the left stairs and he will be on your left)

    3. Jarl's room in Riften

    4.High Spire Estate, Solitude Manor (must be purchased for 25,000 gold)

    5.College of Winterhold (room of arch-mages)

    6. Jarl's room in Whiterun

    7. Jorrvaskr, Kodlak's room, Whiterun

    8. Witch's Rock (to the southwest of Markarth)

    9. House of the "Broken Shield" clan in Windhelm

    10.Black Briar Estate northeast of Riften (in the bedroom on the second floor, next to the bed)

    11.Ansilvund - burial chambers (northeast of Riften)

    12.Windhelm - Ulfric’s office in the palace of kings on the 2nd floor

    13.Cave south of Eastmarch (imperial camp) (in the last room, on the table)

    14.Rannveig, south of Morthal.

    15.Fellglow Fortress (between Whiterun and Windhelm)

    16.Lazy Sload, a ship southwest of the Solitude lighthouse

    17. Divided Gorge (on a table with 2 bodies)

    18. Solitude Palace - Queen's room.

    19. Ingvild between Dawnstar and Winterhold (in the very last room)

    20.Dwemer Museum in Markarth (table in the room on the left)

    21.Markarth Treasury (in Tonar's bedroom)

    22.Embassy in Thalmor (2nd floor, 1 bedroom on the left)

    23. Hob's Cave (between Dawnstar and Winterhold) (to the left of the alchemy table)

    24. Pine Outpost, a house in the northwest of Helgen with an underground bandit hideout

As you adventure in the world of The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim you may stumble across a mysterious stone that appears to be a floating red gem in an open golden box. After which you will be sent to Riften to look for someone who can appreciate this thing.

When entering the city you will meet Maul, who will tell you that to solve this mystery you will have to. And he will be right, in their lair - the Ragged Flagon tavern - you need to talk to Vex about this mysterious stone.

She will tell us that these stones are part of Barenziah's crown, which have value if you put them all together. There are 24 Barenziah Stones in total, and they are scattered throughout Skyrim. After which we will receive the quest “ Look under every stone"(No Stone Unturned) to search for them.

Most of them can be found by completing side quests for the Thieves Guild, but in order not to waste time, here is a list of Barenziah's stones. All locations are easy to find on.

Stones of Barenziah in The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim

  • Whiterun(Whiterun) - Halls of the Dead, at the end of the catacombs.
  • Whiterun(Whiterun) - the jarl's room in the Dragonsreach castle.
  • Whiterun(Whiterun) - Jorrvaskr, Kodlak's room.
  • Solitude(Solitude) - yours, in the bedroom.
  • Solitude(Solitude) - Jarl's room in the Blue Palace.
  • Riften(Riften) - Jarl's room in Mistveil Keep.
  • Windhelm(Windhelm) - Palace of the Kings, room of the jarl magician - Wuunferth.
  • Windhelm(Windhelm) - House of Clan Shatter-Shield.
  • Markarth(Markarth) - Treasury House, in Thonar's bedroom.
  • Markarth(Markarth) - Understone Keep, Dwemer Museum, in the first room on the left.
  • (College of Winterhold) - archmage's room.
  • Old Lady's Rock(Dead Crone Rock), located south of Markarth - opposite the wall with .
  • House "Black Heather"(Black-Briar Lodge), located east of Riften - on the second floor, next to the bed. Important! Don't confuse it with an estate in the city itself.
  • Ansilvund(Ansilvund), located north of Riften - on the table between the coffins.
  • Stone Stream Cave(Stony Creek Cave) - next to the laboratory.
  • Runmveig Abode(Rannveig's Fast), located south of Morthal - in front of the wall with .
  • Fellglow Keep(Fellglow Keep), located northeast of Whiterun - in a room with an altar for.
  • Ship "Finicky Sload"(Dainty Sload), next to the Solitude Lighthouse - on the table next to the chest.
  • Divided Gorge(Sunderstone Gorge), located northwest of Falkreath - on the table in front of the wall with .
  • Ingvild(Yngvild), an island northeast of Dawnstar - the last room.
  • Khoba Cave(Hob's Fall Cave), located between Dawnstar and Winterhold - next to the alchemist's laboratory.
  • Pine Outpost(Pinewatch), house northeast of Falkreath, next to Helgen - secret room in the basement.
  • Vault of the Dark Brotherhood(Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary), located west of Falkreath - Astrid's room.
  • Thalmor Embassy(Thalmor Embassy) - in the ambassador's room on the 2nd floor. We get there when completing the main quest. Important! Don't try to get there before the main quest, as this will lead to a whole bunch of bugs. After completing the quest, getting there is also difficult; the easiest way is to use console command coc ThalmorEmbassy01.

After mining all the stones, Vex will ask you to find Barenziah's crown itself. To do this, we will have to go to Tolvald's Cave, which is located north of Riften. A rather dangerous place, infested with Falmer, so be better prepared.

One of the most protracted and difficult quests in the open spaces is “Look under every stone.” During the quest, which the player will receive from Vex from the Thieves Guild, he will have to find 24 stones and the very crown of the Queen of Morrowind, Barenziah. An inattentive eye is unlikely to be able to detect all the stones, and finding some stones is possible only during the passage of the quest line. To make it easier to find stones, the location of each of them will be presented below.

Whiterun and surroundings

Three stones will be located in Whiterun and will not be difficult to find. The first is in the jarl's chambers on the table near the bed, the second can be found in the building of his comrades - Jorrvaskr, it will be in Kodlak Gray Mane's room, also on the table near the bed. The third stone is in the Hall of the Dead; if you go down into the catacombs along the left stairs, the stone will be located on the first left grave.

If you move north from Whiterun, you can stumble upon the Fellglow fortress; one of the stones will be waiting for the player there, but access to it can only be gained during the quest of the College of Mages storyline “Library Books”.

Solitude and surroundings

There are two stones in Solitude, the first in the room that is farthest from the jarl's throne, oddly enough, also on the table near the bed. The second stone in Solitude is more difficult to obtain; for this you need to purchase a house for the hero; it will lie on the third floor of the estate in the owner’s bedroom.

Another stone is located near Solitude on the ship "Finicky Sload", but it can only be obtained during the Thieves Guild quest, during a task in the city.

One stone can be obtained from the Thalmor Embassy during the quest "Diplomatic Immunity". The stone is found in the chambers of the head of the embassy on the second floor on a table by the bed - the first left room.

Another stone can be found in the Smoking Cave, next to the corpse. The location is located just west of the Thalmor Embassy.

Markarth and surroundings

Two stones are located in Markarth, the first is in the Dwemer Museum and can be obtained during the quest of the same Thieves Guild - “Difficult Answers”, it is located in the very first room on the table to the left of the entrance. The second stone can be found during the quest "Conspiracy of the Forsworn", it is located in the treasury in the farthest left room, right next to the bed.

One stone is located in the "Old Lady's Rock" location south of Markarth, the stone is located on the altar near the Wall of Words, it will be difficult not to notice it.

Winterhold and surroundings

One of the stones is located in the chambers of the Archmage of the College of Winterhold; after the hero becomes the head of the College and gains access to this room, he will find the stone in the closet to the left of the bed.

Windhelm and surroundings

Two stones are located in Windhelm, the first in the house of the Shattered Shield clan on the second floor, in the first left bedroom. The second stone is located in the castle in the chambers of the court magician, the first door is on the left, then you need to move straight to the very end, the stone will be in the side niche, access to the magician's chambers will be opened during the quest "Blood on the Snow".

Riften and surroundings

One of Barenziah's stones is located in Jarl Riften's chambers on the table next to the bed.

Another of the stones can be found in the Black Heather residence, during the quest “Gave Your Word - Keep It”, you need to climb from the main hall along the left stairs, the stone will lie on the table in the first room.

In the ancient Nordic ruins of Ansilwood, the stone will be located in the room where the player will have to kill Lu.

Falkreath and surroundings

One stone is in the chambers of the head "" - Astrid, on the table, but to get into the shelter you will need to join the brotherhood.

In the location "Pine Outpost", which can be reached on a special assignment from the Thieves Guild, one of the stones is also found. If you get into the room where the draugr rest, there will be a door, the stone will be behind it right on the shelf.

In the Divided Gorge cave, near the Wall of Words, there is a table with corpses, on which lies one of Barenziah's stones.

Dawnstar and surroundings

In the Nordic ruins "Ingvild" Barenziah's stone is located in a room that is located not far from the throne room. You can get it during the quest "Arondil's Diary"

Another stone is also located not far from Dawnstar in the Hob’s Cave location; the stone can be found on a shelf that is located in the room with alchemical supplies.

Morthal and surroundings

Moving south from Morthal, you can stumble upon another place where Barenziah's stone rests - these are the ancient Nordic ruins of Rannveig's Abode. To find the stone you need to go down to the very bottom; the stone will be waiting for the player on the table.

Final stage

Once all twenty-four stones have been collected, Vex will send the player on a quest to find Barenziah's crown itself. The artifact will be located in the "Tolvald's Cave", returning to Vex and giving her the crown, the quest will be completed and the player will have a valuable artifact at his disposal, which will strengthen the thieving skills of the hero and all members of the Thieves Guild, the hero will also receive an effect called "Thief's Luck ", which will allow you to find more gems while rummaging through chests and pockets. Unfortunately, the crown cannot be equipped without modifications, so it will simply beautiful decoration, which will rest on a stand in the Thieves Guild hideout.

Stones of Barenziah

Hi all. In this manual The location of all of Barenziah's stones is revealed.
Total of them 24 pieces
So let's go
Map of locations where Barenziah stones are located
Detailed description of the locations of all Barenziah Stones

  • Dragon's Reach . Jarl's chambers, go up the stairs, behind the door, on the left, there will be a room, on the bedside table
  • Whiterun .Hall of the Dead, go into the catacombs, go down the left stairs and look at the first grave on the left
  • Whiterun . Jorrvaskr, in Kodlak's room, on the bedside table, to the left of the bed
  • Blue Palace .The jarl's chambers, the room farthest from the throne, on the bedside table
  • Solitude .“High Spire”, our own house, on the third floor in the bedroom Need to buy a house
  • "Picky Sload" . In the captain's cabin, right on the table Special task of the Thieves Guild in Solitude
  • College of Winterhold . The Archmage's chambers, to the left of the bed in one of the closets After completing the quest “In the Depths of Saarthal”
  • Markarth . Treasure room, in the far left room, next to the bed Quest “Rogue Conspiracy”
  • Understone Fortress . Dwemer Museum, first room, left, on the table Thieves Guild quest “Difficult Answers”
  • Old Lady's Rock . Climb to the very top, on the altar near the Wall of Words Daedra quest “Fragments of Past Glory”
  • Windhelm . Shattershield Clan House, second floor, first bedroom to the left
  • Royal Palace .The room of the magician Wunfert, at the entrance, the first door to the left and then straight to the end of the Quest “Blood on the Snow”
  • Mistvale Fortress Jarl's chambers, door in the middle, on the bedside table
  • Residence "Black Heather" . In the main hall, up the stairs, to the left, in the room on the bedside table Quest “You gave your word - keep it”
  • Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary . In Astrid's room, first room on the left, on the table You need to join the guild
  • Ansilvund . Funeral halls, in the room in which you kill Lu
    Stone Stream Cave . In the cave we go upstream, the first turn to the right, in the alchemist’s room, on the table
  • Abode of Rannveig . Go down to the very bottom, on the table
  • Fellglow Fortress. On the second level of the fortress, in the alchemist’s laboratory Quest of the College of Magicians of Winterhold “Library Books”
  • Divided Gorge . Near the Wall of Words, on a table with corpses
  • Ingvild .In the room behind the throne room Quest “The Diaries of Arondil”
  • Khoba Cave . In the room with the alchemy table, on the shelf
  • Thalmor Embassy .Elenwen's private quarters, on the second floor, first bedroom on the left, on the bedside table
  • Smoking Cave .Next to the necromancer's corpse
  • Pine Outpost. In the room with the tombs of the draugr there is a door, behind it on the shelf on the right Special task of the Thieves Guild in Markarth
After collecting all the stones, we return to Vex in the Thieves Guild, she says that only the last detail remains - we need to find Barenziah’s crown itself, and sends us to Tolvald’s cave. After returning the crown, you will receive a unique “Thief's Luck” effect, which will increase the chance of finding gems in all kinds of chests.