Life style

How to cut a beautiful nail shape. Secrets of proper filing of nail plates

How to cut a beautiful nail shape.  Secrets of proper filing of nail plates
by Notes of the Wild Mistress

Every second woman, doing her own manicure, does not know how to file nails correctly. The consequences of this are brittle nails, their sloppy form. It seems that it is better to do a manicure not at home, but in a salon. But in fact, it is enough to learn your mistakes once and never repeat them.

Ten mistakes involving a nail file

1. Use artificial nail files of dubious quality and even diamond-coated ones

Any file with a “rough” surface causes microcracks to appear at the tip of the nail. When you do everyday activities, these cracks become larger (when moisture gets into them, from light blows or pressure on the nail).

Right choice - ceramic or glass nail file. A more economical option is a plastic-based file, specially designed for natural nails.

“After filing, be sure to polish the nail with a polishing file.”

2. File painted nails

By filing both your nails and the polish on them at the same time, you can provoke delamination of the nail plate. If one of the painted nails is broken, you can smooth out its uneven tip with one or two movements of the nail file. This will help avoid unpleasant situations throughout the day (for example, accidentally catching tights with a broken nail).

3. File your nails out of boredom

To maintain a neat nail shape, it is enough to use a nail file once a week.

4. Watch TV, talk with a friend, etc. while doing your own manicure

There is no need to completely isolate yourself from the outside world. But if you, while continuing to file your nail, periodically take your eyes off your hands, you can injure your nail. After you have finished filing your nails, carefully inspect each nail, especially its edges, to be sure there are no cracks or delamination problems.

5. Sawing “back and forth”

The correct path of the file is from one edge of the nail to the other, in one direction only (the file does not “go” along the nail in the opposite direction). Some find it difficult to create a round or oval shape using similar movements with a nail file. Then make it a rule to first move the file from one edge of the nail to its middle, then from the other edge to the middle. Even this option eliminates back and forth movements.

6. Remove the length of the nail with a nail file

It is believed that it is safe for the health of the nail to make no more than 10 movements with a nail file. If you need to radically change the length of the nail, you should first use scissors or a nail clipper. The latter can be used if the width of its blades is not less than the width of the “bitten off” tip of the nail.

7. File wet nails

Moreover, you can only file a completely dry nail plate. Often the entire manicure is ruined by first soaking the nails in a bath and immediately, without allowing them to dry well, they begin to process their edges with a nail file. Remember, a wet nail is much more susceptible to the formation of microcracks than a completely dry one.

8. File the nail deeply on the sides

When you try to treat the side edges of the nail as deeply as possible, you risk causing not only a crack on the side, but also a bleeding wound.

9. Hold the nail file “as comfortably as possible”

You need to hold the tool “correctly”: thumb supports the nail file from below, the other four are on the surface.

10. Use a nail file for purposes other than its intended purpose.

A file with a pointed tip is not at all intended for picking out dirt from under nails. Remove dirt with water and soap! Using a file, you can deform the natural outline of the white “smile” of the nail, as well as injure the skin underneath it.

Ideal shape

The manicure technique was performed correctly, but for some reason the result is far from ideal? Perhaps the created shape of the tips of your nails simply does not suit you. Such a mistake can ruin all the beauty of a woman’s brush. By using professional recommendations you can create a nail shape that will look harmonious, natural and give a well-groomed look to your fingers.

Round form

The round shape requires the tip of the nail to protrude no more than 3 mm beyond the edge of the finger. It is suitable for those with fairly large fingers and wide palms.

Square shape

The length of the tip of the nail can be any, but this shape is only relevant for girls with narrow hands and thin fingers. It is strictly contraindicated to create a square shape on short nails with rather chubby fingers.

Oval shape

A universal option that can visually lengthen your fingers. It will be easy to create such a shape if you first file the edges of the nail, stopping 2 or 2.5 mm from the middle point of the nail plate, and then round off the resulting tip in the center of the nail.

Pointed tip

Not the most practical shape, as a rule, is given to long extended nails. Nails of this shape look unnatural, but are great for festive design and piercing jewelry.

“A simple trick with paper will help you make your personal choice on one of the indicated forms. Cut out the options for nail shapes from paper and attach them to your fingers. Such clarity will definitely dispel all doubts.”

Anastasia Bochina

It is impossible to create a stylish, well-groomed look if a woman does not have a manicure and has flaky and flaky hands. different lengths nails. How to cut them correctly without going to a salon? Today we have all the necessary tools to get our hands in order. And it doesn’t matter whether the nail is square, oval or almond-shaped - the main thing is not the shape, but the neat and healthy appearance of the nails.

Which file is the most correct?

Before asking yourself the question of how to properly file your fingernails, you need to choose the right nail file. Forget about metal files if keeping your nails healthy is important to you. Metal files, being too hard, damage the structure of the nail and cause it to peel. Manufacturers in this industry now produce many nail files that fit nails perfectly. Among the materials for their manufacture are cardboard, plastic, glass.

Experts consider the glass file to be the most successful. It does not injure the nail plate, is easy to wash and disinfect, and lasts a long time. When choosing, you need to pay attention to the hardness of the abrasive layer. This indicator is measured in grits.

The smaller the value, the harder the file will be. The file has a medium hardness of 240 grit. It will allow you to properly file the nail, remove length and give it shape. When choosing, be guided by the condition of your nails. The thinner and more fragile they are, the higher the grit value should be, and vice versa.

Choose your own manicure

If we consider the manicure process from the point of view of processing, we can distinguish two methods: classic trimming and hardware. The first is produced with scissors and nippers, as is evident from its name. The cuticle is first pushed back with a pusher or an orange stick and then cut off. Before this, hands are immersed in a bath with sea salt and liquid soap.

The second option is more advanced, and is often done in a salon. It uses a device with attachments that allow you to remove cuticles, remove old coating and smooth the surface of the nail. This procedure is done dry.

If you need to shorten the length, a cutter is also used to file the nails. You can learn how to cut correctly in this case in hardware manicure courses. There is also a combined manicure, when part of the work is done with cutters, for example, processing the side rollers, and part of the work is done with scissors or nippers, which cut off the cuticle.

Nails: how to file correctly

When the old is removed from the nails varnish coating and the overgrown cuticle is cut off, it is necessary to remove the excess length and give the nails a shape.

  • If you had a manicure with soaking, you must dry your nails. Never file them while wet, as this will cause the nail plate to peel.
  • How to file your fingernails correctly? Masters recommend starting to file from the little finger, it will be more convenient. It is better to file the sides first, then the middle.
  • You should never make movements back and forth; you need to file your nails in one direction, otherwise it will harm them.
  • During the process, you need to ensure that the length and shape of all nails are the same. You should also compare the nails on your right and left hands.
  • Having filed your nails, you need to go over them with a nail file tangentially to remove possible irregularities and jags, and also to smooth out the edge of the nail.
  • After giving your nails the required length and shape, treat them with a polisher (buff) to polish the surface of the nail and give it shine.

Choosing a nail shape

When choosing a form, you need to start not only from fashion trends, but also on the shape of your nail plate. How to properly file nails at home so that the manicure looks aesthetically pleasing and suits its owner? Let's look at the main options.

  1. There are two variations of this shape: square and square oval. In the first case, the end of the nail plate is made smooth, and in the second, the corners are gently rounded and the central part is left straight. This form is ideal for those who have a narrow, elongated nail plate. If your nails are short and wide, you should leave them longer so that the square shape looks harmonious on them.
  2. Oval nail. How to properly file the shape of nails in this case? It is not difficult. The top of the nail must be rounded with a file so that the line of the free edge follows the shape near the cuticle. With such a manicure, the fingers appear longer, and with it the girl looks restrained and elegant.
  3. Almond-shaped nail. The almond shape is suitable for those with narrow brushes and long nails. On such hands this shape looks elegant, but such nails are afraid of homework. The narrow tip is easy to break.

How often should you file your nails?

If you apply polish or gel polish to your nails, you should file them only after removing the old layer. The most convenient way to do this is during the manicure procedure. Experts advise doing this regularly, taking into account that the growth of cuticles and nails occurs at different rates in different people.

Therefore, everything is individual. If the overgrown cuticle has become noticeable and the free edge of the nail plate has gone beyond the desired limits, then it’s time to tidy up your nails. Now you know how to saw them correctly. On average, this procedure is recommended to be carried out once every two weeks.

Care necessary for healthy nails

The condition of nails is influenced by a person’s overall health, as well as their diet. It is necessary to eat a varied and balanced diet, not forgetting fruits and fatty fish. Nails need vitamins. You can take pharmacy vitamin complexes. Drink more water.

To make your nails strong, you can take regular baths with sea salt, adding a few drops of iodine. To restore color, nails are bleached with a slice of lemon, rubbing the nail plates with it.

It is advisable to do all housework with gloves so as not to expose your nails to prolonged exposure to water and household chemicals: This makes them dry out. Be careful not to appear on them fungal infection If this happens, start treatment on time.

Proper filing of nails is the basis of not only a beautiful manicure, but also healthy nails. The wrong sawdust can not only complicate the manicure process and worsen its results, but also significantly harm the nails and weaken them. Photos and videos posted in this material will tell you how to properly cut your nails into a square, oval or other shape.

General rules for filing nails

There are several simple rules, which will help not only create beautiful manicure relatively quickly, but also maintain the health of your nails. They cover not only the sawing technique, but also the selection of materials and tools for this. In order to properly file your nails, you need to know the following:

  • Filing can only be done on dry nails;
  • Carefully select a file according to the degree of abrasiveness and material, as well as ease of use;
  • Do not use iron files, they contribute to the delamination of the nail even with correct technique sawdust. The most acceptable option is glass files;
  • Nails must be filed strictly in one direction on each side. You cannot alternate the direction of the sawdust, as this promotes delamination and significantly weakens the nail.

To learn how to properly file your nails straight, you can watch the video below. It shows all the stages of this process, as well as its nuances.

Square and trapezoid

The square shape of nails is currently the most fashionable and popular. She is quite glamorous, easy to design, and many girls choose her. However, it is the most difficult to create from natural nails; in addition, it is fragile and can break and crack during use, even if the nails are strong enough. So, how to file square-shaped nails correctly will be described in the instructions below.

The trapezoid shape is created in the same way, but by filing the sides it is necessary to ensure that they converge to the desired degree. Rounding and making the trapezoid soft is not recommended.


The stiletto shape is a very sharp nail. These plates are also quite fragile, but can last quite a long time if you are careful when using them. Often this form is also coated with gel for greater reliability and strength of the nail. But if you know how to file nails of this shape correctly, then this can also contribute to greater stability of the manicure.

It is convenient to form this type of free edge from a triangular shape. However, a similar statement applies to almost any other nail shape. Square nails have clearer and smoother sides, and therefore any shape can be cut out of them as smoothly and clearly as possible. In this case, you will not have to worry about how to properly file your fingernails.

Oval and almond

If you are thinking about how to cut beautifully short nails, That perfect shape for you there will be an oval and almond. These forms differ from each other in only one way. The almond has a slightly more pointed tip, as if tending towards a stiletto. Whereas an oval has only a smooth rounding, which can exactly follow the shape of a smile line or the base of a nail. In addition, almond looks flawless on slightly longer nails.

The oval is filed very simply. Most often, this is the natural shape of the nail, which only needs to be slightly adjusted. The filing starts from the center; it is necessary to move with soft, rounded movements towards the ends of the smile line. The main difficulty in this case is strict adherence to symmetry.

Almonds are sawn as something between a stiletto and an oval. It is necessary to avoid such sharp and straight lines as with a stiletto, however, the sides should also converge, but to a lesser extent. When the desired angle between the sides is reached, start cutting the file from the center point of the cut of the free edge of the nail in two directions. The movements should be pendulum-like, their amplitude increasing with each new touch of the file.

These forms are the least fragile compared to others. Thus, you don’t have to worry about the safety of such a manicure if your nails are in good condition. In addition, the shorter they are, the stronger the manicure, since the load is less. You can watch the video below to learn how to properly sharpen nails of this shape.

Nails are an important component of the image of a man or woman, because hands are often called business card person. The neatness of your nails primarily depends on the correct shape, which can be given with a file.

In order to efficiently file the overgrown part of the nail plate, you need to know the basic rules of filing and use the most effective and harmless tools when carrying out processing. We will talk about this in the article.

Cut or file: which is better?

For such a procedure Only nippers or a nail file are suitable, together these two instruments also go well together. First, you should remove the excess section of the nail with clippers, and then use a rounded nail file to give the desired shape to the edges of the plate.

It will be better if you individually select clippers with blade lengths equal to the width of your nails.

Using clippers, do not completely cut off the entire free edge of the nail. First you need to get rid of the side parts and only then remove the central area.

You also need to be careful with nail files. The abrasive surface allows you to cut only in one direction, otherwise the edges will begin to delaminate. A fairly crude instrument can lead to such consequences.

Getting ready for filing

Firstly, filing should be done on dry hands, and secondly, you must decide in advance on the length of the nail plate.

Before manicure, nails and tools should be wiped with an antiseptic.

You can file the ends no more than once a week and at least once every two weeks. This way you can maintain a healthy and attractive appearance your nails.

What tools can you use to shorten your nails?

To correct your nails, you can use a whole arsenal of manicure tools:

When doing a manicure at home, tools must be disinfected after each treatment. To do this, just wipe them with alcohol and place them in a disinfecting solution.

Selecting a file

For natural nails, you should not buy a metal file. No matter what good metal it is made of, it will still scratch the surface of the plate, which will subsequently cause delamination.

Perfect option - glass file(this is exactly the tool professional manicurists use) with diamond or sapphire coating.

If we talk about the level of abrasiveness, then for natural nails you should choose a softer surface, and for extended nails - a rougher one.

For weak and flaking tips, the optimal choice is 320-400 grit, for thin nails – 180-280 grit, files with an index of 80 grit are used only for extended plates.

The most popular are rectangular abrasive plates, but to properly remove the corners and give a rounded shape, use a banana file.

Men should file the free edges of the plates with coarser files, since the thickness of their nails is much higher than that of women. Children are not recommended to file their nails with any files, since in any case the surface will be damaged; it is better to cut off the corners with nail scissors or nail clippers.

Nail filing technique

How to hold and move a file correctly

There are three basic saw grips.

  • When correcting the edge of a nail, the file is taken from above: four fingers are on the outside, and the thumb is on the inside.
  • When processing plates from the sides, the file is held like a pointer and placed edgewise, with the index finger directing its movement.
  • When cutting gel or acrylic, the file is held like a spoon and controlled with your thumb.

Spil should only be done in one direction, from edge to center. Any chaotic movements, which will certainly lead to delamination, are completely prohibited.

The angle between the nail tip and the tool should be no more than 90º. The smaller it is, the less harm you can cause to your nails.

After cutting, sharp corners are removed with a buff, and hands are covered with nourishing cream.

How not to file your nails

  • You can only file dry nails; it is strictly forbidden to do this after baths.
  • The surface of the nail must be completely free of varnish.
  • Do not move the file in different directions and keep the file perpendicular to the nail plate.

How to polish your nails with a file

Polishing should be done with an abrasive file 400 grit and above. The tool can be plastic, ceramic or flint. You need to start processing with the less abrasive side, placing the tool perpendicular to the growth of the nail.

Movements are made from left to right and right to left. For polishing it will be enough 10 movements. Next, the surface of the file or buff is replaced with a softer one. Finish polishing with the smooth side, this will result in a glossy surface.

Filing nails with a manicure machine

In hardware manicure, a cylindrical attachment is used to cut nails, and discs with different levels of abrasiveness are used to give the desired shape.

When treating nails with a manicure machine, the same rules of one-way traffic and hardware manicure and pedicure is performed only on dry nails.

How to give the desired shape


First, the center is filed in a straight line, which should become parallel to the end of the finger itself. Then we file the corners, softening them only a little, but leaving them straight.

Square with rounded edges

We perform the same manipulation as with a square shape: we cut off the center straight, and process the sides with slight rounding.


The plate is given a square shape, then the sides are filed until an elongated trapezoid is obtained.


The movements should resemble the work of a pendulum. Starting from the inner corners, the edges are filed towards the center, but should create a completely natural, rounded look. Next - from the corner to the opposite side and with a soft file we remove all the sharp points.


First, a square shape is given, then the sides are filed in the form of an elongated trapezoid, and the corners are removed with a soft file, giving the nails an elongated almond shape.


The plate is given oval shape, then the file is applied to the center of the edge and the side parts are cut down using movements from top to bottom. We repeat the same procedure on the other side.


The sides are cut parallel to each other. To correct the free edge, the nail file should be held at an angle of 45º relative to the side lines.

How to decide on the shape of your nails and how to shape your nails various shapes- look at the video in the master class:

Special cases of nail filing

How to file false nails

Already glued parts may crack when cut, since the natural nail does not allow the free edge to bend and take the desired shape when moving.

How to file your nails for playing the guitar

To play the guitar, the nails are filed parabolically (the edge must be absolutely smooth, without any points).

If your nails are very thin, you should not hit the strings with them; it is better to use a pick - a plastic plate in the shape of a petal.

Properly treating toenails

Such a simple and mundane procedure as filing nails is actually a complex and responsible process. If cut incorrectly, your nails will never look healthy, and following basic rules will help get rid of delamination and cracks on the plates. To form the desired shape for the nail, it is enough to know the directions and sequence of filing.

Hands are often called a person’s “business card.” Many people pay attention to the condition of their nails, and girls are especially interested in manicure and its design. Beautiful women's fingers are a source of special pride.

The neatness of the nails is given by their correct shape. Files allow you to get the desired result at home. But how to do it correctly so as not to harm the nail plate? There are several rules for filing nails. If they are followed, they remain intact, and the manicure becomes a worthy completion of the manipulations performed.

How to choose a file?

To achieve a high-quality result in manicure, the necessary file is selected. Manicure tools are divided into the following types:

  • files intended for natural nails;
  • tools for artificial nails;
  • grinding files;
  • sealing files.

When choosing, you need to pay attention to the surface grain. The higher its index, the softer its abrasiveness. This means that it will remove a smaller area of ​​the nail surface in one stroke.

The unit of measurement for file hardness is grit. There is a scale on which the appropriate tool is selected, depending on the condition of the nails:

  • from 320 to 400 grit – designed for weak nails with exfoliating ends;
  • from 180 to 280 grit – suitable for thin people;
  • 80 grit – for artificial ones.

The best option is considered to be nail files whose value ranges from 220 to 300 grit.

It is worth noting that the grain size depends on the material from which the tool is made. Glass files belong to the expensive class, but are considered one of the best.

Metal files are no less effective, but you need to know how to handle them. So, they can very seriously damage the surface of the nail plate, tearing it.

Experts do not recommend using metal files. Such tools, even the highest quality ones, scratch the surface and can cause delamination of the plate. In professional salons, specialists use glass files. The tools are diamond or sapphire coated.

For natural nails, files with a soft surface are best, while for artificial nails, files with a rough abrasiveness are an excellent option.

As for the shape, the most common files are rectangular. A banana file is best suited for cutting corners and giving them a rounded shape.

Men are recommended to choose files with a harder surface. Men's nail plates are denser than women's. It is best not to use files for children: the delicate nail plate can be easily damaged, which can lead to nail loss. Nail scissors or nail clippers are best suited for treating children's hands.

As for the nail filer, it has both its pros and cons. When working with equipment, there is a high risk of damaging the nail plate. This mistake is especially common among beginners. To avoid this, it is recommended to select machines with low power: from 1500 to 5000 rpm, which are specifically designed for manicure at home. It is worth considering one nuance: with such machines, unlike professional ones, the cutter wears out quickly. But taking into account the fact that at home the device is used, as a rule, by 1-2 people, the machine will last for more than one year.

How to cut?

To make your fingernails well-groomed, you need to have proper grip on the saw.

  • If the extreme part of the nail plate is being corrected, the file should be between four fingers on the outer side and thumb from the inside. This will allow you to carefully file down uneven edges.
  • In the case of processing from the sides, the tool is installed with an edge, like a pointer. Index finger the direction of its movement is determined.
  • To cut down artificial gel or acrylic nails The nail file is held like a spoon. Its movement is controlled by the thumb.

  • It is recommended to file in only one direction: from the extreme point to the center. In the case of chaotic movement, delamination of the plate can be allowed.
  • One more an important condition is to maintain the angle between the nail and the file. It is 90 degrees or less. If the angle is greater, the nails will be seriously damaged when filing them.
  • Upon completion of the work, rough edges and sharp ends are polished with a special file - a buff. It is recommended to cover your hands with nourishing cream.
  • In order for a manicure at home to bring satisfaction from the final result, you need to know about the prohibitions.

  • You should not file your nails after a bath. Only dry plates can be processed.
  • Before work, the nail polish is completely removed from the nail surface.
  • The tool cannot move in different directions.
  • It is forbidden to hold the file in a perpendicular position.

Doing it step by step general rules manicure, your fingernails will look beautiful and well-groomed.

How to give the correct shape?

To traditional nail shapes The following types include:

  • square;
  • oval;
  • almond-shaped.

As for the triangular shape, which gives the nails a sharp look, this type of manicure is currently not in demand.

The shape is selected depending on the type of fingers.

  • The square shape fits thick and thin fingers.
  • Oval is considered the most universal and belongs to the classic. It is suitable for short nails.
  • The almond shape looks good on long nails. Visually makes the fingers long and gives the whole hand a feminine look.

Step-by-step work plan for a square shape.

  • The file is positioned perpendicular to the edge of the nail being processed. It is washed down directly.
  • The sides are filed parallel, in amplitude from bottom to top.
  • If desired, the corners of the nails are given a rounded shape.

How to make an oval shape.

  • Draw a conditional line from the middle of the nail cuticle to the end. Let's focus on it. The line will become the basis of the nail file pattern for an oval shape.
  • We place the file at an angle. We make cuts from side to center. In this way we process the nail on both sides.
  • We file the shape of the nail, removing the corners, and create a rounded shape.

The almond shape is created as follows.

  • Give your nails an oval shape.
  • We file the edges. For a soft edge, hold the file at a slight angle; for a sharp edge, place it vertically. The filing should be made from the place where the nail begins to separate from the skin.
  • The tip of the nail should be slightly sharper than the oval. To do this, a wide edge is sawed off. If you overdid it and removed the excess, then you should round the end of the nail.

In order not to provoke delamination, nail work is done once every 7 days.

When processing with a file, it is recommended to make no more than 10 movements. Fingers must be dry before starting manicure procedures. The cuts on the sides should not be deep. This may lead to the appearance of cracks and wounds.

Let's also consider other cases.

False nails are shaped before they are glued to the nail plate. When cutting, there is a risk of cracks. Your nail can prevent you from giving the desired shape. For guitarists, their nails are filed in a parabolic shape: a smooth edge, without sharp ends. At thin nails It is recommended to use a special plastic mediator. The manicure may not be a success the first time. Only constant practice will help hone your confidence in action.

Common mistakes

The most common mistake is completely removing the cuticle. This nail part protects the plate from infections. The more you remove it, the more intense the skin will grow. Therefore, it is recommended to soften it and move it to the nail base.

A simple rule will help prevent the appearance of hangnails: smear the skin around the nail with nourishing products. It is especially recommended to nourish the skin in autumn and winter.

Amateur struggles with ingrown toenails are common. Sometimes it’s still worth entrusting such a problem to specialists, especially when it has dug deep under the skin and gone deep. When you try to cut it out, you can get an infection, but the problem will remain unresolved. If you treat your nails regularly, then such problems will not happen.

Another mistake is improper polishing. Some people think that using a polishing file will give you shiny nails. In this case, the nail plate loses its layers and becomes thin. It is recommended to use special tools, namely files with an abrasiveness of 900 to 1200 grit. Before polishing, nails and cuticles are treated with a nourishing and moisturizing agent. Using a nail file, it is gently rubbed into the surface. The nail plate gains additional elasticity and acquires a mirror shine.