
How is friendship different? Acquaintances, friends, friendly, close, love relationships. Dating relationships - acquaintances

How is friendship different?  Acquaintances, friends, friendly, close, love relationships.  Dating relationships - acquaintances

What is friendship? Everyone understands this word differently, but it is easy enough to give it general definition. Friendship is special type relationship, which is based on affection, respect, trust and care. Friends rejoice for the successes of each of them and empathize with the losses. They try to be honest with each other and are always ready to help. Most often they are connected by common interests, but sometimes friends can be interested in completely different things.

At the same time, people should respect each other's hobbies. There is a proverb: “A friend is made in need.”

It seems to me that this wisdom conveys the whole meaning of friendship. What is the difference between a friend and a buddy? It often happens in life that friends become friends and move away from each other. Friends are an environment that does not inspire much trust. Such relationships are not obligatory to anything and exist only for a certain period of time. They are quite unstable, arise easily and also evaporate.

Let us recall the novel by E.M. Remarque “Three Comrades”. The main characters of this work went through the First World War together. world war. It was then that, after going through many difficulties and trials, they became friends. And then years later they opened

joint business. Robert Lokamp, ​​Otto Köster and Gottfried Lenz stick to each other and do not leave each other in trouble. Need urgent health care Patricia, Robbie's beloved, and Otto, putting aside all their affairs and problems, take off and bring a doctor from another city. Lenz ends up at a fascist rally, his friends take him away, and when he dies, Kester does everything to find the killers. Thus, Remarque in his work shows an example of true friendship.

Now let’s turn to M. Yu. Lermontov’s novel “A Hero of Our Time.” The main character’s understanding of friendship, Grigory Pechorin, is somewhat distorted. He believes that among friends, one is always the slave of the other. He doesn't know the value of true friendship. Maxim Maksimych met Grigory in the Caucasus. A friendly relationship began between the two heroes. They lived together, hunted game, and were interested in spending time with each other. The time came and they had to part. And then, a few years later, fate brought these people together again. Maxim Maksimych was very glad that he was about to see his old friend Pechorin. But the meeting turned out to be completely different. Maxim Maksimych, overwhelmed with the joy of meeting him, approached Pechorin with outstretched arms, but he greeted him coldly, only shaking his hand, which greatly upset Maksim Maksimych. Their friendship, although we no longer dare to call it friendship, was defeated in the battle with time. After Pechorin left, Maxim Maksimych cried bitter tears of resentment; in his thoughts they were very good friends, friends for life, but everything turned out differently. With this story, Lermontov showed the difference between the concepts of friendship and friendship for each person.

Thus, I want to draw a conclusion. You must be able to distinguish between friendly and friendly relationships. After all, only with a true friend you will not be lost.

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What are the signs of true friendship?

Academician Likhachev, reflecting on the problems of relations between people, recalls his childhood and youthful ideas about the coming period “ adult life" He writes that as a child, his thoughts about future changes boiled down to inevitable cardinal changes in the environment in which his future life would take place. As a child, he had little doubt that he would lose his current environment, and that nothing would remain of his usual attachments and established social circle. In reality, everything turned out quite differently. “My peers still remained close to me, and my childhood friends remained the closest and most faithful,” he wrote. Despite the fact that over time the circle of acquaintances grows significantly, true friendship has its roots in childhood and adolescence. Friends from childhood and youth remain friends for life.

What should be the relationship between friends? What is true friendship?

"Letters about the good and the beautiful." D. S. Likhachev.

The main sign of true friendship is its consistency in various life circumstances. It is very difficult to survive difficult periods of life without friends, and happy moments in life must be shared with others. If this is not done, then the brightest joy for a person will turn into unrequited melancholy and will bring nothing but harm. Therefore, friends must be protected.

How should you be friends? What can bring people together? How does friendship begin? What is the difference between true friendship? What is the difference between acquaintances, friends and buddies? What is the importance of friendship in people's lives?

“Hero of Our Time” M. Yu. Lermontov.

A friend is a person who, under any circumstances, right moment will be nearby. He will offer help when you need it and will share your joys and sorrows without hesitation. People can become close for various reasons. These may be common interests, close social status, joint venture, work, etc. But this has nothing to do with friendship. In the absence of mental and spiritual kinship, people cannot come together as friends. They can only become good acquaintances, partners or friends.

For the main character of the novel by M. Yu. Lermontov Pechorin, fate many times sent people who showed sincere friendly feelings towards him. At least three characters in this work offered Pechorin their friendship. Retired officer Maxim Maksimych generally perceived him as his own son, and for Dr. Werner and Mr. Grushnitsky he was an example in everything, they understood him perfectly and treated him with genuine respect. Each of them could have become a friend to Grigory Alexandrovich, but Pechorin never understood or took seriously such closeness between people. His attitude towards friends and the very concept of “friendship” boiled down to the conviction that there could be no sincere affection between strangers at all. For him, friendship is dependence, and he did not want to be dependent on anyone.

The ability for friendship is a gift from above, and it is not given to everyone. Pechorin's egoism allowed him to concentrate only on himself, and his attitude towards others was limited only by his own interests. This position of Pechorin determined his entire future life. He was left completely alone. All applicants for friendly relations with him, seeing Pechorin’s complete indifference and indifference, one after another, abandoned these attempts and stopped further communication with him. Grigory Alexandrovich died completely alone, never having experienced true feelings and the joy of a pure, sincere relationship.

​​​​​​​Each of us needs friends, everyone appreciates friendly relations, but in science the phenomenon of “friendship” and “friendly relationships” is still poorly studied. It was perhaps best analyzed by Igor Semenovich Kon, who even wrote a book called “Friendship.” It came out back in the 70s.

Generally speaking, friendship is a “non-sex marriage.” In the sense that people do not marry each other, but all other relationships, minus sexual ones, remain with them. This is help, support, devotion, interest in each other, spending time together. Moreover, in marriage there is more of this, but in friendship it is often more interesting and better. Friendship is the satisfaction of our needs for participation, support, and sharing our impressions.

Friendly relationships can be between people who are close or not, friends and acquaintances. Or there may not be any between them. Different people put different meanings into the word Friends and Friend. Friends should not be confused only with buddies. Friends are people with whom you can have fun, but nothing more. They differ from friends in that you can ask friends for help in difficult times, but not friends. Necessary people useful contacts are useful, but they are not at all the same as friends. A separate conversation about what a True Friend is as opposed to just a Friend. One thing is certain: Good friends go to those who know how to be a good friend themselves.

We usually make friends with those who satisfy our needs - and whose needs we satisfy ourselves. Children have their own children's needs and their own characteristics of children's friendship. For children in friendship, your Property is interesting, the Toy is interesting, the Feeder is pleasant, a Faithful Warrior is needed, someday the Fool-doormat will come in handy... In children's friendship, everything is usually simple, open and clear. Childhood passes, some needs go away, some remain, but the needs of the so-called psychotherapeutic group turn out to be almost universal for a huge part of people: Hot water bottle, Vzgrelka, Toilet bowl, Golden mirror...

For most people, their friendship answers the question “Why”: they are friends because..., however, more conscious people are friends “In order”, their friendship has meaning and purpose. Looking at friendship from this point of view, we can say that there are correct, promising and unnecessary friendships.

Friends are needed. The absence of a friend or friendship with anyone in general usually speaks of a personal problem and creates the preconditions for personal trouble. However, the circle of friends is a question of both quantity and quality of friends. Choosing friends is the most important task in life, on which a lot depends on everyone’s fate. "Tell me who your friends are and I will tell you who you are." See→

Friendship between a man and a woman

Friendship between a man and a woman is possible, but very often a man next to a woman only pretends to be her friend, having completely different views on her. If you love each other, then learn to be friends. It is difficult to say that people love each other if the relationship between them cannot be called friendly. good friendship- the basis of true love.

If you are friends, then think twice before introducing love and love into your relationship. The traditional idea of ​​friendship excludes the expression of sexual attraction, and in our culture the introduction of love and sexual relations in friendship is a dangerous moment. See Love and Friendship

Female friendship

​​​​​​​It is a myth that there can be no friendship between women. Female friendship is no different from friendship in general, but it has two features. Firstly, it is common for women to discuss their problems a lot and in detail - much more and in detail than men do. Men more often live with tasks and affairs, women live more with problems and experiences. And the second feature: there is an age when friendship between women is truly impossible. Little girls can be friends with each other. Adults can be friends with each other married women when their family situation is stable.

But if the girls don't have their own yet permanent partners, if the possibility of competition for the same man remains, in this case there can only be a temporary alliance between the girls, but not real friendship. If a man who both likes comes between women, female friendship usually cannot stand this.

Friends and money

Friendships at work

Friendships at work are great good team and are very dangerous in a company where people are not motivated to work. Especially in such companies, the established friendly relations between the manager and key employees are dangerous: this allows employees to ignore the manager’s demands, treating them not as the requirements of the manager, but as the wishes of a friend, which they can laugh at in a friendly manner, comment arbitrarily and essentially ignore . Watch a fragment from the film “What Women Want”: Nick Marshall is the head of the advertising department, the head of the company promised him the position of creative director, but in a situation where he needed to promote advertising for women, he decides to take a talented woman, Darcy McGuire, to the position of creative director. It would seem that it would be difficult to inform an employee of management’s decision. But if Nick is a friend, then this