
How to discover your feminine side. Two steps to revealing femininity: cleansing and filling. What is the social role of women?

How to discover your feminine side.  Two steps to revealing femininity: cleansing and filling.  What is the social role of women?

As I was preparing for this trip, I couldn’t help but think about how useful it was: a few months ago, my life - both professionally and personally - took such a sharp turn that it was difficult for me to comprehend the changes, to say the least. How can I relearn to understand what I want? Where to look for new goals and new meanings in your own life? I went on a women's retreat to try to rediscover my identity, my inner source of energy and learn to draw strength from it.

The first impression from meeting the other participants in the seminar surprises me: accomplished and wealthy, they all seem to be in such excellent shape - both physical and intellectual - that the question “what else?” as if hanging in the air. Answering it, each of them talks about a feeling of incompleteness, a lack of something very significant in their own lives: “I tried a lot of trainings, trying to understand what I was missing, and in the end I ended up here - to learn femininity.”

Breaking through the barriers of ideas about what we should be is one of the most difficult tasks

“I am very familiar with this feeling of dissatisfaction with life, a kind of energy deprivation,” admits Daria Solomatina, head of the center and organizer of the seminar. - As well as not very successful attempts to combine a career in a large financial corporation with the birth of children and the desire to establish a harmonious family life.

Trying to find some way out, I tried many different practices and practiced yoga for many years. I was lucky: life brought me into contact with real professionals, representatives of various theological schools, medical and psychotherapeutic areas. And I thought about creating a partnership of these people and developing special programs to help women discover and discover themselves in today’s contradictory world.”

So: there will be no makeup tutorials, clothing selection, or lectures on how to manipulate men. There will be yoga at dawn with breathing techniques and meditation, a vegetarian detox menu based on Ayurveda and macrobiotics, functional training for the body, personal growth training, lectures on female anatomy and exercises for intimate muscles...

“What am I?”

Introduction exercise: each of us has to come up with a nickname for ourselves, a name that is associated with someone or something: an animal, a fruit, a character... And explain why we choose this particular image. It turned out that we had to get acquainted not so much with others, but with ourselves. I hesitated: now, in this period of change, I no longer feel connected to my old self. I decided to choose a temporary nickname “Scheherazade” - the one who needs to remember a lot of stories in order to save her life... But I’m not the only one who has difficulty naming myself. Some people changed their nickname after a few days of the seminar: “Now I feel: I am not at all what I thought to myself before.”

Breaking through the barriers of ideas about what we should be has turned out to be one of the most difficult tasks. To solve it, we were offered an element of art therapy - mandala drawing. Brushes, watercolors and white sheets with a circle drawn on them: you need to create an abstract painting on the theme “Ideal Family”.

The leader of the personal growth training, Jungian analyst Valery Miller, asked us to take the brush in our left hand in order to reduce the influence of our diet and make the drawing even more spontaneous. Then we looked at the finished drawings. Mine seemed terrifying to me: an eye with an egg-yolk-colored pupil, a swollen red lower eyelid, and a bright turquoise upper eyelid staring back at me.

It turns out that my ideas about an ideal union are turned upside down?

“I associate this turquoise blue with a man,” I explained to my neighbor the direction of my thoughts (this time we worked in pairs). “It’s calmness, intelligence, safety.” And the woman... At this point I hesitated. And I thought I needed to add red because my “ideal relationship” lacks passion. Natasha turned the drawing over in her hands: “You know, I think you need to look at it like this - upside down.”

It was a scarlet sunset over a turquoise sea, and it was beautiful. A woman is calm. And the man is a fiery heavenly dome. It turns out that my ideas about an ideal union are turned upside down?

“Develop sensitivity in the body. Lecture on female anatomy”: on the tablet there is a poster with a detailed image of the internal organs, their supporting diaphragms, muscles, and ligaments. “We pay too little attention to what happens in this area of ​​our body,” explains Oksana Alekseeva, the leader of the training on women’s practices and imbuilding (a system for training intimate muscles). “We hide it, and the “hidden” remains closed to our perception - our feelings have no access there.”

Because female organs are located inside the body, they are less accessible to touch and study than male organs. Boys, due to their physiological characteristics, touch their genitals many times a day. Girls do not touch themselves, or if they have such a desire, they often receive reprimand from adults and a ban on such actions.

Don't analyze, but feel - that's it female way perception of the world

As a result, girls have a much more vague understanding of their structure than boys. U adult woman Almost all processes occurring in the part of the body where the reproductive organs are located are unconscious and involuntary. This also applies sex life, the ability to control orgasm. Control over childbirth is also completely given to doctors. This is an area of ​​the body with which most women do not have full contact.

“You can access this “restricted area” using special exercises“, training internal muscles,” continues Oksana Alekseeva. - This completely changes the quality not only sexual relations, but life in general. That part of women's nature that was silent begins to sound - those around them begin to perceive such a woman completely differently. Your sense of self also changes. Not to mention the huge benefits it has for women’s health.”

And we begin to explore the unknown: with concentrated faces we try to separate the work of the muscles of the lower abdomen from the upper, then the abdominal muscles from the muscles of the pelvic diaphragm... My body does not obey me, causing a feeling of disappointment and embarrassment. “Not all at once,” Oksana Alekseeva encourages me. - The principle here is the same as in any other training, yoga, Pilates: trying to make the muscles work, we mentally focus on this area of ​​the body. So to speak, we lower our consciousness there and gradually begin to feel what is happening there.”

Explore the world through your senses

“Not to analyze, but to feel - this is the female way of perceiving the world,” says Oksana Alekseeva. “Such curiosity about the world is similar to a state of falling in love, heightening all sensations - the beauty of nature, smells, tastes...” For me, this is a relevant topic. I remember the words of my psychotherapist: “You once forbade yourself to feel so as not to feel pain.”

We begin a group meditation focusing on breathing and visualizing the energy entering the body through the feet - from the very depths of the earth. My body begins to vibrate, different pictures are crowded in my imagination... In conclusion, Oksana invites each of us to go on a date with the ocean: “Talk to it, listen to it, feel it on your skin.”

I go ashore at night. All my senses are strangely heightened: I hear the surf - the rolling of pebbles and the rustling of volcanic sand, I feel the pain from the pebbles digging into my feet, the touch of warm air on my skin... And suddenly I feel a wave of delight flooding me - from the perfection of this moment. If there was any thought left in my head, there was only one: “I don’t just see, I feel!”

Doesn't a woman exist?

What does a woman want? Why is it that the “weaker sex” invariably turns out to be stronger when it comes to empathy and expression of feelings? These and other “women's issues” did not really interest the founder of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud. Moreover, in the 20-30s of the last century, he argued that women are not able to contribute to the progress of civilization, because they only think about the immediate satisfaction of their needs...

Later, his student Jacques Lacan described a woman as a being who constantly feels her imperfection. “Women don’t exist!” - he declared, wanting to emphasize that such a concept as “femininity” cannot be defined once and for all. Nowadays, the growing diversity of roles and images of our contemporaries paradoxically only confirms the correctness of this provocative statement. Today, every woman has to search and define herself in her own way, rethinking the outdated role models of previous generations.

“The modern world is feminizing for a very clear reason: women adapt much better than men to the new demands of social life,” admits modern philosopher and psychoanalyst Jacques-Alain Miller. Why? It seems that psychoanalysis, like other directions, modern psychology, not yet able to find the final solution to the feminine principle...

Share with other women

The organizers turned this specific feature of the seminar - the fact that during the crescent the communication takes place in a purely female circle - into a special practice.

“Women are able to support each other and share energy,” Oksana Alekseeva is sure. Each of us felt this unifying sisterly feeling again at the moment of parting. On one of the last evenings at the retreat, we gathered on the ocean shore around a fire. We set our fears on fire. “Breathing out” love, we filled the space with it. The feeling of unity turned out to be so strong that quite unexpectedly our meditation ended with an impromptu dance under the stars, in the light of torches: holding hands, we spun in a real pagan round dance and enjoyed the feeling of complete freedom.

Our frantic pace of life, problems, as well as imposed media standards help us safely forget that we are, first and foremost, Women. But it is precisely this awareness that determines how happy we can be in life.

After all, by chasing other people's goals and inappropriate priorities, we often ruin our lives, even if we actually achieve something. After all, our nature, our intuition always tells us that WE ARE WOMEN, and first of all we need to realize ourselves from this point of view.

And then the question arises, how to do this? How to become more feminine, how to be filled with love in order to give it to others?

And everything is very simple! You need to be filled with feminine energy of love, you need to be a positive and open personality, you need to try to be a Woman with a capital W and give your love and affection to everyone around you, you need to realize your feminine potential so that you have the opportunity to be reinforced by the masculine.

And for this there is one wonderful practice exercise that will help you discover your femininity, fill yourself with love, become confident, gain charm and charm, become more attractive to men, radiate energy and love.

The purpose of a woman is to love men.

To awaken the Woman within you, it is important to remind yourself of your purpose every morning. And the purpose of a woman is to love men. No more no less. This, one might say, is our main responsibility. To love and support men, to create a family in which to share your love and energy.

Therefore, when you wake up in the morning, do not jump out of bed. Show love for yourself, for the Higher powers, the Lord God. While still lying in bed, remember your purpose and tell yourself: “I was born to love men!” And only after repeating this phrase, start your happy day.

Start your day with this phrase, because from this day you will go to give love so that it returns and fills your vessel of love.

Always remember that you are a Woman, so everything about you should be perfect! So take some time for yourself, dress up, wear your best best dresses or skirts, make beautiful make-up and manicure. Come up with a new hair style, because we women really love variety. Take care of yourself, dress yourself up, and it is in this state of mind that you leave the house and go about your business.

And it doesn’t matter if you have a man, whether you are looking, or you have been living together for a long time, or you have many years of marriage behind you. Be charming and well-groomed always.

Now you need to do three simple things.

1. Notice every man you meet along the way. It doesn’t matter who he will be: a businessman, a janitor, a manager or a welder. Pay attention to it and try to notice every little detail.

2. Find in yourself the strength and opportunity to notice something good in each of the men. The janitor cleaned up your yard very well in the morning, a man in a suit politely held the door for you, a man who looked like a welder obviously got up very early and went to work so that he could support his family. Notice everything that you can notice. It would be better, of course, if it wasn't appearance, accessories, cars, etc., and the qualities of a man: clean, well-groomed, hard-working, simple, energetic, smart, etc.

3. Give your love to each of these men. This can be done in different ways: mentally wish someone happiness and love, thank someone kind words, to support someone in a difficult moment by touching someone’s hand, to express your love and tenderness to someone with a glance. Of course, you can reward your man with your love in all the above ways, i.e. with a gesture, a look, a thought, as well as a touch, a kiss, your body and hugs.

Love will definitely overtake you...

If you do this exercise regularly, preferably daily, you will notice within a few weeks or months that your life has changed radically. After all, with the help of this exercise, you were able to awaken the Woman in yourself, remember your nature, fill yourself with love, give it drop by drop to many men, taking back liters of love, tenderness and positive attitude.

First of all, your man will notice the changes. Even if you don’t tell him anything, even if you don’t shower him with love out loud, he will definitely feel the changes in you and the energy that you will radiate like a real Woman. Every time you look at him, you will see a Man in him and find something good in him for which you can praise, caress, hug and give your love.

Your behavior and thoughts will change, and this will change the attitude and behavior of your man. He will begin to guess your desires and fulfill them, he will begin to give his love in return with even greater zeal. And this is the first secret on the path to harmonious relationships: when we change ourselves in order to change the behavior of another person.

If you do not yet have a partner, a chosen one, then this exercise will allow you to tune in to the wave of love and become more attractive and attractive to men. Be patient and attentive to yourself, be brave and open to new relationships. Remember that when you give to others, you are giving to yourself. When you help others, you help yourself.

Also, this practice exercise will be a huge help for those who are afraid of men or offended, or do not trust and avoid them, or are bound by other negative emotions. By giving love to others, noticing only the good in them, you are working on your own negative emotions and drive them out of your mind. With the help of love, all fears, sorrows, disappointments go away, recede, disappear.

Here and now you become surrounded by worthy, wonderful Men, catching your gaze and trying to be useful, to do something pleasant in gratitude for the fact that the Woman noticed the Man.

This exercise also helps to get rid of the “look unmarried women" You gain lightness, flight of Soul and Joy from the fact that there are SO MANY Men around. And your searching gaze turns into an attractive one. And most importantly, you are turning from a woman “in waiting” into a loved one, self-sufficient and, possibly, married.

Love is a great value that was given to us from Above. With her help, millions of lives were redrawn, with her help people changed beyond recognition and became better. We, too, with the help of love, can change OUR world. You just need to remember that you should start every morning with the thought: “I was Born to Give Love. I was born to Love Men.”

Every woman dreams of seeing a courageous man next to her, who will protect, take care and reassure. But, dreaming of such a man, you must first of all pay attention to yourself. If you want a masculine man, then you yourself must be feminine, no matter how you look at it. Only with a feminine woman can a man become masculine. This is such a paradox.

The fact is that the same man with one woman can be lazy and rude, but with another woman he can be affectionate and kind person. Why is this happening?

The easiest way to answer is that she knows some feminine tricks or has bewitched this man. But the point is different. Men clearly read our inner world, and this happens to them unconsciously. They are simply drawn to such a woman, that’s all. Only by revealing and awakening your femininity within yourself will you attract love into your life. Or, if you have such a man, he will begin to change and become more masculine.

What is included in the concept "femininity"? Outer beauty, beautiful clothes, beautiful figure? But no. You can be feminine without having perfect figure, correct facial features or fashionable clothes.

How to reveal your femininity? How to become softer and lighter? Today I invite you to take two steps towards discovering your feminine essence. The first step is practice, the second step is meditation.

Development of femininity

Step one. Cleansing

We will start by clearing the space. Don't be surprised, just do it. Everything needs to be cleaned! Right now, write down everything you need to clean and get to work.

Start with your computer. Remove everything unnecessary from your desktop. All sorts of unnecessary files, pictures, and so on. Then go to your social media accounts and delete all the people you are not communicating with. Yes, this is difficult to do, but it is possible. We are connected with each person by energy strings, so why do you need so many unnecessary contacts? Make room for new, pleasant, interesting and good people.

Now take your cell phone and do the same. And on the waning Moon, perform the “Cutting Threads” technique. You will find a video with this technique at the end of the article.

Go ahead. We take our makeup bag and mercilessly throw out all sorts of old lipsticks and dried out mascara. Throw everything away!Next, open your drawer with jewelry and costume jewelry, and no matter how sorry you feel about throwing away all these ladies’ things, throw out everything that you haven’t used for a long time. Or give it to someone. Why is all this lying around like dead weight? We do the same with our handbag (or handbags, if there are several of them).

It's time to open your linen closet. Sort through your underwear, socks and tights. Get rid of leaky and old things immediately. Don't be sorry! Everything will come back to you a hundredfold. Plus, your strength and energy will return to you, and, of course, love and self-respect. Throw out not only holes, but also mended items. A beautiful, feminine beauty should not walk around in holey panties and mended socks.

It would be better if you have fewer things, but they will all be of high quality and beautiful.Look through your loungewear too. Down with all the old T-shirts and stretched robes. Try to buy good quality home clothes. However, just like bed sheets. A good choice available on the Sanata Textile website. Choose beautiful, cozy and comfortable home clothes for yourself.

Go through your clothes and donate or throw away anything you haven't worn in over a year. I can assure you that you will never wear this again. So don't clutter yourself and your life with unnecessary things.

It was time for the bathroom. Go there and throw out all the old, empty tubes and jars (even if they are very beautiful).

Step two. Filling

After you get rid of all unnecessary contacts, tubes, jars, old linen and unnecessary clothes, you will feel new energy begin to fill you. This is the energy of a confident, self-loving woman. Your task is to develop and strengthen your energy, start engaging in women's practices.

! If you want to awaken the Real Woman within you, then do not miss the opportunity to take advantage of the gift from the famous female psychologist and trainer Yulia Pryakhina and receive her free video course “Awakening Femininity”. You can pick up the course Here .

You can also visit our Women's Club and get acquainted with the training

Today I invite you to familiarize yourself with the “Woman – Flower” practice.

Woman - Flower

Sit down, relax, preferably turn on music. If you don't have suitable music, you can download it

Imagine that the room you are in begins to fill with pink. See many beautiful pink flowers around you, feel their aroma. And start breathing, but not from the chest, but from the lower abdomen. As you inhale, draw in a bright pink color and spread it throughout all your female organs, when exhaling, exhale a paler, as if grayish color. Inhale - you are filled with freshness, exhale - everything unnecessary goes away. Take 10 such breaths and exhalations.

Next, begin to breathe through your chest, feeling the pink color filling your chest. Exhale more dark color. Do it 10 times.Then rise to your eyes and begin to “breathe with your eyes.” Inhale the pink color with the aroma of flowers and as you exhale, imagine that you are exhaling rose petals. Breathe like this 10 times too.

At the end of the meditation, imagine that a fresh, beautiful and fragrant flower is blooming in your lower abdomen.That's it, you are filled.

You can do this meditation for as long as you wish. Thus, you become very full and feminine. Those around you will see you not as an aunt tortured by life, but as a beautiful woman.

Be feminine and live in happiness!

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Nowadays, there is one very clear trend - women strive to look emphatically feminine. Psychologists drew attention to this fact. What is this connected with? It turned out that in this way women strive to find truly courageous men. With their emphatically feminine appearance they declare: “I am a real woman! I want to see a real man next to me!”

But most men also look for not only beauty in women, but femininity. Because next to weak and soft femininity, a man feels stronger and more courageous. An Amazon woman, even an amazingly beautiful one, but strong and active, makes a man tense and requires him to make efforts to be stronger than his chosen one. Constant tension and competition quickly exhausts, and a man directs his gaze to where he is a priori a man - to femininity. The attraction of opposites to each other is intended by nature itself!

Can a woman be unfeminine?

Unfeminine women are the same paradox as feminine men. “Doll”, “hubby”, “gray mouse”, “ blue stocking“- such offensive epithets are awarded to women who lack femininity. Even luxurious, cold-blooded beauties with impeccable appearance suffer from a lack of femininity: “Good! But femininity is missing.”

Before describing the characteristics of a modern feminine image, it is very important to fully understand the very concept of “femininity” and decide what kind of phenomenon it is. What is the main secret of femininity? What is its nature? Femininity is directly related to psychology and energy exchange. The source of femininity is, undoubtedly, energy.

How is femininity expressed in temperament?

Femininity always attracts and attracts. Feminine means kind, wise, sweet, pleasant. Soft. Tender. Neat. Calm. Attentive. Compliant. Cautious. Thoughtful. A feminine lady, in principle, cannot be shocking. Femininity is always submissive to masculinity and does not strive for competition and dominance.

Aggressive. Rude. Bossy. Mannered. Hysterical. Cold prickly look. Demonstrative bitchiness. Unrestrained. Selfish. Stubborn. Indifferent. Daring. Impulsive. Even an outwardly beautiful lady can be unfeminine. This is just a banal cultivation of external gloss in isolation from feminine energy. You can “make” your face and figure, and at the same time look completely unfeminine and not at all have the charm that a gentle feminine beauty has.

Of course, this is an example of the most polar and opposite qualities of female temperament. In life, each of us has feminine and unfeminine traits at the same time. Some to a greater extent, some to a lesser extent. Each personality is individual.

Is it possible to somehow reveal the femininity in yourself?

In the absence or lack of femininity, you should not be upset and angry with yourself. We'll fix everything.

The fact is that femininity is given to us by nature itself from birth. This is a natural state of mind that can be disrupted under the weight of life circumstances. But nature has given us an amazing ability to recover. Femininity can be restored. True, this will require considerable effort: you will need thorough and long-term work on yourself, and even a change in lifestyle.

To reveal your natural femininity, you will need a complete re-evaluation of your thoughts, goals, habits and activities. You will have to voluntarily give up male roles and male behavior. To “increase” femininity, it is necessary to cultivate qualities in yourself that are opposite to masculine ones. Defenseless, timid, passive, harmless, soft - are you able to completely trust a man and depend on him? After all, only in this case can your femininity be fully revealed!

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What is the social role of women?

IN modern world The gender roles of men and women are so intertwined that it is already difficult to distinguish which functions are considered masculine and which are exclusively feminine.

Our world is changing rapidly. Under its pressure, social roles and expected behavior patterns of men and women are changing. We can argue endlessly on this topic, but we will do things differently. We will very briefly, literally in a nutshell, describe the concept by which our ancestors lived for thousands of years: a man is responsible for work in the outside world, and a woman is responsible for everything that happens in the house. It turns out two conditional circles, two worlds - family (the world of a woman) and society (the world of a man). This very reasonable division of responsibilities and social roles protects a woman from stress and allows her to preserve and accumulate a large amount of positive energy. A woman becomes the keeper of the “aura” of the house, shapes the microclimate in the family and the mood of all its members. A man brings into the house everything necessary for life, and with the help of feminine energy, he restores his strength, disconnects from the outside world for a while, and normalizes his psychological background. Based on this, a woman is destined by nature to take care of household and family affairs - raising children, doing magic in the kitchen, taking care of the house, creating comfort, planting flowering gardens, doing handicrafts and other types of creativity. The female psyche must be protected from the aggressive outside world. Only such work, such work helps us reveal our femininity, find peace, spiritual harmony and that inner beauty that, like a magnet, attracts men to us. A woman is the keeper of the home, and no matter how outdated, irrelevant and impossible this formula may seem to us in modern reality, only this order of things reveals in a woman her true natural femininity.

Do you want to be more feminine? Try not to take on male concerns and social roles. Of course, a modern woman cannot live without society, without communication and without professional growth. But there must be a reasonable limit to everything. Find ways to do purely feminine things - close the door to the outside world more often, forgetting about its aggressiveness and competitiveness. Spend more time with your family. Create a magical mood in your home and psychological comfort. Enrich your inner world only with bright emotions and positive information. Do anything creative work. Leave the solution of complex survival problems to the stronger sex - and you will see how your inner world will transform!

What else helps reveal femininity?

Creative hobbies and spiritual healing practices - yoga, oriental and Latin American dances, etc. - help to reveal and develop femininity in oneself. Regular dancing classes, especially classical ones, instill smooth movements, royal posture, stateliness and academic calm.
The habit of moving beautifully will bring lightness and airiness to your gait; it will give shy girls self-confidence and the desire to dress brighter. Regular dance classes will open up completely new sensations - you will want to wear them more often. feminine dresses and skirts, high-heeled shoes, pay attention to makeup and hairstyle - and this will not at all reduce your professional worth.

Why is it so important to be feminine?

The energy of femininity is your psychological health and happiness in your personal life. Maternal qualities are directly related to femininity. Femininity is an inexhaustible source of happiness and positive energy, which helps all family members feel psychologically protected. Helps heal emotional wounds and forget about tragedies and traumas forever. Feminine energy, like a magic healer, pacifies and pleases everyone, calms and softens. Femininity is a quiet, radiant beauty that gives peace of mind and a sense of harmony.

Femininity is attractive to everyone! Attractive to men, children and everyone around. In this ocean of serenity and peace, all worries, worries and fears drown. It is to this harmonious and calm world that a man strives to return again and again!

Sometimes, in order to develop feminine qualities and feel more clearly like a woman, you need to change your lifestyle - take a big break in your career, give up professional growth for a while, get really carried away with household chores, move away from the aggressive outside world and fill your world with harmony and beauty . This metamorphosis, which characterizes changes in your life, can only be compared to a gentle sea after a storm. Calm the stormy sea of ​​your soul. Create all the conditions so that it turns into a quiet, peacefully sleeping giant, illuminating everything around, warming everyone with its radiance and warmth.

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It is in vain that many women are afraid to quit their jobs and careers, believing that home “isolation” leads to degradation and dependence on a man. It is good to observe moderation in everything. And in our lives today, the balance of power plays a decisive role. Undoubtedly, modern men They highly value smart, successful and well-rounded women. But they love those who are charming and feminine, soft and compliant! This is why it is so important to skillfully balance and correctly combine activities and activities. Women have already sufficiently demonstrated their abilities in both business and creativity. Only this, perhaps, did not make us more feminine. An aggressive competitive environment actually destroys femininity. Business is, in essence, a war in which the most aggressive survive. By being overly involved in business, a woman deprives herself of femininity, which means she deprives herself of happiness. Her soul seems to be empty. After all, femininity is a spiritual strength that is only expressed through softness and “weakness.” But in fact, it is the supporting axis of the family and society. By taking care of home and family, a woman accumulates light and warmth, which is priceless for a man and for children. A feminine lady attracts with her warmth and harmony of her inner world. A feminine woman is the center of the family, its source, its heart and soul. And this soul should be filled with beauty and love.

In fact, a feminine image is based on natural femininity and only emphasizes it, making it more obvious, more charming. All the accents and touches of a feminine image (even the smallest ones) allow you to transmit the energy of femininity brighter and stronger, and even develop it. By decorating ourselves with sophisticated feminine elements, creating a slightly elevated image, we raise our bar to a higher level and, imperceptibly for ourselves, “catch up” to it - the image obliges! Maintain your posture, control your gait, restrain your facial expressions and gestures. In a light flowing floor-length dress, with scatterings of pearls, with sparkling rhinestones in her loose hair, fluttering on the thinnest gilded stiletto heel, you truly feel like a Woman! In this image, it is impossible to allow yourself to be rude, aggressive and descend to any vulgarity and ugliness. A feminine image obliges us to be feminine!

Shapeless T-shirts, unisex jeans, strict minimalism in clothing and dreary gray shades are not a feminine look. It is strictly not recommended to get too carried away with the “unisex” style, sporty style- all this is good in moderation, but if abused, it threatens with the loss of elegance, beautiful gait, sophistication in movements and all those lyrical qualities that distinguish women from men.

By the way, femininity is an emphasized belonging to one’s gender. This is not the case when you need to look for a “golden mean”. A feminine woman does not carry any masculine traits in her image. Only smooth lines. Soft, often pastel colors in clothes. Rounded shapes. Sophisticated accessories. Femininity is the closest “relative” of romance. It is melodic and pleasant, like a lyrical classical music. Sentimental, defenseless and tender.

The classic feminine silhouette is the silhouette of a flying bird. Light, sophisticated, thoughtful, graceful. Or the silhouette of a flower with thin bright petals and a flexible stem.

A dress is the most feminine type of clothing. But female talent and the divine art of the fashion designer know no barriers and do not recognize conventions! Modern feminine images are born, sometimes, regardless of the type of clothing. Feminine cut transforms a formal trouser suit, turning it into a stunningly elegant ensemble for a stylish feminine lady. Feminine clothing can be either tight-fitting or loose, flying, flowing.

A feminine face is adorned with delicate, sensual lips. Bright scarlet lipstick does not always add femininity. Although, this largely depends on color range, in which you “sound” and from your temperament. Scarlett Johansson is one of the most successful examples when red lipstick can be harmoniously combined with a feminine look. The classic feminine look does not like excessive makeup; moderation is preferable here.

High heel
High heels make us more feminine. An indisputable fact! Comfortable sneakers and soft moccasins certainly give a lot of pleasant sensations - it’s easy to move long distances in such shoes. But, alas, this is reflected in our gait. An energetic, athletic gait can hardly be called feminine. High heels make us move with more restraint, caution and grace. We seem more fragile and vulnerable. As a result, the gait becomes more feminine.

Color palette and decorations

What shades are best to work with when creating a feminine look?

One of the common misconceptions is that a feminine image is something dim, modest, almost ascetic. This is wrong! The color palette of the feminine look is royally luxurious - a charming cream, exquisite champagne color, noble ivory, delicate pistachio, etc. Ecru and ivory are considered incredibly feminine shades.

Taking into account the color palette, appropriate decorations and accessories are selected. Ivory and ecru dresses are ideally combined with golden pearls and gold. Pale pink or beige dresses look stunning paired with cream pearls, gold and colored precious stones. For a champagne-colored outfit, choose jewelry only in cream shades, and in no case cold ones. Cream or ivory dresses look very feminine with elegant decorations made of white coral, cacholong and rock crystal. Jade jewelry and rose quartz jewelry always look very delicate.

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By the way, among the stones, pearls are recognized as the most feminine. It is difficult to find a decoration that would emphasize so favorably feminine beauty like pearls. Someone will object: what about diamonds? Diamonds, of course, are the world-recognized pinnacle of perfection. But centuries pass, and diamonds are still inaccessible to most of the population of our planet. But pearls are available to everyone. Despite the inexpensive cost, real queens bow before its magic, nobility and beauty! At the same time, the stone has a completely unique aura! Surprisingly, pearls are suitable for owners of any type of appearance - you will not find a woman in the world who would not like pearls! The main thing is to choose correct form and shade.

The classic feminine look, more than any other, uses floral motifs. The entire floral palette is used, which not only decorates a woman, but makes her smell fragrant with the aromas of flowers. Use all shades of delicate fragrant roses, velvet violets, charming irises, refreshingly lush chrysanthemums, elegant lilies.

Talented work with wardrobe shades is a prerequisite for creating a unique feminine look. After all, each color has a certain wavelength and frequency of radiation. Everything in the world around us vibrates - and each color vibrates in its own way, so we like one color, while another can cause unpleasant sensations. Feminine shades vibrate especially subtly, very softly and delicately, emitting waves of peace and serenity into space.

The feminine image is shrouded not in standard straightforward colors, but in complex and multifaceted shades - do not use one-dimensional Blue colour, and shining ultramarine, luminous cornflower blue, romantic lavender. Flat yellow for a feminine look, replace it with golden, amber and honey. Instead of orange, choose barberry, caramel, or the color of ripe mango.

A special place in a feminine look is occupied by sweet and “delicious” tones that evoke the most pleasant associations - strawberry, raspberry, peach, cherry, apple shades. This “fruit” set refreshes the beauty and nourishes her with the energy of the sun and earth.

The feminine look does not like flat and linear shades. Femininity conveys a special, very sensual dimension - vibrant fragrant colors, inspired compositions, smooth silhouette lines.

Modern feminine look

Nowadays, there is one very clear trend - women strive to look emphatically feminine. American psychologists drew attention to this fact. What is this connected with? It turned out that in this way women strive to find truly courageous men. In American psychology, this phenomenon is called “regendering” - a new definition of gender roles. By dressing in a distinctively feminine manner, the fairer sex expects that masculine men will turn their attention to them. Special attention. This “signal behavior” is read by men as a call: “I am a real woman! I want to see a real man next to me!”

At the same time, modern femininity receives a new interpretation and new forms. Our appearance has been noticeably influenced by the wave of feminism that swept the world in the last century. Political, cultural and sexual revolutions gave women freedom and emancipation, new clothes and new decorations. Opened up to the woman new world– a world of images, styles and multifaceted beauty. Competition with men has brought female image many signs of male gender. Already at the end of the last century, style in women's clothing briefly became almost neutral, devoid of obvious gender characteristics. Remember those bulky suit jackets and jeans with the same cut for men and women? And only very recently into the world women's fashion femininity has returned, but brighter, boldly declaring itself!

Today, a woman has the right to demonstrate her freedom and look the way she wants. Modern fashion does not dictate any strict rules to us; it allows us to choose style, images, and accessories. We create our feminine image ourselves, based on our ideas about beauty and style. Wherein modern fashion allows the combination of elements of a wide variety of styles in one outfit. Femininity today is not necessarily sublime academicism and aristocracy. Today you can be feminine, but at the same time present it in a businesslike, and even playful, perky manner.

Modern women are not going to give up their ambitions and independence. Today's femininity is designed to remind men that no matter what, a woman always remains a woman. She can manage a reputable company, be successful in business, work on equal terms with men and at the same time look openly feminine: wear skirts and heels, emphasize the beauty of her figure in every possible way, use bright colors. color contrasts and bright makeup. Modern femininity is incredibly multifaceted and talented. She, as a creator, masterfully plays with different roles and images.

Modern femininity can afford an elegantly cut trouser suit and luxurious dress any length. Available modern women a huge arsenal of jewelry with which they can convey their femininity even more clearly and expressively.

Dear Ladies! Remember that femininity is the key to your well-being.
Femininity makes us happier, because only highly feminine women are worthy of highly masculine men!

Open yours feminine! If you have forgotten what it is to be a woman, or want to strengthen your femininity, become more attractive to men, more calm and harmonious, then relaxation and meditation will help you.

Why are we losing femininity and beauty?

How often, with age, many women notice that they lose their lightness, coquetry, some feminine component and become somewhat similar to men. Thoughts, behavior, and sometimes appearance become more masculine than feminine.

Inevitable component modern life, or do we put masculine qualities on our shoulders, and then complain that men do not perceive us as women.

Correct solution!

Relaxation and meditation help you get rid of stress, feel inner harmony, calm and joy. They allow a woman to feel like a keeper of the hearth, a secret priestess of love and a real woman.

In this article you will find several meditations that will help you relax and reveal your feminine side¹.

By performing these meditations, you will increase the amount of feminine energy in yourself step by step, day by day, allowing it to rejuvenate you, restore your body and heal your soul, attracting the attention and admiration of men.

You will learn to communicate with your women's center, receiving help and support from it.

"Heavenly Lotus of the Goddess." Basic women's meditation to open the female energy center

This meditation will help you realize your feminine center, your feminine principle. It will enable the hormonal system to increase the amount of female hormones and begin to produce more pheromones that attract men.

This meditation allows a woman to accumulate feminine energy, increase your energy attractiveness, maintain youth, beauty and health.


This meditation is best done in the “two moons” position.

1. The woman sits down so that her legs, crossed, form one moon. The back is slightly rounded. The chin is slightly lowered, the top of the head looks to the sky.

2. Hands are placed on the lower abdomen, almost on the pubis. Left hand on top. This position should be comfortable. For greater comfort, you can lean your back on something, but it should be rounded.

3. Next, the woman checks that there is no tension in the shoulders. If it is still there, the shoulders rise as high as possible and are held in this state for half a minute. Then they are released, so the shoulders relax on their own.

4. Then the woman relaxes her stomach.


1. Eyes closed. A woman needs to see and feel her body, the floor, how it presses on the buttocks.

2. Then you need to mentally see and feel thumb right foot, then “see” and feel the thumb of the left hand.

4. Afterwards the woman tries to imagine and feel the top of her head. A funnel of light appears above it. A stream of light falls from the sky directly onto your head.

5. The practitioner imagines “inhaling” this light from the top of her head.

Easy White light With every breath it fills your head, removing unnecessary thoughts and clearing your mind. Light washes the face, removing tension from the forehead, washes the eyes, relaxing and calming them, washes the cheeks. Cheeks relax.

A light, pleasant light flows onto your chin, washing it and relaxing it. This light fills the mouth and relaxes the tongue more and more. The tongue lies relaxed on the palate near the teeth.

6. The woman feels a light current of energy passing throughout her body. A light, pleasant light relaxes the tongue even more and falls in a soft stream onto the shoulders along the back of the neck, relaxing them. With each inhalation, the light fills the shoulders more and more and washes the forearms with a soft stream, descending into the elbows, wrists, and filling the hands.

The hands are filled with a light, pleasant light, which is inhaled through the crown of the head. This light washes away everything tense, dark, unnecessary from the hands, removes tension in contact with men and women.

Light pleasant light fills the body more and more, relaxing it, washing it internal organs, removing everything dark and unnecessary from them, healing and rejuvenating them.

8. Then light light penetrates through the diaphragm into the stomach and relaxes it, washing away tension from it, cleansing the intestines. Light fills the muscles of the buttocks, ovaries, and uterus.

9. Continuing to inhale light, soft, pleasant light through the crown of her head, the woman allows it to fill her entire body, descend into her thighs, washing them, taking away everything unnecessary, everything tense. Light flows into the shins and calves. They relax and cleanse themselves.

10. Then the light coming through the top of the head reaches the very tips of the toes, washing the body, healing it, washing away everything dark, unnecessary, and tense. There is so much light in the body that it itself begins to emit light through the skin outward, filling the space around it.

11. In this state of light, pleasant relaxation and light, the practitioner tries to feel and see with her inner gaze the palms of her hands, to feel a light, pleasant flow of heat coming from her hands to her lower abdomen.

12. This pleasant warmth and relaxation fills the stomach more and more. In this state of relaxation and meditation, the woman tries to feel her feminine center - the womb. It could be an image, a thought, a sensation, a sound, a pulsation.

13. Then the practitioner simply keeps her attention on the female center and the warmth coming from the hands to the lower abdomen. At this moment, you can talk to your women's center; for this, the woman concentrates on her feelings in this area and asks about what is important to her.

The answer can come in the form of an image, sensation, thought, symbol, word, state.

14. When a woman has asked all her questions, she mentally thanks her women's center and smiles at it. Then the practitioner takes a deep breath, exhales and returns to her normal state.

Returning to the “Here and Now” moment, the woman examines her body, gently stretches, rubs or strokes those parts of the body that she wants. It is important to enjoy this state of peace and bliss and let it into your life.

At the end of the first meditation, it is recommended to draw your feminine center as it was in meditation. Using this image, you can return at any time to the sensations experienced during meditation, return to the state of being in the women's center.

Meditation “Filling the honey gates”

This meditation allows you to strengthen the vaginal muscles, making them elastic and toned. This triggers rejuvenation processes at the level of the hormonal system.

Over time, this practice allows you to develop the ability to see and feel the movement of energy flows between a man and a woman during sex.

By increasing a woman's sensitivity, this practice allows those who have not yet experienced it to achieve orgasm. It also helps make the orgasm brighter and longer lasting.

While performing this practice, you should pay attention to ensure that the abdomen, anus and perineum muscles remain relaxed.


1. The woman sits on the edge of the chair. Legs bent at the knees should be at an angle of 90° relative to the body. The hands are located in the lower abdomen (left on top).

2. Next, the practitioner gently closes her eyes and transfers her attention to her breathing. She will simply watch her breathing, how her chest rises and falls, how air fills her lungs and how it leaves them.

3. Along with the exhalation, the woman imagines that tension and unnecessary thoughts are leaving the body. There is only inhalation and exhalation. Inhale and exhale.

4. Next, the woman begins to imagine how, with each breath, the vagina draws in a light liquid of a pleasant, soft pink color, viscous in consistency, like liquid honey. As you exhale, the vaginal muscles simply relax.


There is no need to specifically strain your muscles or retract them! Only imagination works. The way the vagina draws in the honey liquid as you inhale and relaxes as you exhale is simply imagined during practice.

It is important to remember this feeling and vision of retraction, you just need to imagine and feel it.

5. After a few minutes, the woman notices that her muscles follow her thoughts. As you inhale, the vaginal muscles draw in a soft pink liquid, and as you exhale, they relax more and more. It feels as if the vaginal muscles are like a cocktail straw through which a soft pink liquid is drawn in.


The muscles of the anus, perineum and abdomen are relaxed and do not participate in this process. By placing her hands on her stomach, a woman can better track abdominal tension and relax it.

6. This stage is a MANDATORY rule for completing this technique!

Finishing the meditation, the woman places her hands on the lower abdomen on the right. Left hand on top. Then she makes 36 small circles with her hands on her stomach, without pressing on her stomach - first in one direction, then in the other.

Then the hands lie on the stomach for several minutes, allowing the energy to be gently distributed inside the stomach and fill it. After this, the woman opens her eyes and returns to her normal state.

Meditation "Aphrodite's Belt"

This meditation will allow you to see and feel like the divine Aphrodite², attracting male attention, anywhere.

This amazing state of the Goddess will give you the opportunity to feel like a real woman, beautiful and magnificent.

This internal state is well felt from a distance, it is able to attract men when necessary.

During meditation, it is good to light a pink candle and rose-scented incense.


1. The woman lies comfortably on her back. Hands along the body, palms up.

3. Then the practitioner takes three deep breaths and exhales and begins to imagine that her body is falling through the floor with her back down; there is a feeling of falling and softly floating with her back down.

The whole body feels light as a feather. Steaming helps to relax the body more and more.

4. Far below, a woman imagines a thin luminous strip of a river. After some time, the body completely sinks to this surface of the river. The waves pick up the body and carry it, gently washing and relaxing with their light, pleasant touches.

Washing the body, the waves cleanse it, relax it and remove all tension and all unnecessary thoughts and sensations. The river carries the body further and further.

5. In her mind's eye, a woman imagines high above herself blue sky, floating clouds, birds that fly over the river, butterflies or dragonflies.

It is important to feel your presence in this place. In her imagination, a woman strives to hear the chirping of grasshoppers and the singing of birds on the banks, the aroma of herbs. It is possible to taste the river water on your tongue.

6. The woman continues to imagine that the river is carrying her further and further, soft waves washing her body, relaxing it more and more.

Gradually, the river becomes narrower, the trees that grow on the banks create a corridor of branches and leaves, and sunbeams play on them. The entire space around is filled with light, pleasant warmth and light.

Gradually, the flow of the river becomes slower, and now it carries the practitioner into a small bay, the shore is covered with pleasant golden sand.

7. Next, the woman imagines how she goes ashore and sees a yellow brick path leading from the shore into the forest. Walking along this path, the practitioner enjoys the warmth and beauty of wild nature. Dense thickets of trees line the path, creating a magical forest corridor with beautiful flowers and butterflies.

It is important to feel the aromas of amazing flowers, see magical animals and magical creatures of this ancient forest. A state of amazing peace and security reigns in this magical forest. This condition passes to the woman.

The practitioner feels that with every breath she is filled with magic and magic. The yellow path leads her to a clearing where there is an amazing temple. This is the temple of the goddess of love and beauty - Aphrodite.

This temple can change its shape and color. Perhaps there are symbols and inscriptions on it. The woman tries to look at him carefully. You shouldn't go in right away.

Only when the practitioner feels that she is internally ready, when she understands what she wants to ask the goddess, does she enter the temple.

Perhaps there are people in it, or perhaps there is no one there. It is important to feel the atmosphere of the temple and imagine it. After some time, the practitioner will see a girl in a green dress, she will invite her to enter the golden door.

On the altar stands an ancient statue of the great goddess. She wears an amazing magic belt on her hips. The practitioner kneels and lowers her head in submission in prayer.

When the woman raises her head again, she sees that the ancient statue has come to life. Her emerald eyes look with love and interest. Next, the practitioner thanks the goddess of eternal youth and love for everything that she has already done in life, for the love that was or is, for the creativity and beauty of the world.

8. The practitioner then notices how the goddess takes off her magic belt and hands it to her. This is a magical belt that, like a magnet, attracts men to a woman, making her irresistible.

This magic belt was used by the great goddess Hera - the wife of the supreme god Olympus - when Zeus lost his interest in her. With the help of this belt, the Queen of the Amazons made Prince Hippolytus fall in love with her.

9. A woman takes this belt and puts it on her hips, literally feeling its pleasant weight. It is important to imagine the belt in detail, to see what it is made of, what patterns, symbols, signs are on it. The practitioner should remember this feeling of the belt on her thighs in order to recall it again if necessary.

11. Having opened the door, the practitioner finds herself in her reality, in the moment “Here and Now”. She takes a deep breath, stretches, and opens her eyes.

Now the woman again remembers the feeling of the weight of the magic belt on her hips. When necessary, she just needs to evoke this feeling in herself; it gives a woman unimaginable attractiveness in the eyes of men.

From the book “Women's meditations for every day and for any occasion” by Eugenie McQueen (—2-)

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ You will learn other practices that help you express your femininity in the article: “How to reveal your femininity?”

² Aphrodite - in Greek mythology - the goddess of beauty and love, who was one of the twelve great Olympian gods (