
You can tighten your muscles with massage. Facial massage to tighten the oval face - performing a facelift at home. Lifting massage scheme

You can tighten your muscles with massage.  Facial massage to tighten the oval face - performing a facelift at home.  Lifting massage scheme

The article outlines the basic principles of massage for tightening the oval face at home. You will learn about the intricacies of modern manipulations, study their types, and also discover direct recommendations from experienced specialists. In addition, the article provides information regarding the indications and contraindications of popular techniques, thanks to which you can clearly determine whether it is right for you this technique effects or it is better to pay attention to other options for caring for the dermis.

What kind of massage is this and how it works?

Based on the name, it is easy to conclude that facial tightening massage is a special type of manipulation designed to combat serious age-related changes. These procedures are designed to stimulate dermal cells to independently produce elastin and collagen, which will subsequently lead to a remarkable regenerative effect.

The procedure itself is based on the principle of a comprehensive and deep effect on the dermis.. With proper procedures, you can achieve neutralization of any unwanted age-related changes on your face without resorting to additional financial or colossal time costs. Among the main advantages of popular methods of influence with a tightening effect, the following should be highlighted:

  • Quick elimination of puffiness, swelling and dark circles in the eye area.
  • Improving blood circulation, which promotes the flow of nutrients to the dermis and the removal of harmful elements from its structure.
  • Formation of skin relief by smoothing scars and fine wrinkles.
  • Improved skin color after the first session.
  • Increasing elasticity due to the formation of high-quality work of the lymphatic drainage system. The facial contour is tightened with each session.
  • Getting rid of sagging chin and jowls.

Attention! If you do not have the necessary experience, try to carry out the first sessions as carefully as possible, excluding strong pressure. By overdoing it, you can harm the structure of the dermis, which will lead to the formation of hematomas and other unpleasant situations.


If you want to achieve your facelift goals through massage, you should know that there are an impressive variety of techniques available today. Each of them has its own characteristics. Hence, you will have to select the impact variations very carefully. The most popular facelift procedures include:

Japanese massage Asahi

This technique makes it possible to feel the first results the very next day after the first session. Involves targeted effects through fingertips and moisturizing cosmetic milk.


This technique is not as popular as Japanese versions of massage, but it also has its audience. Benita Kantieni worked on the development of the practice, who based the methodology on the principle “the condition of the skin directly depends on the position of the head and posture.” As a result, we received techniques for natural manipulation of the facial skin, based on yoga, gymnastics and work with points.

Pay attention! An important feature of the technique is the fact that it includes working with internal energy, visualization and meditation. In total, the facelift system involves 13 sequential exercises.

Lymphatic drainage

The essence of this method is to remove excess liquid from the structure skin. As a result, your complexion improves, toxins are completely eliminated, and you get rid of dark circles and bags under the eyes. The method has virtually no contraindications, and it is easily applicable at home.


The main objective of this technique is to improve the shade of the dermis, increase the plasticity of the skin and combat fine wrinkles. Basically, the method is designed to resist the first age-related changes, as well as facial folds that can appear in a representative of the fair sex as early as 5 years old.


The goal of the technique is to create an impeccable lifting effect. Moreover, correctly performed manipulations normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and also reduce the amount of inflammation and wrinkles. The technique is designed for long-term chickens s, which is why you will see the first real results only after 3-4 sessions.


Paying attention to myofascial facial massage, you are faced with an extraordinary technique aimed at working with fascia, the connective membrane responsible for the flexibility and elasticity of muscle mass. The procedure can stimulate all problem areas to recover, but at the same time it requires special skills and abilities from the performer. Improper execution can lead to deterioration of the dermis.

Massage technique

The variety of massage techniques described above for tightening the oval of the face will allow you to surround yourself with the most practical set of exercises to achieve a high-quality rejuvenation effect. Almost all of the techniques mentioned are easy to apply at home.. You just need to familiarize yourself with their features and use the standard execution technique, which looks like this:

  • Preparation. The first stage of any massage. To begin with, you must choose a position that is comfortable for you: sitting, reclining or lying down. It is also necessary to stay in good mood and at rest. Manipulations are not carried out in a bad atmosphere, since in this case they can only cause harm. Next, you must cleanse the dermis of cosmetics and various contaminants. They can cause serious irritation and discomfort during the procedure. The last step is preparing your hands, which involves applying moisturizer to them. In order not to harm the surface of the dermis, do not carry out the procedure with “dry” hands.

  • Start of the massage. It is customary to begin any mechanical effects on the skin of the face with gentle stroking along the appropriate massage lines. Strength in in this case It's not worth applying. It is enough just to heat the treated areas.
  • Tingling. This is the next stage of the tightening complex. It involves soft, careful movements with careful attention to problem areas.
  • Friction. Move from pinching to rubbing as smoothly as possible, without excessive intensity. To smooth the skin, use the back of your hand or closed fist.

  • Pat. Immediately after friction comes patting. It must be carried out along the entire contour of the face, paying attention to the chin and cheeks. It is in these places that the skin most often hangs, which is why they require additional care.
  • Stroking. Complete any manipulations by stroking the dermis, that is, using the same technique with which you started. After calming the skin, be sure to wash your face with warm water and apply a cream with a tightening effect.

Based on this video, you will not only create an effective method of combating age-related changes, but also learn a lot of nuances regarding how to apply certain manipulations for various skin problems.


It is necessary to select techniques that can affect the dermis of the face with special diligence, giving preference to targeted methods. It should also be noted that almost all manipulations in this area are associated with solving some problems. It is for this reason that experts do not recommend massage for oval tightening to representatives of the fair sex from age group under 25 years old. The reason for this is the lack of need for additional stimulation of the dermis at the cellular level.

To achieve the ideal look with such skin, you will need to look at alternative methods of care, for example, through masks and various cosmetic procedures. As for the general indications for the use of manipulations to tighten the facial contour, these include:

  • The appearance of plump cheeks and a double chin.
  • Formation of small and deep facial wrinkles, as well as nasolabial folds.
  • Increased swelling of the skin.

  • General relaxation of the dermis, which led to the appearance of flabby areas.
  • The appearance of saggy skin after losing weight.

Pay attention! To ensure the maximum possible positive effect, all massage activities should be carried out in combination with standard gymnastics. It is enough to spend no more than 10-15 minutes on this procedure every day.


Any mechanical influence technique has its contraindications. That is, the tightening technique is the same as the effect of plastic facial massage, with certain conditions may negatively affect the condition of the skin. To prevent this from happening, you must be familiar with the general contraindications. These include:

  • The presence of large irritations, acne, ulcers and herpes.
  • The healing period after operations and various injuries.
  • Open wounds and stitches.
  • The presence of warts, large moles and other elements, the negative impact of which can cause cancer.
  • Hemophilia and other inflammatory processes.

Most of these contraindications are only temporary. Therefore, by carrying out wellness measures, you can get rid of them, while at the same time starting to get acquainted with modern home techniques for face lifting through massage.

At the same time It would be a good idea to consult a competent doctor for advice.. An experienced specialist will definitely tell you effective exercises for tightening and point out possible side effects from performing the previously selected complex.

How many procedures need to be done and how often

The intensity of the processes being implemented also plays an important role. Any type of massage, including the same Spanish version of the effect, has its own specific principles regarding the time and timing of sessions. Manipulations aimed directly at face lifting were no exception in this case. Often classic options procedures take from 15 to 40 minutes.

In this case, sessions between the ages of 30 and 45 are best carried out no more than 2 times a week. The full complex involves 10-12 procedures at least once a year. At the age of 45+, it is better to increase the intensity of procedures to 12-15 times. It is advisable to leave the number of sessions per week unchanged, but the annual cycle can be increased to 2 times a year.

What effect should you expect from a massage?

If you did everything correctly, taking into account all the indications and contraindications, then the result is guaranteed to please you. Mechanical impact, implemented by properly selected equipment, will allow you to realize rapid rejuvenation of the skin and lead to a comprehensive tightening of the entire oval. The clearly expressed advantages of the result are:

  • Improving blood flow and metabolic processes.
  • Lifting the facial contour, promoting the formation of elegant, straight lines without drooping areas.
  • Color improvement. The dermis looks fresher and healthier after just a couple of sessions.
  • Increased elasticity. After a responsible course, you will enjoy every touch.
  • Smoothing wrinkles. Minor age-related changes completely disappear, and deep ones become insignificant.

  • Reduced swelling. Circles and bags under the eyes completely disappear. The skin also gets rid of toxins and dead cells.
  • Normalization of the sebaceous glands. You get rid of excessive fat on the surface of the skin.
  • Relaxation. Any tension is relieved from the dermis. When used correctly, the effect can last for several days.

Pay attention! Improper massage can lead to the opposite effect. For this reason, cosmetologists recommend visiting an experienced professional several times before using the complex at home.

Useful video

If you want to fully study the features of oval tightening massages, you should surround yourself with the maximum possible list of information. The more relevant data you have at your disposal, the easier it will be to choose an impact technique and the process of developing a set of exercises. We have prepared thematic video materials especially for these purposes.

Discover the optimal conditions for caring for the dermis of the face, using popularized mechanical action techniques, whose effectiveness has already been proven by more than one thousand satisfied representatives of the fair sex.

A facial tightening massage is your chance to provide your dermis with health, elasticity and an attractive color. This type influences can be used even at home, because all the techniques are available on the global network. Choose your option for mechanical impact on the skin. Learn the nuances of the technique and begin today the first procedures, which will subsequently allow you to achieve tremendous results in terms of tightening.

Preventing a problem is easier than fixing it. This rule also works in everyday life, and in cosmetology. If you want to keep your face youthful and attractive for as long as possible, start caring for it at the age of 25–30. One of the main procedures that helps maintain skin tone and prevent the formation of wrinkles is facial lifting massage - a unique technique, the basic techniques of which can be implemented independently.

Operating principle

The term lifting massage does not denote a specific procedure; its definition can include almost any effect on the skin with the aim of tightening it, stimulating muscle function and increasing blood circulation. Such a procedure can be hardware or performed manually (for example, sculpting, modeling, Asian massage).

Regardless of the method of execution, the essence of such an effect will be the same. Facial skin tightening massage affects the movement of intercellular fluid and blood circulation, normalizes them, due to which the cells receive a larger volume of nutrients and oxygen starvation stops.

The positive effect is enhanced by accelerated cell regeneration and stimulation of fibroblasts. They synthesize elastin and collagen fibers, which play the role of a natural framework, responsible for the density, firmness and elasticity of the skin.

Massage also affects facial muscles, maintaining them in the right tone, which ensures reliable prevention of sagging soft tissues.

Indications and results

Lifting massage is carried out to prevent ptosis of soft tissues and age-related changes. To a lesser extent, the technique is relevant for aging skin with existing problems, a lifting massage will not completely correct the situation, but it will help reduce their severity and slow down their development. According to cosmetologists, hardware or manual lifting massage can prevent:

  • Ptosis of the face and its individual areas.
  • Drooping of the corners of the lips.
  • Formation of a double chin.
  • Formation of nasolabial folds and other wrinkles.
  • The appearance of bags under the eyes and puffiness.

With regular procedure (2-3 times a week), signs of aging appear much later, and the facial skin tightens and becomes smooth, has a healthy color, bruises and bags under the eyes decrease, and then disappear altogether. Over time, a circular tightening effect is formed.


Lifting massage, like many cosmetic procedures, has a number of contraindications. The safest is manual exposure, however, it should not be used in case of the following pathologies:

  • Allergic rashes.
  • Inflammation.
  • Cuperosis (spider veins).
  • Pimples and acne.
  • Violation of skin integrity (wounds, scratches, cuts).

Any skin disease is a contraindication for facial lifting massage

When performing hardware interventions, an expanding list of limitations must be taken into account. Added to this are oncology, diabetes mellitus, pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, as well as the presence of a pacemaker. Massage is not performed in severe cases of any disease.

Hardware types

In beauty salons, lifting massage is often carried out using special devices. There are many procedures aimed at tightening the skin, the most common of which are the following:

  • Darsonvalization. Skin massage using a device that generates current pulses of high voltage and frequency, but of low strength. The effect restores blood circulation, saturates cells with oxygen, and promotes skin tightening. The duration of the procedure is up to 15 minutes, the full course consists of 10–20 sessions. At home, exposure is carried out using devices such as Gezaton. Depending on the model, the cost ranges from 2000–3000 rubles and more.
  • Myostimulation. The procedures are called gymnastics for the lazy. The principle of operation is based on the effect of pulsed current directly on the muscles. During the massage, they actively contract and with regular treatment they become toned, which helps to increase elasticity and lifting effect. In addition, electric current normalizes metabolic processes, blood circulation, and the movement of intercellular fluid, which provides additional tightening and rejuvenation of the skin. A popular device for myostimulation is the Esma 12.01 device, its cost is about 15 thousand rubles.

If there is no financial opportunity to visit a cosmetologist or there are contraindications to hardware treatment, lifting massage can be performed at home manually, independently. To do this, just master the simplest exercises:

  • Forehead. Place your fingertips on your left temple and make smooth circular movements towards the right, then change direction (from the right temple to the left).
  • Brow ridges. Place your finger in the center of the bridge of the nose and make circular movements along the eyebrow growth line to their outer edge.
  • Cheeks. Fix two fingers at the wing of the nose and make circular movements towards the ear, first on one side and then on the other side. Using the same pattern, you can lightly pat the skin.
  • Nasolabial folds. Using the same circular movements, we work on an imaginary line drawn from the corner of the mouth through the wings of the nose to the bridge of the nose.
  • Chin. Index finger is fixed in the center of the chin, with its help the skin is worked in a circular motion towards the corners of the mouth, and then to the earlobes.
  • Neck. It is recommended to treat the massage lines with circular movements, first on the right and then on the left side.

Facial massage lines

Preparation for the procedure is also extremely important. Before the massage, it is necessary to ventilate the room in which it will be carried out to a comfortable temperature, cleanse the skin of the face, and then apply a special massage oil to it (you can prepare it yourself by mixing almond oil with any essential oil in a ratio of 30 ml per 5-10 drops).

All manipulations are performed smoothly, with pressure, but without effort, so as not to stretch the skin and achieve the opposite effect. In addition to circular movements, it is recommended to perform stroking, pressing, tapping and rubbing. If you don't know which direction to apply the treatment, try to follow the massage lines.

Video: technique for performing facial lifting massage at home

Lifting massagefacial area - a cosmetic procedure, the purpose of which is to tighten the skin. Performed manually or using special devices, it provides muscle and skin tone, normalization of local blood circulation and lymph flow. It is a preventive procedure recommended for children aged 25–30 on a regular basis. It has a minimal number of contraindications and the absence of complications.

The stomach is probably the most problematic place female figure, because about 90% of all women complain about its unaesthetic appearance.
Moreover, such anxiety appears even in girls with normal weight.

A sedentary lifestyle, lack of physical activity, recent pregnancy - all this can cause complaints about the appearance of your stomach. But removing excess fat from there and giving your waist a girlish slimness is very difficult.

An integrated approach is required: a balanced low-calorie diet, properly selected physical exercise, cosmetics, as well as massage for weight loss and abdominal skin tightening. It is this last point that we will talk about today.

You should not be skeptical about massage, because it is not only a pleasant procedure that can tone your muscles and improve your well-being.
Some people believe that during the session, the bricks of fat lying under the skin are “broken.” A mechanical action aimed at the skin and subcutaneous fatty tissue, which is self-massage of the abdomen for weight loss, can greatly accelerate the process of forming a beautiful and toned abdominal press.
This is especially important when there is cellulite, or sagging skin after sudden weight loss. And also relevant after childbirth, since the skin in the abdominal area was subject to the greatest stretch during pregnancy.

Under the influence of massage, the elasticity of muscle fibers, their contractile function, and skin-muscle tone increase.

Some believe that during the session, the bricks of fat lying under the skin are “broken.” In fact, the effect is different. Massage affects adipose tissue indirectly, through a general effect on metabolism. By improving blood supply to the skin and, therefore, improving its nutrition, as well as increasing metabolic processes in the body, increasing the release of fat from fat depots (places where fat accumulates), massage promotes the “burning” of fats that are in excess -quality in adipose tissue.

Thanks to massage, the skin becomes more elastic, firm, smooth, and its resistance to mechanical and temperature influences increases.

As a rule, various creams and oils are used when performing a massage procedure. They are needed for better gliding. The choice of these funds depends on your preferences.
Most often, special massage oil or mineral oil (Johnson Baby, etc.) is used. It is quite liquid and forms a slippery film on the body, so you need to carefully dose the amount of oil: with prolonged use it causes dry skin. Its advantage lies only in its relative cheapness, because... it is produced from petroleum products.

Olive oil is also widely used for massage. It has a higher density than mineral oil and is easily absorbed. When massaging with olive oil the body warms up well. The oil has a very slight odor.

They also use talc, baby powder, or no gliding agents at all.

Abdominal massage is carried out no earlier than 1.5 hours after eating. Intestines and bladder must be free :).

The massage technique is quite simple and easy to perform on your own. Self-massage of the abdomen for weight loss should be done in a standing position, tensing the abdominal muscles as much as possible - after all, you will only be massaging adipose tissue, and not internal organs.

Start by stroking the abdomen: you need to do this with both hands (one hand on top of the other), movements clockwise, which is determined by the course of the intestinal tract. Such circular movements help improve intestinal peristalsis.
Next, take one fold of fat, pull it slightly, then roll it between your fingers, as if “kneading dough.” Do the same with other similar folds in problem areas. How to do this is shown in the video

Then vigorous stroking of the oblique abdominal muscles is carried out from the lower ribs to the pelvic bones. The next stage - rubbing the rectus abdominis muscle with the palmar surfaces of the palms in both directions - will relieve tension in this area.

With age, the skin gradually begins to lose elasticity and becomes flabby. Muscle tone decreases, which significantly affects appearance women. Massage for tightening the oval of the face is an excellent remedy in the fight against age-related changes. Young girls should also not neglect such a simple and safe means to give your face a more fresh and rested look.

How does massage work to tighten the oval of the face?

Facial skin has unique property: It is associated with facial muscles. Therefore, the condition and appearance of the skin directly depends on the tone of the muscle tissue. The facial muscles work much more than any other muscles under conscious control, and they also tend to become overstrained.

The effect of massage on muscle tissue:

  1. Increased blood circulation. The muscles are more saturated with oxygen and nutrients that enter through the bloodstream. When there is enough nutrition, tissues wear out much more slowly.
  2. Acceleration of the elimination of metabolic products. Many substances formed during muscle activity are quite toxic to the tissue and the body as a whole.
  3. Increased elasticity and reduced tension.


In order for there to be a noticeable effect, massage should be performed regularly. If you are ready to devote 10 minutes a day to your face, then the result will not take long to arrive.

The effect of massage for tightening the oval of the face:

  • reduction or disappearance of wrinkles (deep unevenness is much more difficult to cope with);
  • the appearance of clear contours of the oval face (cheekbones become more pronounced);
  • fluid retention in the tissue decreases (swelling decreases, circles under the eyes become less noticeable);
  • the relief is smoothed out (small abrasions and scars are not so clearly visible);
  • complexion improves.

If possible, it is better to perform massage procedures in a beauty salon with a specialist. Many massage therapists even have their own unique techniques.

Types of facial massage

There are many massage techniques for facial skin. All of them are aimed at relaxing facial muscles, which can be equated to 4-5 hours of healthy sleep.

The most popular and effective types massage to improve facial contours:

  1. Classical. One of the simplest, but requiring regular use. 7-10 sessions alternate with 2 weeks of rest.
  2. Plastic. An additional positive effect is due to the correction of lymph movement through the channels. Good drainage through the lymphatic vessels helps reduce swelling.
  3. Japanese facial massage Asahi. The Japanese use special milk for the procedure.
  4. Faceforming. Includes acupressure+ special gymnastics
  5. During this massage you need to press on certain points.
  6. Pinch massage. It is actively used to get rid of a double chin. Pinch movements are carried out along the lower jaw to the earlobe.
  7. Honey massage. Its most important difference from the classics is honey, which is applied in a thick layer, avoiding the area around the eyes. Massage movements are carried out at high speed so that the fingers do not stick to the honey surface.

Execution technique

Before doing a massage yourself, it is better to consult a competent massage therapist. Good specialists can always give some valuable advice on home care for the skin. You can find a lot of useful information on the Internet, but it can be quite difficult to separate what is right for you.

Which ones can be identified? general rules for all technicians?

  1. Maintain the correct sequence of actions.
  2. Before the procedure, thoroughly clean the skin surface of cosmetics.
  3. The skin of your hands should be clean to avoid infection.
  4. During the massage, the face should be as relaxed as possible.
  5. Each action is repeated 6-7 times.
  6. It is better not to invent movements yourself if you are poorly versed in anatomy and physiology. There are many effective techniques that can be learned and used in everyday life.
  7. The minimum number of repetitions is 2 times a week. Although daily massage for the oval of the face significantly increases the effectiveness of the technique.
  8. The manipulation is carried out in courses of 10-14 repetitions, after which the skin requires a break.
  9. The use of various oils has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and facilitates the procedure itself. Essential oils are well absorbed into even the deep layers of the skin and have an additional positive effect on the condition of the facial surface.

These rules should be followed no matter what technique you choose. At classic massage carry out stroking and rubbing movements along the following lines:

  • from the corners of the mouth to the earlobe;
  • from the wings of the nose to the auricle;
  • from the middle of the forehead to the temples;
  • from the middle of the chin along the lower jaw to the earlobe;
  • along the upper eyelid from the inside out;
  • along the lower eyelid from the outer edge to the inner.

Such simple movements relax muscles and increase blood flow to tissues.


Massage, like any other manipulation, has a number of contraindications that need to be dealt with.

The first thing you should pay attention to is inflammatory skin diseases. These include even banal papules and inflamed acne. Exacerbation of acute chronic inflammatory diseases such as herpes is also one of the contraindications.

Massage should not be done for any unhealed skin injuries. During the procedure, you can get infected or lead to even more injury.

Do not massage in combination with others cosmetic procedures, since most of them involve microtrauma of the skin. Strong pigmentation may form. This is not relevant for all procedures, so detailed information should be obtained from a cosmetologist in advance.

During a massage session, you need to be especially careful with nevi and other skin formations. Although the effect of trauma on the risk of developing malignant degeneration has not been proven, it is still better not to risk your own health.

How to save the result?

To consolidate the results obtained during the massage, you can use benefits for the skin. essential oils and other products that penetrate well into the epidermis, saturating and nourishing it. After the procedure, remove all remaining massage oils and products.

Follow the techniques strictly - this greatly affects the result of the lifting effect.

The condition of the skin can be improved not only with the help of various cosmetic procedures and cosmetics. The most important thing is to maintain a proper and nutritious diet, rich in vitamins and microelements. Maintain a sleep and rest schedule, this affects the condition of the entire body as a whole.

Bad habits have a detrimental effect on the condition of our skin. It becomes dull and flabby, less saturated with oxygen.

Get outside more often and take air baths. Direct sunlight, on the contrary, is not very desirable. If it is hot and sunny outside, then use a cream with SPF effect.


Regular facial massage has a good tightening effect that cannot be compared with any creams. It can be easily performed at home if you carefully study the technique of the procedure. Massage movements restore muscle tone and make the face more toned and fresh. The oval of the face takes on a youthful V-shape.

Many women face the problem of having a double chin, the appearance of cheeks that have not changed in better side oval face. One of the reasons for these unpleasant changes is age.

Causes of problems

From the age of 35, the structure of the skin begins to deteriorate – the production of collagen and elastin decreases. The skin is no longer so elastic and taut, and because of this, the oval of the face begins to change, becoming unclear. The cheeks sag and a double chin appears because the muscles become weaker. But the reason for the appearance of a double chin can be simple heredity. In addition, almost all people who are overweight have a double tuck and chubby cheeks. People with thyroid disease or diabetes mellitus, as a rule, are also the owners of such an unpleasant phenomenon.

There are several other reasons for the appearance of a double chin:

  • Incorrect posture and constantly lowered head,
  • Sleep on a large and high pillow,
  • Poor nutrition – the diet is dominated by high-calorie, spicy, fatty foods.

What is the essence of massage?

A tightening facial massage is the ideal way to restore your face to its former youth, beauty and charm. A facelift massage works on the muscle tissue, tightening the skin and making it firmer.

The essence of facial massage comes down to the effect on fat deposits accumulated under the skin.

With regular use of massage, acting on fats with your fingers, they break down, the face becomes thinner, the double chin and plump cheeks disappear. The face is tightened, acquiring a clear contour.

For those who want their face to lose weight, this massage must be performed daily.

Facial weight loss massage has several positive aspects:

  • In just a short period of time, the face shape is corrected
  • The massage technique is easy to perform and does not require special skills.
  • A facial tightening massage will enhance the effect of overall body slimming. As you know, the face is the last thing to lose weight. The interaction of diet and facial slimming massage will give quick, noticeable results.

Indications for use

  • Having a double chin and chubby cheeks
  • The presence of small facial wrinkles and deep, including nasolabial folds
  • Presence of edema
  • Flabby, sagging skin after losing weight on the face. It is not uncommon for women to experience wrinkled faces and sagging skin after overall body and face weight loss. Massage will tighten it, make it elastic and firm.
  • After a course of massage, the double chin completely disappears and the fat layer on the face decreases. The face becomes noticeably thinner.


  • The presence of inflammatory processes - ulcers, pimples
  • The presence of a large number of moles and papillomas
  • Temperature rise
  • Cuperosis
  • Presence of allergic reactions.

If the technique is performed incorrectly, wrinkles may appear that were not there before. This is due to excessive stretching of the skin. Therefore, the massage is carried out carefully, with light movements.

Various techniques

Facial slimming massage, facial oval massage and double chin massage can be performed using several methods. The main thing to remember is that the movement of the fingers should be along the massage lines.

Before starting a massage procedure, you should make sure your face is clean. If cosmetics are applied to it, it must be removed and the face washed. cosmetic product, rinse with water at a comfortable temperature.

First method

The first massage technique for losing weight on the face is a massage that is performed daily, 2 times a day, morning and evening. The massage should be performed with two or four fingers simultaneously, symmetrically to each other. Thumbs should be under the chin. During the procedure, they move to the ears and back. Completion time is approximately 15 minutes.

Evening massage:

  • The procedure begins with lightly stroking the facial skin. The fingers slide from the center of the face to the temporal lobes below and upward.
  • Massaging the nose begins from its tip, then the fingers move to the forehead, then above the eyebrow line to the temples.
  • The next moment is tapping. It should be gentle and not painful. Movements are made along the lines described above.
  • Using your ring and middle fingers, stroke the eye area from the temples to the inner corner of the eye, then up to the eyebrow arch and to the temples.
  • Using your index and middle fingers, perform pinches, the movements of which resemble the work of scissors.
  • The procedure should be completed by lightly stroking the skin and applying a nourishing night cream.

Morning massage:

To complete it you will need terry towel, soaked in herbal infusion or just cold water or a hard napkin. The procedure is carried out 30 minutes after waking up. The towel is soaked in the herbal infusion. It must be taken from both sides and lightly patted along the contour of the face, cheeks, and chin.
After soaking a napkin in water or a decoction of herbs, squeezing it well, wipe the skin in a circular motion. You need to start from the chin following the massage lines.
A good way to complete the procedure is to wipe the skin with an ice cube. It can be made from ordinary water or herbal.

Second method

The second massage technique is aimed at getting rid of a double chin.

The massage begins by applying cream or oil to the chin and neck. Then lightly stroke the chin with the back of your hands. Then, moving strictly along the massage lines:

  • The center of the chin is the earlobes. Up and down. The action is performed with both hands. Make circular movements with your fingertips along the same trajectory.
  • Lightly tap the back of your hand and move from the middle of the chin to the earlobes. Up and down.
  • Perform pinching with your fingers. The main thing is not to stretch the skin, but rather to pinch it.
  • Then return to the first stage and finish with stroking.

The entire procedure should take 7-10 minutes daily.

Third method

The third massage technique will improve skin tone, correct the oval shape and remove the double chin. The technique is called contrast massage. You need to prepare 2 bowls of water. One should be cold and slightly salty, the second clean water room temperature. To perform the procedure, first dip a towel in cold water, then pat it on the chin and contours of the face. The next step is to soak a towel in warm water. Repeat the procedure. Towels should be changed 5 to 8 times.
