
How to find out your moonstone. How to recognize your stone: all possible ways. Birthday talisman stone

How to find out your moonstone.  How to recognize your stone: all possible ways.  Birthday talisman stone

Talismans occupy an important place in the lives of many people. When choosing amulets, astrologers advise, first of all, to pay attention to the signs of the zodiac; by the way, jewelry and stones can also be a kind of amulets.

A stone according to the zodiac sign has a beneficial effect on human health. According to esotericists, minerals have incredible energy, which makes them excellent talismans.

Stones-amulets that suit people according to their zodiac signs can attract good luck. In addition, they have various magical properties. A correctly selected amulet helps the one who wears it achieve their goals.

Rules for choosing a talisman crystal

The answer to the question of how to recognize your stone is quite simple. When choosing talismans, you need to take into account your zodiac sign and personal preferences regarding the shape and size of the crystal. When purchasing an amulet, you can also choose stones by date of birth.

It is recommended to have several crystals. One is to attract good luck, the other is to achieve success on the personal front, and so on. Precious, ornamental and semi-precious stones are used as amulets.

Often, crystals donated by someone or passed down by inheritance can act as talismans. In this case, it does not matter much whether the mineral is suitable for a person. If he believes in the magical powers of the stone, then they really work. Many esotericists are inclined to believe that we choose amulets intuitively. However, not everyone is able to identify their stone on their own.

In order not to make a mistake in choosing an amulet, you should pay attention to the words of astrologers. They have long talked about which stone suits a certain zodiac sign.

Before purchasing a talisman stone, you should familiarize yourself with all the properties and features of each mineral. At the same time, it is not enough just to know which stones suit you according to your horoscope. In order for the crystal to manifest all its magical properties, it is necessary to choose the correct shape. This will strengthen the positive qualities inherent in your zodiac sign and weaken the negative ones.

While the talismans lie idle, they accumulate energy; if necessary, the stones release it. Astrologers advise taking amulets for negotiations or some other important events. Jewelry can also act as amulets. You should pay attention not only to the stone, but also to the characteristics of the metals. Some crystals show their magical powers best when combined with gold, others with silver.

Crystal amulets today do not lose their popularity. Talisman stones are chosen according to the zodiac sign, taking into account the exact date of birth. If you still don’t know how to choose a stone that could suit you, turn to the advice of astrologers and esotericists - they claim that each person has his own specific amulet.

Talismans for different zodiac signs

The choice of a specific mascot should be based on personal preference. This primarily concerns color, size and shape. We must not forget about the magical meaning of the stones, by which you can understand whether the mineral is suitable for certain zodiac signs:

  • Amulet for Aries. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac circle. People of this zodiac sign have strong energy, but it can be difficult for them to concentrate on anything. The following options are more suitable as an amulet:

    • diamond - will help Aries concentrate their energy and achieve the desired goal. It can also instill confidence and determination in a person;
    • amethyst – has a relaxing effect, helps get rid of excess negativity;
    • ruby – is able to pacify the temper of Aries. He makes them kinder and more generous;
    • sapphire - awakens wisdom and prudence.
  • Amulets for Taurus. Taurus, as a rule, are decisive, straightforward, and at the same time very reliable. When choosing talismans for themselves, it is better for them to focus on the following stones:

    • emerald – bestows wisdom, relieves depression;
    • chrysoprase – helps get rid of fears and doubts;
    • agate – gives a good mood.
  • Amulets suitable for Gemini. Geminis are creative people who know how to make important decisions at the right time. This sign needs communication. Based on the distribution of stones by zodiac sign, Gemini is suitable for:

    • agate – will help control emotions and become a source of additional energy for the twins;
    • alexandrite – relieves excess negative energy and depression;
    • beryl - inspires strength and self-confidence, which are necessary to achieve any goal;
    • prehnite – enhances energy concentration, helping to overcome difficulties.
  • Talismans for Cancers. When asked which crystals are more suitable for such an unusual sign, there are several possible answers:

    • apatite - crayfish are very sensitive. Any carelessly spoken word can offend them. Apatite helps to get rid of unnecessary unfounded grievances;
    • emerald - allows you to better control your emotions;
    • moonstone - helps Cancers behave more confidently in the process of communication;
    • sodalite - will give you a flight of fancy and help you quickly find a way out of a difficult situation.
  • Talisman for Leo. Leos are very confident people who are capable of achieving their goals. The following will correspond to their strong energy and have a beneficial effect on it:

    • citrine - a sun stone gives Leo peace of mind;
    • chrysolite – can help in the communication process. He smoothes out Leo’s pressure a little, forcing them to listen to the opinions of others;
    • ruby – helps maintain health.
  • Helping stones for Virgos. Virgos love attention and are quite confident in themselves. The horoscope advises them to choose one of the following stones:

    • chrysolite - reveals the natural beauty of Virgos;
    • jasper – helps to establish friendly contacts;
    • rhodochrosite - reveals the organizational abilities of Virgos, given to them by nature itself;
    • jade – protects against negative influences of the external environment.
  • Amulet for Libra. Libras are unpredictable people; they are characterized by frequent mood swings. Stones suitable for those with the zodiac sign of Libra can help drown out excessive emotions:

    • aquamarine – brings harmony and a sense of balance to life;
    • opal – helps Libra to concentrate on a specific goal;
    • tourmaline – gives impetus to creativity, promotes the development of creative thinking;
    • diamond. If we talk about which gemstones are suitable for Libra according to their zodiac signs, one of the best options is a diamond. It helps to secure status in society.
  • Stones suitable for Scorpios. Scorpios are complex natures. They have an extraordinary mind. Speaking about which natural stones will correspond to them according to their zodiac signs, we cannot help but highlight:

    • pomegranate – enhances the positive qualities of Scorpios, helping them to show their perseverance and willpower;
    • aquamarine – softens temper, helping to improve interpersonal relationships;
    • opal is another stone Scorpio needs. It helps you make the right, thoughtful decisions and focus on what really matters;
    • aventurine – relieves anger, irritation and negativity, improves mood.
  • Amulets for Sagittarius. Usually Sagittarians are not prone to conflicts, have a very active life position, and they easily make contact with people. At the same time, they often succumb to laziness and have a strong temperament. Considering all these qualities, it is worth choosing talisman stones for them with special care. According to the distribution by zodiac sign, the following stones are suitable for Sagittarius:

    • chrysolite - sometimes non-conflict can be harmful. Peridot helps to avoid troubles associated with this character trait;
    • topaz - fights another negative character trait - excessive persistence;
    • turquoise is the main amulet for Sagittarius. She attracts good luck to them and helps them achieve their goal.
  • Talismans for Capricorns. Capricorns know how to work, even if the goal seems distant to them. As amulets, it is best for Capricorns to choose:

    • ruby – adds self-confidence, enhances the best qualities of Capricorns;
    • onyx – adds courage to Capricorns;
    • opal – helps to get rid of the negativity accumulated in the process of communication, relieves depression. Opal also protects a person from harm.
  • Amulets for Aquarius. Aquarians get along well with others, but their circle of close friends is very narrow. Suitable for Aquarius:

    • amethyst - this crystal helps overcome isolation, restores energy strength, relieving fatigue;
    • sapphire - returns the meaning of life to Aquarius, encourages them to take action;
    • zircon;
    • Citrine is the main amulet of Aquarius, it activates all the positive qualities of this sign.
  • Talismans for Pisces. Pisces combine two contradictory qualities: they are independent, but at the same time compliant. Easily adapt to the environment. They are best suited for:

    • Aquamarine is the main stone for those whose zodiac sign is Pisces. It helps in the fight against impermanence;
    • amethyst - attracts luck and harmony in all aspects of life;
    • aventurine – dampens the excessive agreeableness characteristic of Pisces.

The table will help you not to make a mistake when choosing stones. In it, the answer to the question of how to choose a stone is presented in a condensed form:

Aries diamond; amethyst; ruby; sapphire
Taurus emerald; chrysoprase; agate
Twins agate; alexandrite; beryl; prehnite
Cancer apatite; emerald; Moonstone; sodalite
a lion citrine; chrysolite; ruby
Virgo chrysolite; jasper; rhodochrosite; nephritis
Scales aquamarine; opal; tourmaline; diamond
Scorpion pomegranate; opal; aventurine
Sagittarius chrysolite; topaz; turquoise
Capricorn ruby; onyx; opal
Aquarius amethyst; sapphire; zircon
Fish aquamarine; amethyst; aventurine

Each mineral that exists in nature has unique energy. The same crystal can be useful for some people, but destructive for others. Therefore, it is so important to choose a stone that is right for you.

Few people know how to determine how suitable a particular crystal is for them. However, everything is quite simple: you need to choose stones according to your zodiac sign, or even better, according to your date of birth.

The mineral must also correspond to the year of birth and personal preferences of the person. A lot also depends on the correct choice of color and shape. All zodiac signs have their own talisman. Almost everyone can choose a suitable amulet for themselves.

Since ancient times, people have used the power of gemstones to help them in their lives. They were used to make amulets, talismans, and jewelry that were designed to protect a person from everything negative, as well as attract good luck and prosperity. It is important to identify exactly those stones by date of birth that are ideal as amulets.

Intuition and experience of generations

Previously, the selection of a talisman took place on an intuitive level, a person chose what he liked best. In such cases, errors of choice often occurred, and the stone not only did not protect its owner, but also harmed him. Minerals, like people, have their own characteristics and character, so making friends with them is extremely important.

Selecting a talisman stone by date of birth is the most correct approach.

Time of birth

However, choosing a talisman stone based on your date of birth does not guarantee an accurate match. The time in which a person was born is very important for choosing an amulet.

At night - considered to be the hours from ten in the evening to five in the morning local time - creative individuals with extraordinary abilities are born. Such people are patronized by the Moon and Venus, they are very attached to their family and loved ones, easy-going and lucky:

  • Moonstone, opal, zirconium, turquoise and garnet are good choices for women of the night;
  • Tiger eye, peridont, ruby, jade will help men;
  • Peridot and diamond will bring misfortune to all those born at night.

Children born early in the morning - from five to eleven o'clock local time - in the future show themselves to be punctual and business people. They are extremely responsible, careful and even somewhat pedantic, very purposeful and know what they want from life:

  • For women born in the morning, coral, sapphire, opal, cat's eye and emerald are suitable;
  • Peridot, turquoise, garnet, amethyst and amber will help men achieve their goals;
  • Malachite and pearls are completely unsuitable for morning birds.

Those born in the middle of the day - between eleven and four o'clock local time - are likely to become activists. These are positive people who are the soul of the company and have strong leadership qualities. They are difficult to lead astray and upset, they believe in themselves and their strengths:

People who came into this world in the evening - from four to ten in the evening local time - are very calm and balanced. They are peacemakers and have a sober outlook on life and problems. It is difficult to shake the calm of such people and make them nervous:

  • For women born in the evening, peridont, amethyst, crystal, and topaz will help.
  • Garnet, zircon, spinel, amber and malachite are good choices for men.
  • For those born in the evening, it is better not to use moonstone and opal as a talisman.

Date of Birth

In order to understand which stone is suitable for your date of birth, you should know that the determining factor here is not only the specific day of the month, but also whether this number is even or not.

People who were born on an even number, have additional heavenly protection. They are more balanced and firm in their decisions, carefully consider all actions and events, trying to avoid mistakes. Amber, topaz, amethyst, tiger's eye, garnet, and carnelian will serve as a good assistant for such people.

Those who was born under an odd number, feelings are more important than worldly problems. They are attentive to their friends, family and loved ones and easily sacrifice material wealth for the well-being of others. For such people, emerald, malachite, coral, zirconium, moonstone, hyacinth, and tourmaline will be an excellent amulet.

The number 13 is considered magical, and people born on this day have unusual, mystical abilities. The patrons of these people will be hematite, sodalite, malachite. It is better not to use turquoise, lapis lazuli and carnelian.

Month of birth

The month of a person’s birth plays an important role in his destiny and the formation of his character. You should remember how to find out your birthstone by date of birth, taking into account the month. The talisman is calculated according to the old style, that is, plus 14 days to the date:

Each stone has its own character and its own strength. When choosing a talisman, you need to rely on intuition and inner feelings. It is important not only to understand how to recognize your talisman by date of birth, but also how to handle it. You cannot re-gift or throw away stones that served as a talisman.

If suddenly it is damaged or broken, you should bury the stone where no one walks. The power of stones will help every person, you just need to be able to see and find it.

Each zodiac sign has its own special talisman stone. It can be either a precious diamond or an ordinary mineral. The important thing is what influence it has on a person and what it brings to him, in accordance with the zodiac.

Properties of stones for women and their influence on health and destiny according to zodiac sign

Each zodiac has its own personal stone talisman, which is capable of bringing good luck and giving good fortune. These are natural precious and semi-precious stones of natural origin, which over many years of “maturation” have absorbed the positive energy of the earth, water and sun.

You should choose a stone strictly following the recommendations, because since the zodiac signs differ in nature, the properties of the stones also differ. A correctly selected stone talisman can be worn every day, or it can be worn only at certain moments in life, when a person is in dire need of otherworldly power and help.

A woman can choose any jewelry containing “her” stone and wear it on her chest in the form of a pendant, in earrings and a bracelet. Stones can also decorate a variety of hairpins, pins, brooches and even belts. Natural stone is very beautiful and it is successfully complemented with precious and semi-precious metals: bronze, steel, gold and silver.

The influence of stones on the fate of each zodiac sign

A gemstone can serve as a faithful amulet for each zodiac sign; it will certainly attract prosperity, luck and good fortune to its owner. A stone talisman will help a person’s character to balance, find harmony with oneself and the world around them, and will also protect against evil forces, failures and the evil eye.

What stones are suitable for an Aries woman according to her horoscope and date of birth?

Aries- a special horoscope sign. Such women are endowed with perseverance and have a strong position in life.

Aries woman She is often positive and confident about her bright future. At the same time, such people are distinguished by some selfishness and emotionality. The impulsive actions of Aries often disrupt their plans and do not allow their affairs to achieve their perfect form.

Aries stone talisman must have a special power capable of balancing his state of mind, smoothing out his conflicts with the external and internal world, hiding all negative traits, and not allowing emotions to take over. Only a gem with strong and bright energy can be this.

If speak about natural minerals, then it is important to take into account all the characteristics of a person’s character. The fact is that Aries is different from Aries, depending on what date he was born. The patrons of Aries can be:

  • Mars (for those born from March 21 to March 31)
  • Sun (for those born from April 1 to April 11)
  • Venus (for those born from April 12 to April 20)

The talisman stone should also be chosen based on your date of birth, so that the energy clearly matches yours.

The patron influences the choice of stone:

  • Mars- narcissistic but purposeful adventurers. Agate, quartz, tiger's eye and jasper amulets are suitable for such people.
  • Sun - Such Aries are more “soft”, they are true faithful family men and products made from sardonyx, with cat’s eye, heliotrope, amber and natural pearls are perfect for them
  • Venus - Only passionate and romantic Aries are under her protection. Such Aries need “strong” stones and products with bright precious stones

Ruby is the ideal stone for Aries

Which stones are suitable for a Taurus woman according to her horoscope and date of birth?

Taurus - a self-confident zodiac sign, it characterizes its owner as a wise, noble, strong person who stands out from the crowd with his qualities. On the other hand, Taurus are always very mercantile, that is, they “think about their own benefit.” They are demanding and always need to contemplate beauty.

Along with positive qualities, Taurus also have negative ones - a little stinginess and not a lot of selfishness. They love “their territory” and are always sensitive to those who try to cross their line. The chosen talisman stone will allow Taurus to restrain all his negative emotions and discover favorable qualities in himself.

Taurus should choose an amulet stone only based on their date of birth. The decade (time of birth) determines the patron of the zodiac sign and greatly influences the character of a person.

Patrons for Taurus:

  • Taurus (21.03. to 01.05) have their own patron - Mercury. This celestial body is considered one of the “most monetary and golden patrons” and therefore stones such as agate, aventurine, amethyst, carnelian, tiger’s eye can bring good luck to such a Taurus
  • Taurus (02.05 to 11.05.) have a strong patron - Moon. Such Taurus people are characterized by emotionality and passion. The following stones will be favorable for them: turquoise, opal, rock crystal, as well as products made from chrysoprase, chalcedony and coral
  • Taurus (12.05 to 20.05) have Saturn as their patron. Talisman stones will “comfort” Taurus and instill inspiration in them even in the most difficult moments. Only precious “strong” stones are suitable for such Taurus: diamond, emerald, garnet or sapphire. Aquamarine will also be favorable

emerald is a favorable stone for Taurus

Which stones are suitable for a Gemini woman according to her horoscope and date of birth?

Gemini can be safely described as versatile women who have some creative abilities and activity. In some ways, these are very changeable people. Gemini women often change their mood, views and decisions, even the most important ones and at the last moment. A positive feature of Geminis is their ability to simultaneously solve several problems and do several things.

Along with many positive qualities, Gemini women also have some disadvantages - they cannot do everything absolutely perfectly. In order to achieve harmony with herself, gain success in her affairs, and earn the respect and trust of others, a woman needs a talisman. A correctly selected stone can become a real amulet and will certainly attract prosperity to its owner.

Decades of Gemini and their patrons:

  • Jupiter -“protects” Geminis born between May 21 and May 31. He gave his charges special intuition and the ability to think logically
  • Mars - protects his Geminis, who were born between June 1 and June 10. Since Mars has its own “burning” energy, its wards also have passion, selfishness and ambition, as well as some kind of aggression
  • Sun - is the patron saint of those Geminis who were born between June 11 and June 21. These “people of the sun” have a special positive charge, they love the world and the people around them

Choice of stone, depending on the decade:

  • Geminis under the auspices of Jupiter will become stronger and more self-confident if they have an amulet made of malachite, rock crystal, obsidian, agate, moonstone, amazonite or jade
  • Gemini, who is patronized by Mars, will be helped to find harmony by such stones as: cat's eye, natural amber, opal, citrine, onyx, as well as jade and pearl products
  • Geminis who are born under the sign of the Sun must have a talisman with them, which will be made of sapphire, tourmaline, topaz or alexandrite

jade is a stone that brings good luck to Gemini

What stones are suitable for a Cancer woman according to her horoscope and date of birth?

Cancer - a zodiac sign that characterizes women as gentle and at the same time insecure individuals. This is not a negative trait, it’s just that a person constantly doubts himself and his abilities. In addition, Cancer women love cleanliness, order, silence and harmony around them. If something doesn’t go as planned, they immediately plunge into a depressed state and blame themselves.

A properly selected talisman will allow a Cancer woman to gain self-confidence, be charged with positivity, and make mistakes with pleasure. The stone that will serve as an amulet should be chosen only with a clear focus on the decade of birth. Only such a stone, in any of its appearance, will bring good luck to its owner and become a talisman.

Cancer women have two main patrons - the Moon and Neptune. Both patrons endow them with special femininity, tenderness and only positive character traits.

Decades of Cancer:

  • Moon serves as the patron saint of both the first decade of Cancer and the second (from June 21 to July 1 and July 2 to 11). The moon helps ladies of this sign to be the favorites of society, distinguished by kindness and affection. It is precisely because Cancer has many positive qualities that others like him
  • Neptune“guards” the third decade of Cancer from July 12 to July 22. Under his patronage, he endowed these people with a special creative flair, intuition, and a desire to listen to magic and study science. Most of these Cancer women are desperate romantics and subtle people with high moral values.

Choosing a stone for Cancer:

  • For Cancer women who are born under the sign Moon, it will be extremely useful to wear a ring with chalcedony. Such a pebble will relieve her from attacks of depression and melancholy. Moreover, it will give her special attractiveness and make her interesting to the male half
  • Also lunar Cancers attention should be paid to pearl. This natural jewel can give peace and calm the sometimes fragile and unstable female psyche. Pearls can enhance their influence on women if they are dressed in silver.
  • Women Cancers born under Neptune attention should be paid to agate. This stone will give a lady confidence, strength and a piece of masculinity if worn in beads and bracelets.
  • Women Cancer ruled by Neptune You should wear a moonstone. This pebble will help balance your state of mind, give you courage and give you peace.

agate is a stone that will help Cancers find balance

Which stones are suitable for a Leo woman according to her horoscope and date of birth?

Women with a sign Leo - These are always strong in character and outstanding in appearance, strong, courageous ladies who are liked by men. Lady a lion hot and often too hot-tempered. She, as the “queen of the zodiac,” is completely subordinate to the Sun, which is her patron, regardless of other celestial bodies.

Character Leo women very optimistic and cheerful. Such ladies easily find communication with everyone, but in case of failures in life they can lose heart and become nervous. Only a correctly selected talisman stone will help you find peace, self-confidence and strength.

Decades of Leo:

  • Leo (23.07 - 03.08), patron saint Saturn
  • Leo (04.08 - 12.08), patron saint Jupiter
  • Leo (13.08 - 23.08), patron saint Mars

Choosing a stone according to your patron:

  • Those Leos born under the influence of Saturn are distinguished by a strong spirit, unshakable confidence in their abilities and a rebellious character. Such Lionesses need only “strong” natural minerals and only precious stones, which by their very appearance are capable of charging women with special energy and giving power, masculinity and courage. Such stones are quite capable of performing: Tiger's Eye any shade, pure nephritis without inclusions and any jasper
  • Leo women, who were born under the auspices of Jupiter, are distinguished by their special idealism. They love that everyone and everything obeys them, that every little thing is in its place, that everything is in order and almost perfect. Such women will benefit from stones that have the ability to “shine from within”: citrine, for example, as well as opal and any shade of cat’s eye
  • Leo women are sharp, passionate and somewhat aggressive. They need stones that are just as confident in their inimitable beauty: bright, sparkling in the sun, shining from within and very precious. Talismans will be: a blood red ruby, a deep and dark emerald or even a simple alexandrite

moonstone - a talisman in the form of a pendant, it suits Lionesses very well

What stones are suitable for a Virgo woman according to her horoscope and date of birth?

Virgo - not only the most feminine sign of the zodiac, but also even the most “boring”. In this case, “boringness” should be perceived as a positive trait. Virgo women are hardworking, active, creative individuals and do not like to brag about their virtues. Along with this, they can often judge themselves for the fact that something does not go according to their plan.

The talisman stone for a Virgo must be special; it must instill self-confidence in the Virgo, allow her self-control (which is very characteristic of women) and give her peace of mind. It's safe to say that Virgo women are a little "crazy." Often their creative nature takes control of logic and therefore they may suffer from mental disharmony.

The talisman stone will help the virgin find a point of balance between herself and the world around her, will open all her abilities and relieve her of accumulated negativity.

Decades of Virgo:

  • Sun protects Virgo (24.08 - 02.09)
  • Venus protects Virgo (03.08 - 11.09)
  • Mercury protects Virgo (13.09 - 23.09)

Choice of mascot:

  • Virgos who are guarded Sun, love peace and hate change. The following will help them maintain balance with themselves and find peace: jasper, agate and malachite
  • Virgos who are guarded Venus, really value their deep inner world. It is very important for them to find the perfection of the spiritual and external gray world surrounding them. Unusual stones that contain inner light and bright colors will help them get along with themselves and love everyone around them: honey-colored citrine, warm and marble onyx, warm shades sardonyx, yellowish and mysterious rutile quartz, or varied in shades chalcedony
  • Virgos, who are protected by Mercury, will be able to overcome their imperfections, and will help overcome a lazy, depressive and overly passive mood: deep greenery emerald, transparent and blue topaz, Navy blue sapphire or blood black pomegranate

Sapphire is the ideal stone for Virgos

Which stones are suitable for a Libra woman according to her horoscope and date of birth?

Women Scales very sensual, emotional and changeable. Many plans are ripening in their heads, which in the end are not implemented at all. This zodiac sign vitally needs a talisman that will instill confidence, vitality and courage in a person.

Decades of Libra:

  • The first decade is Libra (24.09 - 02.10), which is protected by Venus. Such Libras need a stone that will give them self-confidence: delicate dark blue lapis lazuli, natural sparkling diamond, cloudy and bluish moonstone or deep green color malachite
  • The second decade is Libra (03.10 - 13.10), which is protected by Saturn. Such Libra needs a stone that will give vitality and inspiration: a variety of shades zircon, deep blood red ruby, pale blue weaves topaz, or dark blue deep sapphire
  • The third decade is Libra (14.10 - 23.10), which is protected by Jupiter. Such Libras need a stone that will reveal their creative nature: natural diamond, raspberry shades tourmaline, blue shades topaz, pink and raspberry shades ruby

tourmaline is a stone ideal for Libra women

What stones are suitable for a Scorpio woman according to her horoscope and date of birth?

Scorpion - a finitely strong, bright zodiac sign that allows a woman to always be absolutely confident in her capabilities and herself, mentally and morally strong, attractive, passionate and partly overly emotional over trifles. Scorpio women are very fond of family wealth, peace and harmony. Along with this, they vitally need the attention of men and recognition from society.

The Scorpio woman needs a strong energetic stone that will not allow her to lose heart even once, will eliminate any depressive mood, and will give inspiration and positivity in any matter. In addition, the talisman stone will not allow any negative qualities to prevail too much, thereby creating an unfavorable reputation for Scorpio.

Decades of Scorpio and the choice of the appropriate talisman stone:

  • First decade (24.10 - 02.11), patron saint Mars. Such Scorpio ladies are very brave, artistic and sociable. They also need a talisman; it will protect them from the evil human eye and allow them to discover positive character traits in themselves. For a talisman, a gentle green shade can serve perfectly. coil, which will give you peace of mind. Another nice green stone - malahit, if a lady prefers cold shades of stones, then you should pay attention to purple amethyst
  • Second decade (03.11 - 13.11), patron saint Sun. Cold water will help protect natural energy, discover creative abilities, inspiration and positive thoughts. amethyst, warm shades of jewelry made from natural corals decorations or bright delicate turquoise
  • Third decade (11/14 - 11/22), patron saint Jupiter. Such Scorpio ladies need slightly “cold” stones that will cool down the ardor of their temperament and instill peace in their hearts. Pay attention to dark blue aquamarine, delicate heavenly shades turquoise, green and turquoise shades beryl, and baby blue topaz

Amethyst is a stone that will serve as a talisman for Scorpio

What stones are suitable for a Sagittarius woman according to her horoscope and date of birth?

Women born under the sign Sagittarius They love attention and recognition in society. They are often very harsh and straightforward, which does not characterize them in the best way. Such Sagittarius women cannot stand being controlled and protected. They are often quick-tempered and impulsive, doing rash things and saying rude words.

Sagittarius women need a talisman that will balance their inner world with external problems. The talisman should help the Sagittarius woman to show her femininity, discover positive character traits and help her be gentle, sensual and affectionate.

Decades of Sagittarius and choosing a talisman stone:

  • First decade - Sagittarius, who were born in the period from November 23 and December 2. Such Sagittarians are under the protection of Mercury. These are very strong personalities, self-confident, daring adventurers. They need a talisman stone that can give harmony with the world around them: tiger's eye, lapis lazuli, agate, quartz
  • The second decade is Sagittarius, born during the period from December 3 to December 12. Such Sagittarians can confidently be called creative individuals, capable of finding something interesting even in the most boring things. They need to choose for themselves those talisman stones that will help reveal their inner world: rutile quartz, turquoise, onyx
  • Third decade - Sagittarius, who were born in the period from December 13 to 21. These are self-confident individuals who strive for the best and achieve it. Such Sagittarians need an energetically strong talisman stone: ruby, garnet, zircon, emerald

onyx is a talisman stone for Sagittarius women

What stones are suitable for a Capricorn woman according to her horoscope and date of birth?

Women Capricorns very sensitive to how the outside world treats them. They really need to feel and receive approval, praise and compliments in order to live with pleasure and joy. But at the same time, this zodiac sign can often suffer from selfishness and narcissism.

In order to avoid problems and conflicts with people, the Capricorn woman should have a talisman stone. Such a talisman will allow only her qualitative traits to appear, will protect her from the evil eye and will not allow her to absorb negativity.

Decades of Capricorn and the choice of talisman stones:

  • The first decade is Capricorns, who were born during the period from December 22 to January 2. These Capricorns are carefully guarded by Jupiter. Such Capricorn women are calm, wise and economical. They need special stone talismans that can transmit and infuse their energy into a person, giving a woman many advantages and strength: should be used in burgundy shades Agatha, dark and bright bloody shades jasper, dark brown and honey shades Tiger's Eye, warm pink and lilac shades amethyst, and the most common transparent and heavenly clear mountain crystal
  • The second decade is Capricorn (03.01 - 13.01). Such Capricorn girls and women are very active, they are positive and always perceive life with joy. They simply need a special stone that can protect them from the evil human eye and attract positivity and inspiration. Pay attention to cool shades sardonyx, blue or cosmic shimmer opal, heliotrope, as well as deep turquoise tones chrysoprase
  • Third decade ( 14.01 - 20.01) . Such women differ from other Capricorns in their creative views, their energy, activity, desire to create and create something. A successful talisman for them will be a stone that will not allow life force to “leak away”: deep and shining from the inside, dark blue sapphire, dark, almost black pomegranate, cool blue shades alexandrite, gentle tourmaline, or red hyacinth

chrysoprase is a stone that protects Capricorn women

What stones are suitable for an Aquarius woman according to her horoscope and date of birth?

Women Aquarius They are very creative people, partly they are idealists and do not tolerate disorder. They need people and their recognition. This zodiac sign is very calm and even sometimes “cold”. For this reason, Aquarius women really need a strong and energetic talisman stone.

Decades of Aquarius and choosing a talisman stone:

  • First decade (21.01 - 01.02) . Most often, such ladies are melancholic and endlessly romantic by nature. Sometimes a talisman consisting of a powerful and energetically charged stone will help correct such a woman’s too soft nature: you should pay attention to the green and slightly cloudy one nephritis, any shade jasper, shining with cosmic brilliance aventurine, deep black and speckled blue obsidian
  • Second decade (02.02 - 11.02) . Ladies of this decade are distinguished by a pleasant and very gentle sense of humor; they are popular with men, but rarely fall into impotence and depression. For this reason, they need a talisman that will have a stone with positive and strong energy. Pay attention to warm shades onyx, soft pink and moline shades amethyst, or cool and heavenly turquoise
  • Third decade (12.02 - 20.02). Ladies of this period are distinguished by their lightness, tenderness and love. In order for them to conquer the peaks, gain recognition and strength, they should have a strong stone talisman. Pay attention to “cool” shades of natural stones, for example soft green chrysoprase, deep blue aquamarine, as well as blue shades zircon

quartz is a talisman stone for Aquarius women

Which stones are suitable for a Pisces woman according to her horoscope and date of birth?

Women Fish very soft but very friendly women. Often they are prevented from achieving certain successes in life by self-doubt and fear of making a mistake. For this reason, such a woman needs a strong and energetically charged stone talisman.

Decades of Pisces and choosing a talisman stone:

  • First decade - Pisces born during from February 21 to March 1. These women are true dreamers and romantics. The following talisman stones are suitable for them: aventurine, tiger's eye, moonstone
  • Second decade - Pisces born from March 2 to March 11. These are honest and open women, sensual and gentle. They need talismans such as: pearls, opal, corals, heliotrope
  • Third decade - Pisces born from March 12 to March 20. These are cheerful women and capricious ladies. Their talismans: diamond, aquamarine, topaz

Legends about the magical effects of precious natural stones go back a long way. It is believed that a correctly selected mineral will certainly become not only a reliable talisman, but also an amulet that will protect its owner, prevent the effects of evil spells and protect from conspiracies and curses, give strength to the will, and impart harmony and peace of mind. How to choose a stone for yourself?

How to choose a talisman stone?

Since ancient times, people have endowed minerals with special properties and mystical powers. Having a talisman that will warn you against misfortunes, help develop natural abilities and talents, balance or, on the contrary, activate, is of great importance, and a correctly selected amulet and amulet can cope with strong negative influences. There are many ways to determine the talisman that suits you:

  • by name,
  • Zodiac sign,
  • by year.

You can also choose a stone by date of birth, but most people today prefer to trust astrology and the protection of the planets.

How to choose stones according to your zodiac sign?

Among the many theories and methods, astrology is the most accurate and reliable. The most favorable stone for a person is the stone chosen according to the zodiac sign.

Stones for Aries born from March 21 to April 20: quartz, tiger's eye, agate, garnet, jasper and rock crystal.

Leos, people born from July 23 to August 23, should pay attention to peridot, topaz, sapphire, peridot, and carnelian.

For Sagittarius, from November 23 to December 21, it is best to wear rings, earrings and bracelets with amethyst, hematite, alexandrite and turquoise stone.

Cancers, people with a sensitive and vulnerable inner world, born from June 22 to July 22, will be able to harmonize their emotionality with the help of aquamarine, topaz, jade, moonstone and lapis lazuli, emerald.

Representatives of the Pisces sign, who were born from February 21 to March 20, will have to overcome their daydreaming and gain perseverance and determination thanks to coral, jet, sapphire and aquamarine.

The most hidden, mysterious and enigmatic sign of the Zodiac, Scorpio, and people born from 10/24 to 11/22 will be able to develop their psychic abilities with the help of a talisman in the form of citrine, mother-of-pearl and chrysoprase.

21.01 – 20.02 – Aquarius celebrates his birthday. The best gift for this zodiac sign will be onyx, snake stone, rock crystal, amethyst, which will protect and protect its owner from misfortunes, black magic and failure.

Zodiac sign Gemini - May 21 - June 22, will be happy with amber, rhodonite, jet or ruby. The magical properties of these crystals have the most positive effect on representatives of this sign.

People born from September 24 to October 23 – Libra – should choose jasper, obsidian, turquoise, agate and onyx as talismans and amulets.

Capricorns born from December 22 to January 20 will appreciate the magical properties of jade, garnet, onyx, cat's and tiger's eyes.

Carnelian and hematite will make the character of emotional and sometimes even aggressive Taurus, born from April 21 to May 20, stable and balanced.

Virgo, sophisticated, highly spiritual and secretive people born from August 24 to September 23 will find aventurine, alexandrite and uvarovite most successful for themselves.

Other products made from this stone:

There is a lot of information on the Internet about the beneficial properties of minerals. What do they not do? They give energy, heal, protect, attract good luck, and much more. But not everyone manages to benefit from them. What is the reason? Perhaps natural stones only help a select few? Or maybe you need to know certain secrets?

Indeed, there are some secrets. You just need to know which stone is yours and which is not. What helps one person will not necessarily help you. How to recognize your stone? There are several ways. The most common: by zodiac sign, by name, intuitively. We will look at them in this article.

Talisman by date of birth

The easiest way to figure out which direction to look for a mineral is to look at your date of birth. In astrology, for example, there is even a direction for selecting stones. By studying the natal chart, as well as the client’s requests, the astrologer selects corrective precious or semi-precious gems. The advantage of this approach is that a person receives individual recommendations, which means that the selected stones actually work in a specific direction.

Of course, you don’t have to turn to an astrologer for advice, but choose the mineral yourself. Fortunately, there is a lot of information on the Internet about how to recognize your stone by your zodiac sign. But it is worth understanding that these recommendations are general in nature. In general, agate has a beneficial effect on Gemini, and carnelian on Virgo, but it is unclear whether it will solve any specific problems.

Stones by name

This method for me personally is very similar to the previous one. The name has individual vibrations that affect a person’s appearance, character, and behavior. In the same way, stones have certain vibrations. Probably, on the basis of this, recommendations for wearing minerals are drawn up. You can find out your talisman stone by name from the following table. But I want to remind you that these recommendations are general, not individual.

Female names Male names
Agatha Heliodor Alexander Rauchtopaz
Ada Topaz blue Alexei Chrysoprase
Alevtina Chrysolite Anatoly Black agate
Alexandra cat's eye Andrey Onyx
Alina Rose quartz Anton Amethyst
Alice Lapis lazuli Arkady Topaz
Alla Turquoise Artem Turquoise
Albina Nacre Boris Pomegranate
Anastasia Obsidian Bronislaw Ruby
Angela Opal Vadim Zircon
Anna Hematite Valentine Citrine
Antonina Rauchtopaz Valery Garnet, rhodolite
Bronislava Opal Basil Aquamarine
Valentina Amber Benjamin Onyx
Valeria Amethyst Victor Olivine
Varvara Malachite Vitaly Emerald
Vasilisa Garnet, rhodolite Vladimir Cornelian
Veronica Sapphire Vladislav Rose quartz
Victoria Coral Vsevolod Topaz blue
Violet Spinel Vyacheslav Sapphire
Galina Aventurine Gabriel Pomegranate
Darina Chrysoberyl Gennady Rhinestone
Daria Citrine Georgiy Amethyst
Diana Golden topaz Hermann Malachite
Eve Ruby Gleb Black agate
Evgenia Jade Gregory Coral
Evdokia Corundum, alexandrite Danila Rhinestone
Catherine Pearl Demyan Chrysolite
Elena Eye of the Tiger Denis Spinel
Elizabeth Cornelian Dmitriy Aventurine
Zhanna Hawkeye Eugene Chrysolite
Zinaida Pomegranate Egor Zircon
Zoya Emerald Efim Tourmaline
Inga Pearl Ivan Corundum, alexandrite
Inna Pomegranate Ignat Black agate
Irina Pearl Igor Malachite
Karina Chrysolite Ilya Obsidian
Caroline Citrine Innocent Coil
Kira Zircon Joseph Opal
Claudia Amber Hippolytus Chrysolite
Clara Chrysoprase Kirill Amethyst
Christina Onyx Klim Pomegranate
Ksenia Golden topaz Konstantin Hematite
Larisa Black agate Kuzma Zircon
Lydia Malachite Laurel Chrysolite
Lily Rhodonite a lion Sapphire
Louise Spinel Leonid Citrine
Love Turquoise Luke Rose quartz
Lyudmila White agate Makar Pomegranate
Mayan Ruby Maksim Emerald
Margarita Amber Mark Rhinestone
Marina Chrysolite Matvey Sapphire
Maria Amethyst Michael Aquamarine
Maryana Emerald Nazar Ruby
Hope Rose quartz Nahum Emerald
Natalia Malachite Nikita Citrine
Nellie Beryl Nikolay Alexandrite
Nina Jasper Oleg Pomegranate
Nonna Coral Paul Opal
Oksana Chrysolite Peter Rauchtopaz
Olesya Opal Plato Pomegranate
Olga Cornelian Prokhor Olivine
Pauline Nephritis Robert Sapphire
Raisa Moon rock Rodion Rhinestone
Regina Golden topaz Novel Obsidian
Rimma cat's eye Rostislav Citrine
Rose Citrine Ruslan Topaz
Svetlana Rhinestone Svyatoslav Pomegranate
Snezhana Pearl Semyon Aquamarine
Sophia Amber Taras Rauchtopaz
Stanislava Coral Timofey Citrine
Taisiya Pomegranate Timur Amber
Tamara Sapphire Trofim Pomegranate
Tatiana Rauchtopaz Fedor Pomegranate
Ulyana Garnet, rhodolite Felix Ruby
Faina Quartz hairy Philip Opal
Eleanor Ruby Edward Sapphire
Elvira Pearl Julian Turquoise
Julia Lapis lazuli Yuri Nephritis
Yana Jasper Yakov Chrysolite
Yaroslav Emerald Yaroslav Sapphire

Intuitive selection of minerals

I like this option the most. I truly believe that every person has a sixth sense. It’s just that in some it is more developed, in others less. Throw out of your head all the information about zodiac signs, names, and just look at the stones. To do this, you can visit a mineral exhibition, go to a jewelry store, or, ultimately, study pictures on the Internet.

Of course, it’s best to look at the stone up close, and ideally even pick it up. It happens that a mineral immediately stands out among the rest, as if beckoning to it, beckoning you to take it. If this pebble gives you a pleasant feeling, you like it, take it without delay. And it doesn’t matter if he matches your zodiac sign or not. He chose you, and you chose him, and this is much more important than the recommendations of “experts”.

An ancient method of choosing a talisman and amulet

There is another way to find out your talisman stone. It was used in the old days. The chosen mineral was tied to the left forearm before going to bed. Next we looked at what happened at night:

  • I was tormented by nightmares - the stone did not fit, it had a destructive effect;
  • I didn’t dream of anything - the mineral is neutral, does not bring any benefit or harm;
  • I had good dreams - the stone has a beneficial effect, protects, and brings good luck.

This method, although good, is not practical in our time. Not everyone can afford to buy a bunch of stones and then choose a talisman from among all this wealth. But if you already have a stone, this method is perfect for testing the nature of the gem’s influence on you.

Choose stones intuitively and you will never go wrong. Take the mineral in your hand, think about a problem that is important to you to solve, and then watch what happens. If the pebble gets warmer, it means that it responded to your request, so to speak, it offered its services to fix the problem. If he remained cold, it means that solving such a problem is not within his competence. Experiment, rely on your intuition, and you will definitely gather a personal collection of true friends.