
How to machine wash. What items can be washed in a washing machine?

How to machine wash.  What items can be washed in a washing machine?


Sort all laundry by color, type of fabric and permissible washing temperature indicated on the label.

Wash white cotton linen at a temperature of 60-90 degrees and load the machine according to the maximum permissible rate specified by the manufacturer. Check all laundry for foreign objects, load it in, close the door. Pour powder - which is intended for washing - into the powder compartment. If you wash with liquid powder, you can pour it directly into the drum before loading or into the powder compartment when starting the machine. Pour conditioner into the compartment up to the indicated mark. Set the desired temperature mode, the desired spin speed and press the “start” button. The temperature can be set to the value indicated during the wash cycle in this program or lower.

Wash all colored laundry separately on a colored laundry program and at the appropriate temperature. You can wash colored laundry with liquid detergent or powder marked “color”. If colored powder for white linen, it will quickly lose its original color.

Wash wool and knitted items using a special program and liquid detergent designed for washing items made of wool and cashmere.

Delicate and silk linen should be washed separately on a special program. Pack only 2-3 items of fine linen. Do not use the "drying" program. Do not set the spin at all or set it to minimum. Use liquid detergent for delicate fabrics.

If you do not add when washing special remedy protects the washing machine, drum and heating elements, then once a month use a special descaling agent and turn on the program without loading laundry. To remove scale, you can use citric acid, which is sold in powder form. Add 10 packets of citric acid once a month and run the program without loading laundry.


Among the main advantages of using such a tool household chemicals, as a liquid laundry powder, it is necessary to note: a more gentle effect on the fabric; the absence of so-called “powder dust” that enters the respiratory tract and causes allergic reactions, which is especially important for people with sensitive skin

Helpful advice

The best way“liquid powders” are suitable for washing lightly soiled laundry. At the same time, you can wash clothes of different colors at the same time, of course, provided that the product contains additives that prevent the transfer of dye to the fabric, and you wash at a low temperature (30-40°C). In modern washing machines There are even special washing programs for lightly soiled laundry.


  • washing powder rate

Washing machines from the Korean concern LG have been on the Russian market for quite some time. The company is known for using the latest generation technologies in its developments. The combination of modern design, reliability and reasonable prices is a sufficient reason for the popularity of LG household appliances.


Sort your laundry by color and degree of soiling. Carefully study the composition of the fabrics. To do this, you need to look at the labels that are sewn into the side seams of the clothes. They indicate the type of material and washing conditions. Try to follow manufacturers' instructions exactly.

Use gel or powder recommended for automatic washing and marked accordingly on the label. All-purpose detergents usually contain bleach. Therefore, it is recommended to select formulations specifically designed for the type of fabric you are going to wash. Follow the recommended dosage of detergent exactly.

With the advent automatic washing machine caring for things has become much easier. All you have to do is throw the laundry into the drum, add the powder and start the machine. However, many do not even know that proper washing implies adherence to certain rules and sequences. How to properly wash things in washing machine and get maximum results?


Proper preparation of items before starting washing will ensure a high-quality result after it is completed. The first rule that should be strictly followed is checking your pockets before washing. By removing everything from your pockets, you will protect the machine drum from foreign objects and protect your items from damage.

If you have to wash terry or knitwear, turn them inside out. This way they won’t be damaged by the drum and will retain their color. Clothes with large buttons also need to be turned inside out, otherwise the entire wash will be accompanied by their knocking against the walls of the drum. Small items such as handkerchiefs, bras, etc. are best washed in special bags. If your clothing has a zipper, zip it up.

Before washing, items must be sorted by color, type of fabric and degree of soiling. Do not neglect the recommendations indicated on clothing labels. The effectiveness of washing and the preservation of the appearance of the products depend on how accurately you follow them. By following these simple rules when preparing, you will not only make your washing more productive and of higher quality, but also extend the life of your washing machine.

Rules for washing in an automatic washing machine

Following the rules of washing in a washing machine can reduce financial expenses without loss of quality. Here are some tips to help you save:

  • Wash only on the appropriate program. This will help you get better results.
  • Use suitable programs for delicate fabrics. Washing delicate fabrics on regular laundry programs may damage the item.
  • For items that are not very dirty, use the quick wash cycle. This approach will save electricity, water and time spent. Some things wash well in cold water.
  • Follow the dosage of the powder. A large amount negatively affects the operation of the washing machine. Excessive foaming may cause failure.
  • Avoid frequent washing. You shouldn't wash one T-shirt every day. It is much more profitable and economical to accumulate things and wash them all at once in one wash.
  • When loading things into the machine, do not exceed the norm provided by the manufacturer. High load negatively affects the quality of washing.
  • Never add powder to the washing machine drum. Its residues will settle on things, leaving white stains.

Features of washing heavily soiled laundry

Washing heavily soiled laundry deserves special attention. The fact is that such things may not wash off the first time. Especially if they have stubborn stains. In this case, it will not be possible to avoid pre-washing, bleaching or using stain removers.

Hand washing will help get rid of stubborn dirt. Apply the soap solution to stains and particularly dirty areas, scrub thoroughly and leave for a while. Then place in the washing machine and run a normal wash programme.

For those who do not want to use their hands, a special “Pre-wash” mode will help. This program involves carrying out two washes in a row, with the powder poured into two compartments. Even if your car does not have such a mode, you can organize it yourself. Simply run the machine again after completing the first wash.

It is better to soak heavily soiled white items in bleach for a while before washing. Dilute bleach according to manufacturer's instructions. Place the laundry in it for 30-40 minutes. Afterwards, rinse and wash the items as usual.

In conclusion, I would like to give a few tips that will help you during washing:

  • Avoid washing shirts and chemises with heavy items. They may tear.
  • Wash large quantities of laundry on the strongest cycle or divide them into several washes.
  • Wash no more than two pairs of denim at a time. They take up a lot of space and increase the load on the mechanism during washing.
  • Never mix powder or detergents and other chemicals. Otherwise, a chemical reaction may occur that damages the washing machine parts or laundry.
  • Try not to overload the washing machine. Overload can damage the centrifuge, negatively affect the rotation of the drum and impair the performance of the unit.

Organize wisely machine washable not difficult. The main thing is to follow the basic rules. And then after each wash you will be happy with the results obtained.

The article will teach you how to properly wash things in a washing machine and by hand. You will also learn how to select detergents for washing things.

A good housewife strives to do everything to ensure that things do not become deformed or fade after washing. But unfortunately, sometimes we get a completely different result than we expected. Your favorite item may shrink, fade, or even change its color.

It would seem that everything was done as always, the powder, temperature and program were chosen correctly, but the blouse was still hopelessly damaged. In this situation, the woman has only one choice: throw away the blouse and buy herself a new one. So that you, too, do not have such problems, let’s figure out how to wash things correctly.

Rules for washing in a washing machine

The modern woman does laundry almost every day. And, although this process has long become a fairly commonplace activity, it must be approached with full responsibility. After all, proper and high-quality washing not only prolongs the life of clothes, but also serves as an indicator of the thriftiness of the fair sex.

And in order to avoid any additional difficulties during the washing process, take care in advance of the place in which blouses, dresses and bed sheets will wait for it to be washed. After all, if this place is poorly ventilated, then it is likely that, in addition to dirt, mold will appear on things, and it is unlikely that you can remove it with ordinary powder.

Basic rules for washing clothes in a machine:

Sorting things. Before you start putting things into the machine, be sure to sort them thoroughly. Pay attention to the color, type of fabric, size of the laundry and degree of soiling.
Washing mode. Nowadays, almost all clothes, towels and bed linen have labels on them that say which washing mode will be optimal. Give preference to the one indicated on the tag
Temperature regime. If the fabric is very dirty, then you can set the temperature to a fairly high temperature, but if the contamination is minimal, then it is better to stay at a medium temperature setting.
Detergents. The best option for cleaning laundry is considered washing powder. If you prefer liquid products, do not forget that they lose their strength at temperatures above 55 degrees
Machine load. Each machine has a weight limit, so if the instructions say that you can put, for example, 5 kilograms in it, then this should be the weight. Do not pack clothes into the drum under any circumstances; it will be better if it is loaded approximately halfway

Hand washing rules

But no matter how much washing machines make life easier modern woman, there are times when you have to wash clothes by hand. You have to wash your newborn baby's clothes by hand, underwear, silk, wool and cashmere products.

It is also better not to put delicate, flowy blouses, lace, dresses and skirts with not very durable paint into the machine. All these things require special care, which the machine cannot give them.

Recommendations to help you wash correctly:
Be sure to soak dirty laundry before washing
Thoroughly dissolve the powder or soap in water
Start cleaning your laundry with the cleanest, lightest items
If the dirt is strong enough, use a brush or washboard
For delicate fabrics, use not very hot water.
After washing, rinse the laundry a couple of times in clean water.

Washing powder: how to choose?

The quality of washing depends not only on how it is carried out, but also on the means with which it was carried out. Therefore, if you go to the store for powder, then buy exactly the one that suits your clothes. After all, if you plan to clean things in an automatic machine, then hand washing detergent is absolutely not suitable for you.

Usually such powders foam quite strongly, and the machine will not be able to rinse out all the foam properly. As a result, after drying, the fabric may not show up completely. beautiful stains, which cannot be removed without re-cleaning.

Rules for choosing powder:

To wash children's clothes, buy powders that do not contain soda or bleach.
In quality and safe means, there should be no more than 5% surfactants
There should be a separate powder for each type of fabric
Powder for hand washing must have voluminous and stable foam
If you have hard water choose products that contain phosphates

Laundry detergents - an alternative to powders: names

We all know that washing powder causes quite a lot of harm to the environment. The synthetic substances that it consists of, when they get into the soil, poison it for quite a long time.
Even for an adult, this product carries a certain danger. Poor-quality powder can provoke allergic reactions, which, without appropriate treatment, worsen, and wet eczema appears on the skin.

Products that can replace washing powders:

Washing balls. This product is made of special rubber, inside of which there is a magnetic core. If you put it in a drum, the amount of powder used can be reduced by half
Ecological gel. This detergent rinses out much faster and completely dissolves at a temperature of 30 degrees. After using it, no additional treatment with conditioner is required.
Soap nuts. The dry skin of this fruit contains a substance, saponin, which helps rid the tissue of dirt and stains. You can put nuts directly into the drum or prepare a soap decoction from them and add it to water
Laundry soap. Laundry soap is considered a good alternative to modern powders. In addition to the fact that it washes clothes well, it also has bactericidal properties

Clothing and bedding made from high-quality natural fabrics can become severely deformed and shrink if improperly washed. Therefore, before throwing your favorite item into the car, be sure to carefully study the tag.
If it turns out that there is no special tag, then try to independently determine the type of fabric and the required temperature regime. Also don't forget about the powder. If you are washing a fairly bright blouse or dress, then give preference to products for colored fabrics.

Simple recommendations:

First, soak the item in hot water. The temperature should be 15–20 degrees higher than indicated on the tag
Wait until the water becomes warm
Lightly wring out the clothing and place it in a bowl of very cold water.
Rinse everything thoroughly and lay it out to dry.
If you wash with a washing machine, then set the temperature to no more than 60 degrees
For spinning, select standard mode

How to properly wash items made from natural cotton?

In every person's closet you can find things made from cotton fabric. Both adults and children love this fabric for its softness and comfort. But still he has several negative qualities. Cotton clothing gets dirty quite quickly, wrinkles a lot and shrinks if not washed correctly.

Because of these fabric properties, many are afraid to buy cotton items and prefer synthetic fabrics. But you shouldn't be afraid of them. If you wash them correctly and on time, your shirts, trousers and blouses will last you a long time.

Rules for washing cotton items:

Don't get carried away high temperatures
Wash white cotton with special bleaching powder
Do not wash cotton with synthetics
If there are stains on things, they should be soaked before washing.
After washing, rinse and hang the laundry thoroughly
Do not let cotton items dry out too much

Almost every woman now has a laundry assistant. But no matter how good the machine is, it does not wash all things equally well. Sometimes you take a once snow-white blouse out of the drum, and with nostalgia you remember how white your mother’s clothes were. But she washed clothes without an automatic machine, and there were no high-quality powders then. So let's figure out how to properly wash white clothes so that they don't turn grey.

Rules for washing white clothes:

Remove metal fittings from white items
Prepare a solution of powder and bleach
Place dirty items in the solution and heat them to 50 degrees
Remove the laundry and rinse thoroughly, first in warm water and then in cold water.
If there are gray spots on the cuffs and collars, repeat the procedure again.

How to properly wash silk items?

Silk items are quite expensive, but if you decide to spend money on such a blouse, robe or bed linen, you will definitely not regret the money spent. Such underwear can warm you up in the winter cold and cool you down in the summer heat. But in order for this delicate fabric to serve you for a long time, it must be washed correctly. After all, if you, for example, clean it with aggressive detergents, then it will quickly lose its bright and rich color.

Recommendations for washing silk products:
Natural silk should be washed exclusively by hand
The water temperature should not exceed 40 degrees
After washing, rinse your laundry with vinegar and water.
Never use bleach powder for cleansing.
Wash silk with a special softener

How to properly wash socks by hand and in a washing machine?

All women know that socks are a product that gets dirty very quickly and constantly disappears somewhere. But even if they don’t go away during washing, over time this product will still become slightly untidy and ugly. Most often on their appearance Negative influence renders not quite correct washing. The color of the socks fades, they become covered with pills and become deformed. We will look at how to avoid such problems below.

Basic rules for washing socks:
Clean your socks from dust and dirt and turn them inside out
Sort them by color and fabric type
To prevent socks from getting lost in the machine, use a special bag for washing.
Use a cleaning powder that is suitable for the type of fabric
Never throw socks into very hot water.
Synthetic items can be washed with regular powder
It is best to wash wool and cotton items with laundry soap or special gel.

How to wash terry towels to make them soft?

Every good housewife tries to keep the towels in her home always clean and fluffy. But sometimes, literally after the first wash, this product becomes hard and prickly. Usually women attribute everything to not very high-quality material. Of course, this can also be the reason for the hardness of the towel, but in most cases, washing affects the softness of the towel. If, for example, your water is not very soft and you cleaned your laundry without softening agents, then no matter what you do, your towels will not be fluffy.

Recommendations to help make towels fluffy:
Use only liquid products for cleaning
Do not wash in economy mode
Never bleach your towels
Use stain remover to remove stains
Place a duvet ball in the drum along with the towels.
Spin at the lowest possible speed
After washing, rinse the item with water and conditioner.

Useful tips

Most of the time, we use the washing machine to wash dirty clothes.

However, you'll be surprised at how many things you can machine wash, from shoes to rugs.

Before washing, of course, you need to read the care instructions for the item indicated on the label.

Here's how to wash things properly without ruining them and get clean pillows and sneakers without much effort.

Is it possible to wash sneakers and sneakers in a washing machine?

Possible: sneakers

Have you ever thought about washing your sneakers in a machine? Your sneakers have very high wear resistance, they can withstand dirt, rain and long walks.

The sneakers are also able to pass the strength test in a washing machine drum. Simply throw a towel inside for cushioning, which will also prevent curling during washing. We also advise you, if possible, to remove the insoles and laces and wash them separately.

Don't: Sneakers

Washing your sneakers in the washing machine can be an expensive mistake. A harsh wash cycle can shrink your sneakers and reduce their softness.

To avoid this, it is better to wash your sneakers by hand and then let them dry naturally.

Do's and Don'ts: Backpacks and Sports Bags

You can safely wash your backpack in a washing machine if it is not decorated with various keychains, beads, stickers and a lot of zippers. Additional accessories will most likely come off in the washing machine and ruin your backpack.

To wash a regular backpack or bag, it is better to turn it inside out, place it in an old pillowcase or mesh bag and wash it on a gentle cycle.

Is it possible to wash down jackets and jackets in a washing machine?

Possible: down jackets and jackets

When washing down jackets, it is very important to follow the recommendations indicated on the product tag. In order not to spoil the item, before washing, turn the down jacket or jacket outside and button it, taking out all excess from the pockets and unfastening fur collars or other details.

The down jacket should be washed at low temperatures using a delicate wash and liquid detergent. To prevent lumps from forming during the washing process, place 2-3 tennis balls in the washing machine, and to wash out all the detergent, select an additional rinse.

Possible: carpets

Most hallway and bathroom rugs, including rubber-backed rugs and small cotton rugs, are machine washable.

If they are made from cotton or synthetic fabric, you can safely put them in the machine along with your old towels and wash them in cold water on a delicate cycle. However, you should not wash mats with a rubber backing too often, as they may tear.

Don't: items with flammable stains

There is one type of stain that cannot be washed in a washing machine. These are stains from flammable substances such as gasoline and flammable solvents.

Items stained with flammable substances may cause a fire or, in worst cases, an explosion.

You can wash these stains by mixing the two parts baking soda with one part water, rubbing this mixture onto the dirty area.

Can pillows and duvet be washed in a washing machine?

Do's and Don'ts: Pillows and duvets

We know that bed linen, including pillowcases and sheets, can and should be machine washed. In addition, the pillows and duvets themselves can also be machine washed.

The answer to whether to wash them at home or elsewhere depends on the size of your washing machine. If it's small, loading it too much can ruin it.

If washing machine allows you to safely wash pillows and blankets using the gentle cycle at 800 rpm, following the product care instructions.

Can toys be washed in a washing machine?

Can: Stuffed Toys

Stuffed toys also need a shower from time to time. Since stuffed toys tend to accumulate dust, this becomes especially important for parents of young children.

Place them in the washing machine on the delicate cycle, after removing bows, ribbons and clothing from them. Check the clothing care label and wash toys in a bag or pillowcase for added protection.

If this is your child's favorite toy, it is better to play it safe and wash it by hand.

Is it possible to wash clothes in a washing machine?

Don't: Underwire bras

The underwire in some bras can ruin the insides of your washing machine. To be safe, it's best to wash your bras by hand or place them in a pillowcase or special bag before washing them in the machine.

Do's and don'ts: covers for sofas and armchairs

Many covers are pre-shrunk, which means you can machine wash them without any problems. However, if the tag doesn't say so, it's best to have the item dry cleaned or you risk shrinkage on a rather expensive household item.

Modern automatic machines have greatly simplified the process of obtaining clean clothes. Therefore, some do not even think about the question of how to wash in a washing machine. That's it: loaded the dirty clothes, added the powder, launched the appropriate program. It turns out that there are many nuances in this matter. Their knowledge helps not only to better clean dirty items and preserve the quality of the fabric, but also to reduce energy costs and extend the “life” of the equipment itself.

Basic washing rules

  1. Sort dirty laundry by color, type of fabric and degree of soiling: separate white items from colored ones, wash linen, cotton, wool, synthetics, heavily soiled items and not so dirty items separately.
  2. Empty pockets of contents, especially keys, coins, small debris, nuts, bolts. This will protect the tissue from mechanical damage and the drain pump from damage.
  3. Remove belts and remove metal accessories that could cause rust.
  4. Turn terry and knitted clothing, socks, trousers and skirts inside out.
  5. Fasten all zippers, snaps and buttons.
  6. Turn duvet covers and pillowcases inside out and shake out the lint.
  7. Do not exceed the load of laundry, it is indicated in kilograms in the operating instructions.
  8. When loading the drum, try to put objects of different sizes into it: they will mix and wash better.
  9. To get clean things, choose correct mode washing, rinsing and spinning. It depends on the type of fabric and the degree of contamination.
  10. Do not add washing powder directly to the drum on clothes: it will not be able to completely dissolve in its folds. It must be poured into special containers for detergents. And if for some reason they do not work or are missing, pour it on the outside of the filled and closed drum.
  11. Use only detergents that are intended for automatic machines.
  12. Choose the right washing powder. For example, white fabric detergent cannot be used to wash colored items because it contains bleaching additives, like most all-purpose powders. There are specific cleaning types for each type of fabric.
  13. Use the optimal dose of detergents. Otherwise, things will be hard or poorly washed, and the washing machine will wear out faster.

Basic and additional modes

Each automatic machine has basic modes, which may include additional functions.

Main wash

  • cotton and linen products at a water heating temperature of up to 95°C;
  • synthetics, temperature – up to 60°C;
  • wool products at temperatures up to 40°C;
  • delicate, temperature up to 40°C.

Additional functions

  • "Hand wash wool." Provides a gentle regime with precise water dosage and spin adjustment.
  • "Fast." Suitable for not very dirty items, takes 40% less time in normal mode.
  • "Bio". It is used when using modern “biological” detergents that contain enzymes. The water only heats up to 40°C, since the enzymes only work effectively at this water temperature.
  • "Drying". Allows you to dry washed laundry. The internal heating element maintains the required temperature for drying, the fan blows warm air over the washed items and dries them. For different types the fabric uses a certain level of drying.
  • "Intense." Used to remove stains of various origins. Stain removers and bleaches can be used.
  • “Wash with shower jet.” Provides special holes in the drum for a stream of water, which contain thousands of air bubbles. They penetrate deep into the fibers of products and wash away dirt particles.
  • "Easy ironing" Reduces the number of wrinkles in washed laundry to a minimum. To do this, the machine skips an intermediate spin, and a large amount of water is used during rinsing.
  • "Foam control system." Controls the process of foam formation by pumping it out of the drum. At the same time, the efficiency of rinsing things increases.
  • "Start Timer". Allows you to start the machine 1-24 hours after loading dirty laundry. You can program the machine for any time of the day.

Washing, spinning and energy consumption classes

To designate them, special signs are used - letters of the Latin alphabet from A to G. The farther from the beginning, the worse the quality and the lower the rating: A - “excellent”, B - “very good”, C - “good”, D - “satisfactory” " and so on.


To determine which class to assign to a particular model of equipment, simple tests are done. Cotton fabric is washed in a testing machine for an hour at a water temperature of 60°C. The result is compared with the sample and conclusions are drawn.

What does it mean to you to wash an item perfectly? Remove all the dirt from it, right? The difference in the quality of washed clothes between the so-called grade A and B is so small that not every consumer will see it. Therefore, it cannot be categorically stated that a machine with a B rating is much worse at washing. Class C machines are washed with a weak “four” rating, but they are cheaper. If you have the financial opportunity, it is better to refuse such an acquisition. But do not buy a machine with a rating lower than C under any circumstances, since you will lose more on the quality of the washed laundry than you will save on the purchase.


In modern automatic washing machines, the spin range is from 400 to 2000 rpm. The class directly depends on the number of drum revolutions during this function. The higher the speed, the higher the class and the less moisture in the laundry. But it is not always possible to apply maximum twisting for equipment with an A rating, you have to purchase special devices so that they do not “jump” during operation.

Energy consumption

The less electricity a machine uses, the higher its rating. Until 2002, there were seven classes. Now the economical class A (energy consumption 0.17-0.19 kWh/kg) has been supplemented by the more economical A+ (0.15-0.17 kWh/kg) and A++ (less than 0.15 kWh/kg). Models with a rating of B (up to 0.23 kWh/kg) can operate when the TV or other office equipment is turned on. But cars with a rating of C (up to 0.27 kWh/kg) are now considered obsolete (other categories are not even worth mentioning!).

Selecting the optimal mode for different types of fabric

Both cotton and linen items are washed separately from other types of fabric. They wash almost identically. You can load up to 6 kg of dry laundry into the drum, depending on the model. White items can be washed at temperatures up to 95°C, colored items – 40°C. The spin can be set to 1400 rpm, for denim– up to 800 rpm. To wash them optimally, you need to set the maximum time.

To clean synthetic fabric items, load no more than three kg into the drum and wash on a gentle cycle at 30°C. Synthetic fibers quickly release dirt, so there is no need to torture this material for a long time. Unscrew at 600 rpm.

One load of wool should not exceed two kilograms of dry laundry. Wash at 30°C, choose delicate or manual mode. Use special covers. The optimal number of revolutions is 1200.

If you need pure silk products, then one bookmark should weigh no more than 1 kg. Select delicate mode at 30°C. Remember that silk is a very delicate material, so rubbing it and washing it for a long time is not recommended. You need to unscrew at 400 rpm. Use the same functions for viscose products. Do not dry!

The main signs on the machine panel

  • Icons in the shape of a tree with a fluffy crown - washing cotton products.
  • The image of the flask is synthetic.
  • Badges depicting a triangular skein of thread - wool.
  • Hand-down basin – hand wash.
  • A pelvis with two vertical lines is normal.
  • A basin with one vertical line is preliminary.
  • A pelvis with two horizontal wavy lines is energetic. IN different manufacturers signs may vary.
  • Pelvis with horizontal lines and the sign R - quick wash, half load.
  • A basin with a vertical downward arrow is a drain.
  • The drawn feather is delicate.
  • Snowflake – low temperature mode.
  • A watering can with drops of water or a basin with water - rinsing.
  • Snail – spin function.
  • Clock - start delay.
  • The sun is drying.
  • Iron – light ironing function.

So, always take the process seriously, because even the most modern technology, if used incorrectly, may not give the expected results.