
How to whiten a white medical gown. How to whiten a medical gown at home. Bleach medical gown

How to whiten a white medical gown.  How to whiten a medical gown at home.  Bleach medical gown

The most popular color of medical clothing is white. It's no secret that he is capricious and quickly loses its presentation. For employees of medical institutions, the question of how to wash is especially acute, since their suits often come into contact with biological fluids, drugs, and ink. Here are some ways to return attractive appearance white coats at home.

How to clean a pen from a medical gown

To remove the ink will help ordinary laundry soap, or special soap-stain remover Antipyatin. The treated area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fabric should be left for 30 minutes, after which the clothes should be washed in washing machine or hands.

Methods for bleaching medical gowns


The most popular washing method is the use of bleach. They work equally well in hand washing and in automatic machines. You must first soak the laundry using a bleaching agent. AT washing machines You can select the long wash with pre-soak. Types of bleaching agents:

  • The chlorinated white is the best known and is well compatible with the cotton that is usually made from.
  • Powder bleaches containing oxygen are more delicate and no less effective (Persil, Fairy, Peroxy, Amway, Ace, Vanish, Persol). They are based on hydrogen peroxide.

Please note that you cannot use chlorine-containing products with mixed materials containing synthetics.

Whitening with hydrogen peroxide

The following solution will help whiten a medical gown from yellowness:

Take one small spoonful of hydrogen peroxide 3% per 2 liters of water. Put the product into the resulting mixture for 15-20 minutes. Be sure to turn the clothes over to achieve an even effect.

Whitening with soda

Used to bring back the white color from ancient times. For application it is necessary:

  • Take 5 liters of water 40 degrees and 6 tbsp. spoons of soda, mix thoroughly.
  • Pour 2 tablespoons of ammonia into the solution.
  • Soak medical suits for 2 hours.
  • After the time has elapsed, rinse the linen and wash it in the usual way.

In case of strong yellowness, you can boil cotton items in a solution.

Salt whitening

  • Salt is delicate and safe to use with blended fabrics.
  • Take 2 liters of water and a handful of salt, mix thoroughly.
  • Add 1 tbsp to the mixture. a spoonful of ammonia and 3 tbsp. spoons of hydrogen peroxide.
  • Soak clothes for a couple of hours.

To enhance the effect, you can add regular washing powder.

Boric acid bleaching

Boric acid, which has acidic properties, can be used to bleach cotton fabrics. To do this, dissolve 2 tablespoons of the product in 2 liters of warm water and leave to soak for several hours. After that, rinse and wash in the usual way.

Whitening with turpentine

To rid cotton fabric of stains and yellowness, use turpentine:

  • Mix 5 liters in a basin. warm water and 5 tbsp. spoons of turpentine.
  • Leave the washed clothes in the solution for 3 hours.
  • After that, wash the dressing gown thoroughly.

Mustard whitening

Mustard powder can be used to bleach cotton. To do this, it dissolves in hot water. Linen is soaked in the resulting mixture for 2-3 hours. After things are thoroughly rinsed.

Whitening with potassium permanganate

It is surprising to many that potassium permanganate can be used as a bleach. For this you need:

  • Grate laundry soap on a fine grater and dissolve it in a basin with 10 liters of hot water.
  • Separately, prepare a solution of potassium permanganate of a faint pink color.
  • Mix the solution with the soap mixture.
  • Soak clothes for 6 hours.
  • After washing as usual.

Whitening with ammonia

Step-by-step instructions for returning whiteness using ammonia is simple:

  • Add 5 tablespoons of ammonia to a basin of hot water and mix.
  • Soak the robe for 3 hours.
  • After the time has passed, wash things by hand using laundry soap.
  • Do not wash items containing cotton together with wool and synthetics to prevent dullness.
  • Cotton is best washed at a temperature of 60 degrees with the addition of salt.
  • Before using detergents, test them on a small area of ​​fabric.

In this way, you will prevent the frequent use of bleaching agents and keep your clothes sparkling white longer.

Employees medical institutions must look perfect. Therefore, they have to be as careful as possible with their form. White coats get dirty easily and are very difficult to clean. But even a neat person can run into a problem when spots of yellowness or noticeable dirt appear on a white fabric. You can whiten a medical gown at home using a few simple methods.

How to use correctly:

  1. Thoroughly rub all problem areas with soap.
  2. Fill the basin with warm water, soak the bathrobe for 8 hours.
  3. Rinse in cool water, adding conditioner.

Soap shows the greatest efficiency at removal of fresh pollution.

Lemon acid

Citric acid powder, present in any kitchen, will help to easily whiten medical uniforms. It will take a little of this substance and patience.

What should be done:

  1. Dissolve the powder (55 g) in hot water (3 l).
  2. Soak the robe for 3 hours.
  3. Wash it in the usual way.

If spots remain, then the procedure can be repeated.

Lemon juice

You can also clean a white coat using fresh lemon juice. The method is similar to the use of acid, but requires more time.

How to apply:

  1. Squeeze juice from two lemons, dilute with water (3 l).
  2. Soak the item for 10 hours.
  3. Rinse with clean cool water.

It is advisable to wear gloves so as not to damage the skin of the hands.


Soda ash will help get rid of dirt on a medical uniform or other clothing made of dense fabric. This is one of the most quick ways soaking. When performing all actions, rubber gloves and a protective mask should be worn.

How to use:

  1. Mix soda (100 g) with hot water (7 l).
  2. Soak clothes for 40 minutes.
  3. Wash by hand.

Also, if desired, soaking can be avoided. You just need to pour some of this soda into the washing machine and run it at 60 ° C.

A simple method for whitening white things - video:


Dry mustard powder will help whiten a dirty medical gown at home. You need to stock up on enough time.

Cleaning process:

  1. Dissolve mustard (3 tablespoons) in water (3 liters), boil it and cool to 60°C.
  2. Strain through a fine sieve.
  3. Soak the bathrobe for 6 hours.
  4. Rinse and wash in the usual way.

To quickly remove the mustard smell, it is allowed to rinse clothes with conditioner.


A popular way to clean anything, including medical uniforms. You will need not ordinary vinegar, but essence. Its concentration should be more than 60%. When working with it, be sure to protect your hands with gloves.

How to clean:

  1. Mix vinegar essence (80 ml) with warm water (7 l).
  2. Soak the robe for 40 minutes.
  3. Squeeze hard, throw into the machine.
  4. Wash on the intensive cycle for dirty laundry.
  5. Hang the thing in fresh air until completely dry in a place where the sun's rays do not fall.

You can also wash the dressing gown with the help of table vinegar. If you use it, then you should add not 80 ml, but about 300 ml for the same volume of water.


A solution of potassium permanganate is also effective for removing contaminants from the clothes of hospital employees.

How to apply:

  1. Mix in water (10 l) a little manganese and washing powder (100 g).
  2. Soak the mold for 2 hours.
  3. Rinse well in cool water.

It is important to ensure that the water is slightly pink and not red.


Eliminate stains and yellowness on a white fabric with ammonia. You just need to make the right solution that will destroy all dirty traces.

How to use the method:

  1. Dilute hot water (5 l) with ammonia (5 tbsp. l.).
  2. Soak clothes for 10 hours.
  3. Rinse, dry.

For greater efficiency, hydrogen peroxide (2 tablespoons) can be added, but the soaking time should be reduced to 5-8 hours.

Ammonium chloride can be replaced with boric acid. The proportions will remain the same, but it will take no more than 5 hours to keep the form in liquid without adding peroxide. It will also require additional washing using a washing machine.

Vodka with glycerin

An unusual method to clean work clothes for paramedics involves the use of vodka and liquid glycerin. You can buy the latter in every pharmacy.

What will be required:

  1. Mix vodka (700 ml), warm water (350 ml) and glycerin (320 ml).
  2. Leave the item in the mixture for 40 minutes.
  3. Wash by hand. Grate with laundry soap, put inside a plastic bag and tie for an hour.
  4. Machine wash with bleach and conditioner.

It is not recommended to get carried away and repeatedly repeat actions.

Alcohol with peroxide and powder

A good choice for whitening molds made with synthetic materials.

What to do:

  1. Mix hydrogen peroxide (4 tablespoons), washing powder (50 g) and warm water (10 liters).
  2. Throw clothes in there for half an hour.
  3. Rinse at low temperature.

Regular soaking every few months will increase the life of your work clothes.

There are two main types of bleaches: chlorine-containing and oxygen-containing. The first ones are slightly stronger, but the second ones are less dangerous for the fabric. You can even use the well-known and inexpensive "Whiteness".

How to proceed:

  1. Put the bathrobe in warm water, add bleach.
  2. Wait a certain time according to the instructions (3-5 minutes).
  3. Rinse, wash.

If Whiteness is used, protective gloves must be worn.

Another unusual method is to make the working uniform for doctors bright and clean again.

How to proceed:

  1. Dilute turpentine (5 tablespoons) with water (5 liters).
  2. Place clothes there for 5 hours.
  3. Turn on the machine, putting the rinse first, and then the standard wash.

After washing, the bathrobe will literally shine. It is not recommended to use this method more than 2-3 times in one year.


Any of the described cleaning options will help to tidy up a work suit for medical institutions in a day. They cope with any type of pollution and the old yellowness that appeared from wearing the item for a long time. The main thing is to strictly follow the instructions.

Correctly wash white things - video:

A health worker should always appear well-groomed and tidy. Therefore, he should first of all take care of the cleanliness of the bathrobe, because it is so easy to get dirty.

Stains on a medical gown can be very different, and accordingly they need to be eliminated. different means and ways. There are many improvised means with which you can make a bathrobe clean.

soda ash. For seven liters of hot water, you need one hundred grams of the substance. Make sure the powder is completely dissolved. The thing should be soaked for forty minutes in the prepared solution. After that, wash the bathrobe in the same water. Don't forget to wear gloves. After hand washing, you will also need machine wash at a temperature not lower than 70 degrees. Soda ash can be poured into the detergent compartment, in the first compartment. Don't forget the laundry detergent too.

Vodka and glycerin. For 350 ml. hot water you need to add 700 grams of vodka and 320 ml. glycerin. Mix everything and soak the clothes for forty minutes. Then wash by hand with laundry soap. If the dressing gown is very dirty, you can rub it with soap, leave it for one hour and only then wash it. Then rinse thoroughly and hang to dry.

Lemon juice. Lemon juice has excellent cleansing and brightening properties. Squeeze the juice from two lemons and dissolve it in five liters of water. Soak the mold in the prepared liquid for one night. Take out the clothes in the morning and wash as usual.

Boric acid. You can buy the substance at a pharmacy. For two liters of water you need only two tablespoons of the product. The water should be warm, but not hot. When the solution is ready, place overalls in it for two hours. After the time has passed, wash the item with powder or soap.

Turpentine. Prepare a special cleaning solution. Five tablespoons of the substance should be added to five liters of warm water. Soak the gown in the solution for three hours. Then wash in the washing machine with detergent. Dry the product in the fresh air to eliminate the unpleasant smell of turpentine.

mustard powder. Mustard perfectly degreases and eliminates stains. Add the powder to warm water, mix well, and soak the necessary things in mustard water for three hours. After these procedures, you will need to wash your clothes.

We use household products

The easiest way is to return the original dressing gown White color using bleach. Moreover, the modern market provides a wide selection of bleaching agents suitable for different types fabrics.

Types of bleaches:

Powdered oxygen- is produced in the form of a dry powder, and it is based on hydrogen peroxide. Safe for all types of fabric. It can be Vanish or another remedy. First you need to apply a little bleach on especially dirty places. To do this, add a little water to it to make a thick slurry. After that, treat the stains, put the item in the washing machine, and add a little more bleach to the wash. The required amount of detergent is indicated on the package.

Liquid oxygen- This is a mixture of peroxide solution with surface-active components. With their help, you can bleach any type of fabric, despite the fact that they do not discolor the color inserts.

Optic- the substance does not eliminate pollution, but masks it. Bleach particles are luminescent substances that penetrate the fibers and give the impression of snow whiteness. For each type of fabric, you need to select your own optical brightener.

As you can see household products in order to make a bathrobe clean enough, you just need to choose the right substance for yourself.

Machine wash.

If you wash the product in the machine, you must first set the correct mode.

  1. Set the delicate wash mode.
  2. Add powder, fabric softener and bleach to desired compartments.
  3. Put the bathrobe in the drum, close the door and start the machine.
  4. Set the soak and spin mode.
  5. After washing, dry the item in the shade.


Heat water, pour it into a laundry container, and dilute the right amount of bleach in it. Do not exceed the dosages indicated on the packaging, otherwise you can ruin the thing in this way. Add the powder and soak the product for half an hour. After soaking, wash the dressing gown and dry it.

Preparation of bleach mixtures

If the dressing gown has yellowed or turned gray over time, the use of one product may not be enough. Therefore, you need to independently prepare a cleaning mixture consisting of several components.

A mixture of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia. Dissolve 200 ml of ammonia and 185 ml of peroxide 6% in a bucket of hot water. Mix everything thoroughly, and soak the dressing gown in the solution for three hours. Remove the gown after the required time has elapsed. Before this, it is advisable to put on rubber gloves and a face mask. Also make sure that the room has good air ventilation, so as not to be poisoned by fumes. Rinse the item in clean water and load it into the washing machine. It is better to wash with the addition of a bleaching agent at 50 degrees. Dry away from the sun.

Table salt and ammonia. To prepare the cleaning mixture you will need:

  • 55 ml of ammonia;
  • 80 ml 6% hydrogen peroxide;
  • 175 g of finely ground salt.

Mix the ingredients together, and add eight liters of warm water to the resulting mixture. Mix everything again, and pour into a basin or bowl. Soak the uniform in the solution for thirty minutes. After the time has elapsed, remove things from the basin, rinse them in clean water, and send them to the wash. If you are washing with a machine, then select the intensive washing mode. It is better to dry a thing somewhere in the shade, otherwise it may turn yellow from direct sunlight.

soda and chlorhexidine. Bring 3.5 liters of water to a boil, pour it into a laundry container. Add a pack of soda to the water, and wait until it is completely dissolved. Wait until the water has cooled to a temperature comfortable for hand washing, and add a vial of chlorhexidine to it, the substance can be purchased at a pharmacy. Soak the necessary things for forty minutes in the solution, then remove them, wring out well, and at a suitable temperature.

In the compartment where they fall asleep detergent, add 100 g of soda to the second compartment, and powder to the first, and you can start the device. When the washing process is over, dry the bathrobe away from the sun.

We keep the medical gown white for a long time

To keep your gown white as long as possible, follow these guidelines:

  • wash the product separately from other things;
  • if you need to wash a lot of uniforms, they need to be divided by type of fabric;
  • chlorine-based bleaches can only be used on cotton clothing;
  • uniforms should be washed at least once a week;
  • be sure to add conditioner when washing;
  • if you wash things in washing machine, clean the drain regularly;
  • Try to wash your bathrobe immediately after it gets dirty.

As you can see, with proper care, and properly selected means, you can keep the dressing gown snow-white for a long time.

All employees of medical institutions, without exception, whether they are doctors, nurses or orderlies, must always look impeccable. This is especially true of their uniforms, because any pollution is always noticeable on a snow-white fabric. To a doctor who always looks after his appearance, the attitude of patients is always more warm and friendly. Many medical workers even from the university they know how to whiten a medical gown. Making it at home is not so difficult if you know what and how to use it!

Whitening with improvised means

Well-worn medical uniforms very often take on an unpleasant yellow or gray shade. As a rule, in such a situation, ordinary washing will not help. It is not difficult to whiten a gray medical gown after washing if you use special means. True, experts say, it is better to use those bleaches that do not contain chlorine.

Unfortunately, not all remedies are equally effective. That is why, before purchasing them, you should consult with a specialist, carefully study the packaging, choose a bleach that is suitable for the type of fabric from which the dressing gown is sewn. If you don’t want to buy special products, but at the same time you are thinking about how to whiten a medical gown at home, you should know that this can be done using the simplest tools at hand. Let's talk about them right now.

ammonia and hydrogen peroxide

This is one of the simplest and most effective methods, known to almost every student of a medical college or university. How to whiten a medical gown with these ingredients? You will need a small amount of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. The latter in this combination acts as a bleach, and ammonia prevents the appearance of yellow spots on the fabric. In addition, it is able to soften tap water, facilitating the bleaching process. You need to take 10 liters of water, add ammonia (6 tablespoons) and peroxide (5 teaspoons) to them, and then simply place the bathrobe in this solution for no more than two hours. If there are persistent dirt on the dressing gown, you can add a tablespoon of turpentine to the water.

Alcohol, powder and peroxide

Speaking about how to whiten a medical gown at home, one cannot fail to mention the use of products such as hydrogen peroxide, washing powder and alcohol. This method is great for cleaning items that have been made with synthetic fabrics. The most important thing is not to overexpose the gown in this solution, otherwise the uniform may suffer from the negative effects of chemicals. For 10 liters of warm water, the temperature of which should not exceed 40 ° C, you will need four tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide, a tablespoon of ammonia, six tablespoons of ordinary table salt and 40 grams washing powder.

Medical things should be loaded into such a solution for about 20 minutes. After that, they should be thoroughly rinsed in cool water. If the contamination was too strong, you can additionally wash the dressing gown.

Lemon juice

How to bleach a white medical gown without boiling? Lemon comes to the rescue! This tool - natural and affordable - will give a snow-white tone to any clothes. To prepare the solution, you will need 10 liters of warm water and the juice of two medium lemons. Clothing should be left in the solution for a day, then rinsed thoroughly. Of course, this method will not be able to cope with old ingrained pollution.

Laundry soap

If you are thinking about how to bleach a medical gown that does not have strong chronic pollution, you can use regular laundry soap. The fabric should be rubbed with a soap bar, and then immersed in a small amount of warm water and left overnight. In the event that the dressing gown is made of synthetic and delicate types of fabrics, laundry soap should not be used. The thing is that laundry soap is alkaline, which negatively affects the fibers of the fabric. After soaking, the bathrobe must be rinsed with conditioner or additionally machine washed on a suitable program.


Speaking about how to whiten a medical gown from dullness and yellowness, one cannot help but recall such a tool as whiteness or its analogues. True, they can only be used for cotton fabrics. Whiteness is not suitable for medical clothing, which consists of synthetics. The method of applying whiteness is extremely simple: first of all, you need to soak the bathrobe in ordinary hot water. After that, pour a small amount of bleach into the container and hold for 2-3 minutes. After that, it remains to pull out the uniform and rinse thoroughly. Be careful: do not exceed the dosage of the bleaching agent, otherwise the clothes will become unusable very quickly. Experts advise using whiteness no more than once a month.


Baking soda also has good bleaching properties, in addition, it is able to soften water, disinfect the fabric and clean it of impurities. Add 3-4 tablespoons of baking soda to the small amount of water needed to soak the robe, and then immerse the uniform for 3-4 hours. By the way, you can use soda together with laundry soap, this will allow you to bleach the fabric as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Potassium permanganate

Thinking about how you can whiten a medical gown? Pay attention to potassium permanganate. Using a weak solution will remove any contamination from medical clothing. Please note: the water should have a light pink tint, all the crystals should dissolve. In potassium permanganate, the uniform should be soaked for no more than one and a half to two hours, then rinsed thoroughly in clean cool water.

soda ash

Quite often, this cleaner is used when cleaning an apartment, but it can also be used in laundry. So if you are thinking about how to whiten a white medical gown, you can use soda ash. Just like ammonia, it is able to soften hard water, facilitating the washing process, and preserve the structure of things. Unlike many other home whitening products, you need to use soda ash in the washing machine. To do this, pour a small amount of the substance into the detergent compartment, put the clothes in the drum and wash at a temperature of about 60-70 degrees. True, only linen medical clothes are recommended to bleach in this way.

Boric acid

This pharmacy remedy can be used not only for otitis media or eczema, but also for whitening medical uniforms. The recipe for use is quite simple: for two liters of warm water you will need two tablespoons of boric acid. It is recommended to keep clothes in this solution for 2 hours. After that, it remains only to rinse the medical gown, then wash it in the usual way.


Thinking about how to whiten a medical gown from yellowness? Try using turpentine. This tool gives things a snow-white tint. To wash a medical uniform, you will need to dissolve five tablespoons of turpentine in five liters of warm water, and then place a dressing gown in this solution for a couple of hours. After that, the clothes will need to be rinsed and washed. It should be noted that turpentine can only be used on cotton fabrics, it is not suitable for synthetics.


The most common food mustard powder, which can be found in almost every kitchen, is actively used to whiten things. The rules of application are simple: you need to draw hot water into the basin, and then dissolve three tablespoons of dry mustard in it. In this composition, the medical gown should be held for three hours, after which it remains only to wash or rinse the clothes thoroughly. Please note: mustard will not remove strong contamination, but it can refresh a cotton medical uniform.


If you are thinking about how to whiten a bathrobe, vinegar essence or vinegar will come to the rescue. In the event that you use essence, you will need 7 liters of water and 80 milliliters of essence. In this solution, you need to soak things for 45 minutes, and then rinse and wash thoroughly to get rid of the pungent odor. In the event that you decide to use regular vinegar, you will need six liters of warm water and 275 milliliters of vinegar. Just as in the previous case, the medical form should be immersed in the solution for 45 minutes, and then rinsed and washed well.

Keeping white

You probably know that too frequent washing of medical clothes with the use of bleaching agents negatively affects the condition of the fabric. In order to keep the medical uniform in good condition for a long time, follow simple rules:

  1. It is best to wash a medical gown daily - both by hand and in a washing machine.
  2. To begin with, the bathrobe will need to be soaked with powder in hot water for half an hour, and then washed in the usual way.
  3. It is desirable to add disinfectants to the powder.

It is recommended to dry the medical uniform in the fresh air. Another option is to squeeze it to a semi-dry state, and then hang it on a coat hanger for several hours. When the form dries, it remains only to stroke. But drying a medical gown on heating devices or hot batteries is not worth it: this, of course, will dry the fabric, but this will give it stiffness and, possibly, yellowness.

The white color of the clothes of medical personnel is a sign of cleanliness and sterility. What impression will a health worker who came to work in a dirty bathrobe make on a patient. To prevent such an embarrassing situation, doctors, nurses, pharmacists and other healthcare workers should keep their medical gown clean. What to do if it gets dirty, as well as how to wash and bleach a white medical gown at home, we will understand later in the article.

1. Folk ways

You can always wash a white coat in the washing machine using modern whitening powders like Tide or Ariel, but there are times when these amenities are simply not at hand and you have to get out of those folk ways and with the help of the means that are available.

Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia

At home, a combination of hydrogen and ammonia will help whiten a white medical gown from dullness. The bathrobe should be placed in water and add 6 full large spoons of ammonia and 5 teaspoons of peroxide (per 10 liters of water). Soaking should take place for no more than two hours.

It is worth noting! For stubborn stains when washing with hydrogen peroxide, it is recommended to supplement the cleaning mixture with one tablespoon of turpentine.

Washing powder, alcohol and peroxide

This method is applicable in particular to medical gowns, which contain a certain percentage of synthetic fibers. The bleach solution recipe is as follows:

  • One full bucket or basin of non-hot water.
  • 4 tablespoons of 3% hydrogen peroxide solution.
  • One tablespoon of ammonia.
  • 6 full tablespoons of ordinary salt.
  • 50 grams of any washing powder.

Keep the bleached gown in the prepared solution for no more than half an hour, after which it is thoroughly rinsed several times in cold clean water.

Lemon acid

A good solution for how to wash a white medical gown at home is a solution with citric acid. To do this, you can use both freshly squeezed juice of two lemons, or two bags of citric acid powder. Juice or acid must be diluted in 10 liters of warm water and leave a white coat in it all night. Rinse the robe several times in the morning and hang it up to dry.

Household soap

With simple laundry soap, you can easily wash and even whiten a yellowed medical gown. So, to remove it from yellowness, you must do the following:

  1. Soak the bathrobe in warm water.
  2. Thoroughly wipe all problem areas with soap.
  3. Immerse the item in water and leave it overnight.
  4. In the morning rinse the dressing gown thoroughly in cool running water.
  5. Hang to dry.

Soda calcined

The product perfectly copes with washing and bleaching white coats containing linen. Soda should be poured into the tray of the washing machine and start washing at a water temperature of no more than 70 degrees. At the end of the procedure, it is imperative to thoroughly rinse the gown several times.

Potassium permanganate

To prepare a bleaching solution, a small amount of potassium permanganate should be dissolved in 10 liters of warm water so that the water acquires a slightly pinkish tint. Then you should fill in a little washing powder and soak the medical gown for two hours, then rinse several times in clean running water.


To whiten a white medical gown, you can use plain table salt. To do this, dissolve a few full tablespoons of salt in two liters of warm water and add a little washing powder. Then place the dressing gown in the solution and let it soak for 1-2 hours, after which, wash it in the washing machine as usual.

Important! To enhance the effect, you can add a little ammonia to the solution.

food soda

The tool not only heals sore throat, but also easily copes with the bleaching of medical gowns. This requires:

  • Warm water - ½ bucket.
  • Baking soda - 6 tablespoons.
  • Medical alcohol - two full tablespoons.

The dressing gown should be kept in the solution for 2-3 hours, then washed by hand or in an automatic machine, and finally rinsed thoroughly.

Bornaya acid

You can clean, bleach and protect a white medical gown from fungus with boric acid in the following way:

  1. Dilute 2 tablespoons of boric acid in two liters of warm water.
  2. Soak the dressing gown in the prepared solution for 1-2 hours.
  3. After the allotted time, thoroughly rinse the dressing gown from the cleaning agent.
  4. Wash the item by hand or in the washing machine on a normal cycle.

Important! It is recommended to use boric acid in washing white clothes no more than once a month.


You can whiten from yellowness and from gray spots a white dressing gown made of cotton fabric using turpentine. To do this, 5 tablespoons of turpentine must be dissolved in 5 liters of warm water and soak the dressing gown in this solution for 3-5 hours, then wash and rinse work clothes.


To whiten a medical gown in this way, it is necessary to dilute mustard powder in water in proportions of 1 tablespoon per liter of water, then put the liquid on fire and bring to a boil. Then it is necessary to cool the solution to 60 degrees, pass through cheesecloth and soak a white coat in it for 1-2 hours. It remains to wash the dressing gown, as usual, and rinse in cool, clean water.

2. Shop bleach

Purchased products presented on the shelves with household chemicals are no less effective. Means for bleaching clothes, oddly enough, are called bleaches.

It is worth noting! Bleaches are chlorine and based on hydrogen peroxide. Chlorine bleach should not be used on synthetic materials, as chlorine will easily destroy them.

How to use bleach in a washing machine:

  1. Set the mode "Soaking" and "Delicate wash".
  2. Load cleaning agents into the appropriate trays.
  3. Put the robes in the drum.
  4. Start washing machine.
  5. Activate the "Soak" and "Spin" functions.
  6. At the end of washing, hang up the bathrobes to dry.

In hand washing, bleach is applied as follows:

  1. Dissolve the product in warm water.
  2. Soak the bathrobe for 40-45 minutes.
  3. Wash by hand.
  4. Rinse thoroughly in cool water.
  5. Hang up the bathrobe to dry.

It is worth noting! There are oxygen-containing bleaches on the market, based on hydrogen peroxide, that can whiten a white medical coat without any extra effort. Among them, it is worth highlighting such brands as: Ace, Vanish, Persil and funds from Amway.

3. Drying the white coat

The bathrobe must be dried in an upright position. To do this, after a light spin, the bathrobe is hung on a coat hanger and placed near the battery or in the open air. You should not put a bathrobe on a battery or heater, as contact with a hot surface can damage the fabric structure, and rust from the surface of an old battery radiator will leave an unpleasant yellow mark, which will be much more difficult to remove.

4. How to wash and bleach a medical gown: Video

5. Conclusion

Whitening a white medical gown, as shown in this article, is a fairly simple task. The most important thing is to first determine the composition of the fabric, to select the appropriate method and detergent.

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