
How the country rests in. Weekend. A short festive moment

How the country rests in.  Weekend.  A short festive moment

If you want to plan your vacation for the future for 2017, then it will be useful for you to find out what vacation days await all residents of Russia in 2017.

Let me make a reservation right away that the information about how we relax in 2017 is initially relevant for those who work a five-day work week. If the employment contract establishes a different work schedule, then this information does not apply to such situations.

With regard to vacation planning issues in 2017, I will specifically draw your attention to a circumstance that employers are often silent about when providing vacations to their employees. Employees often either don’t know about this or forget.

The point is that, in accordance with the labor legislation of the Russian Federation, the employer must have a vacation schedule, according to which employees both have the right and must take annual paid leave. The vacation schedule must be formed and approved by the employer no later than 2 weeks before the start of the calendar year. And the vacation schedule is mandatory for both parties employment contract: for the employer and for the employee.

Therefore, if you now already know what days of rest are planned in 2017, then you will have enough time to be ready by the time your employer approves the vacation schedule and have a clear idea of ​​when it will be convenient for you personally to schedule your annual vacation.

Rest days in 2017

(including all transfers).

1. January 2017
from December 31, 2016 to January 8, 2016 inclusive

New Year holidays will begin on December 31, 2016, which is a Saturday. From January 1 to January 6 and January 8, 2017 there will be New Year holidays, and January 7, 2017 - Christmas.

— day off, Sunday, January 1, 2017 is moved to Friday, February 24, 2017,

In 2017 after the New Year first working day - January 9, 2017.

Those who are especially attentive should have a question: what about January 8, 2017, since it is both a day off and a non-working holiday? About this special case you can

2. February 2017
From 23 to 26 February 2017
3. March 2017
March 8, 2017
4. April 2017

Non-working in April holidays no, only regular weekends, Saturday and Sunday.

5. May 2017
from April 29, 2017 to May 1, 2017 inclusive, from May 6 to May 9, 2017 inclusive.
6. June 2017
from June 10, 2017 to June 12, 2017 inclusive.
7. July 2017
8. August 2017

There are no non-working holidays, only regular weekends.

9. September 2017

There are no non-working holidays, only regular weekends.

10. October 2017

There are no non-working holidays, only regular weekends.

11. November 2017
From November 4 to November 6, 2017 inclusive.

— November 4, 2017 — Day national unity, a non-working holiday coinciding with a day off, Saturday.

12. December 2017

There are no non-working holidays, only regular weekends.

The weekend at the junction of 2017 and 2018 will begin on Saturday, December 30, 2017, and will most likely last 9 (Nine) days, until January 7, 2018 inclusive.

Detailed information about weekends and transfers of rest days in 2018 is described in the article “POSTPONEMENTS OF REST DAYS IN 2018, OR ALL WEEKENDS IN 2018”.


The last month of the year is associated in people's minds with the expectation of a miracle. This is understandable: one year passes, another comes. Everyone wants change for the better. December is the 12th month, so why does its name come from the Latin “December” - “ten”? The name was “born” back in those distant times, when the Roman calendar had 10 months, and December was the final month.

For us Russians, this month is special. Almost from the very first days we begin to plan corporate parties and home gatherings, and therefore the question of how we relax in December 2017 is very relevant for us. Let's see what the production calendar offers this year.

December 31 and farewell 2017

The main holiday of December (and main holiday all year) - certainly New Year's Eve, starting December 31st with the 2017 send-off. Why did this particular date become the starting point?

In ancient times, when the Russian state was ruled by tsars, we retained the ancient Slavic custom of greeting New Year September 1st. This created significant inconvenience in communicating with other countries.

And so the autocrat Peter the Great eliminates the problem in one fell swoop - he signs a decree on the beginning of the new year on January 1. The holiday was supposed to be celebrated at night, with “fiery fun and shooting,” as the decree said. Since then, we have moved closer to Europe and began to live in the same time dimension with it.

In the Catholic world, another event is celebrated on December 31 - the day of the death of St. Sylvester. This cleric defeated the monster Leviathan, thereby preventing the end of the world. For Catholics, 2 holidays are combined into one.

For Russians in 2017, the New Year's day on December 31 turned out to be truly festive - it falls on Sunday. Therefore, you don’t have to go to work, which means you can start seeing off 2017 early.

Holidays and weekends in December 2017

In total, in December we work 21 days, rest - 10. In addition to the 30th and 31st (Saturday and Sunday), days off are 2nd and 3rd, 9th and 10th, 16th and 17th, 23rd and 24th.

Number of daysWorking time (hour)
CalendarworkersWeekends40 hours/week36 hours/week24 hours/week
31 21 10 168 151.2 100.8

Not so long ago, Russians had a legal day off in December - Constitution Day was celebrated on the 12th. The holiday remains, but now those who want to celebrate it must do so on a working day.

December 1st has special meaning for all humanity. Although this is not a day off, it is impossible to ignore this date - AIDS Day is celebrated all over the world. And December 10 is Human Rights Day. You can safely approach your director and demand an increase in wages. True, December 10 is now Sunday. No problem, start standing up for your rights on Monday!

On December 25, a large-scale holiday begins in all countries where the main religion is Catholicism. This is the first day. There are fairs, carnivals, and colorful performances everywhere. In Russia, as in a state with strong Orthodox traditions, at this time there is just a pre-holiday cheerful bustle.

These are the holidays December 2017 has in store for us. New Year is just around the corner - use the weekend to choose good gifts for friends and family!

On November 4, Russia celebrates National Unity Day. In this regard, in November 2017, Russians will have a three-day holiday. There is only one official holiday - November 4th. But in 2017, this day falls on a Saturday, therefore, according to current legislation, the day off is moved to Monday, November 6.

More details:
November 4(Saturday) – day off
November 5(Sunday) – day off
November 6(Monday) – holiday day off (postponed from November 4)

November holidays 2017 – calendar

The holiday itself - National Unity Day - often causes misunderstanding. Some people shrug their shoulders in bewilderment and confuse this day with Russian Independence Day, others recognize only November 7 and consider November 4 a kind of “transfer” memorable date, and for some, November 4 is the day of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. The majority are simply happy to have an extra day off in a series of tired autumn everyday life.
Therefore, it would probably be useful to recall that National Unity Day is a memory of the events of bygone days, namely the liberation of Moscow from Polish invaders by the people’s militia, led by Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky. This was in 1612. This date is a turning point in the history of Russia; it marks the end of the Time of Troubles.

The first sculptural composition of Moscow, the first monument dedicated to folk heroes- This is a monument to Minin and Pozharsky in Moscow. It was built not with state money, but with donations collected throughout Russia by the initiators - the Free Society of Lovers of Literature, Science and the Arts. And this was also the first time. The collected donations were enough not only to create the famous sculptural composition, which, by the way, was cast in bronze in St. Petersburg and sent to Moscow by water through Nizhny Novgorod, but also for the obelisk in Nizhny Novgorod, where, in fact, the second militia was born.
Author-consultant: Yulia Belka

The New Year will begin for Russians working a 5-day working week, from December 30 to January 8 (Russian Federation Government Decree No. 1250 dated October 14, 2017 ""). Such a long rest period was formed due to the fact that December 30-31 falls on Saturday and Sunday. In this regard, the last working day of the current year, December 29, will not be shortened, since it will not immediately precede a holiday ().

The first working week after the holidays, from January 9 to 12, 2018, will have four working days. It is worth noting that due to holidays and weekends in January there will be only 17 working days, and therefore it is unprofitable to take vacation this month - the amount paid by the employer will be less than with the usual work schedule on the same days.

How is additional payment calculated for work on weekends and holidays when accounting for working hours? The answer is in "Encyclopedia of solutions. Labor relations, personnel" Internet version of the GARANT system. Get 3 days free!

As an example, consider a situation in which an employee received a fixed salary of 40 thousand rubles throughout the year. per month, was not sick and decided to “extend” New Year holidays– take a 4-day vacation from January 9 to 12, so that the total continuous duration of rest is 16 days. As a result, the number of employee working days in January will be 13 days, for which he will receive 30,589 rubles, and the amount of vacation pay will be 5,460 rubles. Thus, in this case, the employee will receive 36,049 rubles for January. and will lose 3951 rubles.

Most of us are making plans for the coming 2017 in advance. And although it is still far away, it is useful to know how we relax during the holidays in 2017 now.

First quarter

The main thing that attracts attention in the first quarter calendar is. How are we relaxing for the New Year? Will there be next year? Let's look at the picture.

So, there are only two official holidays - the first and seventh of January, that is, the New Year itself and Christmas. Despite the fact that the holiday is exclusively Orthodox, in Russia Christmas is celebrated with joy and amazing generosity by representatives of all faiths.

New Year's week between the first and eighth of January is the time of the traditional holidays. These eight days are the favorite time of most Russians. According to the law, if a holiday falls on a Saturday or Sunday, the day off is transferred to the next working day (however, this year they decided to postpone it, not to January 9, but to February 24). So, in the first month of the year we have a wonderful holiday ahead - from the first to the eighth of January inclusive.

February is the main “male” month, because on the 23rd we celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day. February 24 is also a day off due to the postponement from January 7 by decision of the Ministry of Labor. Congratulations, gifts for beloved men both at home and at work - this is how this time is remembered.

Well last month quarter - March. How can we do without the Eighth of March, the International women's day? March is the time of luxurious bouquets of flowers, subtle aromas of perfume and a bright, joyful smile. By the way, the seventh of March is an official shortened working day.

Second quarter

How are we resting in 2017 in the second quarter? The first mid-spring holiday is, of course, Easter. Being exclusively religious holiday, Light Christ's Sunday is widely celebrated throughout Russia.

May is rich in holidays. Understanding how we relax in 2017, one cannot help but wonder: will Russians have a spring break? As you can see, the first of May is Spring and Labor Day, an official day off. The next holiday is Victory Day on May 9. The date of the end of the Great Patriotic War in our country is traditionally celebrated both at the official level and at the everyday level - at home, with family and friends. After all, there is practically not a single family that was not affected by that terrible war. May 9 is the day of remembrance of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers who gave their lives for us.

June will also delight holiday lovers – Russia Day is celebrated on the 12th. Since this holiday falls on Monday, we will again rest for three days in a row - from June 10 to June 12 inclusive.

Third quarter

But the third quarter of the year was completely without holidays. Therefore, we can only hope for the vacation that many of us have planned for these hot summer months. Sea, sun, beach in various combinations - in the cold winter we live in anticipation of hot days of relaxation.

Of course, many will say - what about the Day of Knowledge? Alas, although the first of September is a holiday, it is not a day off. By the way, in September there will be another remarkable professional (not a day off) holiday - Russian Internet Day, or Runet Day, as it is more often called. Our online community celebrates it on September 30th.

Fourth quarter

Not too rich for the holidays and the fourth quarter of the year. There is only one official holiday – November 4th. Called “National Unity Day,” this holiday has the connotation of some kind of official event rather than national event. However, nothing prevents us from looking forward to it, because an extra day off is always great. And again we have a long rest ahead of us - due to the postponement of the day off. We are preparing to vacation in November 2017 for three days in a row - 4-5-6. Well, on the eve of National Unity Day we are promised a shorter working day.

And, of course, the fourth quarter brings us the joy of anticipation of the New Year. December 31 is an official day off.