
Dry hair care. How to take care of dry hair? Hair Moisturizing Mask

Dry hair care.  How to take care of dry hair?  Hair Moisturizing Mask

Dry hair looks much better than greasy and greasy. It is good, of course, that such hair practically does not get dirty, but they also look ugly both before washing and after. Another problem with dry hair is dandruff. It may appear, or it may not appear, although they believe that dandruff is a lot. oily hair, and with dry hair, it only appears. Treat dry hair the same way you treat dry scalp.

Causes of dry hair:

1. Improper hair care: frequent hair washing, improper shampoos;

2. Perms;

3. Frequent use of thermal devices: hair dryer, curling iron, iron, thermal curlers;

4. Frequent coloring, but rather lightening of hair. If you look closely, then dyed blonde hair is dry as straw.

5. Natural factors: exposure to the sun, wind, rain, snow, etc.

6. Unbalanced diet;

7. Lack of vitamins and many other factors.

Dry hair can be cured, regaining its former strength, beauty and softness, but for this you need to try hard and constantly care for your hair.

Dry hair care:

1.Don't wash your hair often. Frequent use of shampoo washes away oils from the scalp that hold moisture in the head. If you use a mild shampoo, your hair will turn from dry to greasy, which is not your goal. The best option for washing your hair is once every three days. The main thing is to choose the right shampoo. Shampoo should be designed for dry hair. Such shampoos contain fatty acids, which, in fact, retain moisture in the hair.

2. The head should be washed gently, and in general, treat dry hair with care and caution, because they break easily. If you wash your hair, lather the shampoo with your fingertips. If you are combing your hair, don't tug or pull it, hold it lightly while brushing it with a soft comb. Don't scratch your head with your nails. it irritates the skin and damages the hair.

3.For dry hair recommended use conditioner so that the hair is additionally enriched with moisture. Only the conditioner should not contain alcohol in its composition, because it dries the skin, washing away the oils from the skin even more. If your hair is very dry, then apply conditioner to your hair, put on a cap, and rinse the conditioner only in the morning.

4.Do not comb your hair immediately after washing(This, by the way, applies not only to dry, but also to all types of hair). Wait until the hair dries a little, after which you can comb it, but only very carefully.

5. Try do not use hair dryers and curling irons, as well as other means of hot styling. High temperatures severely injure and so lifeless hair, stretching them. If, nevertheless, you are in a hurry somewhere and you urgently need to dry your hair, set the hair dryer to cold or warm air.

6. It will not be superfluous use warm oils before washing. Oils can be any - sunflower, olive, burdock, corn, etc. Just heat the required amount of oil and lubricate the scalp with it, wearing a shower cap for 30 minutes. After, wash your hair with a mild shampoo. Effective remedy for hair growth is warm rosemary oil. So, if you want to change your lifeless hair into beautiful and shiny, it is recommended to use this particular oil.

7. Eat nuts, because they contain fatty acids, which are so necessary for dry hair.

Recipes for masks and rinses for dry hair:

1. Vinegar is an excellent conditioner that is great at removing shampoo residue from hair and preventing dandruff. Using vinegar is quite easy - rub a small amount of vinegar into the scalp immediately after washing, then rinse your hair after a few minutes. If you dilute vinegar with water (0.5 cups of vinegar to 2 cups of water), you can rinse your hair with this solution after washing.

2.Beat one egg in a glass of warm water and apply to hair after washing. Hold for 10 minutes, then rinse. If you have completely dead hair, then mix 3 eggs with a teaspoon of vinegar and two tablespoons of olive oil. The mixture is applied to the hair for about 30 minutes, putting a cap on the head, then washed off with shampoo.

3.Mash overripe banana and mix with avocado pulp. The mask is applied to a clean head for an hour, then the hair is washed with warm water.

4. Mix a teaspoon of burdock or olive oil with egg yolk, a teaspoon of honey and a teaspoon of cognac. Apply the mask on your head, put on a plastic cap, and wash off the mask with shampoo after three hours.

5. Two hours before shampooing, rub sea buckthorn oil into the scalp.

6. Mix 1.5 tablespoons apricot oil with a tablespoon of castor oil, with a tablespoon of cologne and add 20 drops of lemon juice. Apply to hair for 15 minutes, then rinse with water.

7. Herbal infusions for dry hair:

  • 4 tablespoons of chopped burdock root are boiled in 0.5 liters of water for 15 years. Strain. The tincture is rubbed into the hair roots 3 times a week for two months;
  • 4 tablespoons of birch leaves pour 300 ml of boiling water, leaving to infuse for 2 hours. Strain. Rubbed into the hair roots after each wash for a month;
  • 4 tablespoons of ivy are boiled in 0.5 liters of water for 10 minutes. Insist 40 minutes, strain. Massage into the scalp every day for a month.

8. Rubbing mayonnaise into the head helps a lot. Once a week, mayonnaise is rubbed into the scalp for 15 minutes, leave for an hour, then wash your hair.

9. Take the juice of two lemons and mix with a tablespoon of water. Add a tablespoon of flour or oatmeal to the resulting solution, mix everything. 30 minutes before shampooing, apply the mixture on your head, then wrap your head with a cotton scarf. Wash your hair with shampoo.

Do not forget to take care of your hair and then you may not need hair restoration tips.

Owners of dry hair often face the problem of excessive section and loss. The reason for this phenomenon is the environmental factor, individual characteristics, an incorrectly balanced diet, bad habits, hormonal imbalances, low-quality caring cosmetics, abuse of thermal devices, etc. Hence, it becomes necessary to take measures to soften and improve the structure of the shock.

Dry hair care tips

  1. The beginning of the hair section is drying with a towel. Many of the fair sex have no idea why the hair becomes dry, brittle, constantly tangled and split. Mop care involves wrapping the strands with a towel without further mechanical friction. Draw in excess moisture by squeezing your hair into a fist.
  2. Dry hair is the most prone to split ends. To exclude this aspect, use the services of a hairdresser, cutting 2 cm of strands 1 time in a month and a half. Try to visit salons that practice cutting with hot scissors. Thus, the tips are soldered, the separation of hair is excluded.
  3. Some types of hairstyles require regular styling. If you are forced to constantly use a hair dryer, turn it on for cold blowing (the "snowflake" function). At the same time, do not comb wet hair with plastic and metal combs. The first option of combs promotes electrification and subsequent fragility, the second one provokes a section. Purchase a natural bristle brush or wooden comb.
  4. Owners of dry hair should refuse frequent washing (1 time per day or every other day). Start weaning the mop from such manipulations. To begin with, carry out hygiene once every 2 days, then at 3. If this is not possible, use daily washing products (shampoos, balms). Buy a professional series of skin care cosmetics, which contains natural oils, keratin, biotin, ceramides.
  5. In most cases, dry hair is constantly splitting, no matter how often you cut the ends. In order not to disturb the blood flow to the scalp and provoke even more dryness, refuse to wear tight hairstyles (tails, braids, etc.). The recommendation is more aimed at long-haired beauties who cannot constantly wear strands loose. Do hairstyles, only slightly fixing them on the head.
  6. Professionals in the field of hairdressing forbid girls with dry hair type to use thermal devices. These include curling iron, iron, hot curlers, hair dryer. If you can't afford that luxury, turn on the cold setting or straighten/hair on the lowest setting.
  7. Dry hair often falls out due to weak follicles. To do this, it is recommended to drink a course of special vitamins for hair and absorbent preparations like Polysorb, activated carbon. Multivitamins will saturate the bulbs with oxygen, and coal or Polysorb will remove toxins from the intestines. The course of drugs should be carried out at least once every six months. As a supplement, you can saturate dry hair with fatty acids using fish oil capsules.
  8. The condition of the hair directly depends on the products eaten. Eliminate canned food, homemade pickles, sausages, soda, sweet juices in bags from your daily diet. Do not neglect breakfast, it should be half the diet. After waking up in the morning, eat cereal with berries, drink coffee with milk / cream (low fat).
  9. The basis proper diet necessarily includes sea cocktails, fish, cereals and legumes, whole grain pasta. At the same time, due attention is paid to lean meat (veal pulp (beef, pork), chicken breast, rabbit, turkey). Make sure that in the arsenal there are always fresh fruits and vegetables, seasonal berries, low-fat milk, nuts.
  10. Dry hair needs intense hydration the most. To do this, buy cosmetics marked "Deep moisturizing along the entire length." Also use special sprays and hydroserums, apply them preferably to the tips. Daily replenish fluid balance, drink 3 liters. clean water per day in summer, 2.3-2.5 liters. - in winter.
  11. Carry out hair coloring 1 time in 2-3 months, not more often. If possible, tint only the roots. Give preference to formulations that do not contain ammonia. You can also tone your hair with shampoos, balms. Do not use foam, wax, gel, lacquer for fixing, or keep styling with stylers to a minimum. To restore dry hair, laminate and keratize regularly.
  12. Proper care for dry hair involves the use of protective products in summer and winter. Before prolonged exposure to the sun, apply a spray with an SPF filter to the strands. AT cold period make nourishing masks at least 3 times a week. After swimming in the sea, river or pool, rinse the mop with running water. Wear a hat when visiting the bath and sauna.
  13. After washing your hair, apply a moisturizing serum to the ends of your hair, it will prevent further dryness. Also spray the curls with a spray for split or dry hair. The following manufacturing companies have proven themselves well: Loreal, Schwarzkopf, Sjoss, Pantin.

  1. Honey and sour cream. Take 4 chicken yolks (can be replaced with 10 quail), mix them with 75 gr. honey. Beat the mass with a mixer, add 65 gr. high fat sour cream. Bring the mixture to homogeneity, spread it over the entire shock in a thick layer. Thoroughly massage the mask into your hair, then wrap it in plastic and a thick cloth. Keep the composition for 1.5-2 hours, rinse with slightly warm water.
  2. Oil and aloe vera. Choose a few firm stalks of aloe, wash them, grate or chop them in a blender / meat grinder to make a pulp. Pour in a tablespoon of olive oil, apply the contents to your hair. Pay due attention to the tips, step back 2 cm from the scalp. Wait half an hour, to enhance the effect, you can wrap the mop with cling film.
  3. Burdock oil and pumpkin. Peel the pumpkin from seeds and peel, take 80 gr. pulp. Chop into cubes, boil (you can not do this), send to a blender for grinding. Break 4 chilled chicken yolks here, beat the composition. Add 30 ml. burdock oil, make a hair mask. Keep it on for about 35-40 minutes, rinse with cool water.
  4. Pharmaceutical vitamins. To prepare a moisturizing mask, purchase vitamins A and E. Each ampoule contains 10 ml. pure composition. Rub the composition into the scalp and hair ends, the procedure is carried out every day (vitamins alternate day after day). The product can not be washed off for 4 hours after application, during this period it will be well absorbed into the hair structure. Optionally, you can mix the 2 types of vitamins instead of using them interchangeably.
  5. Henna and vegetable oil. Buy colorless henna in a cosmetic store, dilute 45 gr. composition with warm water according to the instructions. When the product is infused (about half an hour), pour in 60 ml. sunflower or olive oil, break a couple of chicken yolks. The mixture is ready, to improve the effect, dilute henna in a strong green tea brew. The mask is distributed along the entire length of the hair and aged for at least 5 hours under dense polyethylene.
  6. Sour cream and gelatin. Dilute 25 gr. gelatin with warm water, let it swell (about 30 minutes). Pour in 60 gr. kefir, add 30 gr. fat sour cream and 2 egg yolks. Beat the mass with a blender or mixer, distribute through the hair. Wrap yourself with cling film, lay a towel on your shoulders so that the composition does not stain the skin. Wait about 40-60 minutes, rinse with warm (closer to cold) water.

Owners of dry hair are advised to reduce the use of hairdressing tools that involve working on high temperature. Get in the habit of doing masks 3-4 times a week, use moisturizing sprays and serums. In summer, protect the mop from drying out, wear a hat when visiting the pool, thermal complexes, salt / fresh springs.

Video: revitalize dry and damaged hair

Dry damaged curls look very unpresentable and unattractive - after washing they resemble a dandelion, get confused and stick out in different directions. There are many reasons for this, including improper care for damaged hair. It is possible to achieve beauty, but for this you will have to make an effort and radically change the approach to care procedures.

Dry type features

Dry hair refers to one of the types of hair. Dried, damaged, porous curls are naughty, difficult to fit, electrified, do not shine, often tangled, rough to the touch.

Dry curls are finicky- the natural shell of the hair is thin and dries out due to frequent cleansing or improperly selected products.

Hair damage is often caused by improper care. That's why, to correct the situation, it is necessary to change the principles of caring for curls.

Care rules

If you want to help your problem hair, you need to reasonably approach each stage of caring for damaged hair.


High-quality washing of hair begins with the choice of shampoo and balm:

  • For damaged curls suitable shampoos from children's series (there is a neutral pH). They will not harm the curls, but they will clean well and save the hair from tangling.
  • Only needs to be applied special means designed for dry and damaged hair. It's better to prioritize professional shampoos and those sold in pharmacies.
  • Be sure to use balms and conditioners. They save from lack of moisture and create protection from environmental influences. The products are applied after cleansing and washed off after 2-3 minutes.

Features of washing dry damaged hair:

  • Before application, the shampoo is shaken in the hands until foam is formed. It is the foam that is applied to the wet hair, since it injures the strands less.
  • Only the skin and the basal part can be massaged thoroughly - the curls themselves and the ends of the strands will be washed with foam that drains when washed off. This is enough to cleanse them.
  • You need to rinse the curls with cool water - this will save you from excessive drying.
  • Dry wet hair gently with a towel.

Important! In no case should you rub, squeeze, wrap wet curls!

It is advisable to cleanse no more than twice a week.


Before laying damaged strands, be sure to use special care products for the dry type of curls (sprays, balms, serums, etc.). After their application, the hair is more supple and easy to style.

It is necessary to start styling after the hair is completely dry. The hot air from the hair dryer, acting on the strands, draws moisture out of them, so it is better to set the minimum temperature. Use of a heat protectant will be helpful. It will protect curls from overheating and injury.


Dry damaged strands should be combed gently. Improper execution of the procedure will further spoil the condition of the curls.

The comb must be chosen with special care. Metal and plastic options are categorically unacceptable for dry hair. It is better to purchase a comb made of wood or a comb with rare teeth from the same material. Brushes from natural materials also suitable for this type of hair.

Important! A quality comb has well-polished teeth and rounded tips.

You need to put your hair in order 2-3 times a day. Frequent combing will damage already injured strands. It is better to start from the tips, slowly rising to the crown. It is useful to carry out the procedure in the fresh air - this will add shine and add elasticity to the curls.

Damaged strands should not be combed while they are wet. You should dry your hair, but it is better to wait until it is completely dry. naturally. If there is no time, then it is allowed to use a hair dryer, directing warm air from the top of the head along the length of the hair.


One wash and comb to restore the hair will not work - the use of masks and additional care products is mandatory.


Among professional tools for the care of weakened damaged hair occupy a special place trade marks Matrix and Estel. They come from the USA, but are also common in Russia. Series for dry and damaged hair please with the effect and availability.

Cosmetics from Japanese manufacturers are no less popular. Senscience is a whole line of luxury class, with more than 20 effective means. Their direction is the restoration and improvement of the condition of dry hair.

Among the German brands, Schwarzkopf, Londa and C:EHKO stand out. Their lines include professional and mass media. The products of these companies are distinguished by their quality and the desire to achieve a salon effect. And the “price-quality” ratio is met by all the products of the line for the care of dry and damaged curls.


Many do not trust purchased products, believing that grandmothers' beauty secrets are more effective. Among effective recipes for dry damaged curls, the following can be distinguished:

  1. Cabbage honey mask helps to restore the lipid balance of the strands. For cooking you will need: cabbage juice, honey, aloe juice and castor oil. Take products in equal amounts, mix, then rub into hair for 30 minutes. After the time has elapsed, wash off the mask, and rinse the curls with clean water with the addition of cabbage juice.
  2. Blend of oils Helps keep hair hydrated and prevent dryness. For the mask, you can make any combination of the following oils: almond, castor, olive, burdock, grape seed, jojoba. For cooking, any oils are taken in equal quantities. It would be useful to add vitamins A and E. Mix everything thoroughly, warm slightly, apply to the ends and length of the curls, without touching the roots. Wrap your hair and leave for 1-2 hours. Then rinse your hair well. Dry naturally.
  3. egg shampoo perfectly cleans the strands, giving softness and shine. Two eggs should be beaten well and applied to the head, spreading over the entire length of the curls. Then massage and leave to act for 20 minutes. Wash off with cool water without the use of additional products.
  4. herbal rinse Enrich hair with moisture, give softness and natural shine. A decoction of herbs is an excellent conditioner for dry curls. Suitable for cooking: nettle, sage, St. John's wort, chamomile. It is necessary to take any plant and add water (with the calculation of two tablespoons per liter), bring to a boil and cover with a lid. Leave for at least an hour. Use after every hair wash.

Attention! An allergy test is recommended before using any prescription.

Salon procedures

When there is no strength for full-fledged hair care, you can try to return the former luxury to the strands with the help of salon procedures.


Lamination - application to the hair of a product that envelops each hair. As a result, a film is formed on the curls that protects the strands from negative influences.

After the procedure appear:

  • well-groomed look;
  • shine;
  • elasticity;
  • increase in volume;
  • easy combing.

Lamination will help with split ends, but the effect is temporary - it lasts for 1-2 months. The duration depends on the frequency of hair washing and the quality of care. To save the result, it is recommended to repeat the procedure.


Salon method that helps to heal and nourish strands at the cellular level. This is a three-phase treatment that includes:

  • moisturizing and smoothing;
  • regeneration and strengthening;
  • protection and shine.

Screening is carried out using natural ingredients. Active ingredients help the therapeutic composition to penetrate into the structure of the hair, filling and healing it from the inside. After the procedure, the changes are visible immediately:

  • split ends are absent;
  • hair is smooth and elastic;
  • curls are not tangled, easy to comb.

An additional plus is the appearance of a film that protects against UV and negative environmental factors. The effect does not last long. To save the result, you must complete a full course of procedures (at least 7-10).

Haircut with hot scissors

Thermal haircut is a therapeutic and prophylactic manipulation for improving hair. It is carried out using special scissors heated by a battery or network. Having adjusted the temperature (it depends on the structure of the curls), the master performs a regular haircut.

A positive effect is achieved due to the fact that when cutting a strand, hot blades “solder” the cut, and the hair stops splitting. The procedure is suitable for minor damage - if the strands are prone to brittleness along the entire length, then it makes no sense to carry out a thermal haircut.

The result can be seen for a long time, but only under the condition of full hair care. Otherwise, split ends will reappear.


Mesotherapy is an injection procedure for healing hair. The essence of the manipulation is the introduction of active drugs and vitamins directly under the scalp. Special components are delivered directly to the hair roots, saturating them with beneficial substances.

Having agreed to the procedure, it is necessary to understand that the process of acupuncture is painful, and at least five sessions will be required. Otherwise, you will not be able to get the desired effect.

After completing the full course, the result will not keep you waiting:

  • hair will stop splitting;
  • shine will appear;
  • curls will become soft and obedient.

Attention! Mesotherapy - useful procedure, but with poor care of the strands, they will return to their original state.


Polishing is a salon manipulation aimed at getting rid of split ends without changing the length of the hair. The procedure is performed using a clipper, on which a special nozzle is put on. The tool is carried out along the curls, cutting off only protruding dry tips.

After polishing:

  • shine appears;
  • strands are smooth and obedient;
  • curls are less tangled.

Polishing is a temporary solution to the problem. Split ends can again remind you of yourself.

Keratin straightening

Keratin treatment will help restore hair. A nice bonus - manipulation will not only revive, but also straighten the strands.

The process consists in applying a special mask with keratins, the components of which penetrate the hair and fill it from the inside. The hair instantly becomes:

  • shiny;
  • smooth;
  • obedient.

Cons of the procedure:

  • due to the weighting of the strands, the hair loses volume;
  • quickly get dirty;
  • the duration of the effect depends on the care and frequency of cleansing curls.

Choose suitable procedure not easy. Each has pros and cons. Sometimes there is only one way out: to gradually try everything to find perfect solution to help damaged hair.


Wrong diet provokes dry hair. Wanting to have healthy and beautiful strands, we must not forget that food is the main source of nutrients and vitamins. Proper nutrition depends on appearance curls.

  1. Drink more water. The body of an adult should receive 2 liters of water per day. Other liquid is not taken into account.
  2. More vegetables and fruits. For damaged strands, oranges, pumpkin, carrots, cabbage, apples, onions, garlic and sea buckthorn are especially useful. The daily norm of fruit is at least 500 grams.
  3. More cereals. Oatmeal, rice, buckwheat should always be present in the diet. Without the B vitamins that are found in cereals, the strands will not please with shine.
  4. Replace animal fats with vegetable fats. Favorite salads are best prepared with the addition of vegetable oils. The choice is huge: olive, sunflower, soy, etc.
  5. Dishes with gelatin. All kinds of aspic, mousses and jelly will delight not only the stomach, but also curls. The substances contained in gelatin will help the hair gain smoothness and elasticity.

In addition to the above, in the daily diet should be present:

  • butter;
  • fish fat;
  • mushrooms;
  • dairy products;
  • Cod liver;
  • eggs.

With damaged dry hair, animal fats (legs, pork, lamb) must be excluded from the diet. You should also abandon mayonnaise and sauces based on it.

Dry and damaged hair is not a sentence. At right approach to the problem it is possible to return the hair to its former beauty. But don't expect quick results. Hair does not change in a day - it takes time. The main thing is to be patient and stubbornly go towards your dream, using all kinds of methods to restore the beauty and health of your hair.

Useful videos

Hair stylist Margarita tells how to care for dry hair properly.

How to save dry hair and split ends, an overview of dry hair care products.

Special care for dry and damaged hair

The appearance of a woman is an indicator of her inner and emotional state. Overdried scalp and brittle lifeless curls will not please any of the fair sex. Such hair is difficult to style, the curls become brittle, fluffy and bring a lot of trouble. But proper care for dry scalp and hair in winter and summer will save the situation and restore the former liveliness and shine.

During the summer heat, very often even normal hair become dry and dull, they need increased nutrition. Some tricks for caring for dry hair will help maintain their beauty and health.

Proper shampooing

It is very important to choose the right shampoo that does not weigh down curls and is suitable for daily use. A nourishing and moisturizing shampoo should contain the following ingredients:

  • herbal extracts;
  • vitamin supplements;
  • panthenol;
  • essential and silicone oils;
  • jojoba oil.

Another rule, without which it is impossible to achieve a healthy hair: the head is washed only in warm water, better purified with filters. You can also use herbal decoctions instead of water, which, in addition to moisturizing, prevent dandruff and normalize the hydro-lipid balance of the scalp.

Advice! It is possible to determine how often you should wash your hair only individually in each individual case. With rapid contamination, wash your hair once every two to three days.

The benefits of masks and conditioners

Care for dry damaged hair involves the mandatory use of masks, balms and conditioners. Such funds have various useful substances that not only nourish dry and weakened curls, but also help to renew their structure, improve the function of the follicles and promote rapid growth.

For nutrition, conditioner - rinse is used every time after washing, the mask is used once every 7-10 days. It is recommended to give preference to products with UV protection, which form a film around the rod, preventing negative effects.

Drying and styling curls

In summer, it is better to completely eliminate the use of a hair dryer and other styling devices. But if this is not possible, it is recommended to pre-apply special thermal protective agents. The most convenient are produced in the form of sprays that do not require rinsing.

Effective moisturizing folk methods

In the summer, the following masks made from natural ingredients are suitable:

  • fat sour cream (cream), olive oil and freshly squeezed lemon juice: the procedure time is up to 15 minutes;
  • chopped avocado is mixed with a chicken egg: the mask is washed off 20 minutes after application;
  • decoctions of herbs: dried chamomile flowers, nettle, plantain and sage leaves are brewed in a water bath for 20 minutes; the medicinal solution is rubbed into skin; the duration of the procedure is up to 1 hour.

SPF funds

These products provide various levels of UV protection, the most famous are:

  • Vichy DERCOS: contains ceramides, omega fatty acids, herbal oils; the drug affects the structure of the roots, retains moisture, seals the rod, preventing the penetration of sunlight;
  • L'Oreal Professionnel Expert Intense Repair: components are derivatives of silicone, glycerol and cationic polymer; The formula promotes protection and increased nutrition.

What you need to know the rules of winter care

With the onset of cold weather, hair is exposed to wind and temperature changes. How to take care of dry hair in winter to keep it beautiful and healthy?

  • the use of vitamin complexes internally and externally: a lack of vitamins and microelements in the body reduces immunity, worsens the condition of the skin and hair, therefore, before the cold season, it is recommended to choose a suitable complex; to saturate strands with vitamins, castor oil, retinol and tocopherol are used externally;
  • you can’t do without styling tools, therefore, as in the summer, you should use heat-protective sprays;
  • regular application of nourishing masks: carried out no more than once every 10-14 days;
  • several times a month it is better to replace the shampoo with kefir (preferably homemade sour milk): it provides gentle cleansing and increased nutrition.

Moisturizing and restoring homemade products

Honey is known for its useful properties due to the high content of vitamins and minerals. For cooking nourishing mask retaining moisture, liquid honey is mixed with high-fat sour cream or cream. Maxa is evenly distributed and aged for one hour.

Banana-based products gently act on curls, accelerate their growth and restore roots and stem. The mask is prepared from crushed banana with the addition of vegetable oil and sour cream (natural yogurt). The procedure time is from 30 to 60 minutes.

Store-bought moisturizers

To care for very dry hair in winter, it will not be superfluous to use professional cosmetics, which contains useful components for the restoration of hair and scalp:

  • Dove - conditioner: express restoration and strengthening of damaged curls;
  • shampoo Kora Kora: the effect of enhanced nutrition due to the increased level of keratins in the preparation;
  • mask Inoar Professional Argan Oil: saturates with vitamins and antioxidants, resists chemical attack, restores the structure of the roots.

Any type of hair needs regular and proper care, the use of vitamin complexes that saturate dry and damaged strands. If you pay attention to solving the problem, you can achieve positive results already after 2-3 weeks.

Dry hair is the result of insufficient secretion of sebum, which lubricates the hair shaft, giving it shine and elasticity when it leaves the hair follicle during growth. For this reason, the curls look dull, straw-like, lack shine, break, split, prone to falling out.

Such strands are easily tangled, it is difficult to comb them with a simple comb, it is not easy to make a hairstyle. Not surprisingly, the question of how to care for dry hair worries many women who are faced with a similar problem. Indeed, in order to cure the strands, it is necessary to pay attention not only to curls, but also to the reasons that provoked the problem.

Main reasons

Sometimes the cause of dry hair is heredity. It is difficult to deal with this, so the curls need to be provided with constant care throughout their lives. Often, very dry hair is the result of the negative impact of the external environment and improper care: perm., frequent coloring, constant use of a hair dryer, tongs, styling irons, hard water, improper washing and erroneously chosen products.

One of the reasons why the hair begins to resemble straw is often a long exposure to the sun, the refusal of a headdress in the cold season, too dry air in the room. It is easy to eliminate such a reason at home, it is enough to abandon devices that aggressively affect the strands, pick up a gentle paint, or for a while completely refuse to dye your hair, protect your head from ultraviolet radiation, covering it with a headdress.

The iron and tongs for hair restoration should also be used to a minimum, thermal curlers should not be abused, because they cause dry hair ends (you can use cold curlers instead). If it becomes necessary to use styling products, then the curls must be dried with cold air no closer than twenty-five centimeters from the head. Be sure to use thermal protective agents that protect the strands from drying out when using an iron or hot air.

It is much worse if the reason why the curls became dry, lifeless, like straw, is a lack of vitamins, caries, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the functioning of the urinary system, tuberculosis or other chronic infection, the presence of worms. If you do not diagnose and treat the disease, the condition of the strands will not improve.

Dry hair can be provoked by overwork, constant stress, too much physical activity. In this case, before restoring dry hair, you need to cure nervous system and minimize stressful situations, otherwise all actions aimed at treating strands will be short-lived.

How to wash your hair

When choosing products for the care and treatment of dry curls and scalp at home, it is important to remember that they must contain nourishing and moisturizing ingredients such as jojoba oil, glycerin, chamomile extract, aloe juice. Shampoos intended for the treatment of dry strands should not contain any active and aggressive elements. In order not to make a mistake when buying shampoos or balms, you need to pay attention to the fact that they are designed specifically for dry curls.

Dry hair should not be washed often: once every seven to ten days is enough. Before this, comb the strands well, moisten with warm water and apply shampoo to the wet strands.

Before you start lathering your hair, lather the shampoo with massaging movements: this will make it possible once again do not injure curls. Rinse the shampoo with warm water only.

Water plays an important role in the condition of the hair: a huge amount of chlorine, calcium and magnesium salts contained in it makes it very hard and is not suitable for constant shampooing, because it settles in the skin at the roots, as well as in the hair, making the strands look like straw. To solve the problem, you need to install filters on the taps, or use boiled water.

The effect of hair masks

Dry hair care involves the use of masks: they moisturize the strands, nourish them, make them obedient, elastic, and add shine. Since they are a kind of medicine for curls, it is necessary to treat dry hair with their help no more than once a week (it is undesirable to abuse it, as you can get a backlash).

Masks for the treatment of dry curls can be bought ready-made, or you can do it yourself. Folk remedies made at home are usually applied before washing your hair (the time is indicated in the recipe). Rub the mask in circular rotations into the scalp, but Special attention during the procedure, it requires care for the ends of the hair: thanks to the product applied to them, the hair will not split. After that, put on a cellophane cap and wrap your head terry towel. Masks based on egg yolks, jojoba oil, lanolin are very suitable for dry hair.

The simplest and effective mask for the treatment of dry strands and scalp, with which you can moisturize and saturate curls with useful substances and cure them, according to reviews, is egg yolk. To do this, beat it in a blender, food processor or just with a whisk, apply to the hair roots, scalp, and distribute along the entire length, paying special attention to the dry ends of the hair. Leave the folk remedy for half an hour, rinse with warm water.

A mask of milk and honey helps to restore lifeless strands at home. In order to prepare it, you need to mix two tablespoons of liquid honey well in half a glass of warm milk so that it dissolves completely, apply for half an hour, rinse with shampoo.

You can moisturize and cure dry hair with olive or any other vegetable oil: they all contain vitamin E and P. To do this, just rub folk remedy into the skin of the hair and leave for half an hour, wearing a plastic cap. After twenty minutes, wash your hair with warm water using shampoo.

A frequent companion of dry hair is dandruff, which exfoliates from the scalp and settles in the hair. To get rid of it, you can prepare a mask with castor oil, which also prevents hair loss. To do this, mix a spoonful of sunflower and castor oils, you can add the yolk. After that, rub into the skin, roots, distribute over the strands. Keep the mask for twenty minutes, then rinse well.

After washing

After washing your hair, it is advisable to rinse your hair with a balm or a home-made decoction of mint, chamomile, plantain, St. John's wort, you can add a few drops of lemon juice. According to reviews, this folk remedy has a very good effect on curls, revitalizes and adds shine to lifeless strands.

After washing your hair, experts do not recommend combing the strands, as this greatly injures the curls. Use a hair dryer only in extreme cases, allowing the hair to dry naturally. When the strands dry, comb them with a natural bristle brush or wooden combs.

Proper nutrition

So that the curls do not experience a lack of moisture, for the purpose of treatment, it is required to drink at least one and a half liters of water per day. Herbal infusions are very useful, especially for burdock roots: pour a spoonful of dry crushed roots with a glass of water, boil for twenty minutes. After that, let it brew, strain, take orally four times a day for a tablespoon - this good remedy not only for the treatment of dry curls, but also for the restoration of the body.

Dry hair care also includes proper nutrition especially in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The diet should contain the right amount of vitamins, minerals and other substances useful for the body.

Once every six months, to restore the vitality of the body, and with it to improve the condition of the curls, you can take medicinal vitamin preparations containing the micro and macro elements necessary for the body. Since the condition of the strands is often a reflection of the health of the body as a whole, having strengthened the body, after undergoing a course of treatment, shine and beauty will return to your hair.