
The behavior of a child at 2 months of age. Child development in the second month of life. How does a two month old baby communicate?

The behavior of a child at 2 months of age. Child development in the second month of life. How does a two month old baby communicate?

The most difficult, adaptation period, when everything was new and unusual for both the baby and the parents, was successfully completed. The next thirty days are the time of other, no less important discoveries, a grandiose period for mastering new skills, gaining experience and forming habits.

Physical development

In the second month of life, your baby's body continues to develop at an extremely high rate: having taken a good start in the first month, the baby is actively growing. Over the next four weeks, he should gain 800-1000 g of weight, increase his height by 3-4 cm, and increase the volume of the chest and head by 10-15 mm. During this period, the development of the child's internal organs acquires an active character, the systems and organs of the baby are no longer adapting, but rather entering a rhythm corresponding to the extrauterine environment.

Indicators of a child from 1 to 2 months

Growth chart and

And weight graph


53.51-54.53 cm

4.150-4.320 kg

Head circumference

Chest circumference

To ensure the growth and development of the baby, parents must provide their baby with a stable sleep and feeding schedule. The task is, first of all, before the mother. Of course, the system of hourly feeding, imposed by Soviet pediatrics, has outlived its usefulness, and it is quite possible to feed the baby on demand, while not in the least violating his regime. However, it is important to take into account that a month old baby should sleep 18–20 hours a day and eat such an amount of breast milk that would correspond to 1/5 of the baby's body weight.

If we take, as a standard, the weight of the child is 4 kilograms, then the mother must provide her baby with at least 800 grams of milk per day. This amount of food gives the child the opportunity for full energy exchange, he remains active, cheerful and gains weight well.

If parents notice that the baby sleeps or eats a little less (more), then you should not sound the alarm. Each child's body is individual, and it is not worth observing any standards when establishing a regimen of rest and feeding - they simply do not exist. As a rule, healthy children already at this age feel their norm themselves and are able to clearly let their mother know that they are already full.

If during the second month of your child's life you have not managed to establish his regimen on your own - he eats little and mostly sleeps or is capricious, then it is better to seek help from a pediatrician. In addition to healthy sleep, monthly babies must have another source of energy - abundant nutrition.

In the second month, the mother's lactation should be active - you need a lot of milk and often. If you notice that the baby is not eating enough, change your diet: drink plenty of liquid - at least two liters a day, add cottage cheese, fish, lean meat, milk and kefir to your menu. Before feeding, make it a rule to drink a cup of weak tea with milk.

The kid acquires new motor skills

He already confidently raises his head and can hold it for 10–20 seconds, while lying on his stomach, the child, in addition to his head, raises his chest and can remain so for a short time. The frog pose, characteristic of the first weeks, begins to transform into a human one: the child's arms and legs are more relaxed, he pulls them more and more to the sides. If one of the elders supports the baby in a sitting position, he may shake his head, and involuntary jerking and twitching of the muscles occurs in the child less and less.

Any bright spot, a rattle making melodic sounds are the most curious objects for a baby at this age.

He grabs the toy tightly and can hold it for a while. And when the child's hands are not occupied with the toy, then his fists are partially open. Sometimes the baby thrashes his hands through the air with all his might - and this is quite normal for children of this age.

The baby cries when he is tired or cannot sleep

In addition, the crying of a baby can be a kind of signal to parents that he is lonely and wants to embrace. For most babies, getting in the arms of mom or dad is a great way to calm down.

If a child cries for a long time, bringing himself to a state in which his arms and chin tremble, while he throws his head back a lot, spits up too often and sleeps little, show him immediately to a neurologist.

The baby may have intestinal colic in the second month. To minimize them, mom should again pay attention to her diet: limit sweets, give up grapes and vegetables rich in fiber, and soda and drinks based on it.

To alleviate the child's fate when he starts having colic problems, you can lay the baby on his tummy, apply a warm heating pad or stroke his belly clockwise.

During this period, parents should pay special attention to the baby's skin and caring for it.. Air baths, massage, evening bathing are not only very useful procedures, but also very pleasant for the child.

In the second month of life, children are becoming more and more active, they already give preference to one or another type of communication. The favorite activity of almost every month old baby is to sway and bounce. They love to lie down, comfortably sitting on their father's chest.

By two months, the baby must be examined by a pediatrician, ophthalmologist, orthopedist and neuropathologist.

Mental development

The second month of life is the stage when the child begins to more confidently use the organs of sight and hearing. The visual organ, in comparison with the first month, has developed significantly, allowing the baby to fix his gaze on a motionless bright object for half a minute.

The kid already knows how to follow the moving object with his eyes, while he "clings" to the object that attracts his attention not only with his gaze, but also helps himself with all his might, twirling his head.

The child now knows how to catch the glances of his parents, so his visual abilities "matured" in this short period of time. The child can focus his attention on any of the objects that fall into his field of vision. Usually, parents, checking the visual reaction of the baby, use a simple test: half a meter from the eyes of the child, they slowly carry out a colored toy - the baby must follow with his eyes, at the same speed with which the object of interest moves.

A child's hearing ability in the second month of life, they also increase markedly. Now, hearing any sound that breaks the silence of the room, the baby actively tries to find the source of the noise and determine its location.

The hearing test can be performed using the same rattle, ringing it no more than 10 seconds out of the child's field of vision. After the sound that baffled him, the baby freezes for a split second, subconsciously analyzing the nature of the phenomenon. And then he starts to turn his head, trying to find a "noisy" object.

In addition to the sounds made by rattles, squeaks and other toys, in addition to various kinds of artificial sounds, a month-old baby begins to listen to voices. He perfectly distinguishes intonation, in response to a quiet, gentle voice, he will turn calmly and slowly, but he may be frightened by a sharp cry. Therefore, the main rule of conversation in the children's room is: quietly, not abruptly, calmly.

Dynamics in the emotional development of an infant

In a month, children are able to give their parents their first smiles. But this smile will not be unreasonable - it will rather become the child's response to your gentle appeal to him. In addition to smiling, many children at this age can laugh, and the nature of laughter is different for each: from a quiet intermittent to a loud barking.

A baby at the age of one month makes the first attempts to distinguish an animated object from an inanimate one: take a closer look at how much more your baby will be interested in another child than the proposed toy. On a child or one of the adults, the baby focuses more and more attention and observes them with such interest that at some point it may seem that a month-old baby is thinking about what he has seen. The characteristic immobility of the body and some of the mimic nuances give rise to conclusions about the monthly "thinker".

Solitary guttural sounds, characteristic of the first month of life, now develop into babbling. The kid clearly pronounces "a", "y", "o", "e", "eee". Humming is often observed in the second month of life.

At the end of the month, the child is already diligently beginning to combine vowels with consonants, and such "words" as "eche", "ah", "ho", "he" will lay the foundation for your baby's rich vocabulary.

If a month old baby walks, he does it very emotionally. In the humming one can catch gurgling, and grunting, and squealing, and champing, and cooing. The baby puts a feeling in every sound and, perhaps, he is able to feel the mood of the parents, especially the mother, since he has not lost the close connection with her that was present between them during the nine months of gestation. He trusts his mother more than anyone, even sympathizes when she is upset about something - having caught the mood, the baby is also upset and starts crying.

Children at this age begin to be interested in the faces of others. They study the features of the parents for a long time, carefully examining them.

Even the crying of a baby in the second month of life is tied to an associative chain: hungry - crying - they hear a signal - they feed me.

Despite the seven-mile pace of the baby's development, the monthly baby needs to be protected from too bright light, too loud sounds, during his sleep it is better to turn off or turn down the TV sound as much as possible and restrain his negative emotions with the child.

Scientists believe that the mental abilities of monthly babies are much higher than we are used to thinking, however, reading fiction aloud to an infant is likely too early to practice.

But verbal and visual contact, as well as contact through touch, will do many things in building your relationship with your baby. Communicate with him as often as possible, including during feeding: gently press the baby to you, stroke, look into his eyes, talk to him. In the future, he will "remember" this.

As the baby's ability to perceive and absorb new information develops, parents begin to treat him as a person. Take a closer look at your child: he already has individual character traits that distinguish him from his peers, his manner of communication, primarily with his parents.

Communication for a baby at this age is, in its amusement, comparable to solving a puzzle: a baby tries to understand you, seriously looking into your face. The child is not yet two months old, but he is already looking for a source of emotional nourishment, needs to replenish his emotional reservoir - he needs the presence of his mother, her songs, warm hands, gentle words. Next to her, looking into her eyes, he smiles, inviting mom to interact.

Learning to understand each other

Only by the end of the first month do parents begin to truly understand their baby. Now they can tell a lot about their child, including the entire spectrum of his behavior: what he is like when he is calm or excited, in a good mood or naughty, resting or moving, whether he calms down easily or not, whether his actions are predictable, quickly or slowly he reacts to what is happening around.

On the 2 month life at baby the sleepy wandering look characteristic of newborns disappears. Now the baby is able to stay awake for quite a long time before and after feeding, but he is still not ready for impacts of a sharp nature.

If he hears very loud sounds, sees a bright light, feels too energetic touches or is hungry, then he begins to ask for help, and the only available means of communication for him is crying. At such times, it is important to learn to understand the language of infant crying. It's not that hard.

As a rule, carefully observing the child, you will find that his crying mainly signals the following: "I am hungry (thirsty)", "I have wet diapers", "I need communication", "I have a stomach ache", " I'm tired".

How to calm your baby? Nobody will give you a definite answer. Try to breastfeed your baby by placing his palm on your body. The smell of mom, the pounding of her heart, the touch on her skin is the surest way to calm the baby. Or rock the baby in your arms or in a stroller; some children calm down if excess lighting is removed; for some, a dummy is the surest remedy.

At this age, the child is not yet ready for contact with others, nevertheless, he strives for communication. Most of all, the baby loves to listen to the human voice. Therefore, use every opportunity to talk to your beloved child.

Try to keep your speech accompanied by rich facial expressions: raise your eyebrows, open or squint your eyes wide, and round your mouth or purse your lips. Through such grimaces and movements, seemingly unnatural at first glance, parents introduce the child to sign language, which is an integral part of the spoken language.

Changing the timbre of the voice from low to high and vice versa contributes to the long-term maintenance of the baby's interest in the conversation. If your communication is regular, by the end of the second month the baby begins to "walk". And although his sound repertoire is not rich and is limited to 1-2 front vowels, he learns to speak in the fullest sense of the word

Motor skills of a child at 2 months

On the 2 month life child begins to control his body. His chaotic twitching disappears, and the movements of his arms and legs gradually become more even and orderly. The nervous tremor characteristic of newborns also disappears. The most noticeable change that can be noted in the child's behavior is the ability to move the head.

If the baby is placed on his stomach, he can effortlessly turn his head from side to side. And some children already at 4-5 weeks pick it up and look around. The baby's ability to move its head is especially evident when you hold it against your body. However, no matter how strong your child is, he is far from fully in control of his movements. When taking your baby out of the crib or carrying it around the room, be sure to support his head with your hands.

As a rule, at this age, children are not able to move independently, nevertheless, even the most passive kids are able to make unexpected movements. Therefore, never leave your child on a table or other high place unattended. Having reached this age, the baby begins to master the muscles of the arms and legs much better.

The child begins to demonstrate the ability to speed up or slow down the pace of movement. When you speak to your baby in a calm and even tone, his movements are calm and even. Try to speak quickly, excitedly, and you will see how the baby begins to vigorously fiddle with his arms and legs.

I see, I hear, I feel ...

In the waking state, the baby actively studies the world around him - you can notice how he concentrates and looks with interest at some object or drawing in front of him. Of greatest interest are toys and objects moving in space - hang a rotating carousel over the crib, move a rattle in front of the child's face.

Tracking an approaching and receding object forms the ability to concentrate your gaze, develops eye coordination. And if during these games you hear that the baby "spoke", know that with these sounds he expresses his approval.

For baby 2 months life, new sounds are as interesting as new visual images. He can distinguish speech from other sounds and at the same time gives a clear preference for the human voice. With an unfamiliar sound, the child becomes alert, freezes, and it seems that he is listening carefully. If the sound is repeated several times, the baby stops paying attention to it.

To re-interest the baby, you can change the sound, for example, instead of ringing a bell, you can listen to a rattle or a toy that can squeak. During this period, the connection between what he saw and what he heard is strengthened in the child's mind. After a little practice, he will look at the bell hanging over the crib every time it rings.

The little man reacts joyfully to gentle touches. While awake, stroke the arms and legs of the child with mittens made of different materials - silk, velveteen, satin, wool, flannel or terry cloth. These simple exercises will help you develop your sense of touch.

For the same purpose, you can use the grasping reflex, which is still very strong in the infant. Invite your baby to grab not only your fingers, but also objects of various textures - ribbed, pimpled, soft, wooden. To help your son or daughter "open" their fists, gently massage your tiny fingers daily.

Activities with a child at 2 months

Since both mom and dad bring something of their own into communication with the baby, it is important that both of them participate in his upbringing. We hope that the games offered below will not only help your child learn new skills and abilities, but will also contribute to your rapprochement with him.

Make a doll for the baby by drawing a face on a paper plate and attaching a hand to it on the side. Move the plate in different directions at a distance of 25 cm from the baby's face. After a while, the baby will begin to follow the toy, and a smile will appear on his face.

For your child to learn to follow an object, invite him to observe a rattle or a bright toy. Move the object from left to right at a distance of 25-30 cm from the baby's face. When the son or daughter learns to follow him, moving his eyes horizontally, start moving vertically. Finally, try rotating the object in a circle. Remember to monitor your baby's mood and be ready to stop playing if you feel tired or bored.

Sew a rubber band onto a small stuffed toy and fasten it to the ceiling. Place the child so that the toy is directly above him and make the toy animal jump up and down. Having become older, the baby will be able to reach and grab him. To stimulate the development of hearing, tie bells to baby booties. Every time, moving a leg, the baby will hear a ringing.

Introduce the child to poetry rhythm and meter. Let it be well-known children's poems or folk nursery rhymes. Folk folklore is especially popular with children, since it has the most important feature - both songs and jokes, and little dogs, and melodies are inherent in musicality, they perfectly play out the "humming" that a baby learns at this age.

Physical development of the child 2 months:

Place the baby on the back, gently lift his arms over his head and lower them down, then cross them in front of the chest and spread them apart. Put the baby on his back, gently move his legs, imitating the movement of a cyclist. During the exercise, sing a song, for example: "We are going, we are going, we are going to distant lands ...".

Place the baby on the changing table on its stomach. Sit next to him and, calling the child by name, show him a bright toy. The kid will try to raise his head, thereby developing the muscles of the neck, back and arms. Do the same exercise, only now you should lie on your back and place the baby on your stomach. When calling your baby by name, try to get him to raise his head and look at you.

Practical advice

Don't wrap your child up: When the child is awake, make sure that he is dressed lightly and comfortably: the less clothes the better. Remember that your baby is more active when he feels cool.

Place your child in the child seat: Make sure that your child does not get bored when he is awake. Try to make it so that he can see the surrounding objects from different angles. Change its position by placing it, for example, in a special highchair or armchair.

Listen to the child and answer him: Try to imitate the sounds your toddler makes. Listen to how he does it and repeat. During the "conversation" try to look him directly in the eyes.

Sing with your child: Learn a few simple rhymes and hum as you feed, bathe, and exercise using a familiar melody.

Games with siblings: Have the child spend some time with an older sister or brother. Their presence will entertain and delight the baby.

Attention, we remove! Always keep a charged camera close at hand. A photo album is the best way to keep track of your little one growing day after day and capture happy moments.

Take your child with you: The child will be delighted if you take him with you to the store or visit friends. New experiences, unfamiliar sounds and smells will contribute to the development of the baby.

Game time


Wear brightly colored cuffs or socks for your child: Give your baby colored cuffs or buy bright baby socks. Sometimes put a cuff or sock on the baby's right arm, sometimes on the left or both. By moving his hands in front of his eyes, the baby will gradually learn to control them so that they remain in his field of vision.

Doll on hand: Put the doll on your hand and move it in different directions - up and down, back and forth, or move in a circle so that the child can see it. The kid will follow the toy, and this will help the development of his visual abilities.

A toy that can squeak: Place a squeaking toy on your baby's palm. The unexpected sound will allow him to better feel the movements of his hand.

The doll on the finger: Put the doll on your finger and show your baby how she dances. The funnier the dance is, the more the child will like it.

Plate doll: Make a doll out of a paper plate with a stick instead of a pen. Draw a funny face on one side of the plate and a sad one on the other. Turn the plate in front of your baby's eyes, first with one side and then the other. Let him see a sad and cheerful face. You will find that your child loves looking at the toy and very soon he will start talking to it. Interest in the doll will remain for a long time, since the faces will constantly replace one another.

Hang toys over the bed: Attach a special hanging device with rattles and other toys to the crib. Try to change them from time to time. Do not forget that the baby likes objects of bright color, interesting shapes, especially those that move easily.

Various figures: Place pieces of colored paper over a plastic bag on all sides. Do this so that the figures are different colors and shapes. Attach webbing loops at the top corners of the bag and hang it over the crib. After a while, the child will be able to reach the bag and start hitting it with his hand.

Daddy upside down: Place two chairs opposite each other. Place the baby on your mother's back in her lap. Let dad sit on the chair opposite her, and then the baby will see dad's face upside down.

Different pictures: Hang pictures or drawings on the wall near your crib or feeding chair. Try to change them from time to time. A special wall board is best suited for this purpose.

Perception of soundsShake the rattle: Your baby is better at observing the environment and distinguishing sounds. Give your baby the opportunity to show his skills - shake the rattle, moving it in different directions at different speeds. Hum a song as you play.

Up and down: Sing a song to your baby about going up and down. By raising the child, lowering and turning in different directions, you give him the opportunity to look at the surrounding objects from different angles. Here we go up (pick up the kid) Here we go down (bring it down) Here we go back and forth (turn the kid) Here we are spinning (pick up the child and spin gently).

Call your child: Before entering the room to the baby, call him. He will learn to recognize your voice and will wait for you to appear.

Tin can rattle: Use empty food cans to make a toy for your toddler. Place it on one side of the crib first, then on the other. After a while, hearing the sound, the child will learn to look for a "rattle" with his eyes. A bright ribbon tied to the banks will make it easier for your child to find.


Beanbag: Place a rattle in your baby's hand. What it is, he will understand very quickly. He will shake her, sometimes bring her to his mouth, before letting her fall. Try to place the rattle in each of your baby's hands one at a time.

Diverse sensations: Since most of the time, the child keeps his fists open, he will be interested in learning how different fabrics differ by touch. Use a wooden clothespin to secure the different pieces of fabric together. Shreds of burlap, silk, velvet and velvet are best suited for this purpose. Such a toy promotes the development of grasping skills in a child.


Jumping pompom: Place the child on their back in front of you, pick up some soft colored pom-poms. Raise your hand above the baby and let the pom-poms fall one by one on his tummy. Each time, say: "Another pompom is about to fall!" As the baby grows up, he will learn to wait for the next pompom to fall.

Exercises for legs "under arioso": For the physical development of the baby, exercises that strengthen the legs are very important. Place the child on their back and hold their feet. Carefully begin to move its legs, imitating the movements of the cyclist. After a while, you will feel that the child is pushing your hands! And to make the baby more fun, at the same time sing. At the end of the exercise, holding the child by the legs, lift the lower part of his torso.

Exercise arena: Attach some toys over the crib so that the baby can touch them with his feet. Hang toys at different heights. Try to choose objects of different shapes and materials. Take a large fluffy pom-pom and a ringing bell, for example. Thanks to them, the child learns that there is a soft and hard object, a loud and quiet sound. Place your baby on his back in the crib so that he can reach the toys with his feet and let him exercise.

Everyday affairs

Feeding time

Conditional signal: Record some kind of conventional sound on tape that should inform you that it is time for feeding. After a while, the child will understand what this signal means.

Rocking chair: If you still don't know how useful a rocking chair can be when feeding, now is the time to use it. Cuddle the baby to you and, gently rocking in the chair, start feeding him. This way of feeding will give you and your baby the opportunity to rest in peace.

Now it's dad's turn: Make sure your dad has time to feed the baby first. If you are breastfeeding, have the daddy give the baby water to drink (if the baby drinks water). If you are expressing milk and need to leave the house while breastfeeding, dad has a great opportunity to fulfill your responsibilities.

Bathing time

Let's splash in the water: Let the baby spray a little in the warm bath. Dry gently with a towel after bathing. Pleasant sensations will allow the child to better know the world around him.

Perfect reflection: After redeeming the child, bring him to a large mirror. He will look with interest at his smiling reflection. This is the perfect moment to tickle his tummy and toes. Looking in the mirror and feeling your touch, the baby learns more about himself.

The massage continues: Gently squeezing, making circular motions with your palms is the main way of relaxing massage. Lightly lubricate your hands with vegetable oil, then lift the child's leg, slightly clasping it with both hands, begin to massage gently. Do the same with the baby's hands. Swaddling time

Wall mat: Hang a blanket or rug made from all kinds of scraps on the wall next to the children's table. An old towel, silk scarf, fluffy woolen cloth, and even shiny aluminum foil are best for this purpose. While changing the child's clothes, stroke him with the handles of the shreds, naming the fabric of each of them.

Look in the mirror: Change your child's clothes in front of a mirror from time to time. Hang a mirror next to the baby table so your baby can see himself. His own reflection will surprise and delight him. As he gets older, this game will give him more pleasure.

Feather duster: Keep an inexpensive, soft feather duster next to your changing table. When the baby is undressed, gently tickle him with a broom, while naming each part of his body: “I tickle, tickle the nose,” “I tickle, tickle the heels,” etc.

Little boxer: Your child spends a lot of time on the changing table, staring at the boring white ceiling. Try to make your surroundings interesting and inviting. Hang a beautiful balloon over the table. First, the baby will watch the ball swing, and after a while he will try to hit it with his hand.

Time relax

Ride the ball: Inflate the large plastic ball vigorously so that it becomes bouncy. Place your baby gently on it, belly down. Holding the baby by the sides, slowly roll it back and forth. For many children, this exercise helps them calm down and fall asleep.

TV time: If your family loves to watch TV, then for a while your child will be happy to keep you company. He will be happy to listen to new sounds and watch the movements on the screen; in addition, it will allow him to once again be with his family.

Record your baby's voice on tape: If you have a tape recorder, you can use it to entertain your child. Record the sounds he makes on tape. Try to include more often with it recording. By talking to a tape recorder, the baby can calm down and fall asleep.

The first month - the most difficult - is behind us. At 2 months of age, the child gave you the most important achievement of the first weeks - a smile. This means that he is no longer afraid of this vast world, he recognized you and fell in love.

Height and weight of the baby at 2 months

By the end of the second month, the child is gaining from 600 to 1000 g. He can grow by about 3 cm.

Indicators of the norm *. Child's age - 2 months

Lower limit of the norm

The upper limit of the norm

Boys weight, kg

Weight of girls, kg

Boys' height, cm

Height of girls, cm

Boys head circumference, cm

Girls head circumference, cm

* Data are indicated according to centile tables of domestic pediatricians

What a baby can do at 2 months:

Straighten your palms more often (the grasping reflex gradually disappears);

Make sounds like the cooing of a dove; I connect the sounds "a", "e" with "x";

Be frightened if he hears a stern and loud voice;

Respond vividly to the sound, waiting for its continuation;

See the outlines of objects and their details;

To attract attention, not only cry, but also change your facial expression;

Watch an object moving 15 cm from its face.

Baby development at 2 months

In the second month of life, the child does not just smile - he laughs, sparkling mischievously with his eyes. From that moment on, you became even closer. The baby smiles at his mother, as they smile at the sun, he loves you endlessly. Mom causes admiration, surprise and exultation in the baby. Cheerful laughter is confirmation of this.

Humming, child hearing training

At two months old, the child is already trying to communicate with you, utters simple sounds, hums. All children, even deaf and dumb ones, make such sounds.

Children subtly feel the shades of speech and the timbre of the interlocutor's voice. The simplest thing you can do for your child's development is to talk to him more often, and in faces. Change intonation from narrative to interrogative, speak louder and quieter, in falsetto and bass. Moreover, during the conversation, you do not have to stay in the field of view of the crumbs. Refer to it when you, for example, walk around the room. And the child will turn his head towards your voice. This is good ear training. Also use a rattle. Shake it behind the child's back. He will turn curiously to see where the noise is coming from.

Vision of a child of two months

The little man's eyesight became a little sharper. He concentrates his gaze on the subject that interests him for 20-30 seconds. To develop the eyes, move the toy in different directions in front of the child's face at a distance of 50 cm (further than last month). Hang a bright toy over the crib, and the baby will start watching it with pleasure.

Now every day will bring new discoveries - and not only for your child. Together with him, you will also learn the world anew!

Baby's day regimen 2 months

Just a few weeks ago, a young child's main occupations were sleeping and eating. Now he is awake more time. Mom can only adjust to him and adjust the daily routine. Of course, you shouldn't constantly check your watches. In the child's day mode, deviations of half an hour and even an hour are permissible. But when from the first days the child knows what awaits him in the morning, afternoon and evening, he feels more relaxed. And mom, in order to keep up with everything, needs to have at least an approximate schedule. After all, you need to find time for a husband, for household chores, and for rest.

Feeding on demand

Feed your baby on demand. However, do not keep the baby at the breast for a long time, try to put him in the crib as soon as he falls asleep. Otherwise, feeding will take you most of the day.

For a walk with a two-month-old baby, it is better to use a cradle stroller. In it, the baby can be rocked, sheltered from the sun, noise and precipitation. A sling is also convenient, but then you will have to carry all the things you need for a walk (bottles, diapers, napkins, spare clothes) separately.

In the second month of life, the child sleeps a little less - about 17 hours a day. Sometimes children sleep during the day and wake up in the evening. If your child confuses day with night, then put him to bed early every day. It will take a month for the baby to be able to rebuild in a new way.

If your child often wakes up and has to be rocked for a long time, consult a pediatrician to find the reason for this behavior. Perhaps this is due to the temperament of the newborn. In this case, the doctor will tell you what needs to be changed in the daily routine: to bathe the child earlier or to walk with him more. Sleep is usually interrupted if the baby is cold or hot, if a lamp or a wet diaper interferes with him. The child will wake up even if mom and dad quarrel, even in a whisper. He feels that something is wrong in the family and worries. But more often, newborn babies wake up due to abdominal pain.

Colic in newborns

In the second month of life, many children are worried about colic. The stomach enzymes are not yet fully formed, and the intestinal walls do not contract rhythmically enough. Usually, abdominal pain occurs after eating. At the same time, the child cries and tightens his legs.

The surest remedy is to help the waste of gases from the digestive tract. After each feed, hold the baby upright so that the air swallowed during sucking is released. It is also helpful to put the baby on his back and raise both bent legs towards the stomach. Great for colic in newborns and fennel medicinal tea for children.

Warmth helps with colic. Put on a warm sweater, hug your baby to your chest and walk around like this. Or, place a warm ironed diaper on the baby's belly, and through it, massage gently clockwise.

Diet of a nursing mother

Colic means that the child's body is not yet able to perceive the food that his mother eats. A nursing mother can eat white chicken or rabbit meat, potatoes, carrots, cereals, slightly dried bread, drink weak green tea, mineral water without gas. Often a nursing mother should not consume milk and dairy products. After all, the child also gets protein, and it is difficult for his fragile digestive system to cope with it. In order for the child to have no gas, the mother should not eat cabbage, grapes, legumes. It is better to replace fresh vegetables for nursing mothers with baked or steamed ones, and quench their thirst with freshly boiled chamomile and mint decoctions, which regulate the work of the stomach and intestines.

What to do, if:

- the child has crooked legs

The child's feet are turned inward, the legs, when connected, do not touch at the knees.

The feet of newborn babies do not look like the feet of an adult, but babies cannot walk. Slight clubfoot and curvature are within normal limits. If the legs are spread apart, bent, unbend, the pediatrician has not found any deviations, then everything is in order.

Massage will not be superfluous. Do it yourself: spread your legs, bend, unbend, "spin the bike", massage your heels, stretch each finger.

In the future, when the child's body receives an additional load: the baby learns to crawl, stand, walk - the legs will straighten.

- when the child starts to smile

Some children know how to smile at two weeks, and some do not smile even at 5. All this is within the normal range. Talk to your child more often, caress him, and he will definitely answer you. The smile differs from the grimace of newborns in that the child consciously smiles at you with his whole face, rejoices, tries to repeat the smile again.

If your baby does not smile after 6-7 weeks, consult a pediatric neurologist

In this article:

It's only been a couple of months since your baby was born. But what a miracle it is to watch him and see how he makes his first movements with his hands in your direction, begins to catch you with his eyes and tries to smile. On a subconscious level, you understand his “agu-eat” and “agu-I'm bored”, “agu-I'm tired” and “agu-want to get on your hands”.

At the age of 2 months, the child especially needs attention and a feeling of mother's warmth, father's care. He gets used to close relatives, recognizes them by smell, voice, rejoices at their appearance in the house. The baby's mood changes, new desires and needs appear. Sometimes, due to progressive changes, parents start to worry about whether their child is developing correctly.

To calm down and prevent problems, it is necessary to visit the local doctor strictly according to the appointed schedule. The supervision of specialists will help you to accurately navigate the health of your child and calmly rejoice at his new successes.

Height, weight, skills

In the first months, babies gain weight quickly enough. Mother's care, proper care and timely feeding, especially breastfeeding, have a beneficial effect on the little person, giving him the strength to move forward in his development. In the second month, there may be some decline in weight gain, but this is not scary. It's just that the child's body calms down a little, realizing that hunger does not threaten him, and stops making large reserves. If in the first month the child can dial up to a kilogram, then by the second month the plus will go to approximately 600-800 grams.

Although these figures are not an indicator of the ideal weight of the baby. Each child is individual, loved and unique. If your son or daughter decided to gain a kilo or a hundred kilos, this is not a cause for concern: now your baby is not threatened with obesity.

If the second month is in the spring or late autumn, it is quite possible that the body intuitively stores useful trace elements for wintering or more actively consumes mother's milk (as well as useful mixtures) to protect immunity before the hot summer. If, on the contrary, the child has a shortage, it is better to start feeding him with baby food. Check with your healthcare professional about diet and feeding.

The reason for the lack of weight can be the rapid growth of the child. At 2 months, the baby adds up to 3 centimeters. By the end of the second month, in general terms, the baby should add up to 1.6 kg to his weight and 3-4 cm to his height.

Feeding a baby at 2 months

At 2 months old, despite some weight gain, your baby needs a lot of nutritious, healthy meals. It is good if the mother does not stop breastfeeding, but if breastfeeding stops, it is necessary to choose the most useful and suitable food. Milk consumption reaches almost a liter per day, and in one feeding the baby can "drink" an average teacup of his food.

Feeding a two month old baby
occurs every 3-4 hours. Sleep increases at night. If you fed your baby by 12 at night, then next time he will wake up from hunger at 6-7 in the morning. To feed your baby to its fullest, you need a "dining area" to which the child will quickly get used to. If you continue to feed him where it is convenient for you, then curiosity and thirst for knowledge will certainly distract him from the process, and next time he will want to eat much earlier than it should be according to the regime. It will not be comfortable for you or your child.

The child consumes more food due to active growth and development. He needs more nutrients. Therefore, mothers who are breastfeeding should not get carried away with diets and think about excess weight. Now is not the time to lose weight. By surrendering to nature, you can lose weight much faster. After all, your child needs nutrients that go into milk and, accordingly, go with it.

Do not worry about the delayed kilograms: as the baby grows up, they will quickly disappear.
Rather, it is worth taking care of improving lactation. This requires protein, fresh meat (veal), steamed cutlets, cheese products, nuts and honey. If you have not consumed any foods before, it is better to introduce them gradually, one at a time. The child may experience bloating, constipation, or, conversely, diarrhea. Rashes also appear if the mother treats herself to fresh strawberries or eats a citrus fruit.

Child's day regimen at 2 months

A night's sleep for a two-month-old baby becomes complete. Kids sleep for 9 hours. The same amount falls on daytime rest, but with breaks. The kid can rest for 30 minutes or for a couple of hours 3-4 times a day. To sleep uninterrupted, you need to learn how to feed your baby.
in time, before going to bed, until he is full, without being distracted by others.

Often young children confuse day and night. It is very difficult and wrong to live according to such a regime. Therefore, it is recommended to monitor the baby's sleep in the daytime and do not regret waking the baby up after the 3rd hour of rest. At first, it will not do without whims, but attention and various activities upon waking up - songs, massage, bathing, walking, etc. - help the baby to get rid of stress and to adopt the desired regimen.

Fresh air

For a little person, fresh air is extremely important. It is necessary to devote at least 40 minutes of walks two or more times a day. Many
Toddlers love to doze while walking, which is good. In the fresh air, with a restful sleep, a strong psyche is formed and immunity is strengthened.

If the weather, to put it mildly, does not whisper, it is preferable to stay at home, but you should not deprive your baby of pleasure either. Just move your child to another room while you ventilate his nursery. Do a wet cleaning, if possible, turn on the blue lamp for 10-15 minutes. After such cleaning, both you and your baby will be very comfortable in the nursery. It won't replace a full walk, but it will be good for your health.

Do not risk your health by going outside in severe frost, even for 10 minutes. But you shouldn't panic enough to wrap your baby up, turning him into a head of cabbage. One hundred clothes will not save a child from the cold, but the greenhouse effect, due to which he can become seriously ill, will be provided.

Another important medical advice: do not dress your child too tightly because "grandmothers will threaten with a finger."
Believe me, even though the baby has immature immunity, his clothes do not belong to the state of health and sensitivity to temperature at a rate of 36.6. If the sun is shining outside and the weather is calm in May, you should not wrap your child in woolen blankets for the sake of avoiding a scandal in the yard from word of mouth - "otherwise the weather is deceiving, and the mother is inexperienced, not caring." This is your baby, not the grandmothers from the next doorway, and it's up to you to decide what will be comfortable for your child.

After a long walk and before bed, you need a water treatment. Teach your baby to be hygienic from birth. The water should not exceed a temperature of 37 degrees, otherwise it can burn the baby. If you feel that the child is uncomfortable, try raising the temperature by a degree and a half, or, conversely, make it cooler. If the water for the child is cold, he will not want to swim for a long time, he will be capricious. If he feels hot water, he will instinctively get out of the bathroom and scream loudly, protesting such procedures.

After bathing at night, be sure to give your child a massage. Using a baby cream or moisturizing oil with lavender, olive, vanilla or chocolate scent will make your massage much more pleasant. Mom should know the first movements intuitively. Stroke the arms and legs of the child. The movements are gentle and smooth, from top to bottom. After the baby has calmed down and, perhaps, smiled, turn him over on his stomach and start massaging the back.

It doesn't have to be an adult massage, and it's very early for the children's famous "rails-sleepers". With an open palm, so that the little one feels your warmth, iron the areas of velvet skin from the ass to the shoulders and back. Don't forget to massage your tummy too. Light circular strokes in a clockwise direction motivate good bowel function and soothe the baby. The massage is good for the child, pleasant for the parents and will certainly give unforgettable moments of communication and additional affection.

What can a 2 month old baby do?

By the age of two months, the baby is actively developing his motor skills. The function of grasping, squeezing, and attention to one's body parts improves. The kid can hold light toys and "rattle" them, hold the parent's finger for a long time. Absolutely all objects are very tempting, and they will certainly be drawn into the mouth "for trial."

If you take the baby in your arms, you can feel how his body has grown stronger. He no longer seems so helpless. Reflexively, the muscles tense and relax. By the end of the second month, the baby is more confident in holding the head, can hold it for several seconds, lying on its stomach. At two
For months, sons and daughters consciously react to the voices and smells of their parents, but the slightest changes in their appearance still frighten them. If you put on a wig or even a Panama hat on your dad or mom, the child will look at the “new acquaintance” for a long time, and if the disguise is removed, he will be delighted with a sudden meeting with relatives.

At two months old, the baby begins to "hum" in a sing-song manner. Sometimes it seems that a little elf has settled in your house, humming his magical melodies. At such moments, it is useful to sing, answering the baby: this will instill in him the desire to communicate and self-confidence. If the mother sings a children's song, looking at the child, and will intonate, the little one will want to copy it, and he will begin to stretch his lips funny and roll his eyes, trying to capture these moments of happiness in his memory.

Games for a baby in 2 months

Playing with a two month old baby is easy. In addition, the game time will not take you more than 15-20 minutes. Children get tired very quickly during this period. The games are simple and fun for parents and children. You can use colored mittens, armbands, items your child likes to look at. Tell, playing with dolls, short stories or
rhymes. Play nice and touch the baby's fingers. Show your hands and compare with the hands of a child. It is good to establish communication by giving the child different toys in his hands: soft and plastic cubes, balls with and without silicone pimples. In this case, you need to constantly maintain a conversation with the baby.

Make your baby crawl by turning him over on his tummy and showing him a bright favorite toy. He must not only watch her with his head raised, but also strive to grab her. To do this, he needs to crawl forward a little.

General advice for parents on caring for a baby at 2 months

  • Wipe and rinse the wrinkles on the baby's body. During this period, the skin is not resistant to external stimuli. In addition, rashes may occur with new food. Use talcum powder if necessary.
  • Communicate regularly with your child before bedtime, sing to him, recite poems and fairy tales, say out loud what you will do.
  • Leave your baby open after the bath to get used to room temperature. In this case, the house should be from +22 C.
  • Watch the growth of your baby's nails so that he does not have time to scratch himself.
  • Show your child all your love and the importance of his appearance. Children cannot understand words, but they perfectly understand the intonation of the voice and catch the energy of their parents. The harmonious development of your baby depends on peace in the family.

The first month - the most difficult - is behind us. At 2 months of age, the child gave you the most important achievement of the first weeks - a smile. This means that he is no longer afraid of this vast world, he recognized you and fell in love.

Height and weight of the baby at 2 months

By the end of the second month, the child is gaining from 600 to 1000 g. He can grow by about 3 cm.

Indicators of the norm *. Child's age - 2 months

Lower limit of the norm

The upper limit of the norm

Boys weight, kg

Weight of girls, kg

Boys' height, cm

Height of girls, cm

Boys head circumference, cm

Girls head circumference, cm

* Data are indicated according to centile tables of domestic pediatricians

What a baby can do at 2 months:

Straighten your palms more often (the grasping reflex gradually disappears);

Make sounds like the cooing of a dove; I connect the sounds "a", "e" with "x";

Be frightened if he hears a stern and loud voice;

Respond vividly to the sound, waiting for its continuation;

See the outlines of objects and their details;

To attract attention, not only cry, but also change your facial expression;

Watch an object moving 15 cm from its face.

Baby development at 2 months

In the second month of life, the child does not just smile - he laughs, sparkling mischievously with his eyes. From that moment on, you became even closer. The baby smiles at his mother, as they smile at the sun, he loves you endlessly. Mom causes admiration, surprise and exultation in the baby. Cheerful laughter is confirmation of this.

Humming, child hearing training

At two months old, the child is already trying to communicate with you, utters simple sounds, hums. All children, even deaf and dumb ones, make such sounds.

Children subtly feel the shades of speech and the timbre of the interlocutor's voice. The simplest thing you can do for your child's development is to talk to him more often, and in faces. Change intonation from narrative to interrogative, speak louder and quieter, in falsetto and bass. Moreover, during the conversation, you do not have to stay in the field of view of the crumbs. Refer to it when you, for example, walk around the room. And the child will turn his head towards your voice. This is good ear training. Also use a rattle. Shake it behind the child's back. He will turn curiously to see where the noise is coming from.

Vision of a child of two months

The little man's eyesight became a little sharper. He concentrates his gaze on the subject that interests him for 20-30 seconds. To develop the eyes, move the toy in different directions in front of the child's face at a distance of 50 cm (further than last month). Hang a bright toy over the crib, and the baby will start watching it with pleasure.

Now every day will bring new discoveries - and not only for your child. Together with him, you will also learn the world anew!

Baby's day regimen 2 months

Just a few weeks ago, a young child's main occupations were sleeping and eating. Now he is awake more time. Mom can only adjust to him and adjust the daily routine. Of course, you shouldn't constantly check your watches. In the child's day mode, deviations of half an hour and even an hour are permissible. But when from the first days the child knows what awaits him in the morning, afternoon and evening, he feels more relaxed. And mom, in order to keep up with everything, needs to have at least an approximate schedule. After all, you need to find time for a husband, for household chores, and for rest.

Feeding on demand

Feed your baby on demand. However, do not keep the baby at the breast for a long time, try to put him in the crib as soon as he falls asleep. Otherwise, feeding will take you most of the day.

For a walk with a two-month-old baby, it is better to use a cradle stroller. In it, the baby can be rocked, sheltered from the sun, noise and precipitation. A sling is also convenient, but then you will have to carry all the things you need for a walk (bottles, diapers, napkins, spare clothes) separately.

In the second month of life, the child sleeps a little less - about 17 hours a day. Sometimes children sleep during the day and wake up in the evening. If your child confuses day with night, then put him to bed early every day. It will take a month for the baby to be able to rebuild in a new way.

If your child often wakes up and has to be rocked for a long time, consult a pediatrician to find the reason for this behavior. Perhaps this is due to the temperament of the newborn. In this case, the doctor will tell you what needs to be changed in the daily routine: to bathe the child earlier or to walk with him more. Sleep is usually interrupted if the baby is cold or hot, if a lamp or a wet diaper interferes with him. The child will wake up even if mom and dad quarrel, even in a whisper. He feels that something is wrong in the family and worries. But more often, newborn babies wake up due to abdominal pain.

Colic in newborns

In the second month of life, many children are worried about colic. The stomach enzymes are not yet fully formed, and the intestinal walls do not contract rhythmically enough. Usually, abdominal pain occurs after eating. At the same time, the child cries and tightens his legs.

The surest remedy is to help the waste of gases from the digestive tract. After each feed, hold the baby upright so that the air swallowed during sucking is released. It is also helpful to put the baby on his back and raise both bent legs towards the stomach. Great for colic in newborns and fennel medicinal tea for children.

Warmth helps with colic. Put on a warm sweater, hug your baby to your chest and walk around like this. Or, place a warm ironed diaper on the baby's belly, and through it, massage gently clockwise.

Diet of a nursing mother

Colic means that the child's body is not yet able to perceive the food that his mother eats. A nursing mother can eat white chicken or rabbit meat, potatoes, carrots, cereals, slightly dried bread, drink weak green tea, mineral water without gas. Often a nursing mother should not consume milk and dairy products. After all, the child also gets protein, and it is difficult for his fragile digestive system to cope with it. In order for the child to have no gas, the mother should not eat cabbage, grapes, legumes. It is better to replace fresh vegetables for nursing mothers with baked or steamed ones, and quench their thirst with freshly boiled chamomile and mint decoctions, which regulate the work of the stomach and intestines.

What to do, if:

- the child has crooked legs

The child's feet are turned inward, the legs, when connected, do not touch at the knees.

The feet of newborn babies do not look like the feet of an adult, but babies cannot walk. Slight clubfoot and curvature are within normal limits. If the legs are spread apart, bent, unbend, the pediatrician has not found any deviations, then everything is in order.

Massage will not be superfluous. Do it yourself: spread your legs, bend, unbend, "spin the bike", massage your heels, stretch each finger.

In the future, when the child's body receives an additional load: the baby learns to crawl, stand, walk - the legs will straighten.

- when the child starts to smile

Some children know how to smile at two weeks, and some do not smile even at 5. All this is within the normal range. Talk to your child more often, caress him, and he will definitely answer you. The smile differs from the grimace of newborns in that the child consciously smiles at you with his whole face, rejoices, tries to repeat the smile again.

If your baby does not smile after 6-7 weeks, consult a pediatric neurologist
