
When does the New Year start? (curious facts). New Year: history and traditions Who started celebrating the New Year

When does the New Year start?  (curious facts).  New Year: history and traditions Who started celebrating the New Year

Mikhailov Andrey 12/23/2014 at 18:30

On December 20, 1699, Russian Tsar Peter I signed a decree on Russia’s transition to a new calendar and the postponement of the beginning of the year celebrations from September 1 to January 1. Since then we have been celebrating main holiday year on this very day. In general, the history of the New Year in Rus' is quite interesting. IN different times In addition to the above dates, we celebrated it on March 1, March 22, and September 14.

But first, let's return to the young Russian Tsar. By his decree, Peter ordered on January 1, 1700 to decorate houses with pine, spruce and juniper branches according to the samples exhibited in Gostiny Dvor, as a sign of fun, be sure to congratulate each other on the New Year and, naturally, on the new century.

As historical chronicles say, fireworks, cannon and rifle salutes were set off on Red Square, and Muscovites were ordered to fire muskets and launch rockets near their houses. In short, the order was to have fun with all the might of the Russian soul, albeit in a European manner! The boyars and service people were ordered to dress in foreign costumes - Hungarian caftans. And the women also had to be dressed in foreign dress.

In Peter’s decree it was written: “...On large and well-traveled streets, noble people and at houses of special spiritual and secular rank in front of the gates should make some decorations from trees and branches of pine and juniper... and for poor people, each at least a tree or branch for the gate or over their temple put..." In fact, the decree was not talking specifically about the Christmas tree, but about trees in general. At first they were decorated with nuts, sweets, fruits and even various vegetables, and they began to decorate a specific beautiful Christmas tree much later, from the middle of the last century.

On January 6, the mighty festivities ended with a religious procession to the Jordan. Contrary to old custom, the tsar did not follow the clergy in rich vestments, but stood on the banks of the Moscow River in uniform, surrounded by the Preobrazhensky and Semenovsky regiments, dressed in green caftans and camisoles with gold buttons and braid.

In general, the celebration of the New Year in Rus' has the same complex fate as its history itself. Old folk tradition even after the officially introduced changes in the calendar, it retained ancient customs for a long time. Here's what he told Pravda.Ru about New Year's story Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Nikolai Kaprizov:

"In Rus' in the past, even pagan times, there existed for a long time the summer month, that is, the first three months, and the summer month began in March. In honor of him, they celebrated Avsen, Ovsen or Tusen, which later moved to the new year. Summer itself in ancient times consisted of the current three spring and three summer months - the last six months consisted winter time. The transition from autumn to winter was blurred like the transition from summer to autumn. Presumably, originally in Rus' New Year celebrated on the day spring equinox, that is, March 22. Maslenitsa and New Year were celebrated on the same day. Winter has been driven away, which means a new year has arrived.

Well, along with Christianity, that is, after the Baptism of Rus' in Rus' (988), naturally, a new chronology appeared - from the Creation of the world. A new European calendar, the Julian, also appeared, with a fixed name for the months. March 1 began to be considered the beginning of the new year. According to one version, at the end of the 15th century, and according to another in 1348, the Orthodox Church moved the beginning of the year to September 1, which corresponded to the definitions of the Council of Nicaea.

In general, the reform of the calendar system was carried out in Rus' without taking into account the working life of the people, without establishing any special connection with agricultural work. The September New Year was approved by the church, following the word of the Holy Scriptures. In the Old Testament church, the month of September was celebrated annually, as if to commemorate peace from all worldly worries.

Thus, the New Year began to be celebrated on the first of September. This day became the feast of Simeon, the first pillar, which is still celebrated by our church. This holiday was known among the common people under the name Seeds of the Summer Conductor, because on this day summer ended and the new year began. It was both a solemn day of celebration and the subject of analysis of urgent conditions, collection of quitrents, taxes and personal courts.

Well, in 1699, Peter I issued a decree according to which January 1 was considered the beginning of the year. This was done following the example of all Christian peoples who lived not according to the Julian, but according to the Gregorian calendar. Peter I, in general, could not immediately transfer Rus' to the new Gregorian calendar, despite all his determination - after all, the church lived according to the Julian calendar.

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Have you ever thought about when the New Year begins? After all, the date familiar to Russians from December 31 to January 1 is not supported by all countries. For many peoples, the beginning of a new year means completely different numbers. And in Russia earlier, when the old calendar style was adopted, the celebration of the holiday was completely different.

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Why does the whole world celebrate the beginning of each new year, and not, say, a new month, half-year or century?


And in general, why is the date transition stage so important for people that it has become a holiday?




This tradition has its roots deep in antiquity. It first originated about 3 thousand years ago BC in Ancient Mesopotamia.


Of course, the format of the holiday was not at all the same as it is customary to celebrate it now (with a Christmas tree, gifts and a noisy feast). Most likely it was worship of deities for the fact that people were able to survive the past year and calmly move into the coming one.

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The usual date of the holiday (from December 31 to January 1) was established in Ancient Rome by the famous Gaius Julius Caesar. The official date of its establishment is 46 BC.


Then the main hero of the holiday was the two-faced god Janus. In Ancient Rome, it was considered the source of the origin of everything new, living, and served as the beginning for all endeavors. He offered people a choice - to do one thing or another. That is why the god Janus has always been depicted with two faces: looking forward and looking back.


According to the law passed by Caesar, the official start date is January 1. This day symbolizes the end of the outgoing year and the transition to the coming year.


From the ancient Romans we got the day of celebration of the most beloved holiday according to the Gregorian calendar and the name of the first month of the year. The word "January" comes from the name of the Roman god Janus.

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Who starts celebrating first?



The official date of the celebration is January 1. However, we know that our planet does not stand still. It is divided by hemispheres, meridians, and time zones. Therefore, if in one part of the Earth the holiday has already arrived, then in another, most likely, it has not yet.

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So, the very first celebrations begin in the Pacific Ocean. When all over the world old year, in the Pacific Islands of Kiribati They are already celebrating the beginning of the coming year. Gradually it is advancing further west around the world.

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IN Russian Federation New Year is celebrated first in Vladivostok. And then in other cities located to the west.


And who celebrates the celebration later than everyone else? These are the people who inhabit the Pacific island of Midway.

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Holiday in other countries



However, not in all states the official start day of the holiday is January 1. In many other countries the official date is completely different.

  • European countries. Although in Europe, as in Russia, the official day of the celebration is the same, the holiday is practically not celebrated there. Christmas is a national event. It is celebrated on December 25th. In Russia, Christmas is celebrated on January 7th.
  • Kyrgyzstan. Eastern Fraternal Republic. Although with the advent of Soviet power the official day of celebration was January 1, in Kyrgyzstan Nooruz Mayram is considered an official holiday.
  • Kazakhstan. The situation here is the same as with neighboring Kyrgyzstan. We can say that 2 dates of celebration are officially celebrated here: the generally accepted day in the CIS and the Nouryz Meiram holiday.
  • Iran. Nowruz is also considered an official celebration.
  • Bangladesh. In this country, it is customary to celebrate the holiday on April 14th.

As you can see, in different countries The dates of celebration differ. This is due to various customs and traditions.



Which countries celebrate the holiday according to the lunar calendar?


Not all states measure the passage of time according to the Gregorian calendar. This may seem strange to some, but in many countries the lunar calendar is used as the official calendar. In accordance with it, people are guided by the date of the New Year celebration.

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  1. Tibet. Here the celebration is called Losar.
  2. Vietnam. The holiday is called Tet.
  3. Sri Lanka.
  4. Israel and Jewish society. The holiday is officially called Rosh Hashanah.
  5. Cambodia.
  6. China.
  7. Thailand. Songkran is celebrated according to the lunar calendar.
  8. Korea. Here the new year is called Seollal.
  9. Mongolia. The Mongols call it Tsagan Sar.

Also in accordance with lunar calendar All Muslims set the date for the new year.



This beloved Old New Year


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With this celebrated only in the territory former USSR, there are always a lot of jokes associated with the holiday. Thus, foreigners trying to understand its meaning cannot unravel the mysterious Russian tradition of celebrating the holiday twice and calling it by a name completely incomprehensible to them, the meaning of which is directly opposite to the accepted one.


The old new year begins on the night of January 13 to January 14. It is celebrated according to the old style, adopted in Russia before 1918. The celebration was held in accordance with the Julian calendar.


This celebration was abolished when our country switched to the Gregorian calendar. However, the Orthodox Church left the Julian calendar. Therefore everything church holidays are marked exactly according to the old style with amendments to the new one, so that modern people do not get confused with the numbers.


Old New Year is not such an old holiday. It is much younger than the New Year we are used to. It originated in 1918, after Russia switched to the Gregorian calendar. The official date was postponed, but the centuries-old traditions and habits of the people remained. That is why such a holiday appeared with a strange name for foreigners.


Also, the Old New Year is celebrated in all states of the former USSR. This is an unofficial event. Therefore, this day is not recognized as a day off. However, as on the night of January 1, most residents of the CIS sit down at the festive table on January 13 and watch the popularly beloved “Irony of Fate.”


When did New Year become a day off?



Perhaps none official holiday cannot be as loved by Russians as New Year.

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However, as we know, this date was not always accepted:

  • until the 16th century The Julian calendar was taken as a basis. The celebration was held in March and later in September;
  • in 1700 AD Peter the Great issued a decree to change the date to January 1, which is accepted in all civilized countries. But the chronology also corresponded to the Julian calendar;
  • in 1918 the country switched to the Gregorian calendar, which means the date also changed. The celebration began to be celebrated 2 weeks earlier, although the official date remained the same.

In those days, the official name of the celebration was not New Year, but Christmas, accepted in the Orthodox world. It had obvious religious overtones, which, of course, did not please representatives of the Soviet government. Therefore, in 1929, the celebration of Christmas was eliminated by official decree.


However, the established traditions have not gone away. The people needed a holiday. Therefore, in 1935 the celebration was resumed, but already had the usual modern people Name.


It was difficult to celebrate him in those years. It was not possible to organize a holiday on a real Russian scale, because January 1 was an ordinary working day. Everything has changed dramatically in 1947, when January 1 became an official holiday. Since then, the tradition began to celebrate the night from December 31 to January 1 with all the breadth of your soul.

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When does the New Year begin?



What do we associate with the coming of the year? Of course, with a solemn speech by the president on TV and the chimes. When should you start celebrating the New Year?


Here everything depends on each of us, but the main thing is in accordance with the official date (December 31 - January 1).

  • Some consider the first strike of the chimes to be the beginning of the celebration.
  • Some people look at the clock when all the hands converge on 12, then January 1st begins.
  • Those who celebrate January 1st on the street consider the volleys of festive fireworks to be the official beginning.
  • Someone - an address from the president.
  • Some people consider the celebration to have begun when they open their gift under the tree.


When to start celebrating, each of us decides independently. The main thing is to have fun in the outgoing year and celebrate the coming one well!


History of the New Year in Russia

The beginning of the year on January 1 was established by the Roman ruler Julius Caesar in 46 BC. e. The Romans dedicated this day to Janus - the god of entrances and exits, doors and all beginnings. In Rus', after the adoption of Christianity (10th century), the New Year was celebrated on March 1. The beginning of the chronology was the “day of the creation of Adam” (Friday, March 1, 1 year from the “Creation of the World”). New Year for residents Ancient Rus' was a holiday of spring, sun, warmth and anticipation of a new harvest.

The tradition of celebrating the New Year on January 1 appeared in Rus' three centuries ago. The tradition of celebrating the New Year was introduced in Russia by Peter I. Before that, the New Year in Rus' fell on September 1, and even earlier on March 1. And so on December 20, summer 7208 from the creation of the world, Peter I issued a decree stating that the New Year should be celebrated on January 1 and the next “new year” should be considered 1700 from the Nativity of Christ. The first New Year in Russia was noisily celebrated with a parade and fireworks on the night of December 31 to January 1, 1700. The capital then was Moscow, St. Petersburg had not yet been built, so all the celebrations took place on Red Square. However, starting from the new year 1704, the celebrations were moved to the northern capital. The main thing on New Year's holiday in those days there was not a feast, but mass celebrations.

According to the royal instructions of Peter I, Muscovites for the first time decorated their houses for the New Year with branches of pine, juniper and spruce. In Peter’s decree it was written: “On large and thorough streets, noble people and at houses of spiritual and secular rank in front of the gates should make some decorations from pine and juniper trees, and for poor people, at least a tree or branch for each.” The decree did not talk specifically about the Christmas tree, but about trees in general. At first, trees were decorated with sweets, fruits, nuts and even vegetables. all these products served not just as decoration, but also as symbols: apples - a symbol of fertility, nuts - the incomprehensibility of divine providence, eggs - a symbol of developing life, harmony and complete well-being. They began decorating the Christmas tree a little later - in the middle of the 19th century. The decorated spruce first lit up with lights in 1852 in St. Petersburg.

The custom of decorating spruce was born among the inhabitants of Germany. The Germans believed that spruce was a sacred tree, in whose branches lived good spirit forests, defender of truth. The spruce, green at any time of the year, personified immortality, eternal youth, courage, loyalty, longevity and dignity. Even its cones were a symbol of the fire of life and restoration of health. Until the 16th century, it was customary to decorate trees for Christmas, but not to cut them down. On the largest Christmas tree in the forest, every year, at the end of December (when the “sunny” year began), people “hung various gifts"for spirits, to make them kinder, to get a rich harvest. It was believed that spruce branches decorated in this way warded off evil spirits and evil spirits It was from Germany that this custom spread to other countries. The first written source mentioning Christmas tree decoration dates back to 1561. In Alsace, the number of Christmas trees was limited, and it was stated that “each citizen may have at Christmas no more than one tree, which must not be more than eight feet in height,” and the decorations for it must be “ colored paper, apples, waffles, gilding and sugar."

During the 17th century, the custom spread to the mostly Protestant countries surrounding Germany and Scandinavia. The Christmas tree became widespread in Europe only in the 19th century. For example, it is certain that the first Christmas tree in England was erected by Queen Victoria and Prince Albert at Windsor Castle in 1844 as a surprise for the Prince of Wales (later Edward VII) and the eldest princess. In France, Christmas trees spread after 1871 by the French who fled Alsace and Lorraine, which at that time became part of Germany. In America, Christmas trees began to spread in the mid-19th century. In Russia, this custom was introduced by Peter the Great, however, it was prescribed to install Christmas trees not for Christmas, but for the New Year. In the 20s of the 19th century, Christmas trees appeared in the homes of St. Petersburg Germans, and already in the 40s, Christmas trees became very popular in the urban environment, mainly in the capitals.

Over time, people got used to the new winter holiday. The evening before the New Year began to be called “generous.” A bountiful festive table, according to popular belief, ensured well-being for the entire coming year and was considered a guarantee of family wealth. Therefore, they tried to decorate it with everything that they would like to have in abundance. In the center New Year's table they put pig meat (often a two- to three-week-old pig roasted on a spit), which, due to its fertility, was perceived as a symbol of beauty. It was customary in every home to stock up on pork products, which were consumed until Lent. Fish dishes were also popular. Dessert usually included berries, vegetables and nuts boiled in honey. Vodka, which at that time was called wine, varied in its strength: “boyar”, “simple”. There was a separate vodka for women - it was infused with molasses. Vodka was also infused with herbs: mint, mustard, juniper, and even lemon peels. Imported wines - Greek, French, Hungarian, Italian (“Fryazhsky”) appeared at that time only in the houses of the nobility, since they were expensive.

It was believed that the New Year's table should be equal in abundance to the Christmas one, but there should not be poultry, game birds or a hare on it, since there was a belief that in this case happiness would fly away or gallop away from the house. They also believed that the New Year should be celebrated in a new dress and new shoes, because then all next year you will wear new clothes. Usually, before the New Year, all debts were repaid, all insults were forgiven, and those who were in a quarrel were obliged to make peace. Before the New Year, they threw out all the broken dishes from the house, washed the windows and mirrors.

At the beginning of the 19th century, champagne became popular in Russia - a drink that today no one can do without. New Year's feast. Champagne gained wide popularity after the victory over Napoleon. In 1813, upon entering Reims, Russian troops, as victors, devastated the wine cellars of the famous house of Madame Clicquot. However, Madame Clicquot did not even try to stop the robbery, wisely deciding that “Russia will cover the losses.” The fame of the quality of its products spread throughout Russia. Within three years, the enterprising widow received more orders from the Russian Empire than in her homeland. In war-ravaged France, champagne was poorly purchased, but in rich Russia it was received with enthusiasm, and it instantly became almost a national drink. By the end of the 19th century, Russia became the largest consumer of this sparkling wine. In 1825, for example, Veuve Clicquot sold 252,452 bottles of champagne in Russia. This accounted for almost 90% of the company's total production. Prosper Merimee wrote: “Veuve Clicquot made Russia drunk. Here they call her wine “Klikovskoe” and don’t drink anything else.”

If previously Russians decorated their houses only with coniferous branches, then in the middle of the 19th century they began to decorate only Christmas trees. The first dressed-up beauty lit up the room with lights in 1852. And by the end of the 19th century, this beautiful custom had already become familiar not only in Russian cities, but also in villages. The New Year's menu becomes more varied at this time. IN New Year's menu In the second half of the 19th century, salmon, caviar, smelt and vendace, cheeses were already present - along with the same radishes and pickles. Game competed with suckling pig fried with buckwheat porridge. Apparently, by that time the sign of “flying away happiness” had already been forgotten. In the middle of the 19th century, the Christmas goose with apples “moved” to the New Year’s table. It's time for soft drinks, ice cream and cognacs.

At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, French, Spanish fortified, Italian and German wines were drunk. Of course, we drank vodka, liqueurs and liqueurs, Russian homemade and German beer. In the ceremonial feast of those times, the beauty of the table decoration was valued no less than the quality of the prepared food. Moreover, not only the setting and served dishes had to be beautiful. By the beginning of the twentieth century, anchovies, lobsters, and sardines began to appear on the New Year's table. It was impossible to do without the notorious pig and goose with apples, but hazel grouse and turkeys were already competing with them. Every year, the Petersburg Newspaper informed its readers about how many thousands of piglets, turkeys, geese, ducks and chickens were eaten in St. Petersburg on New Year's and Christmas days.

In St. Petersburg at the beginning of the twentieth century, the season of balls and festive festivities began with Christmas. Numerous Christmas trees with obligatory gifts were organized for children, ice palaces and mountains were built for public entertainment, and free performances were given. According to tradition, St. Petersburg residents celebrated Christmas and Christmas Eve at home, with their families. But in New Year's Eve made reservations at restaurants or entertainment venues.

Entertainment establishments in the capital of Russia at that time were very different. There were aristocratic restaurants: “Kyuba” on Bolshaya Morskaya Street, or “Bear” on Bolshaya Konyushennaya. Customs kvass, as champagne wine was called, was exterminated here in dozens of boxes. They served it not only to the servants, but also to the horses of the waiting guests. The revelry got to the point that one day a certain visitor ordered the deposits to be scattered in the mud and, stepping on them, he got into the carriage. The more democratic “Donon” gathered writers, artists, scientists, and graduates of the School of Law at its tables. The traditional drink here was zhzhenka. The capital's elite - people of art and literature - held their evenings in the fashionable "Kontan", on the Moika. The evening's program includes a lyrical divertissement with the participation of the best Russian and foreign artists, a virtuoso Romanian orchestra; Ladies were presented with free flowers. Literary youth preferred artistic cabarets to ordinary restaurants. The most colorful of them was “Stray Dog” on Mikhailovskaya Square. Theatrical performances, lectures, poetry and musical evenings were held here.

But, along with such restaurants for the intelligent public, there were establishments of a completely different kind. The winter cafe "Villa Rode" appeared in St. Petersburg in 1908. At Villa Rode there was a large summer theater and a summer veranda-restaurant with a stage where the best singers and dramatic artists performed. During lunches and dinners, a Hungarian concert orchestra played and a gypsy choir performed. The Villa Rode restaurant very quickly gained incredible popularity, especially among the St. Petersburg bohemian public. However, this restaurant also had a somewhat scandalous reputation. According to contemporaries, a brothel also settled here. Young ladies from respectable families were not recommended to visit this establishment. One of the signature “foods” of this restaurant, not included in the regular menu, was the festive dish “Venus”. A group of waiters, led by the manager, brought a huge tray into the hall, on which a naked girl reclined among flowers, dill, parsley and other garnishes. “Venus” aroused frantic delight among visitors: in her honor they drank champagne, pouring it over the girl and generously sprinkling her with banknotes. We had a snack, of course, with the side dish served. This bacchanalia cost visitors huge amounts of money at that time. In addition, the festive menu included “mermaids bathing in champagne”, “odalisques dancing on tables among the dishes”, “living Roman swings” (swinging a naked girl in her arms).

After the revolution of 1917, a battle was declared against bourgeois prejudices. Christmas - away! Well, where there is Christmas, there is, naturally, a Christmas tree. There was an active anti-Christmas tree campaign in the press. On January 24, 1918, the Council of People's Commissars adopted the “Decree on the introduction of the Western European calendar in the Russian Republic.” As a result, “Russian” Christmas shifted from December 25 to January 7, and New Year from January 1 to January 14. In 1918, by Lenin’s decree, Russia switched to the Gregorian calendar, which by the 20th century overtook the Julian by 13 days. February 1, 1918 was immediately declared the 14th. But Orthodox Church did not accept this transition and announced that she would celebrate Christmas according to the old Julian calendar. Ever since then Orthodox Christmas in Russia it is celebrated on January 7 (December 25, old style). It was a difficult time for all of Russia. Food was distributed on ration cards, and unground oats were given instead of bread. Despite the famine, Christmas trees were organized for children in Petrograd. However, these trees turned out to be the last ones on long years. In 1919, the new authorities canceled both Christmas and New Year. Former holidays turned into ordinary working days, and the Christmas tree was recognized as a “priestly” custom.

In 1935 the "highest directive" changed. It turned out that the New Year is a wonderful holiday, which can also once again testify to the achievements of the country of Soviets. True, the star on its top has turned from Bethlehem into a “symbol of the new world” - red five-pointed star. In October 1935, the card system was finally abolished. A time of relative prosperity has arrived in the country. The New Year began to be celebrated magnificently and deliciously. However, the Soviet New Year's table did not become elegant - even sausage cut into circles could decorate it. However, Eliseev’s former stores still sold hazel grouse and caviar. Every child's dream was to go to main tree countries - first in the Hall of Columns of the House of Unions, and since 1954 - on the Kremlin Christmas tree.

Since 1947, January 1 has again become a “red day of the calendar,” that is, a non-working day. In the hungry forties, the New Year was celebrated with vodka, boiled potatoes and herring, decorated with onion rings. Life became more fun in the fifties. Celebrating the New Year was no longer considered reprehensible. And it became possible to gather not only in a narrow circle, but also in a large group. On the tables appeared: jelly, herring under a fur coat, Baltic sprats. The “second coming of Olivier salad” has arrived. Lucien Olivier kept the method of preparing the salad a secret and with his death the secret of the recipe was considered lost. However, the main ingredients were known, and in 1904, the salad recipe was reproduced. Here is its composition; 2 hazel grouse, veal tongue, a quarter pound of pressed caviar, half a pound of fresh lettuce, 25 pieces of boiled crayfish, half a jar of pickles, half a jar of kabul soybeans, two fresh cucumbers, a quarter of a pound of capers, 5 hard-boiled eggs. For the sauce: Provencal mayonnaise should be prepared with French vinegar from 2 eggs and 1 pound of Provencal (olive) oil. According to the original pre-revolutionary recipe, the salad was supposed to contain hazel grouse, tongues, anchovies, pressed caviar, crayfish and other delicacies that unspoiled Soviet citizens had never heard of. From the previous salad, only the name was preserved: hazel grouse were replaced by doctor's sausage and other products available to everyone. The Olivier salad was prepared in a “large basin” and generously seasoned with mayonnaise.

The New Year's table was the same for most Soviet people, this was explained by the presence of a small variety of products in stores. “Khrushchev’s loaves” appeared in Leningrad, the color of which was close to blue. Due to the lack of flour, the “signature” dish of the New Year’s table of 63-64 became “Khrushchev pie” - the pulp was taken out of the loaf, the filling was put inside, and the whole thing was baked in the oven. Roasted pig, goose or duck on the New Year's table were also desirable, but not required. The main event on New Year’s Day was the opening of a bottle of “Soviet champagne” to the sound of the Kremlin chimes. Dances and masquerades were almost completely excluded from New Year's program, since in cramped apartments we had to choose: either a table or dancing. And with the advent of televisions in Soviet families, the table finally won. For the New Year, television has always prepared an extensive entertainment program: The annual “Blue Lights” were especially popular.

The real era of scarcity began in the mid-70s. In 1972 there was a severe drought. At the end of summer, food began to disappear in stores and queues appeared for potatoes.
In the stores there were jars of juice, pickled cucumbers, tomatoes, jam, marmalade, and marmalade. Tangerines and oranges appeared on the shelves only before the New Year. In the 70s, the shortage of food in stores contrasted pleasantly with the abundant tables that were set in homes during the holidays. Despite the fact that the store shelves were empty, there was abundance on the holiday tables. Thrifty housewives saved scarce goods for the holiday: cans of canned fish, stewed meat, canned Bulgarian vegetables, wine, champagne. For the holiday, enterprises usually “threw away” food packages: sausage, cheese, mayonnaise. Sprats, sardines, and cod liver were prepared in advance. Chocolate sweets were brought in advance from Moscow and saved until the New Year. And just before the New Year, we specially went to Moscow for food, where the provision was better than in other cities, and brought food and unprecedented delicacies from there: for example, pineapple or chocolate candies"Bear in the north".

The Olivier salad became an indispensable attribute of the Soviet New Year's table. The “main” Soviet salad, with minor variations, included boiled sausage, green peas, boiled potatoes, pickled cucumber, egg, onion and mayonnaise - products more or less available in those days. The festive tables also included the indispensable “herring under a fur coat”, vinaigrettes, jellied meat and, as the pinnacle of the culinary delights of Soviet housewives, stuffed fish. In the late 70s, women in the multimillion-dollar Soviet country looked up to the then icon of style and fashion, Barbara Brylska, who showed a rather inappropriate image of Soviet thinking in the film “The Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath.”

In the 80s, most people made New Year's gifts for their relatives on their own, since there was very little choice. You could buy a book, a bottle of perfume, an electric razor, etc. They bought firecrackers and sparklers - at that time this was the only “pyrotechnics” with the help of which they kept the fun going. Only rocket launchers, which not everyone had, could add variety to such fun. In every New Year's home, children were looking forward to gifts, and adults were hoping for changes for the better.

The situation with products during the Gorbachev era practically did not change. Residents of all nearby cities went to Moscow to buy food. At this time, a new scourge fell on the heads of Soviet citizens: the anti-alcohol campaign. All over the country, all alcohol disappeared from store shelves, restaurants and cafes. Dejected Soviet citizens had to give up traditional Soviet champagne, since it was impossible to get it by any means. People switched to moonshine, cologne, medical alcohol and other home-made booze.

On New Year's Eve, everyone traditionally gathered around a festively laid table, said goodbye to the old year and welcomed the new one. We watched TV, listened to music, went to discos. In the mid-80s, gr. “Earthlings”, “Aquarium”, “Sunday”, “Time Machine”. Alla Pugacheva tried to stand out from the crowd with her airy, vast robes, and Valery Leontyev scared elderly grandmothers with his terribly tight trousers. At discos they play: “Mirage”, “KarMan”, “Tender May”, “Na-Na” and a performer parodying Western musical performers Sergei Minaev. Hits of famous foreign musical groups and performers are increasingly heard: “Modern Talking”, Madonna, Michael Jackson, “Scorpions” and others.

In 1991, with the beginning of the Yeltsin era, after an almost 75-year break, Russia began to celebrate the Nativity of Christ again. January 7 was declared a non-working day: Christmas services were shown on TV and Russians were explained how to celebrate the holy holiday. However, the traditions of celebrating Christmas in Russia have already been lost. Several generations of Soviet people, brought up in the spirit of atheism, did not understand either the essence or form of this holiday. However, the extra day off was accepted with pleasure.

IN modern Russia Little has changed since then. For example, almost every family installs a live or artificial New Year tree at home. People still strive to set a rich table. And everyone is looking forward to the guests. They prepare gifts, trying to please family and friends. Traditional New Year's dishes are placed on the festive table - Olivier salad, herring under a fur coat, jellied meat, jellied fish, champagne. A few minutes before the onset of the New Year, a television address from the President of Russia is broadcast, and then, in every house, the clink of glasses is heard along with the striking of the Kremlin chimes!

Today, no one imagines the New Year without an elegant fluffy Christmas tree, which pleases everyone not only with its beauty, but also with the gifts that Santa Claus traditionally puts under it. And the New Year has held the position of a favorite for many years family holiday Russians.

New Year is one of the oldest holidays known to mankind. Its history goes back more than 2500 years. The ancient custom of celebrating the New Year was born in Mesopotamia - on the territory of modern Iraq and its authorship belongs to the Sumerians. It was they, according to modern scientists, who began to celebrate the New Year, around 500 BC.


The New Year was also celebrated in Babylon. Back then, the New Year was celebrated at the end of March, after the water in the rivers had risen and agricultural work had begun. For almost two weeks, the inhabitants of ancient Babylon celebrated the victory of the light forces over the dark ones. Even then, this holiday vaguely resembled the modern Brazilian carnival, when a procession begins on the streets of the city, in which almost all residents participate. At this time, it was strictly forbidden to carry out any work, as well as to execute criminals and fight. A clay tablet that has survived to this day tells that the New Year in Babylon marked the beginning of unbridled fun, when all rules and orders were abolished, and the world around was almost literally turned upside down. Slaves no longer obeyed their masters and turned into masters themselves. This plot is even described in the Bible. The fact is that the authors of the holy scripture were just in captivity by the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar during a two-week holiday dedicated to the New Year. Further, this tradition was adopted from the Jews by the inhabitants of Europe.


The British New Year began in March and only by decision of Parliament in the mid-18th century its celebration was moved to January 1. Very interesting was the reaction of women who believed that postponing the New Year would have a negative impact on the age of some of them. Thus, some women will become older. The parliamentarians greeted these protest sentiments with a smile and once again joked about feminine logic– naive and merciless.

Ancient Rus'

In Rus', the beginning of the year also occurred in spring, when nature woke up and it was time to harvest. That is why the New Year in Rus' began on March 1st. At a later time, namely in the 14th century, a church council issued a decree according to which the New Year's celebration was postponed for another 6 months, namely to September 1. Three centuries later, Peter I zealously took up the matter, instilling in Rus' the traditions and morals of Western Europeans. With the help of his decree, the reformer king decided to move the New Year celebration to January 1. This tradition lives on in Russia to this day. Tsar Peter also decreed that in order to commemorate the onset of the New Year, we should have fun uncontrollably and send festive, grateful greetings to each other.

New Year traditions in Rus'

It was with Peter I that the tradition of decorating the Christmas tree and organizing large festive gatherings began in Rus'. Moreover, about drunkenness, Peter’s decree said unequivocally: “drunkenness and massacres should not be committed” and, as an option, it was proposed to transfer these fun to other days of the year. But in the 17th century, just as now festive fireworks were loudly fired from cannons, crowds of merrymakers roamed the streets, accompanying the New Year with songs and dances. And so that the holiday became more colorful and noisy every year, Peter I personally ensured that his New Year’s decree was properly observed and celebrated widely and on a grand scale. Moreover, the state treasury did not spare any funds for this. So that it’s no worse than in these Europeans of yours. By the way, dress up christmas tree people invented it to appease spirits. Now, when decorating the Christmas tree, we only care about the festive atmosphere, and don’t even think about evil spirits. Apparently we removed them a long time ago.

Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden

Adults like to repeat that Santa Claus does not exist, although every time they themselves wonder, is this really so? It turns out to be a painfully beautiful and believable legend. They say that Grandfather Frost really existed and his other name was Nikolai the Wonderworker. He got his name for a reason, but thanks to the miracles that this kind wizard performed. In different countries he is called differently: in Eastern Europe - Nikolai, in Western Europe - Klaus. But regardless of the name, the image of Santa Claus is the image of a good wizard who, once a year, is able to create a miracle for everyone who believes in him. But everyone’s favorite Snow Maiden is a young character in all respects, who appeared in the USSR only in 1935 and congratulated children on New Year's parties. In the former countries of the USSR, the New Year is impossible without the Snow Maiden, so what Santa Claus copes with alone in the countries of Western Europe, in our country, is transferred to the fragile shoulders of the young Snow Maiden and her grandfather, Grandfather Frost. Unfortunately, it was not possible to establish the missing link between grandfather and granddaughter, in the person of Snegurochka’s parents.