
Wedding newsletter is a newspaper for newlyweds. A DIY wedding newspaper is a real family heirloom. Wedding newspaper-documentary report

Wedding newsletter is a newspaper for newlyweds.  A DIY wedding newspaper is a real family heirloom.  Wedding newspaper-documentary report
Nata Karlin

Every modern young couple dreams that their wedding will be remembered by everyone present for its originality, unusual dishes on the table, exclusive decoration or interesting ideas entertainment for guests. Many people hire stylists decorators and decorators To organize a unique celebration, others spend a lot of energy and effort to do everything themselves. For example, a homemade wall newspaper for a wedding is a good idea for those who want to succinctly and meaningfully retell the story of acquaintance, love and other facts about the newlyweds in a few words.

Bride and groom reading a newspaper

Types of wedding wall newspapers

As practice shows, newlyweds prefer to order a newspaper for their wedding, because making it with my own hands quite problematic and time-consuming. Moreover, it is a tedious process, requiring certain design skills and knowledge of a number computer programs: from a simple and understandable Word editor to Photoshop or at least Paint. After all, you need to choose a beautiful text or poetry, then choose a font and size, print it, design it with pictures and place it all on the sheet so that it looks harmonious. Of course, you can download a sample newspaper for a wedding for free on the Internet, but it will be more interesting to create this masterpiece yourself.

Beautiful design for a wedding newspaper

Exists 2 main types of wedding newspapers:

  1. Poster. This product is A1 format, manufactured in a single copy. As a rule, the poster is hung on the wall banquet hall, and it is another decorative element. Such a newspaper is printed on simple Whatman paper or special banner material. The last option is the most successful. This fabric is not afraid of precipitation; it can be stretched between 2 supports. Such newspapers are especially relevant if the wedding celebration is held on the street.
  2. Newspaper. This is a multi-page publication that requires imagination and a creative approach from newlyweds. However, the result is worth the effort. Such newspapers are given to guests or sold for a nominal fee. They are presented as gifts or distributed while guests are waiting for the bride and groom from the registry office.

Wedding newspaper template: what materials are needed for design?

All newlyweds present their own publication in their own way. It may include different headings and sub-headings

For example, you can use the following options.

Name: “Newspaper for newlyweds “Wedding Messenger”. The main theme of the entire publication is wedding. Then fantasize as your heart desires. This could be a serious newspaper about young people, their life path, meeting and high feelings that led to marriage. However, most couples prefer to choose playful tone. For example, you can include the list “ congratulatory telegrams» from powerful of the world this: presidents different countries, famous singers, theater figures or football players.

Wall wedding newspaper

  1. "Celebrity Weddings Today." A list is published here famous people, whose marriage took place on the same day.
  2. "Congratulations". A great option to decorate a newspaper with congratulations from relatives, guests and friends. Make small pockets out of paper in the shape of hearts, ask everyone present to write congratulations on pieces of paper and put them in the pockets.
  3. "Advice to Young People". Here he gives advice to newlyweds older generation. You can post serious and humorous truths about family.
  4. "History in faces." All invitees will be interested to learn about the history of how the young people met and the development of their relationship.
  5. "Poets about the main thing". Poems about love from different poets would be appropriate in this section.
  6. "Astrology for the heroes of the occasion." Here you can give a description of the zodiac signs under which the bride and groom were born. You can come up with a horoscope for your wedding evening yourself.

A newspaper for a themed celebration is a must must contain information about some realities used during the evening. Guests must know how to react to a particular event, how to behave correctly and what to do in a particular competition.

Wedding newspaper template

First, all the data for the future newspaper is collected, then the text component of each page is formed and decorated with photographs, collages, graphic decor elements. After this, you can print the wall newspaper for the wedding on a regular printer or contact a printing house for help.

You can leave one of the copies of the wedding newspaper as a family heirloom. Many years after the wedding, the newlyweds will be pleased to remember again happy day when they became one family.

July 16, 2018, 13:00

Wedding- an enchanting event. Having carefully prepared for six months, it flies by in an instant, leaving memories confused by stress, gorgeous photographs and video materials.

Some needlewomen-brides enjoy create real masterpieces in the form of a pillow for wedding rings, festive original ribbons for decorating the motorcade, outfits for glasses. Exclusive wedding invitations They will delight every holiday guest with their warmth and attention to their person.

DIY holiday printing wedding newspaper will introduce the participants of the celebration to the legends of the new family. After reading about the history of how the newlyweds met, about significant milestones and dates in the development of relationships, each of the invitees will feel involved in what is happening. Keeping a copy as a keepsake, the descendants of the newlyweds will learn the history of a large family.

Aesthetic image of a wedding newspaper

Are you sure that only by spending a fair amount and ordering a newspaper to be printed at a printing house, you can get a masterpiece of printing art? Any Microsoft Word user who can print will be able to handle this task. After all, the main thing is not the form, but content. This means we gather friends, create a plan-scenario and turn on our imagination. It's exciting and fun activity in the company of loved ones will allow you not to miss a single significant moment from your shared history.

A newspaper in A3 format will be more readable. Color, black and white or an antique version with a sepia effect, it’s up to you, each has its own zest.

Newspaper circulation depends on the number of guests and your wishes. Think about who you want to gift with your release. Most a budget option– one copy per family. But you can please every guest with your creation.

Some simple tips in filling the contents of the issue:

  • Select one of the pages for congratulations from invited guests. It will be especially nice for young people to receive heartfelt wishes from people who were unable to attend the celebration. How to put this into practice? It’s very simple, witnesses call the invitees in advance with the question: “What can you wish for the newlyweds? And will you be present at the celebration?”
  • Use fun children's photos of lovers bride and groom. Guests and parents of the newlyweds will laugh heartily at the images of the little groom smeared with brilliant green, or the bride in her father’s military boots.
  • Comic crosswords and puzzles, decorating the issue, can be used by the toastmaster during the celebration. This will amuse the audience, and the souvenirs prepared by the craftswoman will leave warm memories.
  • Place it on the pages of the newspaper confessions of the bride and groom in love for each other, vows of fidelity and words of gratitude to heaven, parents or friends for the fateful meeting.

It turned out original gift newlyweds and excellent family heirloom .

But you can use another method:

The official issue of the Pravda newspaper for the wedding day. Let's watch the video.

Vladimir Milovidov and singer, musician Alexey Vengerov will conduct your wedding and organize a royal holiday for you and all your guests. We work for you!

If you take a creative approach to creating such a newspaper, it can turn out to be a great gift newlyweds, and the original decoration of the hall. The main thing is that kindness and fun infect those present with a festive high spirits.
There are many types of newspaper reports, we bring to your attention a few, in our opinion, the most interesting. Well, which one to choose is up to you to decide. It is possible that you will come up with your own completely new and interesting type of newspaper.

Congratulatory newspaper.

To do it, you need to arm yourself with several popular color magazines with photographs of the newlyweds’ favorite heroes - actors, singers, athletes, TV presenters, political figures, etc. In the center of the sheet it is better to place a photograph of the bride and groom, and around there is a parade of celebrities with congratulations. Of course, you will have to come up with them yourself, but the main thing is to be sure to use in the text words and phrases characteristic of these people or to play out the events associated with them (receiving an award, an award, filming in the next film, a new appointment to a position, etc.).

Newspaper postcard.

In such a newspaper, congratulations and wishes from family and friends are written right at the wedding. At the end of the evening, you can choose a winner for the best congratulations.

Newspaper interview.

It is very similar to the previous newspaper, but instead of wishes and congratulations, everyone answers the same question, which is included in the headline. For example: - What do you think newlyweds will most often do on their honeymoon?
- What dish will a young wife most often feed her husband?
- How many times will the newlyweds go on their honeymoon?
-How many kilograms will the newlyweds lose/gain in the first month of marriage?
-Who will be the head of the family in the house?
-0 what do young people dream of most in the world? Etc.

And in this case, you can hold a competition and identify the winner for the wittiest or most accurate answer.

Newspaper - documentary report

From the life of newlyweds entitled “Stages of the creative path.” The name speaks for itself. Here, in a humorous form and in photographs from different years, the life path of the bride and groom is traced until the solemn moment of marriage. The most important biographical facts and the highest personal achievements that guests can learn about are covered.

Yellow newspaper.

In terms of content, it should be funny, witty, consist of invented gossip and rumors about the bride and groom, their hobbies, work, etc. The main thing is not to forget to refer to the unverified information from unofficial sources and, of course, not to offend anyone.

Newspaper - report from the scene.

You can use the tone and clichés of the official chronicle:
- distinguished guests were present,
- greeted with stormy long applause, turning into endless applause,
- on behalf and on behalf of,
- a staunch supporter of the bachelor life,
- the labor initiative was picked up,
- skirmisher family life,
- for services to labor collective the entire large family, etc.

The comic effect is achieved due to the dry, business style presentation applied to simple everyday situations:
To commemorate the moment, the heroes of the celebration (name and surname) were presented with a unique handmade cup with the autograph of the eminent master Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov, a subtle connoisseur and connoisseur of alcoholic beverages with many years of experience, who tirelessly passes on his work experience to the younger generation. The heroes of our glorious celebration heartily thanked the old master for such a generous gift.
You can also report from the venue of a cultural event - a film festival, art exhibition, music competition. Or maybe it will be a scientific and technical conference on the creation of an advanced unit of society - the family. The main thing is that the essence of the presentation is not lost behind the form - our wedding and its main characters, the bride and groom.

A wedding newspaper is another unique and interesting wedding attribute. Such an individual small-circulation publication will help your guests brighten up their leisure time before the outdoor ceremony, allow them to read the story of your acquaintance or engagement, Interesting Facts about preparations for the celebration.

Moms, dads and close relatives will most likely want to take such a newspaper as a souvenir. And the newlyweds will not refuse to have such an original reminder of an important and reverent day.

What is a wedding newspaper?

This is a small-circulation publication that can be published in any volume. For example, in the form of a small glossy magazine in A5 format or a real newspaper, printed on offset paper and folded into a tube :). It all depends only on your imagination and capabilities!

It is advisable not to make the newspaper too large - a couple of spreads are enough.

Where to place your wedding newspaper?

It would be best to place them in the Welcome-zone, where newly arrived guests can enjoy reading.

What to fill the pages of a wedding newspaper with?

Of course, filling out a wedding newspaper is one of the most pressing issues. Today the creators of WD will tell you what interesting pages may be in your individual circulation!

Dating or engagement story. One of these stories definitely cannot be trivial, so feel free to place them on the first page!

Don't forget to accompany this touching story with a beautiful joint photo from a photo shoot or from your home archive. The best option would be to use shots from Love-story, because they were taken by a professional photographer!

A story about preparing for a wedding. I am sure that when you open a newspaper many years later, you will be interested to read how you prepared for it, why you chose certain specialists and what you did with your own hands.

Agree that there is nothing more pleasant than remembering shopping trips with your mother or friend or the moment when you sewed a pillow for rings with your own hands!

Family stories. How your parents met interesting stories from the life of grandmothers - all this can be added to the pages of your wedding newspaper. Make small notes in the form of memories or interviews - this will add freshness to your idea!

Playful horoscope. There is also room for humor on the pages of a wedding newspaper :). Therefore, feel free to post jokes and humorous horoscopes there for your zodiac signs for your wedding day. Mention unbridled fun, a sea of ​​champagne and pleasant surprises!

Crossword. You know that among the guests there will be not very active and sociable people? Let them have fun before the celebration begins by solving a crossword puzzle about your couple! Don't forget to mention that the first person to solve the crossword puzzle will receive a unique prize from the young ones. For example, a designer bottle of champagne!

Names of bridesmaids and groomsmen. If there are many witnesses, you can write about each of them in your newspaper. Don't forget to mention their contribution to your celebration.

Program and menu. This is also interesting content for your newspaper. Save money on extra information cards and put all the information in a newspaper.

Accompany all pages with humor, funny quotes or favorite expressions of movie characters. Don't be afraid to experiment and add something of your own to the pages of this publication!

You can also publish a newspaper after wedding celebration. There you have a unique opportunity to place wedding photos, photos of the guests, their toasts, interviews with them... Agree that this is also an amazing memory of this amazing day!

A wedding is an important and memorable event for the newlyweds and for everyone around them. Therefore, a wedding anniversary is also always big celebration. After all, a wedding anniversary is a symbolic birthday of the Family!

What to give for your wedding anniversary? The answer is obvious: Give a newspaper "Is it true ", which came out exactly on the wedding day.

Newspaper for wedding anniversary looks stylish and presentable. The Pravda newspaper was, without understatement, the most important printed publication in the Soviet Union, where only the most important news from the life of the country was published. Any married couple, regardless of the length of family life, it will be interesting to find out what happened on the day when they united their destinies, and also to see photos from their wedding surrounded by the main news of the country!

The title page of the newspaper is framed in a beautiful baguette frame of your choice (A3 format). On the page in one of the central stripes you can add a photo of the newlyweds with your congratulations, which we will make for free in the style of a newspaper column and organically fit into the overall design. The article also mentions your name as the correspondent who wrote the congratulatory article. So the heroes of the occasion will always remember who presented them with best gift- newspaper for a wedding anniversary.