
10 ways to drive her crazy in bed

There's nothing sexier for a partner than feeling like you're putting an incredible amount of effort into a relationship, and we guarantee that if you put all your energy into nurturing your connection, she'll know you're a dedicated and passionate lover. Sometimes sex can

Mistress of a married man: rules of conduct

Why do many of us, dreaming of a magnificent wedding and endless family happiness from early childhood, end up becoming permanent mistresses of married men? Oddly enough, but for a fairly large part of the fairer sex, such a fate

8 sure signs that he will fall in love with you

Incredible facts How to determine at the beginning of dating whether a guy will fall in love with you or not? Love at first sight undoubtedly exists. In films everything is much simpler and clearer. In real life, it is sometimes difficult to predict whether the same one will outgrow

How a man copes with a breakup with his lover

Does a man worry about this? - the women will ask. After all, the stronger sex is strong enough to endure love trials. The opinion is very popular, but no less erroneous. Science confirms that the strong half of humanity survives the breakup

Practical advice: how to make men fall in love with you

In order to make their lives easier, people came up with a huge number of rules. Almost all areas of our lives are strictly regulated. And from childhood we know in what sequence our lives will take place: school, college, work, marriage.

How to be an ideal lover for a married man: rules and mistakes

Love once and for life is rather a beautiful exception to the harsh rules of polygamy in this life. And a lifelong marriage often comes with painful periods of quarrels, jealousy, betrayal and often on the verge of divorce. It often happens that a man, having got himself

How to tell if a man loves you: the 100% way

Sooner or later, many women are faced with an insidious question: “How can you tell if a man loves you?” This question is insidious because its very occurrence is already a bad sign. After all, you should feel the feelings that a man experiences. Although, considering how

How to make your lover yearn in order to keep him close to you?

Mistress. She becomes attached to a married man, but then the question arises - how to keep her lover close to her. He does not want to leave his wife, and at the same time he is quite happy with an affair on the side. It also happens the other way around - she is married, and he becomes love

How men fall in love with women

In the article we will sequentially consider each stage that includes the process of a man falling in love with a woman. After reading the article, you will be able to adjust your behavior in time, because you will know what is going on in a man’s head at the moment.

Married lover and married mistress - Psychology of relationships

Often the psychology of relationships between married lovers is determined by the lack of continuation. The desire to get closer to people burdened by marriage is explained by the reluctance to leave one’s own family. After all, the appearance of a free partner imposes responsibility

How to behave with your lover if you are a real lady

Relationships between people are a complex thing in principle, and love relationships even more so: mutual insults, reproaches and disappointments - achieving mutual understanding can be extremely difficult. Many people know the computer game "Sims", so if only everything in life was so simple...

How to become a woman who drives men crazy

In this article we will talk about what men like in women. I will tell you what a woman who can drive a man crazy looks and behaves. You will learn why it is important to have a rich life, maintain dignity in any situation and why make surprises

How to break off a relationship with a married man?

No matter what morality, foundations and norms of behavior dictate to us, relationships outside of marriage have always existed. In harsh Puritan England and at the cheerful court of Louis XIV, women and men alike fell recklessly in love, without bothering to first check whether there was

If a man truly loves, how does he behave?

Every person is unique. This applies not only to his appearance, but also to his character, behavior and even temperament. Therefore, it is not surprising that almost every woman sometimes wonders: does a man really love me? If yes, how?

How men fall in love

Love has already been written and said many times. But it still remains one of the greatest mysteries of humanity, and understanding it is not at all easy. It is difficult to understand why some women are lucky in their personal lives, while others, despite their wonderful qualities and

Female pickup or 10 ways to make any man fall in love with you

For many years, ordinary people, scientists and romantics of all stripes have been arguing about what love is and where it comes from. No one has been able to obtain accurate information on this matter. Therefore, there is no clear answer to the question of how to fall in love with

Tip 1: How to get your ex-wife back

Instructions Take a short break. For example, for 3-4 weeks. Cut off all contact with your ex-wife. Don't even talk to her on the phone. During this time, try to change for the better. Play sports, start taking additional courses or