
Will there be indexation for pensioners this year? Latest news about indexation of old-age pensions. Maximum points

Will there be indexation for pensioners this year?  Latest news about indexation of old-age pensions.  Maximum points

Old-age pension in 2018: size and latest changes as of today, 08/28/2018.

The main purpose of the social pension is to provide material support to the most vulnerable members of society: children, disabled people and elderly citizens. Moreover, this type of security applies to those people who, for some reason, were unable to accumulate enough experience to qualify for an insurance pension. About what the social pension will be in 2018 for different types recipients, read our article.

Pension system Russian Federation has been undergoing changes over the past few years. The amendments being made are aimed at improving the material security of pensioners. Against the backdrop of economic instability, the theme of increasing pension payments always in the spotlight.

The difference between a social old-age pension and an insurance pension

In 2018, not much is required to receive an old-age insurance pension in Russia. To those who have achieved retirement age this year (these are women born in 1963 and men born in 1958), you must also have:

In addition to work experience, the insurance period also includes some other periods of a person’s life, including military service, being in maternity leave and so on.

A social old-age pension is received by those who have not reached the above minimum by a certain age in terms of length of service and the number of pension points earned.

It is worth keeping in mind that the retirement age for those receiving a social pension is five years higher than for everyone else. In 2018 this is:

  • 60 years - for women,
  • 65 years old - for men.

Since the citizen, by the time he reaches the generally accepted retirement age, has not contributed enough funds to the budget of the country's Pension Fund, the state agrees to begin paying him a pension only after five years. During this time, a person also has the opportunity to earn the required minimum length of service and pension points. If the minimum is reached within these five years, the citizen will have a basis for receiving an insurance pension.

Another nuance that you need to know about is that from the beginning of 2015, the appointment rules social pensions due to old age in Russia have changed a little. Now Foreign citizens and stateless persons can receive Russian social pensions only if they prove that they have lived in Russia for at least 15 years.

Amount of social old-age pension in 2018

The size of the social old-age pension in Russia established for 2018 is 5,180 rubles 24 kopecks.

However, the actual pension amount is higher. The fact is that, according to Russian laws, an old-age pension should be no lower than the cost of living of a pensioner in the region where he lives. A person, even if he has never worked or worked very little, should not vegetate in poverty. This is also unprofitable for the state itself, including because people will have no choice but to break the law in order to feed themselves.

The living wage for a pensioner is set by the authorities of each Russian region, and it depends on the price level for basic products in a given region. Most often we are talking about an amount of about 8.5 thousand rubles. In some regions it is more, in others it is less.

Thus, the above figure of just over five thousand rubles means nothing in practice. We are talking about domestic accounting. This money is the part of the pension that comes from the Pension Fund budget. The supplement to the subsistence level is financed by the general budget of the country.

Minimum old-age and disability pension in 2018

Question minimum pension very relevant for many citizens. Its size is regulated by the federal law “On pension provision of the Russian Federation”. It should be noted that such a term does not appear in the legislation of our country, but the state has promised a minimum pension, the amount of which is no less than the subsistence level. Accordingly, in each region the size of the “minimum wage” varies along with the level of subsistence minimum.

Last year, the average minimum pension throughout the country was 8,803 rubles. However, this level is determined individually by regions. The highest “minimum wage” was recorded in Moscow, where pensioners receive security in the amount of at least 14,500 rubles. As you know, a pension in Russia consists of two parts: insurance and funded.

There are three types:

  1. Due to old age. This pension insurance accrual is assigned to men from 60 years of age and women from 55.
  2. Due to disability. Payments are made to citizens with all disability groups, regardless of their age and length of service.
  3. For the loss of a breadwinner. Accrued to persons under the age of majority and students of educational institutions undergoing full-time studies, provided that their age has not reached 23 years.

Provided that it is possible to receive several types of pension insurance at once, only one benefit is paid, which is chosen by the pensioner himself.

To receive an insurance pension payment, the amount of pension points that a citizen has earned must not be less than 9, and the minimum insurance period must be 7 years. The number of points, in turn, directly depends on the size of the official salary. When calculating disability insurance premiums, the disability group is taken into account.

The insurance payment is calculated using a certain formula, in which the summed number of points is multiplied by the cost of one point. The resulting figure is added to the base payment, which is indexed annually. On this moment it is 4558.93 rubles.

So, let's consider the minimum number of pension payments due in two cases:

  1. The citizen has no work experience at all.
  2. The minimum length of service required to calculate pension payments has been completed.

In the first case, the pension is paid in the form of a fixed amount, currently amounting to 4959 rubles. 85kop. This payment can be received 5 years later than they usually retire, i.e. men upon reaching 65 years of age, and women, respectively, upon reaching 60.

In the second case, you can retire, as expected, from the age of 60 for men and 55 for women. In this situation, the accumulated number of pension points is added to the base amount, which, with a minimum work experience of 15 years and work in “harmless” industries, will be equal to 33. One point today is equal to 78.58 rubles. We multiply this figure by 33 and get 2593 rubles. 14 kopecks We add this amount to the base part, resulting in a pension of almost 7,553 rubles. As you can see, the figure does not even reach the subsistence level, but now the government is taking all measures to bring the level of minimum monthly pension payments to the minimum wage level.

If a future pensioner decides not to receive a pension immediately, its size will increase annually. So, if you apply for pension benefits, for example, 5 years later deadline, then her pension will be higher by as much as 36%, which will certainly be a huge advantage for pensioners.

The size of the disability pension, depending on the region, is usually from one and a half to three times higher than the old-age pension.

By 2018, the government plans to index both the basic part of the pension and the cost of one pension point. The first will become a little more than 5,000 rubles, and the second will increase to 80 rubles. Using simple mathematical operations, we calculate the amount of the minimum old-age pension in 2018: 5000 + 80*33 = 7640 rubles. The plans of the pension fund of the Russian Federation include equalizing the amounts of the minimum pension and the subsistence level by 2020, but the government has decided to gradual increase retirement age is up to 65 years for men and 63 years for women for civil servants (officials).

Latest changes to the old-age social pension

With the increase in the retirement age from next year in Russia, the age for receiving a social old-age pension will correspondingly increase. The five-year difference between the standard retirement age and the retirement age for those who do not have sufficient service and pension points will remain during the transition period.

As a result, it is planned to increase the retirement age for recipients of social old-age pensions to the following values:

  • 70 years - for men (to be reached in 2028),
  • 65 years - for women (to be reached by 2034).

The retirement age will be raised gradually, by an average of six months each year. For convenience, you can refer to the following table:

How men will retire on social pensions in the next 10 years
Year of birth Retirement age Year of retirement
1954 66 years old 2020
1955 67 years old 2022
1956 68 years old 2024
1957 69 years old 2026
1958 70 years old 2028
How women will retire on social pensions in the next 16 years
Year of birth Retirement age Year of retirement
1959 61 years old 2020
1960 62 years old 2022
1961 63 years old 2024
1962 64 years old 2026
1963 65 years old 2028
1964 66 years old 2030
1965 67 years old 2032
1966 68 years old 2034

This table is preliminary, it is compiled on the basis of the draft reform proposed by the government on June 14, 2018.

Most likely, given the expected discontent among Russians, the government’s reform project deliberately contains more draconian measures than the state plans to implement in reality. If people's discontent turns out to be strong, the president will come out in their defense, but for now he is pretending that he has nothing to do with it. The reform will be slightly edited, and, most likely, the retirement age will not be raised as much as is being said now.

However, for now we need to rely on the above transition period schedule as the only official draft law for today.

As for the amount of the pension in future years, recipients of social pensions should, in principle, focus on the minimum payment in the amount of the subsistence level. It is clear that the state, which seeks to save money and therefore raises the retirement age, will not pamper them with larger payments. But it will not pay less, since this is unprofitable for itself.

What pension will old-age pensioners have in 2018?

Social pension is calculated by the Pension Fund. Although its amount is fixed by the legislation of the country, payments are made from the federal budget:

  • the amount of the benefit is strictly established;
  • payments are indexed annually, taking into account inflation for last year;
  • is compared with the subsistence level in the region and adjusted to it.

Every year the social pension undergoes indexation. The last time it was held was in April 2017. According to the result size cash payments increased. At the moment, the benefit amount is 5,035 rubles.

It is worth noting that in some cases the established pension amount increases. Namely:

  • the increased coefficient in the calculation increases for residents of the Far North;
  • if a person received a disability pension, but he has reached the age limit (women 60 years old, men 65 years old), he is assigned a social benefit. Its size cannot be less than previous payments;
  • a social supplement can be assigned to a person whose monthly income is below the established minimum.

Registration procedure

Applying for a social pension is not so difficult if you follow all the rules:

  • collect required package documents and fill out the application correctly;
  • come to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or the Multifunctional Center to submit documents;
  • within 10 days the commission will review the papers and make its decision. The person will be notified of this via a notification;
  • a person will receive their first pension the next month after submitting an application.

A person can apply for a social pension independently or through a representative.

However, for this, his actions must be notarized, the Rosregister website informs. If a person lives far from the Pension Fund and the Multifunctional Center, he can use postal or Internet services.

However, he will still need to appear at a government office once. Everyone chooses which method to use on their own, since everyone has different physical abilities.

What documents are needed

The social pension is paid from the federal budget, and this action requires serious reasons. Such grounds are a person’s personal documents:

  • an application completed in accordance with the established procedure;
  • certificate confirming the right to government payments;
  • passport, regardless of citizenship;
  • foreigners living in the Russian Federation must provide a residence permit;
  • if a person belongs to the peoples of the Far North, documentary evidence of this fact is necessary;
  • if the registration is carried out by a trusted person, then a notarized power of attorney is required;
  • employment history.

A person has the right to apply for a social pension only after reaching a certain age, which is prescribed by law. To apply for benefits, the commission may require additional paperwork.

How are payments made?

There are several ways to receive a social pension. A person can independently choose one option that is most convenient for him.

The state provides the following payment methods:

  • through the post office. A person can receive money at the post office or the postman will bring him a home allowance;
  • through the bank. You can receive monthly payments through the cash desk of a bank branch. However, you can go another way. To do this you need to register bank card where the funds will be transferred;
  • through a special financial organization with which the Pension Fund entered into an agreement.

What additional payments are possible?

The additional payment to the basic amount of the social pension depends on several factors:

  • the total cost of living in the country and separately in the region;
  • place of residence of the pensioner and duration;
  • total amount of material support.

According to Bill No. 178-FZ “On Social Assistance”, if the amount of the social pension is below the established subsistence level, then the person has the right to an additional payment.

According to the innovations, in 2018 the Russian government approved the average subsistence level of 8,726 rubles. Consequently, the social pension will also increase, its amount will reach approximately this level.

These changes will apply to approximately 11 million citizens of the Russian Federation. This will make people feel more financially confident.

The legislation provides for an annual increase in pensions and other social benefits for citizens. In 2018, pension indexation will be carried out in three stages, separately for each specific category of citizens receiving such benefits.

But contrary to the law, indexing, unfortunately, is not always carried out. So, for example, in 2017, the increase in the size of such social benefits was replaced by a one-time payment in the amount of 5,000 rubles. Accordingly, in 2018, this lump sum payment will not be made, because... Pension indexation will be carried out in full.

The upcoming indexation of pensions in 2018 is carried out taking into account the increase in the cost of living, determined by the relevant regulations. On January 1, 2018, pensions in Russia were indexed by 3.7%. But at the same time, indexation will be carried out sequentially in three stages for each individual category of citizens who have reached retirement age.

Expected that in 2018, in addition to the January increase, pensioners will receive more help. Thus, on April 1, 2018, social pensions will be indexed by 2.9%. True, this “increase” will not affect ordinary pensioners who receive a labor pension or old-age pension. Pensions will increase for certain categories: disabled people, pensioners without sufficient work experience, those who have lost their breadwinners, etc.

The decision on indexation in the Russian Federation is made in order to return the country to a normal state and improve the quality of life of such socially vulnerable categories of citizens. The new pension reform assumes that the increase in payments will take place from the beginning of January 2018, whereas previously such changes occurred only in February.

The Government of the Russian Federation has decided that the main type of material support for this category of citizens is a social pension. According to statistics, now its recipients are more than 40,000,000 persons who have reached the age established by law. And for each of these citizens it will be necessary to index pensions in the manner determined by the relevant federal law.

How much and when will the pension be indexed?

The pension increase in 2018 will be carried out in accordance with the norms federal law, the funds will be paid from the budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

The size of pension payments transferred to non-working old-age pensioners will be increased by 3.7 percent. Accordingly, the average annual pension in the country will be just over 14,000 rubles. It is planned that from 2019, the pension of every pensioner who does not carry out labor activity after receiving such status, it will be indexed annually by 4 percent.

You will need this information:

A similar increase will be expected for persons receiving social pensions and disability benefits. In this case, the amount of payments in 2018 will be 9,000 rubles and 13,700 rubles, respectively. At the moment, more than 4 million citizens living in the Russian Federation are entitled to such social security.

In addition to indexation, the size of the pension in Russia directly depends on the cost of the individual pension coefficient (IPC). The higher a person’s coefficient, the larger size benefits are paid to him.

What awaits retirees in 2018

The main innovation for the upcoming 2018 is the recalculation of pensions, or rather, its increase by 3.7 percent. Moreover, the increase in the size of pension payments will be made not as usual - in February, but starting from January 1.

However, this fact does not mean that all persons receiving pension payments without exception will be able to receive benefits in the new amount from the first month of the coming year.

According to federal law, starting from the new year, pensions will increase in three stages, for each individual category of pensioners, namely:

  1. Stage 1 – increasing the amount of pension benefits for non-working persons with such status;
  2. Stage 2 – indexation of pension payments for citizens receiving social pensions and disability payments;
  3. The final stage is an increase in the size of pensions for citizens receiving other types of such social support.

Average pension in Russia

The average size of pension provision in the Russian Federation, contrary to existing opinion, does not depend in any way on the minimum subsistence level established at the legislative level.

According to Pension Fund calculations, in 2018 the old-age pension will average 14,000 rubles, despite the fact that the cost of living in Russia is set at around 8,500 rubles. That is, thanks to the indexation of payments, the legislator manages to significantly reduce the difference between these indicators, but cannot reduce it to zero.

As practice shows, part of the Russian population does not receive a pension that is sufficient to achieve the minimum subsistence level. In this case, such citizens are entitled to special additional payments, which are also regularly subject to indexation. Promotion labor pensions and such payments are made simultaneously.

Will there be a one-time payment of 5,000 rubles?

Last year, the Government failed to index pension payments for citizens, so as an alternative they were offered additional one-time transfers in the amount of 5,000 rubles. All pensioners who submitted a corresponding application in January had the right to receive such an additional payment.

Such a payment is not a procedure for citizens, but rather a necessity to improve their living conditions and well-being. The main reason for introducing this additional support measure last year was the high level of growth in living costs. In particular, at the end of 2016 there was an increase in prices for food and other goods necessary for human life.

Based on the results of studying price increases, the inflation rate will be 3.7 percent. Therefore no lump sum payments it will not, since the legislator is able to carry out indexation of pensions in 2018 in Russia, because he has enough budget to implement such measures.

Indexation of social pensions

At the moment, more than 4 million people have received a social pension in Russia. At the moment, the amount of social security paid to such categories of citizens is just over 8,700 rubles. On April 1, it is planned to increase the size of this payment by 4.1 percent.

Social pensions are also paid to disabled people, for whom an increase is also planned. At the moment, the maximum amount of such payment is 13,000 rubles, which can also be increased by 4.1%.

The increase in pensions will be made only in the spring of the coming year, since such pensioners are included in the second priority.

Will there be indexation of pensions for working pensioners?

Now there are 43,000,000 pensioners in the Russian Federation, and about a third of them continue to work even after receiving this status. According to the legislation, indexation of pensions for working citizens is not carried out.

However, a citizen who has reached retirement age has the opportunity to receive an increase in the amount of such payment. But this is possible only after his dismissal from his official place of work.

To index pension accruals, you must contact the Pension Fund with an application and work book.

Next year, Russian pensioners will see a triple increase in pensions. True, we are talking about promotion once for three different categories recipients of payments - labor and social pensions, as well as pensions for working pensioners. In general, the draft budget does not contain anything new - everything is as usual. However, officials still decided to make some amendments to this process. In particular, the Ministry of Finance promised that pensions for old people who retired and left the workforce would be increased by a factor exceeding the inflation rate.

The expected inflation rate in 2017 is 3.2%. The indexation coefficient, in turn, should reach 3.7%, which is 0.5 percentage points higher. This seemingly insignificant “handout” to pensioners is perceived by the financial department as a real achievement. Firstly, the Ministry of Finance rarely approves such ideas, and secondly, this, it turns out, should support pensioners after so many years of falling insurance payments they receive. Who will have their pensions increased and by how much, and what is the reason for this?

To whom and for how long?

The indexation of pensions will begin, not traditionally for Russia, but already in January, and it is in January that it will cover the largest group of its recipients - unemployed elderly people. By general rule, the increase should be dated back to February, due to the need to calculate the level of annual inflation. In 2018, since indexation will be carried out at a higher level, it was decided not to wait for the results of statisticians. As the head of the Ministry of Labor Maxim Topilin has already voiced, in order to ensure a “more significant” increase in pensions, from January they will rise by 3.7%. It is worth noting that inflation in 2017 exceeds all expectations of officials - the initially planned level was supposed to be about 4%. But since today it has not even exceeded 3%, an increase in pensions by 3.7% will in any case be higher than inflation, so a real increase in pensions for Russian elderly people would seem to be guaranteed.

They will not leave the so-called pensions without indexation next year social pensioners. In Russia, it is received by disabled people, veterans, some categories of dependents, as well as those who, by the time they reached retirement age, were unable to accumulate a sufficient number of years of insurance experience. Today it averages about 8.7 thousand rubles. True, the increase is scheduled only for April 2018, but the indexation coefficient will also be higher than the inflation rate and will be 4.1%.

The third group who are entitled to indexation by law are working pensioners, of whom today there are about 12-14 million people. But several years ago it was canceled and there are no plans to reinstate it next year, as the Minister of Labor made clear. But at the same time, working pensioners also continue to pay insurance premiums, which are annually converted into points, so leaving them without an increase in pensions is at least criminal. Therefore, in August 2018 they will receive an increase in pension depending on the points earned. The cost of one point next year will be 81.5 rubles. The maximum increase in pension is 3 points. Thus, regardless of the level of salary and deductions, The maximum increase for working pensioners will be 244 rubles.

Better than last year

In fact, any changes to the indexation procedure will affect only non-working pensioners. Last year, in order to save money, as we remember, indexation was carried out by only a third of the level of price growth set by the government: instead of increasing by almost 13%, pensions increased by only 4%. As compensation, the elderly were paid another 5 thousand rubles in one-time assistance at the beginning of the year. True, these funds can only compensate for moral damage - financial losses in the future are estimated much more seriously than 5 thousand rubles. Therefore, we cannot exclude the fact that the promised increase next year by 0.5 percentage points above the level of price growth is introduced as a partial covering of these losses. Although the size of such a “half-percent handout” and the 8.9 percentage points of under-indexation in 2016 are, of course, incomparable, the Ministry of Finance is confident that all the losses of the elderly have been “practically compensated.”

However, there are a number of other obvious reasons that determine the desire of officials to increase payments above inflation. In particular, the growth in income of the Pension Fund, which the government refers to, became the argument with which the Cabinet of Ministers justified the need to carry out indexations to a higher level, and even a month earlier. In addition, we must not forget that pensioners are the most active electorate, and the presidential election campaign is just around the corner. And although such an increase seems very meager, as for an “election sop,” it attracted the attention of the public and the media. So that's a good start.

Please note that the funds necessary for such not only “generous” but early indexation were already included in the draft federal budget earlier. But how it was presented to the public is a completely different question. Not only that " additional income» The Pension Fund is ordered to pay pensioners from the very beginning of the year, and this is whole month earlier, so also the payment itself presented as a measure restoring social justice. They say that in the context of falling incomes of the population, the authorities should care not only about the nominal, but also about the real growth of assigned payments.

What is the real growth of pensions in the eyes of the Cabinet of Ministers? For now average pension in the country is 13.65 thousand rubles. In the event of an increase in the inflation rate, the pension will increase to 14.09 thousand rubles, with an increase that exceeds the inflation rate - 14.16 thousand rubles. It turns out that the real increase in pensions will be, roughly speaking, an average of 70 rubles. For those whose pension is below average, the increase will also be lower.

There is money, but you hold on

“Increasing the level of material support” for the elderly for the next 2 years is also included in the forecast created by analysts of the Ministry of Economic Development. However, this formulation has not changed in the macroeconomic forecast of officials for many years, which does not change anything. Let us turn, in particular, to the official statistics of past years. As Rosstat reports tell us, in 2014, real pensions of old people, adjusted for the official inflation rate, increased by 1%. In 2015-16, there was no more growth - the fall in real payments totaled 7.5%. Such a drop hardly indicates an increase in the level of well-being. Interestingly, the Ministry of Economic Development previously predicted a higher inflation rate than the Ministry of Finance envisages. They budgeted about 5% for the current year, 4.5% for the next year, and about 4% for 2019. It is already clear today that their forecasts are not destined to come true.

Nevertheless, regardless of what the actual figures are, state social policy is based precisely on these forecasts. And if we are talking about improving the well-being of pensioners, and social policy, as the government declares, is based on principles that are anti-poverty, then over the next 2 years, the pension should be indexed by at least 15%.

As for the expected indexation of 3.7%, experts are unanimous in their opinion: it can only cover the increase in prices for goods and services included in the consumer basket in a particular year. The increase will not cover real inflation in any way. The fact is that even when the needs of the elderly are reduced to a minimum, in reality they turn out to be much broader than officials believe. In addition to the minimum socially important products and utilities, old people spend money on treatment, medicine, purchasing cheap clothes, etc. Their situation continues to deteriorate. Interestingly, even focusing on increasing the level of material security for pensioners, in its planned forecast until 2020, the Ministry of Economic Development has already included a reduction in pensions - by a total of 2%.

But indexation is intended only for non-working old people - those who work presumably provide for themselves. In addition, they will also receive a promotion in August. But pension market experts consider this approach not only erroneous, but also discriminatory: the majority of pensioners receive negligible labor income, which is also unable to cover rising prices. At the same time, they are deprived of indexation, which is a social injustice, and who in the government planned to restore them.

The volume of funds accumulated by the Pension Fund increased in 2017. This, according to market analysts, only means that the state has money for more significant indexation. Due to the situation that has arisen over the past few years, it would be logical to compensate for the under-indexation of last year in 2018. But the government does not take on such responsibilities. Although anything can happen before elections.

The Russian authorities have prepared a number of unpleasant news for future retirees this year. After the presidential elections were held and he took office for another 6-year term, the authorities are no longer shy and calmly began to implement the idea of ​​​​raising the retirement age in Russia. This idea has existed for a long time, but it was inappropriate to carry out pension reform before the elections. It is now obvious that citizens will retire later, and for some it will not be easy to even just live to see it. However, what will happen to active pensioners? How are pensions indexed in 2018 in Russia for those who are already retired? Is it possible to expect an increase in 2018?

The increase in pensions for non-working pensioners has already passed

For non-working pensioners, of whom there are more than 30 million in the country today, an increase in pension payments has already been made this year. Pensions were indexed in January 2018 by 3.7%, and no other increases will follow in 2018.

The government included this percentage increase in payments in the 2018 budget back in the fall of 2017, based on the approximate amount of inflation at the end of last year. Official inflation was 2.5%, but since the funds had already been allocated, the increase was carried out by a percentage slightly higher than it.

Traditionally, the size of pension payments in our country is increased once a year, so no other increases are planned until 2019. Pensioners, of course, have not yet forgotten 2017 - then a slight increase occurred in April, which was an exception.

In 2017, the government raised pensions twice, since for the first time – in February – pensions were recalculated based on the inflation rate of 2016. It was slightly less than budgeted. As a result, the authorities decided to give pension recipients the money they were initially entitled to, and after a couple of months they recalculated it, adding a little more to the payment amounts.

Working pensioners should not count on indexation in 2018

For working pensioners, pension payments have been frozen for them since 2016. You can't expect any positive news about defrosting now. In Russia there are now about 10 million working pensioners. Freezing their pension payments is good savings for the state.

A working pensioner is entitled to an increase in pension only if he quits his job.

Due to certain nuances of Russian accounting reporting, the Pension Fund begins to pay increased pension to a retired pensioner in the 3rd month after dismissal. However, compensation will also be due for the first 2 months.

If possible, working pensioners can use a certain, absolutely legal trick. A pensioner can resign from his place of employment (real or formal), and after 3 months find a job again in the same place (or in another, it doesn’t matter). During these 3 months, the pension will be recalculated taking into account the indexations that previously passed by this pensioner. The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation does not have the right to reduce the amount of payment, so a pensioner, 3 months after dismissal, has the opportunity to legally start working again and receive an indexed pension.

What indexation awaits pensioners in 2019

Pensioners should wait for news about the exact indexation percentage in 2019 in the fall - the State Duma will begin to consider the budget for next year, and its parameters will become known.

Most likely, at the beginning of next year pensions will again be indexed exclusively non-working pensioners. The percentage increase will probably be approximately the same as in 2018 – about 4%. These are the inflation figures expected this year by the government and the Central Bank based on the current state of the economy and its main indicators.

At the beginning of 2019, it also looks like Russia will begin raising the retirement age. What does it mean that in next year not all senior citizens who would retire under the current system in the country today pension system, will be able to do this - they will need to wait a little.

Indexation of pensions in 2018 in Russia will be carried out in three stages:

Already from January 1, the labor pension for non-working pensioners (for old age, disability and loss of a breadwinner) will increase by 3.7 percent. This indexing will be carried out one month earlier than usual, since the Government decided to index these types of pension payments above the inflation rate, which in 2017 was at a record low level (less than 3%).
From February 1, social payments paid by the Pension Fund independently or as a pension supplement (EDV, NSO) will be indexed as usual. In 2018, these payments will be indexed according to actual inflation for 2017(projected at less than 3%, so pensioners are unlikely to feel such an increase).
From April 1, social pensions paid to pensioners without work experience (including disabled children) will be indexed. This type of pension is assigned in a fixed amount and increases taking into account changes in the value over the past year pensioner's living wage. In 2018, the indexation of social pensions is planned at 4.1%.
The moratorium on indexation of pensions for working pensioners in 2018 will be maintained - that is, employed citizens who are already retired will be able to count only for recalculation from August 1 based on accrued pension points for the previous year. They will be able to receive all indexation missed during the moratorium only after dismissal.

In addition to the indexation of pension payments, in 2018 there will also be a number of changes in the basics of pension provision for Russian citizens, which will affect the conditions for retirement upon reaching retirement age and the formation of pension rights of working citizens. Another question that concerns pensioners in connection with the onset of the new year is whether pensioners will receive 5,000 rubles in January 2018 (alas, no - this time there will be no such payment).

Pension increase in 2018 for pensioners, latest news. Indexation of pensions in 2018

According to the provisions of Law No. 400-FZ of December 28, 2013, insurance (labor) pensions of citizens must be indexed annually from February 1 to the inflation level of the previous year, and if the Pension Fund has additional financial resources, indexation is carried out again on April 1. But the new year is traditional The procedure for indexing labor pensions will change: their increase will occur 1 month earlier - already from January 1, 2018.

This is because the increase is based on a higher percentage than recorded actual inflation, so there is no need to wait until February until Rosstat calculates inflation for 2017 (expected to be less than 3 percent).

Social pensions and other social payments made by the Pension Fund, will be promoted as usual to the actual level of price growth for 2017:

Monthly social payments for pensions - from February 1, based on actual inflation for 2017 (less than 3 percent);
social pensions for disabled citizens - from April 1 in relation to the increase in the cost of living (approximately 4.1 percent).

At the same time, the increase in insurance pensions will not affect employed pensioners. Let us recall that the indexation of pensions for working citizens was suspended in 2016 due to the difficult economic situation in the country. This freeze helped save the state 12 billion rubles. However, all missed indexations must be compensated to the citizen the very next month after dismissal.

In accordance with the law adopted by the State Duma on December 15, 2017 (introduced by the Government as bill No. 274624-7) on changing the procedure for indexing insurance pensions in 2018, all types of this pension provision (old age, disability, survivor) should increase from January 1, 2018 by 3.7%. The previous procedure for increasing labor pensions is suspended until the beginning of 2019, and this increase does not apply to working pensioners (see the text of the law below).

It should be borne in mind that any insurance pension consists of two parts:

fixed payment(or FV) is a constant value guaranteed by the state (for all categories of recipients it is set in a fixed amount);
directly insurance part- this is an individual calculated value, which depends on the number of pension points earned during work.

January indexation will affect both parts of the pension as follows:

The fixed payment will be increased by 3.7% and will remain unchanged 4982 rubles 90 kopecks, its increase or decrease is legally established for certain categories of citizens by Law No. 400-FZ of December 28, 2013;
The insurance part of the pension directly depends on the points earned by the pensioner, the cost of which will increase from January 1 by 3.7% and amount to 81 ruble 49 kopecks.
In 2017, actual inflation in the country was recorded at no more than 3%. Consequently, the increase in pensions proposed by the Government by 1.037 times in 2018 formally covers the increase in consumer prices (although, of course, in its absolute value this increase will be very small - the increase will be even less than in previous years).
Pension increase in 2018 for pensioners, latest news. Increase in social payments to pensioners in 2018 from February 1

From February 1, 2018, there will also be an increase (indexation) of all social payments of the Pension Fund provided for various categories of citizens (disabled people, veterans, heroes of Russia, etc.). They are provided in the form of monthly cash payments (MCB), an integral part of which is also a set of social services (NSS).

In general, NSU consists of three parts (medicines, travel and sanatorium treatment) and is provided at the choice of the pensioner in one of two ways:

In kind (that is, directly by social services);
in monetary terms when refusing natural food.

The cost of a set of such services (each part separately) is determined by law and increases in direct proportion to the growth monthly payment(EDV) - i.e. by the same percentage. In 2018, this increase is planned at a level of less than 3%, so beneficiaries will hardly feel such an increase.

Thus, from February 1, 2018, it is planned to index social payments (including a set of social services) to the actual inflation level of last year. In the draft Government resolution, this value was fixed at 3.2%, but actual inflation will be less than 3%, so the increase will be even smaller (the same applies to child benefits in 2018).
Indexation of social pension in 2018 from April 1 by 4.1%

A social pension is a special type of pension, which is characterized by the pensioner’s lack of work experience for some reason. Such a pension is assigned in a fixed amount approved by law. And, as a rule, the size of social pensions is significantly lower than the calculated labor (insurance) pensions.

It should be noted that in the last two years there has been a decrease in the established growth rates of social pensions. So in April 2017, this type of pension was indexed by only 1.5%. In 2018, it is planned to reach the usual (pre-crisis) increase in the level of this type of pension provision - the projected growth of social pensions in April 2018 will be approximately 4.1%.

Unlike labor pensions, indexation of social pensions is tied to change in the cost of living of a pensioner for the previous year. Therefore, the amount of indexation of insurance and social pensions for the same year may differ (although in both cases it is associated with actual increase in consumer prices).

Thus, one of the positive changes in 2018 is a more noticeable increase in the cost of living (LS) in the country, including separately by region. At the same time, the established PM allows all non-working pensioners to receive additional payments (the so-called social supplements up to the subsistence level- federal and regional), if the size of their pensions is lower than the approved values.
According to the law, the level of a citizen’s pension should always be not lower than the subsistence level in the region, in which he lives (this is where the government’s seemingly strange statements come from that “there are no low-income pensioners in Russia” - they all receive pensions in combination with other social benefits in the amount of no less than the monthly minimum wage.

Since 2010, pension applications have already included a section on receiving social supplement. If your pension was assigned before 2010, and you did not submit a separate application for an additional payment, and the amount of the pension is below the established subsistence level in the region, then you must independently contact the territorial bodies of the Pension Fund.

Pension increase in 2018 in Russia for working pensioners

The laws adopted in the State Duma do not provide for any changes for the working population receiving pensions for 2018. This means that working pensioners will continue to receive pension amounts without annual indexation.

Let us recall that the indexation of pensions was stopped in February 2016 for those citizens who continue to work, having exercised their right to pension provision. The Government’s plans included not indexing pensions for working Russians up to 2019.

This moratorium on pension indexation operates as follows:

Those citizens who retired before February 1, 2016 and retained workplace, have remained without an increase in their pensions since February 2016.
For citizens who became pensioners after February 1, 2016, when calculating the individual pension coefficient (IPC), all increases that took place on the date the right to a pension became available are taken into account.
If you continue to work and simultaneously receive a pension, all subsequent indexations from the date of employment will again not be applied.
Working pensioners have the right to increase their pension only through annual recalculation according to the employer. From August 1 of each year, the pensions of such citizens increase by the number of points taken into account in the previous year for the period of labor activity and payment of insurance contributions during this period. But no more than 3 points per year!
An example of how working pensioners will recalculate pension indexation in the Pension Fund

A woman born on May 1, 1962, retired in 2017 within the period established by law and continues to work. What indexations will be taken into account when determining the size of the pension? And from what time will the pension stop being indexed?

The calculation of the pension for this woman will be made on the date May 1, 2017. When calculating the IPC, all approved pension growth indices will be taken into account, starting from 2015 to 05/01/2017.

The cost of one pension coefficient will be taken as of 05/01/2017 - this is 78.58 rubles.
The fixed payment included in the insurance pension will be taken into account taking into account indexation as of May 1, 2017 and is equal to 4805.11 rubles.

Further, subject to continued performance of paid work, all subsequent indexations of singing after appointment will be suspended. Those. the indexation carried out from January 1, 2018 at 3.7% will no longer be applied to this woman’s pension. And this will continue until she quits her job or is fired by her employer.

Indexation of pension after dismissal of a working pensioner in 2018

In 2017, a law was adopted according to which the period for recalculating pensions after dismissal was changed. In 2018, working pensioners will be able to receive a pension with all missing indexes from the next month after dismissal. In this case, the pensioner himself should additionally contact Pension Fund will not be required, since this recalculation is entirely based on the monthly reporting of employers!

Previously, after leaving work, the pensioner received a recalculation of the pension received, taking into account all indexations in three months:

The first month is the submission of reports to employers to the Pension Fund about citizens working in the organization;
the second month - data on the fact of work was loaded into a single software package operating nationwide;
third - acceptance territorial body Pension Fund decisions on recalculation.
For citizens who stopped working in 2018, the period for calculating pensions is reduced, taking into account indexations missed during work. This will be possible after entry into force from January 1, 2018 Federal Law No. 134-FZ dated July 1, 2017.

However, the process of additional accrual of missed increases will be the same for technical reasons will also take several months. But after this, when paying an already recalculated pension after 3 months, an additional payment will be made for the entire period following dismissal.

This innovation applies only to those who have been laid off. after January 1, 2018. If a pensioner quit, for example, in December 2017, then the indexation of his pension will be carried out only from April 1, 2018 - without additional payment for the period from January to March (in other words, these months will be lost).

Last news and recent changes in pensions

As has already become clear, the increase in pensions in the new year for most categories of pensioners will be very small (unnoticeable) or, as for a large category of working pensioners, there will be no increase at all. But in the new year demands will increase to already formed pension rights and the level of wages of Russian citizens for retirement:

The minimum requirements required for retirement in old age in 2018 will increase by the planned values ​​provided for by the law “On Insurance Pensions” - now for this you will need to have at least 9 years of work experience And minimum 13.8 pension points.
Earn new pension points for the working population from 2018 will become much more difficult, since the maximum base for calculating insurance contributions to the Pension Fund in 2018 (on the basis of which points earned for the year are calculated) will be increased immediately by 16.55% - from 876 thousand rubles to 1 million 021 thousand. - according to Government Decree No. 1378 of November 15, 2017. And it’s unlikely that anyone in Russia now has a salary that is growing at the same rate (well, if it’s growing at all).

No other significant changes are expected in the Russian pension system in 2018. In particular, the expected one-time payment to pensioners in the amount of 5,000 rubles will not be paid in 2018- this was a one-time, one-time additional payment that was due to all pensioners in January 2017 in return for the additional indexation required by law that was missed in 2016 (and there is simply no reason to pay it in 2018).

And one of the few truly good news for Russians is that no decision has yet been made to increase the retirement age, which is important for those who are still working or planning to retire (including men born in 1958 and women born in 1963).
Will there be a one-time payment of 5,000 rubles to pensioners in 2018?

At the beginning of 2017, recipients of all types of pensions, regardless of the fact of work, received additional payment in the amount of 5000 rubles. This measure was necessary in the current economically unstable situation.

Against the backdrop of a high level of inflation and the impossibility of carrying out additional indexation of pensions, in 2016 a decision was made to make a one-time payment to citizens’ pensions (Law No. 385-FZ of November 22, 2016). Thus, the pensions of Russians were “conditionally re-indexed”, many of whom perceived this simply as a New Year’s gift.

Currently, according to the Government, the economic situation in the country is normalizing. Over the past 12 months, the increase in consumer prices (inflation) does not exceed 3%, and pensions in 2017 rose in total according to two indexations by 5.78%.

The upcoming indexation of 3.7%, planned for January 2018, exceeds the inflation rate for 2017. Therefore, no additional one-time payments (5 thousand rubles or any other) in addition to the already included indexations will be made!

Will there be an increase in the retirement age in 2018 (latest news)

In the last few years, the most discussed and acute issue for Russians is question of increasing the retirement age. In many other countries, including post-Soviet ones, corresponding decisions have already been made and are being implemented.

For example, from January 2017 in Belarus the retirement age will be increased annually by six months until women reach 58 years and men 63 years. In Kazakhstan, the same values ​​apply - for women at 58 years old, for men at 63 years old.
In many developed countries, such as Germany, men become pensioners at 65 years old, and women at 60 years old.
In Ukraine, the Verkhovna Rada adopted a law on pension reform, which also includes an increase in the current retirement age.
Now this issue has come to a head in Russia. According to the Government, it is primarily due to the fact that the working age in the country is increasing - i.e. About a third of Russians already stop working later than retirement.

However, due to the great unpopularity of this measure, the Russian Government has not yet made a final decision on extending the retirement age (although many consider this issue resolved and note that it will most likely begin to be implemented after the next presidential elections, which will be held in March 2018 — but for now these are just rumors).

How many points and work experience do you need to retire in 2018?

Since 2015, a point system for calculating labor (insurance) pensions for citizens has been in effect, in which insurance premiums paid to the Pension Fund by the employer for its employees are transferred from rubles to relative values ​​(points). The amount of contributions taken into account for the year is correlated with the maximum accountable amount of contributions approved by the Government, which corresponds to 10 pension points(this is the maximum that can be received in one year).

But in order to obtain the right to retire in old age within the generally established time limits, it is necessary to comply three mandatory conditions:

Reaching the legal age;
availability of insurance (work) experience;
the presence of an established value of the individual pension coefficient (IPC) or, in other words, the size of pension points.

It should be noted that this only applies to old age pensions! Other types of pensions for compulsory pension insurance (disability, survivors) are appointed independently on the length of work (insurance) experience and the number of points received.

Since 2018, a mandatory condition for granting a pension upon reaching retirement age (currently 55 years for women and 60 years for men) is the availability of 9 years of experience and 13.8 points individual pension coefficient (IPC).
An example of calculating pension points from 2015 to 2018

For a man born in 1965, he has an official salary before income tax (NDFL) of 30,000 rubles (accordingly, annual earnings are 360,000 rubles). Let’s assume that this citizen’s salary has never increased since 2015. At the same time, deductions are not made for him to the funded part of the pension, since he was born before 1967. Thus, the employer pays insurance premiums for this man to an individual personal account in the amount of 16% of earnings before personal income tax - that is, 16% x 360,000 = 57,600 rubles per year. Let's calculate how many points this man has earned since 2015, when the new pension formula came into effect.

Every year the Government approves for these purposes the so-called salary cap, the amount of mandatory contributions from which to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation to a citizen’s individual personal account is 16%. Thus, the maximum established salary in the country from 2015 to 2018 is the following values ​​(see table below).

Maximum salary for contributions to the Pension Fund (insurance base), rub.
Maximum accountable amount of insurance premiums (16% of the base), rub.
Increase in base relative to the previous year, %
Depreciation of salary when converted into points relative to 2015, %


In 2018, the insurance base for contributions to the Pension Fund will be 1,021,000 rubles in accordance with Government Decree No. 1378 dated November 15, 2017. Then the maximum amount of insurance contributions taken into account for the year, accepted for 10 points, will be 163,360 rubles (an increase relative to 2017 by almost 17 %).

Therefore, every ruble earned in 2018 will “depreciate” when transferred to pension points relative to 2017 by immediately 1 - (1 / 1.17) = 15%, and relative to the level of 2015 - by more than 30! Therefore, it is not enough to have only a constant high salary to form decent pension rights. So that their volume does not decrease from year to year, according to the new pension formula salary must grow by at least 10% per year(see table above).

Let's return to our example. To convert monthly earnings of 30,000 rubles into points, you need to correlate the salary data (taking 16% of annual earnings, which in the example under consideration will be 57,600 rubles per year) to the established limit values ​​and multiply by 10:

57600 / 113760 x 10 = 5.06 points earned by a citizen in 2015;
57600 / 127360 x 10 = 4.52 points in 2016;
57600 / 140160 x 10 = 4.11 points in 2017;
57600 / 163360 x 10 = 3.53 points will be earned in 2018.

Thus, in just 4 years, while maintaining the same level of wages (in the example under consideration, this is 30 thousand rubles per month) the number of accrued pension points decreased by 30%(in this example - from 5.06 points in 2015 to 3.53 in 2018). Thus, the modern pension system contains a mechanism that leads to a decrease in the level of annually accumulated pension rights while maintaining the same salary!

Accordingly, in the example considered, since 2015, the citizen has earned 5.06 + 4.52 + 4.11 + 3.53 = 17.22 points. Moreover, if a citizen’s right to a pension arose in 2017, then all the points accrued to him must be multiplied by 78.58 rubles - this is the cost of the insurance point from April 1, 2017. And if the right to a pension arises in 2018, then from January 1 it will be necessary to multiply by 81.49 rubles.