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Do-it-yourself birds made from cereals, diagrams and templates. Crafts made from millet and lentils. Master class: how to color cereals and seeds with food coloring

Do-it-yourself birds made from cereals, diagrams and templates.  Crafts made from millet and lentils.  Master class: how to color cereals and seeds with food coloring

Cereals and coffee beans are the most accessible materials for handicrafts, which are found in almost every home. They make very creative crafts that can be used to decorate the interior or as a gift to a loved one. Crafts made from cereals will allow you to fully unleash your creative abilities and also be fun to do with your children.

If we talk about coffee beans, they not only have a pleasant aroma, but are also quite practical for creative works, since they differ in optimal parameters. In addition, the smell of quality beans stabilizes nervous system and helps stimulate children's observation, perseverance, the formation of creative thinking and an original approach to business.

How to make paintings from coffee beans

  • A suitable size photo frame.
  • Polymer glue or heat gun.
  • Depending on the idea of ​​the future painting, you can purchase colored paper, aerosol or watercolor paints, as well as any other accessories to your taste.

Before starting work, you need to remove the glass from the frame and remove the protective film from the frame, remove the cardboard lining, and if desired, you can cover it with paper, a plain fabric, or paint it.

Then you need to think over a sketch of the future work. Using a simple pencil, outline the location of the drawing. You can pre-lay out the grains without gluing them to the base, which will allow you to better think through the design and, if desired, modify it. By carefully thinking through the picture, you can avoid mistakes and omissions. In general, the grains can be placed however you want, in absolutely any direction.

If you want to change the shade of the grains, you can tint them with watercolors or spray paints. Don't forget about different varieties coffee, which also have differences in color.

After you decide on the color and design idea, you can start gluing the grains. You should not use too much glue, because during the work it can stick out and create unwanted stains. Remove excess glue in a timely manner by blotting it with a dry cloth.

Instead of a photo frame, you can use it as a basis Wall Clock, and also use them as a basis for your creativity.

No less relevant is the idea of ​​creating a unique coffee tree or . It can be made by placing a stick on a stand and attaching a ball of light material, such as paper, to the top. Subsequently, the surface of the ball and the stand are covered with coffee beans.

Crafts from cereals for children in kindergarten

The technique of gluing cereals onto paper differs from the previously presented version with coffee beans. For example, legumes can be glued separately. Small grains can be poured onto a surface coated with glue through a stencil.

Alphabet of cereals for children

When introducing a child to letters, as well as learning to read, it is best to use the three-dimensional letter technique. This will help him remember the letters faster and he will be able to enjoy the unique game.


  • A sheet of cardboard in a neutral shade;
  • Pencils;
  • PVA glue;
  • Scissors;
  • Cereals: beans, peas, millet, etc. at your discretion.

Decorate the bottle with cereals or seeds

This craft will be a rather unusual decoration for your home. The design depends on the color of the cereals, which, just like coffee ones, can be tinted.

Educational games using semolina

Games with cereals are widely used for development fine motor skills children's hands. To increase interest in the game, the croup can be colored. The essence of the method is that the cereal is poured onto a tray or any other flat surface, giving the child the opportunity to make original designs using his fingers. To begin with, you can choose fairly simple shapes like a circle or square, and then move on to some more specific objects. This technique also develops the baby's creative thinking.

Cereals, seeds and coffee beans are widely used in handicrafts. At the same time, they can be used to make a large number of creative products, interior decorations and even exciting games for children. you can turn ordinary food products and old furnishings into beautiful products self made.

Open the cabinet in the kitchen where you store bulk products - there you will definitely find long rice and spicy buckwheat, small yellow millet and halves of peas, and now we suggest using these products not for preparing porridges and side dishes, but for creating crafts from cereals. Unconventional techniques They are especially captivating for the child, and while the mother is preparing a delicious dinner for the whole family, the baby will be busy with a new type of creativity.

Crafts from cereals for children

If you are looking interesting ideas crafts from cereals for children, then we can offer you semolina as a material for creativity - small grains can be used to create bright and original appliqué paintings. However, semolina has White color, and in order to get a bright multi-color applique, the grains must be colored.

In addition to semolina, we will also need gouache, medical alcohol and water, which will be used to dilute the paint. To facilitate the coloring process, we will need a teaspoon and a container (saucer or plastic bowl), and a fine strainer to prevent the formation of lumps. The colored semolina should be placed on a sheet of white paper to dry. Ready-made grains can be used for creativity at any time; you can immediately color a large amount of semolina in different colors and then store them in glass or plastic containers. At any time you will have material for creation at hand.

The paint must be diluted with water, using a solution of alcohol and water in equal proportions, for example, you must mix two teaspoons of water and alcohol, and then add one spoon of paint of the desired color to the liquid. Remember that the more liquid you add, the lighter the paint shade, so you can easily create a smooth transition color range from dark to pale.

The paint should be mixed with the liquid and add semolina, stirring so that the paint is evenly distributed among the grains. The colored solution should make the grains slightly damp, but not wet, and to prevent the appearance of lumps, the grains should be thoroughly rubbed with a spoon. Then rub the semolina with your fingers so that they are evenly colored; you can entrust this work to a child. After this coloring, the semolina should become crumbly. You may need a fine sieve to get rid of any lumps. After coloring, the manochka should be laid out on a sheet of paper and left on a sunny windowsill until completely dry.

The finished manochka, painted in different colors, can be used to create applications. To do this we need a printed or drawn picture and PVA glue with a brush. The element of the picture must be covered with a thin layer of glue using a brush, then sprinkle this part of the picture with grains of the selected color on top, and lightly press it with your fingers. Thus, cover the remaining elements DIY cereal crafts for children. After complete drying, the picture can be turned over so that the unadhered grains fall off.

Crafts from cereals

As a material for children's creativity, parents can choose colored sand, it can be bought in a store with children's goods, or they can choose a more environmentally friendly product that will be safe for the child - colored semolina, which you can “cook” yourself. When the baby works with such material, either in the spring or in the spring, mommy won’t even have to worry that the preschooler will accidentally taste the semolina. We colored it with gouache or food coloring, which means it is completely safe.

You can play with colored grains at home and outside, and this material is available all year round, but colored sand may run out of stores in your city.

Drawing on sand has recently become very popular, for the same purposes we will use a manka: pour it onto a flat surface (for example, a tray), smooth it with your palm, and then draw with a stick or finger. The child can learn to write numbers and letters, and in case of failure, all he has to do is run his palm over the surface again and the basis is ready for new creative ideas.

When does your child get his first neat DIY crafts from cereals, photo be sure to remember the finished result, and also your original idea for children's creativity can be described on our website so that other mothers can get inspiration.

DIY cereal crafts

You can choose another execution option crafts from cereals, photo You will definitely find “cereal” applications on the Internet. In addition to semolina, you can also use rice; it also has a neutral color, so before making the applique, the grains of rice can be painted with gouache paint.

Contribute to the formation creative personality, the child develops fantasy and imagination, he will look for the opportunity to realize his creative potential in all the materials that surround him. After using seeds and cereals, he will definitely want to try pasta as a material for creativity.

DIY cereal crafts are made using round or long-grain rice, you can also use chaff. In some applications, undyed rice is used, for example, where several types of cereals are combined - in addition to rice, there is also buckwheat, peas and beans. But if the child will only work with rice, then it should be colored first so that the material can be used to design the applique.

Long-grain rice is usually used; it is stronger and harder, and looks beautiful on paper. The most affordable option for coloring is to use gouache, but you can also use food dyes that are lying idle in your house or that are nearing their expiration date. To make the paint stick better, add acetic acid to the solution.

Coloring will not be done in a bowl, as is the case with semolina, but in a plastic bag; it will be convenient to use zip-lock bags for these purposes. First you need to mix food coloring with water and add a few drops acetic acid. By adding more or less water you can adjust the color saturation.

Pour the rice into a plastic bag, add the dye there and mix thoroughly with the ziplock closed. The dye should be distributed over the grains of rice and color them evenly, then spread on a flat surface in one layer to dry.

Templates for crafts made from cereals

When you prepare the material for creativity, you need to worry about a beautiful image, the contours of which the child will fill with multi-colored grains, securely fixing them with glue. The easiest option is to find a picture on the Internet and print it; mommy can draw the picture herself. Perhaps you have large coloring magazines at home, in which the child has already lost interest, you can take the images from there, they will be good templates for crafts from cereals.

Since cereals and seeds are quite heavy materials, the thin office paper on which you print the picture will become an unreliable basis, in this case we need a cardboard base. Therefore, the sheet with the image should be glued to a sheet of white cardboard, and when it dries, you can begin to make the applique.

You can choose an image on any topic; it is desirable that the picture consists of large elements that will be convenient to cover with grains. You can combine several materials, for example, in kindergarten they are made not only using green and brown semolina, with which you can make grass and tree trunks, autumn leaves are also used to form the crown.

DIY crafts from seeds and cereals

Ready templates for crafts from cereals for children You can fill it not with one type of grains, but with different ones, so you get a textured picture. You can use millet and pearl barley, rice and buckwheat, beans and split peas, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, as well as all other products whose creative potential has not yet been revealed.

When we looked at methods of execution, we described in detail the trimming method, in which plasticine is used as a base, into which paper elements are literally “pressed.” This time we will again use plasticine as a base, but we will “press” various seeds and cereals into it.

Small grains and working with them contribute to the development of finger motor skills; a child can glue them to paper, press them into plasticine, or simply pour them from one hand to the other. Fine motor skills are closely related to the development of the speech apparatus, which is why creativity is very important for children aged 2-3 years; it should be practiced not only in kindergarten, but also at home.

Application on plasticine is simple crafts from cereals and seeds, for which you can use any products that you find in the kitchen - millet or rice, peas or buckwheat. In this case, in addition to plasticine, our picture will also contain paper elements, for example, we can cut out a tree trunk from colored paper, and first decorate its crown with plasticine, and then press yellow millet peas into the plastic base.

The plasticine must be thoroughly kneaded in your hands so that it becomes soft, and then literally “smear” it in small pieces on the cardboard surface. When you fill the surface with plasticine, you can press the grains on top, they will be securely fixed in the plastic base.

For kids you need to choose the simplest ones DIY crafts from seeds and cereals with large fragments, for example, a preschooler can make a sunflower flower: decorate the middle with seeds, which are fixed on a base of black plasticine, and use split peas painted with yellow dye to decorate the yellow petals.

Cereal paintings will also be of interest to real craftswomen, because handicraftsmen often use coffee beans to make various elements of home decor, and in addition to them, you can also use other bulk products. The result of the work can be varnished to secure the elements. The finished painting can be framed and used to decorate the kitchen interior.

Creating crafts from cereals for children is very exciting and interesting. Thanks to this, you can achieve several results at once: discover a new hobby for yourself and your child, add cozy little things to the interior of your home and save on buying decorative elements in the store. Agree, this type of art is much better than spending time in front of the TV.

There are several categories of crafts.

An image on a plane is a drawing, which is created using semolina or any other cereal on an equally smooth and even surface. On this moment This style of drawing is very popular among European countries, especially if they draw on a backlit surface.

Fixed crafts are the creation of an ornament that is fixed on a flat surface with glue. This way you can decorate flower pots or photo frames.

From cereals and plasticine - this is a technique in which plasticine is first heated, then applied in a small layer to the surface with a pattern, and then various cereals are laid out and pressed into it, thanks to this an application like this is obtained:

Wicker crafts are a technique in which both pasta and various seeds are strung on a ribbon or thread, for example, zucchini or sunflower seeds, as well as grain. They can be painted in various colors with gouache or varnished.

Decorative jars are crafts made from multi-colored cereals or sea ​​salt, which are poured into a container in different layers, resulting in bright decorative elements.

Crafts from seeds and cereals - you can create various animals with your own hands, for example, with the help of sunflower seeds you can make a hedgehog, and by adding millet, you can make an autumn version of the applique and use it to decorate the kitchen or nursery.

Miniature bush sculpture

Large seeds of various legumes are ideal for creating topiary. Topiary is art impart to plants various shapes. T This plant can be created from materials such as: foam for the base, green peas or beans, dry moss, clay pot, PVA glue, brush, pencil or small stick as a stem and paint, preferably acrylic, Green colour. The sequence of actions is as follows:

Cereal panel

A panel is a picturesque image framed with an ornament. Since cereals and beans come in a wide variety of colors, this means that they can also be used to paint pictures and create mosaics. Start with the simplest and step-by-step schematic product, and then improve your detailing skills:

Such DIY grain fakes are very useful for children. They develop hand motor skills, thinking and imagination.

Decorating frames and bottles

Thanks to cereals, you can create not only fakes, but also give a second life to forgotten frames and beautiful bottles.

You can make an ornament out of beans or create different patterns using grains, giving your frame life, originality and uniqueness. Inside such frames you can insert small crafts from rice and buckwheat, sprigs of wheat, a herbarium, there may even be some unusual bone.

If the theme of the applique in the frame is autumn, then the following decoration options are suitable: Anyone, even an adult, will be delighted with such cozy jars:

All kids, without exception, love to do various crafts. This activity is not only exciting, but also incredibly useful, because it helps children develop concentration, perseverance and concentration, as well as fine motor skills of the fingers and, as a result,

A wide variety of materials can be used to create crafts. Including, kids can use various cereals - buckwheat, rice, semolina, peas and so on. In this article we bring to your attention several detailed instructions, which clearly demonstrate how to make crafts from cereals for children with your own hands.

How to make crafts from cereals with your own hands?

The basis of beautiful children's crafts made from cereals, created with their own hands, can be various techniques. In particular, kids enjoy making appliqués using this material. Make original panel Using this technique, the following step-by-step instructions will help you:

Creating crafts from cereals is especially popular on the eve of Easter. Using this material you can decorate beautifully and originally. Easter eggs, and even a child can cope with this task without much difficulty. You can do this as follows:

You can make it with your own hands from cereals autumn crafts, for example, topiary. The following master class will help you with this:

Of course, there are many more ways to make bright and unusual crafts from cereals. In addition, this material is great for decorating interior items, such as dishes or lamps. Although most cereals are quite small, working with them does not cause serious difficulties even for small children. That is why hand-made cereal crafts are very popular among adults and children of different ages.

Owl applique. Master Class

“Owl” applique made from cereals and seeds. Master Class

Master class is designed for students in grades 3-4.

Purpose: can be used to decorate the interior of a children's room, as a gift to friends and acquaintances.

Target: teach children to make crafts from natural material


· to cultivate in children the desire to create beautiful compositions from cereals and seeds of various plants, combining a variety of materials.

· develop creative imagination and aesthetic perception of the surrounding world.

· develop accuracy in working with glue.

Nature is a real storehouse of ideas for creativity, where every person who is not indifferent to beauty will find something to do to their liking. What could be more pleasant and noble than natural material? When we come into contact with nature, we become kinder. And this kindness helps us create, giving space to imagination and creativity.

She sleeps all day, and flies at night.

His big eyes sparkle.

Her keen hearing and attentive gaze.

They will find little frogs and mice in the grass.

Her head is spinning around

And he will say: “Uh-huh” to us from the forest... (Owl).

I'm sitting on a tree

I keep an eye on the spoils.

And if I see it, I’ll fly.

I'll definitely grab it.

There is a big head.

Do you recognize? I am an owl).

To complete the work we will need:

a sheet of corrugated cardboard cut from packaging containers; colored cardboard, a finished drawing with an image of an owl, Moment glue, stacks, scissors; eyes from a set for children's creativity; cereals: millet and semolina; dill and sunflower seeds, fine tea (from bags), beans, rose hips, a piece of birch bark.

Step-by-step work process

1. Let's make a frame for our craft.

Glue colored cardboard onto a sheet of A-4 corrugated cardboard. We make a frame out of bean seeds.

2. Cut out a birch trunk from birch bark, an image of an owl and paste it onto cardboard.

3. The contours of the owl drawing, after having been smeared with glue, are “drawn” with tea. Let it dry for 2-3 minutes, shake off excess.

4. Glue the eyes and make beads from the rosehip halves.

5. Fill in individual fragments of the applique: the hat with millet; the inside of the cap and a birch twig with semolina; wings, tail and head on the sides - tea; the front part of the head and body - dill seeds. Glue is applied to small areas of the design. Then it is sprinkled with grains (tea), so that there are no voids between the grains. Using stacks we remove excess.

6. Glue a flower to the hat, and make the nose out of beans.

7. Add leaves to the tree and our work is ready!

It’s very interesting to work with cereals and seeds, come up with stories, and put together compositions! Attracted by accessibility and ease of processing.

Here are some examples of what worked for us with children: