
Karmic relationship between a woman and a man. Karmic relationships - love from a past life What does karmically connected people mean?

Karmic relationship between a woman and a man.  Karmic relationships - love from a past life What does karmically connected people mean?

The relationship between a man and a woman is one of the most complex topics in psychology. But not all relationships are resolved after visiting a psychotherapist. Often, the karmic legacy of the partners becomes a prerequisite for a complex love affair, so improvement of the situation is possible only after solving certain spiritual problems.

Karma is the influence of the experience of a person’s past reincarnations on his destiny in the present time. Discarding all skepticism, they confidently say that some events and meetings are predetermined. A karmic union is possible not only in the sphere of love, but also in friendship and work.

What is the karmic relationship between a man and a woman? Knowledge of this appeared in Indian philosophy. The cause of a karmic knot is strong emotional outbursts of love or hatred, affection or enmity between souls that intersected in past lives. They arise as a result of incomplete relationships between a man and a woman, begun in past incarnations.

Why is a karmic connection needed? If there are unresolved problems, emotional debts, circumstances hanging in the air, then the person is given another chance to resolve them in a new incarnation.

If a conflict situation leads to a person harboring a grudge, a thirst for revenge, and lasts for many years, then new karma is generated. The deeper the negative emotions, the more serious the karma in the next incarnation. It is important that a person is able to overcome destructive emotions towards a partner, forgive and let him go.

How long does this relationship last? A karmic union exists until one of the partners corrects their mistakes. They are trying to interrupt it by running away, but the task will remain unsolved. Therefore, a person soon receives a similar connection, the essence of which exactly repeats the previous one.

Karmic scenarios

There are several typical scenarios in past lives that lead to the clearing of karma in the present. The cause of karmic obligations is unfulfilled promises. They are stored in the form of an imprint on the etheric shell of the body, and then, as an energy trace, it passes to the causal body. In the next incarnation, a person is forced to solve this problem. Usually a similar case arises in his life in which it was his fault that his partner was involved.

The main scenarios of karmic relationships in real life:

  1. Unrequited love. The reason is the oath of allegiance, eternal love, a constant sense of duty in a past life.
  2. A close relationship with an unsympathetic person is a consequence of marriage vows and promises.
  3. Inability to find the perfect love for yourself. In a past life, a man vowed to find a spiritual twin and promised to devote his life to serving the divine forces.
  4. Obstacles on the path to marriage with a karmic man are caused by a vow of celibacy (ancestral, personal). A love vow is also a reason for this scenario.
  5. Aggression, tyranny in the present. We need to get rid of the guilt complex and the thirst for revenge.
  6. Negative dependencies in one of the partners. The second person must eradicate his status as protector or victim.

To work off the situation that has arisen, they atone for their sins, showing humility. At the same time, they analyze their behavior, the meaning of their partner’s actions and form the correct attitude towards what is happening.

Karmic relationships

Karmic relationships last only a few months or last for many years. They can have exactly the opposite character.


Healing karmic relationships are often based on past life friendships. They represent a pleasant path of spiritual growth. Two soul mates met to learn to accept each other for who they are. Communication is based on mutual support, forgiveness and brings pleasure to partners.

People don't want to separate even for a moment. Communication over many reincarnations allows partners to accumulate creative energy. The kinship of souls, mutual understanding and mutual respect allow such relationships to last until the end of life.


This karmic connection is given to partners in order to become wiser. Interaction is also based on strong mutual attraction and is filled with suffering from mutual reproaches, conflicts, misunderstandings, and betrayals. The growing wall of negativity torments people, but they cannot leave. The karmic situation develops until the partners forgive and let each other go.

This is a necessary life experience, from which it is important to be able to get the maximum benefit for yourself and become wiser. This connection is called a cross - retribution for past mistakes. This is always a test, making some kind of sacrifice, correcting the errors of the soul. Therefore, such a relationship is also called debtor and creditor.

The prospects for such a karmic connection are negative. Bring suffering to both partners throughout their lives. The nature of such a connection is reminiscent of a love spell. People feel bad together due to different characters and habits, but they are also unable to be apart. They are unable to either agree or break up. Partners go through the stage of attraction, rapprochement, clarification of relationships, separation, attraction again - a movement occurs in a circle. Every time they get another chance to do the right thing.

You need to surround yourself with people who help you move forward, develop, and do not drag you down. Therefore, it’s time to be able to part ways, having received the necessary lessons, and find your own happiness. But leaving without working out the due karmic lesson will lead to dependence on the partner. Only after completing the karmic task, having made the right conclusions, do they get rid of the obligation.

For example, by wasting their life on an alcoholic husband, they quietly sink to his condition. A woman does not fulfill her true destiny, while inevitably blaming her husband for her unhappy fate. By making the mistaken decision to share her life with her drunken husband, she aggravates her karma. The consequence of the voluntarily accepted status of victim and defender will be a repetition of the situation in next life. If efforts to save your partner do not yield results, then right choice– exit from obviously destructive relationships and the beginning of a new life. At the same time, they remove all claims against the partner, get rid of resentment and anger.

Signs of karmic relationships

With this option, the question of how to choose a partner does not even arise. Life itself confronts a person with certain people so that they help him work out his karma. In turn, he carries the same mission towards them. How to recognize the occurrence of a karmic union? Love from a past life always arises with the feeling that the partners have already met once before. This vague feeling cannot be explained. They are drawn to each other like a magnet.

A karmic connection has certain characteristics:

  1. An unexpected start. The union causes confusion among others, as it arises between people with big difference age, different social status, opposing interests. The idea of ​​marriage arises unexpectedly. This is love at first sight.
  2. Speed. Conventional relationships are characterized by gradual development. Instant relationship formation, speed, drive, blindness with feelings speak of the karmic nature of relationships. At the same time, the realization of the rapidity of events comes much later, the partners are so absorbed in each other.
  3. Sudden changes, moving. Partners are ready to give up all their affairs, relatives and friends in order to go live together in another place.
  4. Relationship problems. One of the partners in a karmic union is most often an alcoholic or drug addict, a disabled person, a sadist, or a mentally ill person. However, such a relationship exists for many years until one of the partners passes away. People had to make efforts to correct the situation in order to solve the karmic problem. But they continue to act in the wrong direction.
  5. One of the partners will commit actions unusual for him. Something will push him to a certain type of behavior towards his chosen one.
  6. Childlessness. The reason for the absence of children is that the partners met to solve their own development problems. Therefore, new generations do not appear in such a marriage. If a couple who does not have children decides to adopt a child, then they will soon have their own baby.
  7. Doom or fatality. This is the most common type of relationship. At the heart of the complex situation is love combined with hatred caused by the formation of love triangles. Relationships simply exist, without developing, improving, or collapsing. Happiness cannot be achieved in such a union.
  8. Age difference. If one of the partners is 5–10 years older, then this is a sign of a karmic connection. People met to free themselves from debt. One of them will be a leader, leading his partner. They must go in the same direction. A difference of 15 years indicates a strong karmic connection. This difficult option relations developing in two directions. Either one of the partners helps the other determine his path, or takes him in the wrong direction, creating even more karmic debts for himself in a future life. It is very difficult for such partners to separate.

Calculation of karmic connection

Numerology allows you to determine whether there is a karmic background in an existing relationship. Only a comparative analysis of dates of birth is carried out. How to calculate? To do this, simple calculations are performed:

  1. You need to sum up all the numbers of the birth dates of each partner. If the date of birth contains the number 10, for example 10/5/1977, then it is added in its entirety, without dividing it into 1 and 0.
  2. The resulting two numbers can reveal the secret. A union is karmic if the numbers are the same or multiples of each other.

The study of the karmic cause of relationships is also carried out through fortune telling using Tarot cards, runes, and the use of gypsy methods. Astrology finds out the reason for a karmic union using a compatibility horoscope. It is compiled based on the intersection of certain planets at the moment of acquaintance, various aspects of the angles. A clairvoyance session helps reveal the nature of karmic relationships.

How to end a karmic union

Working off karma begins with a detailed analysis of the current situation. A karmic union is always fateful and provides valuable life experience, wisdom and liberation. Incorrect processing of a karmic task is characterized by severe mental suffering, feelings of resentment, and hatred.

Jealousy, swearing, arguments, revenge slow down the process. Man does not evolve, but marks time, experiencing the same thing over and over again. It is important to ignore your partner's provocations. Do not try to hold him by force, do not expect gratitude for good deeds. An attempt to humiliate a partner’s human dignity only leads to worsening karma. The main key is to change yourself, and not try to change your partner. At the moment of overcoming a karmic problem, the strengthening of kindred souls occurs.

In order to break out of a negative relationship, you will have to use all your willpower. It is advisable to enlist the support of loved ones. Basic steps to get out of karmic relationships:

  1. Understand your karmic lesson, what mistakes in marriage need to be corrected.
  2. It is recommended to cut off the connection completely and completely. A protracted separation ends with a loss of willpower and the continuation of karmic relationships. They disappear from social networks, change their phone number, and do not respond to attempts to keep them. There should be no conversations or mentions of this person from friends and acquaintances.
  3. Moving as far as possible from your partner: another city or country.
  4. The wrong decision would be to try to start new ones right away. serious relationship. It is good to recover, to properly understand past mistakes.
  5. New friendships, hobbies, light flirting, and joyful moments in life will have a positive impact on your state of mind.

These actions are carried out only after karma has been worked out. Remember that trying to avoid going through a karmic lesson ends in failure. Escaping from a problematic union without gaining spiritual growth and acquiring the necessary experience ends with a repetition of a similar relationship scenario, sometimes with more serious conditions.

Have you ever had a feeling of a strong, incomprehensible, “irrational” attraction to to a stranger? The feeling that you have known him for a long time or that you definitely need to meet him, get to know him better, hear his voice, be close to him? And getting to know this person quickly develops into something more serious, and now you are completely absorbed in thoughts about this person. It’s as if something is “leading” you and you can’t resist. At the same time, it is not so important how joyful your thoughts about him are - the main thing is that thoughts are only about this person, and all your other affairs have lost meaning, faded against his background. If this happened to you, then you got into a karmic relationship, you met your karmic partner.

Karmic relationships – it looks like complete burnout, “to the ground.” But there may also be slight “tingling” in your sore spots - something that you do not accept in this person, but in the end you are forced to accept. Because that is why you meet with him over and over again, from life to life. And having met, you have practically no chance not to get drawn into this relationship, to “get into trouble” with it.

Karmic relationships are not a problem, not an evil fate, this is one of the necessary lessons that the Universe teaches us in accordance with our karma. We need karmic lessons to work through situations from the past, “pay off” karmic debts, draw the right conclusions for ourselves and gain skills that will help in the future.

Could there be anything more beautiful than love? Do we strive for something as much? William Shakespeare wrote:

“Love is omnipotent: there is no grief on earth - higher than its punishment, no happiness - higher than the pleasure of serving it.” Throughout the existence of human culture, love has played and continues to play a key role in the lives of each of us. She inspires, gives strength, awakens the best qualities in us. She makes us happy.

But is this always the case?

Difficult relationships are a sign of a karmic connection

Sometimes love brings with it anxiety and suffering. Sometimes it brings together people who have absolutely nothing in common except an irresistible desire to be together. They torment each other with jealousy, misunderstanding, and at the same time, they love so much that they are unable to let go. And then it seems that love is a punishment, and not a great gift of fate.

Another example: sometimes fate brings two people together, and they, it would seem, can be happy together, but circumstances always get in the way. My parents are against it, they won’t accept me in society, my career is in jeopardy. Many people are familiar with such stories, if not personal experience, then from films and books. Lovers recklessly go against everything that could prevent them from being together: they leave their families, give up their careers, quarrel with their parents. Relationships in such a couple turn into a constant struggle with the outside world, which brings suffering, but they cannot stop it, because even the thought of parting is unbearable for them.

It also happens the other way around: a chance meeting, a flash of passion, but these two decide that for some reason they cannot be together. They want to forget each other, but they cannot: fate brings them together again and again. And these, as it seems to them, “random” meetings do not allow their feelings to cool down.

There are other options for the development of events, but we will not dwell on listing them. Let us note the main thing: such relationships are always difficult and exhausting. But the partners cannot break up, forget and move on. Knowledgeable people Such relationships are called karmic. This is the most difficult of all relationships. How to determine if your couple is an example of a karmic relationship? A specialist will determine this using fortune telling using Tarot cards or runes. But you can determine this yourself, without resorting to esoteric rituals. Here are the main signs of karmic relationships:

1. Sudden onset. Relationships begin unexpectedly for them. And close people and friends are surprised how this even happened. Often relationships begin between people of different ages, social status, and interests. Sometimes people have known each other for a long time, but suddenly the idea of ​​getting married comes to them.

2 . Rapidity. Relationships do not develop gradually, as with most people, but instantly, a short time after meeting. There are vivid feelings, drive, people are literally blinded by each other, and they themselves do not realize why this is happening. Understanding the suddenness and speed of events does not come to them immediately; it may take about a year.

3. Moving and dramatic changes. Partners suddenly have the idea that they need to go live somewhere else. They can give up everything, go to another city together, forgetting about friends and relatives. This is one of important signs karmic relationships.

4. Problematic union. Acquaintance in a past life does not mean at all that the relationship will be harmonious. Vice versa. The union is very problematic, and one of the partners is most likely an alcoholic, a drug addict, a disabled person or a person with a mental disorder. In such marriages, it is not uncommon for one of the spouses to die early. Such unions cannot be called happy, but they last for many years. New life was given to realize something from the old, but people continue to make the same mistakes, as a result of which they family life things are turning out unhappily again.

5. No children. Karmic relationships do not provide the opportunity to give life to new generations. And this makes some sense, because the union is intended to solve one’s own mental problems. If the partners decide to adopt a baby, then fate gives them one of their own.

6. Inevitability. This relationship had to happen with almost one hundred percent probability. In such unions, love triangles are often common, love combined with hatred. Relationships simply develop without any specific meaning, people do nothing to improve, change or destroy them. Partners want happiness, but they cannot achieve it together.

7. irresistible (all-consuming) passion

8. “love at first sight” when people don’t really know each other yet, but each of them already feels that they have met the love of their life;

9. from the first minutes of communication, it seems to people that they have known each other for an eternity;

10. constant, obsessive thoughts about a partner;

11. difficult, exhausting relationships. But at the same time, it’s hard to be apart and impossible to part;

12. after a long separation, feelings flare up with new strength , regardless of whether people are in a relationship or not, a week has passed or a year has passed;

13. their feelings go from one extreme to another : from endless tenderness - into strong irritation, from adoration - into hatred;

14. Partners cannot explain why they are together. . They seem too different to be a couple

If you recognize yourself and your partner in the signs listed above, then with a high probability we can say that you are in a karmic relationship.

Why do karmic relationships arise?

Repetition is the mother of learning, and this saying is perfectly suited to the situation of karmic relationships. Once in a past life (and perhaps not in one, but in several), you have already met this person and each time in the relationship the situation between you remained unresolved. Emotions did not find a way out, you did not draw conclusions and learned nothing from your previous meetings in the past.

Such mistakes lead to the formation of karmic debt. Karmic debt leads to the repetition of similar situations in subsequent lives. Thus, by repeating the mistakes of the past, you only increase the karmic debt, and the situation repeats itself again. At the same time, you get the opportunity to “work off” the debt by correcting these mistakes.

In other words, there are strong emotions towards this person, but not always joyful ones. At the same time, the relationship does not work out, but you can neither accept this person nor let him go in peace. Exactly unsolved task(s) in the past keeps you close to this person.

At the energy level, it looks like etheric threads stretching from you to him and from him to you, and they can only be removed by removing the cause-and-effect relationships in your relationship. That is, understand what happened in your past together, learn a lesson from it, accept and thank. Thank him no matter what.

How to get out of the vicious circle of karmic relationships?

The most important and most difficult thing is to understand what exactly working off a karmic debt involves. Unfortunately, there is no universal solution for all couples in karmic relationships. You will have to find the answer yourself. To be together despite obstacles, or to separate despite strong feelings? Change your behavior in relationships, try on a new role, give up old habits, make an important decision that you have always avoided?

Experts will not help you with this: fate itself prevents any outside interference in karmic relationships. Moreover, such interventions can cause harm.

They are also powerless to give advice: viewing such relationships is very difficult. You and your partner must walk this path together, without outside help. This is the only way to truly work off karmic debt.

Until karma is worked out, you will walk in circles, situations will repeat, fate will bring you together with your partner over and over again. How to determine that you have found a way to correct the mistakes of past lives? When you work off your debt, the situation will change. You will understand this yourself; no advice is needed here.

This is why karmic relationships between a man and a woman are needed - in order to finally learn an important lesson, and then begin to live in harmony with oneself and the world.

Why karmic encounters are almost inevitable now

Nowadays, karmic meetings occur quite often - almost every person meets at least one karmic partner, and most often several karmic partners, throughout his life.

Why now? Because now the memory of past lives is being revealed to many, and even spontaneously, you need to use it for your own benefit. Don’t just look at your past lives and hang in them - but at the same time solve some of your problems.

Karmic nodes are connected with the fact that you have already met this person in a past life. That's why he seems so familiar to you. But the past the experience was not passed by you in love and acceptance, with gratitude. You disagreed, protested against what happened, experienced strong negative emotions that were bottled up in your subtle bodies and you carry them with you from incarnation to incarnation.

Only you themselves you can remove the karmic tie with this person

Healers can see the consequences of such relationships as curses, vows, crowns of celibacy and “remove” with the help of their energy. But the reason is not in energy, but at a higher level, in the mental body, in thoughts. You can do this yourself and the effect will be more reliable - besides, these thoughts are YOURS.

You can untie a karmic knot through the memory of a past life - a joint incarnation with this person. That life in which the karmic connection with this person occurred.

“Karmic” means “cause-and-effect” - after a certain action (cause) occurred, a certain consequence appeared. “If... then...” Something happened and you didn’t accept it, you protested, you fought against it, and the lesson is often precisely to accept and give thanks.

Because nothing is “bad” or “good”, everything happens for a reason, for some reason and for something. It was needed for something, but you didn’t understand why, instead you turned on your EGO and protested against this experience. As a result, you are still struggling and are forced to go through this experience again and again. At the same time, this particular person is your best doctor for this particular mental illness of yours.

And he knows exactly how to step on your sore spot in the most in the best possible way- so that it is guaranteed to get sick there and you pay attention to it. After all, this is not the first time you have met him and he has exactly the opposite emotional “charge”; he suits you best.

When the denouement comes, you feel huge relief not only in the soul, but also in the body, “like a stone fell from my shoulders.” And then, when you think about this person, nothing resonates inside you, there are no emotions, protests, struggle against him, inside there is calm joy and gratitude. And you can communicate with him the same way as if you were communicating with a complete stranger.

You can now think rationally and you have a choice, nothing “leads” you against your will. The only thing you feel for him is this feeling of gratitude. Gratitude, and perhaps love, but nothing else.

And if it turns out that, apart from the karmic connection, nothing connected you with him, then you no longer need to meet him further, in subsequent lives. After all, you accepted what you did not accept before, you loved what you could not love. But if there was love between you, then your relationship can only improve.

When you remove your emotional charge on this person, then you don't react to him emotionally. Therefore, this person leaves your life. Or your relationship changes and moves to a new level.

You are grateful to him for the lesson and can communicate with him on a new level. Not reacting as painfully as before.

You are ready to hear him, to perceive his point of view.

Perhaps this will be the impetus for a new stage in your relationship.

Your relationship will change, definitely.

How to get out of karmic relationships

There is only one way out - understand what the lesson is, understand what it teaches you and accept it. And thank you for the lesson and this whole experience.

When you understand the lesson, uproot the reason that brings this emotional charge back to life (and with it the usual scenario), then the emotion goes away, the pain goes away, you can control the situation. But as long as the emotion is there, you have no choice, you are forced to stay close to him. The karmic knot is kept in the energy and in the subconscious - at the level of your beliefs and conclusions that you made in a past life. Not even alone.

Two ways to remove karmic ties

Method 1- through the memory of a past life - author Nina Bryantseva

The easiest way to figure out what kind of joint lesson you have is by looking at your past life - your joint incarnation/incarnations, where it all began.

Meditation “Journey to a Past Life”

After completing this meditation, you:

  • remember your past life, which contains important clues for you today
  • these could be clues about the reasons for what is happening to you now or clues about possible ways solutions to a specific problem
  • you can use this meditation many times and thus view many of your past lives
  • some of you will be able to contact your Spirit Guides

When you do meditation for the first time, you don’t have to make your own separate request, but follow my voice. In meditation we will remember that past life, viewing of which is relevant for you right now.

Then, starting from the second time, create your own request to view your past life. A query is a search phrase by which your memory will give you one specific past life among all your past lives.

To get maximum results during meditation

  • make sure that no one distracts you during meditation
  • mute your phone
  • take a comfortable body position (preferably lying down)
  • put a blindfold over your eyes (a light dark handkerchief will do)

Meditation 1 - for the first journey into a past life

Meditation 2 - for subsequent journeys into past lives

But if you like Meditation No. 1 more, then use it for subsequent trips to past lives

Click on the player and start meditating:

Examples of possible queries for viewing past lives (starting from the second dive):

  • I want to remember my past life, where there are reasons for what is happening to me now (your situation)
  • I want to remember our joint incarnation with Person So-and-so (Name, image of this person)
  • I want to remember my past life, where I was rich and happy
  • I want to remember my past life, where I was happy as a woman (Options: where I had happy family, where I was happy as a mother, as a wife, etc.)
  • I want to remember my past life, where I was an effective leader/skilled speaker/successful entrepreneur/writer/artist, etc.
  • I want to remember my past life, where my talent manifested itself most clearly (see what talent it was, without specifying it in the request)
  • I want to remember my past life in which my destiny was realized
  • I want to remember my past life, where my destiny was not realized
  • I want to remember my past life, where I was a man (if you are a woman) and vice versa, that is, the opposite sex

Method 2 – observing your internal reactions to this person - author Nina Bryantseva

But if you don't want to remember your past life, then there is another way, slower, but something is better than nothing at all. This method is study your emotions, thoughts and inner state , which this person evokes in you when communicating with him or your thoughts about him.

Remember what words, gestures, and behavior you have an emotional reaction to. And what a reaction this is. What do you not accept about it? What would you like to change about it? How do you accept this? What can you thank him for?

Has something similar happened to you before? Perhaps someone else has already evoked similar emotions in you? What is this event? Think back to your childhood – did anything similar happen to you as a child? What were you reacting to?

The key point is how you can learn to accept it. And how to learn to thank this person.

Why is it important to remove karmic ties?

Regardless of which method you choose, you still need to work with emotional attachment. And since you noticed this problem in the relationship, you are the one who can solve it. Think of it as a problem you need to solve and nothing more. Decide for yourself, not for him. To remove your emotional charge towards him and not meet with him again. Or finally feel calm, joyful love for this person.

This can be solved by working on oneself – one’s grievances, complaints against one’s partner. All this needs to be “cleaned up” and in the process you will understand what exactly you reacted to and what “sore” of yours this partner came to HELP you heal.

The moment you say thank you to him and are grateful to him, a re-awareness will occur and something will change in your relationship - you will let him go in peace on all four sides.

How to heal karmic relationships?

Karmic relationships between a man and a woman are not always a negative experience doomed to an ending. If you both feel empowered and willing to work on healing your relationship, correcting your mistakes, and moving toward harmony, you can do it.

Together with your partner, think about what lesson the higher powers taught you and draw conclusions (you can write them down) what you learned in the relationship, what qualities you acquired.

Deal with the grudges you hold against each other. Remember all the negative situations and accept shared responsibility for what happened. Do not blame each other, but honestly admit that each of you is responsible for everything that happened in your couple. Calmly discuss what led you to certain results.

Remember the pleasant moments you spent together. Think about why you felt good, what actions and thoughts led to this. Thank each other for the time spent together and for the experiences (positive and negative) each has had.

If both partners sincerely and with with an open heart will approach the healing of relationships, karmic zeroing will occur, and you will be able to start all over again.

Discuss your plans for the future, think about how you can refresh your relationship: perhaps it’s a joint vacation or a trip to nature, updating the interior of your home, a new joint hobby. This will bring you even closer together after zeroing. Agree on the rules: for example, no longer reproach each other, give everyone personal space and time, do not mention unpleasant events of the past (if the situation has already been resolved and feelings have been worked out), refuse bad habits etc.

Everyone has heard the meaning of the word “ancestral karma”, but few know what it is? The definition of karma comes from ancient Indian philosophy. The law of effects and causes, according to the rules of which all good deeds and sinful acts of a person determine his future destiny. The characteristics of these life actions test a person for suffering and pleasure. You can treat this with a great deal of skepticism, others generally live, going with the flow, and some try to understand the reasons and change fate.

Cause-and-effect relationships;
- “boomerang law”;
- revenge and punishment for past sins;
- fatal fate (or lot)

People who study numerology know that a person’s karma, the path of fate, can be calculated using ordinary numbers based on the date of birth and understand what is written on the family.

Karmic connection - what is it?

This is the name for relationships between people who knew each other in past incarnations. We don’t think about the fact that often random encounters are natural; they are a consequence of past actions.

Examples of such relationships: misunderstanding between parents and children, quarrels between relatives, betrayal of friends, problems with bosses or work colleagues. The karmic connection that exists between a woman and a man is of the greatest interest.

This is not just a relationship between two people who have already met before. These are partners who have unresolved common problems, debts or unfulfilled obligations from the past. Perhaps they were unable to forgive each other, or did not find a way out of a difficult situation.

Regardless of gender, they may be inexplicably “drawn” to each other or, conversely, may experience hatred or hostility for no reason, on a subconscious level. Sometimes you get the feeling that this has already happened and is familiar: the place, the events, and even the person himself. Meeting such people, we have a chance to pay off old debts, resolve situations, forgive, i.e. return “karmic debts” according to the old account.

Example of a karmic connection

Karmic relationships have a number of signs by which they are recognized. The main signs of a karmic connection can be strong emotional states: fear in the presence a certain person, unforgiven resentment, uncontrollable anger, strong dependence on another person, jealousy.

And in this life, a man and a woman (partners, spouses) re-experience the same emotional states with the old relationship scenario. Karma manifests itself in the fact that already in a new relationship one should behave differently, taking into account “mistakes”. Realize and learn forgiveness, mercy, humility, sometimes increase your self-esteem, strengthen your will, etc. Finally, act differently, change yourself and relationships.

What is karmic love

There are many examples. The husband was incredibly jealous in his previous incarnation, reproached his wife, and brought her suffering. The wife ran away, and the husband, in a state of despair, committed suicide. The woman lived with a huge sense of guilt until the end of her days. IN modern world they meet again, and the situation repeats itself. The husband constantly lives in fear that his wife will leave him. What is the lesson from this relationship? A man must learn trust and forgiveness. If a woman wants to leave again, then without offense, let her go.

Another example of karmic love. Another indicator of karma is the speed of relationships. Partners may even unknowingly enter into marriage, surprising all relatives with their hasty actions. One of them may have a profession that requires frequent business travel. Later, the person seems to awaken, and after a year there is complete disappointment from the object of his adoration. A person cannot explain the reasons why this happened. Then a protracted depression may begin, from which it is difficult to get out. Friendships and family ties are also lost temporarily or forever.

Unrequited love. People sometimes suffer for years, unable to live either together or at a distance. Monogamous people cannot love another, no matter how hard they try, it’s like an obsession.

It is a rare type of relationship when a couple cannot get along together and breaks up. They suffer again, start dating, get together or get married, again scandals, quarrels. This can last for years. The so-called “habit of marrying” everyone to the same person.

How to recognize a karmic connection

Extreme situations are an indicator of karmic connections: the partner is a drug addict, alcoholic or disabled. In this version, the spouses obviously switched places. One in the past once humiliated the other, now in his role. A person who betrayed and abandoned a partner in distress finds himself helpless and abandoned in this life. That is, he experiences the same feelings that he did not want to understand. The early death of one of the spouses is also a karmic connection. It is no longer enough to realize your actions, you need to feel it for yourself and come to terms with it. This is a huge challenge for everyone.

The fatality of love relationships is a rare sign of karma. For example, 4 marriages, all partners die, which is popularly called a “black widow” (widower). This includes the “seal of loneliness”, the “crown of celibacy”, when beautiful and intelligent people with excellent character, regardless of gender, for inexplicable circumstances cannot get married. Either the groom died, or before the wedding the bride ended up in the hospital... One sets conditions that the other cannot fulfill. For example, the groom offers to hand over the child of his deceased sister to an orphanage, otherwise he refuses the marriage...

Infertility is also a karmic factor. Partners may be medically healthy, but there is no possibility of having children. When a couple, after painful years of treatment and fruitless hopes, resign themselves and adopt a child, it is often at this time that the long-awaited baby is born.

Love triangle. Also, partners often look outside for qualities that are missing in the family. With a tough tyrant husband, the lover is necessarily gentle and calm and, vice versa. Two women or two men complement each other perfectly. A wife can be a housewife, an excellent cook, quiet and downtrodden. And the mistress is often a bright, daring young lady with inflated ambitions. It’s difficult to break the circle; the beauty lies in the combination of the two characters.

Types of karmic connections and meetings

There are two types of karma - healing and destructive.

The destructive karmic connection between a man and a woman in a couple manifests itself in rapid attraction and passion. Gradually, reproaches, conflicts, and tears arise. One or both partners want to end this painful relationship, but they endure it. The presence of small children is often cited as an argument. Over time, the situation only becomes more complicated; it is better to forgive each other without mutual reproaches and let go forever.

A healing connection is the rarest when kindred spirits meet. Here the partners think alike, often pronouncing the same phrase at the same time. The feeling that you have known a person all your life, but you are seeing him for the first time. This is the ease of relationships, no one tries to force change the other, they know how to trust and forgive, they are always faithful to each other, they support each other in any situation. Separating for an hour hurts.

In any case, karmic relationships make you think about the causes of problems, and presupposes the spiritual development of the individual in order to complete lessons. If the same events are repeated, it means that you did not understand something and are repeating the same mistake.

Only when you are aware of your own actions, "". This means that the meeting was not in vain. Lessons are understood, corrected, life will gradually change in better side. This is what karma teaches. This is not fate, but a lesson, an opportunity to correct your mistakes from the past.

"Like the right and left hand -
Your soul is close to my soul.

We are adjacent, blissfully and warmly,
Like the right and left wing.

But the whirlwind rises - and the abyss lies
From the right to the left wing!

Marina Tsvetaeva

Numerous customer examples prompted me to write this blog.

How often do we see examples of relationships in which there is passion, inexplicable attraction, often at first sight, a literal “kinship of souls”, but at the same time terrible conflicts, misunderstandings, lack of prospects and development, inability to be together and constant suffering.

Participants in such relationships are regular customers (usually clients) of this site. Requests to return, hold, tie, bewitch, etc. from this opera. But is it really necessary to “tie” in such cases?

A karmic relationship is a union of two people who were closely acquainted in a past life (husband and wife, relatives, lovers or enemies), but they still have some debts to each other (unresolved situations, emotions and feelings that have not found a way out) . In the present incarnation, fate brings these people together again to give them the opportunity to work out this karma (atone for guilt, correct mistakes, give vent to feelings, live through the situations that were given in the previous incarnation), which is usually accompanied by causing pain and negativity to the partner.

So, for example, if in a previous incarnation a man was madly in love with you, but you left him, betrayed him, deceived him, thereby accruing negative karma, there is no doubt that this situation will repeat in subsequent incarnations.

Any karmic relationship needs elaboration, conscious actions, and wiser behavior aimed at getting out of a similar situation in a different way. The purpose of such a relationship on a spiritual level is a different choice than was made in a past life.

The most convenient option for repaying karmic debts is love relationship, where each participant can change himself, his worldview, undergo purification and transformation.

Such relationships are distinguished certain signs(almost all of them hinder love; it is not necessary to have all the signs together, but a combination of several of them can indicate a karmic connection):

    a large age difference (over 5 years - already the likelihood of a karmic connection). An age difference of 15 years or more characterizes a very strong karmic attraction. It is very difficult to break such a connection, while relationships are always very complex and either help the partner choose his true path in life, or, on the contrary, lead him astray from this path, increasing karmic debts in the future;

    speed of occurrence (love at first sight, the rapid start and development of relationships almost immediately after meeting, partners do not doubt or analyze the reasons for their actions, acting as if by instinct, on impulses and under the influence of inexplicable forces);

    distance ( different cities or even countries) or moving together after the start of a relationship;

    marriage of one of the partners, presence love triangle in another form;

    complete opposite, incompatibility of characters;

    mismatch between partners' temperaments;

    different social and financial status;

    fatality (inevitability, predestination): fate itself seems to bring people together, but the development of their relationships often follows a seemingly predetermined negative scenario;

    situations of love-hate, when partners are in a state of eternal confrontation, irritate each other and yet are unhappy apart;

    inability to have children (a sign that the relationship in this incarnation has exhausted itself);

    unforeseen situations and other obstacles (forced separation, alcoholism, drug addiction or serious illness of one of the partners).

Not all karmic relationships are destructive in nature.

There are cases healing karmic relationships, when the main task is to gain unity, freedom and peace. Such love can last forever without attempts to change the partner, it is distinguished by the emotional independence of partners, the ability to understand and forgive, and the introduction of new, important, meaningful things into the life of another. But such cases are quite rare. More common destructive relationships characterized by pain, suffering, tears, strong emotions. They need to be stopped wisely.

Reasonable arguments at the very beginning of such a relationship prevent it from continuing, but blind and very strong passion, coupled with psychological dependence and the rather frequent feeling that you have already met this person and you are one with him literally paralyzes the mind. Having met a karmic partner, you are irresistibly attracted to him, feel a desire to become closer, and after a certain time, 2 options for the development of events are possible:

        partners continue to play the emotional role from the previous incarnation;

        partners change roles in the new incarnation. So, for example, in the past a girl did not receive reciprocity in response to her selfless and selfless love, but in a new incarnation (or later in this life, which also happens very often) a mirror situation occurs: a man loves her, but she leaves him, therefore thereby providing the opportunity to experience what it means to be abandoned without experiencing negative feelings.

A strong mutual attraction often develops into love, and here a complete dissimilarity between the partners and discontent is revealed, and ending this relationship turns out to be almost impossible: neither quarrels, nor endless pain and tears allow them to part, as if some irresistible force keeps them together.

Such relationships often lead to love addiction (“it’s both bad with him and impossible without him”). In its action, a karmic connection resembles a love spell. The stages of attraction - conflict - distance - new attraction constantly alternate, creating vicious circle. A person commits illogical, unusual actions for him, but with this particular partner he cannot do otherwise.

We must remember that strong emotions often relate to suffering, not mutual love, but breaking such relationships without working through karmic debts can result in unpredictable consequences. In the case where the relationship is destructive, the karmic lesson is to let go without guilt or regret, to stop experiencing negativity and hatred. The thirst for revenge, hatred, and other kinds of negativity will lead to the emergence of new karmic connections, and the necessary lesson will not be learned. Running away from such love is useless - such a connection will overtake you again. Karmic relationships will be repeated with this or another person until the lessons are learned and the only right decision is made. The solution to the karmic knot will be the absence of claims against the partner, negative intentions and thoughts about him - you need to learn to forgive and accept the person for who he is, either by letting him go or working out karmic lessons together. As a result, you should feel a state of peace, relaxation, harmony, and satisfaction. By correctly untying a karmic knot, you can even be cured of a serious illness.

What to do so as not to burden karma further can be written endlessly.

At the very least necessary of all conflict situations come out, forgiving. The stronger the unreleased negative emotions, the more likely the karmic connection will be developed. The ability to “let go” of negative emotions will ensure that further encounters with this person will not bring suffering.

I will focus on the two most serious mistakes: 1) abortion, 2) relationships with married man, especially if there are children in the family.

A relationship with a married man can deprive a woman of a normal relationship with a free man in the future. Intrusion into the energy of the family is punished by endless tears, mental pain, possible infertility, the inability to start a family, problems with women’s health, and also aggravates the karma of the woman’s future children, especially girls. In such relationships, love is a poison that deprives a woman of the opportunity to create her own family. Undoubtedly, a man also makes a mistake by cheating on his wife, but the karmic consequences in this case are much more serious for the woman.

It is clear that every person wants love. For a woman, this desire is aggravated by the biological timing of the birth of children, the established public opinion about the need to get married as soon as possible, by the example of married friends, by pressure from relatives, but this is not a reason to consider a person who is obviously unsuitable and unfree as a life partner.

Remember that we come into the world to improve ourselves. To meet a person with whom you will live together for many years in love and harmony, to love truly and mutually, without trying to change your partner, you need to go through all karmic tests, work out lessons, correct previously made mistakes, eradicate negative qualities in yourself, learn accept and forgive. You need serious work on yourself, the ability to go through life with an open heart, love yourself and give this love. Then Happiness will definitely come and will be yours, and not stolen.

Be happy and loved!

Ellen, thank you for your feedback!
I indicated about destructive and healing (creative) ones. And it wasn’t me who attacked, but the laws of life show that a woman who invades a family is unhappy.
Yes, love is not eternal, but family ties that cement two or more (if there are children) family members still remain and are protected from invasion by what is beyond our control. If you broke up your family, you accumulated negative karma in any case. And in a woman’s body and on her energy level, everything is too subtle, so women suffer more from such actions.
It happens that after work, people stay together, I don’t deny this, although the percentage of such cases is extremely small.

Our life is a constant relationship. With parents and neighbors, with relatives and friends, with friends and acquaintances, with bosses and colleagues. And often these relationships are not always calm and happy for us.

From the point of view of the Soul, there are no problematic relationships. Emotional coloring is already included here - on Earth, in the physical world, the world of duality. We ourselves “charge” our relationship experience, rating it “+” or “-”, “bad” or “good”.

How to recognize karmic relationships

Most of our relationships with people are karmic. If in this life we strongly we react to someone - positively or negatively - this means that we have already met this Soul before, and we have already had experience in relationships.

Be it a beloved pet, or a dear friend, or a harmful teacher, or a boss who constantly clings to us - they are in our lives for a reason. Especially relatives and friends, especially those with whom constant showdowns arise. All these Souls are already familiar to us.

Karma is the law of cause and effect. For example, sometime in the past I didn’t understand or didn’t accept something, I left this life with a feeling of guilt, or resentment, or hatred - and in this life I get a consequence in the form of problems in relationships. But not as a punishment, but in order to heal And clear your past experience.

Karma doesn't mean something bad. Karma can be both positive and negative. If we have a great relationship, that's good, positive karma past relationships with this person. When positive karma manifests itself, thank this Soul for the pleasant meeting and for the joy that this Soul brought you.

If we have a bad relationship, it's negative, or unfinished karma past relationship with this person. This suggests that we have already met this Soul in other incarnations and in other roles. And there is something left between us that we must realize and change or complete.

If someone catches us, irritates us or doesn’t like us, we need to figure out what the essence and reason for this karmic relationship is. Don’t get angry and don’t throw accusations, but understand for yourself that this is some kind of karma from your past.

There is also such a thing as karmic knot. The nodes are always emotionally charged with a “-” sign, i.e. were "tied" to negative emotions. The stronger negative feeling, the stronger the knot.

Sometime in the past, the reason for the appearance of such a knot arose, and in this life you met with this Soul in order to untie this knot. The more serious those past circumstances were for you, the more intense your relationships will be in this life.

We usually communicate with such people very often everyday life- these are parents, children, wives, husbands, mothers-in-law, mothers-in-law, etc.
It is important to understand here that all the people “harmful” to us are our most good helpers which show us: “Look here—you need to heal this!”

Practical experience shows that the more intense and complex the relationship, the more love exists between these Souls. Because only a loving Soul can agree to play such a difficult role for you - the role of a tyrant 😉 .

Frequent causes of karmic knots:

  • Vows, pledges, oaths given in past incarnations. After leaving the incarnation, the Souls agree to resolve these problems in the next life. And in a new incarnation they will definitely meet - to forgive and let each other go.
  • Strong attachment to someone. An invisible energy thread appears between Souls, and sometimes even a rope. This prevents them from growing and developing as sovereign and complete beings.
  • Unfulfilled promises. Debts of various kinds.
  • Strong and bright emotion. Any bright emotion - strong love without reciprocity or strong hatred – contributes to karmic attachments.


A girl came to a consultation asking why her relationship with a young man was not working out. They seem to love each other, but sudden quarrels and misunderstandings arise - and you want to run away from each other.

During the session, she saw her past life, in which they were in the same roles: she was a woman, and he was soon to become her husband. Shortly before the wedding, he took possession of her by force, and she desperately shouted to him: “I will never forgive you for this!”

After the consultation, the young people calmly released each other and went in different directions - their past connection, which held them like a rope, was resolved.

Karmic knots prevent the Soul from developing and moving to a new level. Therefore, your Higher Self and Spiritual Guides will always be with you remind about them using difficult relationships- so that you can finally untie them.

If you do not realize this in this life, then there is a high probability that this node will increase even more - and will be transferred by you to the next incarnation, and the next. Until you tell yourself: "Stop! There is something here that I need to understand and change!”

And as soon as we admit to ourselves that this problem exists in our lives, we take the path of it. healing. And after healing, relationships change magically - they stop clinging to us, tugging at us, and irritating us. Because we found the reason, realized it - and the problem in the relationship went away.

Karmic encounters

Some people appear in our lives for just a few hours, or even minutes. Often such meetings are planned by us, before incarnation. In the space between lives we could ask for some Soul remind us about something important to us.

Being already in the physical body, we meet this Soul on our way, but we forgot about our request. We feel some kind of attraction to her. We feel that we are close to her - and here the erroneous belief often arises that this person must certainly become, for example, our lover, and then our spouse. A family is created and problems in relationships begin. Some people get divorced over time, while others suffer all their lives.

Why? Because this Soul appeared on our way simply to remind us of something, to fulfill our request before incarnation. And not for starting a family. And having realized this after the first meeting, it would be possible to avoid subsequent unnecessary suffering, quarrels, insults, claims and showdowns.


A young woman met a man at a tram stop. A common situation is that their eyes met, and she thought: “This is him, the one, the only one!”))) They exchanged contacts and corresponded for several days on social networks.

All her thoughts during this time were only about him. The woman decided to see what was going on. During the consultation, it turned out that she was familiar with the Soul of this man: in one of his past incarnations, he was a pirate and saved her life, and they never saw each other again.

In this life they met so that she could thank him for this. Of course, she thanked him at the level of the Soul - and the attraction between them, incomprehensible to her, disappeared. This was the PURPOSE of their meeting in this life. Everyone went on their own path.

Karmic relationships need healing

With the help of logic and reflection it is impossible to determine what is cause karmic relationships. There are many different techniques and exercises - forgiving ourselves and the person with whom we have a conflict; acceptance of the conflict and the person with whom the conflict is occurring; cutting off ethereal cords, etc.

All these techniques work, but their effect is short-lived. They do not allow us to find the reason - WHY do we have such an incomprehensible or complex relationship with this person?

This can only be done at the level of the Soul, through the memory of the Soul - to find the root cause in past incarnations or in the space between lives, in the World of Souls.

All our past experiences are stored in the memory of the Soul. In the new incarnation, the body and personality do not know this experience. The soul brings it into embodiment. The soul knows and remembers everything. And in the memory of the Soul we can find the cause of difficulties in relationships.

Find the answer and realize - under what circumstances and WHY did we tie this karmic knot? And then forgive, cut off, etc.
Karmic relationships CAN and SHOULD be healed.
And your life will become calmer and more harmonious.

P.S. I would be glad to hear your thoughts on the topic of Karmic Relationships in the comments!

P.P.S. If you have a couple more minutes, read another story >>>