
Mask under the eyes of cottage cheese. For face around the eye masks - mandatory skin care. Masks from dark circles under the eyes

Mask under the eyes of cottage cheese. For face around the eye masks - mandatory skin care. Masks from dark circles under the eyes

Effective rejuvenating cosmetics can be found not only on store shelves. Nature gave us wonderful products that help to stop aging. Masks against wrinkles with honey - a simple home product that gives stunning results. The skin is smoothed, the color is aligned, when adding other products, you can get the effect of lifting. Below are the most interesting recipes with honey from wrinkles around the eyes, on face, lips.
It is important to remember that home cosmetics Requires the use of high-quality ingredients. The compositions do not need to be stored, prepare immediately before use. Also when choosing a recipe from honey from wrinkles, pay attention to additional products. If some of them is not suitable, poorly tolerated, causes allergies or itching, then we are looking for an alternative.

Masks with honey from wrinkles on face

Home rejuvenating tools can be used to prevent skin aging, at the first signs or already pronounced problems. In any case, they will show positive result. Honey from wrinkles on the face most often used in masks. To achieve a good result, it is recommended to make them a couple of times a week with courses of 10 procedures.

Recipe with egg

Very often used from wrinkle honey with an egg. But it is important to pay attention to the skin type. If it is greasy, then give preference to the protein. With a dry type, we use yolks.

  • 1 yolk or protein;
  • 15 g honey;
  • 10 ml of cream.

Yolk or protein, depending on the type of skin, beat the fork, add a melted honey and cream. Stir. Apply the resulting composition on the face, including the area around the eyes, neck. To withstand half an hour, wash off.

Gelatin with honey from wrinkle

Another very famous anti-aging mask recipe. Gelatin contains collagen compounds, so it is often used to restore the skin, smoothing, eliminating small wrinkles. Gelatin take the most common loose, you can use an instant product.

  • 5 g gelatin;
  • 15 g honey;
  • 5 ml of peach oil;
  • 25 ml of milk.

Mix with milk the specified amount of gelatin, leave for half an hour. If instant granules are used, then the time is indicated on the instructions. We add to the swollen gelatin oil and honey to the swollen, we all put on a water bath, dissolve. We apply a warm mixture on the skin, withstand 20 minutes.

Masks from wrinkles and fatigue around the eyes

Eyes most often give our fatigue, thin skin is covered with wrinkles, swells, dark circles appear, swelling. Usually honey for the skin around the eyes are used in the morning. It is at this time of day.

Honey around eye with aloe

To do this, the drug can be used by juice from the aloe sheet or the finished extract. The composition can be stored in the refrigerator up to five days.

  • 15 g honey;
  • 5 ml of aloe juice.

Singing aloe juice, mix with honey in equal proportions. Lubricate the area around the eyes, leave for ten minutes. Rinse the skin with cool water.

It is noteworthy that - effective tool For prevention in the cold season.

Mask around the eyes with honey and cottage cheese

This remedy is great for mature skin, smoothes small wrinkles, nourishes and moisturizes the skin.

  • 25 g of cottage cheese;
  • 15 g honey;
  • 10 g sour cream.

To lose your cottage cheese with sour cream, add a melted honey. Apply a mask with a thick layer forever and under the eyes, leave for 20 minutes. Remove with a wet cloth, the face is rinsed with warm water.

Recipes with honey from bags and bruises under the eyes

The skin under the eyes is very thin, it often shines, prone to swelling, bruises and bags appear. And then the honey will help to cope with the problem. There are several effective recipes.

Mask with potatoes

To remove bags under the eyes of honey, raw potatoes will be required, sometimes use juice for such a mask. This remedy relieves swelling and swelling, which formed due to the abuse of salty products and alcohol on the eve.

  • 25 g honey;
  • 20 g potatoes.

In grate the potatoes in small, connect with a melted honey, lubricate the problem areas. You can distribute on the napkin, attached to the centuries. After 15 minutes, remove the skin was washed with cold water or wipe ice.

Mask with parsley from bruises

Parsley is known for their clarifying properties. It can not only withdraw the freckles, but also dark circles that are usually formed around the eyes. In the people they are called bruises.

  • 1 tsp. parsley juice;
  • 2 drops of lemon juice;
  • 1 h. L Mid.

Fresh greens chop the blender, you can use and twigs. Squeeze juice, mix with honey and lemon. Apply on bruises, give it to absorb 15 minutes. Remains with a napkin, wipe the skin with tonic. This means can be prepared with a grated cucumber or its juice.

Also honey will help the bruise under the eye, which appeared due to the blow. To do this, the 0.5 teaspoon of the product is mixed with the same amount of cream with Badagi, they are applied with a thick layer on the bruise. The procedure is carried out to four times a day, the remnants of the means are removed by a wet disk.

Mask from cottage cheese is a well-known folk cosmetic agent with moisturizing, softening and refreshing effects.

Cottage cheese - natural productwhich can be not only an excellent source of calcium for the body, but also serve as the main ingredient of a variety of masks for all skin types.

The benefits of cottage cheese for skin

Cottage cheese - vitamin storehouse, the number of which varies depending on the degree of fatness of the product (see the table below; the values \u200b\u200bof the amount of substances are indicated in milligrams / 100 grams of the product).

Name Vitamin

Type of curd




Of these, vitamins A, C, E and RR are most popular in cosmetology, which can be easily checked by you at the first campaign to the cosmetics store. Vitamin A softens the skin, vitamin C removes redness and skin irritation, and also stimulates the production of collagen, Vitamin PP protects the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet, and vitamin E is known for its antioxidant properties. In external use, the latter reduces the visibility of the scars, helps reduce the number of free radicals that cause the appearance of wrinkles. However, it is worth noting for objectivity that the vitamins contained in the cottage cheese give a full-fledged positive effect only if, in addition to the external application of the vitamine-containing product, take useful substances internally.

Cottage cheese also contains such minerals needed for health, like calcium and magnesium.

Due to the composition of this ferocular product, a mask of cottage cheese is a very useful cosmetological agent, a recipe for which one representative of the beautiful floor should be taken at the notes.

Mask of cottage cheese for face

Before proceeding directly to the well-known recipes for variations of cottage cheese masks for the face, I would like to stay on some important recommendations of their preparation and application.

  1. The best cottage cheese for the use of cosmetics - cottage cheese, cooked personally or bought on the market, as they say, "home". We advise you to buy a "verified" seller, and if there is no such - choose the product carefully. Pay attention to the color of cottage cheese: it must be uniform, white or have a light cream shade. If cottage cheese is gray, with blue or, if there are nozzles in it pink colour- Go past: He is spoiled. Feel free to ask to try the product: light sourness testifies to freshness, pronounced acid or sweetness - that curd walked on the counter. It smells of fresh cottage cheese with tender creamy acid, but in no case sharply.
  2. In addition, buying cottage cheese, pay attention to its fat. To be guided by the principle: what fatty skinThe smaller the fat content of cottage cheese. For dry skin - fatty cottage cheese, for fatty - low fat, and for normal, respectively, - bold.
  3. If the experience of cooking and applying a homemade mask from cottage cheese for you is a new product or a ready-made mixture, first tested on the skin of the wrist, excluding an allergic reaction.
  4. Prepare the mixture needed immediately before use.
  5. Before applying - remove makeup and dust.
  6. Apply a mask from cottage cheese, like any other, moving from the back of the nose to the temples, from upper Lip. To the horses of the ears, from the chin to the temples.
  7. When the mask is applied, you need to move time, lie on the bed or sofa. At the same time, it is better to remove the pillow, and under the feet to put the roller - it will improve the influx of blood. You have 15-20 minutes, which belong only to you: Try to relax and think about something good.
  8. After removing the cottage cheese mask using watering of water contrast temperatures, massage the face. Apply on it that suits your skin type cream.

Contraindications Masks from cottage cheese do not have. The only thing worth considering is a skin type: choose ingredients need to be taking into account the tasks that the mask must solve.

Acne cottage cheese mask

Each of us at least once in life had to deal with the problem of acne on the face. Someone was lucky more, and acne remained only in the memories of the young age with its raging hormones. But there are those who continue to spoil life, appearing "according to the law of meanness" before important events in life when you need to appear in front of the world in all its glory. How to be in this case? Of course, to join the decisive struggle.

There are many acne treatment methods. If they are caused by temporary factors, wear a shallow character and a small localization, you can get rid of them, prepare a mask at home. One of the effective folk remedies is a mask of cottage cheese.

When the Spring window, there is a fresh sorrel on sale, you can cook the next recipe. A tablespoon of cottage cheese (hereinafter - art. L.) Mix with a chopped sorrel, add protein and honey - one teaspoon (hereinafter - h. L.) It should be held on the face for 15-20 minutes, then wash off with water.

There is another variation of mask from acne cottage cheese. Need: Art. l. low-fat curd and h. l. lemon juice. Mix with a dense layer on the skin. Running off after 15-20 minutes, warm clean water.

Face mask from cottage cheese and honey

About the miraculous influence of honey on the skin is known for a long time. To the number of it useful properties Believe:

  1. Moisturizing. Fruit sugars contained in honey bind and retain liquid.
  2. Antiseptic effect.
  3. Softening the skin.

Beauty recipes, which include honey, contribute to the return of youth and elasticity of the skin, give it a healthy and well-groomed appearance.

Probably, every woman knows the gangs of the ancient Egyptian government of Cleopatra. Of course, it is difficult to imagine a contemporary representative of the weak gender, regularly bathing in milk and honey. But to note cosmetic techniques, known to humanity has long been long, and adapt them to the current living conditions - quite real.

For example, you can prepare the following tools for fading skin care at home:

  1. Mask from cottage cheese and honey. It is necessary for her cooking Art. l. cottage cheese, 2 tbsp. l. Warm milk, h. l. Honey and lemon juice. They need to mix, apply on the face.
  2. Mask of cottage cheese, honey and strawberry mask. They also need to mix thoroughly in this ratio: at one art. l. Milk and honey for h. l. Strawberry puree. Then add half spoons olive oil and can be applied to the face.

And that, and another mask of cottage cheese need to keep on the face no more than 20 minutes, and then rinse with water using a contrasting method of washing.

Such masks have contraindications in case you are allergic to honey (or strawberries). You can check the possibility of an allergic reaction, causing a little mask on the wrist and waiting 20 minutes.

Sour cream and cottage cheese mask

Due to its composition sour cream, hebly affects the state of our skin. It saves from unpleasant sensations when sun burns, softens, moisturizes and whitens the skin.

Sour cream and cottage cheese - the basis of several masks for different types Skin. At home is easy to prepare one of the following recipes.

  1. Whitening mask with a comprehensive effect: 1 tbsp. l. Sour creams, 1 tbsp. l. cottage cheese and 1 tsp. Sea salt - mix and applied to the skin for 5-7 minutes.
  2. Nourishing mask: equal ratio mix cottage cheese, sour cream, olive oil and carrot juice. Keep on the skin for 15 minutes.
  3. Softening mask from cottage cheese and sour cream. There are two recipe variations. First: on 2 tbsp. l. Cottage cheese or sour cream - 1 tsp. Honey, 10 drops of lemon juice and pinch of salt. Second: 2 tbsp. l. Mix fatty cottage cheese with a finely chopped greenery of parsley. Time actions - 15 minutes.
  4. Mask for fading skin: 1 tbsp. l. Grease cottage cheese and 1 tbsp. l. Smetasses mix from 1 tsp. juice or with chopped parsley, 1 tsp. Lemon juice and a half h. l. olive oil.
  5. Toning mask. Posted: 1 tbsp. l. cottage cheese, 2 tbsp. l. sour cream and 1 tsp. Salt salt.

The listed masks can be alternating, using once a week, or enjoy the most suitable skin type recipe.

Mask with cottage cheese and egg

The useful properties of the eggs for the skin of the face and hair are known from the long time. The composition of the folk agents can enter both an egg and, protein or yolk, separately. The protein has a drying effect and perfectly tightened the pores, and the yolk - nourishes and moisturizes the skin. Besides chicken eggs, in home cosmetology You can also use quail.

For dry skin, the mask of the following components is suitable for drying: cottage cheese (1 tbsp. L.), Vegetable oil (2 h. L.), One egg. In cosmetology items it is better to use unrefined sunflower oil: It moisturizes dry skin, has mitigating and regenerating qualities and smoothes small wrinkles.

A mask of cottage cheese is suitable for any skin type (2 art. L.) And the following components: 2 yolks, 1 tbsp. l. olive oil of cold spin, 1 tsp. Cognac. Cottage cheese needs to be confused and mix with the other components. Then apply a mask on the skin of the face, neck and zone neckline. Hold 10 minutes, then put the mask and under the eyes, leave everything for 5 minutes. Flush with warm water. If after the procedure you have a little mixture, put it in a closed form in the refrigerator. The next day, repeat the manipulation. The mask can be stored in the refrigerator up to three days. In order that the effect of the procedure was noticeable, you need to repeat it for five days - the skin will smooth, it will become softer, and the amount of small wrinkles will decrease.

Mask for hair from cottage cheese

Above the use of cottage cheese for skin, it will be fair to note that this fermented milk product, due to its composition, is also perfect for hair care.

Recipes masks from cottage cheese for hair There are a lot. Below we give the most famous of them, characterized by ease of preparation at home.

One of the most popular recipes called in the Internet "Tsarica Cleopatra's mask" is a mixture of low-fat curd and fruit puree. The fruit puree can be prepared using a blender from fruits that are at hand, not forgetting to check if you have allergies on them. For dry hair, it will be suitable: avocado, apricot, melon, mandarin; For fatty: pear, red currant, raspberry, and for normal - orange, grapes, kiwi and peach. Modern option This mask also assumes the addition of collagen, which can be bought at the pharmacy. One gram of substance is on average 5 hryvnia; For the preparation of the mask, 1-5 grams are required - depending on the length. The mask is prepared as follows: low-fat cottage cheese (2 art. L.), Fruit puree (1 Art. L.) And collagen are thoroughly mixed. Then the resulting mass is needed circular movements Linced into the scalp, massaging roots, residues - distribute over the entire length of the hair. Keep this mask from cottage cheese costs 20 minutes, after which it must be washed with warm water with a shampoo.

If the hair lost his shine and need urgent strengthening, take a mask from cottage cheese (3 art. L.) And cocoa powder (2 hours l.) They need to be mixed by adding some warm water. Apply the resulting mass on the hair and keep for an hour. In order to increase the efficiency of the procedure - wrap the hair with a warm towel. Ring off is recommended with warm purified water and shampoo.

Moisturizing hair mask can be prepared from cottage cheese and milk. To begin with, you need to warm up 100 ml of milk, then mix it with 3 tbsp. spoons of cottage cheese. Weave the mass on the hair and leave for 30 minutes. Flush with warm purified water.

From the dry hair will help to get rid of a mask of cottage cheese (3 art. L.), Honey and olive oil (for the same one): they need to be mixed thoroughly, apply on the roots, and then along the entire length of the hair. No head needed. After waiting for half an hour, it was washed off with a shampoo.

As a rule, the result after such procedures does not cause long to wait. If it is not particularly noticeable - do not worry. Try repeating manipulation during the next hair washing. Remember, home masks are most effective when regular use.

Cottage cheese mask

Since the skin of the eyelid is very sensitive and gentle, with masks you need to be careful. Therefore, the mask is imposed through gauze. Rinse is recommended with a decoction of herbs: a pharmacy chamomile or parsley, a decoction of lime color is also suitable. Wipe the skin better with a napkin, light movements. Ingredients included in the masks from cottage cheese for the age should be fresh, and the masks themselves are cooked immediately before applying.

We will get acquainted with several simple recipes:

  1. Mask of cottage cheese from dark circles Under the eyes: Cottage cheese wrapped in gauze, you just need to hold on the eyes of 10 minutes. Then wipe the skin with ice cube. Repeat the procedure is recommended at least 2 times a week. It will improve blood circulation in small vessels and will return the natural color of the skin around the eyes.
  2. Medovo-cottage cheese mask. 3 h. Rubbed with a spoonful of honey to a creamy state. Thoroughly covering the area around the eyes, leave a lot of 15 minutes. Carefully clean the skin with a cotton sponge, moistened with a pre-cold milk.
  3. Ryabinovaya mask from cottage cheese. The tablespoon of berries is triggered to the state of the cashem, mixes with a spoon of rearranged cottage cheese, egg yolk and honey. When the mass becomes homogeneous, wrap it with a piece of gauze and attach to the eyes. Time of action mask - 15-20 minutes.

Regular use of such masks from cottage cheese activates blood circulation and return its elasticity of the skin around the eyes.

Masks - a folk remedy that is often used by women for beauty and health of the skin and hair.

Widely used in practice different kinds cosmetic masks. Eye masks can be an independent procedure or used after steam bath, hot compress. Masks are divided into mitigating, degreasing, disinfecting, binders, nutritious, whitening, exfoliating, absorbing.

Masks effect depends on their composition. The masks may include fats both vegetable and animal origin, flour - oatmeal, wheat, potato, raw eggs or yolk, juices of medicinal plants, fruits, vegetables and other components.

How to do?

Not all masks that you use are suitable for the skin around the eyes and a century, as it is very gentle and sensitive. Do not put the mask right on the skin. The mask on the skin around the eye is imposed through gauze. The masks are held for 15-20 minutes, then washed off with warm or cool water, but best of all the decoction of vegetable info (chamomile, parsley, lime color, flower petals, etc.). Then the skin can be blown up with a napkin or leave drying naturally.

Masks are usually used by courses two or three times a week. The compositions of the eye masks should be immaculately fresh, so they should be prepared directly before the procedure. Regular use of masks activates blood circulation in the skin, increases its elasticity, has a healing effect. It is believed that eye masks, as well as creams and lotions, it is necessary to change from time to time so that it does not have addiction that will reduce and their effectiveness.

A long continued redness of the eyelids and peeling testifies to their illness, followed by eyelashes. In this case, gel masks for the eyes are well helped, additionally moisturizing skin. They strengthen the cells that have lost the ability to regenerate and stimulate the production of collagen. In addition, the cold gel mask will give the feeling of freshness to centuries. Only in no case put the gel in the freezer. This mask is effective and in the swelling of the eyelid, which decreases for ten minutes.

Home Recipes Masks Around Eye

We offer your attention the most efficient and useful folk recipes for eye masks that quickly and easily do at home.

With carrots and potatoes

Sutitate on the grater two fresh carrots and mix with two spoons of potato flour and one egg yolk. The resulting mass is applied to the skin. After 20 minutes, wash the mask first hot, then cold water. Mask from carrots feeds, smoothes and refreshes the skin around the eyes. It acts well on the skin, and it can be done quite often.

Oatmeal mask for skin around the eyes

Even if you do not like oatmeal (although oatmeal kissel is very often useful in gastric diseases), this is a pretty necessary thing. The skin around the eye often needs soothing means, especially if it is inflamed. Perfectly remove inflammation can oatmeal mask. Two spoons of oatmeal pour four spoons of cream or milk. When flakes are swept, place the mass between the pieces of gauze and put it on the skin. Leave your face mask for 20 minutes. After the completion of the procedure, rinse the face with cold water. Mask smoothes gentle dry skin around the eyes.

Smoothing Strawberry Composition

If you are going to eat a portion of strawberries with cream, leave 2-3 berries and one spoon of cream on the eye mask. The skin around the eyes, like the whole organism, suffers from lack of vitamins. The mask is preparing as follows. Strawberry, together with cream, break the fork and prepare a thick mass. Add a spoonful of honey. Put the mass between gauze pieces and leave on the face for 20 minutes. Wipe your skin with a cotton swab dipped in milk. This mask has a nutritious, refreshing and smoothing effect on the skin around the eyes.

Moisturizing Mask with Malina

Take one tablespoon of raspberry berries, frow them and drop your cotton swab into the resulting juice. This tampone is moving around the eye several times. After 15-20 minutes, wipe the skin with a wet tampon.

With apricot and cream

Mix two tablespoons of fresh apricot juice with a tablespoon of cream and a teaspoon of the teas. Place the mass between gauze pieces and put on the skin. After 20 minutes, remove the mask and rinse the face with warm or cold water. Mask has a nutritional effect on gentle skin around eyes.

Eye mask with vegetable oils

Boil olive oil (it can be replaced by any other: sunflower, corn, soy). Cool it to a warm state, moisten in it the blade and apply on the face. Hold 30 minutes. Remove with warm water, then rinse also warm, adding a few drops of lemon juice.

Refreshing recipe with watermelon

Beautiful moisturizing and refreshing eye mask is obtained from watermelon. Puffed the watermelon cross in the mortar, add a teaspoon of sour cream or cream, spoonful of the tolk. Mass impose on the whole face and skin around the eyes for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Ryabinovo-cottage cheese-sour wrinkle mask

Take a tablespoon of rowan berries and scroll to a porridge state. Add one tablespoon of freshly made cottage cheese, cream or fresh sour cream, yolk and teaspoon of honey. Distribute the mass to get a homogeneous composition. Place the mass between the pieces of gauze and impose 20 minutes on the face. Then breathe first warm, then cold water. Such a mask feeds the skin well and protects against premature wrinkles. It is known that the rowabine berries are well stored, so save for the winter berries, and you can do this eye mask all year round.

Foreign recipes eye masks

Spanish nutritious composition

Take the bean grains (about one cup), soam for several hours in water, and then boil in a small amount of water until they become soft. Wipe cooked beans through a sieve, mix the weight with juice, squeezed out of half lemon, and a tablespoon of vegetable oil. Warm solution apply on the face and leave for 15-20 minutes. Rock first hot, then cold water. This mask has a nutritious and smoothing effect on gentle eyelid.

Finnish mask for the eyelids

This eye mask is a liquid layer for the test. Place it between the wool layers and put on the skin. Leave for 30 minutes, then rinse with hot water, rinse the cold and let dry, not wiping. Mask from the peasant smoothes the skin well and has a positive effect on gentle skin around the eyes.

Swedish refreshing eye mask

Take three teaspoons of fresh cottage cheese and scroll them with a spoonful of honey, run all this with a wedge to get a mass like a cream. Apply it on your face. Especially carefully cover places near the eye. After 20 minutes, wash the mask with a mock moistened in cold milk. Curd mask acts refreshingly, nourishes and cleans the skin. It can be used quite often.

Paris Cabbage Recipe

Beautiful Parisians use cabbage not only for food, but also in order to have good skin. We recommend that you use this affordable and useful cosmetic eye tool. For the mask you will need only 100 g of cabbage. Place the cabbage between the pieces of gauze and impose it on the face. Pre-lying in the dark room. After 15-20 minutes, remove the mask and rinse the face with cold water. Eye mask has a nutritious and refreshing effect.

Masks with honey

With egg protein

Folk medicine attaches great importance to honey. Excellent result can be achieved if you regularly make honey eye masks. The recipe for this mask is simple. Take two spoons of honey and mix it with two spoons of barley flour and one egg squirrel. Leave it on the face for 20-30 minutes, after which we first hot, then with cold water. This mask has a nutritious and toning effect. So-called "chicken legs" - wrinkles near the eyes - disappear from this mask, at least for a while. Honey mask It should not be used very often.

With oat flakes

Two spoons of honey mix with one spoon of very strong tea and two spoons of oat flakes. To this mass, add some water to make the necessary consistency. The resulting mass is slightly warm for a pair. From above, a mask can be covered with a towel and keep on the face of 20 minutes. Rush first warm, then cool water. After the mask, apply a little moisturizing cream on the skin. This mask smoothes wrinkles near the eye. Useful with dry skin around the eyes.

Masks against wrinkles around the eyes

Mask against wrinkles from chicken yolk

The skin around the eyes is very gentle, often undergoing negative atmospheric effects, so it needs additional nutrition. In this case, egg yolk will help. The yolk includes lecithin, cholesterol and other potent nutrients that smooth the skin. One yolk mix with juice squeezed out of a half of the lemon, add a tank of whole lemon and a teaspoon of olive oil. Mask hold at least 20 minutes. After that, rinse it with a tampon, moistened in the humor temperature milk. The eye mask has a nutritious and smoothing effect. it good tool against wrinkles around the eyes.

Linen seed mask

In winter, the skin around the eye needs a special nutrition and the lack of it can inflave. This can be prevented by regular use of a flaxseed mask, which is simultaneously an excellent tool against the premature appearance of wrinkles. Two spoons of linseed seed are filled with two cups of water and boil until the seed is welded. Purpose the resulting mass in a warm form between the pieces of gauze and leave on the face for 20 minutes. After that, wash your face hot and rinse with cold water. The eye mask has a nutritious and smoothing effect, protects the skin from early wrinkles.

Best Recipes Herbal Masks

Some of the best for the eyes are the masks based on healing herbs. Some best recipes We offer you now.

Lime mask

A tablespoon of a lime color to filter 100 ml of boiling water. Give the champ in 30 minutes. Then all this strain, add a tablespoon of starch and a teaspoon of cream. Mix all the components thoroughly. Place the mass between the two layers of gauze and leave on the face for 20 minutes. Rinse your face with warm or cold water.

Helds mask

Take a few fresh fields of field chewing. Finely cut them out or skip them through a mixer so that the casoo mass is turned out. Two tablespoons of this mass pour boiling water and let it brew for 30 minutes. Then straighten, add a teaspoon of cream and a tablespoon of starch, stirred carefully. Place the mass between the two layers of gauze and impose on the face for 20 minutes. Rock warm water.

Natural mask

Take fresh leaves of a young nettle, finely shred out or skip through a mixer. Two tablespoons of mass pour with one glass of boiling water. Insist for 30 minutes. Then move the mass, mix the starch with a tablespoon and one teaspoon of honey. Place the mass between the two layers of gauze and impose on the face and gentle skin around the eyes for 20 minutes. Clear warm or cool water.

Mint Mask

Fresh mint leaves chop and pour boiling water in a 1: 4 ratio. Insist for 30 minutes, then strain. Mix the resulting solution with one tablespoon of the pepper and one teaspoon of cream. Place the mass between the two layers of gauze and leave on the face for 20 minutes. Rinse the face with cold or warm water.

Jasmine Mask

Take fresh jasmine leaves and fill them with boiling water in a 1: 4 ratio, let's break for 30 minutes. The resulting mass is resurrected, mix with one tablespoon of starch and one teaspoon of cream. Place the mass between the two layers of gauze and put on the face for 20 minutes. Rinse the face with warm water.

Coniferous mask

Fresh spruce or pine chew finely cut or grind in a mixer. Two tablespoons of mass fill with one glass of boiling water, let's brew one hour. Perfect. Three tablespoons of infusion mix with one tablespoon of the pin and add a teaspoon of cream. Place the mass between the two layers of gauze and put on the face for 20 minutes. Rinse face with cool water.


Take birch leaves, mint, chamomile, jasmine flowers, white lily (all components in equal proportions). Grind them in a mixer to get a homogeneous mass. Mix the resulting cleaner with one tablespoon of the tolnaya and one tablespoon of cream. Place the mass between the two layers of gauze and put on the face for 20 minutes. Clean cool water.

Dandelion mask

Take the fresh leaves of dandelion and mint on one tablespoon. Mix with one tablespoon sour cream and one teaspoon of honey, scroll to homogeneous mass. Place the mass between the two layers of gauze and put on the face for 20 minutes. Rinse face with cool water.

Toning Masks for Eye

Very well act on the skin around the eye toning masks. They can be used and then when you have a denyy skin. We give several folk recipes such eye masks.

Tea-mayonse mask

Take two tablespoons with a strong tea welding, half a teaspoon of lemon juice and mix all this with a teaspoon of mayonnaise. Stir before receiving a homogeneous mass. Place between two layers of gauze and put on the skin for 5-7 minutes. Wipe the skin with a wet tampon and repeat the procedure two more times. In the end, wipe the face with a tampon moistened in milk.

Oat-lemon mask

Take one tablespoon of the opposite, enter it into the egg whipped to the foam, and continue to beat. Then add a few drops of lemon juice. Keep a mask on the face of no more than seven minutes, after the end, wipe the skin with the infusion of tea.

Oatmeal mask

Take two tablespoons of oatmeal, and if it is not at hand, you can grind two spoons of cereals before getting flour. Brew flour with boiling milk (100 ml). Warm mass Mix with two tablespoons of black elderly flowers in a 1: 4 ratio. Place the mass between gauze pieces and put on your face. Rinse face with cool water.

Cucumber and pink cream mask

Stit cucumber on a shallow grater, squeeze juice. Separate the infusion of rose petals in the 3:10 ratio. Mix cucumber juice with an infusion of roses petals and add a tablespoon of cream. Apply a mixture with a tampon on the skin, hold for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water or chamomile influence.

Romashkovo-Buzin Mask

Prepare two infusions. The first is from the pharmaceutical chamomile in the ratio of 1: 2, the other - from the flowers of elders in the 2:10 ratio. These two infusion mix. Add a teaspoon of honey and a tablespoon of oat flour to three tablespoons. Then mix everything until the homogeneous mass is obtained. Place the mass between the two layers of gauze and impose on the skin for 20-25 minutes. Rinse face with cool water.

Medicine Mask

A tablespoon of a mixture of medicinal plants (pharmaceutical chamomile flowers, lime color, elderberry), taken in equal proportions, pour a glass of boiling water. All this will boil 20 minutes and give 30 minutes to stand. Then straighten, three tablespoons of infusion mix with a tablespoon of the tolnaya and a teaspoon of honey. Scroll to receiving homogeneous casis. Apply a mask on your face and leave for 20 minutes. Clear first warm and then cold water.

Banana mask

Banana fetal pulp with an equal amount of cream before receiving homogeneous mass. Take two tablespoons of this mass and add one tablespoon of the toll and one teaspoon of honey. Apply the resulting mass on the face for 20 minutes. Rock warm, then cold water.

Apple rejuvenating mask

If the components for many masks do not always be at hand, then apples will find almost everyone. They include substances that are well affected by the skin, refreshing and rejuvenating it. Eye masks from apples not only nourish, but also clean the skin, contribute to improving its color. Before applying the mask, it is best to clean the skin in advance, it is useful to make a wet compress. The apple is chosen without damage, clean it from the peel, wipe on a fine grater. The resulting cleaner is placed in any dishes, then applied to the leather with clean fingers. The mask usually hold 15-20 minutes. Remove with a cotton swab, moistened in cool water or in gravel brave. You can also moisten the tampon in apple juice And put it on the skin. After mask, the skin is usually lubricated with softening cream. Apple eye masks can be made from any type of apples two or three times a week. Apple masks complement other components, such as carrot juice, egg protein, honey, vegetable oil, milk.

What else for thermal masks for the eyes?

In addition to nutrient masks, you can make simple thermal masks for the eyes. They are saturated with the skin necessary moisture, make it more elastic. Thermal masks usually make in a cosmetic office, where there is a special electrical equipment. But you can spend this procedure at home. Thanks to the thermal effect, the skin easily and quickly absorbs therapeutic components. Currently developed new compositions of creams and ointments that are used for heat masks.

Before you impose such a mask, the skin is wiping with warm water, then with light strokes with brushes, make a mass prepared for a mask. The temperature gradually increases to 45 ° C. Such a temperature lasts 15 minutes, then gradually begins to decline to the level of room. During the temperature drop inside the components used for the mask, a chemical reaction occurs. Preparations used for thermal masses consist of substances that include a variety of oils. Therapeutic preparations are also prepared on oil, and not water based. The heat mask contributes to a deeper penetration of nutrients into the skin. Since the skin on the eyelids is very thin and gentle, then the thermal masks are better applied through a thin layer of gauze. Sometimes a thermal mask may cause irritation. If you notice signs of irritation, the mask should immediately remove.

If the heat mask for the eyes has the form of a therapeutic procedure, then before this it is necessary to clean the skin with cosmetic milk or any other cosmetic agent. When applied cleansing cosmetics It is necessary using a cotton tampon to massage the skin taking into account massage lines. You can also wipe the skin with a tonic. Put a piece of gauze on the skin, apply to it prepared in advance. After 20 minutes, we remove the mask, lifting gauze for the edge. Remains of the mask remove the tonic for the eyelids. After that, smear the skin with a moisturizing cream. At temperatures from 45 ° C, the skin pores are maximally revealed and therefore capable of more actively absorbed therapeutic drugs. For heat masks, you can use fresh or dried herbs.

The one who cares about the health and beauty of his eyes must ensure that the air in the room is humid enough. Drink more fluid. Experts advise to burn a special fluid. It contains oxygen and protects the cornea from dryness.

If your eyes are tired and emitted, and you need to get rid of it as soon as possible, will help " ambulance"For tired eyelids: cool two teaspoons in the refrigerator and attach them to centuries. Hold two minutes - and the eyes will shine again.

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Very gentle and fine is the skin around the eyes. The first mimic wrinkles are formed in this area, it is best to give out and emphasizing the real age. Therefore, it is necessary to begin to take care of it in advance, approximately 20 years.

And help in this folk remedies - Masks or compresses for the area around the eyes, massages, the use of which is possible in home, comfortable conditions for us.

Masks for the eyelids and skin around the eyes

The most convenient to impose masks for the eyelids using the gauze lining. A strip of gauze (either the bandage) is taken, it is laid out on top of Cashier for the procedure and is covered with another strip. Next, the finished lining decrease into closed eyes, withstand 25-30 minutes.

After removing the mask, remnants remove a cotton swab, which wet in herbal brave. Then, point movements do not swing the cream in the skin of the eyelid.

Ingredients, of which best make a mask:

(All the products listed can be placed on the eyelids, or in a blender to grind in Cashitz)

  • sauerkraut;
  • sour cream (with chopped green parsley - a rejuvenating effect, get rid of the eats and slightly whiten the skin);
  • oat flakes;
  • parsley root;
  • honey - the gauze lining is additionally used, a mask is applied to the skin around the eyes, and then flushes with summer water.

Recipes masks

Masks from potatoes - smoothed and nourish the skin, remove the ethnicity around the eyes, make it elastic and beautiful:

Masks from honey:

  • We mix the teaspoon of honey with a yolk, we are applied forever and leave, approximately 10 minutes. It is suitable for dry skin;
  • Mix the teaspoon of honey with 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese and a spoonful cream, we apply for 20 minutes.

A flaxseed mask will help against early wrinkles:

  • We take 2 spoons of linseed seed, pour 200 ml of water and cook until it is robble. Warm the resulting mixture is left on the face using a gauze lining, for 15 minutes. Wash off hot and rinse with cold water;
  • Apple mask is the most beautiful and most simple mask for the eyelids. Just only put on the face of the pulp of the apple and hold half an hour.

Swedish eyelid mask from cooking wrinkles:

3 teaspoons of cottage cheese rubbish with a spoonful of honey, whipping a wedge to the cream-like mass, put on the face, and most importantly, to the area around the eyes, wash the cold milk after 10 minutes.

Paris mask made of sauerkraut moisturizes and nourishes the skin of the eyelids:

We put 100 g of cabbage between gauze pieces and put on the face, removing in 20 minutes, rinse with cold water.

Mask from nettle against wrinkles:

Fresh nettle leaves grind or skip through a meat grinder, 2 tablespoons of mass pour a glass of boiling water. You insist for 30 minutes, flicker, mix with 1 tablespoon of starch and 1 incomplete teaspoon of honey. We put the crawl between the two layers of gauze and overlap for 10 minutes. Washed summer water.

Mask for the eyelids against the sorcement:

Whipped egg yolk mixed with sesame oil (a few drops) and apply for ten minutes, it is possible to flush both cool and warm water.

Finnish mask:

Liquid opar for the test is placed between two layers of wool and put on the face, we leave for 25 minutes, then wash off hot water and rinse cold, without wiping, we give dry.

This mask smoothes the skin of the face and is positive effect on the skin of the eyelids.

Precautions when applying masks for a century:

  • It must be remembered that some products can cause allergies, even if we take them outdoor;
  • It is impossible to make a mask in the eye;
  • For pulled and dry skin around the eyes, it is necessary to apply a moisturizing cream after applying the mask;
  • It is necessary to abide care with masks that require thermal training - check whether they have cooled enough.

It is necessary to get rid of OT. harmful habitscontributing to the appearance of wrinkles such as:

  • Do not try her eyes;
  • Do not forget to wash off the makeup for the night;
  • Use high-quality cosmetics;
  • Do not pure in the sun, do not quiet;
  • Throw smoking and alcohol abuse.

Take care of the skin, and most importantly - do not be lazy, because it is quite difficult to remove wrinkles, but you will be able to warn you forces.

Will not pass the month how you will feel incredible changes on your beautiful face!

As practice shows, the eyes - the mirror is not only the soul, but also our lifestyle. In pursuit to be successful in work, study, home affairs or in everything immediately, modern woman Often sacrifices with rest, bedtime and full-fledged care for his appearance. From here a dull look, dark circles under the eyes, bags and, of course, wrinkles. Therefore, it is better to revise your priorities and urgently correct the situation, and those who have not yet got into this category of the women's audience - to take preventive measures. The homemade masks for the skin around the eyes are submitted anyway - just find the need you need and a little time.

Features of the use of homemade masks around the eyes

In order not to harm the tender skin around the eyes even more, follow the following recommendations on the use of masks for this part of the person: Apply a means to cleansed skin massage lines, remove carefully with the help of a cotton or cosmetic disk moistened in a slightly heated milk. For maximum effect, keep the mask on the skin of the eyelid within 10-15 minutes, make it shortly before sleep (per hour) at least 2 times a week. Fix the result with a special cream.

Products for masks around the eyes

Given the refined texture of the skin of the eyelids, you need to be careful and with the components that are included in the masks. They should be not only effective, but also safe, including in terms of possible allergic reactions. So, as a base, you can use different herbs (pharmacy chamomile, vasilek, sage, calendula, aloe), dairy products (sour cream, cottage cheese, oily cream), tea, greens (parsley, dill), vegetables (potatoes, cucumber), oatmeal , fruit (apricot). Complete the action of the composition can be egg protein, a small amount of chalk or olive oil.

Masks from dark circles under the eyes

More active with the problem of dark circles under the female eyes is coped to potatoes. It can be used for a quarter of an hour in front of the circles or compress, races and wrapped in a piece of gauze. You can also use boiled potatoes in a puree form, adding a little milk into it. The brightening effect also has a composition, where k 2 h. The finely grated raw potatoes is added 1 tsp. Olive or any other vegetable oil. Before using it, lubricate the skin at the place of application. vegetable oil, wash off the composition (after 20-25 minutes) weak tea welding.

Refreshing eye masks

With respect to the removal of traces of fatigue, tea and cucumbers remain with the leaders. To refresh your opinion with the help of tea, you can apply to the eyes of both the cooled tea bags, and cotton woven discs, moistened in the tea brew. You can use black and green tea. This method is an excellent express agent for removing edema and dark circles in the eye area. No less effective in this place and cucumbers. The easiest way to use them is to put on the eyes in a thick mug of vegetable on a quarter of an hour. You can also make a mask of grated cucumber or compresses with cucumber juice.

Homemade wrinkle masks around the eyes

To feed the skin around the eyes and reduce wrinkles, mix the yolk, a little dry milk and ½ tsp. Honey. Leave this cleaner on the skin for 15-20 minutes. An excellent nutritional properties have a banana mask, consisting of a mixture of 1 tbsp. l. Fruit pulp and 1 tbsp. l. Melted butter. It is applied by clapping movements also for 15-20 minutes. Effective for wrinkles is a mask using oatmeal: ½ tbsp. l. Grinding oatmeal Fill with hot milk or cream so that it sweeps. Such a mask is superimposed in warm form for 20 minutes. Beautiful rejuvenating properties have natural oils (Castor, almond, grape seed oil).

Universal home masks around the eyes

There are also universal masks that are able to solve several problems at once - dryness, skin fatigue under the eyes, dark circles and wrinkles. These include a mask with greens: take 1 tbsp. l. Grinding parsley or dill (you can use their mixture), potato mashed potatoes, sour cream (can be replaced by cream) and cottage cheese, mix and add 5-6 drops of olive oil. It is well coped with this task and herbal masks, where herbal components are brewed in the proportion of 2 tbsp. l. Herbal raw materials on 1 glass of boiling water. They can be used in the form of compresses or add to the cleaner from white bread, potatoes or cucumber (1 tbsp. Infusion of 3 tbsp. L. Kashitsy). Improve the condition of the skin around the eyes can an apricot mask (the flesh of ripe apricot + 3-4 drops of olive oil and 1 tsp. Honey), as well as a mask of cottage cheese and sour cream taken in equal parts.

Remember that the masks for the skin around the eyes require tranquility and complete relaxation, so they can be successfully used as a 20-minute "respite" in an infinite cycle of affairs. Love yourself, pay yourself attention - and your eyes will always be shining and messing! How to build skin care system around the eyes, look at the video.