
How much will the social pension be in a year? Social pension. Registration of a social pension

How much will the social pension be in a year?  Social pension.  Registration of a social pension

Social pension is needed so that citizens who cannot independently provide for themselves due to disability, and citizens who do not have sufficient length of service for getting labor pension, received funds for living.

Social pension

The concept of a social pension was introduced within the framework of the norm “On State Pension Provision”, which, within the framework of the code of laws, is called 166-FZ.

To receive a social pension in 2018 - 2019, citizens do not need to gain experience, think about pension points, and so on. The state assumes full responsibility for calculating the benefit, assessing the status and medical condition of the person based on established standards, procedures and with the participation of commissions. All citizens entitled to another type of pension have access to a transition to a social one, but a transition from social to labor is possible only with five years of work experience

Types of social pension

  • Due to old age.
  • Due to disability.
  • On the occasion of the loss of a breadwinner.

By old age

The criterion for receipt is reaching the age of 60 years for women and 65 for men, but if the persons belong to the indigenous peoples of the North, the period for assigning a pension is reduced to 50 and 55, respectively.

By disability

It is the only source of income for many groups of the population suffering from diseases since childhood. In particular, disabled children, people with disabilities of various groups since childhood (especially the first) not only receive a pension in the established amount, but can also count on its increase. Again, persons who received disabilities in mature age Having the necessary experience, they can apply for a different, more monetary type of pension.

On the occasion of the loss of a breadwinner

When assigned, there is a real dependence of the dependent’s financial situation on the income of the deceased. Most often, this type of pension is received by children under 18 years of age (up to 23 years of age if they continue their education) who do not have one or two parents at once. The payment is made to widows and widowers, and other persons who are able to prove the degree of relationship and dependence at the same time, while not having sufficient ability to work for their own maintenance.

Conditions under which it is possible to receive a social pension in 2017

  • Be a citizen of Russia.
  • Be disabled and belong to categories in respect of which the concept of disability is applicable in Russia, as well as low-income citizens (with a survivor's pension).
  • Reach the required age.
  • Prove that the existing work experience is not enough to assign a labor pension according to the general conditions of assignment. If a person has not been disabled since childhood, this fact can be confirmed by an extract from the Pension Fund or a work record book.
  • Be dependent on a relative who died in the performance of military duty or official duties. Relatives of the deceased Chernobyl liquidators, widows of soldiers who participated in the Great Patriotic War and equivalent to them have a special status.

The size of the social pension in 2018-2019

Indexation of social pensions takes place annually from April 1 in accordance with the inflation rate in Russia.

The size of the social pension is on average lower than the labor pension. The amounts of social pensions are shown in the table below.

Category of pension recipientsPension amount

Citizens from among small peoples North, aged 55 and 50 years

Citizens who have reached the age of 65 and 60 years

Disabled people of group 2 (except for those disabled since childhood)

Children under the age of 18 and older, studying full-time in educational institutions, but no longer than until they reach the age of 23, who have lost one of their parents

5,180.24 rubles per month

Disabled people from childhood, 1st group

Disabled children

12,432.44 rubles per month

Disabled people since childhood, 2 groups

Disabled people of 1st group

Children under the age of 18 and older, studying full-time in educational institutions, but not longer than until they reach the age of 23, who have lost both parents and children of a deceased single mother

Children under the age of 18 and older, studying full-time in educational institutions, but not longer than until they reach the age of 23, both of whose parents are unknown

10,360.52 rubles per month

Disabled people of 3 groups

4,403.24 rubles per month
Residents of the north can qualify for northern and regional allowances

Minimum social pension

If pensions are below the minimum wage, then social supplements raise them to this level. There are 2 types social supplement:

  • Federal supplement - paid up to the level federal level Minimum wage (11,163 rubles).
  • Regional surcharge - compensates for the difference between the federal and regional minimum wages.

To apply for a social supplement, a retired citizen must fill out the appropriate column in the application form for a pension.

The minimum amount of the social old-age pension, which was established from the date of termination of payment of the labor (insurance) disability pension, cannot be smaller size labor disability pension for citizens who received it on the basis of clause 3 of Art. 18 of the law “On state pension provision in the Russian Federation”

Registration of a social pension

The social pension is issued at the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or you can contact the Multifunctional Center (MFC). You can apply in person, by mail or through a legal representative with a notarized power of attorney.

List of required documents

To apply for a pension you will need the following documents:

  • Application for retirement.
  • Identity document (passport, birth certificate...).
  • Certificate from the municipality confirming belonging to the peoples of the Far North.
  • Death certificate of the breadwinner. Widows (widowers) provide a marriage certificate.
  • Other documents confirming relationship (birth certificate).
  • Conclusion of the examination on need after the loss of a breadwinner.
  • Examination conclusion on incapacity for work with assignment of a disability group.

These documents must be provided in the form of originals, except for those that certify the degree of relationship (these may be photocopies of the parents’ passports, after certification by a notary).

Due to growing inflationary processes, pensions are increased annually to provide financial support for disabled Russians in the country, and 2018 was no exception. Thus, from January 1, 2018, there was a planned increase in the amount of payments for non-working pensioners with a certain length of service who are among the recipients of an insurance pension. Who should expect an increase in the social pension from April 1, 2018 and for how long?

Social pension - a type pension provision, which is due to citizens with no work experience for any reason. It is assigned for an indefinite period, but its payment may be terminated for citizens who decide to engage in activities that require payment of compulsory pension insurance. The amount of security is set by the Government in a fixed amount, which depends on the subsistence level (ML) and, as a rule, is significantly lower than insurance (labor) payments to pensioners.

In the Law of the Russian Federation No. 166 “On state pension provision in Russian Federation» Article 11 establishes that this type of security is provided to the following categories of disabled recipients:

  • disabled people of groups 1, 2 and 3, including disabled children;
  • disabled children;
  • children who have lost one or two parents, under the age of 18 (or until the age of 23, subject to full-time education in educational institutions), if the parents did not have work experience (otherwise insurance pension);
  • citizens representing small peoples of the North, over 50 (for women) and 55 (for men) years, with permanent residence in indigenous places of residence approved by the Government of the Russian Federation;
  • unemployed men over 65 years of age and women over 60 years of age (provided there is no insurance period), including foreign citizens and stateless persons who can confirm permanent residence in Russia for 15 years or more.

On a note! In the Russian Federation, more than 4 million disabled citizens are recipients of social pensions.

Mandatory conditions for obtaining also include the need for permanent residence on the territory of the Russian Federation. The benefit is not available to persons who:

  • make a decision to migrate (even while maintaining Russian citizenship);
  • have two official places of registration.

Read the full text Federal Law No. 166-FZ dated December 15, 2001, as amended on July 18, 2017.

Increase size

In Art. 25 of Law of the Russian Federation No. 166 approved the procedure for indexing social pensions based on the subsistence level for pensioners, approved in the previous year. It is set annually and depends on the actual increase in consumer prices for food and non-food products,

The indexation date is April 1 every year. At the same time, the increase coefficient is calculated annually by the Government of the Russian Federation, but it is worth considering that the amount of indexation for social and insurance pension payments may differ.

In recent years, Russia has seen a reduction in pension indexation coefficients. For example, in April 2017 they were indexed by only 1.5%. For 2018, it was initially planned to set the indexation coefficient at 1.2%, but as a result, the head of the Ministry of Labor Maxim Topilin announced that from April 1, 2018, indexation will be 4.1%. In monetary terms, the increase will be 175-495 rubles. (depending on the category of the recipient).

Thus, in 2017, the average social pension was 8,742 rubles, and from 1.04. In 2018 it will increase to 9045 rubles. (103.7% of the minimum wage for pensioners), and for disabled children and disabled children of group 1 - up to 13,699 rubles.

For comparison, consider how social security will change for different categories recipients from April 1, 2018 compared to 2017:

Important! The size of the Russian pension cannot be less than the subsistence level for the region of residence, otherwise he is entitled to social supplements (federal or regional), which, together with the pension benefit, should not be less than the minimum wage. The total size of the monthly minimum wage in Russia for pensioners, on the basis of which the amount of federal social security payment is calculated, was approved at the level of 8,726 rubles. (compared to RUB 8,540 in 2017).

Since 2010, applications for pension benefits have already included a subclause on social supplements. Citizens who began receiving benefits before 2010 and whose amount is less than the minimum monthly wage in the region can independently contact the nearest branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation with a separate application for the appointment of an additional payment.

According to Alexander Kurtin, deputy chairman of the Russian Pension Fund, in the next 2019 and 2020, it is planned to increase the social pension by 3.9% and 3.5%, respectively.

Video on the increase and revision of social pensions:

In 2016, insurance and social pensions in Russia will be indexed by 4%. As a result, the average size of the insurance pension will increase from February 1 by 293 rubles (the average size of the insurance pension of non-working pensioners will increase by 480 rubles), and from April 1, 2016, the average size of the social pension will increase by 333 rubles and after the increase will amount to 8,646 rubles, they reported Ministry of Labor, reports "IA REGNUM".

Please note that from 2016 there will be no indexation of pensions for working pensioners.

In 2015, in Russia, insurance pensions were indexed by 11.4%, social pensions by 10.3%.

Thus, from February 1, 2015, the cost of one pension coefficient and the size of the fixed payment to the insurance pension were indexed by 11.4%. As a result of indexation, the average size of the insurance pension increased by 1,225 rubles and amounted to 12,408 rubles, while the old-age insurance pension increased by 1,271 rubles to 12,870 rubles, the disability insurance pension - by 762 rubles to 7,953 rubles, the in case of loss of a breadwinner - by 777 rubles to 7,978 rubles. The average pension for citizens disabled due to war injury and participants in the Great Patriotic War receiving two pensions increased by 1,539 and 1,889 rubles to 28,123 and 30,294 rubles, respectively.

From April 1, 2015, social pensions and state pensions were indexed by 10.3%. As a result, the average social pension after the increase was 8,297 rubles. The average social pension for disabled children was 12,371 rubles. The average pensions of citizens disabled due to military injury and participants of the Great Patriotic War receiving two pensions amounted to 29,233 rubles and 31,380 rubles, respectively.

Also, state pension benefits increased by 10.3% in April, the amount of additional monthly material support and other social payments, the amounts of which are determined based on the corresponding size of the social pension.

As a result, indexation increased the level of pension provision for over 3.7 million pensioners (of which over 3 million people are recipients of social pensions).

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Today, on the territory of the Russian Federation, it is possible to apply for a social pension.

However, few of our citizens understand what its size is formed from, as well as what its minimum and maximum threshold is.

Let's look at these questions in more detail.

Legislative regulation

The definition of social pension means a type of financial assistance for citizens of the Russian Federation who have not yet accumulated the necessary experience for the right to register.

primary goal This pension is financial assistance to those categories of citizens who do not have guaranteed sources of income.

Today the issue of social pension is regulated by the following: legislative acts:

  1. Federal Law No. 173, which determines the procedure for registering social and labor pensions;
  2. Federal Law No. 166, which provides for state pension provision;
  3. Federal Law No. 178, which provides for the possibility of receiving social assistance from the state;
  4. Federal Law No. 134, which regulates the issue regarding the size on which the size of the social pension depends.

Procedure for calculation and accrual

First of all, you need to understand that the social pension includes a certain type of accrual that is provided by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Social pension provision is formed from the following basic components:

  • the basic amount of the insurance part, which is regulated at the state level;
  • insurance part of pension accruals;
  • accumulative part of pension accruals.

Social pension amount directly depends on the price level on the:

  • Food;
  • non-food products;
  • the cost of various services for the population.

Price analysis is carried out by the Federal Statistics Service, which determines the average price increase both throughout the Russian Federation and in a particular region.

Based on the information received, the cost of living for the population is calculated. It is worth noting that for 2019 living wage is 11,280 rubles.

If in the region of residence of the applicant for this type of pension there is regional coefficient, then when determining the size of this cash payment it must definitely be taken into account. If a pensioner moves from this region to another, the amount of the pension must be recalculated.

In the event that a person does not have what is necessary to obtain this type of pension provision, he has the right to count on maximum size in the amount of 5,034 rubles 25 kopecks. Since this amount is less than the established subsistence level, the increase can be initiated by local governments if the regional budget allows this.

It is worth noting that the cost of living can vary depending on the region of residence from 8 to 18 thousand rubles.

What are the amounts of these payments?

To date the average size Social pension across the Russian Federation is about 9 thousand rubles.

If speak about minimum size , then it is 5,034 rubles 25 kopecks (but it is necessary to understand the fact that this figure can be increased at the expense of the regional budget to the subsistence level).

Maximum limit in the amount of this pension there is no such thing, but it can be noted that today, including people with disabilities from childhood of group 1, receive the largest social pension, which amounts to 12,082 rubles 6 kopecks per month.

Features of accrual for various categories of citizens

By old age

This type of social pension provision have the right to receive citizens aged:

The specified age is applied taking into account transitional provisions; in 2019, the age is 66 years for men and 61 years for women.

The only condition for, in addition to the age limit, is the inability to obtain a labor pension (official work experience less than 5 years).

If we talk about the amount of this old-age pension, then the amount is 5,034 rubles 25 kopecks per month.

It is worth noting the fact that it is possible to receive an additional payment of about 1.7 thousand rubles, but for this you must have a dependent.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that people have the right to apply for this type of pension inhabitants of small peoples of the North .

The conditions for them are as follows:

  • age barrier. Women over 50 and men over 55;
  • permanent residence in a specific region (from birth);
  • carrying out commercial activities: reindeer herding, hunting, etc.

For the disabled, due to disability and loss of a breadwinner

In order to qualify for this type of pension on disability It is enough to have the relevant documents with you. But there is a small nuance: in addition to the certificate itself, you also need a copy of the conclusion of the medical commission that assigned the disability.

If children are left without parents for any reason and are adults, they have the right to receive social security for the loss of a breadwinner. But at the same time they must be full-time students at an educational institution.

For disabled citizens, as well as in connection with the loss of a breadwinner or a disabled person, it is provided social pension in this amount:

  • category of disabled children or disabled children from group 1 - their amount is 12,082 rubles 6 kopecks per month;
  • for group 2 disabled people since childhood, including group 1 disabled people - their amount is 10,068 rubles 53 kopecks per month;
  • category 2 disabled people receive payments in the amount of 5,034 rubles 25 kopecks per month;
  • for disabled people of group 3, assistance is 4,279 rubles 14 kopecks per month.

Moscow and regions

Today in the capital of the Russian Federation a social pension is provided in the following amount:

  • for citizens who have group 1 disabilities – about 7,250 rubles;
  • for citizens who have group 2 disabilities – 3,600 rubles;
  • for citizens who have group 3 disabilities – 3,082 rubles;
  • for disabled children – 3,626 rubles.

Compared to last year, the size was increased by 10%.

Compared to the amounts of social pensions in other regions of our country, these amounts are not much different and are almost identical.

But at the same time, in St. Petersburg the size of the social pension is no less than 8,000 rubles.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the size of the social pension can be increased due to an increase from the regional budget, so if you want to find out the specific amount for a certain category of citizens in the region of your residence, you can contact the regional Pension Fund.

In 2018, the Government of the Russian Federation carried out annual indexation of social pensions. Thanks to this, monthly payments for this category of citizens increased by 4.10%:

  1. After April 2018, the average social pension is 9,045 rubles. The basic social pension is fixed at 5,240.65 rubles.
  2. For children with disabilities, as well as for children with disabilities in the first group, monthly pension payments increased to 10,481.31 rubles.
  3. Chernobyl survivors received an increase in social pensions to 12,586 rubles.
  4. Disabled children of childhood and 1st group receive 12,577.42 rubles each, the second group 5,240.65 rubles, the third group 4,454.68 rubles.
  5. Small-numbered peoples of the Far North for 5240.65 rubles.
  6. Citizens who have retired upon reaching a certain age can count on no more than 5,240.65 rubles.
  7. Individuals receiving survivor pensions (up to 18 and up to 23 years) can count on a minimum wage of 5,240.65 rubles.
  8. The additional payment for dependents has increased: for one by 1,762.32 rubles, for two by 3,493.77 rubles, for three by 5,420.65 rubles.

About increasing the size of the social pension, see the following video: