
What is problem skin? Problem skin: basic rules and care products. Products for oily and dry skin at the same time

What is problem skin?  Problem skin: basic rules and care products.  Products for oily and dry skin at the same time

The skin reflects the state of our body. Problematic skin can tell us about hormonal imbalances; a decrease in immunity, a lack of vitamins and various diseases are also inevitable. Moreover, such skin causes a lot of disappointment to its owner, especially if it is a face. Now let’s try to define what the term “problem skin” is. After all, shiny skin oily skin cannot immediately be called problematic... after all, this is a natural process - fat protects the skin from dryness and aging. And this does not mean that this type of skin does not require careful care and cleansing; moreover, it is necessary to take care of it daily.

It’s a completely different matter if your skin is rough, dense, and has a greasy, fatty coating on it. This skin has increased sebum production, enlarged pores, and many blackheads called comedones. They occur due to poor skin care. And it will be very little if you just wash your face and apply cream. It is advisable to regularly give such skin steam baths and it is recommended to make masks from kefir or yogurt, applying the mask for 10-15 minutes before washing; this procedure will help increase the acid barrier of the skin, which will prevent germs from spreading.

When sebum does not come to the surface of the skin, it hardens and turns into a plug - a breeding ground for harmful bacteria. White blood cells come out to fight it, but inflammation begins. And a problem appears - acne. Most often occurs in teenagers. But this is far from a pattern - such acne can appear in girls at any age. What is the reason for their appearance? Most often, this is a failure in the hormonal system, because if output male hormones increases, this entails the secretion of sebum and the formation of acne. Further, this may be a change in metabolism, because those girls who like to diet are often prone to acne. Therefore, it is very important to eat right, consume food rich in zinc, vitamins B, A, C, D, and of natural origin. Zinc can be found in seafood.

Such skin appears due to external and internal reasons, so it immediately indicates a malfunction internal organs.. this may be deviations in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, intestines, and at the same time toxins and wastes undigested by the body are removed by the skin. And as a result, rashes appear - acne, pimples, itching, peeling, dark spots, freckles and much much more..

The skin that causes the most trouble is prone to inflammation and rashes. Outwardly, it looks worse than dry or sensitive skin. To solve this problem, especially acne, it is advisable to consult a specialist to find out the cause and identify the optimal path to healthy and beautiful skin.

When blood circulation in problem skin is disrupted, this leads to rosacea. This disease is characterized by sensations of itching, burning, inflammation, and redness. Such skin immediately loses its elasticity and firmness. The reason for this may be the consumption of too spicy food, alcohol, smoking, climate change, sun, stress. And this can lead to venous stagnation. It is necessary to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, normalize the pressure in them, and microcirculation using various procedures. Treatment should be comprehensive and include, in addition to effects on the skin, drug treatment and diet.

Another disease is demodicosis, in which mites live on the skin. The problem lies precisely in their numbers. Acne, pimples, dermatitis and other skin defects are often accompanied by these mites. That is why it is very important to contact us if your skin gets worse. This will allow you to avoid serious consequences and begin timely treatment. Problematic skin will cease to be such if the cause is identified in time and addressed.

Care for problem skin

All care comes down to cleansing the skin of accumulated sebum, impurities, enlarged pores, which become clogged and immediately become inflamed, forming acne all over the face. Caring for such skin has its own characteristics - the plaque on it makes the skin less susceptible to regular washing. And hot water only enhances the activity of the sebaceous glands, dilating the excretory ducts, which provokes even greater sebum secretion and enlarged pores.

When caring for such skin, it is necessary to use toilet soap or gel, which is designed specifically for problem skin. Apply with massaging movements.

When caring for problem skin, it is effective to increase the acid barrier of the skin, which prevents the spread of germs. Lactic acid products can help you - kefir, whey, applied to the face before washing for 15 minutes. It is also recommended to acidify the water for washing with table vinegar or a pinch of citric acid. After washing, it is advisable to wipe your face with an ice cube and dry with a soft towel.

After each wash, it is advisable to use various products - cleansing, drying, disinfecting, tightening pores, lotions and tonics containing zinc oxide and salicylic acid. Can be cooked eau de toilette, consisting of boric acid, hydrogen peroxide, alum and infusion of herbs with an astringent and drying effect - St. John's wort, horsetail, cornflower, sage, coltsfoot, calendula, rowan, calamus, nettle, etc. You can mix this infusion with a spoonful of vodka and wipe your face. Often, from the use of soap and alcohol, the skin begins to turn red and peel. Then it is necessary to soften it - use hydrogels instead of fatty creams. They soothe the skin because... they contain a lot of moisture. This emulsion is applied in the morning to clean skin and rub in with patting movements.

If comedones form on the face, care requires cosmetic facial cleansing in a cosmetologist's office. Also, deep cleansing of the skin at home is one of the most important conditions care for problem skin. This is achieved with exfoliants and special masks - they exfoliate and dissolve dead epidermal cells, which are a favorable environment for reproduction various types bacteria, and give the skin a smooth and healthy appearance.

Doing peelings, it is necessary to take into account that they come in 2 types: chemical and mechanical (scrubs). Scrubs consist of very fine solid additives that break off hardened skin flakes by rolling under them. Chemical peels dissolve dead cells thanks to acid - fruit or alpha hydroxy acid: lactic, malic, citric. Many peels contain enzymes extracted from fruits, such as kiwi, papaya, and peach. The frequency of exfoliation should not exceed 1-2 times a week - more frequent exposure can lead to stimulation of the sebaceous glands, which can make the skin greasy.

For deep skin cleansing special ones are used face masks, removing heavy impurities from the skin and unclogging pores. The main ingredient of such masks is any clay - blue, red, black, yellow. Clay, being a strong absorbent, absorbs fatty compounds from the surface of the skin. Other elements of masks are acids or enzymes, antiseptic additives, and ingredients that regulate the process of sebum secretion and the level of skin hydration.

Before a mask or peeling, you need to wash your face well with the product, wipe your face with lotion or tonic, then apply the product thickly to the skin in a circular massage motion from the center of the face to the edges. The peeling remains on the face for three minutes and after time has passed, the face is washed with warm water and wiped with tonic.

Steam baths several times a month are helpful in caring for problem skin, preferably in the evening before bed. Under the influence of hot steam, the skin pores are cleared of blackheads; heated skin is better amenable to the influence of other cleansers that tighten enlarged pores and relieve inflammation. The main condition for caring for problem skin is the regular use of all of the above procedures, which will allow you to control the unpleasant consequences of oily skin and always feel self-confident regarding appearance.

Treatment of problem skin

Problem - acne.

Subject problem skin very often described in magazines, on TV, in articles about health. After all, the condition of the skin greatly depends on the state of the person’s overall health. Problematic skin can be a sign of a disease of the gastrointestinal tract or liver, when toxins and waste begin to be eliminated through the skin. A lack of vitamins and microelements also leads to skin problems. The most relevant is the treatment of problematic facial skin, namely rashes, which can be very different: age spots, acne, peeling, acne, seborrhea.

Acne known to any teenager, it is at this age that the maximum number of requests for help from a cosmetologist or dermatologist is noted. Acne occurs due to clogging of the sebaceous glands with dead cells and sebum. When exposed to air, the lard particles darken and black dots appear. If suddenly there is an infection, then inflammation immediately occurs. The formation of a boil is serious, and after opening it, scars may remain. Chronic acne is called acne, which has certain stages and requires mandatory treatment.

Acne forms only on those areas of the skin where there are sebaceous glands. These are the face, upper back and chest. Heredity plays a big role in the occurrence of acne. Therefore it is necessary proper care skin care, especially during puberty; It is also not recommended to use cosmetics containing petroleum jelly, lanolin, and fatty creams.

You should not touch your face with your hands; you need to get rid of this habit, even if it itches very much. You should try not to use decorative cosmetics, because... it clogs the pores. Use alcohol-free lotions and tonics and emulsion-type creams. The cream must be taken with UV protection. Cosmetics should contain moisturizing, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory components. Night cream Apply 2 hours before bedtime and be sure to blot off any remaining cream with a napkin.

We need to try to change it more often bed sheets. Or at least pillowcases. Minimum – once a week, better – more often. After washing, it is necessary to iron bed linen at high temperature. Or even take it to the dry cleaner.

Pets should not be allowed on the bed. You should not touch them with your face. If you wear glasses, then disinfect the parts that come into contact with your face. The same goes for any sponges. It is enough to wipe with alcohol lotion. Take vitamin complexes.

Avoid stress, be less nervous. More often acne appear from stress.

Spend more time in the fresh air, take a walk. It is best to take long walks in parks or outside the city, away from city roads, where there is dust.

Smoking greatly affects the appearance of acne. Do not start or stop smoking immediately and try to avoid exposure to cigarette smoke as little as possible.

Don't drink strong tea and coffee. They stimulate the production of the stress hormone cortisol. Replace them green tea, peppermint infusion, carrot-beetroot or nettle juice.

You need to feel your body. If, for example, new mask for the face stings your skin - wash it off immediately, despite the fact that the cosmetologist recommended it to you as the best. Don't let anyone touch your face with dirty hands. If the cosmetologist wants to do cleaning, make sure that he does not take off his gloves and constantly wipes the skin with alcohol.

If there is even a drop of inflammation on your face, do not use scrubs under any circumstances, otherwise the infection will spread throughout your entire face. It is better to use peeling. After washing, try to wipe your face with a soft towel, do not leave the water to dry, because this greatly dries the skin and disrupts water metabolism, the same applies to the whole body.

Masks for problem skin

Therapeutic and cleansing masks for problem skin care

Mask for aging skin.
Take 10-12 dandelion leaves and 5-6 dandelion flowers and mash them to a puree. Add 1-2 teaspoons of honey and the same amount boiled water. Apply to facial skin vegetable oil, apply the mask on top for 15 minutes. Then rinse with warm water.

Milk mask.
(for dry and aging skin) Melt 1 teaspoon of honey in a water bath, add 1 teaspoon of boiled water and mix with 1-2 teaspoons of milk powder. Apply the mask to your face and neck, and after 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Green tea mask.
(for aging skin) 2 tbsp. spoons of green tea, pour 0.5 cups of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. Strain, mix the tea infusion with 20 g of yeast and let it dissolve. If necessary, add a little flour to make the mixture thicker. Apply to face and neck for 30 minutes. Rinse off with warm water. Do the mask 2 times a week for 5 weeks.

Skin tightening mask.
Brew fresh tea leaves, take 2 tbsp. spoons and mix with 1 tbsp. spoon of boiled water, 2 tbsp. spoons of oatmeal and 12 teaspoons of melted honey. Place the mixture in a water bath and heat over low heat for 15 minutes. Then cool a little and apply to the skin of the face, cover with parchment or paper napkin, insulate the top with a towel and keep the mask on for 20 minutes. Then rinse off with cool water.

Yeast mask.
Mix the yeast (until creamy) with water, 3% hydrogen peroxide, mint infusion - for oily and normal skin, or with milk, cream - for dry skin. Apply the mixture to your face for 20 minutes. Then remove the mask with a hot compress and rinse your face with cold water.

Green tea mask with honey.
(tightens and rejuvenates the skin) 2 tbsp. spoons of green tea, pour 0.5 cups of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes and strain. Mix tea grounds with 2 tbsp. spoons of honey, put the mask on your face and leave for 15 minutes. Rinse off with warm water. Do the mask 2 times a week for a month.

Mask for aging skin.
Take 1 tbsp. spoon of wheat flour and dilute it with fresh strong tea to the consistency of thick sour cream. Then add 1 yolk and mix thoroughly. Apply to facial skin for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm boiled water and lubricate with nourishing cream.

A mask made from a mixture of mint, dandelion and plantain.
(soothes the skin, has bactericidal properties, tightens pores and perfectly cleanses the skin) Take 1 tbsp. spoon mint, dandelion and plantain leaves. Finely chop and then mash into a paste. Add a little warm boiled water, maybe some honey. Mix and apply to your face (try to lubricate it first olive oil, the effect will increase significantly). Leave for 20-25 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Glycerin mask with rose water.
2 tbsp. spoons of flour, 1 teaspoon rose water and mix 6 drops of glycerin with 2 tbsp. spoons of water, mix thoroughly and apply to face. The mask should dry on your face. After this, remove it with a towel and wipe your face with a piece of ice^ prepared from mint infusion, focusing Special attention places where acne accumulates.

Cleansing mask for problem skin.
Take 0.5 cups of long grain rice, add 1 cup of boiled water and leave covered for 2 hours. Then carefully drain the water, combine with freshly crushed puree. white cabbage(100 g) and mix thoroughly. Apply the resulting mixture to your face, leave for 15 minutes, and then rinse with warm and then cool water.

Honey mask with alcohol.
Stir 100 g of honey, 25 g of alcohol and 25 g of water until smooth. Apply to your face and after 15 minutes remove the mask.

Bodyagi mask.
Pour boiling water over bodyagi powder and simmer for 2-3 minutes over low heat. After this, dilute the resulting mass with 3% hydrogen peroxide to a paste. Clean your skin first. Degrease with a 2% solution of salicylic alcohol and rub in hot bodyaga with a swab on a stick in a circular motion, bypassing the eye area, until a burning sensation appears. Leave the mask until it dries and rinse off first with warm and then with cold water. The skin will become red and painful, but after 1-2 days this will pass and peeling will begin. The skin will become matte, less oily, smooth, and pustules will disappear.

White clay mask and lemon juice.
3 tbsp. Mix spoons of white clay powder, 10-15 drops of lemon juice and 30 g of alcohol and apply the mixture to your face. After 15 minutes, remove the mask.

Problematic or oily skin is characterized by excessive shine due to increased greasiness and insufficient blood supply; excess fat clogs pores. She is prone to pimples and blackheads and sometimes has a dirty appearance. The pores on it are sharply enlarged, often closed with blackheads, and the skin of the face looks dull. Oily facial skin is quite common, especially among young people. These are acne, because of which girls miss dates, and guys begin to have wild complexes and hate themselves. Very often in the office of dermatologists, gastroenterologists and cosmetologists the following words are heard: “...I have problem skin. I was recommended diets, specialized cleansers, and I regularly go to a cosmetologist for facial cleansing. However, acne still occurs. What to do? »

The problem of acne (pimples, blackheads, etc.) has existed for centuries. This chronic disease primarily affects people young, characterized by the appearance of acne on the skin of the face, chest and back. Acne cannot be cured, but its manifestations can be minimized. It is also a myth that this disease recedes with age. 40% of women experience acne from time to time.

The term “acne” brings together a variety of symptoms (from small pimples to acne of varying severity) - this is a condition in which the pores of the skin become clogged and inflammation occurs. The causes of inflammatory elements on the skin can be different: hormonal changes, hereditary characteristics, stress, sun exposure, climate and seasonal changes, certain types of makeup (for example, oil-based), poor diet, ecology, etc.

The process of acne formation is associated with an increase in the level of androgens - male sex hormones in the body (for example, during puberty). In response to this, the sebaceous gland begins to work more intensely, secreting large amounts of sebum. Simultaneously with this process, dead cells accumulate at the mouth of the excretory duct of the sebaceous gland, forming a plug and preventing the secretion of sebum. In the clogged gland, favorable conditions are created for the development of opportunistic microflora, in particular,

Propionibacterium acnes. By breaking down sebum, these bacteria release biochemical substances that have strong inflammatory properties. As a result, various skin problems arise. Many people try to solve them on their own, not knowing that they risk “losing face.”

Removing acne on your own is not effective and even dangerous!

For many girls, the dream of having clear skin turns into an obsession. Therefore, they spare no effort in squeezing out the blackheads. Unfortunately, these actions only make the situation worse. Firstly, there is a risk of generalization of infection throughout the face. Secondly, irreversible changes may remain on the skin - post-acne.

Acne is an unpleasant cosmetic defect that can darken the life of its owner. It is especially difficult for teenagers. After spending hours looking at themselves in the mirror, they tend to exaggerate the significance of their illness.

Proper care of problem skin helps to improve its health, as well as prevent the appearance of hated acne. It's easier to prevent acne than to treat it later! In caring for problem skin, it is effective to increase the acid barrier of the skin (oily skin has an alkaline reaction), which prevents the spread of microbes. Caring for problem skin comes down to cleansing of impurities and accumulated sebum in enlarged pores, which easily become clogged and inflamed, forming acne on the forehead, nose and cheeks. Caring for problem skin has its own characteristics - a greasy coating makes it dense and rough and insensitive to regular washing with water. In addition, hot water enhances the activity of the sebaceous glands, the expansion of the excretory ducts, and this leads to even greater sebum secretion and gradual increase porosity.

Problem skin can be divided into 3 groups:

  1. Dry and sensitive, prone to irritation and the appearance of early wrinkles.
  2. Oily skin with large pores, prone to acne.
  3. Combined, which has problems of the first and second groups.

For each skin type, it is necessary to select individual treatment, of course, best with the help of a specialist. You can get your skin in order and get rid of the most common problems using traditional methods.

Treatment of problem skin with folk remedies

In recipes home cosmetics The following products are considered the most effective for facial skin:

1. Essential oils

Rose oil is effective in preventing early wrinkles. Oil tea tree is a good antiseptic. Lemon oil has a beneficial effect on all skin types. Lavender oil soothes the skin. Peppermint oil is a good tonic. Oil can be added to cream, in steam bath or masks, and also make medicinal compresses using oils.

2. Medicinal herbs

Herbal infusions are used to prepare lotions and tonics, and are also used in making homemade masks. Chamomile relieves irritation and inflammation, suitable for all skin types. For oily skin, mint, calendula, and coltsfoot sage are recommended.

3. Cosmetic clay

Each type of cosmetic clay has a certain healing effect, which is widely used in cosmetology. Black clay is useful for dry skin, and white clay for oily skin. Pink clay will relieve irritation, and blue clay will help fight acne.

4. Cocoa butter

Cocoa butter is effective means both for external and, in the absence of contraindications, for internal use. Nourishing and moisturizing masks and creams are made based on cocoa butter. In addition, cocoa butter is an effective antibacterial agent. It is best to purchase cocoa butter at a pharmacy.

5. Honey

Honey is an effective remedy for all skin types. First of all, honey promotes the penetration of beneficial components into the deep layers of the skin. But honey itself has long been famous for its medicinal qualities. Honey massage delicately cleanses the skin, tones and nourishes. Honey masks relieve irritation and have an antibacterial effect. Honey is also a natural preservative, which is used in the preparation of medicinal ointments.

6. Vegetable oils

Olive, flaxseed, almond, peach, and wheat germ oil actively moisturize and nourish the skin. They are used to treat dry skin, relieve irritation, and prevent flaking. To prevent swelling, oil-based products should be applied 1.5 hours before bedtime, and excess oil should be removed with a napkin immediately before bedtime.

Of course, everyone decides for themselves what to do with problem skin. Contact a professional or treat problematic facial skin yourself folk remedies, it all depends on capabilities and personal preferences. But in any case, general health, patience and diligence in performing procedures will lead to the desired result.

The variety of imperfections and their causes

Facial skin problems today can be caused by many reasons, the treatment of which requires a variety of approaches. Troubles of this kind can befall absolutely any person, even those who previously had perfect skin. External signs of any problems may be as follows:

  • acne;
  • enlarged pores;
  • increased greasiness;
  • dark spots;
  • unnatural skin tone;
  • very dry skin;
  • itching, redness and other manifestations of allergies;
  • the appearance of wrinkles ahead of schedule;
  • fungal infections;
  • warts;
  • scars.

Some of the above manifestations can be attributed in origin to one of three types of problem skin: dry, oily or combination. The third option occurs when the surface of the face can be conditionally divided into zones of varying degrees of oiliness or dryness.

Oily skin is most prone to the appearance of acne, the formation of wide pores, and abundant secretion of subcutaneous sebum. At the same time, it is less susceptible to the appearance of premature signs of aging. The presence of this type of skin is typical for women with elevated levels of male hormones and for adolescents in puberty.

Dry skin, on the contrary, is characterized by an insufficient amount of sebum produced, and therefore is extremely vulnerable. Unfavorable environmental conditions, incorrectly selected cosmetics or mechanical stress can cause irritation. Skin of this type is characterized by the early appearance of wrinkles.

As for the reasons for the formation of skin imperfections in women, in most cases it is a change in hormonal levels. Such processes are inherent not only to young creatures, but also to ladies mature age, and during aging. With aging, there will always be an increase in skin dryness, a decrease in its elasticity and firmness.

It is impossible not to mention the occurrence of various troubles during pregnancy: acne, age spots, allergic reactions. In this situation there are no active actions there is no need to undertake this, since after the birth of the child the hormonal levels should normalize.

The appearance of skin problems can be caused by diseases of the digestive and endocrine systems, metabolic disorders, as well as the presence of psychological problems or genetic predisposition.

An expert will tell you how to care for oily skin:

Progressive methods of treating problematic facial skin

Whatever the reasons for the occurrence of imperfections, they should be countered under the supervision of specialists. They will help you choose the only right one for specific case method of treating problematic facial skin.

To combat increased fat content and all associated with it external signs, provided that they are caused by hormonal imbalances, attention should be paid to its normalization. The pharmaceutical industry today produces a huge variety of drugs aimed at eliminating hormone imbalance.

In addition to treatment with medications, as well as in situations where problems with oily facial skin are caused by other reasons, for example, disruption of the body's normal metabolism, it is necessary to use various cleansing antibacterial cosmetics: tonics, lotions, ointments and creams. All of them are designed to eliminate excess sebum from the surface of the face and enlarged pores, as well as microbes, the activity of which is the cause of acne.

To relieve dry skin, on the contrary, regular use of moisturizers is necessary. Also in this case, a professional lifting procedure can help. Problematic skin of both types needs regular exfoliation - removal of the dead top layer, which provides opportunities for the growth of young healthy cells.

The problem of hormonal and natural premature aging can be solved using cosmetology methods. They are aimed at eliminating facial wrinkles and restoring the natural complexion:

  • ozone therapy - ozone-oxygen sub- and intradermal injections, accompanied by a course of special massage;
  • mesotherapy - introduction of homeopathic medicinal product into the inner layers of the skin;
  • Botox therapy - injections of botulism toxin.

Modern cosmetology is able to combat such problematic skin formations as pigment spots, scars and warts.

For this purpose, the cryodestruction method is effectively used. It consists in the destruction of tissues to be removed by exposure to low temperatures. If the appearance of problem areas is associated with the presence of systemic diseases, then no special therapy is required other than eliminating the original source.

Treatment of fungal infections and allergic reactions on the face is carried out with special preparations on the recommendation of a specialist.

Characteristics of problem skin. Features of care

When people talk about problem skin, they usually mean oily, acne-prone skin. Also, problematic skin may have enlarged pores, wen and black spots. The worst thing is when you have to deal with all these problems at the same time, but such cases are not that rare.

Why is my skin oily and problematic?

The skin contains almost microscopic sebaceous glands, the function of which is to produce fat and bring it to the surface of the epidermis. Their task is to protect the skin from environmental influences, moisturize and care. The activity of these glands is controlled by hormones, so when something happens in the body hormonal disbalance, and the activity of the sebaceous glands changes dramatically.

The problem is that in women, hormonal imbalance can happen not only in adolescence, since hormones are closely related to sexual health.

In addition, improper facial skin care can also become a serious cause of various problems, such as peeling, pimples, and redness. Cleansing is definitely necessary. After all, due to excessive oil production, pores become clogged, impurities get into them and the inflammatory process begins.

Poor nutrition is increasingly becoming the cause of many ailments. Often, skin problems begin with our habits and daily menu. Beautiful and healthy skin needs water, vitamins and other nutrients.

How to solve the problem of oily skin?

Of course, care is needed, but you should definitely contact an endocrinologist and get tested for hormones. They are usually taken on certain days of the month, depending on menstruation. Test results will show if the level of certain hormones is elevated or, conversely, below normal. In such cases, the doctor prescribes hormonal medications, the purpose of which is to normalize the activity of hormones, and, accordingly, the sebaceous glands.

Another cause of disruptions in the body, and in many health problems in general, is stress. Stressful situations should be avoided if possible, and not worry about any little thing, otherwise acne will be the smallest problem for you - many other ailments will appear, so take care of your nerves.

Proper care for problem skin

As for care, many make serious mistakes, which only aggravate the condition of problematic skin, since advisors, girlfriends usually appear on all sides, and, most dangerously, incompetent cosmetologists who begin to intensively clean the inflamed skin and apply peelings. There are not many rules, so try to remember them:

  1. You should not clean your face too often using scrubs and peels. These products are not suitable for skin with inflammation, only if the pores are enlarged or there are wen on the face. Use gentle cleansing gels with zinc, salicylic acid, and herbal extracts.
  2. Pimples should not be squeezed. It’s not as scary as they say, but if you squeeze it out, you get a wound, which often inflames again, becomes larger and more noticeable, and when it finally goes away, it leaves a trace of trouble. To learn how to get rid of them, read the material: How to get rid of acne marks. Personal experience.
  3. Care must be consistent. You can’t do everything right today, wash your face thoroughly before going to bed, apply a caring cream or serum, and then go to bed on the second day without removing your makeup.
  4. Do not injure the skin. Treat your skin very touchingly and gently, do not wipe it with a towel, but blot it, do not use scrubs and peels when there is inflammation and acne on it.

How should you care for problem skin?

You've probably already heard this; caring for problem skin should be done in several stages, not three, but four. Three stages are enough for the lucky ones with normal skin.

Cleansing. Every morning and evening, the skin should be cleansed using a mild product, preferably without alcohol. Choose a product that suits you best and gives good results.

Toning. Once the skin is cleansed and its pores are closed, this is the purpose of the tonic, which many have recently begun to ignore. Again, some people can afford it, but those with problematic skin should not.

Treatment. The next stage is application special means to treat acne, if any. If not, then we immediately move on to the next stage.

Hydration. A mandatory step - no matter how much you fight acne, you cannot dry out your skin. Read below about what a face cream for problem skin should contain.

Choosing cosmetics for problem skin

What should they contain? cosmetic products for problem skin:

  • Zinc. A very important element for skin health. It is involved in the formation of many enzymes, is necessary for regeneration and increases the protective abilities of the skin. It's best if your cleanser contains zinc, but you should also eat more foods rich in zinc.
  • Hyaluronic acid. A moisturizing and caring substance that the skin needs. Face creams with hyaluronic acid are one of the best moisturizers.
  • Vitamins A and E.
  • Tea tree essential oil. Natural antimicrobial agent.
  • Herbal extracts, for example calendula or chamomile, aloe.
  • Salicylic acid– regulates the secretion of the sebaceous glands, but also dries the skin.

What ingredients in cosmetics are contraindicated in caring for problem skin:

  • Heavy oils, such as coconut, almond or cocoa butter.
  • Mineral oil– clogs pores and interferes with skin hydration.
  • Parabens and other preservatives do not have a beneficial effect on the skin, therefore, if possible, buy natural cosmetics.
  • Lanolin – An oil derived from sheep's wool that is used for moisturizing but is comedogenic.
  • Sulfates;
  • Alcohol;
  • Stearic acid (stearicacid) and its derivatives.

Signs of facial skin problems

Problem skin can be of absolutely any type. It becomes such when signs such as:

  • rashes (acne, pimples, blackheads, ulcers, wen, blackheads and others);
  • scars that do not heal for a long time fester;
  • small spider veins or mesh;
  • new age spots (a large number of them, more than 50%);
  • scaly lesions;
  • eczema and other formations.

Any of these signs are not normal. The only exception is freckles, which cannot be attributed to age spots or unusual formations. They appear on the faces of girls every year in the spring, and in winter they usually disappear or become paler.

Most often, problematic skin is associated with various inflammatory processes. Any rashes must be treated to prevent them from becoming chronic. To cleanse your facial skin, it is very important to find out the causes of inflammatory lesions.

Skin problems are caused by disruption of various body systems. By restoring the body as a whole, you also eliminate skin problems.

If the body cannot cope, the skin takes over the cleaning functions. All the nasty stuff comes out through the skin - hence the skin problems.

  1. Digestive disorders cause of acne, allergies, dermatitis, acne. One of the powerful factors affecting skin condition is disruption of activity. digestive system, as a lack of beneficial microflora. The more beneficial microflora in the intestines, the cleaner your skin.

The intestine itself is a powerful immune system. Throughout our lives, we lose beneficial bacteria obtained from mother's milk at birth. Then we don’t restore them in any way. And we also kill with antibiotics. 70-80% of people suffer from severe dysbiosis.

Children are born without these bacteria at all. The baby receives beneficial bacteria at the very first feeding. It is MANDATORY to give the baby breastfeed immediately after birth. And it doesn’t matter whether mommy has milk or not. There is colostrum, without which the baby's intestines will not function well.

Disturbances in the functions of the excretory system - poor functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, constipation, disturbances in the secretion of bile (and it works to break down cholesterol), poor functioning of the liver, kidneys - all this is the reason skin diseases. Therefore, the first way to combat skin problems is to restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

  1. Nervous system . Problems with nervous system lead to disorders such as neurodermatitis, urticaria, itching, hyperpigmentation. Here is the second solution to skin problems - restore your nervous system.
  1. Endocrine system . (thyroid, pancreas, gonads, pituitary gland, adrenal glands). Changes in these glands will provoke dermatoses, acne, and purulent lesions.

Signs of disturbances in the functioning of the pituitary gland are pallor, swelling.

Lesions of the adrenal glands - bronze disease.

Disturbances in the activity of the gonads provoke the formation of a large number of fat cells, they put pressure on the connective tissue, on nerve endings, on blood vessels - tissue nutrition deteriorates, which leads to cellulite.

Here you need to contact a specialist.

  1. Hematopoietic system . Disturbances in this system lead to dermatitis, pale skin, dryness, changes in nails (concave), and hair loss.
  1. The immune system . If the immune system fails to cope, this leads to skin diseases such as dermatoses, individual inflammatory areas, blisters, papillomas, tumors, allergic dermatoses, and psoriasis.

The immune system produces killer cells and antibodies. If the immune system is normal, these cells kill viruses and bacteria that enter our body.

And if the immune system is impaired, antibodies perceive our body as foreign and attack. The immune system attacks its own cells. Autoimmune diseases – multiple sclerosis, lupus erythematosus, type 1 diabetes mellitus.

  1. Radiation, inflammation, a large number of drugs, low-quality perfumes can also lead to skin diseases. You can use creams, shampoos, ointments - but if the problem is inside, then it must be solved from within. Give up chemistry.
  1. Metabolic disease – furunculosis, xanthomas (yellow grains on the skin filled with fat), itching, rough skin, dark, rough areas of skin on the hands, elbows, lunula-shaped nails, inflammation of the mucous membrane, seizures, brittle nails, seborrhea, hair loss, eczema, dermatitis , hypergamatosis, glossitis (inflammation of the tongue).

The cause of skin diseases is the increased formation of aggressive peroxide compounds and free radicals. These compounds are especially dangerous when exposed to ultraviolet radiation (sun rays), stress, environmental pollution, nutritional disorders, and lack of antioxidants.

If they form compounds with proteins - allergies, with fat cells - cancer, with ribonucleic acid - a change in heredity. They change the structure of membranes. Blood pressure increases.

Disorders of protein and fat metabolism - lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis or cellulite;

Disorders of carbohydrate metabolism - pustular diseases, allergies. The reason is a lack of vitamins and minerals.

To remove skin problems , We begin to gradually restore all these 7 systems from the inside.

Antioxidants will help:

— vitamins and vitamin-like substances: A, C, beta-carotene, E, B2, B3, PP, H, linoleic acid

— minerals: calcium, iron, copper, selenium, zinc, manganese,

- amino acids (glycine, glutamic acid),

- polyphenols.

Mechanism of action of antioxidants:

- oxygen delivery,

- oxygen utilization,

- preventing the formation of free radicals.

Cosmetologists, as a rule, call oily skin prone to pimples and acne problematic. In patients suffering from acne, the formation of sebum significantly increases and its composition changes (the concentration of linoleic acid decreases). This leads to hyperkeratosis, and subsequently to clogging of pores and the appearance of closed and open comedones, or blackheads.

All of the above changes the skin texture not in better side, and also creates favorable conditions for the proliferation of Propionibacterium acnes bacteria and the formation of inflammatory elements.

So, the main characteristics of problem skin:

    enlarged pores;

    greasy shine;

    black dots;

  • acne scars.

The main skin problems are blackheads, oily shine, pimples, enlarged pores © iStock

Causes of problems

The number of sebaceous glands in the body of each person is determined genetically. But the intensity of the work of these glands can change throughout life. Skin problems can accompany you not only adolescence, but also appear at 30–40 years old.

What can cause them:

    hormonal imbalance;

    genetic predisposition;

    improperly selected care;

    insufficient skin cleansing;

    poor nutrition;

    environmental pollution;

What kind of skin may be problematic?


    It is distinguished by oily shine and enlarged pores in the T-zone.

    Characteristics: oily shine and enlarged pores all over the face.

  • Dehydrated problem

    It shows an oily sheen, enlarged pores, and comedones. Inflammatory rashes - all over the face or in certain areas. Plus redness, peeling, burning, a feeling of tightness that occurs when drug treatment and aggressive care.

The most important step in caring for problem skin is cleansing © iStock

How to care for problem skin

Perhaps the most important step in caring for oily skin is cleansing. Morning and evening, with special means.

One of the main problems for owners of oily acne-prone skin is disruption of the surface hydrolipid layer. As a result of aggressive care or treatment, the skin becomes dehydrated and sensitive. Therefore, it is important to avoid soap, alcohol-containing cosmetics and choose products with a pH of 5.0–5.5 (that is, appropriate normal indicator skin pH).

Products for problem skin should contain acids and components with anti-inflammatory and mattifying effects.


Trying to get rid of oily sheen, owners of problem skin cleanse their skin “to the point of squeaking” using aggressive products and thereby achieve the opposite effect - they disrupt the hydrolipid layer, causing new inflammation and dryness.

Choose soft remedies, for example, containing zinc. It regulates sebum production. The composition must also contain restorative components.

Invest in foams and tonics. Be careful with scrubs. If you have an acute phase of acne, it is better to avoid mechanical exfoliants; they can increase the inflammatory process. If acne is already behind you, use the scrub twice a week. Choose one that contains antibacterial and sebum-regulating components.

If you have enlarged pores, try using a Clarisonic cleanser. A brush attachment will suit you for washing and deep cleansing the pores on your face. Its bristles have different lengths and are positioned to most effectively remove oil and dirt that clog pores.

Scrubs are not always suitable for problem skin, but it really loves masks with clay © iStock


This important step in caring for oily skin is often ignored, mistakenly thinking that moisturizing will cause shine. Contrary to myths, oily skin can and should be moisturized to restore its hydrolipid mantle. Choose light textures - fluids and mousses.

Don't forget about the need to protect your already vulnerable skin from ultraviolet radiation. And the usual daytime, and Foundation must contain sun protection factors SPF

Preventing skin problems

    Wash your face lukewarm water. Hot water dries out the skin and stimulates sebum production.

    Thoroughly take off your makeup every night. If you use oil or milk, wash off the products with water.

    For morning wash choose a soft gel with fruit acids, then apply toner and moisturizer.

    Exfoliants such as scrubs and peels should not contain too large abrasive particles, otherwise there is a risk of causing microdamage to the skin, which can then turn into inflammation.

    Before applying the cream refresh your skin with toner, it will visually narrow the pores. Tonic formulas often have a cumulative effect - after a month of regular use, you will definitely notice that your skin has become more even.

    During the day use matting wipes. As soon as you notice shine, blot your T-zone and chin.

    Foundations should be light and contain soothing and caring components.

Cosmetical tools








Plasma therapy

Today it is one of the most effective methods. A safe method of regenerative medicine is based on the principles of autohemostimulation. Its essence is to isolate plasma from the patient’s blood and administer it by injection.

Platelet-rich plasma has a powerful anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effect.

Ozone therapy

An effective anti-inflammatory technique for acne. It is recommended to carry out the procedures in a course of 10–15 sessions. The result is a significant reduction in inflammation, lightening of post-inflammatory spots and prevention of new rashes.

Problem skin is not only unsightly and unpleasant. It causes a lot of inconvenience, requires constant special care, medications and cosmetical tools For problem skin you have to spend a lot of money. But, if you follow the rules for caring for such skin, use the right cosmetics and regularly visit a cosmetologist, coping with the problem will become much easier.

Rules for caring for problem skin

Caring for problematic facial skin must be constant and comprehensive. It is very important to take care of your skin correctly - this will help reduce rashes, reduce oily skin, and improve it appearance and reduce the need for cosmetics and pharmaceuticals.

One of the main rules is to touch your face with your hands less. It is strictly forbidden to squeeze out pimples, blackheads and blackheads on your own, or pick and rip off dried ichor. All these actions can lead to infection, additional damage and inflammation to the skin, as well as the appearance of scars that are very difficult to get rid of.

Next, you should take care of timely, regular cleansing of the skin. Moreover, it must be correct. You need to cleanse problem skin no more than twice a day, using not ordinary soap, but special gels or foams designed for your skin type. Do not rub your face too much - wash your face better light, in a circular motion, without pressing on the skin. From time to time, you can use a special brush to wash your face, which will help cleanse your pores better. Peeling for problematic facial skin can be done no more than twice a week, otherwise, with more frequent use, the skin will become even oilier and the pores more enlarged.

Don't believe that ultraviolet light helps get rid of skin irritations. Problem skin needs to be protected from the sun even more carefully than normal skin! Tanning can only mask rashes for a while, but in the long term the condition of the skin will only worsen, pigment spots may appear, and skin that is oily in the T-zone will become dry and thin on the cheeks and forehead.

Problematic skin, just like any other, necessarily requires nutrition and hydration. Its peculiarity is that not all products are suitable for such skin and you need to be very careful when choosing them.

Treatment of problematic facial skin

Cosmetologists very often hear about difficulties with problematic facial skin; about a third of all beauty salon clients ask what to do with it! Of course, you can’t let the problem take its course - the sooner you contact a cosmetologist, the better, the less time and money it will take to treat problematic facial skin.

To begin with, the cosmetologist will definitely advise you to undergo professional facial cleansing. Depending on the condition of the skin, the doctor will prescribe mechanical or ultrasonic cleaning. By the way, if you have problem skin, you definitely need to undergo a salon facial cleansing at least once every 2 to 3 months.

At the initial stage of treatment of problem skin, cosmetologists often prescribe a course of darsonvalization - this procedure helps reduce inflammation, relieve irritation, improve skin color and its general state. In addition, the Darsonval device helps improve blood circulation in the skin, which helps to better supply cells with nutrients and reduce the secretion of sebum.

Microcurrent therapy has a good effect on problem skin. This procedure is prescribed even in cases where there are a lot of inflammatory formations and the skin is very sensitive. Microcurrents very gently penetrate into the deep layers of the skin and, without injuring the outer skin, help fight the problem, restore blood microcirculation, and push out impurities that clog pores from the inside.

Mesotherapy can also help get rid of acne, increased oily skin and enlarged pores. The advantage of this procedure is that, thanks to the invasive administration of drugs, they begin to act instantly and exactly in the places where it is needed.

Makeup for problem skin

The main thing that every owner of problem skin needs to remember is that decorative makeup does not exist to disguise problems. For this purpose, special concealers and correctors are produced. When doing makeup for problem skin, you should never get carried away tonal means, creams and powders - this will only emphasize all the unevenness of the skin and clog the pores.

For oily, porous skin, it is better to use light, mineral powder and water-based foundation fluid. It is also undesirable to use red, violet and crimson tones in makeup - due to the play of light, they will only draw attention to redness and inflammation on the skin.

Problem skin is unpleasant, but it’s not a death sentence! The main thing is to pay attention to the existence of a problem in time and start treating it, rather than masking it.

Any person who has problematic facial skin wants to get rid of this “disease” as soon as possible. This can be combated by providing problem skin with treatment and careful care.

The trouble is that if you have problematic facial skin, it’s practically impossible to hide blemishes. After all, all unevenness, redness, pimples, and peeling cannot always be disguised with the help of decorative cosmetics.

Problematic facial skin – what to do in this case? The main thing is not to panic, but to start treating it. If you approach the issue of caring for your skin correctly, you can get rid of almost any problem.

Unfortunately, skin that is not smooth and matte cannot add beauty to a woman, and at such moments you cannot hide your face under clothes. Just don’t despair ahead of time, because all this can be fixed. There are some rules to combat skin problems. By doing them, caring for problematic facial skin will give positive results.

Daily care for problem skin areas involves promptly removing accumulated dirt and oily secretions. Problematic skin is characterized by enlarged pores, which can become inflamed due to their clogging with sebum and dirt. The cheeks, forehead, and nose are those areas of the face that are most often subject to inflammatory processes.

Having problem skin, you can often observe an unpleasant oily sheen on the face, feel a film that does not allow the skin to breathe normally. Unfortunately, you can’t get rid of this with regular washing. And hot water in this case can only do harm.

At the initial stage of the fight against facial skin problems, it is necessary to pay due attention to proper cleansing. Every morning should be accompanied by washing your face using neutral preparations to cleanse it. The product must be specifically for problem skin. You can use a soft brush for the cleaning procedure, onto which the product will be applied. Movements must be performed carefully so as not to damage delicate skin on the face. The most acceptable water temperature for washing is thirty-six point five. That is, the temperature should be close to body temperature.

Regardless of what skin problems you have, it is not recommended to wash your face more than twice a day, since the amount of oil produced by the sebaceous glands increases with each cleansing of the skin. Therefore, frequent cleansing can only worsen the situation.

You should also avoid aggressive effects on the skin. For example, after the skin has been cleansed and washed, there is no need to rub yourself dry with a towel. It will be enough to just lightly apply it to the surface of the face to absorb the liquid from its surface. Apply any products for problematic facial skin after the skin has dried. Not earlier than ten minutes after washing.

Many people are mistaken in thinking that squeezing out blackheads and pimples is a cleansing procedure or a phenomenon with which you can get rid of them forever. In fact, it is better to avoid this altogether, since constantly getting rid of acne in this way will only injure already unhealthy skin. As a result, it will be possible for problem skin to get an infection as a bonus. In such a situation, it is better to contact professional cosmetologists who will perform deep cleaning without negative consequences.

For your own care, you can use masks for problematic facial skin, which you can also make yourself. To get the effectiveness and desired effect from masks, you should adhere to the following tips:

Before applying the mask to the skin, you must first thoroughly clean it of contaminants. To do this, you can simply wash your face with soap or wipe your face with tonic;

When applying the product to the skin, do not put in a lot of effort. Movements should be of a massaging type and light enough so as not to stretch or injure once again skin covering;

Each application of the mask must be done after some time. There must be a delay between procedures. Usually a mask is made no more than twice a week and applied to the skin for no more than fifteen minutes;

The product should be washed off with lukewarm water, after which the skin should be treated with a tonic.

When a person has problem facial skin, treatment with masks can be performed at home. Thanks to this method, you can easily normalize dry or oily skin, get rid of red spots and various rashes.

A good mask that speeds up the improvement of metabolic processes as much as possible is cucumber. Its preparation may take a couple of minutes, but the effect will not keep you waiting. Fresh cucumber is grated on a fine grater. The resulting mushy mixture is mixed with the white of one egg. This mask should be applied to the face and you should walk with it for up to twenty minutes. Wash off as usual with warm water.

Many masks are prepared with the addition of honey. For example, the most traditional mask consists of onion juice and honey. All components are taken one tablespoon at a time and mixed until smooth. The resulting mixture is applied only to those parts of the face where problems are noted. After fifteen minutes, the mask is removed. This procedure can be used after one day.

If purchased products are used for treatment procedures, then it is necessary to choose the product correctly so that it does not provoke new problems. You need to select a product based on individual problem– dry skin, oily skin, acne, pimples, etc.

For those people whose skin, on the contrary, is dry or prone to dryness, a different approach to combating this phenomenon is needed. It is noted that dry skin forms wrinkles much faster than oily skin. Naturally, the skin experiences a water deficiency, which leads to a loss of its elasticity and firmness. Frequent peeling occurs, causing the skin to become rougher.

For dry skin, it is very important to restore water balance. In this case, lipid-based creams are used to strengthen the skin and prevent excessive moisture loss. A good option there will be products that basically contain oatmeal, hyaluronic acid or silk proteins.

Dry skin, as well as oily skin, should be washed only with warm water. To remove makeup, it is better to use a special milk that will not overdry dry skin. An absolute contraindication for dry skin are any products that contain alcohol.

Instead of soap, when washing your face, you can use oatmeal, which has been crushed in advance. If you compare them with soap, they will not have the same tightening effect on the skin. In addition, peeling will become less noticeable. After washing your face, you can wipe your face with an apple slice.

Skin problems can also be dealt with from the inside. To do this, you need to follow some rules when eating food. So, in order to strengthen the vascular walls, you need to eat more seafood, fish, lemon and spinach. Do you want to get rid of acne? Then the diet should contain less yeast bread, semi-finished products, chocolate and confectionery, as well as spicy and smoked foods. Fresh and stewed vegetables, chicken, and dairy products are welcome on the menu.

When choosing store-bought or pharmacy cosmetics, you need to familiarize yourself with the constituent elements of the products. For problem skin, it is better not to use cosmetics containing fruit acids and alcohol. It would be better to purchase a series of special cosmetics intended for sensitive skin, since it cleanses the skin more gently, helps to moisturize and soothe it. If there are problems with skin On the face, it is better to refrain from frequent use of decorative cosmetics, which contribute to clogging of skin pores.

Regular medical procedures and proper care of problem skin, as well as its individual areas, will provide significant improvement in just a few two to three months.