
Folk vasodilators: the best for blood vessels from nature

Vasoconstriction is a disorder that manifests itself in patients regardless of age and gender. Symptoms of spasm in the form of headaches and dizziness often plague modern people. Why is there a recent trend of such complications?

10 Ways to Overcome the Fear of Fear

Here are some simple tips to help you break the cycle of fear and overcome the habit of fear. You will learn about what fear of fear is from the article “Fear of fear: phobophobia”. 1. Believe that you can control your

How to get rid of panic attacks yourself: fear and anxiety

A panic attack is an attack of inexplicable fear that occurs at any time of the day. This is often confused with fear or phobia, but they have nothing in common. An acute phase panic attack usually lasts no more than a minute. A cycle of successive attacks in the form of a pr

Treatment of lichen in humans - the best treatment methods

Ringworm is a term used to refer to skin diseases that are characterized by the appearance of rash elements or inflammatory spots of papules. With lichen, damage to the skin occurs. Color changes depending on the type of disease

Snoring in women: causes and treatment

For many people, the problem of snoring is most often associated with the stronger sex. But many women also suffer from this disease. If we consider this phenomenon in more detail, it is worth noting that some do not find anything here with

How to get rid of panic attacks and anxiety - 3 ways

In this article I will tell you how to get rid of panic attacks and anxiety. A panic attack is an uncontrollable, inexplicable fear and panic that literally paralyzes a person. Symptoms of a panic attack: rapid heartbeat, increased sweating

Causes of snoring, all methods of getting rid of snoring

How can a woman or man avoid snoring in his sleep? Many of us consider snoring to be a completely harmless phenomenon that brings concern, rather, to those around us, but not to the snorer himself. However, medicine has a completely different view on this issue. She claims that snoring is with

How to get rid of snoring in a man's sleep

More than 50% of men over 35 snore in their sleep. Snoring is a complex and quite dangerous disease, and people don’t even think about what serious consequences such a disease can lead to in the future. Men suffering from long-term chronic

Chickenpox in children

Every parent, when their child becomes infected with chickenpox, is very worried about this. If we tell you not to worry and that everything will be fine, this will not help, after all, this is your dear little person, and you will worry even if the child has a

How to treat female snoring?

In most cases, men suffer from the problem of snoring, but women also often face it. This is usually indicated by a spouse who cannot sleep due to loud noises. Under such conditions, a logical question arises: how to get rid of snoring with

Snoring in women - is it possible to get rid of it?

Persistent, severe nighttime snoring can be a serious problem for women. It not only interferes with normal family life, but also indicates serious health problems. How to get rid of this defect, are there reliable ways to treat it?

What to do when gases are difficult to pass from the intestines

You can understand that this is exactly what is happening by discomfort in the abdomen, it becomes swollen, and sometimes painful sensations appear. A large accumulation does not pose a serious danger, but the problem must be treated. How to cope with gases in the intestines yourself, and m

Snoring in women: causes and treatment

Women's snoring and sleep apnea are not uncommon. Of course, women snore somewhat less often than men, but the problem of snoring is not something unusual or exceptional. And the question of how to deal with snoring, in fact, is often of much more interest to women than to men.

Why does snoring occur in women and how to deal with it?

Snoring in women is one of the common causes of constant lack of sleep and fatigue. Although snoring is considered a harmless phenomenon, it causes serious inconvenience to the person and others. Why does snoring occur? Experts identify such reasons for the appearance

Why do gases constantly accumulate in the intestines?

Many people face a problem when gas accumulates in the intestines. What to do in such cases? Which doctor should I contact for help? What are the causes of increased gas formation? The answers to these questions are of interest to many readers because, you see, m

Drugs for vasodilation

Disorders in the functioning of cerebral vessels are quite common diseases. Such ailments negatively affect the functioning of the brain and other organs that are important for humans. People who suffer from vessel spasms