
Aries Woman - Zodiac Sign Characteristics

Aries Woman - Zodiac Sign Characteristics

Aries - the first sign of the zodiac. The time of his board begins on March 21, on the day of the Spring Solstice, and continues on April 20. Women-Aries born at the beginning of this period (March 21-31) are under the auspices of militant Mars.

The fiery planet gives the nature of the temperamental ages even more passion and sexuality. Women from the date of birth on April 1-11 fall under the influence of the Sun, which gives his protege to amplifying and leadership qualities. Late Aries (April 12-20) is managed by loving Venus. It is gentle and addicted by the individuals who have a tendency to art.

Element of Aries - Fire. He gives women a bright charisma, thanks to which those surrounding are attracted to them like butterflies to light. Favorable colors of the fiery sign - all overflows of red and yellow, present in the flaming sunset or sparking of the fire.

The strongest stones talismans for a woman-aries: ruby, agate, grenade, amethyst, carnelian, sapphire, mountain crystal, diamond. Which one to choose, will tell your heart and the control planet:

  • Chermanic, agate and rhinestone will help to temper the stubbornness and excessive egoism of Mars.

  • Amethyst and lunar stone are collapsed by the power manifestations of solaries.

  • Venus romanticism is harmoniously combined with natural energy of a diamond, sapphire, ruby \u200b\u200band grenade.
Happy numbers - 4, 7 and 9, as well as their all possible combinations. The most successful day of the week is Thursday. It is worth attending the beginning of a new project, the date of an important meeting or trip.

Women-Aries character

Many women-Aries have a conventional male character: they are self-confident and the powerfulness, they are not characteristic of the softness and stagnation inherent in the representatives of the weak gender. But, despite the ambitious character of women-Aries, men appreciate and love their companions of life born under this sign. Like any other zodiacal sign, Aries Polyen. Depending on how the girl uses its natural inclinations, they can manifest itself in positive or negative aspects of the personality.


  • Confidence. When you evaluate the actions of ladies-Aries, you understand: there are no fears and obstacles for it. If she conceived something, it will not be easy to stop her.

  • Independence. The valuable quality of Women-Aries is its independence from men. She will not ask her husband to drive a nail, bring the bags, give a wise advice, as I am confident in your abilities. "Stop the horse will stop" - it's about her.

  • Generosity. If you deserve the location of the lady-Aries, get ready to receive gifts and compliments. She got used to express her appreciation not only by words, but also material signs.


  • Egoism. Confidence in the extreme manifestation acquires the features of superiority over the surrounding. To shake a narrowness, Aries need to meet a worthy partner who will be stronger and more decisive.

  • Loneliness. Self-sufficient woman-Aries often walks alone. It can do without men much longer than the representatives of other signs.

  • Greed. The reverse side of generosity is excessive stuffiness. Transformation of attitudes towards material benefits occurs as agreed when the reckless youth is replaced by experimental maturity.

Qualities to develop

The main features that need to educate confident women-axes are prudency and caution. Before getting into a long-term project (relationship, business, commitment), look mentally for a couple of months ahead. Take a timeout to evaluate all the profits and losses from the planned action. And only then sign up under the contract or in the registry office.

What a woman is loved by

  • Be the first always in everything. The sphere of its leadership is practically not limited, whether work, family or relationship with friends.

  • Independence. Do not try to attach a girl born under the sign of the Aries in a golden cage - she will still break free.

  • Flattery (within reasonable limits). What woman does not like compliments? If such people exist, then this is definitely not a girl-Aries.

  • Active lifestyle. Traveling, sports, interesting hobbies, new acquaintances ... Dama-Aries will always find something to do to feel the inexpressive joy of being.

  • Direct. Lies and ambiguity are unacceptable for a woman of this sign. To trust a person, she should feel his sincerity.

  • Take care of yourself. Even leaving the store, elegant Aries are long wrapped in front of the mirror. They tremblely relate to their appearance, so they are confident that the surrounding views them under a microscope.

What woman does not love

  • To plan. Light on the rise of nature prefer spontaneous events for long-awaited events.

  • Irresponsible people. Women Aries are an exception among fiery and air signs that are famous for their optional.

  • Ask for help. You are unlikely to hear the desperate cry "Help!" From the mouth of the Aries. She will rather come to revenue itself than asking her.

  • To complain. In Arsenal, such a lady has no expression "Unfortunate Women's Share." Even if the black stripe in her life was dragged, she will call it "temporary difficulties."

  • Show your weakness. Girl-Aries will not "cry in a vest", counting on consolation and support. It is inherent in the unshakable power of the Spirit and optimism.

  • Criticism. Do not attempt to express your discontent to Aries. Even if your claims are valid, they will be perceived inadequate.

How to conquer a woman-aries

If such a lady is experiencing a sympathy for a man, she will not take the expectant position. Most likely, she herself will conquer his hand and heart, so the partner needs to be simply answered to the gestures of attention. When a man wants to melt the ice of an excellent lady, he should be resorted to the advice of astrolories:

1. Girls-Aries in the soul Incruitable romance. They believe in love before the coffin and read in knightly novels. To deserve love, try to match the sublime ideals of your chosen one: Sing Serenada, make crazy actions and make generous gestures.

2. Caring for the representatives of this sign, do not go to the wrong bowl. They instantly distinguish a sincere feeling from spiritual false.

3. Keep loyalty and devotion. Being near Ovny, do not throw evaluating views on other girls, it will not even tolerate hypothetical rivals.

4. Do not limit the freedom of partners with jealousy and attempt to control it. For the right to be an independent woman, Aries is able to sacrifice its feelings.

5. Be persistent and original! Such ladies are crazy about pleasant surprises. Slim compliment, an unusual gift, an elegant bouquet of flowers - the best friends of the girl-Aries, however, as diamonds.

Love and marriage

In the heart manifestations of the Aries are overly cold, which is compensated by passion in sex. The future with the beloved should have real material soil for them. "Paradise in the chala" for them is unacceptable. In satellites, they choose bright and wealthy people who have brilliant perspectives. Woman Aries will be proud of his love for her husband if he is stable in spiritual and financial plan.

The exceptional feature of representatives of this sign is that they fall in love at the level of mind. When they realize that the partner is worthy of reciprocity, will sincerely love him.

Having found the second half, Aries will not slowly tie her by the Uzami Gimenta. Sometimes its chosen is under the crown so unexpectedly, he does not have time to realize what is happening. Not all husbands dream quickly to please under a female heel, and in Women-Aries, this trend is already manifested on the first dates. Quickly issuing a relationship, they do not leave their cavaliers a chance for long meditation.

For family responsibilities, the ladies of this sign are rationally. Domestic affairs they perform without excessive zeal, paying to them exactly so much personal time as needed to maintain visible comfort. The role of a housewife is not for her.

Suitable profession

Career for a woman-Aries is no less important than for a man. For such a lady, a decent job is a means for the realization of life ambitions to a greater extent than a successful marriage. A business horoscope born under this sign suggests that they can achieve recognition on any chosen field.

Congenital leadership makes it possible to fully reveal its potential as the head, rather than the subordinate. Excessively straightforward temper of such a woman can lead to conflict situations with management.

Still in the youth of the Aries know which scope of activities want to choose. Intuitively, they prefer classes related to changes, trips and feeling of indispensability. Routine and sedentary work is hated for such women. The most successfully implementing its irrepressible potential they can in the profession:
  • manager
  • commwarker
  • insurance agent
  • veterinarian
  • doctor
  • architect
  • actresses
In the presence of good physical data, successes are possible in professional sports.


Women Aries have a strong immunity from nature. In the horoscope of this sign, the main vulnerable places are associated with their heads, especially with hearing and vision organs. The likelihood of migraine, overwork, hypertension, insomnia is great. As a rule, these disorders are caused by overexcusion, moral exhaustion, disadvantage of a full rest.

Due to the accelerated metabolic behavior of the Aries disease, they have a rapid flow: a sharp start and a pronounced crisis are replaced in most cases by fast recovery. The danger is that the owners of this sign are inclined to lower the danger of the ailment and the importance of compliance with the regime.

If the Aries girl will neglect the recommendations of doctors, a frivolous, at first glance, the disease can acquire chronic and protracted.

How to educate baby-ray girl

With diaper, children of this sign show fake and stubbornness. Such qualities should not be encouraged by giving them a delicate rebuff. Do not let the girl-Aries get to your head, otherwise, from a small princess, she will turn the chase of the Korean.

Teach it to develop patience and delicacy: these qualities are absent not only in the horoscope of children, but also adults. The best hobbies for the girl-Aries are dancing, playing on piano, dynamic sports. If you have been able to instill love for these activities from the younger years, negative energy will be sent to a useful direction.

Children born under the sign of the Aries - Egoists and cynos more than everyone else. Develop in a little girl compassion to neighbor, love of the surrounding nature, animals and you grow a caring and loving daughter.