
Modern haircuts for obese women. How to choose the right short haircut for obese women. Pros of short haircuts

Modern haircuts for obese women.  How to choose the right short haircut for obese women.  Pros of short haircuts

Plump cheeks and wide cheekbones, mischievous eyes! It would seem - live and be happy! But women often have complexes about this, thinking that it is much more difficult for them to choose a beautiful haircut. In fact, this is not the case at all. To the owners full face There is a wide range of fashionable haircut options available. The main thing when choosing is to take into account some features. If everything is done correctly, the haircut will help hide flaws and highlight obvious advantages.

Determination of face type

Are you sure that you have exactly round face? Check once again, before cutting your hair it won’t hurt. For the purity of the experiment you will need:

  • mirror;
  • marker or cosmetic pencil;
  • ruler.

Remove all curls and look at yourself in the mirror. With a steady hand, trace the outline of your face. Compare with the geometric figure “circle”. Be honest with yourself. If you still have doubts, use a ruler to measure the distance between the chin and the top point of the face and between the cheekbones. Did you get the same result? Then you really have a full face.

This facial structure has characteristic feature– it has the same dimensions in length and width. Add to this plump cheeks and wide cheekbones. Therefore, for chubby people, hairstyles that will visually stretch the face into an oval are suitable.

If, after all, your face turned out to be not round at all during the experiment, we recommend reading about other shapes (oval, square, triangle, etc.) in this article.

What to strive for? Pay attention to the haircuts Hollywood stars– Drew Berimmore, Kirsten Dunst, Lindsay Lohan, Charlize Theron. Judging by the photos posted on the Internet, they are all distinguished by wide cheekbones and round cheeks. But hairdressers help these stars look their best and skillfully hide obvious flaws.

Short haircuts with bangs for a full face

Young ladies with double chin, looking through photos from glossy magazines, they think that they can forget about short haircuts. But this is not true! With the right approach, you can create an interesting and stylish image even with such features.

Pay attention to the photo of the pixie haircut. It is distinguished by short strands at the temples and long ones on the crown. Ideal for summer and any hair – thin, thick or unruly. But the owner of a full face with such a stylish hairstyle will have to wash her hair every day. Go to the hairdresser often too. This fashionable haircut requires constant care and with overgrown ends it looks unkempt.

Styling a pixie haircut for a full face is done simply – get up, wash, blow dry and that’s it! You're ready to go out!

You will have to approach the choice of hair dye responsibly:

  • light brown color, shades of gray and ash will turn a lady with a double chin into a teenage boy;
  • bright rich chocolate brown. Black color on a short haircut for a full face does not look vulgar, but on the contrary, it will make you a vamp;
  • red - always looks bright and mischievous on a full face;
  • blonde on a face with a double chin - neat, but only if light shades really suit you;
  • highlighting, coloring, various strands - a fashionable pixie haircut is open to any experiments with full-length appearance.

Add a new twist to your usual hairstyle Various variations of haircuts for a full face with bangs will help. Straight and level will highlight what you want to hide. Therefore, our recommendation is only asymmetry!

Bob for chubby people with double chin

A bob is a strict and voluminous haircut. But she is visually capable of elongating the full shape of the face. The main thing is not to use its classic variation on a full face with straight bangs down to the eyebrows and an overall length up to the chin. In this case, it is better to opt for a fashionable graduated version with oblique or asymmetrical bangs.

This is especially true for women with double chins. Fashionable image with such a feature as a double chin, first of all, it should distract attention from the main flaw. For this reason, haircuts for a full face with a double chin should not focus on the lower part.

You will have to tinker with styling this haircut. In the morning, you will have to wash your hair, dry it, while trying to wrap the ends of your hair inward, and add fullness and volume to the crown.

This haircut has only 1 minus - curly hair. Girls with curly hair You will have to use a hair straightener every day to straighten your curls. Is it worth ruining your hair? Everyone decides for themselves.

Long hair and full face

If you are still only dreaming about long curls, we recommend reading the article about recipes for accelerating hair growth -.

A chic woman's braid has always been the envy of others. Long hair is difficult to grow, it requires... more attention than a short haircut. But you can’t go through your whole life with one braid. Often you want something new, without cutting off the length. What should those with a full face do in this case? Hairdressers offer many options fashionable hairstyles, in which there is no need to remove length to create a new stylish look.

One of these options is considered to be a “ladder” haircut.

Look at the photos of famous Hollywood actresses Penelope Cruz and Lauren Conrad, socialite Nicole Richie. They all chose variations of this particular fashionable haircut.

The ladder haircut provides its owner with a wide choice color range. It looks appropriate with any shades, highlights, or coloring of individual strands. There will be no problems with daily styling either. It is enough to wash and dry your hair with a hairdryer.

What should people with long hair and a round, full face pay attention to:

  • A side parting makes a round face look longer.
  • A multi-layered fashionable haircut will add the necessary volume. This will be especially suitable for beauties with thin curls.
  • The bangs on a haircut for a full face should not be short. Make it asymmetrical or oblique. Required – thinning .

Trends of the year: haircuts for full faces 2019

Based on the photo, the bob haircut was at the peak of popularity in 2019. For girls with a full face, this version of the image will be ideal. Special attention deserves a hairstyle in the style of Messi Bob, which involves elongated hair and its graduation along the entire length. If this year your soul is inclined to experiments, then this fashionable haircut is definitely worth trying.

The classic bob is also breaking all records for popularity in 2019. At the same time, girls with a full face are recommended to choose only a bob with voluminous side or asymmetrical bangs. Such fashionable haircuts, based on the photo, have a number of advantages, the key of which are unusual design and attractiveness of the image.

For overweight girls, it is difficult to choose not only clothes, but also a hairstyle. After all, you need to choose the most successful option, which will hide flaws and emphasize advantages. Today short haircuts for overweight women are presented in a wide variety, so choosing something suitable will not be difficult. But there is no need to rush - it is better to carefully read all the options and photos, and only then try them on for yourself.

Many owners of curvy figures choose. At the same time, almost all of them look feminine and elegant. Don't think that short hair don't match at all. The right hairstyle will help disguise all imperfections.

To choose what you need, you should consider several rules:

  • the shortest parts of the face and haircut should be combined;
  • Cascades with different hair lengths, as well as asymmetrical bangs, will look better;
  • if your face is too round, you can make it more oval with volume at the crown;
  • straight bangs reduce the size of the head and change the proportions, so overweight girls should give them up;
  • If you have any difficulties, you should contact your stylist. He will help you choose the right option.

Choice depending on face shape

When choosing a haircut for obese women, you should also take into account facial features. A full, round face requires special attention. It is better to turn to professionals or carefully read the photos on the Internet. Today, graduated haircuts with different hair lengths are very popular. In this case, individual strands should hang over the face and cover the cheeks.

Girls with a pear-shaped face should pay attention to the bob. Stylists are constantly coming up with new versions of this hairstyle for fat girls. For example, it is very popular: you should leave the strands just below the chin, and complete the spectacular look with a side parting and long bangs. You shouldn’t go too far in this situation - it will emphasize even more pear-shaped faces.

Wavy hair adds extra volume, so it's best to avoid perm. should not be too long, otherwise it will have the opposite effect.

You can add elegance and solemnity to curvaceous figures with the help of a bob. It is better to make it spherical. Haircuts for plus size women should end with sharp ends. You can comb the bob back - a good option for a special occasion.

If a woman has a narrow chin and a wide forehead, you should choose a bob with a slightly different interpretation. A good solution would be to make an oblique bang, remove the volume on the top of the head and/or leave it near the face long hair. The master’s task in this case is to divert attention from both curvaceous forms and the triangular shape of the face.

Women with curvaceous Don't be afraid of different interesting hairstyles. Braids, plaits, weaves, babettes are also companions for plump girls. All kinds of weaving, interesting combinations give the image brightness and strength.

Overweight girls need to take special care of their hair. Incorrect or untimely care can greatly ruin the image. There is nothing worse than thin, dirty and hanging strands. Therefore, it is important not only to wash your hair as your hair gets dirty, but also to use additional products.

The cascade looks good only on living, well-groomed curls, so you need to visit a stylist once a month - he will adjust the length and shape.

You can safely curl your hair and create curls using a curling iron or roller. You just need to avoid perms and small curls that emphasize fullness.

A haircut for a full face should hide its roundness and chubby cheeks. There are some nuances, adhering to which you can create perfect image no problem.


Rules for choosing a haircut for a full face

  • Medium hair length just below the chin is optimal for a full face
  • A haircut must definitely create
  • No ragged ends, just neat
  • visually lengthen the face and slim it

What haircuts are suitable for a full face?

Short haircuts Only in some of their variations are they suitable for a full face. Ultrashort - definitely not, but excellent fashionable option. Long oblique bangs, which will create asymmetry, will also look very youthful, and the obligatory volume on the top of the head will elongate the face.

Haircuts for full faces on medium hair varied. An elongated bob looks great both straight and on, and also makes you look great by covering your full cheeks with the front strands. Any cascading haircut on medium hair will give the hair a charming volume, and this can only benefit full-faced ladies.

Long hair You rarely see ladies with full faces, because they understand that creating the necessary volume on long hair is difficult without the help of labor-intensive styling. But still, curly long hair cut in a cascade will be very useful for plump girls, because any layered haircut creates volume by grading the strands.

In the photo below you can see various options good haircuts for full faces.

It is difficult to imagine a truly luxurious woman without stylishly styled hair. For a plump woman who wants to look well-groomed and beautiful, it is extremely important to choose suitable haircut, which will make the face attractive, and will also favorably “balance” the proportions of the figure.

After all, an unsuccessful hairstyle will only highlight flaws, focusing attention on the fullness of the face and visually “enlarging” the silhouette.

Long or short, a haircut for plus size people should draw attention to the face, and not to the figure. Accordingly, the hairstyle should be moderately voluminous. Avoid slick hairstyles and tight buns.

Remember that oblique or milled bangs balances proportions full face, while straight or too short focuses attention on the cheeks and cheekbones, visually emphasizing fullness.

Avoid symmetry when choosing a haircut for a full face. An even parting, straight hair of the same length, hanging along the cheeks - this style does not suit most plus size women. And on the contrary, slight artistic disorder, asymmetrical bangs, side parting, multi-layered, cascading and a certain “tousle” hairstyle makes the face look younger and thinner, and also distracts attention from the problem areas of the figure.

When coloring your hair, give preference natural shades that match your color type. Remember that it's too dark color visually makes your face fuller and makes you look older. You can refresh your look and disguise the fullness of your cheeks with the help of a non-uniform hair color - coloring or highlighting. Avoid experimenting with colors that are far from your natural color, as well as extreme youth colors, especially if you are over 25 years old.

Short haircuts for obese women - photo:

How to choose a haircut for a plump woman?

It is better to start choosing a hairstyle for a full face by determining your color type, as well as the shape of your cheekbones and nose. The “softer” the lines of the face, the longer the haircut should be. Overweight women with a round face should choose cascading haircuts middle length, but from even “squares”, as well as from ultra short hairstyles It's better to refuse. Ladies with a triangle or oval face type can experiment with short hairstyles and soft curls.

Photo of haircuts for overweight girls with medium length hair

Choosing women's haircut for overweight women, it is also important to take into account age, height, degree of obesity and lifestyle: fashionable haircuts for overweight girls may look ridiculous on business women middle aged. Pay attention to the style of overweight celebrities - just not those you like, but those with whom you have at least some external resemblance. If you find it difficult to choose, you can try to choose a hairstyle with the help of a hairdresser-stylist, or in a special program, which is now available in many beauty salons.

Haircuts for a full face for long hair:

Remember that it is impossible to choose a hairstyle for plus size people solely on the basis of recommendations fashion magazines. In order for a haircut to truly please and beautify you, it should not only mask the fullness of your face and figure, but also correspond to your age, style, color type and inner sense of self. Be prepared for the fact that finding the “perfect haircut for plus size” will take some time. Study yourself, try different styles, experiment - and you will definitely find a haircut that will make you irresistible.

A few secrets to choosing a haircut

Chic women with curvy figures are undoubtedly considered beautiful and appetizing. BUT all this, with the right... Short haircuts for plus size women are a tool for creating a unique look. There are a lot of details that cannot be displayed. Haircut like a sculptor, blinds your face perfect shape. When looking for a style and hairstyle for plus size girls, you need to know some ladies' secrets:

· It is necessary to take into account such factors as:

  • body type;
  • face oval;
  • skin color (light type);
  • style.

· Asymmetry suits a plump woman very well. And you will have to forget about symmetrical models.

· Straight bangs will also not add attractiveness to the image.

· An excellent version for curly hair – cascading types of haircuts. They look attractive with their playfulness and carelessness.

· Strongly shortened hair will not make a round face look beautiful.

· The beauty of your appearance should be emphasized by medium length.

· Volume is an excellent option to visually reduce the roundness of the cheeks.

· Smooth hair, enhance your features.

· A raised crown will give the lines a delicate oval shape.

· Before making a decision, use the computer's selection of haircuts for plus size women.

· Hairstyles for overweight girls that will help to highlight the neck favorably by lengthening it visually:

  • The bob is shortened with strands elongated towards the chin. In this model, the neck is slightly opened, and in contrast with the strands, the back of the head is lengthened.

  • “Like a boy.” Will completely open the neck. This is a bold look. It's very easy to do. Hair does not require special styling. A high rise on the top of the head will make the haircut higher, which will help lengthen the oval and neck.

  • Cap. The hair should be voluminous 8-10 cm, cut shorter towards the neck to 2-3 cm. This transition will lengthen the back of the head.

· Haircuts for obese women are one with the image. For the elegant business suit Playing with colored uneven strands will not work.

Spectacular haircuts according to the shape of the face for overweight people

Short models for a plump lady are selected individually and certainly depend on the type of face:

  • Pear-shaped
  • Oval
  • Round
  • Square
  • Rectangular


It does not occur very often; it is a rather difficult type of face to cut. A wide forehead and low chin can be skillfully hidden with a hairstyle. Your face will become very cute and attractive.

Example: modeling of short two-layer cascades. It is through these techniques that you will achieve balance. The features will appear more symmetrical, closer to a square shape, rather than trapezoidal. The ease of this look will save your hair from daily styling and split ends from the hair dryer.

With this type, experiments with asymmetry will always be effective.


Almost any haircut style and medium-length hair are suitable for oval lines. If you have these oval features, then you are in luck. This face shape is universal, the main thing is to take into account the style features.

The oval lines of your appearance will allow you to:

  • bob;
  • boyish model.

If you come to choose a bob, it should be with an asymmetrical side parting. Straight partings for oval shape are not needed, since symmetry makes the face elongated. Are you the owner of a neat nose? Bangs will suit you: beveled, torn, not thick. If you have a large nose, go for a bob without bangs.

You should avoid smooth hairstyles, as well as short strands on your cheekbones; try to remove hair from your cheekbones, on the contrary, combing it back. This will give you softness and prettiness.


When choosing an image for chubby ladies, you should pay attention to several nuances that will help create a beautiful image.

Some pixie styles suit chubby cheeks, but not all. Mostly with a raised crown and side bangs. This option stretches the oval and adds an angle that is necessary for rounded shapes.

Medium-length hair with asymmetry and a layered structure will look good. Different lengths visually changes the oval and makes it more elongated. Stylish unusual solutions are complemented by spectacular coloring or highlighting.

Take a closer look at the airy options, and not the monoliths that weigh down the appearance. They create a “disheveled” effect and perfectly distract the eye from the roundness of the face.

A haircut with bangs should be laid to one side, it should be filed and have ragged ends.

A bob with elongated ends will cover the width of part of the cheekbones and slightly open the chin area. This solution cuts off excess from the roundness of the cheeks.


In this case, the jaw has the same angular shape as the forehead. Cheekbones protrude. When performing a haircut, you need to raise the back of your head, while opening the frontal area. It is necessary to use symmetrical styles; they will smooth out the cheekbones.


IN in this case They use models that cover the ear area, softening the vertical lines.

What haircuts are not suitable for a plump woman?

Short volumes and full figures are quite harmonious, but some rules should be taken into account:

  • straight lines and straight partings should be avoided;
  • too much voluminous hair in hairstyles for plus size girls, you need to style them using styling products;
  • perm gives the face roundness;
  • give up smooth backcombing;
  • straight bob, round shapes, caps, as well as partings in the middle make the face visually wider;
  • If you can’t choose a model yourself, contact a professional. A stylist will always help you find the style that suits you and your lifestyle.

In custody:

Haircuts short length very popular among women appetizing shapes. They have a lot of advantages when making the right choice style.

  • hair is easy to care for;
  • easy to install;
  • hide a number of flaws in the type of face;
  • also visually change appearance neck;
  • the right choice allows you to emphasize structure and volume;
  • With a spectacular frame of cute cheeks, we become stylish, beautiful and unique.

A haircut should be an extension of your own style. Then you will be comfortable and happy in the completed image.