
How to distinguish suede from faux suede. Similarities and differences between natural suede and suede fabric. Differences from natural

How to distinguish suede from faux suede.  Similarities and differences between natural suede and suede fabric.  Differences from natural

Among all the types of textile and non-woven materials produced today, there is one very special one - suede. It is somewhat similar to velvet on the one hand, and natural leather on the other. Things made from it look respectable, attractive and expensive. What kind of material is this - suede? What is it made from?

Leather or nap fabric?

If you really look at it, then by and large it’s neither one nor the other. In general, suede is a material with a slightly fleecy structure, “mossy” to the touch and surprisingly pleasant, thin and elastic. It is used to make outerwear, shoes, bags, gloves, mainly for women's wardrobes, as well as beautiful furniture upholstery. According to the production method, suede can be natural or artificial. The first one is very expensive due to the quality of the raw materials (this is genuine animal skin) and the long, labor-intensive processing process. The second one is much cheaper, since inexpensive synthetics are used for its production. That's why artificial material much more common today.

If you find out whether it is leather or leather, you can come to the following. Natural suede (as many of us are accustomed to say, although from the point of view of linguists this is fundamentally wrong - this is a feminine word) is rather leather. Although, its processing occurs in such a way that it acquires completely unusual for the usual genuine leather properties and appearance. But it can be either fabric or non-woven material, it all depends on the source raw materials and the production method.

How is suede made?

So what is beautiful and desirable suede made from? The main raw materials for the production of natural suede are the skins of antelope, deer, wild goats, and sheep. The production process is quite labor-intensive and expensive. First, the best quality is selected, smooth skin without flaws. Then the rough top layer is removed from it - dense, inelastic. Next comes fat tanning (“suedeing”) - chemically binding the remaining leather with special animal or vegetable fats. This process is long, but the result is an amazingly soft, elastic and durable material, which in many respects is even superior to leather.

Faux suede is produced in two ways.

  1. Synthetic pile is glued or sprayed onto a cotton or knitted base fabric, having previously primed the base itself so that it is not spoiled by the glue. Water-repellent Teflon impregnation is applied on top. In this case, the knitted layer can be made from different types synthetics: polyester, spandex and others. First of all, the strength and degree of elasticity of the finished material depend on this.
  2. The microfiber non-woven base is split on a special brushing machine, and the fluffed fibers form a suede-like layer.

Faux suede, produced on a woven basis, is much more expensive than its non-woven counterpart. It is more durable and dimensional stable, for a long time does not stretch or deform.

Properties and uses of suede

Depending on the original raw material, the properties of suede may differ slightly. For example, artificial varieties have a more uniform texture and bright color, but natural ones “breathe” and do not get wet.

However, they also have a lot of common pleasant qualities:

  • wear resistance;
  • durability;
  • abrasion resistance;
  • resistance to deformation;
  • softness;
  • elasticity;
  • no shrinkage;
  • attractive appearance.

To prevent artificial material from allowing water to pass through, treat the products with special water-repellent impregnations from time to time.

All these characteristics make suede an attractive material for manufacturing. wide range products:
  • jackets;
  • jackets;
  • jackets;
  • trench coats;
  • dresses;
  • boot;
  • shoes, sandals;
  • bags, wallets;
  • men's and women's coats;
  • skirts;
  • gloves;
  • hats;
  • pillowcases for decorative pillows;
  • covers and upholstery;
  • wet wipes for washing car windows.

Wherein natural material Due to the ability to “breathe” it is comfortable even in the warm season. A jacket for a summer evening will be as hygienic and pleasant to the body as, for example, natural linen. But it’s better not to buy clothes made from artificial textiles such as dresses, skirts and trousers for the summer. It does not allow air to pass through, so it is completely unsuitable for heat.

How to distinguish?

So, natural material is very expensive. Therefore, dishonest sellers, wanting to make more profit, often offer artificial analogues to gullible buyers.

How can you tell real suede leather from synthetic leather?

  • Natural material always has small defects and small scratches, but the fabric is always perfect in appearance, completely evenly colored, its color is brighter and more saturated.
  • Natural suede always smells distinctly like leather. Artificial - synthetic or has no odor at all.
  • If you run your finger over the surface of the product, the natural material in this place will become lighter, because the fibers will change the angle of inclination.
  • In the structure of natural suede you can always see natural pores.
  • The edges of suede products are not folded, you can immediately see the naturalness of the cut; synthetics will always be hemmed.
  • The price will tell you what kind of material is used for the product. No matter how much the seller assures that this product is on sale or at a discount, that this is an attractive offer, etc., you should not trust him. Real suede is always expensive!

How to care for it so as not to spoil it?

Such a delicate, delicate and expensive texture like natural suede leather requires especially careful, painstaking care.

  • To remove dirt from the folds of boots or gloves, you can use special erasers for cleaning this material.
  • Specialized shampoos will help wash away heavy stains in other places.
  • To ensure that suede always remains waterproof and gets less dirty, it is treated with special impregnations.
  • Greasy areas can be cleaned with rubber brushes designed for this purpose, and then held a little over steam to straighten the pile.
  • Severe stains are removed with ammonia dissolved in water (proportion 1/5).
  • The gloves can be washed using soft detergent, putting them on your hands, and then rinse the foam thoroughly.
  • Clothes made from suede can be washed, just very carefully. Soak in a warm soapy solution for about half an hour, and then wash carefully, without strong friction.
  • You can’t wring out such things - it’s better to just blot them with a towel several times so that it absorbs excess moisture.
  • Dry the items on hangers, periodically blotting them with a towel so that no unsightly streaks remain.
  • If absolutely necessary, ironing from the inside out is allowed.

Suede is a very attractive, but at the same time capricious and very expensive material. As an analogue, you can choose artificial substitutes, while remembering that it is better not to use them for clothing in contact with the skin. But as furniture upholstery, they can serve for a long time, making the interior noble and cozy. Natural product or synthetics - everyone makes their own choice, taking into account the purpose of the product and their material capabilities.

Products made from natural suede have been a great success for many years among people who prefer beautiful and high-quality things. This high-quality material looks quite impressive, has a very soft structure, is able to retain heat well and protect from dampness and cold. But this type of leather is quite expensive, and in order not to fall for the tricks of dishonest sellers, you must know how to distinguish real suede from a fake when purchasing.

Description of natural material

Suede fabric on a natural basis is obtained by tanning and impregnating the skin of deer, goats, sheep or calves with a special fat composition. In the end it turns out beautiful product, which is an elastic, thin material with a delicate and fleecy surface.

There are two grades of this material, differing in quality and appearance depending on the type of leather used in their production. If calf or sheep skins are used to produce suede, it turns out, on the one hand, denser, and on the other, very thin and delicate, so it is easily damaged.

Natural fabric of another type is made by processing the skin of deer, chamois, elk, and mountain goats. It is particularly soft, highly stretchable and breathable. This suede is ideal for sewing outerwear, accessories and shoes. When making these things, dulbfas is often used - a double-sided material that does not have a backside, decorated on both sides beautifully and carefully.

To obtain suede fabric, animal skins are tanned with a variety of animal and vegetable fats. The prepared layers of leather are lubricated with a greasy mixture and placed in a special machine under a press, where it is gradually soaked. This process is quite labor-intensive and can take from 3 to 5 days. After a certain time, the fat tightly combines with the skin composition, and the material acquires a homogeneous structure. After this, the fabric is dyed.

Real suede has a matte and velvety surface, it is very durable, waterproof and breathable. This distinguishes it from artificial materials and natural velor - a similar fabric that has a lower cost and does not have the same ductility, waterproofness and strength.

Gallery: natural suede (25 photos)

Properties of real suede

Products made from this type of leather have always been very popular among consumers. But thanks to the appearance modern technologies In the textile industry, the production of artificial materials has reached such a high level that it has become almost impossible to distinguish them from natural ones. To correctly determine the quality of suede, you need to pay attention to the following aspects:

Advantages and disadvantages

Things made of suede look very impressive, are expensive and retain their original appearance for a long time, because the real material is of very high quality and has the following advantages:

  1. Durable, wear-resistant and elastic, despite the rather thin layer.
  2. Excellent air permeability and does not interfere with cellular respiration.
  3. It is soft and light and retains heat for a long time.
  4. Has a great appearance.

Shoes made from natural suede look much more elegant than those made from normal skin, and if you accidentally get wearing it in the rain, such fabric will never get wet through. This is its difference from artificial fakes, nubuck and velor.

The disadvantages of suede include:

If you purchased a jacket, gloves or shoes made of natural material, do not forget that you need to regularly monitor your items so that they will always be in excellent condition.

Characteristics of artificial suede

A suede substitute is a material that is visually very similar to natural product, but together with that there are significant differences. It is a completely artificial fabric covered with fibers that imitate a product made from real leather.

Production Features

There are two types of synthetic fabric, which differ in the method of their manufacture:

Suede substitute(the name of the artificial material) looks very decent, things made from it have a beautiful appearance, give a pleasant feeling when worn and have an affordable price, but, unfortunately, synthetic fabric will never have the same strength and durability as natural fabric.

Advantages and disadvantages

High-quality suede made from non-natural materials is in very good demand among buyers, because it has positive properties:

Artificial analogue ideal for upholstering furniture, as it has the same structure, does not fade, can warm on cool days, and give coolness in the summer months.

The disadvantages of synthetic material are as follows:

  1. Inability to pass air. Clothes made from this fabric will be very hot in summer and cold in winter.
  2. Insufficient strength. Products made from natural fabrics can last much longer.
  3. The material does not tolerate moisture well and can quickly lose its presentation. It is recommended to care for it by dry cleaning using special products.

Recently, technologies for the production of suede substitutes have been constantly improved, so when purchasing products you can find fairly high-quality material, the disadvantages of which will be minimized.

Differences between natural and artificial suede

If you want to purchase something made from real material, you need to look at the product very carefully and check the properties of the suede fabric. First of all, you need to focus on the following parameters:

Following these tips, you will be able to successfully identify the real fabric, distinguishing it from the substitute. And the ability to understand materials will help you purchase a worthy and beautiful thing made of suede.

Application of fabrics

Artificial and natural materials are used for sewing clothes, shoes, fashion accessories and furniture coverings.

It is best to purchase jackets, skirts, raincoats and demi-season shoes from real suede. Since it is better not to expose such fabric to moisture, boots, shoes and boots made from it are recommended to be worn in warm and dry weather. For autumn and winter period Outerwear made from natural material is ideal - fashionable jacket or suede sheepskin coat.

Artificial fabric is mainly used for furniture upholstery. A suede substitute looks great as a covering for armchairs, sofas, bedside tables and chairs. This material is quite resistant to abrasion, designed for heavy loads, and does not require complex maintenance.

Suede bags look very nice, wallets, gloves, belts, bracelets. Such products are produced from natural and artificial fabrics. When buying accessories, you should not forget that those made from real leather have a higher price.

Clothes and shoes made of suede look very chic, but you need to keep in mind that things made from such material require careful handling. If you wear them carefully and take proper care of them, suede products will serve you well. long years, delighting with its impeccable beauty.

Attention, TODAY only!

For many years in a row, beautiful suede items: clothes, shoes and bags have not left the world's fashion catwalks. Real high-quality suede looks very rich, attractive and beautiful, emphasizes a person’s good taste, making his status a step higher, and will never go out of fashion. If men treat such things with some caution and are in no hurry to buy suede shoes, then women are simply crazy about this material.

As soon as you see red shoes or a suede jacket, your eyes immediately light up. But it fills the breath even more and makes a woman’s heart beat faster when there is a suede bag in front of her eyes. I would like to immediately buy a women's bag in an online store, without thinking about whether it is natural suede.

Very often, under the guise of beautiful suede, another cheaper material is sold at a decent price, which is significantly inferior in quality to the original. You should be more careful when choosing suede items. For example, it is much easier to distinguish leather from artificial material than suede from a fake.

What is suede

Before talking about the main qualities of natural suede, it is necessary to find out what this material is. And so, suede is leather that is prepared by impregnating raw hides with fats. People also call suede “inverted leather.”

In turn, artificial suede is made by impregnating the fabric by special means with suede-like pile. Things made from natural suede are light, breathable, do not fade, last a long time and, of course, are expensive, although this indicator is not always a guideline when choosing.

Differences between natural and artificial suede

Experts have identified several main indicators that can be used to determine the original from a fake.

First: porosity. Natural suede is highly porous. As a rule, scratches and pores are visible on its surface.

Second: color. In natural suede the color will be uneven. If you run your finger over the surface, you can see how the material changes color in places.

Third: smell. Natural suede, like leather, smells.

Faux Suede:

Has a uniform structure and color;
characterized by high roughness;
does not have any odor.

In addition, if you see fabric on the back of the suede, then don’t even guess: this is faux suede. Very good and simple method To check the quality of the material is a small experiment: leave a drop of water on the surface of the suede. If the suede is natural, a drop of water will disappear instantly, since the material is highly porous.

If it is fake, a drop of water will remain on the surface, and this is explained by the fact that the artificial material consists of rubber fibers and fabric impregnated with special agents. If you don't have water at hand, just run your hand over the material. Natural suede bristles are always mobile and can be combed in different directions, unlike artificial ones.

Artificial suede is almost indistinguishable from real one. This is a synthetic or natural fabric with a characteristic pile on it. front side. It is used both to create clothes and shoes, and for upholstery. There are two ways to produce the material:

  1. Woven. Microfiber threads are split into small fibers, which after processing are glued to the base. The result is a fleecy suede fabric that is highly durable. Without additional support, the material becomes unstable to tension. In this way, the highest quality and most expensive samples of material are made, from which jackets, raincoats, and gloves are sewn.
  2. Non-woven. Polyester fibers are glued onto a cotton, silk or synthetic base. This type is produced less expensively and is much easier to care for. This suede is used mainly for furniture upholstery.

Conclusion: Faux suede is a combination of microfiber or polyester fibers and a base of cotton, silk or synthetics. Properties of this matter:

  • outwardly it looks like its natural analogue;
  • the surface of the artificial suede is soft and velvety to the touch;
  • the fabric is durable and resistant to deformation (does not wrinkle);
  • does not fade;
  • has good strength;
  • repels dirt and dust;
  • has low hygroscopicity;
  • has a uniform color;
  • resistant to the formation of kinks, cracks, abrasions;
  • If you run your hand over the fabric, the fibers will easily change position.

Differences from natural

Even taking into account the maximum resemblance to the original, faux suede still has a number of features. How to distinguish natural suede from its artificial sister?

Pay attention to these details:

  1. Obtained by tanning animal skin, natural suede looks more natural. It has a heterogeneous porous structure, in which cracks and scratches are noticeable.
  2. Dyed natural suede cannot be a uniform color (the reason is its uneven texture).
  3. Natural material varies in thickness from center to edge.
  4. Original suede smells like leather, while artificial suede smells like synthetics.
  5. Natural suede is much more expensive than artificial suede.

Advice! Run your hand over the canvas: the natural color at the point of contact will become lighter.

Advantages and disadvantages

This one artificial fabric There are significantly more pros than cons. Let's look at everything in order.


  1. As furniture upholstery, it is equally good for any interior style, be it classic or avant-garde. Its versatility is also evident in the successful use of suede both at home and in the office.
  2. Increased resistance to deformation and abrasions is another advantage of suede upholstery. Such sofa clothing will not crack or stretch under increased load, which its natural counterpart cannot boast of.
  3. The material does not accumulate static electricity.
  4. Artificial furniture suede has the same density throughout the entire perimeter, unlike natural one.
  5. The fabric is resistant to direct sunlight.
  6. This upholstery does not stick to the body.
  7. An interesting property of artificial suede for furniture: it gives warmth in winter and coolness in summer.
  8. The same goes for suede clothing. The skin in such clothes breathes.
  9. Faux suede is easier to clean thanks to the Teflon impregnation with which they are treated.
  10. This material looks no less aesthetically pleasing and attractive than the real thing. Its iridescent velvety surface attracts the eye.


  1. Fabric has limits. For example, it does not stand up to being used as a scratching post. Keep animals away from this upholstery.
  2. Light-colored material tends to get dirty quickly. The problem can be solved either by frequent cleaning or by a removable cover.
  3. Caring for faux suede is not easy. This material does not tolerate high humidity. Only dry cleaning or a minimum of water is allowed (solutions ammonia or vinegar).


Suede is mainly used to produce:

  • clothes,
  • shoes,
  • furniture upholstery.

Suede on a cotton base is used to sew outerwear and suits. Such things fit the figure well. Suede on a knitted base is a good material for skirts, dresses and blouses. They are also obtained from matter stylish accessories: bags, belts, wallets, gloves. When it comes to footwear, faux suede is used to make everything from shoes to high boots.

In the production of furniture, artificial suede receives decent attention. It serves as upholstery for chairs, sofas, and armchairs. Suede has also found its way into everyday life. It makes excellent absorbent wipes for cleaning glass.


How to remove stains from faux suede? Clothes can be washed using gentle detergents. Clean suede shoes with a brush and use. But you need to be careful with the upholstery. Only dry cleaning is acceptable, especially if there is a greasy stain. Water will only make the situation worse.

Advice! Choosing impregnation for suede shoes, be careful and choose brands that have earned the trust of consumers. Poor-quality impregnation can glue the fibers into a dense crust, ruining the item forever.

For cleaning clothes, a soap solution is suitable, which is applied to the dirt with a soft brush. The solution should not be hot. After cleaning, pat the item dry with a towel to remove excess water. To avoid smudges, blot the item several times with a towel while drying.

Upholstery needs to be taken care of constantly. First, vacuum and brush regularly. Secondly, if possible, use protective covers. But if you managed to plant a stain, you will have to tinker. How to clean a suede sofa? Salt and an eraser will come to the rescue, washing powder. Be sure to test any product on an inconspicuous area of ​​the upholstery.

Advice! Movements when cleaning should be in the direction of the pile.

Artificial suede is a useful and at the same time capricious material. But if all operating rules are followed, a product made from such fabric will serve the owner for a long time.

Fabrics, as you know, are used not only for sewing clothes or shoes, but also in many fields of activity. The question often arises as to which fabrics are best used for what. There are many fabrics that are similar in appearance, but have completely different characteristics and features. In particular, suede and velor.

The fabric is called suede, produced using fat tanning technology. It is made from elk or deer skin. In addition to the fact that it is soft, thin, and has a velvety surface, it is also very durable.

Important! Such products are not deformed under the influence environment, does not become harder, does not change properties after washing or any contact with water and detergents.

During the production process, natural raw materials are impregnated with animal or vegetable fats. I often use suede for making shoes, bags, and outerwear. It costs much more than its analogs such as velor or nubuck.

– a natural material made from half-leather, pork or goat skins. It differs from suede in having a thicker pile on one side and absolute smoothness on the other. Velor is not very durable. Products made from it get wet quickly and tend to lose their shape. To avoid this, you have to treat the surfaces with specialized protective agents. Velor is used for sewing shoes, bags, wallets, hats, and outerwear.

called leather obtained after chrome tanning and sanding. Cattle skins are used for the base. Nubuck is smoother than the materials described above and costs less. It is used in the production of shoes, bags, outerwear, even furniture.

Comparison of materials

They look very similar, so many people confuse these materials. Their main comparative characteristics are presented in the table:

Velvety On both sides On the one hand, but with a thicker pile
Moisture resistance Stable May become deformed after contact with water, gets wet
Can be cleaned with soapy water Can be cleaned with soap, does not deform, does not change structure Soap solution is contraindicated; the fabric loses its original appearance and streaks may appear.
Price Expensive due to complex production Affordable price
Color Color may have several shades Plain
Smell Has no odors There is a smell of genuine leather
Surface properties May have scratches and pores. Fingerprints and traces of contact with other objects do not remain The surface has a solid structure, on which fingerprints constantly remain due to the fact that the pile is quite long and can change direction
Hemming of products They don't bend Bend in

Differences in materials in shoes

Some people prefer to buy smooth leather shoes, while others prefer shoes and boots with a velvety texture. It is already clear that the material for such products can be suede, velor, nubuck. Naturally, they differ not only in price, but also in quality.

Important! Externally, all of these materials are similar; not every buyer can immediately determine what the product is made of.

Attention! Fake suede leather is quite common. Sellers especially like to call velor shoes suede. In addition to the fact that suede is much more expensive than velor, it will also serve the owner of the product several times longer.

Due to the fact that velor shoes are prone to getting wet, they quickly lose their appearance and often come apart due to moisture. Suede is impregnated with a lot of fats and oils, as a result of which it literally repels any liquids from its surface. In wet weather, real suede shoes will keep you dry, warm, and comfortable.

How to distinguish velor from suede

To accurately determine which product is made of suede and which is made of velor, you should pay attention to several signs:

Low and shiny pile is a sign of suede, but you should not dwell only on this characteristic.
It cannot be perfectly smooth; there will certainly be natural scratches on it. But at the same time, there will be no marks left on the suede like on velor from the touch of your fingers.

When purchasing, be sure to inspect the cut of the product. Real suede is never folded or its edges are processed.

Suede, unlike velor, has a subtle but very noticeable smell of leather.

What's better?

It cannot be said that any of the materials under consideration are worse or better. It all depends on the quality of the fabric, the type of product and its purpose. Therefore, it is worth considering the advantages and disadvantages of suede and velor.

Advantages and disadvantages of suede

Products made from this material have been popular for several seasons. They are comfortable and look stylish. Many consider the high cost of the material to be a disadvantage. But the price, fortunately, justifies the quality. You can select a number of advantages clothes, bags and shoes made from this material:

  • exquisite appearance;
  • complement any image;
  • high quality products;
  • shoes made of this material are considered more comfortable, as they quickly take the shape of the foot, but at the same time do not stretch or deform;
  • the products do not get wet.

To the disadvantages Difficult care of things can also be attributed. But, on the other hand, any expensive, high-quality product requires an appropriate attitude. So don't be afraid of this.

Important! If you follow the care instructions, the item will delight the owner with its original appearance for a long time.

Advantages and disadvantages of velor

The advantages of velor include the following:

  • affordable cost of finished products;
  • aesthetic appearance;
  • and outerwear retains heat well and is suitable for wearing in cold weather;
  • the fabric has a smooth, uniform texture and color;
  • The material is quite durable and reliable.

But some disadvantages can also be identified. First of all, care is more difficult than suede. It is necessary to constantly treat the products with water-repellent agents, as they are prone to getting wet. And constant getting wet directly leads to deformation and loss of beautiful appearance.

Material care

With the differences between suede and velor, everything is now relatively clear, but it remains main question: how to properly care for products with pile. There are several rules that must be followed if you want to preserve things for as long as possible:

Before use, the item must be treated with a special impregnation. This must be done in advance, since it begins to act after 4-6 hours. It is needed to prevent the fabric from absorbing dirt and moisture. It is even recommended to treat the surface three times during the day with an interval of eight hours.

For care you will need special brushes. As analogues, you can use erasers or zero sandpaper.

Such things should not be dried near a radiator or in the sun.
Products made from natural suede can be washed if desired, washed with soapy water and then wiped with a soft cloth.

When purchasing this or that product and deciding on the material, you should consider what time of year it will be used and in what weather conditions. For example, shoes for spring or a bag can be taken from velor, but for boots and warm outerwear, natural suede is better suited.