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Secrets of using tea tree oil for hair and effective recipes based on it. Tea tree essential oil for hair. How to use tea tree oil for hair? add tea tree to shampoo

Secrets of using tea tree oil for hair and effective recipes based on it.  Tea tree essential oil for hair.  How to use tea tree oil for hair?  add tea tree to shampoo

Our hair is exposed to stress every day: the sun, styling products, hair dryer or ironing, all this negatively affects the condition of the hair. Dryness, tightness of the scalp, dandruff, itching, hair loss, split ends and, as a result, slow growth of curls are the consequences of the negative influence of the environment. Inexpensive and effective tool, which is able to restore the beauty and energy of our hair, this oil tea tree.

Operating principle

Tea oil is available as an essential oil, with a peculiar aroma, similar to camphor, pale yellow or transparent in color, with a light green tint. It is obtained from tea tree leaves that grow in Australia.

This plant has traditionally been used in folk medicine inhabitants of the Australian continent, as a natural antiseptic.

From the history of the tool: Melaleuca alternifolia oil began to be used only at the beginning of the 20th century, after the scientist Arthur Penfold in his scientific works spoke about the antimicrobial and antiseptic properties of this substance. Its industrial production began in the 1970s.

What are they made from

Tea tree ester is obtained from the needle-like green leaves of the Melaleuca alternifolia variety. From 1000 kg of leaves, up to 8–10 liters of ether are obtained.

The water-steam method of oil distillation is considered the most effective. Melaleuca leaves are heated, the vapor with an admixture of essential oil through the tubes enters the refrigerator, where, when cooled, it takes on a liquid state. After the filtration process, pure essential oil is obtained.


The composition of the tea remedy contains almost 100 compounds, which have an antimicrobial and antiseptic effect.

The effectiveness of the product depends on the concentration of two components - cineol and terpinene. Both substances have an antibacterial effect, but cineole is considered a strong dermal irritant. Therefore, the best is a product with a low content of cineole and high terpinene.

It is best to buy a product containing 5% cineol, 40% terpiinene.

Beneficial features

This tool has the following effects on the hair:

  • it is a natural antiseptic, it has an antifungal effect, so tea tree oil is often used against dandruff;
  • relieves itching, saturates the dermis and hair with moisture, eliminates dry skin;
  • nourishes the hair roots, makes them strong, healthy, shiny;
  • clears the pores of the head that are clogged detergents and subcutaneous fat.

Essential oil is an environmentally friendly product, without the content of chemicals.


Contraindications to the use of tea tree ether include:

  • individual intolerance;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • with an exacerbation of an allergic reaction and allergic dermatoses;
  • with bronchial asthma;
  • children under 6 years old.

Attention! Tea oil is intended for external use only, ingestion is prescribed only under the guidance of an experienced physician. It can cause vomiting, diarrhea, incoordination, drowsiness, and even lead to coma.

Where can I buy

Tea tree oil is sold in pharmacies or cosmetic stores. Its price starts from 80 rubles. per bottle and can reach 800 rubles, depending on the manufacturer and volume.

What you should pay attention to, so as not to buy a fake:

  • high-quality goods are sold in dark glass vials with a tightly screwed lid;
  • the label should contain the name of the plant in Russian and Latin (tea tree-Melaleuca alternifolia) and the inscription " natural product", in any language;
  • the date of manufacture and the method of obtaining the oil must be clearly marked on the label;
  • large essential oil companies produce brochures on how to use their product, and do not write instructions for use on the label;
  • there should be no sediment, impurities, natural shade in the oil.

How can I apply

The easiest thing you can do with tea tree oil is add a few milliliters to your shampoo, 2-3 drops are enough for a single use. It is necessary to wash your hair with such an enriched shampoo, just like with ordinary shampoo, thoroughly lathering your head, rubbing it and then gently rinsing it off with warm water. Also, oil can be added to a mask, balm or conditioner.

Before you use the oil, as a cosmetic or therapeutic agent, arrange a test for the absence of a reaction. Apply a small amount of the product to the skin, if there is no redness, burning, itching, then it suits you.

What else you need to know before using this tool:

  1. Tea tree ether is applied to clean, slightly damp hair.
  2. When using masks with the addition of melaleuca oil, after application, the head should be wrapped with a towel.
  3. Hair masks with tea oil should be done no more than once a week.
  4. The use of therapeutic masks should be systematic, after 1-2 times you will not see any effect.

Buy a quality, certified product, poor quality oil can harm your hair.

Photos before and after

Mask Recipes

Based on henna

Helps strengthen hair, fill it with strength and increase hair growth, henna-based mask with the addition of tea tree ether.

To do this, take a bag of natural henna, pour it into a small cup, dilute it with boiling water until a homogeneous mass is formed, with a consistency like sour cream, and then add a couple of drops of our oil. We apply the resulting mixture in a warm form to the hair, especially to the root zone, put on a shower cap, and wrap the head with a towel on top. The mask should be washed off after an hour with warm water with the addition of lemon juice.

With olive oil

Mask based on olive and tea oil(based on 40 ml of olive oil and 10 drops of tea) will protect your hair from external aggressive factors (sun, wind, hot air), improves regeneration, fills the hair with strength and shine.

Based on aloe vera gel

Mask based on aloe vera gel with the addition of tea ether helps to get rid of dandruff, soothes the inflamed dermis of the head, fills the curls with vitamins. For it you need to mix the following ingredients:

  • 3-4 drops of tea tree oil;
  • 100 ml of water;
  • 50 ml of aloe vera gel;

The resulting mixture is evenly distributed over the entire surface of the head and left for 40-50 minutes, and then washed off with regular shampoo.

With kefir

For dry, weakened hair suitable mask based on kefir. To do this, add 2 drops of oil to it, per 200 ml of kefir. The resulting mixture should be applied to the entire surface of the hair, and put on a cap or towel on top. After 30 minutes, the mask can be washed off.

with avocado

This recipe is not only nourishes the hair, but also strengthens it, gives shine, relieves itching, nourishes with moisture. For him, we need to mix until smooth the pulp of avocado (1 pc.), 2 tbsp. l. honey and 3-4 drops of tea ether.

The composition is applied mainly to the roots of the head, for 30-40 minutes, and then washed off in the traditional way.

With chicken yolk

Strengthen weak hair the following recipe will help: mix one chicken yolk, 15 ml of burdock oil and 4 drops of tea tree oil. Such a balm is distributed over the surface of the head, massaging for 5-10 minutes, and then put on a cap, and after 40 minutes wash it off with shampoo.

Important! For medicinal purposes, masks based on tea tree oil are made 1-2 times a week, as a preventive measure every 2-3 weeks.

Remember, hair loss is not a tragedy. It is important to find out the cause and start making medical masks in time. Tea tree oil will help you with this, despite the fact that it is used primarily as an antibacterial, healing agent, it helps to cleanse the scalp, nourishes and moisturizes the hair.

It is especially effective in combination with other masks. After a month of regular use of this product, you will see how your hair will become healthier and more beautiful.

Useful videos

Tea tree oil for face, hair and body.

How to grow hair. Oil mask.

Hello dear readers. Today I want to talk about one of my favorite essential oils. Let's talk about tea tree oil. You can use it in different ways. This oil helps me a lot. I bought cheaper and more expensive oils, but settled on Primavera. The oil is of very high quality, it can be used not only for the aroma of the room, but also for medicinal purposes. During the period of colds, I drip oil into the aroma lamp, when I have a cold, I lubricate the wings of the nose with oil, it works very effectively. I still cauterize their pimples, apply pointwise, in their pure form, and also whiten their teeth. In general, all useful properties and do not count, not without reason he was called a doctor of 33 diseases.

If you want to learn more about how I use tea tree essential oil, read the article "."

Today I want to tell you how to use tea tree essential oil for hair. Speaking of favorites, I really like to use lavender oil for hair. But besides lavender oil, there are many other essential oils that can be used for hair and get a positive result.

I want to note that not everyone likes the smell of tea tree oil. To me, tea tree oil smells very nice. It smells like leaves, pine needles, forest to me, everyone probably has their own associations in this regard.

I like the aroma of the oil, so I use it with pleasure. If you don't like the aroma of an oil, you need to look for another oil. There are a lot of essential oils. Or, alternatively, try a quality essential oil.

  • Use tea tree oil to combat oily hair. It is used in masks when the hair gets dirty quickly.
  • The oil helps reduce oily hair, refreshes, making hair light and soft.
  • Gives shine and shine to hair.
  • The oil helps to smooth the hair, which in turn makes the hair easier to comb.
  • Nourishes hair roots, normalizes the sebaceous glands.
  • Tea tree essential oil is used for dandruff, along with lavender oil, this oil perfectly copes not only with dandruff, but also with seborrhea. Eliminates itchy scalp.
  • The oil helps not only to improve the appearance of the hair, but also to cope with diseases of the scalp.
  • Essential oil is a powerful disinfectant.
  • Masks with tea tree essential oil help stop hair loss.
  • Activate and accelerate hair growth.
  • Tea tree oil is used for weakened, oily, damaged hair.

Of the essential oils, only two oils can be used in their pure form, lavender oil and tea tree oil. Using them in their pure form implies point application. But for cosmetic procedures, essential oil must be diluted. Dilute the oil with any base oil, it can also be used in masks, added to shampoo.

Using tea tree oil for hair

You can enrich shampoos, masks with oil, use it to rinse curls after washing your hair. But they measure essential oils not with spoons, but with drops, they are also added drop by drop to a shampoo or mask.

If you use oil in a mask, then you need to apply the mask to the hair roots, distributing it further along the strands. Next, we warm the head and leave the mask for 15 to 30 minutes. Then we wash off.

Aroma combing with tea tree essential oil has a good result on the hair. Put a few drops of oil on a wooden comb and comb the strands. Combing hair with essential oils can be done once a day.

Tea tree oil in masks and beauty treatments can be used in combination with other essential oils: lavender, cinnamon, pine, clove.

When tea tree oil is added to the shampoo, the hair becomes stronger, gains shine, strength, and dandruff is eliminated. Add oil to a portion of shampoo just before washing your hair. Add 1-2 drops of oil to a serving of shampoo, mix in the palm of your hand and apply to your hair. If you add oil to shampoo, then for a volume of 250 ml. 5-6 drops of oil are enough.

After washing your hair, with excessive oiliness, you can rinse your hair with water, to which you need to add tea tree oil. For a liter of water, 3-5 drops of oil are enough.

Tea tree oil hair mask

Mask against dandruff. We will need any base oil. It could be burdock olive oil, jojoba oil, etc. The oil needs to be slightly warmed up in a water bath. For two tablespoons of base oil, add 2-3 drops of tea tree essential oil. The mask is mixed and rubbed into the hair roots. Warm the head and leave for 20 minutes, then wash off.

mask for oily hair. Mix one yolk with two tablespoons of lemon juice, add a drop of tea tree essential oil and apply a mask to the hair roots. If you are not allergic to dairy products, then lemon juice for a mask, you can mix with a spoonful of cottage cheese.

Salt peeling for hair. With increased oiliness of hair, with oily skin heads, it is recommended to do a peeling for the hair. It can be left as a mask on the hair, 10 minutes is enough. Peeling helps to cleanse the scalp of the remnants of cosmetics.

Use fine salt. 2 tbsp. Mix tablespoons of salt with two tablespoons of water, add a couple of drops of tea tree essential oil. Mix everything in a bowl and apply to the hair roots. For more information about salt scrub, see the article "." Salt scrub helps not only to cope with oily scalp, but also accelerates hair growth.

Tea tree oil contraindications for hair

In my opinion, the most important thing is to observe the measure in everything. The same goes for essential oils. The use of essential oils can cause headache. Especially if the dosage is exceeded.

Do not apply undiluted tea tree oil to the scalp, as this can cause burns and flaking.

Do not use oil with individual intolerance, with allergies. Sometimes there can be an allergic reaction to tea tree oil. In order to find out whether the oil suits you or not, test it.

It is very important to use quality oil. Remember, quality oil cannot be cheap. Although the oil is expensive, it lasts a very long time. After all, we use it in drops.

The expiration date of the oil is indicated on the packaging. I have enough bottles for almost a year. The oil is sold in bottles of 5 ml or 10 ml. Dark glass bottles.

Healing properties have long been used in folk medicine and cosmetology.

The antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect of the oil knows no equal in the fight against inflammation and acne or in the care of oily/combination/problem skin.

But healing properties essential oils don't end there. And knowing some of its features, tea tree essential oil can be successfully used for hair care at home.

The systematic enrichment of the shampoo with tea tree oil contributes to the normalization of the sebaceous glands, as a result of which the hair acquires shine and lightness, and the hairstyle - volume.

What is the purpose of tea tree oil in hair care?

The cosmetic effect of "beauty" is not the only purpose of application. The healing properties of essential oils are manifested in the fight against problems such as:

- itching of the scalp, irritated and inflamed skin;

- increased secretion of the sebaceous glands.

Tea tree essential oil is a real lifesaver for hair. The use of oil effectively prevents the pathogenic development of microorganisms that provoke the appearance of dandruff.

In addition, enriched with oil cosmetics strengthens hair, which prevents their fragility and loss.

How to use tea tree oil for hair

  • Recipe number 1. Shampoo enrichment.

Ways to use tea tree oil for hair there may be several. And the simplest of them is the regular enrichment of your regular shampoo with essential oil. To do this, just add 2-3 drops of oil to the shampoo and stir (in the palm of your hand) before applying to the hair.

Before washing off the shampoo, the scalp is massaged for 3-5 minutes. With daily washing of the head in this way should not be abused, and resort to it more than 2 times a week.

  • Recipe number 2. Therapeutic mask against dandruff.

To prepare a therapeutic mask, you will need a base oil. It can be olive, or burdock. Vegetable oil preheat slightly.

To 2 tablespoons of base oil, add 5 drops of tea tree essential oil, 2 drops of bergamot oil, and lavender oil. The oils are thoroughly mixed and allowed to brew for 5-10 minutes. The mask is rubbed into the hair roots and left for 20-30 minutes. Wash off with shampoo under running water.

If you experience intense burning sensations (allergic reaction to the components of essential oils), the mask is immediately washed off.

  • Recipe number 3. Spray for the beauty and shine of hair.

To prepare a spray, 30 drops of essential oil are dissolved in 50 ml. alcohol. After that, the alcohol is mixed with 50 ml. purified water. The resulting tincture is rubbed into the hair roots before going to bed.

The frequency of the procedure is 2-3 times a week. Regular use of the spray will not only contribute to the shine of the hair, but also prevent the appearance of dandruff.

  • Recipe number 4. Nourishing mask for weakened hair.

For hair weakened by dyeing or perm, a mask made from egg yolk, 1 teaspoon of burdock oil and 3-4 drops of tea tree essential oil is suitable.

The components of the mask are thoroughly mixed. The mask is rubbed into the hair roots with massage movements for 10-15 minutes. After that, the head is wrapped in plastic wrap, and the mask is left for 30-40 minutes. Wash off with running water. The procedure is repeated once a week.

Regular masks based on natural ingredients will help your hair always look chic.

Various oils nourish strands, improve growth. One of the most effective is tea tree oil. Its properties and features have been known for a long time.

Using such extracts, women enriched their hairstyle.

Benefit of the remedy

Many extracts can only be used with the addition of basic products, as they can burn the skin and ruin curls.

But tea tree essential product is one of those that is safe in this form.

The oil composition has a number medicinal properties , favorably acting on the strands and scalp.

Apply it with a dot method. This method can be used in the treatment of the scalp.

If you cover the strands with a large amount of the product in its pure form, then there is the possibility of getting burned.

Before use, a stress test must be carried out for individual intolerance.

Properties and uses of tea tree oil:

positive action

Most of the components that are in the composition of the ether are not found in nature. Due to this, the product becomes a unique and real medicine.


  • gives natural shine;
  • reduces sebum secretion, refreshes hair;
  • has antiseptic and antimicrobial action;
  • prevents seborrhea, as it stops the development of pathogenic bacteria;
  • smoothes curls, facilitates combing;
  • heals the scalp
  • fights alopecia;
  • dry, brittle hair.

Despite the fact that the essential agent reduces greasiness, it perfectly dry curls and nourishes them with vitamins. The main thing is to apply it correctly.

The ether seals the open scales of the hair and covers it with a protective film. Thanks to this, the curls are easier to comb, shine, become healthy.

Turpentine removes dirt and toxins from the strands, opening the way for the penetration of beneficial substances.

Cineol- a component that fights microbes and fungi. Thanks to him, the ether has an antiseptic effect.

Pinenes help the oil to penetrate into the structure, restore them from the inside, preserving natural collagen and keratin.

Cymol- natural flavoring, which gives freshness, a feeling of lightness. These properties are only 100% natural product.

It is often diluted with soybean oil. You need to carefully study the packaging.

Harmful effect

The essential oil does not harm the hair. And its aroma can harm pregnant women because it is an allergen.

The hood has a specific smell: tart, coniferous, sharp, persistent. Not everyone will like this fragrance, not everyone can perceive it.

Caution should be taken by people with sensitive skin.

Tolerance tests are required for any product used for the first time:

  • apply one drop on the wrist;
  • rub a little into the skin;
  • after 3-5 minutes, look at the reaction. severe itching, burning, profuse redness - an allergic reaction.

With the help of such masks, you can. They do not wash off the coloring pigment.

Mild redness or itching is a normal reaction. But the symptoms should disappear after 7-9 minutes.

Terms of Use

Mixes with this product use on dry or slightly damp hair. This improves the absorption process and the effect will be achieved faster.

To get the effect of the mask, it must be applied to the entire length, rubbing well into the scalp. The ends also need to be well impregnated.

Otherwise, the skin may be damaged. If you leave it overnight only on your hair, then the ether will dry it out and you will get the opposite effect.

Proper flushing

Since the mixtures are made on base oils with a high fat content, it is better to carry out several times.

Pinenes, which are part of the extract, help to quickly free the curls from the oil mixture. That's why you can wash your hair a couple of times with regular shampoo, to fix the effect, rinse with a rinse-off balm.

Methods of application, recipes

Essential extract is used not only as masks, but also in the following ways:

  • rinsing. The ether is diluted with base oil, added to warm water;
  • compress. Mix castor oil Burr oil, a few drops of tea tree. Apply from roots to ends, keep on the head for 40 minutes;
  • massage. The melted is diluted with a few drops, applied to the fingers, and the head is massaged;
  • aromacombing. To do this, use a comb with wide teeth made of wood, apply a few drops of ether, comb the strands.

For tips


  • tea tree essential oil product - 3 k.;
  • essential product of Damascus rose - 2 k.;
  • grape seed oil extract - 1 tbsp.

Mix the ingredients, soak the tips with them. Leave for half an hour. Then wash your hair well with shampoo.

From fat content


  • citric acid - 2 liters;
  • cottage cheese - 1 l.;
  • essential extract - 6 k.

Apply a homogeneous mixture of a mask for oily hair along the entire length, rubbing into the roots. Rinse with shampoo after one hour.

For growth

Mask components:

  • honey - 2 tbsp;
  • - 2 tbsp;
  • milk - 2 tablespoons;
  • oil product of bergamot and nutmeg - 1 k.;
  • tea tree ether - 3 k.

Mix the ingredients, apply to the entire length, rub thoroughly into the skin. Leave for 40 minutes. Then wash off with shampoo.

Revitalizing and nourishing mask for hair growth:

Shampoo Enrichment

Enriching shampoos will make the process of washing your hair a useful procedure.

In a 260 ml bottle of hair shampoo, add 6 drops of tea tree essential oil, shake well.

Shake the bottle before each wash.

Precautions, contraindications

This extract, first of all, is a medicine. Anyone medicinal product There are both indications and contraindications.

And given that the ether is very concentrated, it can cause allergies, you need to use it carefully.

Precautionary measures:

  1. Test for individual intolerance.
  2. It is advisable to use in a diluted form, since in a clean extract it causes irritation.
  3. Use with caution in mental disorders. Strong odors can provoke the negative consequences of the disease.


  1. It is worth limiting the use of open wounds on the skin.
  2. Do not use in the first trimester of pregnancy, during menstruation, during breastfeeding.
  3. Refuse to use for people with allergies.
  4. For external use only.

Ether does not dissolve in water. Therefore, for sprays, it is better to add additional extracts.

When to expect an effect

Using mixtures or shampoos enriched with ether, you can restore damaged strands in a short period of time.

If the masks are applied twice a week the result will appear in the first week. Shine, silkiness and density of curls are provided.

This gloss is not an artificial gloss, but the natural radiance of healthy hair. Ends will stop splitting after 3-4 uses, since it takes a certain time to seal the scales.

How often to apply

Any medicine is used according to a certain scheme. Essential extract - natural remedy so it can be used without interruption.

But during the treatment, the following scheme is observed: semi-annual use twice a week, with a break of one month. For prevention: weekly, without interruption.

With the right dosage and proportions, it will not harm, but only help the hair look chic.

For a more pleasant aroma, you can mix this extract with other esters, getting an individual, unique smell.

Tea tree essential oil - good helper in the fight against diseases of the scalp and hairline.

Our hair is exposed daily negative influence external factors, appliances and styling products, which cause various problems - dry scalp, dandruff, exhaustion and dullness, loss, etc. An excellent inexpensive means of restoring the health and beauty of hair is tea tree oil.


Tea tree essential oil for hair, benefits and effectiveness

Tea tree essential oil is absolutely natural, it is an effective antiseptic, therefore it is widely used in the field of medicine and home cosmetology in skin and hair care. For the latter, it is a real salvation, both for dry and fatty types. It is used as a treatment and prevention of dandruff, as it inhibits the development of pathogenic microorganisms that cause it. Tea tree essential oil is considered one of the effective ways strengthening and growth of hair, as well as preventing their loss. Its regular use in care normalizes the secretory function of the sebaceous glands, refreshes the scalp, relieves itching, inflammation and irritation, saturates it with useful substances, improving the overall appearance and condition of the hair, giving it elasticity and restoring its natural shine.

How to use tea tree oil for hair

Enrichment of cosmetic products with oil.

by the most in a simple way The use of tea tree oil is to include it in the shampoo every time you wash your hair (2-3 drops of oil for a single use). During washing, gently rub the "useful" shampoo into the scalp, rinse in the usual way. It is also effective to add oil to ready-made masks and hair balms (2 drops of oil per application).

Hair wraps with tea tree oil.

Wraps are a convenient way to apply tea tree oil. For the procedure, it should be combined with a base oil (preheat it in a water bath to a temperature comfortable for the scalp), suitable for your hair type or to solve an existing problem. Burdock or castor oil (dry hair), coconut ( damaged hair), jojoba (greasy hair), etc., but you can use any others that you like. For one wrap, it is enough to take a tablespoon of the base and 3 drops of tea tree essential oil. And then everything is as in the usual procedure: rub the composition into a dry scalp, paying attention to the roots, from above, to create the effect of a “sauna” and speed up blood flow, wrap the head with plastic wrap and build a kind of turban on it from a towel. Keep for thirty minutes, then rinse with shampoo. To obtain a decent result and its stable preservation, the procedure is recommended to be done every seven days, a course of two months.

The classic wrap composition can be enriched with other essential oils suitable for your hair type. So, for example, with increased work of the sebaceous glands, it is good to add patchouli, bergamot, lemon, grapefruit, eucalyptus oils to wraps; with dandruff - rosemary, geranium, lavender; to stimulate hair growth - rosemary, fir, cloves, cinnamon, ylang-ylang, lemon balm (two drops are enough).


To enhance the effectiveness of wraps and hair masks, rinsing with tea tree oil after each shampoo will help. Hair after the procedure becomes silky, elastic, shiny. The ideal option it would be the use of herbal decoction for this purpose (nettle, chamomile, burdock), but ordinary boiled water is also suitable (it is enough to take 3-4 drops per liter).

Aroma combing with tea tree oil.

Put a couple of drops of oil on a wooden comb and comb the strands daily at night for five minutes. A few procedures later, you will notice not only an improvement appearance hair and scalp condition, but also noticeably improve the quality of your sleep.

Tea tree oil for lice.

The following mixture will help to quickly and effectively solve the problem of head lice: combine ¼ cup of mineral water with 5 drops of clove and 20 drops of tea tree oil. The composition is rubbed into the scalp every day (twice during the day).

Homemade tea tree oil hair mask recipes

For medicinal purposes, masks should be carried out twice a week immediately before washing the head, for preventive purposes - once every two to three weeks.

Mask for oily hair for strengthening and against hair loss.

Cool boil.
Henna - 1 sachet.

Pour a bag of henna into a ceramic saucer and dilute with boiling water until a mass resembling sour cream is obtained. Next, enrich it with the specified essential oil. Distribute the warm composition on the hair, paying attention to the root part, put on a plastic bag and wrap a thick towel. In this form, keep the mask for an hour, then wash your hair with shampoo and rinse your hair with acidified water (lemon juice or vinegar).

Mask for dry hair.

Low-fat kefir - ½ cup.
Tea tree essential oil - 2 drops.

Warm the kefir slightly, put it in a water bath, then remove it from the bath, add tea tree essential oil to the kefir. Apply the finished mass to the entire length of the hair and hold for 15-30 minutes under a warm cap (film and towel). Then wash off the mask in the traditional way.

Fruit mask for all hair types to nourish and strengthen.

Ripe avocado pulp - 1 fruit.
Natural flower honey - 2 tbsp. l.
Tea tree essential oil - 3-4 drops.

Combine everything until a homogeneous thick consistency is obtained, which is applied over the entire length of the strands, paying attention to the scalp and roots. From above, build an insulating cap made of polyethylene and a scarf (towels can be used). Wash off with shampoo and water.

Mask for dry hair against dandruff.

Natural homemade yogurt - 1 cup.
Jojoba oil (olive) - 1 tbsp. l.
Tea tree oil - 7 drops.

Mix the components, apply the resulting mass to the roots of the strands and scalp, distribute the rest over the entire length of the hair. Wash off after twenty minutes. In this composition, if desired, you can include brewer's yeast (1 tsp).

Video: recipe for using Australian tea tree oil for hair.

Balm for strengthening and hair growth.

Banana pulp - ½ fruit.
Chicken egg - 1 pc.
Almond oil - 2 tsp
Low-fat sour cream - 1 tsp.
Tea tree oil - 4 drops.

Beat the egg with butter and sour cream, add the rest of the ingredients. Apply a homogeneous composition to the scalp, roots, hold for twenty minutes. Make such a mask exclusively on clean, damp strands, rinse with warm water without a cleanser.

Nourishing mask for weakened hair.

Chicken egg (yolk) - 1 pc.
Tea tree oil - 4 drops.
Burdock oil - 1 tsp

Mix the ingredients well with each other and apply to the hair roots with gentle massaging movements, hold for ten minutes, then wrap your head with a film and a towel and hold for forty minutes. Wash off with shampoo.

With the regular use of tea tree essential oil in hair care, in a month you will notice positive changes. Your hair will look healthy and well-groomed.