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Knitted dress for a 3 year old girl. How to knit a beautiful children's dress? Knitted and crocheted dress patterns. Crochet dress pattern for girls

Knitted dress for a 3 year old girl.  How to knit a beautiful children's dress?  Knitted and crocheted dress patterns.  Crochet dress pattern for girls

Knitting for children is the most enjoyable and rewarding activity. Grandmothers and mothers who are skilled in technology spend very little time on a knitted dress for a 2-year-old girl, and the result pleases both them and the little fashionista.

You can knit a dress for your baby with knitting needles for the summer and cold season. Many options are presented in needlework magazines and on thematic websites on the Internet. Here are the most selected interesting models knitted dresses for girls 2 years old with patterns and descriptions.

Bright colors will look equally great on a little princess. openwork dresses knitting and pastel delicate outfits. It is important to choose the right yarn here.

In order to create a dress for your baby that she would love and wear with pleasure, you need to choose the right yarn. Today, manufacturers, both domestic and foreign, offer a wide selection of children's yarn. It is particularly soft, hypoallergenic, and most often it is synthetic. But a girl’s outfit is not always knitted only from a special children’s thread; any other, carefully selected yarn that meets all the requirements for composition and tactile properties is also quite suitable.

Possible for warm version For a princess outfit, choose yarn that contains wool.

Many manufacturers combine wool fiber with acrylic and even milk silk. The thread turns out warm and soft, pleasant to the delicate skin of the child.

Well summer dress can be done from:

  • cotton;
  • viscose;
  • combined yarn.

Then you should select the correct number of spokes. Some solid knitted dresses also require circular knitting needles. The recommended optimal number is usually indicated by the yarn manufacturer on the packaging of the skein, but many needlewomen choose a tool based on the individual characteristics of knitting. Some knit very tightly, others, on the contrary, are weaker. If you need openwork, then it makes sense to choose knitting needles of a smaller number so that the holes are not so large.

An important point is the choice of style and pattern. This is the most interesting! For girls, there are many options for already thought-out dress models for any season and any occasion.

A knitted dress for a 2-year-old girl can be found with a ready-made description. And just select the materials, knitting density, following the instructions and complete the model from the picture. Or you can choose the style of the desired outfit, select the optimal patterns and create your own model.

Below we will consider detailed master Class knitted dress knitting needles for a 2 year old girl with step by step description process. As well as some patterns and openwork that you can use to embody your own outfit ideas.

Winter outfits

Knitted warm dresses with long sleeves look very cute and stylish on little fashionistas. They are cozy and warm during the cold season. You can use a thread containing mohair, this will add lightness and special warmth to the outfit. But you shouldn’t choose very fluffy mohair for your child.

A knitted dress for a 2-year-old girl with long sleeves can be knitted from special children's yarn or alpaca. Cotton dresses will also be good, it all depends on the desire and purpose of the outfit.

Dress “Dancing Forest”

Dresses with Norwegian patterns. The model, a description and diagram of which is given below, is called the “Dancing Forest”. The dress can be made for girls 2 years old and older.

The size will depend on the number of stitches cast on for the yoke. To do this, you need to measure the girl’s neck and calculate the required amount based on the knitting density.

To make this wonderful dress you will need:

  1. Yarn in two colors (in the photo the dress is made from Drops Karisma yarn). You can choose your own shades that will suit a particular little lady.
  2. Circular knitting needles, since the model is made in the circle and without seams. It is better to select the number of knitting needles individually. The authors of the model recommend 4 mm knitting needles.
  3. Hook (recommended number 3.5) for tying the bottom of the product and sleeves.

Having calculated the number of loops based on the density of the knitted sample, you need to look at the diagram to see how many motifs fit into the required length of the neck circumference. Then start knitting several rows of 2x2 elastic to form a stand, then knit according to the yoke pattern, alternating the colors of the threads in the indicated order.

When the yoke is knitted, you need to measure the circumference of the child's chest, divide by 2, and measure the loops in front and back (for the front and back), leaving equal spaces for the sleeves.

Place the sleeve loops on auxiliary needles and finish with satin stitch around the back and front, evenly adding loops according to the pattern for expansion. Upon reaching the required length, knit 15 rows in a braid pattern and finish with five rows of garter stitch.

Let's return to the sleeves. They also fit on circular knitting needles satin stitch to the desired length, and completes them with a braid pattern.

After everything is ready, the bottom of the dress and sleeves can be crocheted:

Insert a hook into the loop of the edge of the dress and knit 4 air loops. Then we make a yarn over the hook and knit a double crochet into the first one cast on from the edge air loop. After this, we knit a single crochet, skipping one loop of the edge of the bottom of the dress. Or you can tie a shell pattern: *in one loop of the edge of the bottom of the dress, 5 double crochets, skip 4 loops, single crochet, skip 4 loops* repeat from * to *.

And now the chic new thing is ready. The little lady will be happy to show off in such a stylish outfit and not freeze. You can complement the look with leggings, connected using a pattern for the yoke of the dress. They are knitted very simply, like 2 rectangles of the required width and height. Knitting begins with a 2x2 elastic band, then a pattern, and again an elastic band. Sew side seams.

Dress with elegant ruffles

This version of a knitted dress for a 2-year-old girl with ruffles is very stylish and sophisticated. A little fashionista will look like a true lady in it.

The dress is made of merino wool (140 m in a 50 g skein). The color of the yarn is bright pink - fuchsia, which gives the outfit a zest, and this is perhaps the most favorite shade among girls.

For a two-year-old girl, 250 grams of thread and a number 4 knitting needle, or the choice of the craftswoman, will be enough.

The dress is knitted according to the pattern given below. All parts are made separately, then assembled with a knitted seam.

Back of the dress: You will need to cast on 259 stitches and start knitting with a ruffle. To do this we knit: 1st row: * 3 purl loops, 1 stretch, 11 knit stitches, knit 2 knit stitches together, repeat from *, 3 purl stitches.

2nd row and that's it purl rows knit according to the pattern.

Row 3: * 3 purl, 1 stretch, knit 9, knit 2 stitches together, repeat from *, 3 purl stitches.

Row 5: * 3 purl loops, 1 stretch, 7 knit stitches, knit 2 stitches together with the knit stitch, repeat from *, 3 purl loops.

Row 7: * 3 purl stitches, 1 stretch, knit 5, knit 2 stitches together, repeat from *, purl 3.

Row 9: * 3 purl loops, 1 stretch, 3 knit stitches, knit 2 stitches together with knit stitch, repeat from *, 3 purl stitches.

Row 11:* purl 3 stitches, pull 1, knit 1, repeat from *, purl 3.

After the ruffle is ready, there should be 83 stitches left on the knitting needle. Next you need to knit in stockinette stitch, evenly decreasing the stitches on the sides. When 32 centimeters are knitted (or, depending on the length being made, another number of centimeters to the armhole), we close the loops on both sides to form the armhole: 1 time 3 loops and 4 times 1 loop each. Continue knitting around the neckline. When knitted 43 centimeters from the edge, close the middle loops of the neckline and knit the shoulders a couple more rows.

Front of the dress: knitted like the back, but at a distance of 31 centimeters from the edge, separately knitted upper ruffles are added.

You need to make 2 upper ruffles, casting on 128 loops separately:

1st row: * 2 purl loops, 1 stretch, 3 knit stitches, knit 2 loops together with the knit stitch, repeat from *, 2 purl loops.

Row 2 and all purl rows: knit stitches according to the pattern.

Row 3: * 2 purl, 1 pull, 1 knit stitch, knit 2 knit stitches together, repeat from *, 2 purl.

Row 5 * 2 purl, 1 stretch, 1 knit, repeat from *, 2 purl stitches.

You need to attach the ruffles by knitting together one front loop and one ruffle loop.

After attaching the first ruffle, we knit a pattern with holes for 2 rows:

  1. Knit row: knit 1, * 1 yarn over, knit 2 stitches together, repeat from *, knit 1 stitch.
  2. Purl row: purl all stitches.

Next, knit in stockinette stitch and after 1 centimeter close the loops for the armholes, and after another 4 centimeters (there should be 45 loops on the knitting needle) attach the second ruffle in a similar way. To cut the neckline, close off the center loops and finish off the shoulders.

The sleeves are knitted in satin stitch according to the pattern. You need to start knitting with an elastic band and evenly add loops, forming a sleeve cap according to the pattern.

Then assemble all the parts and trim the neck with an elastic band.

Herringbone dress

A knitted dress for a 2-year-old girl with a herringbone pattern can be knitted according to the pattern given below.

The herringbone pattern can be used to knit the hem of a dress and to start the sleeves. And knit the rest of the sleeve, back and front in satin stitch. To decorate such a dress, a belt (knitted or made of matching satin ribbon, or a contrasting shade) is suitable.


Knitted sundresses are very comfortable to wear and indispensable for autumn and winter. They can be worn over turtlenecks and shirts. Knitting a sundress is easier; there is no need to make a sleeve and fit it so that the whole product looks neat.

The sundress can be knitted using any pattern or satin stitch, then decorated with patch pockets or embroidery from satin ribbons, beads, sequins.

In order to get inspired and understand how to make a knitted dress with knitting needles for a 2-year-old girl, you can watch the selected video.

While the girls are little, mothers, depending on their budget and their knitting skills, determine which dresses are best for their daughters: store-bought or handmade. It's convenient that children's stores are full knitwear, but they are more of the same type and not always original.

The same cannot be said about a dress if it is created with your own hands, and with a creative approach.

Famous designers often resort to knitting needles and threads to create dresses that not every mother can afford. But no one is stopping you from pampering your daughter with the most beautiful knitted dresses if you master the basics of knitting and learn how to combine patterns.

Knitted dress pattern for a girl under 1 year old

To create a cape top, take the neck circumference measurement. The density of the knitting and the thickness of the thread, together with the circumference of the neck, will determine the number of leaves.

Also don't forget to make a button closure.

The pattern for the skirt is shown below.

Sew a skirt and yoke, and stretch a satin ribbon as decoration.

Dress "Flower" for girls 2-4 years old

To create a simple A-line dress with beautiful flowers, you need white cotton threads - 200 g, as well as red and purple threads, knitting needles and buttons for fastening.

Knitting density: 10 x 10 cm = 20 stitches x 25 rows.

  • Having cast on 98 loops with white thread for the back, knit 12 rows according to pattern 1.
  • Change the thread to purple and knit a strip of 2 rows of stockinette stitch, while reducing the first row evenly by 8 loops. Tie such a strip from white and then from red thread. Knit the remaining fabric with basic white yarn.
  • In every 4th row, decrease one side loop on both sides until there are 62 loops left in the row.
  • To form a clasp, close 4 loops located in the center 35 cm from the bottom of the back, and then knit the halves separately. From the same row, start casting off the loops for the armholes: in every 2nd row, twice 3 loops and twice 2 loops.
  • After another 14 cm (at 49 cm), bind off the first 8 loops on both sides, and slip the remaining central 22 loops onto an auxiliary needle for processing the neckline.
  • The front of the dress is knitted in exactly the same way as the back, only on the 10th row from the red stripe, go to pattern number 2 “Flowers”.
  • Having knitted 35 cm from the bottom of the front, close the loops for the armhole, and to form a neckline at 43 cm, first close 8 loops located in the center, and then on both sides in each 2nd row 4 loops, twice 2 loops and twice 1 loop.
  • Also, having knitted 49 cm from the 1st row, close the remaining loops and sew the shoulder bevels.
  • To finish the neckline with binding, remove the stitches from the additional knitting needle and cast on the missing ones along the shoulder sections. Tie the resulting 62 loops in two rows of garter stitch with purple thread.
  • Also tie the armholes with purple yarn.
  • From each edge of the fastener, cast on 40 loops and knit 4 rows with an elastic band. Make slots for buttons on the right placket, and sew buttons on the left.
  • Embroider the stems with thread.

Sundress with bolero "Grapevine" for a girl 5-7 years old

A sundress model in a soft green color with beautifully intertwined floral motifs reminds me of spring. Your daughter will definitely like it, as it is complemented with a bolero and looks very elegant.

Front and back

  • Having cast on 113 stitches for the back, knit a couple of rows with garter stitch and go to pattern No. 1.
  • In the 14th row, decrease 1 side loop on both sides.
  • In the next, 15th row, alternate patterns numbered 2 and 3, distributing the loops in this way: 1 edge stitch, 8 purl stitches, repeat (pattern No. 2, 3 purl stitches, pattern No. 3 and again 3 purl stitches), which repeat three times. Complete the row with pattern No. 2, 8 purl loops and 1 edge loop.
  • In the 16th, 32nd, 93rd, 101st, 103rd, 105th, 109th and 113th, decrease 1 side loop on both sides.
  • Starting from the 105th row, the loops are distributed as follows: 1 edge loop, 8 purl loops, rapport (12 purl stitches, pattern No. 3 and purl 3 stitches), which is repeated 3 times. The row ends with 17 purl loops and 1 edge loop.
  • After 12 rows (in 117th) go to pattern No. 4.
  • Having knitted 37 cm from the bottom, close the armhole on both sides with 6 loops, then three times with the 1st loop.
  • After another 13 cm, to form a neck, first close the central 8 loops, and then in every 2nd row from the side of the neckline - 4 loops, gradually reducing to one. It remains to close the other loops.
  • The central 17 loops for the front neckline are closed 45 cm from the bottom of the front. Then from the edges of the cutout - 3 loops, twice 2 loops and three times each 1st loop. Finish knitting at the same height as the back.
  • Having sewn the dress along the shoulder and side seams, tie the armholes and neckline next to the “crawfish step”.


  • The 1st row of the back consists of 77 loops. Having typed them, knit a couple of rows with garter stitch and go to pattern No. 4. After 9 cm, create an armhole, and after 20 cm from the bottom of the back, close the loops.
  • The 1st row of the right shelf consists of 34 loops. Having cast it, knit it in the same way as the back, but in every 4th row on the right side of the part, make side additions along the 1st loop.
  • 7 cm from the bottom of the shelf, begin to design the neckline, closing the 1st loop on the right side in every 2nd row.
  • After 2 cm on the left side of the shelf, begin to design the armhole. Close the loops also after 20 cm from the start of work.
  • Tie the left one symmetrically to the right shelf.
  • For the sleeve, cast on 47 stitches. Having distributed the loops, knit according to pattern No. 1, then according to pattern No. 4. To widen the sleeve, increase both sides by one stitch every 8th row.
  • Having knitted 17 cm, make a rounded sleeve, closing 3 loops on both sides, then in each 2nd row 3 times 2 loops, 1 loop 9 times and once 2 and 3 loops. Finish the work by closing the loops.
  • After sewing together the shoulders and sides, sew on the sleeves.
  • Crochet both front panels and the neckline on the back.

Dress for girls 8-10 years old

Studying at school makes girls' lives more interesting and varied. There are a lot of events that require elegant dresses. We bring to your attention one of these, by the way, found in the Dior collection.

The burgundy dress consists of various interesting, but simple patterns. We can say with confidence that the dress will become one of your daughter's favorites.

Summer openwork

  • Knitting begins with 392 loops closed in a circle. The work should not twist.
  • Knit the first 3 rows in garter stitch, then move on to openwork stitch. It is worth noting that the number of purl stitches between openwork stripes may be arbitrary.
  • Having knitted 4.5 cm from the first row, in every 2nd strip consisting of purl loops, reduce the number of loops by one. For example, from 5 to 4, knitting two loops together. Considering the changes, continue knitting according to the pattern.
  • Having knitted 9 cm from the beginning of work, reduce the number of purl loops in the remaining strips.
  • At 15 cm in every 2nd strip, knit 3 knit stitches together. Accordingly, the number of purl loops between the openwork tracks will increase to 7.
  • After another 2 cm, reduce the number of purl loops in the stripes to 6, every other row - to 5 loops.
  • Having knitted 19 cm from the beginning, in every 2nd strip, reduce the number by another 1 purl loop, and after 3 cm, reduce the number in the remaining strips consisting of purl loops.
  • In the same way, reduce the number of loops to 3 at a height of 22 and 23 cm, then to 2 after 4 cm, that is, at 26 and 27 cm, and to 1 loop at 34 and 36 cm from the start of work.
  • Next, knit openwork tracks with one purl loop until you reach the desired height of the skirt.
  • We continue to knit the top of the dress with 7 rows of garter stitch and in the last 7th row, divide the work into the back and front.
  • Cast off 3 side loops on both sides, continuing to knit in this order: 5 garter stitches, purl 2 stitches. satin stitch, openwork track, 2 p. smooth, 26 sts. iron, and then in reverse order - 2 p. satin stitch, openwork track, 2 p. satin stitch and 5 garter stitch stitches.
  • To make an armhole, decrease the 1st side loop twice on both sides in every 2nd row. Knit another 10 cm along the pattern.
  • To cut the neckline, close 6 loops located in the center, then in every 2nd row on both sides, close 4 loops, twice 2 loops and twice 1st loop.
  • Having knitted 18 cm from the beginning of the formation of the armhole, the loops are closed.
  • The back is knitted exactly like the front, only the neckline is made at a height of 12 cm from the beginning of the formation of the armhole. First, the middle 16 loops are closed, then in every 2nd row - 1st loop 6 times. Also, having knitted 18 cm from the beginning of the formation of the armholes, all loops are closed.
  • Sew the shoulder slopes and crochet the neckline. You can pick up stitches and knit two rows of garter stitch.

Absolutely charming creations can be created if you start knitting. baby dress, it comes out especially interesting and beautiful. Now that it's winter outside, it's time to give your little princess a warm gift. The choice of yarn on our shelves promotes flights of fancy and inspiration. Our selection may help you decide on the most best model knitted dress created especially for a girl. It is much easier to knit such a product with diagrams and a description of the work.

We knit an apron-sarafan for a girl with knitting needles

Knitting is accessible even to a not very experienced knitter, especially when it comes to a dress for a girl. You just need to choose a simple one, but original model. One of these is a wonderful universal sundress-apron. It was invented by Kate Gilbert, and a girl from Osinka, Amurchik, helped with the description; thanks to her translation, the model received many wonderful incarnations. And here is the original source - a description showing how to knit a festive dress for a girl using knitting needles.

The model is so versatile that it allows you to use the most different colors, the texture of the yarn, and the dress itself can be complemented with a turtleneck, sweater, or T-shirt. Here is one example of variations on the Anouk theme (that’s what the apron is called).

This wonderful thing will serve your girl for a long time, because it can become wider thanks to the buttons, and as the owner grows up, it will first be a dress for her, and then a tunic.

Elegant dress for girls knitted with patterns

The uniqueness of this model is its combination with fabric. The bodice is knitted on knitting needles, and the skirt is sewn from a material that matches the color and texture.

Below we provide a diagram openwork pattern:

And although the description of the work is given without translation, the principle of execution is clear if you have a basic understanding of what the front and back loops look like.

To knit this dress with knitting needles, study the knitting pattern for an openwork pattern for a baby; the rest of the patterns are knitted (we knit with knit stitches according to front side, purl - on the wrong side) and the so-called garter stitch(all rows are always knitted either with knit stitches or purl stitches only).

Knitting raglan sleeves can cause some difficulty.

The master class can be viewed here:

Dress in the color “Milk tenderness”

And finally, another knitted dress for girls that is pleasant to work with and comfortable to wear, with patterns and descriptions.

A sundress type dress can go very well with a turtleneck and a thin sweater.

The description for the model recommends this dress for a child from 3 to 6 months. However, it seems that this universal model is quite applicable for older ladies. If you master the knitting technique, changing the size to suit yourself, or rather, to suit your princess, will not be difficult.

Aranami dress - warm and elegant

This dress is an example of style and elegance. Very feminine due to the elongated three-quarter sleeves, elegant in silhouette and at the same time quite warm due to the use of the Arana knitting technique. The soft yarn will also make it very comfortable to wear.

Knitting arans is a rather painstaking task, but the efforts will be rewarded: you will get a very neat, dense fabric that will not deform and will warm its owner well.

Knitting for children is the most enjoyable and rewarding activity. Grandmothers and mothers who are skilled in technology spend very little time on a knitted dress for a 2-year-old girl, and the result pleases both them and the little fashionista.

You can knit a dress for your baby with knitting needles for the summer and cold season. Many options are presented in needlework magazines and on thematic websites on the Internet. Here we have selected the most interesting models of knitted dresses for a 2-year-old girl with diagrams and descriptions.

Bright openwork knitted dresses and pastel delicate outfits will look equally beautiful on a little princess. It is important to choose the right yarn here.

In order to create a dress for your baby that she would love and wear with pleasure, you need to choose the right yarn. Today, manufacturers, both domestic and foreign, offer a wide selection of children's yarn. It is particularly soft, hypoallergenic, and most often it is synthetic. But a girl’s outfit is not always knitted only from a special children’s thread; any other, carefully selected yarn that meets all the requirements for composition and tactile properties is also quite suitable.

For a warm princess outfit, you can choose yarn that contains wool.

Many manufacturers combine wool fiber with acrylic and even milk silk. The thread turns out warm and soft, pleasant to the delicate skin of the child.

Well, a summer dress can be made from:

  • cotton;
  • viscose;
  • combined yarn.

Then you should select the correct number of spokes. Some solid knitted dresses also require circular knitting needles. The recommended optimal number is usually indicated by the yarn manufacturer on the packaging of the skein, but many needlewomen choose a tool based on the individual characteristics of knitting. Some knit very tightly, others, on the contrary, are weaker. If you need openwork, then it makes sense to choose knitting needles of a smaller number so that the holes are not so large.

An important point is the choice of style and pattern. This is the most interesting! For girls, there are many options for already thought-out dress models for any season and any occasion.

A knitted dress for a 2-year-old girl can be found with a ready-made description. And just select the materials, knitting density, following the instructions and complete the model from the picture. Or you can choose the style of the desired outfit, select the optimal patterns and create your own model.

Below we will look at a detailed master class on a knitted dress for a 2-year-old girl with a step-by-step description of the process. As well as some patterns and openwork that you can use to embody your own outfit ideas.

Winter outfits

Knitted warm dresses with long sleeves look very cute and stylish on little fashionistas. They are cozy and warm during the cold season. You can use a thread containing mohair, this will add lightness and special warmth to the outfit. But you shouldn’t choose very fluffy mohair for your child.

A knitted dress for a 2-year-old girl with long sleeves can be knitted from special children's yarn or alpaca. Cotton dresses will also be good, it all depends on the desire and purpose of the outfit.

Dress “Dancing Forest”

Dresses with Norwegian patterns look stylish, modern and cute. The model, a description and diagram of which is given below, is called the “Dancing Forest”. The dress can be made for girls 2 years old and older.

The size will depend on the number of stitches cast on for the yoke. To do this, you need to measure the girl’s neck and calculate the required amount based on the knitting density.

To make this wonderful dress you will need:

  1. Yarn in two colors (in the photo the dress is made from Drops Karisma yarn). You can choose your own shades that will suit a particular little lady.
  2. Circular knitting needles, since the model is made in the circle and without seams. It is better to select the number of knitting needles individually. The authors of the model recommend 4 mm knitting needles.
  3. Hook (recommended number 3.5) for tying the bottom of the product and sleeves.

Having calculated the number of loops based on the density of the knitted sample, you need to look at the diagram to see how many motifs fit into the required length of the neck circumference. Then start knitting several rows of 2x2 elastic to form a stand, then knit according to the yoke pattern, alternating the colors of the threads in the indicated order.

When the yoke is knitted, you need to measure the circumference of the child's chest, divide by 2, and measure the loops in front and back (for the front and back), leaving equal spaces for the sleeves.

Place the sleeve loops on auxiliary needles and finish with satin stitch around the back and front, evenly adding loops according to the pattern for expansion. Upon reaching the required length, knit 15 rows in a braid pattern and finish with five rows of garter stitch.

Let's return to the sleeves. They are also knitted on circular needles in satin stitch to the desired length and finished off with a cable pattern.

After everything is ready, the bottom of the dress and sleeves can be crocheted:

Insert a hook into the loop of the edge of the dress and knit 4 chain loops. Then we yarn over the hook and knit a double crochet into the first chain stitch cast on from the edge. After this, we knit a single crochet, skipping one loop of the edge of the bottom of the dress. Or you can tie a shell pattern: *in one loop of the edge of the bottom of the dress, 5 double crochets, skip 4 loops, single crochet, skip 4 loops* repeat from * to *.

And now the chic new thing is ready. The little lady will be happy to show off in such a stylish outfit and not freeze. You can complement the look with leggings, connected using a pattern for the yoke of the dress. They are knitted very simply, like 2 rectangles of the required width and height. Knitting begins with a 2x2 elastic band, then a pattern, and again an elastic band. Sew side seams.

Dress with elegant ruffles

This version of a knitted dress for a 2-year-old girl with ruffles is very stylish and sophisticated. A little fashionista will look like a true lady in it.

The dress is made of merino wool (140 m in a 50 g skein). The color of the yarn is bright pink - fuchsia, which gives the outfit a zest, and this is perhaps the most favorite shade among girls.

For a two-year-old girl, 250 grams of thread and a number 4 knitting needle, or the choice of the craftswoman, will be enough.

The dress is knitted according to the pattern given below. All parts are made separately, then assembled with a knitted seam.

Back of the dress: You will need to cast on 259 stitches and start knitting with a ruffle. To do this we knit: 1st row: * 3 purl loops, 1 stretch, 11 knit stitches, knit 2 knit stitches together, repeat from *, 3 purl stitches.

Row 2 and all purl rows are knitted according to the pattern.

Row 3: * 3 purl, 1 stretch, knit 9, knit 2 stitches together, repeat from *, 3 purl stitches.

Row 5: * 3 purl loops, 1 stretch, 7 knit stitches, knit 2 stitches together with the knit stitch, repeat from *, 3 purl loops.

Row 7: * 3 purl stitches, 1 stretch, knit 5, knit 2 stitches together, repeat from *, purl 3.

Row 9: * 3 purl loops, 1 stretch, 3 knit stitches, knit 2 stitches together with knit stitch, repeat from *, 3 purl stitches.

Row 11:* purl 3 stitches, pull 1, knit 1, repeat from *, purl 3.

After the ruffle is ready, there should be 83 stitches left on the knitting needle. Next you need to knit in stockinette stitch, evenly decreasing the stitches on the sides. When 32 centimeters are knitted (or, depending on the length being made, another number of centimeters to the armhole), we close the loops on both sides to form the armhole: 1 time 3 loops and 4 times 1 loop each. Continue knitting around the neckline. When knitted 43 centimeters from the edge, close the middle loops of the neckline and knit the shoulders a couple more rows.

Front of the dress: knitted like the back, but at a distance of 31 centimeters from the edge, separately knitted upper ruffles are added.

You need to make 2 upper ruffles, casting on 128 loops separately:

1st row: * 2 purl loops, 1 stretch, 3 knit stitches, knit 2 loops together with the knit stitch, repeat from *, 2 purl loops.

Row 2 and all purl rows: knit stitches according to the pattern.

Row 3: * 2 purl, 1 pull, 1 knit stitch, knit 2 knit stitches together, repeat from *, 2 purl.

Row 5 * 2 purl, 1 stretch, 1 knit, repeat from *, 2 purl stitches.

You need to attach the ruffles by knitting together one front loop and one ruffle loop.

After attaching the first ruffle, we knit a pattern with holes for 2 rows:

  1. Knit row: knit 1, * 1 yarn over, knit 2 stitches together, repeat from *, knit 1 stitch.
  2. Purl row: purl all stitches.

Next, knit in stockinette stitch and after 1 centimeter close the loops for the armholes, and after another 4 centimeters (there should be 45 loops on the knitting needle) attach the second ruffle in a similar way. To cut the neckline, close off the center loops and finish off the shoulders.

The sleeves are knitted in satin stitch according to the pattern. You need to start knitting with an elastic band and evenly add loops, forming a sleeve cap according to the pattern.

Then assemble all the parts and trim the neck with an elastic band.

Herringbone dress

A knitted dress for a 2-year-old girl with a herringbone pattern can be knitted according to the pattern given below.

The herringbone pattern can be used to knit the hem of a dress and to start the sleeves. And knit the rest of the sleeve, back and front in satin stitch. To decorate such a dress, a belt (knitted or made of matching satin ribbon, or a contrasting shade) is suitable.


Knitted sundresses are very comfortable to wear and indispensable for autumn and winter. They can be worn over turtlenecks and shirts. Knitting a sundress is easier; there is no need to make a sleeve and fit it so that the whole product looks neat.

The sundress can be knitted using any pattern or satin stitch, then decorated with patch pockets or embroidery made of satin ribbons, beads, and sequins.

In order to get inspired and understand how to make a knitted dress with knitting needles for a 2-year-old girl, you can watch the selected video.

Dimensions: 122/128 (134/140)

If there is only one number, it applies to both sizes.

You will need:

  • yarn (100% recycled cotton; 192 m/100 g) - 300 (400) g denim blue, as well as 100 g each of light blue and pink;
  • knitting needles No. 5;
  • hook No. 4;
  • auxiliary knitting needle for braids.

Purl stitch: front rows - purl loops, purl rows - facial loops.

Facial surface:

Light blue “braid” with 6 loops:

1-4th r.: facial surface;

5th day: Remove 3 stitches onto an auxiliary needle before work, knit 3, then knit the loops from the auxiliary needle;

6-12th r.: facial surface.

Start by knitting from the 1st to the 4th row, repeat the 5th-12th rows constantly.

Flower, crocheted: Use denim blue thread to make a chain of 4 ch. and 1 connection close the column into a ring. 1st round.r. denim blue thread: 10 tbsp. knit into a ring; 2nd circle.r. pink thread: 1 vp, * 1 st. with 2/n, 2 tbsp. with 3/n and 1 tbsp. with 2/n in one loop, 1 connection. Art. in the next loop, from * repeat 4 more times and 1 connection. Art. finish the circle.r. (= 5 flower petals). Knitting density: purl stitch and combination of patterns - 20 p. x 28 r. = 10 x 10 cm

Important! Knit light blue “braids” from separate balls and, when changing colors, cross the threads with each other on the wrong side so that holes do not form.



With a denim blue thread, cast on 91 (97) sts on the knitting needles and knit for the placket, starting with 1 purl row, 1.5 cm = 5 r. purl stitch.

Then knit, distributing the loops as follows: edge stitch, 17 (20) p. satin stitch, *knit 3 stitches. satin stitch, 2 p. satin stitch 6 p. with a “braid” pattern with light blue thread, 2 p. stitch, from * repeat 3 more times. 3 p. persons. satin stitch, 17 (20) p. satin stitch, edge stitch.

At the same time, for side bevels from the bar, decrease on both sides 3 (8) times in every 8th r. and 10 (5) times every 6th r. 1 p. = 65 (71) p.

Continue knitting straight and after 32 cm = 90 r. (36.5 cm = 102 r.) From the bar on both sides, add 1 stitch and 3 more times in every 6th r. add 1 p. = 73 (79) p.

At the same time, gradually finish 4 “braids” and continue knitting loops using purl stitch with denim blue thread. Finish the 1st “braid” in 92 (108) rubles. from the bar, finish the remaining 3 “braids” in turn with an interval of 8 rows.

After 40.5 cm = 114 r. (46.5 cm = 130 rubles) from the bar for the armhole cutouts on both sides, subtract 2 stitches and in every 2nd row. decrease another 3 x 1 p. = 63 (69) p.

After 51.5 cm = 144 rubles. (59 cm = 164 rubles) from the neckline strip, close the middle 19 (21) stitches and finish both sides separately.

To round the cutout along the inner edge in every 2nd r. close 1 x 5 p., 1 x 4 p. and 1 x 2 p.

After 55.5 cm = 156 rubles. (63 cm = 176 r.) From the bar, close off the remaining 11 (13) shoulder stitches.


With a denim blue thread, cast on 90 (96) sts on the knitting needles and knit for the placket, starting with the 1st purl row, 1.5 cm = 5 r. purl stitch.

Then knit, distributing the loops as follows: edge, 23 (26) p. satin stitch, k3. satin stitch, 10 p. satin stitch, k3. satin stitch, 2 p. satin stitch, 6 p. with a braid pattern with light blue thread, 2 p. purl. satin stitch, k3. satin stitch, 10 p. satin stitch, k3. satin stitch, 23 (26) p. satin stitch, edge stitch.

At the same time, for side bevels from the plank on both sides, decrease 6 (12) times in every 8th r. and 6 (0) times every 6th r. 1 p. = 66 (72) p.

At the same time, after 80 (88) rub. from the bar on both sides of the middle “braid” in groups of loops purl stitch start knitting 2 more “braids”.

After 32 cm = 90 rub. (36.5 cm = 102 r.) From the bar on both sides, add 1 stitch and 3 more times in every 6th r. add 1 p. = 74 (80) p.

At the same time, after 104 (120) rubles. From the bar on both sides of the 3 middle “braids”, start knitting 2 more “braids”.

After 40.5 cm = 114 r. (46.5 cm = 130 r.) From the armhole bar on both sides, subtract 2 sts and in every 2 r. decrease another 3 x 1 p. = 64 (70) p.

After 49 cm = 138 rub. (56.5 cm = 158 r.) from the bar for V-neck middle neck 6 (8) sts. close and finish both sides separately.

For bevels of the neckline along the inner edge in each row, decrease 18 x 1 p.

After 55.5 cm = 156 rubles. (63 cm = 176 r.) From the bar, close the remaining 11 (13) shoulder stitches.


With a denim blue thread, cast on 34 (38) sts on the knitting needles for each sleeve and knit for the placket, starting with the 1st purl row, 1.5 cm = 5 r. purl stitch.

Then knit, distributing the loops as follows: edge stitch, 1 (3) p. satin stitch, k3. satin stitch, 4 p. satin stitch, k3. satin stitch, 2 p. satin stitch, 6 p. with a braid pattern with light blue thread, 2 p. purl. satin stitch, k3. satin stitch, 4 p. satin stitch, k3. satin stitch, 1 (3) p. satin stitch, edge stitch.

For sleeve bevels from the placket on both sides, add 9 times in every 10th r. (10 times alternately in every 8th and 10th row) 1 p. satin stitch = 52 (58) p.

At the same time, after 48 r. Finish the “braid” from the bar and continue to knit these loops with denim blue thread using purl stitch.

After 34 cm = 96 rub. (36 cm = 102 rubles) close the sleeves on both sides with 3 stitches, then in every 2nd row. close 2 x 2 p., 5 x 1 p., 2 x 2 p. and 1 x 3 (5) p.

After 42 cm = 118 r. (44 cm = 124 r.) Close the remaining 14 (16) sts from the bar.


Stretch the parts according to the dimensions indicated on the pattern and cover with a damp cloth and leave to dry.

Execute shoulder seams.

Sew in the sleeves, then do side seams and sleeve seams.

For the neck strap, cast on 8 stitches using light blue yarn and knit between the edges in a “braid” pattern.

After 40 cm = 112 r. (42 cm = 120 r.) Close all loops from the beginning row. Sew the “braid” to the neckline, with the ends of the “braid” aligned on the back in the corner of the neckline, overlapping each other.

Crochet 11 flowers.

Sew 1 flower on the front and on the sleeves at the top above the “braids”.

On the back below at the base of the “braids” also sew 1 flower.

Tip: the dress can be worn by changing the front and back.

Knitted dress for a 2 year old girl

You will need: yarn “Carolina” (100% acrylic, 438 m/100 g) -100 g white, 200 g purple, knitting needles No. 2.5, belt with a bow.

Facial surface:

Knitting density: 25 sts x 44 rows = 10 x 10 cm.

Alternating stripes: lower part - knit alternately 20 rows with purple, 2 rows with white yarn, upper part - alternately knit 2 rows with purple, 20 rows with white yarn.



cast on 130 stitches and knit 10 rows in stockinette stitch.

Fold the strip and knit two loops together (1 st from the knitting needle, 1 st from the cast-on row).

Reduce the number of stitches evenly so that 90 stitches remain on the knitting needles, knitting 2 stitches together.

Continue alternating stripes for the top.

In total, knit 44 rows in this way to the armhole.

In the 43rd row from the beginning of knitting the armhole, divide the product in half and finish each side separately.

To cut the neckline, close in every 2nd row 1 time x 5 p., 1 time x 3 p., 1 time x 2 p., 3 times x 1 p.

At the same time as you begin to knit the neckline for the shoulder bevel, close on the opposite side in every 2nd row 4 times x 5 stitches. Close off the remaining 4 stitches.

Along the neckline, cast on loops with purple yarn and knit 10 rows in stockinette stitch, do not cover the loops.

Fold the bar in half, squash the open loops.


knit similarly to the back, but in the 32nd row from the beginning of knitting the armhole, divide the product in half and then knit each part separately.

For the neckline, close in every 2nd row 1 time x 5 p., 1 time x 3 p., 1 time x 2 p., 3 times x 1 p.

Perform the shoulder bevel as on the back.

Along the neckline, sew the facing in the same way as the back.


Cast on 60 stitches on the knitting needles and knit the hem in stockinette stitch for 10 rows with purple yarn. Fold and knit two loops together (1 st from the knitting needle, 1 st from the cast-on row).

Then knit 2 rows of purple, 20 rows of white, 2 rows of purple, 10 rows of white yarn, closing the sleeves in every 2nd row on both sides 3 times x 2 p., 1 time x 1 p.

Close off the remaining loops.


sew shoulder seams, sew in sleeves, sew side seams and sleeve seams.

Steam the product.

For the belt, make 7 air. belt loops, sew them onto the waist.

Knitted dress for girls for 2 years

You will need: yarn (92% acrylic, 8% metallic, 400 m/100 g) -100 thunder, 200 g gray, knitting needles No. 2.5, hook No. 2.5.

Facial surface: persons rows - persons. loops, purl rows - purl. loops.

Knitting density: 26 sts x 40 rows = 10 x 10 cm.



cast on 130 stitches with gray yarn and knit 100 rows.

In the next row, decrease the stitches evenly, knitting two stitches together so that 90 stitches remain on the needles.

After 56 rows from the beginning of alternating stripes for armholes, decrease on both sides 1 time x 5 p., 1 time x 2 p., 1 time x 1 p.

Continue knitting straight to the neckline (= to the 106th row from the beginning of the alternation of stripes).

At the same time, to form a shoulder bevel, close on the opposite side in every 2nd row 2 times x 5 sts, 1 time x 7 sts.

Close off the remaining loops.

Tie the other side symmetrically.


knit similarly to the back, but in the 89th row from the beginning of the alternation of stripes, divide the product in half and then knit each side separately.

To cut the neckline, bind off in every 2nd row 3 times x 5 sts.

Continue knitting until the shoulder bevel (= up to the 106th row).

Finish knitting similarly to the back.

Tie the other side symmetrically.

At the neckline, cast on loops with gray yarn and knit 10 rows in stockinette stitch, do not cover the loops.

Fold the strip over and kettle the open loops.

Tie the other side symmetrically.


cast on 50 stitches on the knitting needles, knit 10 rows in stockinette stitch, and make a hem.

To do this, knit two loops together (1 st from the knitting needle, 1 st from the cast-on row).

Continue knitting, alternating yarn colors every 16 rows.

Close off the remaining loops.

Tie the second sleeve in the same way.


sew shoulder seams, sew in sleeves, sew sleeve seams and side seams.

Crochet the bottom of the dress with two rows of s/n posts.

Steam the product.

Knitted dress for a 6 year old girl

Size: for 5-6 years.


  • 200 g dark blue yarn (100% acrylic, 280 m/100 g), 100 g light blue yarn, 100 g light blue yarn, 100 g yarn dark blue same quality
  • circular knitting needles No. 2/5.

Elastic band 1 by 1: front rows - alternately 1 front loop, 1 purl loop. Knit purl rows according to the pattern.

Facial surface: front rows - front loops, purl rows - purl loops.

Main pattern: knit according to pattern 1. The diagram shows the front rows, knit the purl rows according to the pattern. Repeat in height from rows 1 to 18. The diagram shows alternating color stripes.

Note. The pattern indicates in which direction to knit the individual parts of the dress.

Getting the job done:

for the back, use dark blue yarn to cast on 127 sts and knit 5 cm according to pattern 1, continue knitting according to the same pattern, but with alternating colored stripes.

At a height of 44 cm from the cast-on row to form a sleeve on both sides, pick up 30 stitches in one step using dark blue yarn and continue knitting in stockinette stitch.

At a height of 59 cm, close the loops.

Knit the front like the back, but with a deeper neckline.

To do this, at a height of 49 cm from the cast-on row, close off the middle 16 stitches and knit both sides separately.

To round the neckline on both sides in each front row, close 1 time for 3 points, 2 times for 2 points, 3 times for 1 point.

At a height of 59 cm from the cast-on row, close the loops.

Sew seams from the neck to the bottom of the sleeve.

Cast on stitches along the bottom edge of the sleeve with dark blue yarn and continue knitting according to pattern 1, alternating colored stripes.

At a height of 12 cm from the cast-on row, continue knitting with dark blue yarn with an elastic band 1 by 1. At a height of 17 cm from the cast-on row, close the loops.

Sew the sleeves and sew the side seams.

To decorate the neckline, cast on stitches along the outer edge of the neckline and knit a 5 cm pattern according to pattern 1.

Knitted dress for girls 8 years old

Here the effect comes straight from the ball! Harmonious color transitions - full of stylish contrast, with charming nuances look simply great!

Dimensions: 122/128 (134/140) 146/152

If there is only one number, it applies to all sizes.

You will need:

  • yarn (100% silk; 100 m / 50 g) - 350 (400) 450 g sectional dyeing in green-blue-beige tones;
  • knitting needles No. 4;
  • hook No. 3;
  • 1 small dark blue button.

Facial surface: front rows - front loops, purl rows - purl loops.

"Bump": in the front row, knit 3 loops from 1 loop (= 1 knit, 1 purl, 1 knit), turn, purl 3, turn, remove 1 stitch, as in facial knitting, knit 2 stitches together and pull the removed loop through them.

Braided Pattern: even number of loops.

1st day: chrome, then constantly cross 2 stitches to the left (= transfer 1 stitch to the auxiliary needle before work, knit 1 stitch and knit a loop from the auxiliary needle), chrome.

2nd row: chrome, 1 purl, then constantly cross 2 stitches to the right (= 1 stitch removed onto an auxiliary needle while working, purl 1 and purl a loop from the auxiliary needle), purl 1, chrome. 1st and 2nd r. repeat constantly.

Emphasized decreases: at the beginning of the row = chrome, knit 4, knit 2 stitches together; at the end of the row = knit until the last 7 sts, then knit 2 sts together with a tilt to the left (= remove 1 st, as in knitting, knit 1 and pull the removed loop through it) knit 4, chrome.

Knitting density: front stitch - 21 p. x 28 r. = 10 x 10 cm; braided pattern-26 p. x 24 r. = 10×10 cm.

Important! The transition of multi-colored stripes is obtained as a result of color selection when knitting from different balls.

Job description


Cast on 107 (117) 127 stitches on knitting needles and knit in stockinette stitch.

After 4 r. from the initial row, knit 17 (18) 19 “bumps”, distributing the loops as follows: chrome, 4 (6) 8 knit, * 1 “bump”, 5 knit, from * repeat 15 (16) 17 times, 1 “bump ", 4 (6) 8 front, chrome.

To give the dress an A-line silhouette after 5 cm = 14 r. (4.5 cm = 12 r.) 3.5 cm = 10 r. from the initial row, emphasize 1 x 1 stitches on both sides, then emphasize 11 (12) 13 times in every 10th row. 1 p. each and after the last decrease, add 1 p. in the next front row to align the pattern after the edge, knitting it from the knit stitch crossed = 84 (92) 100 p.

After 45.5 cm = 128 rub. (48.5 cm = 136 rub.) 51.5 cm = 144 rub. From the beginning row, continue knitting with a braided pattern.

After 9.5 cm = 23 r. (11 cm = 27 rub.) 13 cm = 31 rub. from changing the pattern, divide the work to cut in the middle in half and finish the right half first.

After 15.5 cm = 37 r. (17 cm = 41 rub.) 19 cm = 45 rub. from changing patterns, close along the inner edge for the neckline 1 x 6 (7) 8 p., then in every 2nd r. close 1 x 4 p., 3 x 2 p.

At the same time after 17.5 cm = 42 r. (19 cm = 46 rub.) 21 cm = 50 rub. from changing the pattern, close along the outer edge for the shoulder bevel 1 x 8 (9) 10 p. and in the next 2 p. close 1 x 9 (10) 11 p.

After 19 cm = 46 r. (21 cm = 50 rub.) 22.5 cm = 54 rub. from changing the pattern, close off the remaining 9 (10) 11 stitches of the shoulder. Finish the left side symmetrically with the right.


knit like a back, but without a cut and with a deeper neckline.

To do this, after 13.5 cm = 33 rubles. (15 cm = 37 rub.) 17 cm = 41 rub. from changing the pattern, close off the middle 16 (18) 20 stitches and finish both sides separately.

To round the cutout along the inner edge, close in every 2nd r. 1 x 3 p., 1 x 2 p. and 3 x 1 p.


Stretch the parts according to the dimensions indicated in the pattern and cover with a damp cloth and leave to dry.

Sew shoulder seams.

Crochet the neckline 1 r. Art. b/n, start from the left edge of the cut and at the end, along the right edge of the cut, make a hinged loop for the button from 5-7 vp. (depending on the size of the button).

Sew side seams from the bottom edge to the pattern change line.

Crochet armholes 1 round. Art. b/n.

Sew a button to the left corner of the neckline on the back.