
I burn fat in your arms. Set of exercises for weight loss hands

I burn fat in your arms. Set of exercises for weight loss hands

Thanks to this set of exercises, your hands will become tightened and sexy. From the article you will learn how to remove fat from the inside of the hands with the help of exercises, which also involve shoulders and muscles of the back, so that your figure looks elegant and harmoniously. The more you work on your hands, the better in the form.

Your goal is to get rid of the fat and lethargy of the muscles and "blind" perfect hands. This must be done in two steps:

  1. Get rid of excess fat (so that the arms become thinner and stopped shaking like jelly)
  2. Lead to the tone of the muscles of the hands (the muscular mass increases and a beautiful form appeared)

First of all, remember, it is impossible to "lose weight locally", that is, remove fat from one specific part of the body. After performing exercises for a particular part of the body, you focus on the muscles (not fat!) In this part of the body. That is, you immediately go to the second step - build up muscle mass and bring muscles into tone. Such training will have a certain effect, but in order to get rid of sluggish hands, an integrated approach is necessary.

To achieve perfect hands, before everything needs to get rid of hateful declarations, what the first step will help you (get rid of excess fat). Be sure to add cardio to your habitual workout program, eat right and balanced, do not forget about vitamins and try to sleep at least 6-8 hours a day to give the body enough time on vacation and recovery.

This training is not only help you create beautiful, sexy hands. With the help of these exercises, you will work the muscles of the shoulders and the back, which will beneficially affect the posture.

Exercises for weight loss hands at home

Perform the exercises sequentially listed below. Make 8-12 repetitions of each exercise with moderately heavy weights.

  1. Flexion on biceps



  • Palms should look forward
  • Bend your hands in the elbows, lift the dumbbells at the chest level

Tip: make sure that during the execution of this exercise, the elbows strictly on the sides.

  1. Alternated bending on biceps hammer grogging

Muscles: front surface of the shoulder (biceps)


  • Take the dumbbell in every hand, put your feet on the width of the shoulders
  • Slightly bend hands, palms should look at each other.
  • Slowly lift the dumbbell in the right hand to the shoulder
  • Lower your hand at home
  • Repeat the same movement with your left hand
  • Continue exercise alternately right and left hand.

Tip: Follow the technique, do not swing to facilitate the exercise. And do not forget to keep elbows close to the case.

  1. Hand flexion with expander

Muscles: front surface of the shoulder (biceps)


  • Step on the expander or secure it below
  • Take the ends of the expander in every hand. Ribbons must be well stretched, do not have to sag
  • Bend your hands in the elbows, pull the handles of the extender to the shoulders
  • Slowly lower your hands at home

Tip: Keep elbows close to the housing. Hands in its original position. Sleep slowly, without sharp jerks.

  1. Push-ups from the bench rear



  • Sit on a chair or bench. Enroll your hands on the edge of the bench on both sides of the body. Pull the legs forward. Relying on the hands, lift over the bench. Now you are based on hands - this is your original position.
  • Bending hands in the elbows, slowly down to the maximum low to the floor
  • Do not rush back to its original position until the extension of the hands. Make the required number of approaches.

Tip: Bend the legs - it will make it easier for the exercise.

  1. Ringing hands in the slope

Muscles: rear surface of the shoulder (triceps)


  • Enact with the left foot and left hand about the bench. Secure the second leg a little back, the back is straight. Take the dumbbell in my right hand. Flexing elbow, lift your hand on the level of the back or slightly above. It will be your starting position
  • Take the hand raised back until the elbow and shoulder form a straight line.
  • Slowly and gently return the hand at home
  • Make the required number of repetitions with your right hand, then go to the left.

Tip: Locked the elbow in one position throughout the exercise. Keep elbows close to the housing, do not dive them to the sides.

  1. Hand extension due to head sitting

Muscles: rear surface of the shoulder (triceps)


  • Sit on the phytball (or chair), lift the dumbbell with both hands
  • Pull hands to the ceiling, holding them close to the ears. This is your initial position.
  • Bend your hands in the elbows, lower the dumbbell behind your head until it touches the shoulders
  • Straighten your hands at home

Tip: Do not strain the elbows in the position when the hands are raised to the ceiling. Make sure you make up the maximum and lower the dumbbell, for the best tripper study.

Muscles: rear surface of the shoulder (triceps), breast muscles, shoulders (deltid muscles)


  • Stand on your knees, go in front of yourself. Put your hands close to each other, connect the index and thumbs up to get rhombus
  • Bend your hands in the elbows and lean as close to the ground as much as possible. Hold your back during the exercise right
  • Straighten your hands and slowly return to its original position.
  1. Thrust in the tonf

Muscles: shoulders (deltoid muscles) and the top of the back


  • Stop the right leg forward and slightly bend it in the knee. Hold your left foot straight. The housing is slightly tilt forward. Case and left foot should be a straight line
  • In each hand, take on the dumbbell, the palms are directed towards the knees.
  • Tighten the dumbbells to the armpits, hand back, the blades are twist together.
  • Slowly return to its original position

Tip: Keep your back right throughout the exercise.

  1. Mahi hands on the sides with an expander

Muscles: shoulders (deltoid muscles) and the top of the back

Performance :

  • Initial position similar to the previous exercise
  • Stop the right leg forward, slightly bent in the knee. Left straightened. Case slightly tilt forward
  • Right leg step on an expander, take the handles in your hands.
  • Hands bent, keep in front of yourself, approximately at the level of the abdomen. This is your initial position.
  • Divide your hands up and on the sides (like a bird) until the elbows are above the back

Tip: When you raise your hands up, twist the blades together.