
Triz in the development of a preschooler. Innovations in triz education - pedagogy pedagogical council prepared the use of triz techniques in working with preschool children: educator. Formation of ecological thinking in preschoolers using triz methods

Triz in the development of a preschooler.  Innovations in triz education - pedagogy pedagogical council prepared the use of triz techniques in working with preschool children: educator.  Formation of ecological thinking in preschoolers using triz methods

Purpose To systematize the knowledge of teachers in the field of TRIZ - pedagogy To give educators a tool for a specific practical education in children of qualities creative personality who is able to understand the unity and contradiction of the surrounding world, to solve her little problems.

TRIZ methodology The TRIZ methodology was invented and developed approximately 50 years ago by Heinrich Saulovich Altshuller. Initially, it was created to help in finding solutions to technical problems and contributed to the development of thinking, flexibility, consistency, logical construction and originality. The main task of this technique is to teach the child to think outside the box and find their own solutions.

preschool childhood- this is that special age when a child discovers the world for himself, when significant changes occur in all areas of his psyche (cognitive, emotional, volitional) and which manifest themselves in various types activities: communicative, cognitive, transformative. This is the age when the ability to creatively solve problems that arise in a given situation of a child's life appears (creativity). The skillful use of TRIZ techniques and methods (theory of inventive problem solving) successfully helps to develop inventive ingenuity, creative imagination, and dialectical thinking in preschoolers. The goals of TRIZ are not just to develop the imagination of children, but to teach them to think systematically, with an understanding of ongoing processes, to give educators a tool for concrete practical education in children of the qualities of a creative person, able to understand the unity and contradiction of the world around them, to solve their little problems. The starting position of the Trizian concept in relation to the preschooler is the principle of the natural conformity of learning. When teaching a child, the teacher must go from his nature. TRIZ for preschoolers is a system of collective games and activities designed not to change the main program, but to maximize its effectiveness.

"TRIZ is a controlled process of creating something new, combining accurate calculation, logic, intuition, as the founder of the theory G.S. Altshuller and his followers believed. The main working mechanism of TRIZ is the algorithm for solving inventive problems. Having mastered the algorithm, the solution of any problems proceeds systematically , according to clear logical steps: the initial formulation of the problem is corrected; a model is built; the available material-field resources are determined; an IFR (ideal end result) is compiled; physical contradictions are identified and analyzed; bold, daring transformations are applied to the problem.

Algorithm for solving inventive problems The main means of working with children is pedagogical search. The teacher should not give ready-made knowledge, reveal the truth to him, he should teach him to find it. If a child asks a question, do not immediately give a ready-made answer. On the contrary, one should ask him what he himself thinks about it. Invite him to discuss. And lead with leading questions to ensure that the child himself finds the answer. If he does not ask a question, then the teacher must indicate the contradiction. Thus, he puts the child in a situation where you need to find the answer, i.e. to some extent repeat the historical path of cognition and transformation of an object or phenomenon. At the first stage, children get acquainted with each component separately in game form. This helps to see contradictions in the surrounding reality and teach them to formulate them.

The game "Yes-No or" Guess what I thought of For example: the teacher guesses the word "Elephant, the children ask questions (Is it alive? Is it a plant? Is it an animal? Is it big? Does it live in hot countries? Is it an elephant?), The teacher only answers "yes or" no, until the children guess what was planned. When the children learn to play this game, they begin to think of words for each other. These can be objects: "Shorts," Car, "Rose," Mushroom, "Birch," Water, "Rainbow, etc. Exercises in finding material - field resources help children see positive and negative qualities in an object. Games: "Good - bad," Black - white, "Lawyers - Prosecutors, etc. Game" Black and white The teacher raises a card with the image of a white house, and the children call positive traits object, then holds up a card with a picture of a black house and the children list the negative qualities. (Example: "Book. Good - you learn a lot of interesting things from books ... Bad - they quickly tear ... etc.) Can be disassembled as objects:" Caterpillar, "Wolf," Flower, "Stool," Tablet , "Sweetie," Mom, "Bird," Prick, "Fight," Punishment, etc. The game "On the contrary or" changelings (carried out with the ball). The teacher throws the ball to the child and calls the word, and the child answers with a word opposite in meaning and returns the ball to the leader (good - bad, build - destroy exit - entrance).

Games to find external and internal resources Example "Help Cinderella Cinderella kneaded the dough. When she had to roll it out, she found that there was no rolling pin. And her stepmother ordered to bake pies for dinner. from them; go to the store, buy a new one; you can use an empty bottle; or find a round log, wash it and roll it out; cut the dough into small pieces, and then with what - do not be hard to press. At the second stage, children are offered games with contradictions, which they solve with the help of an algorithm.Example: "Scientists have developed a new breed of hare. Outwardly, he, in general, is the same as ordinary hares, but only a new black hare. What problem will the new hare have? How to help a new hare survive? Children's answers: (It is easier for a fox to hunt a black hare ... It is especially clearly visible in the snow ... Now he only needs to live underground ... Or where there is no snow at all, but only black earth ... And he needs to walk now he needs only at night ... He needs to live with people so that they take care of him, protect him ...) The beginning of thought, the beginning of intelligence is where the child sees a contradiction, "the secret of the double. The teacher must always encourage the child to find contradictions in or other phenomenon and resolve.Resolving contradictions is an important stage in the child's mental activity.For this, there is a whole system of methods and techniques used by the teacher in game and fairy-tale tasks.

Method focal objects(MFO) - transferring the properties of one object or several to another. For example, a ball. What is he? Laughing, flying, delicious; telling bedtime stories... This method allows not only to develop imagination, speech, fantasy, but also to control your thinking. Using the MFI method, you can come up with a fantastic animal, come up with a name for it, who its parents are, where it will live and what to eat, or offer pictures of "funny animals," pictograms, name them and make a presentation. For example, "Left monkey. His parents: a lion and a monkey. Lives in hot countries. Runs very quickly on the ground and deftly climbs trees. Can quickly run away from enemies and get fruit from a tall tree ... , as a set of elements interconnected in a certain way, conveniently functioning with each other. Its purpose is to determine the role and place of the functions of objects and their interaction for each sub-system and over-system element. For example: System "Frog", Subsystem (part of the system) - paws, eyes, circulatory system, Supersystem (a more complex system that includes the system under consideration) - a reservoir. The teacher asks questions: "What would happen if all the frogs disappeared ?, "What are they for?, "What benefit do they bring? (Children offer options for their answers, judgments). As a result, they come to the conclusion that everything in the world is arranged systematically, and if one link in this chain is broken, then another link (another system) will certainly be broken. MMP technique (modeling by little people) - modeling of processes occurring in the natural and man-made world between substances (solid - liquid - gaseous) carry out scientific research work at their level, get acquainted with the laws of living and inanimate nature. With the help of such "little men", children make models of "Borscht", "Ocean", "Volcanic Eruption", etc.

Fantasizing Techniques: Do the opposite. This technique reverses the properties and purpose of the object, turns them into anti-objects. Example: anti light makes things invisible, while light makes things visible. Increase decrease. Used to change a property of an object. With it, you can change the size, speed, strength, weight of objects. Increase or decrease can be unlimited. Dynamics - statics. Used to change the properties of an object. First you need to determine which properties of the object are constant (static) and which are variables (dynamic). To get a fantastic object, you need to turn constant properties into variables according to the "dynamics" method, and according to the "statics" method - variable properties into constants. Example: A computer modified according to the "dynamic" method could change shape (turn into something). And a person modified according to the "static" method would have the same height all his life, starting from a year old (the height of an adult). A special stage in the work of a teacher - a Trizovian - is working with fairy tales, solving fairy-tale problems and inventing new fairy tales using special techniques.

Collage of fairy tales new fairy tale based on fairy tales already known to children. "This is what happened to our book of fairy tales. In it, all the pages got mixed up and Pinocchio, Little Red Riding Hood and Kolobok turned into mice by the evil wizard. They grieved, grieved and decided to seek salvation. We met the old man Hottabych, and he forgot the spell ... Then the creative begins joint work of children and educator Familiar characters in new circumstances This method develops imagination, breaks habitual stereotypes in children, creates conditions under which the main characters remain, but fall into new circumstances that can be fantastic and incredible. . New situation: on the way of the girl there is a gray wolf. A tale from a rhyme (E. Stefanovich) - Not a healer, not a witch, not a fortune teller, But the Spoon knows about everything that is in the Bowl. (In the early morning, the ordinary spoon turned into a magic one and became invisible...)

Rescue situations in fairy tales This method serves as a prerequisite for composing all sorts of plots and endings. In addition to the ability to compose, the child learns to find a way out of sometimes difficult circumstances. "Once a kitten decided to swim. He swam very far from the shore. Suddenly a storm began, and he began to sink ... Suggest your options for rescuing the kitten. Fairy tales, in a new way. This method helps to take a fresh look at familiar stories. An old fairy tale - "Tiny - Khavroshechka A fairy tale in a new way -" Khavroshechka is evil and lazy. Tales from "living drops and blots. First you need to teach children how to make blots (black, multi-colored). Then even three year old Looking at them, he can see images, objects or their individual details and answer the questions: "What does your or my inkblot look like?" Who or what does it remind you of? then you can proceed to the next stage - circling or drawing blots. Images of "living drops, blots help compose a fairy tale.

Modeling fairy tales First, it is necessary to teach preschoolers how to compose a fairy tale according to a subject-schematic model. For example, to show some kind of object or picture, which should be the starting point of children's fantasy. Example: a black house (it can be the house of Baba Yaga or someone else, and it is black because the one who lives in it is evil ...) At the next stage, you can offer several cards with a ready-made schematic image of heroes (people, animals, fairy tale characters, phenomena, magical objects). Children only have to make a choice and inventing a fairy tale will go faster. When children have mastered the simplified version of working with diagrams for a fairy tale, they will be able to independently draw a diagram for their invented fairy tale story and tell it based on the model. The work of a trizov teacher involves conversations with children on historical topics: "Journey into the past of clothes," Dishes tell about their birth, "The history of a pencil, etc. examining an object in its temporal development allows us to understand the reason for constant improvements, inventions. Children begin to understand what to invent means to solve a contradiction.On walks with preschoolers, it is recommended to use various techniques that activate children's imagination: revitalization, dynamization, changing the laws of nature, increasing or decreasing the degree of impact of an object, etc.

TRIZ on a walk On walks with preschoolers, it is recommended to use various techniques that activate children's imagination: revitalization, dynamization, changing the laws of nature, increasing or decreasing the degree of impact of an object, etc. For example, the teacher addresses the children: “let's revive the tree: who is its mother? Who are its friends? What does it argue with the wind about? What can the tree tell us? did you turn into a flower? What do you dream about? Who are you afraid of? Someone you love? In the development of mental activity of preschoolers, a special role is played by entertaining tasks and educational games that contribute to the development of creative and independent thinking, reflection, and, in general, the formation of intellectual readiness for learning at school.

Preparatory stage You can start with game exercises such as "Draw," Finish, "Make a picture of geometric shapes," What does it look like?, "Find similarities," Find differences. For further development of creativity, imagination, independence, attention, ingenuity, tasks with counting sticks are offered. First, simple (“build a house of 6, 12 sticks), then more difficult (which stick should be placed so that the house looks the other way?). At the main stage, it is advisable to use puzzle games (arithmetic, geometric, alphabetic, with laces), chess; compose riddles and compose and guess crossword puzzles. A riddle is a serious exercise for the mind, the most important way to replenish knowledge and a means of exercising wit. I'm done well, Red, round. (Tomato) Children really like such riddles, they raise their emotional mood, teach them to concentrate, to show mental activity. Games - exercises help to teach children to classify, establish cause-and-effect relationships: "What is superfluous?", "What at first, what then?" a logical chain of words from pictures, explaining how they are connected.Example: book - tree - linden - tea - glass - water - river - stone - tower - princess, etc. When preparing children for school, it is advisable to use exercises and tasks: general development; To test the inertia of thinking; On the use of fantasy techniques.

In order to obtain the necessary skills to use TRIZ techniques and methods, it is good to use “mind simulators” The set of exercises “Mind simulator: Simulator Repeat the words in the same order (no more than 6 words) Window, ship, pen, coat, watch; 2. Remember how looks like your kitchen. Without going there, list the items that are in sight (you can specify the details: color, size, shape, special signs). 3. One of these words is superfluous. Which one? - Bread, coffee, iron, meat . Why?

Simulator 2. (Exercises with numbers) 1. How to get numbers: 0, 2, 5... using numbers and mathematical signs. 2. Continue the number series 2, 4, 6. What number should be in place of the question mark? (Count by bars) ? Game "Skeleton" Certain combinations of consonant letters are offered. For example: KNT or ZB. To find a word, you need to add vowels to it. You can get words: KNT (rope, whip, edging) ZB (tooth, goiter, hut, plowing) 5. Difficult task (after the walk) 1. How many men, women, children have you met or seen? 2. What cars were parked, which cars passed by? 3. Did anyone walk with the dog? Describe it. 4. Were there cyclists on the street? 5 Have there been people with baby strollers? Look at the picture and make up a story. For example: a traveler is packing a backpack for a hike: he has prepared an hatchet, a knife, a rope, he cannot find a second shoe, and the clock shows that in 15 minutes he will go out, etc. Come up with a fairy tale using the depicted objects (bell, ladder, crown, basket of apples, jug, comb, rose, snake, ax, chest).

Simulator Compose an advertisement for a newspaper so that catches begin with one letter. Example: for sale singing fluffy parrot Goody, five years old, half green. Prefers to eat cookies, drink Pepsi-Cola. Please come see. Telegram text: Urgent message: "Drying dog ran away, light brown, medium height. Report urgently. I miss you 2. Make a chain of words (association) Source word. Book - leaf - tree - linden - tea Simulator 4. Tasks for checking the inertia of thinking Required quickly answer the questions of tasks. You can think at the same time, but not for long. 1. How many fingers are on 2 hands, and on 4? 2. He sits in a swamp in French. Who is this? (explain since when the frogs began to speak, and even in French). 3. Two people approached the river. How can they cross to the opposite bank. If there is an ode to a single boat. It is rather cold outside, but not quite winter the river has not frozen. 4. Like a deaf-mute in a hardware store explain to the salesperson that he needs a hammer, but how can a blind man ask for scissors?

Simulator 5. Consistency and system analysis. 1. Find an extra word in each line Chair, table, snake, tripod, horse (common subsystem - legs). Flask, desert, sea, aquarium, bottle (common subsystem - water). 2. I propose a system, pick up the words included in this system: Forest - hunter, wolf, trees, bushes, path. River - coast, fish, fisherman, water, mud. City - cars, buildings, streets, bicycles, etc. 3. Make a chain of subsystems for the "table lamp" system. It can be such a chain: table lamp - light - lamp - glass, etc.

Simulator 6. Techniques of fantasizing. Reception "Perspectives" See what happens. Aliens arrived from a distant planet and landed in our city. They have some insidious plans and in order to fulfill their secret plans, they turned off the light throughout the city. The city plunged into darkness: the included lamps and lanterns do not shine. In order to prevent aliens from taking over the city (country), one must somehow get to where they turned off the power system, turn it on and interfere with their plans. How to do it? At the same time, do not fall into the hands of aliens, and in the dark they navigate very well. The technique of "increase or" fiction. Waking up one morning, the residents of our city saw that the grass in the city "has grown to the fifth floor. What will happen next? Who will like it and who will not? What problems will the residents of the city have? What will be the consequences? Reception "decrease. Invite the children to reduce all the cars in the city to the size of children's, toy cars. How then will people solve problems with transport? How to use reduced cars? After the practical application of the "mind simulators", a game training is carried out to test the ability to master the skills of creative thinking. "ATTENTION! RATING! The use of TRIZ methods and techniques in work makes it possible to note that toddlers have almost no psychological barriers, but older preschoolers already have them. TRIZ allows you to remove these barriers, remove the fear of the new, the unknown, form the perception of life and educational problems not as insurmountable obstacles, but as the next tasks to be solved. In addition, TRIZ implies the humanistic nature of learning, based on solving relevant and useful problems for the environment. Tutor Fatkulina V.V.

Lesson 1 Contradictions in the weather 1. Acquaintance with the teacher's assistant 2. Dialogue with the Toy about the weather 3. The outdoor game "Sun and rain" 4. Discussion with children of contradictions in the weather 5. Summarizing Lesson 2 Contradictions in objects 1. Classification of toys according to various featured 2. The outdoor game "Run away!" 3. Discussion of contradictions in subjects

Lesson 3 Contradictions in subjects (continued) 1. Conversation about professions 2. Game "Tamers" 3. Didactic game"Shop" 4. Summing up Lesson 4 Contradictions in situations 1. Contradictions in illness 2. Game "Cold" 3. Analysis of situations 4. Summing up

Lesson 5 Contradictions in size 1. Analysis of the problem situation 2. Game "Big little" 3. Exercise "Put in order" 4. Summing up Lesson 6 Contradictions in quantity 1. Analysis of the problem situation 2. Game "Many little" 3. Contradictions in number 4. Summing up

Lesson 7 Opposite signs 1. Contradictions in winter 2. Attention game 3. Problem situation 4. Summing up Lesson 8 Generalizing lesson on contradictions Lesson 9 Human subsystems 1. “Assembling a robot” 2. Game “Arms, legs, head” 3. Discussion "What for what?" 4. Summing up

Lesson 10 Item Subsystems: Teapot Object 1. Discussion “Which teapot is best?” 2. Relay game "Fill the kettle" 3. Analysis of subsystems 4. Summing up Lesson 11 Subsystems of objects: the object "car" 1. Analysis of subsystems 2. Game "Traffic light" 3. Discussion "What are the machines for their intended purpose" 3. Discussion " What are the machines for their intended purpose "4. Summing up

Lesson 12 Generalizing lesson on subsystems 1. Discussion "Constructors" 2. Game "Who is more?" 3. Composing riddles 4. Debriefing Activity 13 The little man method 1. Discussion “What is not divided into parts?” 2. Game "Name the solid" 3. Staging by little people 4. Summing up

TRIZ exercises Elder sister locked herself in the room and does not let her brother in. How can a child solve a problem. You can complain to mom, bang on the door, cry ... The boy found effective method. Pulling a chair to the door, he said to the girl: "That's it, now you're locked up and you won't be able to get out." The door opened immediately. The TRIZ methodology is aimed at teaching preschoolers to find non-standard and effective ways problem solution. Exercises to reveal the functions of the subject 1. "What can he do?". The host calls the subject, and the children tell what he can do. For example, a bicycle can roll, carry cargo, fall, it can be disassembled for spare parts, donated, exchanged, etc. Have the children place the item in a fantasy environment. For example, a bicycle can be “gifted” to Little Red Riding Hood. How would a bicycle help her? 2. "My friends." The leader "turns" into some object and "looks" for friends. - I am water. My friends are those who live in the water. Children run up or approach the leader, naming suitable objects. It is better to study the TRIZ method with a group of children. This way they will learn from each other. But doing tasks only with mom contributes to the development of non-standard, creative thinking. According to the TRIZ method

Exercises to find ways to develop the situation 1. "What was - what became." You can invite children to name objects made of the named material: - What is made of wood? (paper, furniture, matches). - It was a grain, but it became ... (a tree) - What was a lot, but became small? (Stars, because they are not visible during the day; snow, because it melted, etc. - It was green, but it turned yellow. What is it? Task option: we name the object, and the children tell what it is made of. 2. “ Train". Children are offered cards with images of objects in different time periods. For example: grain, spikelet, flour, dough, pie. Children make up a "train". There are many options for tasks, all of them are aimed at forming the concepts of "object in the past", "object in the present", "object in the future".

Exercises to identify relationships between objects and their resources 1. "Help Cinderella" (finding internal and external resources for solving the problem) The evil stepmother told Cinderella to bake pies for dinner. Cinderella kneaded the dough and made the filling. Now she needs to roll out the dough, but the rolling pin is nowhere to be found. Probably, the bad sisters hid the rolling pin on purpose to annoy poor Cinderella. How to proceed now? Options: ask the neighbors, buy a new one in the store, make it yourself from a log or a bottle, form cakes with your hand, etc. 2. “Collage from fairy tales” Dunno, Kolobok and Pinocchio lived in a wonderful forest. Once Kolobok went to the forest for mushrooms and did not return. Dunno and Pinocchio went to look for him. They see Little Red Riding Hood coming towards them and crying bitterly... Then the tale continues together with the child. 3. "Familiar heroes in new circumstances." Encourage children to fantasize about actions and behavior fairy tale hero in a different environment. Example. I found Winnie the Pooh shoes in the forest, I decided to try them on. I just didn't know they were magical. And ended up in Africa. Around palm trees and tropical plants. The little bear was surprised, he goes and is surprised at everything. Suddenly he sees a fire burning. And around the fire Barmaley gallops. 4. "Auction". Various items are up for auction. They can be real or painted. Children need to describe the possibilities of their use. Whoever is the last to suggest a way to use the item, he takes it. - What can you do with a spoon? (eat, stir, dig, etc.)

Experience as a kindergarten teacher. Use of TRIZ in environmental education preschoolers

The problem of ecology is currently one of the most important for the existence of life on Earth.
There is a lot of advice in the literature on how to tell children about what is happening in nature, and more often this knowledge is given to children in a ready-made form - “it was and is”, and is not obtained by the children themselves, as TRIZ advises. When solving problems based on ecological contradictions, based on the knowledge gained, one can draw one's own conclusions. Receiving new and reinforcing old knowledge, but already on a conceptual basis, children and adults have a deeper understanding of everything that happens in nature, in the world around them.
All preschool workers know that the child is happy to learn and explore what is of interest to him. The first and main task of the teacher is to first interest the children in the object, and only then talk about it, explore, reveal its essence and relationships in the world around. The same task is in working with teachers: first, to get interested in this technology, and then start studying it.
Everyone knows that the easiest way to get interested is not in ready-made knowledge, but in riddles. There are so many of them in the nature around us, and in life that we unravel them all our lives. But most often we don’t think about how a person, this or that animal, or even a plant solves the problem of survival, but we prefer to know what lies on the surface of our ideas, which, as it seems to us, we have always known.
The diversity, brightness, beauty of nature, the visibility of its connections and dependencies ensure the accessibility of their understanding by children and have a significant impact on the improvement of their mental activity, which is manifested in the development of logic, independence of thinking.
Basically, all this is possible in the process of observation. The development of the ability to observe gives the child the opportunity not only to perceive the beauty of nature, but also to learn new things about animals, plants, and phenomena of inanimate nature. Observations can be short-term, for several minutes, and longer, for several days. In the process of short-term observations, children notice the external features of objects, for example, the color of flowers and the size of leaves on plants, the way animals move and the sounds they make, the properties of snow, earth, sand. Long-term observations make it possible to trace the sequence of the change of seasons, the development of plants from seeds, and the growth of domestic animals. It is also possible with the help of computer technology to observe objects that are inaccessible to us at the present time. For this purpose, we use a systematic approach to the world around us. In the process of creative assimilation of any new material, two successive tasks:
recognize phenomena (object), its features, sides, constituent elements, connections and relationships;
describe it, explain its cause and mode of existence.

Children get the opportunity to observe how the object changes over time. We also use the system operator for this.
"System operator"
F - function

C - system
NNS - over ... over system
PPP - sub ... subsystem

We use it to solve the following tasks:
we teach to see parts of an object as a whole and vice versa;
past and future of the system and its parts;
highlight the main and auxiliary functions (properties) of the system;
we teach how to operate with the screens of the system operator when viewing real and creating fantastic objects.
Since in the process of observation, the study of an object is most often carried out by comparing the color, shape, size, properties, functions with an already known object, we systematically use a direct analogy for this.
In the classroom and in everyday life, our students enjoy playing the games “In the Land of Similarities”, “Comparable to What”, “What Looks Like Fruits and Vegetables” and others.
While playing, the child easily, quickly and creatively, imperceptibly learns new and applies already acquired knowledge. In order to get acquainted with objects or natural phenomena, we give the opportunity to touch, smell, listen, taste, that is, feel the direct impact of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world. For example, children perceive the state of the weather on walks, they study the properties of water in the process of washing.
Gradually, preschoolers begin to designate specific ideas about the object, the weather with symbols. This is already a graphic symbolic analogy. This method can be fixed in the games “Find your house”, “Find a similar one”, “Whose shadow?”, “Gifts”, “What is hidden in the clearing?”. During these games, children associate real images of vegetables, fruits, flowers, animals with geometric shapes, find their image in the shadow version.
With the help of various methods of resolving contradictions, we solve such problems: how can you take a walk in rainy weather so as not to get wet; on a frosty day, so as not to freeze; what to do if the yard is littered with leaves in autumn and snow in winter; what to do so as not to get burned in the sun, not to get lost at night and more.
With the help of the game "Good-bad" we try to find positive and negative sides, qualities in any object. For example: is rain good or bad?
Water plants, birds,
it won't be so hot
wash away dust and dirt from trees

There will be dirt
you can't play outside with friends,
dull, gray on the street in autumn in the rain
Using empathy techniques (the ability to empathize) when reading literary works. Children imagine themselves in the form of birds, trees, flowers, learn to hear nature.
Our students are attracted to experimentation. And here the method of modeling by little men is very skillful. Children already in the form of liquid, solid and gaseous men depict an object, object, phenomenon.
There are a lot of methods and techniques for using TRIZ in the study of ecology by preschoolers. These are just some of them, but they are very important in the development of babies.
This is TRIZ - the theory of inventive problem solving.

Ecological education by means of TRIZ-pedagogics

“There is such a hard rule. Get up in the morning, wash your face, put yourself in order - and immediately put your planet in order.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

"The little Prince"

Humanity is facing an ecological catastrophe. The reason for the violation of the ecological balance was the consumer attitude of people to the world around them. Today, ecology is not only the science of the relationship of living organisms with each other and with the environment, it is a worldview. Therefore, in the system of work on environmental education, it is necessary to bring to the fore the formation of the foundations of environmental consciousness, understanding the general laws of the development of the material world, and not just a set of information about natural objects and phenomena.

The process of forming the personality of a preschooler in general and environmental education in particular should be based on a knowledge system that includes elementary information about the biosphere (wildlife: plants, animals, humans; inanimate nature); about such concepts as movement, health, life, death; about ecological space. A special place in this system should be occupied by knowledge of man as a part of nature, as sentient being on which the future of the biosphere largely depends.

In order for this knowledge to become part of the internal culture and begin to influence the system of needs that dictate the motives of the child's behavior, it is necessary to make their acquisition and assimilation emotionally colored by the joy of meeting nature, the desire to understand it deeper, empathy, love for the native land, a sense of responsibility towards it.

Systems approach.

This is possible only with a systematic approach to familiarization with nature and conservation activities. Among the educational technologies that make it possible to realize this task, TRIZ pedagogy comes to the fore today.

The goal is to prepare for perception and problem solving.

A small person should gradually prepare for solving various kinds of tasks (including research, ecological plan), which will put before him a life full of contradictions and problems. To learn how to solve them, you need to form a certain way of thinking.

Tasks of ecological education.

Man's understanding of the intrinsic value of nature.

Awareness of oneself as part of nature.

Education of a respectful attitude towards all objects of nature without exception, regardless of our likes and dislikes.

Understanding relationships and interdependence in nature.

Education of an active life position.

Teaching the basics of environmental safety.

Formation of a positive attitude towards the environment.

Formation of the ability to rationally use natural resources.

Leading to an understanding of the uniqueness and beauty of the world around.

Most parenting and education programs preschool age A lot of attention is paid to the knowledge of the general education cycle and not enough to educational tasks. But children are already familiar with most ideas spontaneously, and the main point of learning is to systematize knowledge, to consolidate the ability to freely use it in independent cognitive activity.

Adults, often unconsciously, seek to instill certain ideas and rules of behavior in their pets. Children can only memorize them and, if necessary, reproduce. However, the worldview of a child, to a greater extent than that of an adult, is based on feelings and emotions.

This program is built on the principles of developmental education and is aimed at developing the child's personality: the ability to compare and generalize one's own observations, to see and understand the beauty of the world around.

Priority in teaching is given not to simple memorization and mechanical reproduction of knowledge, but to understanding and evaluating what is happening, elements of system analysis, and joint practical activities of the educator and children.

The main idea of ​​the program is the child's awareness of the inseparable unity of the world of nature and man, the comprehension of cause-and-effect relationships in the surrounding world, the formation of initial concepts about the ways of creating one's health, the formation of the principles of an ecological worldview and culture.

The program consists of four sections.

In the first section, "The World Around Us," children get acquainted with the various components of the world around them (individual objects and phenomena) that are accessible to their understanding. The following sections give Additional information about each component. Then they are considered in interconnection - the section "The planet is our home, and we are the masters in it."

Each section has two parts: a teaching component (initial information about nature) and an educational component (understanding the meaning of nature, its aesthetic evaluation, caring attitude).

The content of the material is both a system of information that a preschooler must learn and an accessible story that can simply be read to children. At the end of each part, the main principles are highlighted, on the basis of which the ecological consciousness of a preschooler is formed. Teachers have the opportunity to independently choose the material in accordance with the season, the characteristics of the contingent of children, the personal interests of children and teachers.

TRIZ means - RTV - technologies in preschool practice.

Basic working methods:

a) direct observation not only in nature, but also of human activity. The goal is to pay attention to the interconnection and interdependence of all phenomena;

b) a game system consisting of several blocks:

· Games for the knowledge and classification of objects of the surrounding world, understanding the unity of all its components, the laws of its development: “The natural world is different”, “Name it in one word”, “What is in common”, “What is part of what”, “Fish - birds - animals" , “Chain”, “Who lives where”, “Flies, swims, runs”, etc .;

· Games for the development of sensory perception (the work of analyzers): “The World of Sounds”, “Our Helpers”, “Recognize by Smell”, “Wonderful Bag”, “Magic Sounds”, “What Vegetable (Fruit) Did You Eat”;

· Games that contribute to the formation of the foundations of ecological self-awareness: "Good - bad", "One - good, many - bad", "What will happen if", "Protect nature", etc.;

· Games for developing the skill of analyzing situations through a purposeful narrowing of the search field (“Yes-no” game);

c) system analysis (game "Magic Screen").

Forms of organization of work.

A systematic approach involves the interconnection of various types of active activities for children: theatrical, research, visual, motor, we recommend games. Therefore, special attention is paid to them. We follow the following rules:

· do not force the child to play, but create conditions for the emergence of interest in the game;

· do not restrain the physical activity of children;

· praise the child for success;

· do not give negative assessments when children make mistakes.

Apart from gaming activity, it is very important to involve preschoolers in research work - conducting simple experiments, observations. The experiments are somewhat reminiscent of tricks, and most importantly, the children do everything themselves.

Research work helps to develop cognitive interest child, his thinking, ability to generalize. Therefore, at the beginning of the experiments, it is useful to invite the pupils to express their hypotheses about the expected results, and at the end of the work, be sure to discuss them.

TRIZ in ecological education of preschool children.

Today, ecology is not only the science of the relationship of living organisms with each other and with the environment, it is a worldview.

Therefore, in the system of work on environmental education, it is necessary to bring to the fore the formation of the foundations of environmental consciousness, understanding the general laws of the development of the material world, and not just a set of information about natural objects and phenomena.

The process of personality formation in general and environmental education in particular should be based on a system of scientific natural history knowledge. In order for this knowledge to become part of the internal culture and begin to influence the system of needs that dictate the motives of the child's behavior, it is necessary to make their acquisition and assimilation emotionally colored by the joy of meeting nature, the desire to understand it deeper, empathy, love for the native land, a sense of responsibility towards it.

A small person should gradually prepare for solving various kinds of tasks (including research, ecological plan), which will put before him a life full of contradictions and problems. To learn how to solve them, you need to form a certain way of thinking,unleash the creative potential of every child.

Practice has shown that traditional forms of work cannot fully solve this problem. It is necessary to apply new forms, methods and technologies.

In my opinion, one of the effective pedagogical technologies for the development of creativity in children is TRIZ - The Theory of Inventive Problem Solving. It arose in our country in the 1950s through the efforts of the outstanding Russian scientist, inventor, science fiction writer Genrikh Saulovich Altshuller. TRIZ is a unique tool for searching original ideas, the development of a creative personality, proof that creativity can and should be taught.

aim use of this technology in kindergarten is the development, on the one hand, of such qualities of thinking as flexibility, mobility, consistency, dialectics; on the other hand, search activity, the desire for novelty; speech and creative imagination; preparation of the child's personality for life in a dynamically changing world.

In everyday life, the child encounters unfamiliar objects and natural phenomena. The child's direct experience cannot serve as material for independent generalization, for analyzing phenomena, for establishing dependencies between them. To establish permanent and necessary connections and relationships between is to discover the law. A child cannot do this, so he should be helped - given a way of knowing the world, and not just armed with knowledge. TRIZ - technology as a universal tool is used in various activities: productive, playful, cognitive (experimental - experimental), household and is reflected in drawings, stories, movements, crafts, and of course in games.

Taking into account the relevance of this topic and the pedagogical value of TRIZ-technology, I determined the goal and objectives:

Target : creation of conditions for ecological education of preschoolers.


    Create an appropriate subject-developing environment in the group;

    Develop the imagination of children, teach them to think systematically, with an understanding of the ongoing processes in the world around them.

    To draw the attention of parents to this topic, equip them with elementary knowledge and skills in using TRIZ technology.

Having studied TRIZ technology, work experiencein this direction other teachers, I determined the main methods and techniques for solving the problems of environmental education.

In the arsenal of TRIZ technology, there are many methods and techniques that have proven themselves well in working with preschool children. I'll tell you about some of them:

- Method of contradiction (problem situations). This method helps to see contradictions in the surrounding reality, to learn how to formulate and solve them. Solve problem situations, find contradictions beginning with children younger age using the optionsgood-bad games. The children answered what is good, what is bad, using the example of natural phenomena “Frost is good, because the snow does not melt, you can go sledding, skating. Frost is bad, because your hands get cold, you can’t walk for a long time, you can get sick, etc.” Sometimes she divided the children into groups - one group says what is good, and the second - what is bad.

In the method of contradictions, she also used the game "On the contrary", as a comparison and the ability to build complex sentences.

On the example of animals:

    The wolf is evil, and the fox is cunning (habits)

    The wolf is gray and the fox is red (appearance)

    The deer is big and the hare is small (size)

    The dog lives in a booth, and the bear lives in the forest (habitat)

    The rooster is a bird and the cat is an animal (view)

In older groups, this version of the game is used to endow animals with the opposite qualities. “The hare was cowardly, but became brave; was small, but became big.

Also, one of the options for solving the contradiction is the game “Dangerous is not dangerous”, for example: a dog is dangerous when you tease it. The game "Like - don't like" for example: I like that the elk is tall, I don't like that you can't sit down and ride.

- Brainstorming method. This is an operational method of solving a problem based on stimulating creative activity, in which the participants in the discussion are asked to express as many solutions as possible, including the most fantastic ones.A distinctive feature of the method is the ban on criticism and evaluation.Then, from the total number of ideas expressed, the most successful ones are selected that can be used in practice.

I used this method to solve various environmental problems. For example: “What will we do to make the air cleaner?”, “What needs to be done to make the site beautiful?” etc.

One of the varieties of brainstorming, its improved form is -synectics. The synectics method is based on the use of various analogies: direct, functional, fantastic.Since analogy is the similarity of objects and phenomena according to some properties and characteristics, we must first teach children to determine the properties and characteristics of objects, teach them to compare and classify.

- Reception of a direct analogy Started using with younger children.

Direct analogy teaches children to compare an animal with different objects. Games “Who looks like what? ”,“ Recognize me ”(by appearance). For example: what does a hedgehog look like? (on a brush, needle bar, ball), etc.

In older groups, these comparisons become more difficult.

- Acceptance of functional analogy. Game "What does the sun look like?" (the sun shines, warms, pleases, etc. It looks like a light bulb, stove, toy, etc.)

Very interesting

- Admission fantastic analogy . Children compare an animal (bird) with its toy, drawing, woven, clay, etc. prototype. For example: what is common and what is the difference between a real and a toy cat? I started using this technique with middle-aged children as part of a cognitive development, drawing, modeling, applications, in observations of a living object.

- Acceptance of empathy. I have been using it since I was younger. The basis of this method is the identification of oneself with someone or something, and as a result, the ability to empathize with this object. Empathy games activate the mental activity of children, develop their creative imagination.

I taught this object step by step. At first, I myself told what I felt in the role of this or that object, my story could be supplemented by children. Then the children themselves told what they imagined or felt as an object, and I supplemented, clarified and expanded their ideas. The result was to tell on their own, without the help of an adult, about that. What the child imagined or felt as an object.

It is easier for a three-year-old child to feel like a living object and show simple actions and tell what the object feels. Therefore, the children and I reincarnated into grasshoppers who were tired of jumping, into a bunny who hid behind a stump, a bear who sleeps in a den.

I suggested to middle-aged children to identify themselves with a man-made object and find a way out of a problem situation. “You are an indoor flower. They put you in a beautiful pot and forgot to water it. What do you feel?".

- Typical fantasies (TPF). (“What would happen if…..?”). For example: what would happen if there was no water? This technique is widely used in practice. And, of course, it brings results.

- Method of focal objects. The essence of this method is to transfer the properties of one object or several to another. It allows not only to develop imagination, speech, fantasy, but also to control your thinking.

The focal object method began to be used with middle group as recommended, because children already know characteristics, habits of animals and birds; know the basic features wild and domestic animals, and birds on the basis of this, you can create a fantastic image of an animal, a bird.

How do we play this game with the kids? She suggested that the children choose 2-3 objects, then name their signs (at least 4 for each) she recorded herself. What the kids say. Then I suggested transferring these features or feature values ​​one by one to the focal object. For example: the intended word spring (i.e. focal object). We name two or three more objects, the sun, the cat. We call the signs of these words the sun - radiant, bright, warm, bright. The cat is black, soft, gray, smooth. Now we transfer these signs to the focal object: spring is radiant, spring is black, spring is gray, spring is warm. Then, each combination was discussed with the children, it is better to beat through the games “Good - bad”, “Like not like”, “Convenient - uncomfortable”. As a result, you can organize productive activity: drawing, modeling, object with unusual properties or making up a story.

- Method "System analysis h" . Methodhelps to consider the world in the system as a set of elements interconnected in a certain way, conveniently functioning with each other. Its purpose is to determine the role and place of objects, and their interaction for each element.

When introducing children to the world around them, it is very important to show that everything that surrounds us is interconnected, consists of parts and is part of something. I use this method with junior group. At this age, it is not necessary to build screens in front of children, it is enough to build classes, giving an object (system) as a whole. To get acquainted with the baby animals, I used a horizontal system analysis:

Hare - hare - hare

Wolf cub - wolf - she-wolf

Vertically, introduced to the parts of the body of animals and the environmenta habitat. In senior groups, all 9 screens are used.

- The little man method is to use associative drawings to explain the objects under study. Introduced this method to children from middle age. With the help of this method, children made schemes of water in a liquid, solid, gaseous state or became these little men themselves.Using the little people method, children display the transition of an object from one state to another, for example: “an icicle or ice turns into water, water into steam.”

Experience has shown that children learn the proposed methods and techniques with great interest and successfully apply them.

Each method of TRIZ technology in educational activities- It's a game. After the end of such games, the children do not get tired, they just played.

All of the above methods helped me achieve certain results: the children learned to speak freely, think out loud, think outside the box, know how to reason, draw the simplest conclusions.

Conclusions about the results of my work onthe formation of ecological knowledge and ideas in children can be done at the end of the year on the basis of a diagnostic examination.

Implementation of TRIZ in the cognitive activity of preschoolers

TRIZ did not come to our kindergarten with textbooks or methodological developments, but with the magazines "Preschool education" and two brochures: "Training according to the TRIZ method in kindergarten" and "Development of the creative imagination of preschool children."

Having studied all these materials, I began to create conditions for working with the use of TRIZ elements. The initial stage of implementation was the material brought from advanced training courses. First, we tried to include TRIZ elements in cognitive classes. And then they began to conduct whole classes with TRIZ elements.

The course on the development of creative imagination using TRIZA, which is based on the purposeful, natural movement of the child to cognition, creativity, non-standard thinking, allowed us to take a fresh look at the problems of education, training and find ways to solve them.

Traditional approaches to education and training usually developed in the sequence: knowledge - skills - skills. Thus, we taught the child to think in specific categories: what is bad and what is good. It cannot be otherwise. A simple example. The statement to fight is always bad. Is that so? We started a whole discussion with the children on this issue. When is it good to fight and when is it bad? When you fight, who is good for it, and who is bad? Here are the children's answers:

When you protect the weak, it's good;

When he stood up for matzah - good.

But it is bad to oblige the weak, it is impossible.

And boxing is good. They also fight, but honestly.

Every child has something special, and I decided to give children the opportunity to show their abilities and abilities as much as possible, without being embarrassed by incorrectness or inaccuracy in answers or reflections. The development of cognitive processes and abilities at preschool age occurs through didactic games (here children not only gain new knowledge, but also learn socially developed means and methods of mental activity, show their own initiative and activity in solving the task). I started this work with simple games and exercises offered by L.A. Wenger "What do they look like?", "Magic Pictures". “Word game”, “Morphological box”, “Tricky pictures”.

All games, situations for the development of creative imagination are used by educators both in the classroom, melting and in their free time. A prerequisite should be the naturalness of the situation. If children see a prank, they immediately begin to play pranks and play along. This theory gave us new approaches to the presentation of material. In addition, educators build work with children in a complex way, moving from one type of activity to another, without sharp boundaries for the beginning of one or the end of another lesson.

Educators teach children not to follow ready-made stamps, patterns, but teach them to look for as many of their own solutions as possible. They do not accustom them from childhood to acquire knowledge passively, but strive to develop in them independence of thinking, cognitive interests.

Each pedagogical individuality, which, unfortunately, we forget, is as bright and unique as a child's. Creativity, its formation and development is one of the most interesting problems that attract the attention of researchers in various specialties.

One of the important problems in our garden today is the manifestation of the creativity of teachers. working with children, the formation of "systemic, multi-screen pedagogical thinking. TRIZ helps in solving these problems, does not replace the usual forms of methodical" work, but effectively complements them.

Observing and analyzing the practical thinking of children, we can conclude that in the group where TRIZ was used, the children became liberated in their reasoning, show ingenuity in solving problems, tasks and think on a larger scale. This was noted by specialists involved with children in preschool educational institutions.

Work with preschoolers in TRIZ is interesting and multifaceted; it is well implemented and combined with work under the program of L.A. Wenger's "Development", complements it with more efficiency in the results.

Software content.

1. Tasks for the development of cognitive abilities:

  • generalize children's ideas about the diversity of insects (in the forest, in the field, around the lake);
  • exercise in distinguishing and naming frequently encountered representatives of groups of insects according to striking features (size, color, originality of individual parts of the body);
  • to clarify ideas about the benefits of insects.

2. Tasks for the development of coherent speech: form coherent speech, correctly use grammatical forms in speech;

  • develop the emotionality of speech, ingenuity, imagination in the process of guessing riddles and solving creative problems.

3. Educational tasks:

  • to form the ability to listen to other children when discussing any problem situation;
  • to educate in children the desire to take care of nature, to behave correctly in the forest, in the field;
  • not destroy the living conditions of forest dwellers.

Material for the lesson. Ant model, audio recording “Voices of Birds”, pictures from the series “Insects”. Toys (spider, beetle, ant). Split pictures “ant set of twigs for making an anthill.

Lesson progress

Educator. Let me tell you guys an interesting story.

Once I was in the forest. I met an ant. I started watching the ants. I really liked one ant. Suddenly a strong wind arose, it tore off the ant and carried it away somewhere. I was very upset. Want to see what he was like? (Showing an ant toy).

Didactic game “Assemble a picture from parts”

Each child collects a picture "ant" from separate parts.

Educator. Would you like to return an ant to its home and watch its journey?

Children's answers.

Educator. The ant says that the road to his forest house passes through the river, the lawn. Let's hit the road! And we will carry the ant in turn. (We merrily walk to the river to the music).

Educator. And here is the river. But the ant can't swim like we do. How can it be sent to the other side?

Children's answers.

Fizminutka is being held.

Physical education minute

Children imitate how they swim across the river.

We quickly went down to the river,
Bent over and washed.
One two three four,
That's how nicely refreshed.
And now they swam together:
Together - one, this is breaststroke,
One, the other is a crawl.
All as one - We swim like a dolphin.
Went to the steep shore
Let's take the ant home!

Educator. And here is the lawn. It has beautiful flowers. And what a smell! Feel it. Guess who you can see here? (Children guess riddles, the teacher exposes pictures.)

Moved by the flower
All four petals
I wanted to rip it off
He fluttered and flew away.


I took the name from the blacksmith,
Color - cucumber
Wings - cloudberries,
Legs - a flea.


What a girl
In the belt is thin,
huge eyes,
Flying - chirping.


black peanut
Not in growth pulls the load.


garden robber,
Honey belt.

Educator. There are a lot of insects on the earth. On the abdomen they have transverse stripes, as if notches. That's where "insects" comes from - from the word "notch".

The mnemonic table is displayed.

Insects have three body parts, six legs, the development cycle includes: egg, pupa, caterpillar, adult insect.

Sometimes people are compared to insects. Guess what kind of person you can say: "Hardworking, like a bee." "Irritating as a fly."

Didactic game "Good - bad"

Educator. Guys, we have come a long way, but we never found the ant's house.

Here is a bug flying high. Try to catch it, but be careful not to damage the bug. (Children jump, catch.)

Game "Catch the bug"

Educator. Bug beetle, do you know where the home of our beloved ant is, is it near three birches growing together?

Bug. I know and I will save you. Just explain to me what is similar and what is not: a dragonfly and a helicopter; butterfly and balloon; spider and weaver; beetle and tractor.

Children's answers.

Bug. And someone just broke the anthill house!

Children find scattered matches or twigs, sticks.

Educator. Who did it?

Children's answers.

Educator. Let's quickly build a new house for the ant and his friends.

Children stack sticks and build a house.

Educator. Guys, who will we put to guard the house?

Children's answers.

Educator. Let's think of a fantastic insect.

Didactic game "Limpopo"

Educator. What parts from other insects will we take?

A wasp sting, big eyes from a dragonfly, wings from a butterfly, legs from a grasshopper, horns from a beetle, a torso from a bee.

Educator. Here is what a fabulous animal we got. Now the house of the ant is under reliable protection.

The ant thanks the children for their help, distributes insect toys as a gift.

At the end of the lesson, the teacher reads a poem about an ant:

Ants can't be lazy
The ant lives by labor:
Both beetle and caterpillar
Drags to his underground home.