
If you notice the cuts on the hands of a teenager: instructions for parents. Reception "From hand in hand" How to strengthen the muscles of the palm

If you notice the cuts on the hands of a teenager: instructions for parents. Reception

Natalia Kolesnichenko
Child health in the hands of adults

"Parents are the first teachers. They are obliged to lay the foundations of the physical, moral and intellectual development of the individual child"," says the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" Many parents cannot serve as an example. healthy lifestyleSince often drinking and smoked. Many parents do not even imagine how to attach child to a healthy lifestyle. It needs pure water, clean air, proper nutrition, friendly psychological climate. Irritation adults mechanically passes on child. Therefore, you need to smile more, give joy to each other.

Adults Must protect a children's body from harmful influences, create conditions for increasing the protective forces of the body. Proper to organize the mode of the day and walk. Children should walk at least two hours twice a day, regardless of the weather.

W. child need to develop interest in healing Own body. If a child Forcibly encourage physical education, he will quickly lose interest to this.

The principle "not harm" should be based on the development of development child. After all, "early learning" leads to overloads, provokes neurosis. Preparing for school in kindergarten is carried out not only in speech development and mathematics, but also in physical education classes. Gaming activities of children play a big role. The better child playing plot role-playing games, the more successful in school the child will be engaged. If we want to see child healthy - It must be hardening. Minimal hardening is air and water procedures, selected correctly clothes. When hardening, immunity increases due to an increase in the organism of interferon. Therefore, hardening should be a family business.

Publications on the topic:

"Our health is in our hands!" Short-term project Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution "Kindergarten of the Outlooking Type No. 3 with priority activities.

Consultation for parents "The Health of the Child in our hands" in preschool childhood is laid the foundation for the health of the child, it takes place.

OD on the ecology "Planet Health in our hands" (senior group) OD on the ecology "Planet Health in our hands" (senior group) Objective: To form a desire to help adults when working in nature, desire.

The project "Our health in our hands" Slide 1 Dear colleagues. I present to your attention the project "Our health in our hands. Slide 2 To get health, it is not necessary.

Project for the Health Saving "Health in our hands" The health of the child is above all, the wealth of the Earth will not replace it. You can't buy health, no one will sell. He take care of his heart like an eye.

Project on the zij in the senior group "Health in our hands" The project on the head of the senior group "Health in our hands" Project on the zij in the older group "Health in our hands" the relevance of the topic itself.

Project "Children's Health in our hands" The type of project is informative - the game name of the project "Health of children in our hands" project participants Children, parents, physical instructor.

Project passport. Project Type: Information - Practical-oriented Duration: Short-term implementation period: 2 months (from 04/03/2017.

Each mother heard of the importance of the development of small motility in children, but few understanding professional terminology and knows that Motorika is not just a dexterity and good handwriting, but also the ability to maintain the activity of the cortex of the brain to the oldest and the correct coordination of the nervous, muscular, bone and visual systems. Natalia Alekhina, co-founder of children's centers Citykids and the author of the book "# first365", told The Village on important nuances of the development of small motility and amounted to a list of useful entertainment for kids.

How is the brush?

To begin with, we will understand what is a brush. This is a complex system of 27 bones, joints, ligaments, tendons, muscles, a wide network of vessels and nerve endings. There are no muscles in the fingers themselves - their movements control the bending tendons, which are connected to the muscles in the palm of the palm and forearm. At the tips of the fingers there is a huge number of nerve endings and receptors, which are sensitive to temperature, texture, pressure, humidity and vibration. Controls this complex system about a quarter of the entire motor cortex of the brain, that is, in the brain, the brushes are given more space than the legs and back. When developing small motility, the child is improved, since the corresponding brain departments are near and affect each other.

How do infant skills develop from scratch to three years?

Newborns are usually poorly controlling the movements of their hands, but if you put any item in their palm, then the kids will automatically be firmly squeezed it - this unconscious, grabbing reflex usually disappears by the third month of life, when babies begin to more consciously take the toys with index, mother's and middle finger.

To the ninth month of life, children can take the subject by connecting four fingers with great. Such "capture of claws" is developing gradually, and by the end of the first year of the life of the kids are able to take small objects, such as beans. It is very important that the child learned as early as possible to connect each of the four fingers with a large in the ring: it is this ability that will affect its ability to draw and write.

In the second year of life, Toddler learn to even better coordinate the work of their fingers: for example, a two-way kid who cannot yet be folded a sheet of paper, can already break it, and a two-year-old is already able to unbutton zipper. Even just opening the doors, pulling out clothes from a washing machine or helping my mother to cook and whipping eggs, children acquire invaluable experience and develop their hands and brushes.

Motoric develops as they grow up, so the earlier the child will win various classes for fingers, the easier it will be to learn to write with a pencil, draw, sew or carry out complex neurosurgical operations. In addition, children who do not have the developed skills of small motility will experience stress and frustration, have a low self-esteem, a delay in speech development and problems with the development of a language at school age.

What classes will help the child to develop a motorcycle?

As you grow up, Toddlers explore the world's world including tactile - through toys and the surrounding items that can be pulled, push, roll. All this trains their muscles of their brushes, the forearm and shoulder joint, so you do not need to limit kids in such activities. It is only important to ensure that they do not come across small details: children at this age also explore the world taste, so it can easily swing small objects or shove them into the nose or ear. This is what will help the baby to develop his hands in different directions:

Removing and putting on socks and shoes;

Treating rope and ropes;

Riding, throwing and grabbing a ball;

Dragging buckets with water and sand from one place to another;

Walking on stairs and overcoming obstacles;

Digging in the ground or sand with shovels, robles and other tools;

Washing toys and sponge items;

Watering plants from the watering can

Pushing toys in front of them;

Painting of the fence (can be water);

Cracking, sweeping, picking leaves, sticks and large pebbles;

Squeezing and compressing toothpaste, plasticine, masses for modeling;

Mixing and sifting sand, shallow cereals or grains;

Rolling and kneading the test.

How to strengthen the muscles of the palm?

In many ways, coordination of the movements of the fingers and brushes depends on the development of the palm muscles. If you notice that the baby constantly drops items, it is necessary to connect it to the activities that will help strengthen the palm muscles: for example, kneading the test, sieving sand or water transfusion.

Crawling is also very useful for the baby: it puts pressure on the palm of the hands, straightens the muscles and prevents the fingers from the closure, which leads to greater palm flexibility. If Toddlers missed the stadium of crawling, they can bend the fingers inside the palm and crawl on the cams. This means that the reflex grabbing is still present. Such children can avoid contact palm with materials (for example, dough or plasticine) and clumsily keep a pencil or handle with fingertips. These children will be extremely helpful to activity that help relieve tension and clumsiness in hand: crawling in any shapes, games in palm, pressing, cooking and sweeping. Such classes stimulate the relaxation of the brushes of the hands, which increases the power of the muscles and the endurance of the brush.

How to make your fingers strong?

The strength of the fingers and the opportunity is all better to manage developing in kids exclusively as experience gained. Important classes that will be useful to the kids for the development of fingertips:

Cutting sheets of pasta or bread into pieces;

Games with the designer and picking up puzzles;

Finger drawing;

Finger games and singing;

Rubbing cereals or raisins;

Transfusion of water from vessels;

Shifting pieces of sugar or pasta by forceps;

Folding and parsing of small toys;

Use of stamps, clothespins and stickers;

Cutout with scissors.

How to prepare a child's hand to a letter?

Many mothers still seek as early as possible to start learning the baby reading and writing. However, the results of numerous studies prove that it is possible to teach a child only when his brush and fingers are developed enough for this. Otherwise, early learning can lead to the fact that the child, even having achieved an adult state, will write incorrectly and quickly tired.

It is important to follow the development of the baby and his readiness for the letter. When the 18-month kid draws a doodle, a pencil or brush clamped in his cam, and movements are carried out with shoulder joints or body. Doodle first look like circles and only closer to the end of the second year begin to turn into other figures. By the end of the third year of life, Toddlera still capture the pencil in different ways and use the brush. If the child appears a voltage in the brushes, neck and shoulders, offer him small crayons. This will help facilitate the process and strengthen the palm muscles and the forearm controlling the strength of the fingers.

A 4-year-old child can already keep a pencil with a big and index finger while other fingers help him save the position of the subject. Shoulder joint, forearm and brush are performed in this case the role of stabilizers. To the school, most hold a pencil with a tripod capture in three fingers, and then we can assume that the brush and the hand of the child are ready for a letter.

We advise moms to use the reception "from hand in hand." Why is it worth helping the baby with his hand? First, so from the very beginning you will learn the child to keep writing tools correctly, and the baby does not have to be retracted at school. Secondly, holding the children's handle in her hand, we can show the child's drawing and writing techniques, and it makes it great easier for learning. Let's talk about important nuances of reception "from hand in hand."

Immediately arrange, it is very important to sit right. We write and draw at the usual table, putting the baby on your knees. Older children often want to "work" themselves, then adult is located near to come to the rescue. If all the same, the child agrees to sit on the knees, one hand needs to hold him for the chest so that it does not fall on the table. This will help avoid problems with posture. Make sure the baby feels relaxed and his hands are not compressed in the fists. If this is not the case, spend your finching game, it is desirable that in which the palm moves slowly and relaxed. Invest in his hand writing the item in the right way so that the child holds it (object) exactly as usual, you usually keep the writing handle you. Then put the hand of the baby in your own and write / paint your usual way. Save a calm tempo of the letter, but do not hesitate (from a slow pace of writing a children's pen can be tired even stronger). Do not press a lot of child's hand, otherwise it will be uncomfortable.

There are very little children who just started to sit, be sure to keep hand. In order for the baby to be at the height of the table, you, mom, you can sit on the leg, or just keep the baby just above, at the level of your chest, the legs of the child can hang a little in the air.

It is possible that the kid resists and pulls the handle. Do not be scared, this is the normal desire of a small person to independence. We do not recommend you at this moment insist on the letter "Hand in hand". "Adults" children (from two and a half years old) can show how to keep a brush or marker. Try to convince the child using positive words and smiling: "Look, Masha, keep a felt-tip like that! That's better! Well done, you are like an adult! " With the children of a shame in case of protest, we simply draw the right right, describing your actions: "Here, I hold a brush right!"

In the video, cooking (1.5 years) draws together with the mother method "From hand in hand"

By the way, if your baby is left-hand, in no case insist on the letter with his right hand. Usually, Lefty takes everything with his beloved left hand, and it immediately happens noticeably in everyday life! If the baby is left-hand, and you are right-handed, then either write with it with your left hand, or limit the demonstration of the right position.

Believe me, if you teach the baby to keep writing objects correctly, it will make life easier for him. And of course will help learn how to write faster and more beautiful. The main thing is to remember that any skill is easier to assimilate with a positive setting - both yours and the baby.

Olga Teplikova, Polina Teplikova.

Children's tourism

Hiking are carried out on established and approved routes with the participation of an assistant teacher. Before going out, the teacher makes the appropriate entry in the registration journal "On the stay of children outside the territory of the Dow".

The educator examines the transition route in advance, warns children about the campaign and the need for appropriate shoes and clothing.

Sports walks

Perform twice a month to Fridays at the stadium, playground, stationary complex, at the attraction site and the like.

Gymnastics awakening

After daytime sleep, the gymnastics gradually sets up a children's body for active productive activities. Exercises are carried out in beds with open framugs in combination with airbags. The number of exercises is 4-6 or 8-10 for 5-10 minutes.

Health week

During the week of health (twice-three times a year), children have the opportunity to show acquired physical scientific skills, physical and personal qualities.

In the planning and holding of events, the creative group of the pedclable attracts parents. The week is saturated with various, often non-standard forms of physical education and health and prophylactic measures, most of which are organized in the fresh air.

The main event of a week of health can be a physical education and sports or a sports festival with the participation of all pupils of kindergarten.

School Ball

During a variety of forms of working with the ball, the kids are mastering the necessary types of movements (riding, throwing, throwing, catching while walking, running, jumping, and the like), learn to navigate in space, manage your body.

In addition, the action with the ball form the eye meter and improve the accuracy of movements.

Small tourist hiking

Small tourist trips are organized twice a year (in autumn and spring) with children of senior groups with the participation of Piz - instructor and parents. The campaign involves theoretical and practical training of children, parents, educators.

Adults should know well and carry out instructions for the protection of the life and health of children, the rules of first aid and be able to provide it. Before going around, you should prepare the necessary equipment, simple tourist equipment, boiled water, a first-aid kit and the like.

Work with parents

An important direction in the preservation of the physical and mental health of children, as well as the formation of their ability to take care of their own health is the close interaction of kindergarten and family.

The task of workers of a kindergarten for organizing work with parents:

  • comprehensively study the state of physical education work in families of pupils, adjust, if necessary, carry out a differentiated approach to each child and each family;
  • to form primary knowledge about the age-related features of the psychophysical development of children.
  1. Provide knowledge of the safety of the life of the baby, the main dangerous environmental factors; Familiarize the child's life safety rules when it is at home, on the street, in nature, on the playground.
  2. Encourage parents to create comfortable conditions for a child; Compliance with sanitary rules for the care of residential premises.
  3. Develop the desire for a healthy lifestyle, the desire to be an example for your child.
  4. To form the ability to take care of your health, child and others.
  5. Give knowledge about the most common childhood diseases and their prevention; Teach care for a sick child using traditional and non-traditional techniques.
  6. To form parents to organize the right day of the day, healthy nutrition of children.
  7. Provide theoretical and practical knowledge of hardening; Encourage parents to make it an integral component of the life of all family members.
  8. Learn your parents to organize the active motor mode of the child; familiarize them with the sets of exercises, sports games and exercises, moving games; techniques for restoring performance, safety rules during physical education and sports and the like.
  9. To form the ability to provide first medical care during accident or injury.
  10. Learning to control the posture of the child, carry out complexes of exercises to prevent posture disorders and flatfoot.
  11. Inform parents about achievements in the psychophysical development of children; Together to develop a correction strategy for individual kids if necessary.
  12. Attract adult family members to direct participation in the physical education and sports events of the institution.